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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 162 KB, 1177x686, 1594417278513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6695784 No.6695784 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get over the shame of being a failed artist?

>> No.6695800
File: 138 KB, 608x604, like n subsesffeegegeryasa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's like saying you're a failed human bean if you don't get a job, work 24/7 on shit you don't even like only to generate taxes for the government.
Because that's what "succeeding" means.

Just quit or kill yourself.

>> No.6695805


>> No.6695895

>no blog
>doesn't know
>no art goals
>never posted

>> No.6695906
File: 75 KB, 657x935, dgaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just don't be ashamed.
redirect your mind to something else. give your shits to things that will make you happy.

>> No.6695935

cut off ur ear and mail it to ur lover then go insane and kys and u'll be remembered as artistical martyr for generations to come

>> No.6695945

The NPCs who do just that, work all day in a shitty job, smoke cigs, drink until they pass out, consider themselves winners and me losers. They see me drawing shitty anime and think "heh, I'd hate to be THAT guy". While hoping for me to not make it so they are justified in choosing their life path of being a wageslave. If I don't make it, then the world wins. If I don't make it, the universe wins. God made sure I had the lowest stats possible but I still managed to become an artist,, its like everything I do is in spite of the universe.

>> No.6695949

Become Hitler.

>> No.6695951

smoke weed idiot

>> No.6695968

>perpetuating an untrue myth
He was a great painter all the same.

>> No.6695988

He lost his ear in a sword fight with Gauguin, and didn't report it because Gauguin was his friend and roommate

Also, he was murdered by teenagers playing with a gun. He did not kill himself

>> No.6696259
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people who have this mentality about life, that the entire world is personally out to get them, need to stop doing that and forget about all their delusional fantasies of getting back at no one in particular

>> No.6696283

You would have to accept it's okay to be a failed artist

>> No.6696289

>it's okay to be a failed artist
care to explain why?

>> No.6696300

My parents are hoping that one day I snap out of it, give up on being an artist and get a real job. I already make a living off art but I don't make much. Everyone acting like,I am an alcoholic who finally needs to admit he has a problem. They are all rooting for me to give up. I didn't think it would be this hard mentally, but holy shit I am struggling right now.

>> No.6696304

Just accept you can't be anything you want.

>> No.6696327
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even a failed artist is better than being some loser video game player or something.

>> No.6696339

You aren’t even making money with your /asg/ scribbles, weeb

>> No.6696373

> Guys life is just like one of muh Japanese anime’s it’s everyone else’s fault that I’m a jobless neet

I think you need more than just a job anon, you need to be on meds

>> No.6696394

Just draw bro

If it works out it works out if it doesn’t at least you tried

And sometimes, just sometimes, the struggle itself towards the height, is enough to fill a man’s heart

>> No.6696508

I failed at every imaginable professional venue, from car seller to construction vehicle driver passing through criminal and disabled people assistant, and now being too old to do anything else than pursue my own true dream hoping that it's going to let me pay rent one day, knowing perfectly well that I'm not that good and years of substances and abuse from my family until my early twenties reduced my brain into a mush that's able to take exclusively bad decisions, thus being almost sure I'm never, never going to make it, I do have the unwavering belief that having said a couple years ago "fuck all this shit, I want to be an artist" redeemed my whole fucking shitty life.
And I grew to this conclusion not out of some esoteric reasoning, I fucking felt that I was doing the right thing for the first fucking time in my existence, and sure, I will bitch and moan when nobody gives a shit about my art because I want recognition and also buy food at least once a month, but I feel like I already won. I'm fucking satisfied just by being the kind of person I was supposed to be from the start

>> No.6696600

You will die one day and the shit you did or earned because you desperately wanted to be worthy of society and increase your perceived value to get acknowledged and praised by other fags because you're a mofo suffering normie, won't mean jack.

All this shit does make people miserable and fuck shit up for others when they don't get it. Success isn't worth shit if you're so fucked up that you can't truly enjoy it but have to constantly look behind your back for anyone who might take it away from you.
That is an exact explanation of what you have posted.
>"hehe people all hate me and want me to fail BUT I'LL SHOW EM and make THEM fail"
You are exactly the type of people you worry about while projecting, coping with your situation on top of that and accusing others of the same crimes you're guilty of.

But as i am a magnanimous Anon, i'll give you the super secret recipe to "making it":
Stop giving a shit and go have fun. Money and Fame are fake and poison to the soul and the further away from normies you are, the better your life will be.

If i could do anything i wanted, i would just be a jobless neet and enjoy life.

>> No.6696950

Ah, yes. The famous ikigai.
Hold on to it, really really tight.

>> No.6697004

Gaugin was such a cocksucker, but who the fuck gets just their ear chopped off in a sword fight? who the fuck fights with a sword in the late 1800s?

>> No.6697009

What happened that made you a failure OP? What made you label yourself a failure?
btw, even if you fail a million times the only thing stopping you is yourself. you have until the end of your life to get back up and try again. you have the power to keep going just as much as the power to stop this hobby altogether.

>> No.6697026

Artists are just wannabe gods. Failure is the least of their worries. If you can't even accept the basis of failure. How will you be able to accept the imperfection of your creation? Do you think successful artists somehow don't accept the failure of their creations? A good artist accepts. A great artist utilizes. It is wabi-sabi, it is a fine line to thread. A make or break. Accepting defeat and failure is the core principle of art-making. You can never make a beautiful illusion without accepting the flaws of your own making. May the gods and muses guide us to a better tomorrow.

>> No.6697035
File: 31 KB, 764x178, gottagofast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

live with the pain. but dont give up.
t. failed artist.

>> No.6697095

Gauguin was apparently really good at fencing, and he might've aimed for the ear on purpose

>> No.6697252

Gauguin was good at just about everything. It was part of why he had such a cult of personality in France. He was rugged, and manly, and adventurous, and pioneering in ways none of his contemporaries were, but aspired to be.

>> No.6697255

Roundhouse kick a nigger into the pavement

>> No.6697256 [DELETED] 

Nothing like the chad Gauguin dabbing on the virgin Van Gogh. Even after death Gauguin mogged Van Gogh by out selling him at the art auctions. It's even more funny when u consider his art looks like someone who just did the bare minimum compared to Van Gogh who supposedly pour his heart and soul into every painting. Truly a giga Gauchad.

>> No.6697258

Nothing like the chad Gauguin dabbing on the virgin Van Gogh. Even after death Gauguin mogged Van Gogh by out selling him at the art auctions. It's even more funny when u consider his art looks like someone who just did the bare minimum compared to Van Gogh who supposedly pour his heart and soul into every painting. Truly a giGauchad.

>> No.6697389

>Does the bare minimum
the chad is the other guy then

>> No.6697403
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based. you just murdered him

>> No.6700393
File: 1.14 MB, 360x360, 1795CAE4-C7E3-470A-9EC9-A36515544756.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep at it man

>> No.6700410

Anon, where did you get this pic of me?

>> No.6700471

>Draw for profit
Have you considered just drawing for fun?

>> No.6700636

realest post. I feel like a huge freak, even though I've been doing nothing but nonstop work

>> No.6700860
File: 285 KB, 902x915, Screenshot 2023-06-08 101431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally me. Just find God bro.

>> No.6700864

by laughing, you tried hard and your pieces ended up like a shit-post. Just laugh ffs, ignore all the other people saying to quit or kys. Just take humor with your artwork, understand that you will always have mistakes and a little humility with that will go a long way. Imagine how funnily bad some of the most famous artist's early drawings were, just cause you fail doesn't mean you should be discouraged, go learn what you did wrong and grow off of it.

>> No.6702591

Get teal

>> No.6702605

There's no such thing as a failed artist since being an artist is not a real job

>> No.6702689

U ever heard of the foley artist? They get paid for strictly making the background sound of tv shows, films, or games.

>> No.6702702

Everybody who has become something has failed more times than your weak will can handle. Let that sink in.

>> No.6703014

Extrrnalize it into your work. Shame is very relatable thing.

>> No.6703035
File: 186 KB, 662x403, 1231314124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am a perma/beg/ and i was pretty sad because of it, my drawings never show much improvement and i can't understand a lot of things. I was thinking about stop drawing all together and get another hobbie.
one day i said fuck it, i am just going to continue drawing no matter how awful my shit is because even if i suck at it, i like doing it.
So maybe you can find comfort in that you may not be the best at drawing but at least you can enjoy it

>> No.6703070

read agnes:

>> No.6703860

you stop hanging around and listening to people who encourage you to fail.

>> No.6703999

>Work is self-expression. We must not think of self expression as something we may do or something we may not do. Self expression is inevitable.
i love her. makes me feel a lot better about pursuing work as a commercial artist.

>> No.6704052

Man I’ve been working on an Kickstarter project for a guy… been paid to illustrate for six months. It finally launched and no ones backed. Feels bad

>> No.6704055

At least you got paid

>> No.6704057

True, and I’ve got some good stuff for a portfolio, if it’s even possible to get a drawing gig. But I think he had a lot riding on the project doing well.

>> No.6704984
File: 1.27 MB, 1280x959, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6695784 You don't know you've failed until your deathbed.

>> No.6704992

Man after the diaster of Ouya, Mighty nine, and scams like Star Citizen, are people still using it?

>> No.6704995
File: 338 KB, 500x720, LaPucelle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're already "failed" as an artist, then that means there's no more pressure or expectations on your to do one thing or another. You're free to study and explore to your hearts content, may it be a scribble every so often, or intense self-study.

You're free to do as you want, so if you love to draw, then draw to your heart's content.

>> No.6705011

I don't think I have enough confidence or self-esteem to do art. Sometimes my art comes out pretty well but it's only when I have rare bursts of confidence that I can actually make something decent.

Personally I've been debating either giving up on art till I fix my self-esteem or just giving up on it entirely

>> No.6705017

I keep coming back to this, who do you think the first "failed artist" was? Back before there was the concept of art, someone made cave art. That someone existed before you could "fail at art", he existed in pure art-making. He was discovering, inventing the field from first principles.
Why are you a failed artist? Because there are other good artists around, because you have a notion of success. But wait, isn't that all in your head? Yes. Yes it is.

>> No.6705444

You can cope by realizing you are in the company of the vast majority of artists

>> No.6705482

unironically me. i do have goals but they're far reaching and it'll be a long time until they come to fruition but i have nothing else going on in my life so i'm completely dedicated to making it happen.

i've also considered divorcing myself of my art entirely. i almost don't wish to have art be tied to 'me'. for some time now i've entertained the idea of completing a drawing and immediately trashing or burning it. not because i'm unhappy with it but because i have no use for it. i think that's ultimately what i hope to achieve with my art. there's a scene in a Buddhist movie called 'Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring' where a priest writes sutras on a stone with nothing but a brush and water. as soon as he finishes writing the character it's already disappeared and he continues on to the next one.

>> No.6705650

You become a successful artist.

>> No.6705792

>why should I eat my veggies, exercise, do chores, brush my teeth, go to work, do all this stuff that's not fun!?

it's fine if you don't want to work and go live on the street, woods or w.e, but if someone else has to work twice as hard to change your dipper while you believe you're some chosen special artist that's going to make it big then you really are just a loser

>> No.6705841

just go draw you fucking loser, no one is stopping you except yourself

>> No.6705852
File: 16 KB, 300x300, 1542311654545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I have to work twice as hard to change your diaper"
Isn't that great tho? You get to jerk off and cum publicly twice as much!
Who's a good low iq wageslave? You are!

>> No.6705934

How about gamers that play games where you draw? Shocking!!!

>> No.6705936

i work all day in a shitty job and smoke cigs

i would cut off my balls and serve them on a golden platter to be able to just draw and not wage but unfortunately i need to pay my rent and eat

if you have the ability to draw as much as you want and not worry about homelessness every second you're awake, then you have higher stats than at least 95% of the population

but you want to complain about how the world is against you? fuck off

>> No.6705983


>> No.6707164 [DELETED] 

did mommy help you write that like she helps drive you around, change your dipper and tie your shoes big boy?

>> No.6707176

>I.. I'm actuallly h.. high Iq
might be a shock but if you need mommy to drive you around, tie your shoes and change your dipper as an adult you're probably not doing too great in the iq department

>> No.6707467

>money and fame don't matter bro! just be neet and everyone will throw themselves at you!
terrible post

>> No.6707732

You need to finish creating, no matter the time. Look for a labouring job.

>> No.6709296
File: 1.21 MB, 280x280, Ginko8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just keep drawing.

>> No.6709305
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>> No.6710442


>> No.6710451

The only failure is never trying and you didn't try if you never even posted anything.

>> No.6710670

>who the fuck fights with a sword in the late 1800s?
Germans were literally doing it until the 1930's when, funnily enough, the NSDAP banned the practice of dueling over reasons of public safety. A lot of high ranking German officials during the war even still had duelling scars from their boyhood.

>> No.6710694

you cant be a failed artist until you're dead. as long as you can put a pen to paper you can create art at any time

>> No.6710695
File: 2.73 MB, 2868x2048, 1682010717286028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You keep going.

>> No.6710898


>> No.6711544


You failed at obtaining success.

There are those that failed at learning anything creative or useful and resent it, mirroring their effective failures upon others.

The most earning artists online are those that just paint coomer content, because world is full of sick fucks that want their fetishes coming to fruition by those that have the skill they don't.

There is always a difference between failing commercially but you create something original and failing because you have no skills: first is due to people being sheep, second is because you willingly did not make enough effort.

>> No.6711762

>distant dream
Well, it's nice to dream, I hope you can cross that distance
>spends free time drawing
Sounds like you're working on it
>could get commissions
Do you want to do commissions? You don't need to if you don't need the money, you can draw what you like if you prefer that or post art for free in draw threads on the chan where you can also see what other people's art is like, no pressure
>has no blog
If you want one, make one
>hasn't made friends in years
If you want friends, get them
>not as good as he wants to be
get better then
>wasted adolescence trying to go pro
you were pursuing a goal, was it really all for nothing when your dream is still alive? spilled milk anyway, but at least you chose this and weren't forced into things you despised like some other people I know
>doesn't know why he draws anymore
figure it out
>draws just to draw
sounds good to me
>aimless, no art goals
clearly you do have goals, like trying to be better and wanting to share your work if you feel that its good enough
>made account, never posted
idk if that site still exists, but if you have an acccount somewhere, you can just post there?
>How do I get over the shame of being a failed artist?
More like, the shame of not reaching your art goals sooner. You can still work towards your goal if that's what you want to do. It's okay to not be overly productive, op, you're not an art output machine, you're a living being who can just vibe and take their time or die trying, chill out or stop chilling out if you think it hinders you. Maybe write down your feelings goals and vent to yourself, that can help with figuring out why you're stuck, although it's also good to share these things and get help and feedback

>> No.6711774

>loses ur country
should've surrendered

>> No.6712155

Fraternities in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria are still duelling to this day.

>> No.6712178

become a sucessful artist

>> No.6712795

youre not a failed artist until you turn 30 without making it. once you reach that old age your time is up and you cant do anything.


>> No.6712807

not OP and I didn't really need it because I thought the same for most points but thanks for that dose of reassurance, you're cool anon

>> No.6712814

Nobody should have to work at all.
Society is a scam and you've put all your ego into maintaining it no matter how hard it fucks you over.

I've legit spent time at communes and small villages while traveling around. They work a couple hours a day and there's food, warmth and shelter to spare.

The weirdest part is it's not rich people's fault either, at least not the entrepreneurs, they've already figured out they'd be better off completely eliminating humans from production and just giving away the cash to buy their products to people. The problem is the fucking government also realizes the second they allow that to happen they become obsolete.

>> No.6712824

You’re either a genius or a crackpot. Drop some links so I can do some further reading.

>> No.6712847

there is no way we would have things like electricity if everyone only worked "a couple hours per day". those small towns only have things like computers, cars and other advanced technology because they are transported from industrial centers

>> No.6712886

Electricity doesn't require a million retards breaking their back every day. Production is already 99% automated and most human work is done in maintenance and surveillance that aren't real 8-9 jobs, most of the time you're just sitting on your ass getting blasted by the sun waiting in case a failure is reported which you could do from home if the infrastructure was intelligent and able to detect failures and alert the closest repair crew.

Every time someone points out we really don't need to work as hard as we do, it's always "but the most fucked up situation hurr durr" and not how easily the situations that keep people doing shitty jobs could be solved.

>> No.6712890

i asked you to post some stuff for me to read, but apparently you're just talking out of your ass.

>> No.6712899

>Production is already 99% automated
this is what happens when your entire education is youtube videos, lel

>> No.6712902

also i noticed there's a correlation with this mashed potato idea about how the economy works and someones propensity to be an artist. i think it's why a lot of artists lean left and quite a few are communists. absolutely no clue about how anything works, never worked on a farm, never worked in a factory, just had either service industry jobs (working in a restaurant / retail store) or went from college into creative / white collar work like coding, or just unemployed.

basically, you don't know anything about how anything works.

>> No.6712970

Companies being able to sustain the economy through UBI, if we get rid of the government's dirty hands in social security, is actually a right-wing idea. Wage theft is bullshit, but surplus value through massive scale production is 100% real and being threatened by all the fake jobs draining capital through taxes that don't translate to improved social wellness and suppressed wages that don't translate to sales.

The right is not against social security, it's against discriminatory "aid" managed by a corrupt aristo-bureaucracy that denies social security to people who don't bow down to big brother.

We will either let the real useful professionals continue to work real jobs and accept our role as mere consumers and leisure workers. Or we're gonna be seeing $20 apples and oranges soon when forced employment kills the economy of scale.

>> No.6713470

by gitting gud

>> No.6713485

the idea of a "failed artist" is so american...i don't understand why you think everything has to be some trick to make money out of

>> No.6713486

Power plants require people there, but not to the degree that you're thinking of. If they hired more people, individuals wouldn't have to necessarily work that many long hours.

>> No.6713490

Because they're trying to kill you, and they make that very clear by intentionally displaying hobo tent cities.

>> No.6713494

Actually no! The gamer doesn't have the unwarranted self-importance.

>> No.6713568

>I've legit spent time at communes and small villages while traveling around. They work a couple hours a day and there's food, warmth and shelter to spare.
ok go live in those shithole villages then

>> No.6715019

Wow leftwing propaganda from eu is everywhere.

>> No.6715218

Become a hobbist artist and throw that weight away.

>> No.6716180

You never fail until you give up anon..get up and try again..and again..and again..and again

>> No.6716199
File: 415 KB, 411x549, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have fully embraced trash. I love trash, I am trash. My art is shit probably but it's just fun to make garbage to offend people with.

>> No.6716202

Nobody has spare attention to consider your artistic accomplishments. Just don't bring it up or sketch around them.

Seems like we're headed into a financial depression in the west so you probably never had a chance anyways.

>> No.6718354

You only fail when you give up get back up and try again

>> No.6718357

distance yourself from those vile wojak drawings. they have a poisonous aura no wonder you're "failing" at art

>> No.6718361

Also some helpful advice just post your art online trust me there is an audience for LITERALLY every skill level lmao plenty of non-artists (and artists) don't have a single aesthetic bone in their body. Also "going pro" is overrated just do what you want and naturally build up your skills over time instead of trying to artificially boost them to meet the expectations of a soulless corporation.