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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 41 KB, 640x400, wct.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6694145 No.6694145 [Reply] [Original]

If you're on a break after drawing and feel like sharing what's on your mind about what you're working on, the industry, things that excite you about art, or anything that frustrates you about drawing or the process of art then grab a cup of water and chill out here. Remember to keep discussion on-topic as much as possible.

Last Thread: >>6675069

>> No.6694147
File: 154 KB, 560x560, circlelore.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes, I hate circles

>> No.6694150
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Any recs for getting into drawing again after a long pause?

>> No.6694158

You’re the redline anon aren’t you? Good shit

>> No.6694160
File: 48 KB, 737x561, 1622094105111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is OP a nigger?

>> No.6694164

Nope, I just took the pic from >>6666226
Shit, they got me

>> No.6694168

how do you handle being brutally mogged in aggie/drawpile

>> No.6694170

What do you do to touch grass? Any outside hobbies? Do you draw outside? Share your thoughts

>> No.6694172

I go on the internet to yell at retards then act retarded.

>> No.6694178
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>> No.6694182

>need ref for a piece of clothing that's everywhere nowadays
>Every single pic on google has some alteration, take one hour of searching to find something that's close
What the hell

>> No.6694183

Playing shitty mobile games and masturbating using my imagination counts?

>> No.6694213

Anyone here learning Japanese and drawing at the same time? How do you do it? I've been learning on and off for years but I picked it back up again because I'm tired of it being the language that sounds nice but still can't understand shit.

Reps alone take up my entire morning before I have to go to work. It's doable, but sure is time consuming.

>> No.6694230

Don't be a bitch, ask them about inspirations or if they have specific advice about a specific thing. If they blow you off at least you can walk away knowing their art may be good but their personality is dogshit

>> No.6694257

Automatic drawing
Steven Zapata's drawing meditation videos

>> No.6694283

You masturbate outside?

>> No.6694284

I am kind of a recluse, but when given the chance I do like to hike and camp. Other than that I just stay in my room drawing/journaling and go to work.

>> No.6694290

Not OP, I'm the "redliner". I was expecting someone to use that pic for the /wct/ though, not gonna lie, lol
Just passing through to grab a cup of fresh water... ahhhh NICE.

>> No.6694292

I spent a few years learning Japanese and then switched to learning drawing (while continuing to passively learn Japanese through consumption), so not exactly your situation but I may be able to help.
Before I reached a point where I could somewhat understand sentences, I penciled in 2 hours of my day to study vocab and grammar; in reality I spent only about 1 hour most of the time. I don't think drawing would be an issue during this phase.
After getting my first thousand words down, I began to spend as much of my time possible trying to consume content in Japanese. I was personally very excited to try to understand as much as possible, so I didn't want to spend my free time doing anything else; drawing might be difficult during this phase.
Then after about a year of this, I took a break from studying Japanese intensely, switched to passive consumption, and I went back every year or so to do a period (maybe half a year) of active studying (vocab). But when you can finally understand most sentences, active studying becomes mostly reps. Drawing should be doable again.

>Reps alone take up my entire morning before I have to go to work
This stands out to me.
What sorts of reps are you doing? Mine would usually take <30 minutes (adding 30 new words every day).
Also, every time I went back to doing reps I would just start a new deck. By that point the words I already knew wouldn't be going away (so no point in reviewing them), and if I came across old words I didn't know, I would just add them to the new deck since evidently I needed to re-learn them.
If you're coming back to it after a while, it may make sense to do a clean start if you aren't already

>> No.6694302

They're two very intensive hobbies that require a lot of consistent practice. Either be really good at learning languages or drawing, or dedicate a ton of time to them to get gud.
You should also ask yourself how good your Japanese needs to be for whatever reason you're learning it. If you intend to move to Japan eventually, yeah it needs to be good, but if you just want to read japshit comics it can be considerably worse. Additionally, if you're just wanting to watch anime with no subtitles, you don't need to learn to read.

>> No.6694308


>What sort of reps are you doing

I’m doing wanikani. I left off on level 8 a few months ago with 600 cards that I had to review. I thought I had to start over from level 1 but surprisingly I got over 93% of them correct. Then after that is another app where I listen to a bunch of sentences on repeat. At first I thought it was a stupid waste of time and money but I found myself swapping words that I learned from the sentences. Although I was doing too much, so I lowered the amount of reps today.

I’m using several sources and WK alone takes me 45 minutes.
Yeah, my study time seems like it’ll take 3 hours per day minimum. Which means I have to start 6am every day just to find time for drawing.

>> No.6694314

>Then after that is another app where I listen to a bunch of sentences on repeat. At first I thought it was a stupid waste of time and money but I found myself swapping words that I learned from the sentences.
Pimsleur? That's what I used, and when I went to Japan I was easily able to go around the greater Tokyo area speaking only Japanese. I'm functionally illiterate when it comes to kanji but other than that, I had no issues whatsoever doing day to day stuff.
Language learning is really easy to get a grasp of once you understand how a sentence is constructed in that language, and Japanese is so formulaic that when you understand how to conjugate a sentence, you just need to learn a root of a word, or hear it and understand it once or twice, and you can use every form of that word

>> No.6694322

>I’m doing wanikani
Ah I assumed you were using anki. Not sure what wanikani is like, but anki is pretty bare-bones so it might be possible wanikani has some overhead that's avoidable, but with anki you need to find what to study yourself so it's a tradeoff in that regard.

My method was study the most frequent 1000 words that show up in novels while reading tae kim's grammar guide; this took about 3 months (30 new words a day). Then play a video game that was fully voiced, but text heavy, and that I knew the story of very well. Add new words to the deck. Play more games. Add new words.
Eventually I realized I was shit at listening without text/subtitles and switched to youtube videos.
Speaking is its own skill and can only be trained by speaking imo.
I learned how to write for the first 1000 words but stopped after that.

I agree with the other anon that it might make sense to focus your efforts on one or the other until you feel comfortable with it; language-learning gets its best results from 24/7 immersion (even at home) and drawing really seems to be a life-long journey, so they're both very time consuming if you want to get the most out of them.

>> No.6694331

I was but couldn't get over that I could be using that time to learn color and painting instead and that i was using Japanese as a form of productive procrastination. The time i should have learned Japanese or another language was the last 2 years, oh well, live and learn

>> No.6694422

>Pimsleur? That's what I used, and when I went to Japan I was easily able to go around the greater Tokyo area speaking only Japanese.

It's something called Glossika. Started using it after they made it a little cheaper and they made an app. Out of all the services I use though I've had the most retention with Nativshark; the example sentences and grammar points just stick in my brain.

I tried Pimsleur (and some Michael Thomas whatever thing) in the past and I couldn't get through it. Felt very basic at the start.
>I agree with the other anon that it might make sense to focus your efforts on one or the other until you feel comfortable with it; language-learning gets its best results from 24/7 immersion (even at home) and drawing really seems to be a life-long journey, so they're both very time consuming if you want to get the most out of them.

I'll see how it goes. I really don't want to drop one or the other again at this point even though it makes the most sense to focus on one.


it does feel like that sometimes

>> No.6694432

Anyone else notice google images and pinterest getting overrun with aishit? The former is so much worse now, almost every keyword comes up with several inauthentic results. I'm glad I saved 40gb of categorized references but I don't like the climate we're heading into. I recommend everyone saving their refs now if they haven't already.

>> No.6694433

I usually go on pinterest but theyre both rife with shit, I can tell when it's AI though, anything before like august 2022 should be fine and anything after, you can tell if it's AI shit or not

>> No.6694436

Shit, I make my own references most of the time so I didn't notice it, but I believe it. Thanks for the warning

>> No.6694446

>"get a job you dom't hate and do your hobbies on your free time"
>get a job hate (to be fair, most of them fall under this category) that leaves me with no time or energy and pays like crap

I'm not gonna make it, bros.

I have always been an indoor-type, but nowadays I work 54 hrs/week and, on my day off, I stay holed up in my room.

>> No.6694466

>was using Japanese as a form of productive procrastination

you’re 100% right about this

>> No.6694470
File: 908 KB, 1080x2640, Screenshot_20230609_161608_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's getting pretty bad, I just search something mundane as "gray suit" and get hit with this eye cancer. I know for a fact a bunch of bullshit startups are dumping money(crypto) into playing the Google top result game, too.

>> No.6694505

>Be called Real Men Real Style
>Uses fake images
The internet is gonna die with this ai shit, no one is gonna be able to even search real stuff. Mark my words.

>> No.6694535

I had some interesting discussions with other anons on what are some possible outcomes, and one of them is a localized internet. For example if you live in New York you get New York state internet, which would cut down on spam, scamming and hold people accountable for everything from trolling to illegal file sharing. There would still be free internet as we have it now, but people may prefer a regulated internet in the future depending on how bad it gets.

>> No.6694546

Yeah, problem is, this would cut off people like me who are from a poor country and want to live off of the international market.

>> No.6694575

Yeah it's a shitty dystopian scenario, but I'm still hoping for some good old fashioned domestic terrorism against these technofascists. That's if the industry doesn't go bankrupt by that point.

>> No.6694914

Anyone have resources or good references for those bubbles forming underwater on propellers or, ideally, a person diving underwater?

>> No.6694921
File: 102 KB, 1024x739, 1668398455624158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how to become a professional artist.

>> No.6694955

You think any of us would be here if we knew?

>> No.6694973

Well start by figuring out what you actually want to do, specifically. What kind of industry is it? (eg: TV/Film animation)
What work in particular do you want to be doing? (eg: visual development)
If you can't get exactly what kind of work you want, how broad are you okay with being? (eg: Doing story-boarding even though you really wanted to do visdev.)
Do you want to work at a company or studio, or do you want to go an indie route?

So figure out what you actually want to do with the type of art you like to make. And really explore all the options out there. Somebody who loves to paint landscapes could potentially work selling physical paintings they make, or they could do matte paintings for films and animation.

Once you actually have a more specific goal in mind, then you can figure out what is required, where you are, and how to get there. You can obviously change your mind later on, you might be working towards one thing, then realize you like this other thing better then you switch gears towards that.

All of this said because "professional artist" can be so many things, and there are so many paths that lead so many places. Any advice on how to "make it" will be specific to the goals in mind.

Also, probably most people here have no idea themselves. :)

>> No.6694977

I want to be an indie comic artist. I want to draw stories that writers have written, published in comic form. I know exactly what I want to be, I just have no idea how to achieve it. It's tortured me so much I even made a thread about it >>6694940 Do I send in samples to publishers? Do I find writers? Do I learn Japanese and fly to Japan? Does this job even exist? I have 3 followers on Twitter. Do I need a large following to do this? How do I even get a large following? Every post I make gets like 10 views.

>> No.6695020

Start working on your own comics now- if you don’t want to write, find scripts other people have written and adapt those.
Find a writer you like working with.
Put a project together. Pitch it yourselves, find an agent, or put it online.
Rinse, repeat.

You have to actually draw comics first, anon, to be able to get a career in them.

>> No.6695040

I draw comics every day. thanks for telling me that though. Writing and pitching / self publishing my own comic was always the ultimate goal, I just wanted to find a way to move out of my parents house asap

I think I'm just going to apply to animation industry jobs

>> No.6695074

Are you good enough to be on a level of average japanese manga artist? You would probably need to be step above that to get noticed here, nobody cares much about comics

>> No.6695272
File: 473 KB, 810x561, 1550023079449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came to this bread just to COMPLAIN about this, holy fuck I'm going to strangle someone, these niggers are actually polluting the Internet

>> No.6695324

I'm so sick of "sculpting" lines until the something looks right. When can I do it first try? This fucking sucks so much bros

>> No.6695357
File: 89 KB, 1010x911, Ff8WnnvWYAAdxOC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to commit the line every stroke, you can ghost it without placing your pen down, until you feel its the right spot.
if you mean for inking, maybe pic rel will help

>> No.6695375

He fucked up the eyes

>> No.6695386

he's looking at me

>> No.6695394

Eyes aren't even level

>> No.6695742

I'm going to buy 40 small canvases and paint 40 small landscape paintings and put them for sale on a stall or something. I seem to be quite good at it and can paint them quite quickly. The hardest part seems to be to find 40 landscapes worth painting. I went for a walk today through a beautiful landscape but none of it really demanded to be painted. Perhaps it would have been better if it was very windy and about to rain.

>> No.6696076

From someone who loves to sculpt lines, pick up a pen, it forces you to think with as few lines as possible... Until you do it like me and sculpt with it anyway.

>> No.6696123

I know this website has bad reputations, and I know how toxic this board can be. But I wanna say I love you all and I hope you never stop making art, even if it doesn't happen to be your source of livelihood in the future, just keep at it bro. Even if you're a shitty person deep inside or breaking, doing art will take away the bad thoughts and make you feel better, don't overthink if the drawing itself is shitty man, there is joy in the process.

>> No.6696140


>> No.6696163

Based Polly poster. Loosen up with some warm up drawing, just doodle freely.
After that, try doing some quick gestures to get back into the groove. They’re low risk and good practice for your line rhythms and proportion practice

>> No.6696174
File: 237 KB, 2048x1621, ihateyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6696709

why is there always a water cooler thread but not a water color thread?

>> No.6696917
File: 452 KB, 600x670, 1618435014591.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>update avatar
>my one follower unfollows me

>> No.6697350 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 631x539, 9938272763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine getting this fucking bent. imagine crying this hard.

>> No.6697352

I'm masturbating while reading your post

>> No.6697353

What are u gonna do? Drink water colors and talk about how long u will live?

>> No.6697355 [DELETED] 
File: 270 KB, 576x720, FBIMG35019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6697356

I still feel bad for the 2 followers I had when I deleted my account without saying anything

>> No.6697362 [DELETED] 

>boo hoo i cant live off of making 3 drawings a month, pity me!
other people look like they work twice as hard and dont bitch and moan nearly half as much as this guy. how about getting a real job? or is that too hard for stunted retards these days? the entitlement that internet beggars have these days man... also i know who this is, some coomer elf oc, is that all you have to show for your efforts? you make art seem difficult and yet...

>> No.6697365 [DELETED] 

it's really not. unless you're some kind of special ed retard who never learned how to study. the real artists move on to professional jobs while the lazy/stunted stick to work they can do a few times a month. in this case porn addict art. which explains why this person is mad that anyone can just generate whatever porn they please now. not mad. jealous even

>> No.6697367 [DELETED] 

>its not a real job unless you waste your life doing drone work and spread sheets
you wagecucks npcs are so used to getting bent over and fucked that when you see someone with non red asscheeks you think its abnormal

>> No.6697369 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 631x1026, pedo moment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh hey i know this pedophile

>> No.6697398 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 608x494, groomer moment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6697419 [DELETED] 

Used to fallow this guy. Shit he retweeted was full blown porn of 4 year olds which is repulsive as fuck. So finding him bitching about this shit is funny, cause cock sucker always gave this I m smug untouchable pedo attitude.
On one hand censorship is bad, but on other smug pedo tears are tasty.

>> No.6697457 [DELETED] 
File: 154 KB, 631x1916, pedophile itsukarine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are lolicons and there are pedophiles this guy is definitely the latter.

>> No.6697478 [DELETED] 

As I said smug pedophile, seeing him seething is funny.

>> No.6697604 [DELETED] 

Seems lolifag artist sperging got deleted from here. 4chan sure became reddit just without nicknames, makes sense why this board has nothing going on besides constant AI shit spam.

>> No.6697608

Damn that sucks.

>> No.6697695

Am I being stalked or what? I made several fresh twitter accounts and I post to them as normal but the view count on the posts remain at a low amount except for 1 which has an abnormal about of views on the tweets. It can’t all just be counting my own views, can it?

>> No.6697876

It's too fucking hot
I hate summer
Every screen gets hot

>> No.6697887

try drawing or painting instead

>> No.6697921

any tips on regaining joy in the proccess of making art after many months of forced grinding?

i just get stuck in grind mode and i will lose months of my life just angrily grinding away over some vague ideal of being good enough, if i have a fun idea to draw i just push it into the back of my mind. and if i do try to act on any idea i immediately get this voice in my head saying "bad lol, you should grind 300 more figures and 20 more cast studies before trying this".

i feel like im literally getting nowhere and the only thing im improving at is anatomy and cast studies but i dont even care about that shit at all, i just feel like the habit of doing it has become stronger than the urge to actually make art. even when i draw from imagination (which ive taken care not to neglect) it always feels so uninspired, like floating heads and floating bodies tier done for the sake of practice and nothing else.

>> No.6697930

start a project and finish it, study things pertinent to your project

>> No.6697941

>you should grind 300 more figures and 20 more cast studies before trying this
Bad approach, you need to mix personal projects with what you've learned if you want better retention. It doesn't matter if the result is shit, put your practice into something tangible.

>> No.6697946

yeah if u were as cool as me it wouldn't be a problem

>> No.6698028

>just draw
>it works
the only caveat would be to have some plan beforehand like what to draw or to study but keep it simple
it werks

>> No.6698537

I came up with a new art handle that I really like that’s a genius play on words, but it’s food related again. Why I’m I such a fatass mentally?

>> No.6698680

Yeah, I'm hot

>> No.6698982
File: 318 KB, 640x377, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been drawing fujoshit of some show for the past few weeks and today I got a message from one of the staff who worked on it complimenting my art. They followed me and liked a bunch of my drawings but I can't help but sit here thinking that "this is art of your boss what are you doing?"

>> No.6699530

Anon, it's not unusual for the staff and animators to make porn of their own shows, sometimes stuff more degenerate that you can even imagine

>> No.6699552

american education

>> No.6699589

nothing wrong with that
can say with confidence that 100% of humans like food

>> No.6699598
File: 1.08 MB, 1200x1200, XL-Pete-Shop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any anons here have experience printing *really* large pieces of art? Any options that don't look like shit?

I got hired to do an indoor mural along a wall to span the length of a bar. I'll probably have to paint it, but doing it digital would be a lot easier and I'm feeling a little lazy for the price they quoted me.

>> No.6699635

It takes me a long time to get revved up when I draw. The 2 hours of so of any drawing session is trash, only after that do I start making anything decent. How do I get spun up faster?

>> No.6699677
File: 213 KB, 720x654, 1682986592284316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to be a professional animator. i would want to try to find work with a studio, but i feel like id be overworked and under utilized. i kinda wanna do my own thing, but thats its own slippery slope. idk where im aiming career-wise yet. i kinda wanna shoot for art school but i also wanna just say fuck it and learn to be a mechanic or something.

im only 20. my art skills are kinda spread thin everywhere. i definitely procrastinate too much, but end up kicking myself harder over it. i think i should just delete steam so i have nothing to distract me lol.

i kinda know what im doing, and i dont even think im being cocky when i say if i just drew a lot more than i would id go from /beg/ to /pro/ within a few months. sometimes i just get off-task/frustrated and quit what im doing.

i go to a psychiatrist and they have me on antidepressants but im not even depressed
>inb4 thats the point
i still have trouble focusing, and though ive yet to go get an actual brain scan id be lying to myself if i said i didnt have some form of adhd. i don't wanna use it as an excuse but it definitely doesnt help, and my psych doesn't really listen when i tell her i dont need what i have

im not looking for advice or hugbox, just wanted to rant to a bunch of strangers who might resonate with me

>> No.6699776
File: 954 KB, 1200x1200, 84340495_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got home from work tired as shit
>Put my head down for a sec
>... slept from ~6PM until 6AM today
12hrs of sleep and I still feel like shit
I didn't even get to fucking draw yesterday I'm so fucking mad

I usually have a routine when I get started. Like a drink (coffee, tea, whatev) and some white-noise movie.
Having a familiar environment helps me get settled in quick

>> No.6699782

>I kinda wanna do my own thing, but thats its own slippery slope. idk where im aiming career-wise yet
I would advise you to get into the animation industry if you can, not because of the pay or the hours, but because you will get to know people that will want the same thing, and animation is mainly done as a team job.
> if i just drew a lot more than i would id go from /beg/ to /pro/ within a few months.
Ain't that for everyone on this board lol

>> No.6699789
File: 3.60 MB, 498x295, duck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love to draw is because it's such a self-indulgent activity. Everything can be exactly how I want it be right down to the tiniest detail.

>> No.6699802
File: 114 KB, 817x779, 858D7690-A96E-4111-A8A0-7BA7CC6AA95D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend all day drawing
>bed time
>procrastinate sleep cuz I just want to draw
>finally fall asleep
>wake up
>procrastinate starting my day because I'd rather be drawing
>finally start my day
>spend all day drawing

>> No.6699838

>spend several hours drawing something
>sketch, lineart, flats
>suddenly realize I dont like it and dont post it anywhere, despite it being basically finished
Am I stupid or something?

>> No.6699840

why do you have to post it anywhere if you don't want to

>> No.6700143
File: 60 KB, 501x625, 1686744865013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I've been as rude as possible with a guy who commed me a couple times short of blocking or ghosting him entirely but he won't fucking take a hint and leave me alone, he thinks we're friends and he always tries to initiate a conversation despite not actually having anything to say or wanting anything from me in particular. I genuinely don't get it and I also feel like I'm in too deep to get out of it.

>> No.6700194

Sometimes I want to die. Is that normal?

>> No.6700203

in this current year? probably
Reach out to someone if you ever feel like those thoughts are escalating though.

>> No.6700204

No. It’s should be all the time. You’re just a failed norm.

>> No.6700310

I understand that the standard anime girl facial features — large eyes, small nose that approximates a kitten's muzzle in profile, small mouth — are aesthetically appealing and answer to the need to quickly and reliably draw characters that read as "attractive." But artists who adopt this style (with trivial variation regarding the basic template described) are basically swearing off a tremendous variety of faces that, in the real world, are regarded as beautiful, sexy, cute and attractive. It just feels very monotonous to me.
There are a few mangaka, like Urasawa, who do try for some variety in their faces, although even his cute girl characters still don't stray far from the template.
Anyway, just thinking out loud here. Your thoughts, anons?

>> No.6700348

Thousand kicks practiced once vs one kick practiced a thousand times deal.
Japanese pretty much perfected drawing the same sort of pretty face instead of stretching themselves out trying out new things besides some exceptions and some... optimization through the years.
The artstyle fits most if not all genres so they ended up dominating everywhere because they could spam cute girls.

>> No.6700350


>> No.6700355

Anime pinup artists maybe. But many mangaka have a wide variety of faces if they aren't drawing generic schoolgirl moeshit. Plenty of older characters have unique faces. Villains have unique faces. This is especially true of seinin and shonen. Females are just most likely to look generic because they've always been more likely to look generic. Even dusty old classical work depict women with a sort of "sameface" that's idealized for whatever was the standard at the time. Its not that no-features is necessarily attractive itself, it's more that having no features means the reader is free to project whatever features they want onto the blank space. Cartoon/symbolic art is more popular than realism exactly because we prefer to fill in the visual gaps with our subconscious. What you imagine is more powerful than what you see.

>> No.6700378

>Decided I wanted to turn my story into a graphic novel
>Have my script ready, characters designed, everything ready to go
>Realize I have no idea how to draw comics and now I'm stunlocked on figuring out paneling
Fuck this shit is complicated.

>> No.6700440

Good point about classical art; the Greeks depicted “types” rather than individuals. But regarding cartoons versus realism, it’s possible to cartoon/simplify other types of noses, mouths, eyes. It’s not that anime girls have *no* features, but the features are of a certain type that doesn’t vary substantively.

>> No.6700463

There are significant differences in what features anime idealized between different decades, it's simply optimizing itself to whatever reactions it gets from the consumer. It's the specific set of "symbolic" features that appeal to the most amount of people at the time. Most specifically the Japanese market. but you'll find that those symbolic features are going through yet another adaption as korean beauty standards take hold. It's not really an artform that's interested in anything besides appeal itself. Which is a very japanese thing to do, since their conceptualizations about art boil down to preferring what feels good over what is correct, after understanding what "correct" technically is. It's western ideas about art that value accuracy or capturing the real world. The east is rather whimsical that way, to spiritually offset their cold and rigid social structures I assume.

>> No.6700477
File: 969 KB, 1325x1766, plankton struggles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over the years I've felt alone and hollow, but still continued with life, somehow knowing that I was not liked or hated because I acted different.

started drawing without knowing the basics, like shapes and other stuff. for 8 years no one helped me with techniques or other stuff, I was a kid and didn't know anything about that, until I hit my 18th year of life that I found out that there were more when it came to art. no one tried to help me not even my art class teachers because they were busy or just didn't care even in class time they ignored my questions and told me to study the masters.

at that time the only thing I knew about, "the masters" was art history, pretty much telling us about the artist and what painting they created and memorize it. at this point I thought it was mostly practice and patience, meaning drawing the same thing over and over.

you got to understand this was the 90's there were no internet and if there was it was foreign and expensive, and the people who I went for help were of no help or acted like they didn't want to help me.

then life and situations happened had to stop and a whole lot of b.s later after 9 moves I started to draw again but this time it was square one, same thing, but this time I had free internet on my college computer and was able to find how to draw site, from geocities and other sites created by people, so I learned how to draw comic book hero by some unknown author from some unknown part of the world, then I found out that there were other methods, and styles I never knew, the feeling was of, " being a virgin and wanted to have sex for years until it happens".

then now that I'm this age I see you guys have more resources than I had while a child,teen and 20's.
I'm here feeling alone but at the same time feeling grateful that I'm alone, I was mentally diagnosed late and found out that I'm actually a crazy dude, so, what I'm trying to say is that to appreciate life and learn as much as you can

>> No.6700479

>Your thoughts
My thoughts are that you are very ignorant and are only looking at examples that confirm to your biases.

>> No.6700518

kek. are you another retarded atelierfag? you really think raphael told models to hung themselves up on ceilings before he copies them into cherubs?? holy fuck.

>> No.6700519

>It's western ideas about art that value accuracy or capturing the real world
If you read even a little bit of Vilppu or Robert Hale you'd know this is total bullshit
But of course im talking to an underage midwit

>> No.6700654

I like to do some biking to clear my head when uni is getting a bit much

>> No.6700671

>sick of studying
>do something for myself
>study things when i need to
>sticks better
>have fun
so this is drawing.............

>> No.6700677

I finally stopped being a neet and got a job but now when I'm done work I don't want to draw because I'm so exhausted. I hope I have another breakdown so I can be a neet and draw all day in peace again.

>> No.6700717

construction permanently ruined my art and I regret trying to learn it.

>> No.6700726

You have to get worse before you internalize the knowledge and then you can get better again

>> No.6700728

You need to learn construction to understand why x looks good and why y doesn't thoughie

>> No.6701005

bruh u have same amount of resources to us but with better judgement and appreciation.

>> No.6701027
File: 156 KB, 536x694, IMG_1070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it normal that I’m struggling to follow this boik

>> No.6701098

>draw something
>think it looks good
>upload it
>2 seconds later, realize I forgot to color in a major part
>or forgot a limb
>or didn't shade half the drawing
how do I check for parkinson's? Is it possible to have it so young?

>> No.6701126


It’ll settle in after a while and you’ll find time to draw again. On the day you get fired you’ll probably have a long period of master and slave deprivation because you got so used to working.

>> No.6701163

you are right, thanks for the uplifting comment.

>> No.6701200

this sounds right, it's probably good for connections. i dont see any good way in thought aside from maybe art college or maybe finding some indie project teams online.

>> No.6701213

I've had this problem all my life. Why do you say parkinson's? It's just that when you are in the thick of it you can't "see the forest for all the trees" your brain needs a bit of a reboot, you disengage creation, doing the upload process gives that reboot, and then you see you gave her six fingers and it's too late, your followers saved the pic.

>> No.6701274

Going to sleep and looking at the drawing the next day usually helps me catch stuff like this

>> No.6701316

started doing this, feels good

>> No.6701719
File: 101 KB, 569x900, 1642135317416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might just kill myself
Every fucking day with these chronic pains. I can't deal with it. Why is my stomach so fucked?

I was tired today, so I took a day off. Thought I'd get some art done.
I've been bedridden since the afternoon, it's like a hot knife through my midsection. My whole torso is burning.

>Bro visit a doctor
Why? So they can milk as much money as they want from me giving tests they don't need? Drugs that inhibit simpler, cheaper tests?
So they can stuff me full of antibiotics that give me week-long fevers? PPIs that turn me into a zombie from the headache?

I'm at my wits end here and I don't know what the fuck to do

>> No.6701753

>Drugs that inhibit simpler, cheaper tests?
If there is a cheaper option, why not take it?
Have you tried using AI to diagnose? ChatGPT can give you a lot of guidence here.
"pretend to be a doctor and ask me questions about my symptoms"
You may figure out a cheaper treatment option from this.

>> No.6701761

*also it might not be your stomach
Gallbladder? acute cholecystitis? You may need surgery. I know a guy who sounded like you and had his gallbladder removed.

>> No.6701764

Don’t get medical advice on 4chan. Stop being stubborn and go see a doctor.

>> No.6701771
File: 76 KB, 1024x768, 9050543B-21FB-4F5A-A539-59D0B9C7B9B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because, unbeknownst to me, the medicine they gave me when I first came in with an intense stomachache inhibits breath tests that detect the H.Pylori bacteria for months.
Breath tests take <1hr to perform btw.

So the only way I could get diagnosed was through a biopsy. The doctor refused to do a gastroscopy though, instead I had to go through a Ultrasound and a CT scan before he assigned me for one. Then from the biopsy he was able to detect the bacteria
This route allowed them to milk more money out of me, because a breath test would've cost me a ~$10 (after insurance)

It was a similar thing months later. The antibiotics and PPIs didn't help and I was getting a bloodied stool.
I talked to a different doctor who said that I had a DIFFERENT thing in my intestines. She then prescribed another round of expensive antibiotics that didn't work and tried to pull another round of "You need to do these tests first!"
I told her to fuck off and went to a specialist, showed him pics of my shit, and he got me a colonscopy 2 days later.

He didn't detect anything there, and neither did any of his tests.
So we were stumped, he just told me the stool thing would go away eventually.

I talked to the other doc again about my results. She was more concerned about how I left their network to do my Colonscopy than my actual health.

She probably sensed I wasn't coming back so she prescribed me some PPIs (these reduced my aches but turned me into a zombie). 12 sodding boxes of them
I couldn't get through that many in my fucking lifetime. She was trying to get as much out me and my insurance before I left as she could

Do you know how much money and time I wasted on these freaks.
I couldn't even live my life and all they were concerned about was a few pennies I spent on another clinic
I fucking hate these psychopaths I hate them all.

>> No.6701777 [DELETED] 
File: 1.71 MB, 2084x3450, 20230608_214102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't get the tests
That's your problem man, how are they gonna diagnose the problem if they don't know what it is man.

Can't fault you for everything doe, the docs you went through were shit from the way you described them.

No, your just a fucking idiot.

Meme book, learn loomis.


Feeling good today, gonna mainly practice banjo and coding today, but I might do some art for my comic if I have some time.

Anyone have any discord communities related to /ic/ I could maybe join?

>> No.6701783

What fucking test didn't I get? I just named 5 different tests I did two of which require fucking anesthesia.
She wanted me to take the SAME tests as I did before. When I was shitting blood.

When I took it to a specialist the first thing he said after I showed him pics of my shit was
>For this we do a proctoscopy, followed by a colonscopy of we don't find anything. Since there's blood we'll elevate your case to urgent.

Guess what's more expensive, a proctoscopy + a colonscopy or an ultrasound + CT Scan + a colonscopy??

They're fucking harpies trying to drain as much money as they can from the patients.

>> No.6701815

Damn. America is the pits.

>> No.6701834


I wish tablets had some sort of built in AC, even on the cheaper models.

>> No.6701840

you should have gone to a library and checked out some books

>> No.6701859

A friend commissioned me for a picture to use as his ebook cover. Being the absolute retard that I am, I gave him the picture before getting paid. I'm afraid of confrontation but have asked twice in the past 11 days and got some random excuse twice. Me big stupid.

Good luck anon. I had a similar incident in the past where I hurt my back at work, could barely walk and took a cab to the hospital where they looked for a ruptured appendix then sent me home with no further testing despite me still being in pain. My doc said 'just take some tylenol' every time I went to him and rushed me out of the room despite me pleading for an xray and not even being able to walk down the hallway without having excruciating pain. Got to the point where I fell over on the kitchen floor unable to walk or even breathe without pain, got taken to same-day emergency clinic where the chick took one look at me limping into the room and immediately sent me for xrays and meds which led to a few months of physical therapy. Also my job 'quiet fired' me for using my sick days consecutively (basically gave me weeks of 0 hour shifts), lied to say I quit so I couldn't get unemployment, then lied again so I couldn't get worker's comp which happened during covid so I couldn't even appeal it as everything had shut down. Shit sucked.

>> No.6701861

Just guilt trip him. Tell him you're broke or something.

>> No.6701914

Your friend is a piece of shit for not paying upfront to begin with.

I always hate when friends ask for a discount because it's actually a big display of disrespect than anything else. These people clearly don't respect you enough to pay the full price, if it were me and they kept making excuses, I'd let them have it for free but fuck being friends, think of it as being paid for excising that tumor of a human being before they kept exploiting you.

>> No.6701932

Art student here. I often heard from people that art school are a waste of time and i get it now. After a certain point it's all just self taught.
And now i'm in a slump trying to finish the deadline for a subject that didn't even relate to art.

>> No.6701951
File: 348 KB, 1080x886, Screenshot_20230311-005918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might be mental? i had an old friend (now douche) and my girlfriends brother suffer through similiar shit. doctor can't find anything. nothing's wrong. it's all in your head. i dont mean to sound condescending but i know for gfs brother it hurts less when he distracts himself with something he enjoys. art might actually be your temporary cure

>> No.6701960

bloody stool isn't in his head...
Pain can be. Psychosomatic pain. In his case I doubt it. Could be worth looking into, just in case...

>> No.6701968

i missed that part. all i could guess is crohns but im no doctor

>> No.6701971

Some kind of IBD yeah. immune-suppresants and special diet are treatment for that.

>> No.6702017
File: 59 KB, 460x568, 162449038131943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These type of posts always manage to get my attention.
On one hand, i sympathize and want to give genuine advice.
On the other hand, you might just be another mentally ill faggot trying to get attention and any advice will be wasted because you're just here to get attention, bitch and moan about your life, and this isn't a genuine cry for help.
>i might just kill myself
This is the best advice anyone could ever get;
Take it seriously and actually go ahead with it instead of repeating it over and over about how you're going to do it to justify how bad your life is.
No one is really going to give a shit if you do it.
Your family might cry a little but then go on with their lives after a few weeks.

Go ahead and then come back and say the same thing.

>> No.6702049

>trying to come up with a design for beast-like creature that also balances the uncanny valley between outright furry and kemonomimi/human
>every attempt to actually draw it if falls flat at the face/head part
When I try to imagine it, it seems like I get few differing ideas on it at once and none is truly what I look for, but somehow they mix in my head into that thing I want until I try to give it an actual shape.
It doesn't help I'm beg.

>> No.6702066

try thumbnailing weird creature designs out of basic shapes until u find one that u enjoy and then worry about the details instead of committing to a single design and ending up not liking it halfway through

>> No.6702078
File: 40 KB, 218x199, mc-katya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to draw because I love entertaining people.
Telling interesting stories with fun art is what makes me happy.
I'd rather have a cult fanbase rather than a mainstream following.

>> No.6702098
File: 3.28 MB, 375x498, insane-fucking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like being colorblind doesn't affect me at all then someone asks me why a character's skin is blue

>> No.6702121

Yeah, I should do so.
I wonder if my problem comes with art consumption being mostly of anime art style. It made me consider those noseless faces pretty normal until I start trying to make some thing that isn't anime.
If I were to go with no nose, then either I get a flat face or get those snout-like profile that either would look too furry or be mistaken for anime face.
An option could be to give them a typical human face, but with upper lip protruding, which I found in some artwork and quite liked.
Maybe also make nose larger, make look like a beak? Hmm...

As I said, I saw artwork I vibed with, but all of those were in anime style and thus those didn't account for nostrils. It would look weird if these were visible directly from the front.
Anyway, thanks.

>> No.6702191

maybe you can try searching for the shape using searching lines first
and then go over them with some confident stroke

>> No.6702193


>> No.6702196

love you too anon

>> No.6702205

the feels
i know this feeling
you just hit the slumps anon

>> No.6702207

doesn't matter anon
it's genius

>> No.6702211

biggest ive done is A2
only advice ive got is use your shoulders anon

>> No.6702234

Well while writing a third message to him he sent me the payment. Not sure if it's because I brought it up to another friend and he gave him shit, but the timing was pretty suspicious. I normally do invoices for comms and take half/full before sending the finished product but figured it wasn't necessary with a friend. Learned my lesson.
Art school is worth it if you know how to use the system. All of my friends who went got art jobs through connections or recommendations while in their 3rd or 4th year. If you're just gonna follow the curriculum to the T and never network then it's probably better to just do an atelier or an accelerated course in a particular field (animation, trad painting, puppetry, etc) or even take the non accredited classes that particular school offers for way less $$$.

>> No.6702357

>dont feel like drawing
>can't do anything else because if I have time for that, I have time to draw
>so I just stare at my blank desktop for 10 hours

>> No.6702646
File: 1.07 MB, 640x360, grand-theft-auto-grand-theft-auto-v.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been drawing to become famous,
Me be terrible at art. Positive engagement on twitter. Get bullied by discord artist circlejerk to quit. Be like fuck you nigga's. Get invited to a private discord from a twitter dm. Bored so I talk about being popular. Eventually get kicked and banned because I call them immature for doing that.

All the while my art is improving while my peers draw the same shit.

Artist on discord says they support me, I ask for a retweet, Get denied because I draw nsfw, call them a pussy, get blocked, ignores the fact that I also draw safe for work. Years later they still support me, I refuse to share until I get retweeted. direct all traffic towards my collaboration projects. get blocked.

See 12 month dead discord, "anybody drawing?" no because AI. me add to why I like AI. get warned that no AI discussion in this dead server. silently gets kicked.

re-invited again. remined me why did I ever waste my time talking to artist in the first place.
The people that banned me quit anyways and have left.

Now I'm blocked and banned from everything because I strive for better.

>> No.6702656

schedule in Do Nothing time or Vidya time or whatever else you want
as long as it's a specific amount of time, like 10pm to 12pm
and get your art done before it

>> No.6702766
File: 1.16 MB, 3000x2250, 165465165465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't discord server
>don't friend with artist
>not famous
>don't care
>don't care about AI
>just draw
>happy life

>> No.6702826 [DELETED] 
File: 734 KB, 1891x2457, 20230517_205734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel Man.You can't really rely on others to grow yourself man, the only people you should rely on in the first place is close frens.
On a similar topic anyone else feel spurned from most communities? I'm not liked on /ic/ because I'm a permanent beg according to them, I'm hates on /i/ because I'm too much of a "asshole", and /co/'s hyw is neutral towards me. Tried making my own spaces but that usually fails, atleast I have close frens.

>> No.6702900

>he has 4000 followers
>and consistently 3-5k likes on every other piece of art
>it's not very good art
What manner of fuckery is this

>> No.6702974
File: 42 KB, 739x415, images (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hate how every community linked to ic is really just the same dudes over and over again i already decided i don't really click with. I've tried looking outside of 4chan, but I hate even more the feeling of needing to maintain a professional image and not being able to make jokes at people's expense without being socially ousted. I want people I can feel free to be comfortable around. I had what I was looking for before, but I soiled it by being a literal faggot and now I'm lost again and crave that group setting

>> No.6703033

No? Pinterest shows you whatever is related to your interests on the home page. I don’t save a lot of anime or female stuff so my homepage is filled with references, artist tips/tricks, and traditional stuff by various artists.

>> No.6703037

I made a shadow box. Going to 3d print something simple to hold a pipe down to a wooden board.

>> No.6703049

Not really. My feed still gives me the cream of the crop good stuff.

>> No.6704552


>> No.6704555
File: 256 KB, 808x501, 1600695835532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when do you know you've made it
>you dont

>> No.6704590

I hope to get at a point where I stop overthinking about my mistakes or something I've drawn that happen to diverge from realism.
It's been only 4 years since I1ve been drawing seriously but it's mentally draining and I don't think it's a healthy relationship to a hobby.
If it doesen't go away I'll either stop or just settle down in my comfort zone forever.

>> No.6704770
File: 221 KB, 241x229, 1682415025244611.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does everything feel so empty?

>> No.6704776

You're just a glass half-empty kinda guy.

>> No.6704854

i know this is sort of a stupid question but whenever i make comics i always draw too much or too little should i just write out a barebones story first before jumping straight into the meat and bones

>> No.6704861

thumbnail it. story board it. the whole chapter. don't just draw pages lol.

>> No.6704948

>having trouble plotting out a comic, procrastinating all day
>art friend messages me asking what’s up
>say I’m working on something
>asks to see wip
>nothing on the page
>uh yeah sure
>quickly draw rough
>do a better sketch in 5 minutes than I had in the past few hours
>here ya go bud
Maybe I should’ve gotten art friends years ago

>> No.6705036

literally this
>oh did you get any progress on that thing you said you were working on
>"oh uhhhh ummm yeah let me send"
>quickest sketch ever ends up looking perfect

>> No.6705740

I wish I could draw the same way I can program. I can sit down at 8am and write code late into the night, but after an hour of drawing I start getting distracted and have to force myself to keep going.

>> No.6706007

I'm the same, if I have a bug, or complex problem, I feel like I'm on the verge of solving it in a few minutes the whole 5 hours it takes... Time just flies.

>> No.6706108

I don't understand how it's possible to enjoy the process. I've been drawing most days for 4 years (in total I've probably taken 3-4 months off) and I think from a technical standpoint my art at this point is fine. But start to finish it's just non-stop checking for faults and fixing them. All the way from "this idea sucks, how do I make it better" to "the eyebrow isn't parallel with the rest of the face, I need to fix it" to "these colors aren't the mood I wanted, I need to change them."
I think the only part I can say I maybe actually enjoy is the 10 minutes where I'm mindlessly scribbling out the roughest rough draft, but that's just followed by hours of fault-finding and corrections until I'm finally done with/exhausted by the piece.
Are people just mindlessly drawing the entire time? Do they actually enjoy looking at their failures? I don't get it

>> No.6706151

Easy games, easy wins. You have confidence with programming, and you're sure you can solve those problems.

If you're new to drawing, everything is difficult and there's a huge chance you will NEVER solve that particular drawing problems.

It gets easier though. As with any skill, as you get better, it gets more fun and easy. keep pushing!

>> No.6706158

It's the opposite actually, I am a horrible programmer and a decent artist. I'm satisfied sooner with art perhaps? Whereas programming, the satisfaction only comes when the thing executes perfectly. There's prob more to it. Ego and shit.

>> No.6706168

I dont think of them as mistakes during the process. If I leave mistakes for the final product sure, but during the process I call it the ugly stage or discovery stage and *usually don't have any negative emotion towards issues.

*Just occasionally I'll quit a painting with a big sigh and grunt if the something isn't working after x amount of time, maybe happens a few times a year,

>> No.6706173

Learn to greentext newfag

>> No.6706788

now i know why I keep making weird typos lately; it’s because ios is auto correcting my words the moment I stop typing and wait 1 second. It’s changing words automatically.

>> No.6706832
File: 51 KB, 500x500, artworks-000346453110-q5pm8u-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i finally found an art community i feel like i fit in again. i just had to have the balls to start my own instead of waiting for someone else to help me

>> No.6706904

>"this idea sucks, how do I make it better" t
>"these colors aren't the mood I wanted, I need to change them."
this is stuff you should learn to work out when planning a piece. do more comps and sketches then let the idea rest for a bit before jumping into the final work.

>> No.6706910

>having an art friend
>who checks in on you
>without having to message them first
>they have genuine interest
>any interest at all
Must be nice

>> No.6707005
File: 777 KB, 787x1049, christ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to vent here because I've been dealing with a genuine hopeless pre-/beg/ and idk what to do with him anymore, and yet he keeps coming back to ask me for crits and I can't find it in me to ignore him because he's a good long-time friend.

He's desperately trying to learn how to draw, even did the whole 250 box challenge and all drawabox exercises (despite me telling him anything past the first few levels was useless) but anytime he actually tries to draw something he gets these schizo meltdowns because he's "bad", and to the point where he's publicly seething against other artists and having genuine psycho fits to the point where he's crying and vomiting whenever he draws an anime face.

I've tried my genuine hardest to help him out because I like teaching, and I pity him, but holy fucking shit I don't know what advice to give him anymore. pic related is his work. I mean I've seen worse shit on /ic/ but still

>> No.6707009

So many times I catch myself writing a rant wall of text for an anon and then I say to myself that it would just be better if I make my rant as a youtube video than posting it to the void here, likely to be skipped over anyway in favor of a 1 line sentence because OP is an ADHD addict.

>> No.6707010

Feels like I'm invisible. People I used to chat with regularly are now ignoring me. We're also in a Discord, and they reply to messages except mine. I need to make new friends, but I'm old and it's getting harder to meet people, especially other artists

>> No.6707012

Your friend needs therapy bruh. That reaction is about the art, the art is just the catalyst for that self loathing and hyper critical voice to.come out.

>> No.6707022

when you have a deadline and expectations to meet, you work better. Without a deadline, you're just meandering around because you don't HAVE to do something.

>> No.6707029
File: 55 KB, 714x668, 20230619_121200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently at a stand still with my art progress. By no means do I think I suck, or that I'm hopeless, I'm just fustrated and confused why my drawings don't look the way i want them to. Desperately looking for answers to all my questions, obsessively going through my favorite artists and wondering what books they've read or if they've gone to art school to be as good as they are. I know I can't compare myself to others but I always end up doing it anyway. (even with the love and support from friends) just so tired of being a piss baby, I wanna get better and be able to be proud of how far I've come, but how?

>> No.6707043

I feel this. You probably said something that you didn't even realize offended someone and that one person went bitching to the others trying to paint you as a bad person. It doesn't even have to be what you said. I've had someone turn a group against me just by convincing them sfw drawings I mindlessly did of young characters means I'm most likely secretly a groomer even tho I'm not. Like at all. But because I don't make my fetishes obvious all the time by projecting them constantly in my art like they do, you couldn't tell what I'm into. (hint: it's barashit) I've also had someone who is a token ethnicity turn people against me because I made them insecure by being the same ethnicity. It's fucking insane. Discordfags are mentally ill.

>> No.6707044

>You probably said something that you didn't even realize offended someone
Thanks anon, this is what I suspected too. I also have real low self-esteem and assume that everyone automatically hates me as soon as I walk into a room. I hope you find the community that that accepts your juicy barashit

>> No.6707062

I don't blame you for feeling that way because everyone is so insane and petty now that if you make them even a little insecure they'll go for your jugular. Just remember that it's not your fault, they're nuts. There's well meaning people like you still out there. They just let the psychos win and go along with them because they're afraid of being shunned too. Be the better person, don't be like them. Be friendly and fight through the hard lonely times to stay friendly and keep moving. Sane friendly people will come along who reciprocate

>> No.6707078

I am the best.

>> No.6707088

>wants to practice sketching or just want to pump out some crap/quick copies to get that mileage
>usually do it by looking for some pics on the net and just copying that on paper.
>pencil ends up being messy and erasing stuff makes things worse most of the time
>get a pen/fineliner/whatever
>still crap, but at least I can't endlessly torture myself on one thing
Hmmm. Could it be the way? Just use pen and YOLO that shit?

>> No.6707102

Yeah, if you give me a pencil, I will draw, and erase, and draw, and erase, ad infinitum. But when a pen is put on paper, it's done, that's the beauty of it. Just learn that each tool has it's limits on how you use them, a pen is no good at sketching for anything that takes longer than 5 min, but it can be a great finishing tool.

>> No.6707111

I wonder how good it for some original work? Like a quick, light and very general sketch with a pencil and then try to get this stuff done with a pen.

>> No.6707118

Happened to me back in 2016ish in an /ic/ discord. Twice. The guy who I thought was my friend I came to him with my concerns about someone else trolling and he was acting like he didn’t know what I was talking about. And then one day he just flat out said he was messing with me and in on it.

The 2nd time the guy who was promoted was poaching people from under the Admins nose into his own server. Then one day that guy who I thought was cool and nice to me came on the board to curse me out; name dropping me and whatnot before deleting his post. I knew he was 2 faced, but I didn’t know about it until I stumbled upon his post by chance in the archive.

Needless to say, it took a long time for me to get over my phobia of using Discord again due to trust issues.

>> No.6707120

>using Discord

>> No.6707123

I kinda need it now, but I don’t use it like how I used to back in the day. I was a real chatterbox power user. Now I only just pop in now and then if something interests me.

>> No.6707129

What is it about having even a crumb of power that makes discordfags so batshit crazy? Is it because they can't function irl and so these outcasts that nobody likes irl make their homes online? Literal dregs of society, and yes I know where I am

>> No.6707137


Who knows really. Most /ic/ discords are identical and the “special” servers people tout about are just servers with 1 or 2 super high follow count members who work in the industry. I’ve seen it all at this point, it’s really bothersome.

>> No.6707144

This isn't exclusive to Discord, it happens whenever anyone is in a position of power and authority over others.


>> No.6707153

>"special” servers are just servers with 1 or 2 super high follow count industry members
Hahah man I'm glad I didn't waste my time then
There are perfectly sane leaders in history and the world tho so clearly it's not "anyone" but its a thing that does naturally accrue sociopaths. Still, your local knitting circle or whatever isn't like dysfunctional discord groups

>> No.6707166
File: 1.90 MB, 640x302, 1687192306375202.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People I used to chat with regularly are now ignoring me
I feel this a lot, it's like everyone has either already moved onto the next stage of their life or I've become increasingly boring to talk to that it's not worth the effort to respond to me anymore. Trying to make new friends irl but I don't know where to look exactly since I just sit alone in the park throwing bread at birds and people seem creeped out by me when I try to talk to them but not much when I'm keeping to myself. I'm also at the point where I want to stop trying to make friends online because wherever I'm lurking I pop into conversations that interest me(to which the conversation ends there) then someone appears into my dms trying to convert me into something I have 0 interest in then just fucks off.

>> No.6707191

Get a medium-small dog and go to the park with it, people automatically trust someone who has either a small animal or kids

>> No.6707194

The local knitting circle comprise of old retirees arent going to be seeking validation and support from their peers like a group young, impressionable and misguided men and women.

>> No.6707199

This. You’ll get women and people in your neighborhood going up to you that never messed with you ever just because you have a dog. My dog was the cutest in the area and I had girls walking up to me to pet her.

>> No.6707204

You've never met Gretchen, that wretched old witch

>> No.6707222
File: 19 KB, 480x350, 1568432313564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make the mistake of checking twitter
>get some random art tweet on my feed
>it's that one guy with a big following pushing petty drama again
>whole thread is filled with coping and whining about how they're not being outright worshipped
>other big accounts join in the drama for clout
>kiddies are joining in to virtue signal and cope and give the big guys lots of engagement
>implying no one knows the big accounts are pandering to insecure artists and kids for clout
>implying no one knows they're being baited to draw the thing the haters initially complained about
Giving access to social media to kids was a huge mistake.

>> No.6707230

Straight up just dump them completely and make new friends. I did this to my asshole "friends" and have felt so much happier. I got a new friend group who is so much more supportive and nice.
The "leader" of my old friend group was insane. She had no irl friends (except for me, but I stopped seeing her irl months before I cut her off because she was honestly abusive) and almost never went outside, except to get junk food. She'd get her followers to attack people she didn't like.
Powerless, useless people gaining even a small amount of power fucks them up. She went from a weird but very nice friend to an awful abusive person in just under a year after gaining power.
Try and find some kind of hobby group like an art group or something. Maybe you'd like bird watching? Also feed the birds actual bird feed. Its cheap for a bag and they really like it.

>> No.6707256

>she had no irl friends and almost never went outside, except to get junk food
This is how most people imagine discord addicts and rightly so. 4chan has some insane shit but it's all out in the open and everyone but jannies are equal. Discordfags operate within the shadows of closed channels with hierarchies. That opens the door to some real sinister behavior

>> No.6707266

I think we should start just outright blocking and reporting anyone with high follower counts that indulge in drama and petty squabbles with the pretense of defending anyone.

They're sociopaths and such behavior raises a lot of red flags.

>> No.6707424

>Powerless, useless people gaining even a small amount of power fucks them up
Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Usually, people who are bullied or are losers irl, will seek out power and abuse it when they get it. In the modern case: power = internet following.
They start out very friendly and outgoing towards others i.e. they groom them through giving others easy positive attention but then they start behaving like tyrants once they've reached a point where their power can influence even a little bit and their groomed army follows them like a cult.
Usually, they will make the mistake of believing they can do anything and then they'll get caught doing illegal shit.

It is really better to not associate with anyone online, especially those with large followings.

>> No.6707433

>see cool art on twitter feed
>get motivated to draw
>see cool art by anon on /ic/
>lose all motivation to draw
it keeps happening

>> No.6707787

I do try to figure this stuff out before I actually work on the piece. Unfortunately I'm quite awful at envisioning the final piece from the rough draft, so my roughs very rarely look like the final result.
Or put in another way, in the rough stages, I can't seem to notice that I made these types of mistakes, and it's only when I pretty far into working at it that I finally realize it, and it bothers me enough that I can't proceed with the original "vision" I had laid out
I do sleep on compositions/sketches, but it doesn't help

>> No.6707822
File: 150 KB, 769x600, sad conscript.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's another fucked up good lineart with the fact that my coloring and shading are dogshit episode
It doesn't help that my monitor and the tablet display colours differently to eachother, so what looks decent on the tablet looks washed out on the monitor.

Are there any books to help me cope and seethe- I mean actually learn this shit? I swear I'm this fucking close to just exclusively drawing in black and white for the rest of my life.

>> No.6708198

someone post the meme about how it takes X time to learn to draw and 2 seconds to learn to paint

>> No.6708324

Is there actually some truth to this? I'm curious.

>> No.6708361

weird, it's the opposite for me. i think it's because on twitter you can directly compare yourself by way of likes and reblogs, which makes me feel like shit, but on /ic/ it's just cool art in a vacuum. much easier to grapple with my insecurities then.

>> No.6708376
File: 544 KB, 550x778, 987897897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sunflower seeds
All banned. Officially, now and forever.

No more buttermilk with pancakes in the morning, or snacking on sunflowerseeds.
I've got 10 chickens I've been raising for eggs, guess I can't eat those now.
There's a bunch of other shit, but those are the big ones I'll miss

I've been trying to tell myself it's not so bad, it's just a little less happiness in my day.
I know people with worse, much longer lists of stuff that's way harder to cut.
But man I can't help but be a little bit really miserable over it. I've got it better than a lot of people, but that only means it can get so much worse.

>> No.6708381

dont worry, your lineart is dogshit as well

>> No.6708410

>bought a tablet years ago
>have only used it like 10-15 hrs in total
>bought CSP after the 2-year license that came with the tablet expired
>still don't draw

>> No.6708540

Why? "My little anon can't possibly draw this good"?

>> No.6708569 [DELETED] 
File: 340 KB, 2008x3071, fredshouse3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell it

Stop focusing on others and focus on yourself. It's pretty simple


Thoughts on wip comic page.

Also anyone else feel isolated from art communities? I feel like I don't belong anywhere online desu. 4chans art boards hate me with a passion and reddit/twitter is too normalfagish for me.

>> No.6708579 [DELETED] 
File: 340 KB, 2008x3071, fredshouse3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel isolated from most art communities, I'm hated on /ic/ and /i/. Twitter and reddit are too normal fagging for me.

Also how do you keep the motivation to work and a comic?

>> No.6708586

Sounds shitty, anon, my condolences.
Is it a hard ban or like lactose intolerant people and cheese, where they can and do keep eating it from time to time, but have to suffer a bit later?

>> No.6708594

I feel isolated from most art communities, I'm hated on /ic/ and /i/. Twitter and reddit are too normal fagging for me.

Also how do you keep the motivation to work and a comic

>> No.6708610

are you familiar with the story of the boy who cried wolf? no one is going to believe you
you're lying for attention now, but someday you might be genuinely lonely because of your self-inflicted ostracization

>> No.6708618


you’re wasting away your prime years shitposting with low effor stick figures instead of trying to get good

>> No.6708621

avg ic anon

>> No.6708639

>Also how do you keep the motivation to work and a comic?
Couldn't tell you man I'm procrastinating the shit out of mine.

>> No.6709101
File: 2.01 MB, 4096x2048, ComfyUI_00113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone, in a now deleted thread, mentioned checking out 3D since I'm feeling a bit discouraged of all the AI art going around and since the style I'm going for (environments, scenarios and stuff) seem to sort of lean more towards that area.
The idea is now stuck in my head, but it's honestly scary.
Like, yes I suck at drawing and will never be able to compete with AI but... That's what I've been doing since I was a child. It's all I can do. Starting from scratch, in an entirely new field, one which I've never even paid attention to previously, is so daunting. It doesn't even feel "right".
I know it's just my brain coping and looking for excuses to not draw, which is why I know I should forget about it, but I felt like I needed to vent anyway...

>> No.6709136

That was me. I draw and do 3d a bit. I keep them separate generally, unless I'm doing some industrial design that needs a perfect shape in perspective I can't easily free-hand.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFQokXmqmVQ vid rel might give you some guidance(in few aspects, its similar image result to that ai pic)

>> No.6709330

never heard about someone not tolerating eggs, my condolences, anon

>> No.6709527
File: 21 KB, 478x570, 1663790770394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while colouring I always end up with something like 30 layers and it becomes pain

>> No.6709652
File: 81 KB, 378x371, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the guy i'm collabing on a comic with is so fucking good compared to me i'm such a shitter man. i straight up don't deserve him as a partner. having our panels next to each other is blackpill tier mogging

>> No.6709656

>caring about art about those not of your own

Just don't care man, fuck em.

Force yourself to 2 layers at most man
I see.
I got a lot of time, plus prime years are subjective unless your really old or really young.

>> No.6709663

Youth is wasted on the young.

>> No.6709666

If people in their 70s could live to their 140s, they'd waste it too.

>> No.6709672

>I got a lot of time

One day you'll be 18 and then you blink and you're 24 and still shitposting stickfigure "OC"s thinking you're funny while everyone around you moved on and either got better or got bored. Then you'll start making "where did everyone gooooo" threads on /ic/ complaining about the pace of posts on the board because you start to notice it's mostly you bumping threads. And the only person who you recognize is Mikufag and not even they like you because they're schizophrenic.

Then as you approach your late 20s you're no longer you start to realize you're not 16 anymore.

>> No.6709674

Maybe some, but some people just waste their whole lives anyways. How many begs here ask if 30 is too old to start drawing? I'm not even 30 and I regret wasting so many years doing jack shit for myself. You're not guaranteed to live to 70, or even next week, you could get hit by a bus and die tomorrow.

>> No.6709697

>You could get hit by a bus and die tomorrow.
If that happened, you will all hear about it.
>bus crashes into 12th floor of a building killing a 26yo shut-in

>> No.6709702

you might get 9/11'd by an airbus, crab jihad

>> No.6709709

>*Nervously deletes my drawing of Muhammad*

>> No.6709715

And what have you been doing since the start of 2023?

>> No.6709736

banging your mom

>> No.6709793

the longer I spend on something, the worse it is. My best art was drawing quickly and in a short amount of time. Its like adding more bricks to a building makes it worse somehow

>> No.6709800

Thumbnails. 90% of a piece is done in the first hour. The rest is refining the elements that are already there to suit what you're trying to convey. Did your building really need to have each brick individually drawn? Or is that creating too much noise and ruining the composition? A solid thumbnail is a solid foundation. - - - Don't build your house without a blueprint.

>> No.6710149

Glad to see you again anon. I watched the video and... I don't know. I still don't feel very interested on 3D. Unfortunate considering my predicament.
It all just seems much more complex than anything involving drawing...
But thank you nonetheless for your suggestion.

>> No.6710171

>want to have a character with huge mouth
>discover that a lot of anime characters have their mouths look almost like snouts due to how forward the jaws are pushed
>now either have to cross into furry snout territory or have humans with their jaws pulled back, showing their noses more
>tfw most viewers will consider it weird because everyone(including me) are used to anime style
>not to mention that even if done properly/somewhat realistically, I might get the African look to them, which isn't the goal.
That's quite a problem...

>> No.6710601

I’m afraid of people following my new art account because I want to shitpost whatever is on my mind and post art but I don’t want to lose followers because of my shitposting or rather I don’t want to muzzle my mouth up just because I gain a bunch of followers. Just bee yourself basically idk.

>> No.6710608

Make 2 accounts.

>> No.6710615

that defeats the purpose

>> No.6710617

ok. draw more, shitpost less, maybe you'll gain faster than you lose.

>> No.6710620

I guess that works too

>> No.6710743

I can't tell if I'm so good people think I trace/copy everything or if I'm so bad they cringe and pretend they don't see it. Both are completely possible. I know an artist that's good enough to where I suspected him of tracing but it's clear now he doesn't. Ignored him at first for it. But I also see bad artists every day I ignore just for being bad. Graphic designer friend says I'm pro. But I'm using new methods lately and I haven't talked about art with him in years. Maybe my result is bad. I don't have a clear critical eye
>inb4 pyw
Can't, extremely recognizable, just want to complain

>> No.6710756

are you pantsu ripper?

>> No.6710791

No I dont think so how do I check

>> No.6710827

You can post your skill level by posting an observation drawing you've done.

>> No.6711011
File: 66 KB, 1024x730, 1638251091407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to loathe digitally drawing. I can't seem to enjoy, let alone improve. I'd blame my shitty tablet but that's just cope.
I guess I'll have to go back to trad.

>> No.6711012

>I can't tell if I'm so good people think I trace/copy everything or if I'm so bad they cringe and pretend they don't see it.
i'm honestly astounded by how many dunning krugers this board has

>> No.6711026

says the dunning kruger

>> No.6711100

Sorry to hear that anon. It seems like Asian cooking will be your friend in these times

>> No.6711518

But I just said I believe it's fully possible I'm making shit art, it's right there in your quote

>> No.6712298

yes *dunks your head into water cooler* here's your reference

>> No.6712467
File: 761 KB, 1124x1976, image0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took up miniature painting even though I don't have a game to play them with.

>> No.6712611
File: 14 KB, 400x400, c3f15b014477cb4c2d0b057d0810f21f_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i think i lost my tablet pen

>> No.6712614

Breathe and think what you were doing before you placed the pen down. I freaked out this morning that I lost my apple pencil but I backtracked what I was doing before I placed my ipad down and found it.

>> No.6712631

be careful not to have too much fun and stop studying!

>> No.6712670
File: 2.39 MB, 1378x1068, babbu sinclair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make my own comics but man I can not come up with interesting shots for my stories. It's driving me nuts.

>> No.6712702

Can relate. If you find your circles not coming together, practice drawing the other direction a few times.

>> No.6712716
File: 47 KB, 682x664, D8B0FA11-CBA5-4B9C-A999-EB779D92B397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can come up with great shots
>can't draw them

>> No.6712727

>Decide to take an after hours art course to try and meet people and maybe improve my art
>Literally just filled with autistics and schizophrenias
>Unironic full autism and yelling at himself schizophrenia tiers
I made a mistake.
There are like 2 cool boomers in there though.
But god, it was not worth driving 40 miles a week for and having to stay up late on a work night.

>> No.6712750


I was the boomer at my community college class. Fuck, I was 2 years younger than the teacher himself. I felt like a predator even though I was in my 20s.

>> No.6712751

Wait I'm still 29 why am I talking like I'm old old.

>> No.6712759

By boomer, I mean 70+
unironic boomers

>> No.6712762


>> No.6713027

>"My little anon can't possibly draw this good"?
Unironically, yeah.
A fellow shitposter drawing well hits different than when it's someone you barely know.

>> No.6713305 [DELETED] 

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AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
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>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

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>> No.6713668
File: 909 KB, 635x1232, 3254364763452341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm this close to start using AI in my work. Hell, maybe even go full retard and just give it sketches to finish.

For years I've been trying to grow by doing trends and fanart, but it led nowhere. Apparently I have no talent in art. Nobody gives a damn what I draw or how much effort goes into a drawing. God forbid it's original content - that gets a flat zero.
Plan is, I'm doing as much as I like and finish the rest with AI. I get to draw what I want as much as I want and we also get eye candy for the result. Sure some details may be screwed but I can fix them in post. Even though social media population doesn't give a damn about details as long as the subject vaguely resembles the real thing afaik.

>It'll flop anyway you validation seeking number faggot
Ok. Sad, but at least I had fun and it looks nice. The only argument I see is "there's no fulfillment if you didn't do 100% of it". Probably, but I'm willing to sacrifice that part because I have spent countless days grinding a piece to 100% with zero feedback while a 20 minute aesthetic pastel drawing gets 100x everything I have combined. It just gets to me sometimes.

I'd like to be talked out of this shit and to be proven wrong, but I don't really see how this could get worse if I enjoyed my part doing the whole base idea, can do more of it and get better looking results in the end.

>> No.6713754

The one youtuber who I meant to download his tutorials fucking deleted his channel for no reason. Fuck.

>> No.6713762

Make another account and try it. I personally would not do it, though. Defeats the purpose and doesn’t allow you to enter “the zone” mode. It’s like driving a car around town just to get out of the house without the distractions of the internet.

>> No.6713810

>Make another account and try it.
Slipped my mind. Thanks for the idea.

But I'm with you about the whole point of art. I'm just tired and wanted to mess with options.

>> No.6713857

At a certain point you're just the same level as someone downloading images off of google and uploading it as your own.
Sure you might get some bookmarks but its meaningless when you did nothing to earn it. It's just a novel
>hahah I tricked them!
once or twice, then it gets old.

>> No.6714185
File: 38 KB, 346x322, 42F765EA-0447-433B-92F1-CCBBF730CC33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey wow this artist is pretty good
>wait a second
>scroll some more
>every single face
>every single one
>in the same front facing/slightly turned position
>every body shape is the same

>> No.6714227
File: 179 KB, 1440x1080, nootropics moment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PSA: St. John's Wort is not, in fact, some hippie crystal healing ooga booga bullshit and it WILL mess you up mentally if you take too much of it.
Also, don't start carelessly stacking supplements that mess with the chemicals in your brain either, even if they *are* supposed to be "natural" and "safe" OTC supplements.

I've been experimenting with solutions to my ADHD (sort of kind of self diagnosed, but from my research the symptoms match up, esp. the "temporal blindness", and I've been having these issues since I was a little kid. My memory is really bad but iirc they diagnosed me with tourette's syndrome in middle school, LOL) and have been having some mild success from changing my diet and trying to ingrain better habits into myself. However, on a whim, I started taking some St. John's Wort since I noticed that when my mood was up I had a lot less trouble with getting sucked into inane shit like Youtube or shitposting and could regulate myself better. I also seem to experience fluctuations in mood where I'll be feeling great, bright and active one week and then struggle the next, so I figured that I might as well try St. J's W to see if it helped. Not much changed at first, until I took a double dose and got a fairly notable change in mental state from it- sort of anhedonic? Blunted emotional response, mild detachment, lessened appetite, overall a very calm feeling. Pretty sure that this wasn't placebo since it actually took two occurences of this happening in two weeks for me to connect the dots together. So I started taking doubles after that, usually once a day in the afternoon while only taking singles in the morning & at night, and things were working pretty well. While it wasn't an instant cure-all it definitely made it easier for me to keep on task and reduced the mood fluctuations.
Until I had the bright idea to start taking L-Theanine alongside it beginning last week.

>> No.6714229

(Cont'd) I started feeling really shitty, headache, lethargy, upset stomach. So I cut down the St. JW dose and tried to keep using the L-Theanine, and still no dice- even when I didn't take St.JW with it one day it still ended up making me feel lethargic and unmotivated, so I dropped it. Probably won't use it again except maybe before bedtime, since it supposedly results in better quality sleep, but I digress. Then I did something really stupid and decided to see what would happen if I took even more St. JW than I had before, so Friday I took a whopping 1800 mg of St. JW, DOUBLE the recommended daily dosage, and let me tell you it really messed me up. I just felt so *weird* that whole day, sort of detached from reality, disturbing thoughts, sort of this starey-eyed intensity where outwardly I was pretty calm but really twitchy and hypersensitive on the inside. Really hard to describe, but it was not pleasant, a very disturbing frame of mind overall. I also had practically no desire to eat whatsoever this last week and I would end up sleeping almost the whole day, going from the L-Theanine to the ridiculously high dose of St.JW.
I ended up staying awake most of the night Friday, then slept for a pretty long time, until almost 5:00 PM Saturday- except for a point where I woke up around noon and lay in bed half asleep feeling extremely restless and hungry, and had a bout of restless leg syndrome to boot. Felt pretty bad when I finally got out of bed since I hadn't taken anything at all, but felt better after taking a normal dose of St. JW.
I think I'm more or less back to normal now, thankfully. Definitely not going to be so reckless when taking this stuff or any other supplements in the future. This week really sucked.

>> No.6714661

If I just doodle inspiration will surely come. Any second now. Any second now.

>> No.6715045

I recently discovered I developed a very bad habit of rushing when I draw and it's really been biting me in the ass lately. When I can remember to slow down, I'm able to put all my lines and everything in the right spots, but when I rush it's like my brain doesn't catch up with my hand and I end up needing to redraw practically everything over and over and it just wastes so much more time. And I get frustrated when I notice I keep messing up, which leads me to rushing even more, leading to more mistakes and more frustration, etc.

I've been trying to be much more mindful about it lately but I feel like I keep forgetting and end up reverting to rushing through things. It doesn't help that sometimes I feel a little bored when I slow down
Does anyone have any tips on slowing down?

>> No.6715084

I have the same issue. I think it's related to being too accustomed to your usual modus operandi which conditions you to always having the same mindset and fucking up in the same way.
Before a proper session I give myself some time to draw as fast as I want and it kind of gets it out of my system, it's like live proof it doesn't really get me anywhere and makes me bored of rushing.
If you're on digital switching to analog every once in a while might encourage you to think more about what you're doing, specially if you try something that needs patience like inking with a brush. Throwing yourself off just a bit can be a good refresher, it stops you from falling into the same instinctual repetitive patterns all the time.

>> No.6715292

It's going to look like AIshit, and if you get found out you'll be a pariah. Do fanart of other artists' OCs to get engagement.

>> No.6715524
File: 364 KB, 614x613, 1670592425044309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forced to pull out the IPA and Acetone for cleaning at work
>spend the rest of the day tired with my sinuses blocked not able to do anything
It's driving me fucking crazy.
They refuse to buy us any PPE either, because the managers are either not there when we're working or so used to these chemicals they can't even smell them.

Don't be like me, kids. Don't become an engineer

>> No.6715533

This is some unhinged shit, but has anyone ever purged their Twitter followers or made a new account because no one engaged with your shit? I have over 1k followers but I think most of them might be bots because my engagement is insanely low like maybe 1-5 likes per post
I'm also concerned it makes it look like I bought followers when I didn't do anything shady, just posting art

>> No.6715601

You don't follow other people so that's why I don't follow you. We just want people to follow each other.

>> No.6715633

Digital and Trad are different mediums no need to beat yourself up over it. They just need to be learnt accordingly. Just because you know how to draw doesn't mean you know how to paint etc.
At that point you might as well just pursue something else if you're not in it for the work. I would imagine it would get very boring very fast.

>> No.6715666

I'm about to finish my second pack today and it isn't even 6PM
My lungs are begging me to stop but I want to hurt myself.

>> No.6715680
File: 102 KB, 848x565, Fallen-Angel-by-Alexandre-Cabanel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess being satan isn't an easy job

>> No.6715682

If I were in Hell I'd probably have to live this period of my life for all eternity

>> No.6715683

Way I see it is same fundamentals, different process. Once you learn the process of your medium it's business as usual.

>> No.6715689

I'm not really planning on being some Joker mastermind. I'll just go "I feed AI my shit and see what it regurgitates". I've sadly seen too many people not giving a damn where a picture comes from. Apart from artists who by this point might actually be a minority since almost everyone with an access to a computer can run ai.

I mean I follow things I like. I'm not the type to spam f4f on everything and then sit surprised why things that fascinate me and artists I genuinely like and want to support are drowned in irrelevant shit. If that's wrong or not enough then oh well I guess I'm ngmi kek.

>At that point you might as well just pursue something else if you're not in it for the work. I would imagine it would get very boring very fast.
You're probably right but but it doesn't hurt to try. Also not like I'm gonna quit art. I'll still do more when I feel like it. I'm not going to improve much anyway I don't have the energy to draw like I used to. Like that picrel I actually finished separately after generating but I still prefer and would post the ai one. If it really does get boring then yeah I'll quit and do something else.

>> No.6715694

Pathetic vermin.

>> No.6715857

Lucy, you're probably gonna fucking die if your lungs feel like they're hurting. Taper off, man.

>> No.6715866

I've avoided it for as long as possible but I'm in a situation where I can't back out..... I don't know how to draw kids and now I need to. Anyone have some non pedo resources or artist who draws prepubescent anatomy well?

>> No.6715979
File: 195 KB, 978x652, comic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand why all my clients ask me for comics. Can they come up with simpler ideas? Making comics not only takes a lot of time and effort, but they are always a pain in the ass when it comes to determining the price to charge. I never know how much to charge these people.

>> No.6715987
File: 126 KB, 378x324, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is 16k even necessary??

>> No.6716044

>16 times the detail
does it come with all new rendering and lighting technologies?

>> No.6716065

see those mountains? you can paint them

>> No.6716085

>laughs in mspaint

>> No.6716115
File: 495 KB, 529x768, 1687128575953240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those who cant do, purchase.

>> No.6716392

This question kinda interests me, I think it depends on what brushes you use. Pen and pencil brushes it would be literally unnoticeable but it might be measurable painting with huge brushes.
If you have 256 levels of opacity (and you're just using pressure opacity) then at 10px wide there's about 1280 discrete states (levels) the brush can be in (technically not, it might really be more or less but I'm simplifying it to assume the brush is a perfect circle and only the outermost ring of pixels changes in opacity, thus states = brush width / 2 * opacity levels).
If you're painting with a 200px brush (again with just pressure opacity and the lowest pressure at 0% opacity) then you've got over 25k possible states.
Whether this is actually noticeable or necessary I have no proof, but I would love to experiment, so tl;dr buy me one and I'll let you know.

>> No.6716516

I hate drawing. there, I admit it.

>> No.6716552
File: 1.42 MB, 500x387, DE407632-BAEE-464C-87DF-643A36AC7376.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like my dad but he's so hard to be around. Any day we both have a day off is a headache, he gets really moody whenever he doesn’t have work.

I want to spend my free time drawing, he argues and fights with me every time I leave my room over every small thing. If he's home I'm stuck in my room because I just don't want to deal with him.

>> No.6716786 [DELETED] 


I'm not doing a single thing, it's the universe giving back what you put in. You're still antiquated with said person, and so I'm not quite sure why your candy ass is here talking about nonsense.

>> No.6716794 [DELETED] 


Same kind of. I respect my dad, but he's been getting on my nerves. He claims he had a seizure or whatever 2 years ago and has been home since, not working collecting social security. He claims he can't see anything despite going to numerous doctors all saying his vision is fine and he refuses to wear his glasses, making me 10 times per day search for things on his phone to write things down for him. And then when I raise my voice when I'm annoyed he farts in my presence as if he knows when I'm going to raise my voice. He was given over $1k worth of supplements to get his energy back, etc, I think he's just faking it at this point to get government assistance.

We were never really on good terms my whole life. When I'm in the zone dawing I hear "knock knock" on my door. I have to wait at night for complete peace. I really do feel like I should just live in my car; I only need my Ipad anyway.

>> No.6717291

Looks like I have a new neighbor and I get that it’s hot outside but who the fuck walks outside with nothing but a shirt on? And it didn’t look like she was wearing underwear and I had to awkwardly wait below the stairs for her to pass. Straight out of an anime script, I swear this is how the nips come up with their stories.

>> No.6717312

You learn a hobby because the hobby is fulfilling not because it leads to money.

Do you think wood workers are out there crying 24/7 because industrialization made their profession meaningless and everyone just buys cheap tables from walmart?
No, and people pay a premium for handmade woodwork.
>b-but that's different because
any excuse you make for wood working and other hobbies like that you can make for art. not a single crochet bitch is whining about how textile farms are massively more efficient than her at making a cotton elephant.

>> No.6717500
File: 259 KB, 475x462, 1514405979716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6717535

Sure I have no argument against it. I mean it more along the lines of a designer drawing the concept of a car, and leaving it for the engineers and computers to make it work as close as possible to the concept using whatever metal bending and circuit board generating software/hardware they use.

>> No.6717581
File: 172 KB, 400x274, 1656624773345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my mutual drew the same idea as I drew some months ago but got like 10x the amount of likes

>> No.6717702

they drew it with more life than you did

>> No.6717710 [DELETED] 
File: 311 KB, 2732x1114, IMG_2324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are sanshitku comments a mirror of 4chan but 40 times more aggravating? it’s why i hate reading its news section; it’s the AOL comments section for otaku culture, basically.

>> No.6718017

>despair starts leaking out
>parents ask what's wrong
>tell Dad I'm tired of everything
>he asks me what I would rather be doing with my life so that I can start working towards that
>can't bring myself to reply because I'm convinced I can't afford to pursue creative careers and I know Dad wasn't just asking about hobbies
Back to waiting for my death, I guess.

>> No.6718359

I'm so fucking tired of being mediocre. Stuck not knowing how to improve and it's so frustrating. Also, anyone has that pic of improving and observing eyes for mistake chart?

>> No.6718367

You have a dad that actually listens. You’re lucky.

>> No.6719243

i fucking hate redditors so much you have no idea

>> No.6719604

You should hint at him but I think it's prudent not to aim directly at a creative field unless you've made that intention clear in high school and your parents are nice enough to respect your decision at that age.
In this case, ironically only work can set you free. You can get a job that leaves you a few hours every day to work on your art so that you can get a portfolio and get an art job after a "career" change. Being in the industry help too. I've known people who shift anywhere from research to a mere QA tester to artist jobs in the industry. It's more more realistic and acceptable to approach it that way instead of trying to take too many steps at once. If you have any financial freedom to only have to provide for yourself you can start working but not choose a high paying job that takes all your time.