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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 78 KB, 700x1321, a476db64381bb5b26e6788e822497e81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6692022 No.6692022 [Reply] [Original]

Post art techniques too op for normal people to handle

>> No.6692025

blackpill me on this meme image

>> No.6692028

soft round brush

>> No.6692034

Color has different values and are affected by the ambience.

>> No.6692037

I feel this why many people cannot into color and rendering

>> No.6692045

lol retard

>> No.6692060

Lol ngmi

>> No.6692063 [DELETED] 


>> No.6692069
File: 173 KB, 1280x720, 1643166653465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people calling others retarded but nobody can explain why.
Peak /ic/.

>> No.6692088

Peak everything

>> No.6692113


>> No.6692121

some people can't distinguish some subtle colors from each other, or their ability to see colors is decreased. So basically if you can't see differences in color here, you are ngmi

>> No.6692125

Welcome to Earth. Is this your first day?

But well. Peek irony, but it seems that you understand why they call each other retards.

>> No.6692126

Hue relativity

>> No.6692130


>> No.6692178
File: 127 KB, 1009x886, 1670172204421573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when this gold dress illusion thing was everywhere?
That was eight years ago.

>> No.6692183

>Eight years ago

>> No.6692281
File: 85 KB, 1600x830, color_wheels_to_black[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the magic skill that sets apart good/bad illustrators and prevents b/w only artists from moving to color. It's what makes paintings more interesting/varied because you can take plethora of different mismatched colors and still have it come out coherent.

Colors also change hue (yes colors change to different colors) depending on different colors of light hitting it, another can of worms to overcome.

The true black pill is that it's not an "illusion" at all. In reality, red can turn to blue depending on the type of light that hits it. You only get the hint that its red in the light and because your brain fills in the blanks based on memory of colors it remembers in certain light. This is also why paintings get muddy or get the "polished turd" look when you think only black or a darker shade of the same color will be an accurate shadow/reflection.

>> No.6692291

u werent even born yet cat

>> No.6692292
File: 439 KB, 1920x1080, cQK6Z7TaNPs8abXcJGe6uH[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The b&w artist however has a technique that can emphasize something more important than color can. Color is ultimately a distraction, the best foundation for any realistic sort of drawing is value and one of the most important "secrets" that is hard to master is the terminator line. If you can draw and shade it proper it will make any drawing look more 3 dimensional and give it a "pop" that simple shading can't. It can also be used as composition tool that leads views eyes.

>> No.6692293

red can never ever turn blue due to light retard
i love it when ic talks about color and light, makes me laugh every time

>> No.6692310
File: 27 KB, 449x160, Red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>red can never ever turn blue due to light retard
An obscure technique because people cannot let go of academic psychosis.

>> No.6692314
File: 173 KB, 642x581, C6AC7075-8083-40C1-9841-40B633DEB784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>red can never ever turn blue due to light retard
uhhh bros???
>inb4 “that’s not blue”

>> No.6692321

is that picture supposed to prove your point? holy fucking brainlet, rgb are primaries you mouthbreathing retard also thats a TEAL light
i guess if your goal was to make yourself look as mentally disabled as possible, you succeeded

>> No.6692327

american reading comprehension

>> No.6692338

You went full retard bro

>> No.6692350

>cant refute me
>y-y-you're a retard
keep posting m8 thatll make you better at art kek

>> No.6692353

"I'll be back" Ok, I'll practice that.

>> No.6692358
File: 2.14 MB, 267x199, 1660327280279366.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is that picture supposed to prove your point?
Yes. Sorry you can't use a color picker yet though because you're a bot.

>> No.6692436

That's a blueberry you faggot.

>> No.6692591
File: 1.77 MB, 320x320, 1571958626941.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6692603

/ic/ needs a color and light general.

>> No.6692605

fuck you

>> No.6692655

I thought this was some kind of internet hoax and the white and gold believers were trolls because it was so obviously black and blue.
I pushed white and gold because I wanted to be a troll too, then I found out no-one was trolling and there are just a lot of people who have retarded eyes.

>> No.6692726

>will no doubt devolve into shitfling spergfest
sign me up

>> No.6693505

I've always seen it as pale blue and brown, the colors you get when color-picking. By focusing on it for a bit, I can see it as either blue/black or white/gold. Sucks that this third option was rarely considered because I'm not the only one whose brain assumed neither shade nor lighting for a lack of clear information.

>> No.6693520

as an art fag who loves his color wheel this blue dress thing really pissed me off. so many retards I knew were unable to understand how colors are affected by changes in tone and lighting and couldn't comprehend that it was a blue and black dress in a building with bad yellow over exposed light.

>> No.6693524

go on.

>> No.6693530
File: 71 KB, 1017x1024, 1667583047525880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who thought the dress was black and blue (which is the real color) is a FUCKING NORMIE, outgoing and used to real life lighting.
In this scum's mind, the dress is overexposed and the picture looks bad because the phoneshitter who took it was careless.

Anyone who spends all day inside and is used to filmography speaks the language of color expression and automatically color-corrected the dress in their minds to a more cinematic, proper lighting.
In the patrician's mind, the dress is at a perfectly pleasantly illuminated place, with colors that match it and careful thought was put into making its white-and-gold beauty show.

If you see the dog in pic related first, you should also GET OUT REEEEEEEEEE

>> No.6693541

You don't even have to be an art fag, just having working optics and not being functionally retarded is enough. There was a blown out area of light off to the side in the picture, how people interpreted it as anything other than overexposed light is beyond me because even if you thought it was white and gold originally, you should have figured out the actual color by using environmental clues.

>> No.6693542

/beg/ here, so how do you draw things in different coloured lights? Do you just place an overlay of the colour you want so that the original gets shaded in? Do you plan out the colours beforehand?

>> No.6693547

I had a group of retards literally screaming in my face at a party one time because I was trying to explain to them that its obviously blue and black and not white and gold. they kept saying I was an idiot.

>> No.6693549

quiet midwit

>> No.6693551

the loudest people tend to be the densest of minds

>> No.6693580

imho this image doesnt prove much. I cant tell the color apart in the color picker slot or the image you posted. is it a gamut thing?

>> No.6693591
File: 295 KB, 718x576, example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not. and by that i mean, if I put that color by itself like this I cant tell that it's red.

>> No.6693617
File: 34 KB, 309x163, 1537401190104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's because of jpeg artifacts use 3X3/5X5 sample area. The color is more purple in the shadows, but clearly on top the reflected light off red is blue/teal.
To keep the thread more on topic, here's another technique. The key to "moving/illusion" type of art is contrast and mimicking patterns typically found in magnetic flux.

>> No.6693646

nice stationary image

>> No.6693652
File: 144 KB, 662x1000, Parmenides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All motion is an illusion which is why this phenomena "exists".

>> No.6693656

it doesnt exist. you just posted a flat unmoving image cavetard

>> No.6693659
File: 676 KB, 1600x1400, 1571965427854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6693664
File: 2.85 MB, 300x317, 1684276562551633.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it doesnt exist
Hence the quotes, numbnuts.

>you just posted a flat unmoving image
Yes. Is the problem that you're another one of those bots or academic book learned retards who can't comprehend why quotations are used outside of a citation?

>> No.6693666

this picture made you gay

>> No.6693669

im telling you your illusion isn't an illusion retarded ESL.

>> No.6693677
File: 920 KB, 245x230, BreakableWellwornGarpike-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm telling you a contradiction
Cool Story Bro.

>your illusion
Lol, lmao even.

>> No.6693683
File: 666 KB, 1600x1400, faggot book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

satan is right
this shit is a trainwreck

>> No.6693687
File: 43 KB, 1200x913, 1200px-Impossible_staircase.svg[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, I forgot the fake staircase. it's also wrong.
heres a real one to compare. see how every staircase faces one direction? this one in the gay teaser image is possible in real life. it's no different than a double ascending foyer set.

>> No.6693707
File: 668 KB, 1600x1400, faggot book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6693715

fake gay and retarded and transphobic

>> No.6693732

Yes, but how does one apply this color knowledge to art?

>> No.6693743

Certified autism classic

>> No.6693986

>In reality, red can turn to blue depending on the type of light that hits it. You only get the hint that its red in the light and because your brain fills in the blanks based on memory of colors it remembers in certain light.
Don’t be stupid.

>> No.6694026
File: 76 KB, 513x946, theory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Physical) Primaries are a meme invented by paint companies to sell more paint.

>> No.6694053

it's not by itself, it's on whatever background you have it on, in this case a white background.

>> No.6694059

wouldn't the existence of primaries mean you need to buy less paint? since you don't need to buy more than the three primaries if that were the case...

>> No.6694061

>durr eyem retarded
all 3 of those colors are on a white background and yet two of them are visibly different and do not look indistinct from their original picture.

>> No.6694066

the first color is the blue in the first image and the white in the rigth image.

the second color is the black in the first image and the yellow in the right image.

idg what's confusing you here anon

>> No.6694068

nothing is confusing me you fucking retard. you can easily tell what color the actual color is against a white background, unlike the blackred from the apple which is still black.

>> No.6694072

what you need to understand is that there is no actual color, it is all relative. your eyes naturally white balance your vision, so different surroundings will cause the same color to be perceived differently.

does that make sense? i tried to simplify it for 75 iq's

>> No.6694077

>no no see I meant the color changes only in our minds
it's black retard, theres no color.

>> No.6694079

a completely desaturated color on a red bg can look blue

>> No.6694095

>Arguing about light vs material color
Rookie mistake.

>> No.6694140

>nothing is confusing me you fucking retard

>> No.6694154
File: 86 KB, 1081x420, shadow-illusion3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop crabbing desu, values are relative to the values they are surrounded by, thats how your brain processes them

>> No.6694179

>Too many retards trying to be funny
Study your values you fucking schizos because it will take 2 years of mindful practice before you can even touch color.

>> No.6694181

i already illustrated this >>6693707
you can clearly see they are different colors but the shades are nearly the same so i gave it a pass. it along with the cube, and the devils tuning fork, whatever that's supposed to mean

>> No.6694184

I get the theory, but putting it down on paper is another thing

>> No.6694193

ill be honest i feel like all this color theory stuff is kinda overcomplicated. ive seen a lot of improvement just copying stuff and building an intuition for how shit works

>> No.6694196

>it will take 2 years of mindful practice before you can even touch color
not if i eyedropper them from other's art chuddy

>> No.6694197

you can do that but its more reliable to just learn about it, its not even boring unlike perspective

>> No.6694440
File: 53 KB, 564x564, 8e2b0f8e0e77042c09d9fdb0dc4bf680[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go learn yourself, color picker is so fucking easy to use it's astounding that there's even contention. It's not even a "muh feels", it's qualitative and quantitatively true.
Good point to add to the one I stated here>>6692281. It's true, even next to each other the colors will appear different.

Okay but your picture applies to light primaries, not to physical ground up pigments that reflect said light primaries. There are certain colors you can't make without specific pigments.

You DO need to buy more "primaries". Physical color is easier to muddy than digital light itself. You need at least "6 primaries", that is two sets of warm and cool red, blue and yellow. This is so they blend seamlessly into the other tertiary colors without dulling the hue. Regular "RYB" will get you the color wheel, but not the full range of hues on that color wheel. You absolutely need 6 primaries to make "rare hues" using complimentary colors.

>> No.6694443

>its black
>uh no *color picks* actually its 0 0 1 so that means its blue noob
fucking retard
unironically kill yourself, just go out on the highway and get hit by a truck already thanks

>> No.6694451
File: 5 KB, 500x374, 43f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its black
You're black.

>> No.6694627

ahahahaha these are always funny

>> No.6694853

>blur my eyesight
>I can see the true shade of the colours

>> No.6694864

>You DO need to buy more "primaries"
It depends. Your kindergarten primary set is very proficient, hue-wise, you can mix teal, oranges, all kinds of purples.

Granted those aren't permanent.

>> No.6694876

Bro, go outside and take a chill pill man.

>> No.6694972

>soft round brush

>> No.6695042

>a FUCKING NORMIE, outgoing and used to real life lighting.
I love how you psychopats think that being a normal healthy human being is somehow bad kek. Ther delusions of grandeur of loosers.

>> No.6695318
File: 71 KB, 360x357, 1660236378607042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting a bit too defensive here.
It's okay, anon, you can be a FUCKING NORMIE all you want.
Just accept you are an outgoing social butterfly. My repulsion or admiration towards you doesn't change how SOCIABLE AND EXTROVERTED you are.

>> No.6695328


>> No.6695338

Why did it turn blue?
Is that normal when you move stuff from normal sunlight into the shade?

>> No.6695343

I felt that.

>> No.6695348

are you actually living in a cave?
how do you not know how light works?

>> No.6695352


>> No.6695355

Hey, that's probably the most accurate desaturation I've seen value wise, does anyone know this conversion standard? I thought itu-r bt.601 was the best until now but this one seems so much closer to the values I perceive

>> No.6695358

Yes, but I call it a basement.
I don't know, I guess I just get confused easily.
Thank you! That's really cool

>> No.6695372
File: 32 KB, 500x386, 1645393299733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6695402

This one is really easy to tell though, you can just count the visible pixels

>> No.6695840
File: 218 KB, 521x2326, splitprimariesdeboonkedd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Okay but your picture applies to light primaries, not to physical ground up pigments that reflect said light primaries.
There are no physical pigments that would ideally reflect light primaries.
>There are certain colors you can't make without specific pigments.
>You need at least "6 primaries", that is two sets of warm and cool red, blue and yellow. This is so they blend seamlessly into the other tertiary colors without dulling the hue.
Split primary palettes are a meme by stuck-up "theorists" who had no idea about the underlying physics or biology literally making up shit, then trying to fix their broken shit. See pic.

>> No.6695918
File: 6 KB, 263x191, Thespeedofalreadythere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are no physical pigments that would ideally reflect light primaries.
Of course not, only the subject matter itself does that.
It's yet another "archers paradox" to artists. It's imitation and you use what you have available to make the illusion of..whatever subject it is you're trying to draw. Blue hues were rare to come by long ago, many simply used shades of grey and other colors to make the greys appear more blue.

>Split primary palettes are a meme by stuck-up "theorists" who had no idea about the underlying physics or biology literally making up shit, then trying to fix their broken shit. See pic.
Bruh it's painting, not materialism on crack. The goal is literally to fool the eye.

>"The obvious solution to saturation costs is to use a larger number of saturated paints, spaced equally around the hue circle."
"Just buy more paint", this is the secret paint companies don't want me to know?

>> No.6696132

>doesn't understand the concepts of "local color" and "reflected color"/"perceived color"
>has the absolute gall to call other anon a brainlet

>> No.6696321
File: 230 KB, 601x473, 1 H8TK1BK5H12X65M8OL0nUQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it'd been longer than that. Life is great!

>> No.6696403

>Bruh it's painting, not materialism on crack. The goal is literally to fool the eye.
And using subpar methods to that end serves no one, other than some boomer artist's pride about the technique that was passed on by their even more gigaboomer grandpa teacher.
>"Just buy more paint", this is the secret paint companies don't want me to know?
The paint companies don't actually want to sell you modern saturated pigments, because they're expensive to manufacture. They want to sell you some 90-year old fugitive piece of shit Alizarin that you literally can't even give away to car paint manufacturers anymore. Even the companies that have respectable paints/pigments in their lineup spend 90% of their marketing selling something like Primatek Genuine Goose Shit (tm) megagranulating (tmtm) dick cheese.

>> No.6696419
File: 155 KB, 640x916, 1654678346934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And using subpar methods to that end serves no one
Oh like taking a null result and rolling with it? Yeah because physics has totally never done that.

>other than some boomer artist's pride about the technique that was passed on by their even more gigaboomer grandpa teacher.
The wisdom revolving around colors and color theory and how to use them instead of cherry picking each color and classifying it? Coming up with a million different fancy atomized description so that Pantone knows what number to call it and can sue you if you happen to use it by mistake?

>The paint companies don't actually want to sell you modern saturated pigments, because they're expensive to manufacture
By "paint companies" who are you referring to exactly? Sherwin Williams? Rustoleum? Wooster? Rembrandt? Industrial uses for paint or the actual quality paint you put on canvas that is mostly pigment instead of waterproofing binders and shit? There is a massive difference between traditional gum arabic binder paint and micro plastic polywhatever binder paint. Do you know how much your taxes would go up if they used the latter to paint road traffic markings?

>They want to sell you some 90-year old fugitive piece of shit Alizarin that you literally can't even give away to car paint manufacturers anymore
That's because shiplap car parts aren't kept in a dehumidified room like a canvas an oil painting you DIPSHIT. They don't make all the colors because the working world has enough distractions and they actually have to produce product by VOLUME because artists aren't the only one purchasing their shit. They aren't some village generational worker grinding pigments with mortar/pestles and rollers.

>Even the companies that have respectable paints/pigments in their lineup spend 90% of their marketing selling something like Primatek Genuine Goose Shit (tm) megagranulating (tmtm) dick cheese.
Thank "live laugh love", that's her fault as well as her whipped husband.

>> No.6696434

what would you even use giga chroma bright paint for? Other than depicting a neon sign

>> No.6696487
File: 823 KB, 1000x1000, 1479630137803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends. It has it's uses for sure. What that dummy is referring to is how "paint companies" don't give the "full range" of colors and trying to try it in into some deep level conspiracy that color theorists are in on. What he doesn't explain is the companies he's talking about has main customers like John Deere and that they're million+ dollar accounts that only give a shit about a few specific colors. He's comparing paint companies who's primary goal is a protective coating, it's just more convenient in propaganda form.
When you go to the paint section of any art store, is all the sell 6 primaries and black and white? Of course not, they have dozens of other colors that cannot be blended together, some tertiary some not. Fortunately they aren't owned by printing companies.

>> No.6696864

>By "paint companies" who are you referring to exactly?
This is the art board you nub, take a fucking guess. Like 80% of the "artist quality" paints are anything but, and even reputable brands put out literal garbage with too much binder:pigment ratio and trash pigments like NR9 or PV23 to appease the stacys that want to match their fucking lipstick or something.
>That's because shiplap car parts aren't kept in a dehumidified room like a canvas an oil painting you DIPSHIT.
Alizarin is from so deep in the pits of absolute urredeemable rancid fartcore pigments that it will literally degrade even in the dehumidified room under 8 layers of glass lit by a museum light sparingly.
The car paint manufacturers do, in fact, use more varied and better pigments than your average "high end" "artist's quality" niggershit brand. And they have for the longest time - Ferrari Red has been Pyrole Red for way longer than any "fine art" brand has offered the pigment. W&N even acknowledges that car manufacturers are ahead of them on their own fucking website.
>"paint companies" don't give the "full range" of colors and trying to try it in into some deep level conspiracy that color theorists are in on.
If capitalism, being a tradition-bound boomer with only dead braincells, having no intellectual rigour, and lack of desire to do their job properly are conspiracy theories, sure.
>When you go to the paint section of any art store, is all the sell 6 primaries and black and white?
You're lucky if any in-person art store actually even has artist quality paints of any denomination, telling you to order from kikezon if you want them (or worse, trying to peddle the student brands they carry in abundance as "artist quality")

>> No.6696931

the trick I found is using a great canvas instead of a white one
that way I have better control over the values

>> No.6696972
File: 449 KB, 870x738, nagy[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the art board you nub, take a fucking guess
>goes onto talk about cars and car paint.
Not a canvas, I could not car less about the color of plastic electric roller skates. There is no comparison because one has a 15 minute worktime and is sprayed using an airbrush. The other has a 0-multiple years worktime and is mixable with other colors and is able to still have a worktime.

>Like 80% of the "artist quality" paints are anything but,
Yeah if you fell for the "Christmas binder filler sets". Those do exist and they are indeed terrible. Perhaps some of these companies may even have horrible trade secrets such as adding red dye #7 or whatever cherry picked color you wish to illustrate to the mix.

>If capitalism, being a tradition-bound boomer with only dead braincells, having no intellectual rigour, and lack of desire to do their job properly are conspiracy theories, sure.
Given that it's an art board, I can understand how eventually someone will eventually try derail a topic by whinging about capitalism. It worked for the boomers because they didn't buy into...whatever psychosis that's preventing you from being successful. Artists do worse off under socialism btw. They get paid less AND they become terrible artists.

>You're lucky if any in-person art store actually even has artist quality paints of any denomination, telling you to order from kikezon if you want them
You think artists work at art stores? It's like saying contractors work at home depot. They're businesses that hire minority tax write offs like the res of them. Tell us why rustoleum and PPG doesn't blow them out of the water and make workable paint that takes months to dry instead of hours?

Never went back to white on computer because it burns my eyes, I always start my files with a grey/semi grey background. Also useful for coloring hairs and things that make detailed negative space