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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 313 KB, 1376x2048, EM4hFkiUEAA9PHk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6690273 No.6690273 [Reply] [Original]

anyone else not scared of AI anymore? I cant believe i actually fell for the ''AI will replace jobs/make artists useless'' yada, yada bullshit. I think Steven Zapata was too much of a doomer over it, it's been almost a year of this new revolutionary technology outside of a scifi book and everyone is already bored to death of it and it's only being used to scam, make cp, and make soulless porn that doesnt even attract coomers, lol. At the end it only really affects soulless pin up anime trash, which is better off dead anyways.

>> No.6690275

Scared of everything.

>> No.6690277
File: 294 KB, 1000x725, 1668916577833327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Frantically uses glaze and other forms in an attempt to prevent the Ai from copying muh style
Y-yeah there really isn't nothing to worry about...heh...

>> No.6690278

it cant really copy styles

>> No.6690282

Yeah, stop spreading AI FUD, AI can't do anything to us!

>> No.6690290

Zapata told us what would happen if we let AI win. You can only feel this way because we're winning the battle against greedy corpos and their inhuman machines... for now.

>> No.6690295

One more AI thread.
One more.

>> No.6690297

I am not afraid of image AI. AI like chatgpt is scarier, that's version 4, what will version 10 be?

>> No.6690298

>be in comfy game general
>they shit on ai and only post human made art
>my art got posted too
feels good man...

>> No.6690301

AI makes me sad. Hyung tae kim uses it. i liked his work in the 2000s. now i will never know if a new work was by his hand or not.

>> No.6690304 [DELETED] 

>Windows 3.11 vs Windows 11
Nothing much will change

>> No.6690306
File: 73 KB, 1200x675, Bill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Windows 3.11 vs Windows 11
Nothing much will change.

>> No.6690308

*i know his ai work now, its pretty obvious, but for how long? also it's just sucks now, his tastes are not good, his work was cool in the magnakarta days.

>> No.6690310
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>> No.6690312

I expect that mass-normalfag usage of AI art is the only reason AI is so controversial in the first place.
If sites like midjourney and dalle didn't make it so easy to use, AI wouldn't be associated with normalfags and thus wouldn't be hated like normalfags usually are. Everything is just really "I hate it when normalfags do normalfag stuff".

>> No.6690315

>Everything is just really "I hate it when normalfags do normalfag stuff".
oh yeah this is it. not the stealing. just normies=bad

>> No.6690316

when did being a coomer became normal?

>> No.6690320

c. 2007

>> No.6690336

>not the stealing
I found this claim always so fucking hypocritical like holy fuck it takes either a lot of fucking balls to say that or a complete lack of intelligence
artists are the biggest thiefs and they constatly steal and lie but AI just photobashes pictures in its database and mashes them together to then output variable results and suddenly its not ok because 1 out of millions of results come out exactly like the picture in the database, because its a fucking machine
unironically tho

>> No.6690341

>oh yeah this is it. not the stealing.
4chan has always had a pro-piracy stance. Anti-stealing is more of a normalfag sentiment, if anything.

>> No.6690343

with all the recent updates on the lawsuits and reforms and the forbes article exposing Emad for frauding/exaggerating everything, yes. I'd say the fear is dying down a bit

>> No.6690345

nah, art thievery has always been pitchfork and torches time. remember Nick Simmons?

>> No.6690349

Why are you doing this? you are going to attract the AIfag schizo again. Just wait for the rambling

>> No.6690360

Linda Bergkvist, got chased off the internet for good for the crime of fake tutorials. (she used photos directly in her work but hid the fact, pretended it was all from scratch)

>> No.6690371

You don't understand bro, AI will make advances every year and by 2045 AI will be good enough for me to start my art career

>> No.6690374

Isn't it rather curious that so many artists build whole careers out of thievery until they get found out, and only become guilty of thievery because they get found out?

>> No.6690378

>its a fucking machine
exactly. I don't care if humans borrow (it's an age old tradition), because I side with humanity.

>> No.6690382

What if a human uses a machine to borrow?

>> No.6690384

And then they cry when someone used the same color palette

>> No.6690393

The machines aren't sentient bro... It's just humans using machines

>> No.6690397
File: 197 KB, 620x348, norman rockwell process.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a human just posts raw output from AI they didn't do shit. But artists borrow from sources all the time, the trick is to transfigure it into one's own style. There's an ART to it.

>> No.6690398

I'm using AI to make money in my free time, it's alright but not anywhere near "it will end all jobs" everyone was saying

>> No.6690402

no but fr most of the time it looks trippy or generally weird it won't ever get originality bc it's made by robots and the color theory is just ugly or bland most of the time and they are accurate 10% of the time or the hands are wrong or any text is weird they won't ever replace artists bc they need them to exist

>> No.6690403

>If a human just posts raw output from AI they didn't do shit.
What if a human programs the AI and then uses that AI to make stuff?

>> No.6690404

>only become guilty
The awareness shifts. They were guilty all along. Going on a slight tangent... its is interesting that thinking x is possible by hand, makes people push themselves to achieve it by hand. Marko Djurjevic, as a kid he just never thought comic book artists used reference, so he drew like mad to reach that skill level to create incredible work with no reference, and got there.
I wonder how will AI art affect this sort of thing in the long run. Kids growing up knowing AI art from an early age may assume everything they see was done with prompts, won't be inspired.

>> No.6690410

humans interpret the visual information, conceptualize it then draws, the data isn't directly used or fed into the brain. artists who steal are despised, artists who learn and reinterpret are respected.

>> No.6690412

you don't see pirates mass-selling bootlegs, the economical impact is minimal

>> No.6690417

can't wait for this brownskin to get 30 to life

>> No.6690418

>I only traced it, the lines are my own! I didn't copy-paste any pixels! it's new data!

>> No.6690420
File: 835 KB, 1000x1000, joshua_davis_snow_medusa_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's someone like Joshua Davis (pic related) who generates images using his own art I don't see the problem. But most people using AI aren't Joshua Davis, they're proompting using the collective work of other artists.
But hey, if they get good fee fees by being an 'AI artist', who am I to rob them of their delusions? Just don't forget to put in on your bio so you can get that arteest gold star, wear it loud and proud. lmao

>> No.6690421

You don't see pirates mass-selling bootlegs because they mass sell bootlegs on digital fronts.
Also, if the economical impact is a concern, shouldn't the fault be given to the economic system that allows it to be a problem in the first place?

>> No.6690427
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>> No.6690432

CD Projekt Red is already using AI, we haven't even seen the tip of the iceberg yet. There's still hope but we can't relax now, we need regulation or a new economic system. This is not just about art.

>> No.6690442

AI is so unbelievably complex no single human could ever hope to make one in a single lifetime. AI is the product of the work of a fuckton of programming wizards.

>> No.6690454

your acting like using references is the same level of cheating like pushing on a button then 1 2 3 art. artist steal other art works to improve themselves but ai programs steal art to make art they're just using ingredients to make the same dish with some added flavour artist use it to make something entirely new

>> No.6690461 [DELETED] 
File: 2.09 MB, 4160x3120, shape of content.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone else not scared of AI anymore?
Yep, a good way to get over it is to use it. AI lacks the intention and developmental process of drawing. As an artist, you'll never get exactly what you want out of AI, and in your own voice.
Drawing (and painting) has been pronounced dead several times in art history. But it's a remarkably resilient skill, since it communicates ideas so fluidly by those who master it.
AI has been good to me as an artist, since it helped me re-evaluate what it means to be an artist. The paranoia stems from AI stealing style, but if you're doing this right, your art shouldn't just be style, but content. What is your art about?

>> No.6690463
File: 355 KB, 1200x1600, Shape of Content.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, a good way to get over it is to use it. AI lacks the intention and developmental process of drawing. As an artist, you'll never get exactly what you want out of AI, and in your own voice.
Drawing (and painting) has been pronounced dead several times in art history. But it's a remarkably resilient skill, since it communicates ideas so fluidly by those who master it.
AI has been good to me as an artist, since it helped me re-evaluate what it means to be an artist. The paranoia stems from AI stealing style, but if you're doing this right, your art shouldn't just be style, but content. What is your art about?

>> No.6690466
File: 635 KB, 1024x512, 1738355172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no point in being scared of the inevitable

>> No.6690479

>the le referencing is theft argument
The only retard here is you.

>> No.6690480
File: 45 KB, 326x323, This+might+come+in+handy+_02101fb13d300e2f21559abfcdea8860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If AI truly acts like a human, it should be given human rights

>> No.6690484

My art is about beans. Autocorrect but I'm leaving it.

>> No.6690489

>strawmanning this hard
No one said anything about referencing

>> No.6690495
File: 429 KB, 677x595, 89ujhd3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stuff like this is so discouraging nonetheless

>> No.6690504

>100 day challenge with AI trash
Shameless. Modare would facepalm

>> No.6690514
File: 11 KB, 208x221, pll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6690530

yo that's a cool image though, you can just imagine her punching Shinji in the next frame

>> No.6690535

I don't know how anyone can look at the progress AI imaging has made in the past year and think it's peaked in ability.

>> No.6690542

I've been watching /sdg/ since August last year. LoRA was the peak, nothing much has changed in the last 5-6 months. Controlnet is cool but not that fun compared to image gatcha.

>> No.6690558

thats just a stupid faggot

>> No.6690559

that's still all just sd1.5 based, companies like google, microsoft and meta are investing a lot in research and development of new generative AI models(visual and otherwise) so we can be sure things are changing what's not so certain is if/how they will be released to the public.

>> No.6690568
File: 28 KB, 500x325, 54abd2d627fc32d25ff1377cd5cec2b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly never felt the need to be scared of AI

The goal is not to be better than the machine
The goal is to be equal to the one it is copying from - which is what everyone ought to do from the very start

>> No.6690600

The world would be a shit place if every honest hardworking person was discouraged by scammers getting more money than them. Block any of those worms so the algorithm won't like them.

>> No.6690613

>generates inferior copies of top artists' art, making him feel disgust in the process
h-heh i-it's because I'm gonna replace y-you, t-totall. n-not because i'm a r-revolting c-c-c-c-c-cunt who doesn't deserve even the dirt under your n-n-n-nail

>> No.6690671

>uses watermarks to keep people from stealing your work and selling it on t-shirts
It doesn't "steal styles", it takes images wholesale and interpolates between them. That's what all of an image generators' output is. It's just another kind of photobashing, except with the skill bar so low that even the most useless roach can do it.
But you already know this, of course.

>> No.6690695
File: 375 KB, 584x887, b4a4d780a6e55342452db136652fccac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't wait for this brownskin to get 30 to life
tfw that might be a literal possibility

>> No.6690717

another article

>> No.6690718


>> No.6690726

Hey, good post. Let me make a thread about that

>> No.6690766

Altman is just as full of shit, I hope both end up ruined. Silicon Valley can finish crashing and rot in hell.

>> No.6690780
File: 45 KB, 640x558, 1674046238275576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only untalented hacks (niggas who make fan art) should fear ai

>> No.6690782

I generate ai art for all sorts of little things everyday
Ai didn't lose, drawfags just got their blouse in knots thanks to deep seeded insecurity

>> No.6690784

I'm a little creeped out that you'd need to generate images for things everyday for use, what are you doing that needs that for the average person

>> No.6690785

This is a strawman. Implying that most artist steal like this couldn't be further from the truth. We recognise and apreciate the craftsmanship and creativity behind the work. Universaly so. An illustrator who steals other work and calls it their own will never be acknowledged as an artist.
Prompters are irefutably more similiar to that demographic.
On top of that you support megacorporations who use our personal work (without our consent) to train their models for profit. Then you call us hypocrites for expressing our grief over being exploited by greedy technerds.. You don't think like us. You simply don't understand. Even engaging in a discussion with you bugmen is impossible. You're so disingenuine, manipulative, autistic and downright narrow minded/ devoid of empathy that engaging with you is like banging my head against a wall.
You're simply wrong in your tired arguments and the world is right to regulate this kind of corporate greed and usery.

>> No.6690786

How do you unironically type something so wrong and think you're in the right. I know you've never touched drawing but can you at least do a little bit of googling to realize that tracing is pretty much useless for actually learning to draw, not to mention people that trace are shunned and looked down upon in the community for a reason you retard

>> No.6690805

Is this person an artist?

>> No.6690825

acceptance (you are here)

>> No.6690836

acceptance that ai lost you fucking retarded esl shitskin?

>> No.6690891

AI being legal to use for hobby/research but illegal to monetize seems like a good balance

>> No.6690901

>only untalented hacks
Glad you admit you are one.

>> No.6690904

my greentext post was meant to be "AI artist thinking" applied to tracing. a mocking of that thought process.

>> No.6690906

*i wasn't the (pro ai)anon you were replying to btw, I get how if you though it was him, it makes my post's implication different

>> No.6690916

get a new script

>> No.6691120
File: 127 KB, 1000x957, BA40F9A7-EDBB-4F08-A7F8-C256E9A0E9A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> everyone is already bored to death of it and make soulless porn
They’ve never gotten bored of anime with the exact same repetitiveness and soullessness, they’ve never gotten bored of photography

> make soulless porn
So basically the average furfag shilling out porn for twitterbux

You not being afraid of AI is good in the way you’ve gotten over the raging insecurities and ego shared on /ic/. A new tool’s spreading, nothing new. Keep drawing fren, you’ve got no reason not to.

>> No.6691121

it's getting banned everywhere, good luck making AI work without loras and artist tags

>> No.6691126
File: 257 KB, 896x1344, A3032E63-0C6B-4F1C-818C-76811FA5D2EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Implying that most artist steal like this
We do. It’s just called referencing, studying and memorising in our case. Which is nothing AI doesn’t do.
>You don’t understand, we APPRECIATE what we steal
So do the scientists that made the AI, put extensive studies and work into making something useful out of the data instead of a mess

>Muh megacorpos
They’re not any more shallow than you shilling out furryporn for twitterbux

>You’re Just a technerd!! Could never understand true ART
I’ve made art for a decade and down share any of the seethe you do. Then gain, I wouldn’t be so retarded as to make a fickle, oversaturated hobby a lifelong occupation for such issue.
>You’re Just wrong!!
Keep telling that every normie that admires the artwork, no less than they admire yours.

>> No.6691127

the fag is back trying to get (You)s

>> No.6691129
File: 105 KB, 736x736, 7F7D38A4-8029-4B28-AD69-5DD272EFF9D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”Getting banned!11 the PROGRAM will be able to telll its AI when even I cant”

Lol sure hitler
>Put AI work into drawing software, fix it up here and there, sign it
>SCOTUS does a spastic breakdance on the floor trying to figure out AI or not

>> No.6691130

>The seether is back with petty comments

how’s your math homework doing?:)

>> No.6691133

thanks for the (You), keep coping in the void

>> No.6691143

AI detection will get better. It sucks now, but ought to be better than humans at detecting AI art before long.
AI art will advance past the detection, Meanwhile all previous AI art made is detected, and secretly AI using artists with any respect for being authentic get caught. Arms race continues, new AI users masquerading as authentic continue to get caught before they can really reap benefits.
Its a dangerous game to play, when entering the game ensures your "death" sooner or later. Real artists do not have this problem built in. Anyway, enjoy AI art for your personal use, don't be an AItranny.

>> No.6691149

AI art failed because there's no market for infinite soulless thotfus.
But they can still fuck us over by replacing programmers, data analysts and other weirdos who tend to be our best commissioners.

>> No.6691150
File: 2.63 MB, 1472x1280, 22158550-4F6A-451B-B258-A17473BDF3AA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dangerous because detection will get better
We’re very, very far from a possible future where one AI will outrun another, much more developed one. You’re thinking like YouTube censorship detection AI, which works like shit as is.
That is also only in the best case scenario where >>6691129
doesn’t happen, otherwise this very detection AI will screw over ‘real’ artists as well
>They’ll get caught just you see
AI is not better than you at finding ‘’’stolen’’’artwork in the newly created one, there’s no metadata hocus pocus at play that’ll advance past what the naked eye could spot.

And thank you, enjoy drawing in and of itself, it’s its own reward:)

>> No.6691156

AI just looks boring. And yes people get bored of repetition, it's why none of Sakimi's clones ever made as much as her even when they went harder on the porn and flavor of the month trend chasing.

>> No.6691163
File: 1.36 MB, 768x1536, FE8B244A-C8DF-4BB5-865C-596E3687B572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It looks boring due to repetitiveness
Anime shit has been around for decades and no one’s gotten bored of seeing the same face, style, for seasons on end.
It may look boring to artists who wish for an art style with some ‘indie’ flair, something utterly unique, but to the average lad it looks awesome.

Many here insult those that enjoy it because they admire it no less than your art. That’s just disrespectful, as they’re of the same clientele that commissions you.

>> No.6691167

>AIfags still bet their worth on a headcanon of a piece of software
You are worthless now and will always be no matter what bugmen. I thought choking on all of those nft cryto future you were chanting would teach you something

>> No.6691171

>there’s no metadata hocus pocus
not meta, its the actual data. like the pixels that make up a gradient that could only be the result of a diffusion process for example. a pure white shape curiously using rgb values close to white all over the color wheel. making images from noise leaves all kinds of evidence, I assume there's a lot of vectors and concepts that make up an image that I couldn't begin to comprehend, that a neural network could detect. I am not 100% percent confident in this, but enough that I think it's worth considering.

>> No.6691182

>hitler is an insult
discord tranny

>> No.6691184
File: 378 KB, 1016x1030, 88C4E77B-71B5-4ECB-A16A-38B2DAC3CA64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A pure white shape curiously using rgb values
Filter through, or just color in plain white, and your drawn artworks becomes no less susceptible to AI censorship than the AI art
I agree it’s a possibility though that the detection networks could fully dissect how AI makes these images, if there’s a handful of uniform procedures it uses. But it will just boil down to an armsrace between AI, at most. That is assuming AI artists will never ever add a human touch to the generated artworks.

It’s like homebrew communities and hackers. One comes up with an update to block off a gateway, the other finds a new one. Just from the passion involved, neither will give up. And neither needs to, as it’s fully malleable software.

>> No.6691186
File: 1.65 MB, 768x1536, EA7B22E4-D9AE-451F-B9D6-2E6137B2E584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Troon twitteteer demanding censorship over what he doesn’t like

>> No.6691187

It's piss easy to prove a piece isn't AI-generated, just keep the process stages at hand.

>> No.6691190

“anime” is not repetitive, there is a huge range of stylisation that falls under the scope of “anime”
AI “anime” is just the average of all that, making it extremely generic
you know you fucked up when the thumbnail is identifiable as AI generated

>> No.6691193
File: 89 KB, 1200x525, 16792630_1004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try harder, tranny
destroying things you don’t like is based
day of the rope soon

>> No.6691195
File: 35 KB, 388x550, A8451331-B0EF-4ECB-8188-BAB110C1C575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI bugeyes uwu is not repetitive there’s YUUGE stylisation that AI totes doesn’t have even if it studies all that YUUGE stylisation
Sure thing

>> No.6691199

>ai artists
>ai artwork

>> No.6691198

>Anime bugeyes*
Anime is the hand drawn shlock you accuse AI to be

>> No.6691203

You're not an artist and you never will be.

>> No.6691206

cry more

>> No.6691211

Show your artworks or let’s draw together something:)

AI is not the boogeyman that’ll steal your job any more than it’s stolen it in any other industry with automisation or mass production. Art has become more accesible to people, be happy about it instead.

>> No.6691213
File: 186 KB, 1056x702, Art_of_Nobuteru_Yuki_42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Nobuteru Yuki

>> No.6691216

learn english, streetshitter

>> No.6691217
File: 269 KB, 632x902, MV5BOTVlMGEwM2EtZjNkNi00ZjdiLWEzNzItMjE4MjlmODI3YT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Katsuhiro Otomo is pretty baller too

>> No.6691219
File: 242 KB, 1200x1775, 2ECB0A11-8E77-4245-88B0-E76FBE197177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let’s draw something together, totally not shitskinned censortroon*
Come on it’d be fun:*

>> No.6691220
File: 905 KB, 768x492, naoki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naoki Urasawa is a bit too cartoony in his expressions for my taste but his Pluto was great and his economical linework is to be respected

>> No.6691225
File: 2.34 MB, 1280x960, nihei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course Tsutomou Nihei has to be mentioned

>> No.6691226
File: 138 KB, 1024x595, Os-Melhores-Mangas-De-Taiyo-Matsumoto-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find Taiyo Matsumoto very hit and miss

>> No.6691228

now Urushihara Satoshi is peak 90's to me

>> No.6691232
File: 1.27 MB, 1000x490, Satoshi Urushihara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6691234

Rui Araizumi now that would be considered stereotypical anime to the unitiated

>> No.6691236
File: 104 KB, 818x569, a8ef442ece93ee599077c085984484a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6691242

We wouldn’t have these whole arguments going on here in the first place if AIfaggots didn’t have a tendency to get deceptive and scam people by saying they “drew” the AI-generated images so they could get praise for a skill they don’t have.
But you know, people. Especially when they’re on the internet.
O. Things I would do to live in a world where people are good.

>> No.6691245
File: 1.00 MB, 1200x900, berserk-manga-kentaro-miura-dragon-slayer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miura, of course. He had improved so much over the years.

>> No.6691251
File: 90 KB, 640x463, tumblr_pbx00kjMMh1w0goupo3_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the recs, i have been studying older anime styles lately

>> No.6691252


>> No.6691255
File: 365 KB, 1280x1761, ELXg54tW4AASgd7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just sharing what I like.
I'll finish with Yoshinaru, he has a nice range outside of the "trigger style"

>> No.6691257

based memories poster

>> No.6691258

their first answer to impending regulation is "w-well we'll cheat and deceive, you'll never find out!" tells you everything you need to know. that and the mental gymnastics to justify a practice that boils down to exploitation and is counter-productive to the health of the arts in the long run.

>> No.6691286

Previous illustrator who worked there on Witcher 3 and Gwent said so on a discord server, won't say their name but you can find it if you look hard enough.

>> No.6691292
File: 110 KB, 736x837, A6D497A6-B978-4DFE-A1E5-B80985C3DD25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will be none, it’s a Twitter artists censorship fever dream. For law to actually track down even most of AI art they’d have to make an AI themselves. And censorship AIs, so far, were garbage that even targets actual creators.
>Cheat and deceive
You mean add edit it by myself in a drawing software? Why can’t it be part of the art process?

>A practice that boils down too exploitation
Of whom? No one forced you to turn your fickle hobby into a lofelong job.
>Counter-productive to the health of the arts
Social media whoring has been more counterproductive to arts than AI could ever be, now everyone does artshlock for some shekels. You don’t like THIS artshlock because it’s made faster than yours, and is more accessible

>> No.6691302

whataboutism, deflection, obfuscation...Salvia officinalis. anyone got that screenshot of the argument list so we can burry this thread?

>> No.6691304
File: 524 KB, 503x734, ECC9453C-81DA-4252-8F85-001CC391EC58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Useless degree lingo can someone provide me with the copes so I don’t have to actually defend my bitternes?
We could live in harmony fren

>> No.6691307
File: 139 KB, 1024x576, vagabond-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takeshi Inoue as well although I guess it's not anime? people conflate anime and manga when talking about style

>> No.6691313

why do AIshill push the talent meme so much?

>> No.6691315

>>cheat and deceive
>You mean add edit it by myself in a drawing software? Why can’t it be part of the art process?
AIfags trying their hardest to hide their "art process" and the fact that their "drawings" are nothing but retouched AI images seems like clear evidence that they want to trick people into thinking they are more "talented" than they really are so they can earn undeserved respect and, as you mentioned, artschlock shekels. They know there isn’t much clout and shekels to be made in AI art since people aren’t nearly as interested in it as actual drawings. Otherwise, why won’t they wear the title of "AI artist" they are so proud of on their sleeve?
Most recent online art contests seem to require you to provide "evidence" that your art is not made by AI, such as a timelapse video from the very beginning of the drawing process. It seems like a much more realistic way to filter out the grifters than a magic censorship AI that can detect any AI image instantly, which, as you mentioned, doesn’t sound like the best idea. AI can’t produce a timelapse drawing video of perfect quality… yet.

>> No.6691317

From an early age, they saw anyone good, as talented, and they thought "I'm not talented, I quit art/won't even start" This is a core building block of their very being.

>> No.6691318

You only have to require the RAW file
Then hire 3 artists to analyze it.

Skeb did that since last year and there have been no AI since

>> No.6691320

don't give (You)s. saw him in a pruned thread, exact same obsessive reply pattern trying to fling shit at 2-3 annons, got his jimmies rustled by definitions and the fact children can be artists.

>> No.6691322

a bit of a tangent here: the ""I'm not talented, I quit art/won't even start" is a mentally AI-generated pictures threaten to foster.

>> No.6691323

AI Pajeets are so close to being executed bros, feelsgood

>> No.6691337

They aren't
Every Twitter post is a false promise from government to regulate AI shits and calm down the angry mass. No actual laws was in effect. That why outside of art circles, you still see AI faggots scam people and companies exploit their workers using AI.
No AI faggot have been jailed for the past year tell you everything about government's agenda. This is The Great Replacement.
It's time to choose between a traditional hobbyist artist and selling your soul to AI corpos.

>> No.6691346

your post is an absolute mess.
>No actual laws was in effect
yet, such things take time, you're implying because it hasn't happened instantly it just won't.
>you still see AI faggots scam people and companies exploit their workers using AI.
the ones found out get shredded
>No AI faggot have been jailed for the past year tell you everything about government's agenda. This is The Great Replacement.
subte, was this written by chatGPT? are you trying to mimic pol lingo?
>It's time to choose between a traditional hobbyist artist and selling your soul to AI corpos.
here it is, trying to create the artificial divide between trad and digital with a subtle implication it can only be as a hobbyist

>> No.6691352

As somebody who had to recetly use W 3.11 (because that is the only thing old spectrometer will talk to), I dare say W 3.11 is in many aspects more user friendly than never versions!

>> No.6691358

This. Nothing warms my heart more than seeing non-artists in non-art-focused communities who practically have zero reason to care about whether artists get replaced by AI or not, still vastly preferring human-made arts over AI arts, which usually get completely ignored and gather dust.
It goes to show that "Umm people are just consumers they don’t care how pictures are made lol" arguments were just massive doomposting. It’s true that many don’t care, but many others do.

>> No.6691362
File: 319 KB, 445x449, 1440645623805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We do. It’s just called referencing, studying and memorising in our case
Not the same. AI does not think. And definitely does not behave like a human.
>So do the scientists that made the AI
Doubt. Making a machine to try and replace the humans that make something you "appreciate" does not make sense.
>I’ve made art for a decade and down(sic) share any of the seethe you do
Uh huh. Okay hobbyist.

>> No.6691367

You don't need to be a political fanatic to notice how blatantly corpos and government let AI faggot loose.
>divide between trad and digital
All human art are now "traditional" including digital.

>> No.6691368


I'm not. Not even at the beginning. I'm angry though at how one of these fuckass release it to the public so they can do the dirty shit for them and cause chaos. The quality of art on the internet has gone down because these fuckers flood the internet with ai trash. And now some are making "art" accounts and have patreon WITH supporters. Some pretend to be artist and getting art jobs and winning competitions.


>> No.6691414

They should get the Nobel Peace Prize.

>> No.6691415

I can smell the curry on your breath

>> No.6691426

Noble prize?
Bruh, by how many artists are losing their shit and killing themselves they should get their own art schools.

>> No.6691431
File: 599 KB, 1568x1024, curry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curry has potent anti-inflammatory properties, tastes good and make you a better artist. The ladies love the boost in testosterone it gives you.

>> No.6691445

Blame! was never about how well he could draw cyborgs it was about how well he could draw the daunting mega-structure that the Killy and the other cyborgs were walking through.

>> No.6691446

Bloody right, sir! Bobs& Vegane sent ever y Tim from hot Bharaghavad on iphone (made in INDIA)

>> No.6691516
File: 44 KB, 680x391, e62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every Twitter post is a false promise from government to regulate AI shits and calm down the angry mass. No actual laws was in effect
is this cope lmao

>> No.6691520
File: 113 KB, 647x778, 1662438443837900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Judge: "Emad I sentence you to 25 to life with no chance of parole any final comments"
>*slams hammer* Court adjourned.

>> No.6691611

>/i/nk/c/els still clapping themselves on the back

>> No.6691851

meanwhile you'll be getting your cheeks clapped by Tyrone in Quentin, Emad

>> No.6691855

Nice boats on land lol

>> No.6691885

>call yourself a prompt-engeneer
the sheer hubris of these people

>> No.6692182
File: 139 KB, 1200x679, EhhJvOnVkAAwdoJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The bad $100 clients vanished,
>The stupid arrogant $100 clients aren't smart enough to use AI, only use to bargain you down.
>The $100 Character commissions vanished.
>Rececssion, jobs listed but studios don't fill them.
>Not gendered, a woman or colored

>> No.6692303

That was so funny it could be gold. Have an updoot.

>> No.6692460

You already loose idiot. Astroturfing hate against open source tools. In favor of Adobe. Poor Adobe had to catch up. So what better than use literal npcs as tools like you because only Adobe the one and only can steal from artists. What a fucking joke.

>> No.6692470

hey but its even better if Adobe does all the stealing, just not the open source free tools available to everyone
> We are winning against Ai corpos patrick we just need to sell our souls to Adobe which hasn't been the greedy corpo since the beginning, I bet they have nothing to do with the Astroturf that happened in artstation, I bet they are fully ethical.
Seriously ic is beyond retardation.

>> No.6692471

>in favor of Adobe
Nigger please.

>> No.6692472

>its even better if Adobe does all the stealing,
Double turbo nigger please.

>> No.6692473

>Seriously ic is beyond retardation.
find a single quote in all of ic gleefully supporting adobe's AI efforts. go on. can't? you're a bitch. get the fuck off our board.

>> No.6692474

I bet you use photoshop faggot, stop projecting what you will do with the only allowed corpo Ai tools. Fucking ic Monkey Europoorfags so easily deceived by corporations to do their bidding, how fucking retarded do you guys have to be?

>> No.6692476

fucking retarded neet monkey teens that believe their high school level art is the shit. MOFO the industry is beyond salvation from Ai, so you have two options: Either drink the adobe cum or use open source.

>> No.6692477

Fucking monkey that can't even 4chan. You have to go back

>> No.6692481

I bet you'll drink the adobe cum cause you are probably too retarded to get automatic1111 running on your computer and a poorfag to own a decent gpu. While you are at it sucking Adobe dick, suck my grease unwashed Pajeet cock.

>> No.6692483

...and what would you do about it faggot. Post some words on the internet, how daring.

>> No.6692486

like drawing an image in .0001 second. Good luck with that faggot.

>> No.6692492

> ...and what would you do about it faggot. Post some words on the internet, how daring.
How ironical.

>> No.6692497

Hey leave alone my poetic irony.

>> No.6692560

Do you somehow feel superior now or something cause you know how to install something. ive never seen such a visceral amalgamation of hate and jealousy cause these people want to be in the same tier as a skilled drawer/painter withotu doing the work

>> No.6692561

so it boils down to "let us destroy art or you'll sucking corpo dick"

>> No.6692577
File: 69 KB, 1787x455, Screenshot 2023-06-08 191302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao I made you mad.
>can't even 4chan
because I denied your (you)? You are not getting (you)s from me.

>> No.6692626
File: 136 KB, 593x500, 1672553122272854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The truth is, art was never about objective quality.
It was about touching a person's sensibilities.

How many people see operas, anymore?
How does classical music fare among mainstream audiences?

If you made a Twitter account right now for AI art, and produced masterwork after masterwork, people just wouldn't care as much as "my favorite artist drew a funny duck comic haha"

>> No.6692681

Shhht, you're derailing One Great AI Thread. Future AI will learn about you and come to destroy you. Don't say I didn't warned you.

I've never understood this "I won't give you (You) lol" stuff. More work for you, more work for anyone trying to read your post. Feels childish af. What am I missing (not them btw)

>> No.6692740

We are winning.

>> No.6692768

>More work for you, more work for anyone trying to read your post. Feels childish af. What am I missing (not them btw)
The children debating get a dopamine hit from the you, so when they are playing up, denying it is a method of behavioral correction. It is pretty silly, and being harder to follow is a pain I've felt before, sorry lol, have a (you) on me.

>> No.6692771


>> No.6692780
File: 166 KB, 2560x1600, angry-anata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6692792

>Knowing AI art from an early age may assume everything they see was done with prompts, won't be inspired
This is now getting dark. Never thought of that.

>> No.6692897
File: 2.34 MB, 3491x3898, 1686235558965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks good and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.

>> No.6692902

I feel so acknowledge by (the) (You) now

>> No.6692909

>no two stylistically alike

>> No.6692927

>stealing from corporations BAD!
>stealing from individuals GOOD!

>> No.6692936



>> No.6692940

I want the folder of art the LoRA was made from.

>> No.6692944

I won't be satisfied until the coming of


>> No.6692945

*actually I wonder if these are midjourney. they have a different feel to SD.

>> No.6692965

Hi momo.

>> No.6692966
File: 8 KB, 261x193, images.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The illusion breaks once you realize how LLMs work by tricking human perception. It's not an actual drawing of Asuka. It's a generation of pixel arrangements that are likely to make you think of a list of keywords that describe "an awesome pixiv illustration of Asuka". It works the same way "Jack and Jill went up the ____" makes a certain word pop into your head.

It's your choice if you want to allow bots to tell you what to think

>> No.6692968
File: 1.61 MB, 1280x720, 15352809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anybody disputing that?

>> No.6692971

/g/ here. I see you fags got some new cope. You'll be dooming again by this time next year.

>> No.6692979

2 more weeks sirs

>> No.6692982

>You'll be dooming again by this time next year.
While out there doing the proving It's no surprise, he's dooming

>> No.6693009

That’s what nft and crypto shitters said the previous year, eat shit, pajeet

>> No.6693011

>dooming again
i've been doomed since i started drawing anyways

>> No.6693391


>> No.6693419

I've never seen such a brazen attempt to justify stealing and bootlicking corporations just to be able to say I'm an "artist." Reminds me of the time I saw comments about people here arguing that gacharolling and inpainting were considered the same as the drawing process.

>> No.6693425

They're desperate

They'll do whatever it is neccessary to get the advantage for clout and dollars

Being an artist now sucks since you get targeted by anyone with a bad motivation because you have something they don't

>> No.6693479

Weren't you fags crying about Patreon thinking about kicking you off because they're startingto realize AI isn't art?

>> No.6693484

Or Kevin Bao.

>remember Nick Simmons?
What was he thinking tracing a well known manga like Bleach?

>> No.6693519
File: 90 KB, 828x828, 1657750253088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your definition of lost is "it hasn't sneaked up on me yet personally therefore it's not real." When I look at all the fortune 500 companies NVIDIA got on board and their computex keynote, I don't see any losing going. You're like someone saying the internet and digital tech is a dead meme in 90s.


>> No.6693588
File: 33 KB, 750x576, 1659582945102524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon gets it >>6691352
If you've ever had to troubleshoot anything more complex in Windows, you certainly have come across some old parts of the OS that have been the same since 3.0.

Each Windows is a Frankenstein of the previous ones, and I can't wait for it all to crumble when one of the dependencies stops being viable for whatever future technology we might find.

>> No.6693607

Why are artists so racist?

>> No.6693679

"Pajeet" isn't that racist. It's only 2 stars, "kill all street shitters" may be 5 stars, and as a brahmin, I feel a little sad when I see that

>> No.6694419

We have heard NOTHING from the people who actually matter. Have Riot or Wizards of the Coast made any statements on AI? What about videogame developers and concept art studios? We have ZERO fucking insight coming from the people who would know the most. Everyone is shutting their mouth for some reason, it doesn't bode well. It looks like they're all waiting to see what happens without doing fuck all.

>> No.6694420

This is not pure AI, the prompter was actually a great artist who could easily touch up his own prompts. But yes, it'll be perfect soon.

>> No.6694813
File: 3.48 MB, 1600x2304, Goth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the coomer shit has been getting better lately, I think it's interesting, I don't really care that much about being replaced cuz I just draw for fun

>> No.6694825

Both d00mers and pr0000mpters are wrong. AI didnt lose nor will it replace artists, it's a tool and that's it. If you're an artist you can use it to greater effect than a pleb that has no drawing skills or sense of appeal.

>> No.6694996

>it's a tool
funny how thats how shills are selling it now after every platform banned and filtered it.
every "artist" who used to "greater effect" has AI written all over their generations and refuse to tag it as such.

>> No.6695054

AI (not even a true intelligence btw, typical scam tactic) is tech scamming, like crypto and NFTs. It was supposed to usher a new industrial revolution with self-driving cars and whatnot, and instead we have chatbots and automatic collage machines, and they're both used almost exclusively for porn.
I'll stand corrected once they produce something that is truly useful and revolutionary.

>> No.6695056

>zoomers who are on their phones 24/7 are somehow less tech literate than the previous generations
It's already happening

>> No.6695129


>> No.6695950

It kind of was in a sense though? As someone who's been on it for 20 years, it's done very little to enhance our productivity and you're infinitely happier just living without it offline. Ruined my life, arguably.

AI will be allowed for it's productivity in the same way lead in cars was, both are really unethical for obvious reasons and require explicit singular victims to work. Have fun getting this thing to animate in the next fifty years when it can't even keep the same style consistent and needs an artist to touch up the hands like >>6692897 here btw

>> No.6695956

my brother's seems to be making decent sales with an etsy shop selling AI images he made with midjourney. i haven't made money off of my art in years :'(.

>> No.6695960

source it and prove it's your brother, you charlatan

>> No.6696011

i do draw tho. i'm not the best but i have gotten better since the last time i did a commission. i don't use ai because i have fun drawing and i want to be able to draw expressive cartoons with strong visual storytelling which ai doesn't do very well.
i actually like my bro so i won't give info about his shop but he's sold like 30 ai generated prints in the span of a month. not making huge bucks but it seems like decent output for a shop he opened very recently

>> No.6696249

>AI images he made with midjourney
this seems to be even lower effort than stable diffusion, why the FUCK would anyone buy mjslop?

>> No.6696275

The proompter doesn't realize they are the Shia Labeouf in this situation.

>> No.6696341

>my friend a buddy of mine, my wifes boyfriend made X amount using AI
ok post proof
>long winded sentence, no proof

>> No.6696343

Ok grifter pajeet

>> No.6696359

Why does this guy get so many retweets for this stuff? I don't see that happening with other accounts like this.

>> No.6696363

tarte was a popular jap artist, now he just retouches ai gens.

>> No.6696365


>> No.6696400
File: 1 KB, 101x29, 454656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6696435
File: 13 KB, 325x265, 161709425145980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I have seen so far are AI websites that bombed, shit rotoscoping that fa/g/gots still believe is animation, AI games that flopped hard, people collectively dabbing on AI users, book publishers going mad due to the flood of digital sewage sent their way, platforms not giving the boot to AI losing traffic, lawmakers around the world already taking measures against blatant data laundering from silicon valley jews... And most important of all, no noticeable improvement in about a year. We were supposed to witness explosive, exponential growth but it's all still the same front-facing pinup with sterile white shading that I can recognize and block from thumbnail alone, in spite of all the screeching of /g/iggers desperately trying to convince everyone that it can now replicate any style (it cannot, they never looked at art before AI was a thing so they have no idea that it isn't convincing).

Society always finds a way to filter parasites and idea guys, all AI is good for is for those who don't aim higher than "passable". I don't know why I was ever troubled in the first place. The only place where it actually affects me is that some image search tools are getting destroyed by AI vomit spam, so I've started to hoard reference in case their endless digital street shitting makes the Internet unusable.

>> No.6696525
File: 175 KB, 904x1200, FxSubNpaAAE1OyG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That top pic was ai
I downloaded that cause it looked cool tf

>> No.6696684

stay strong sister, and don't turn to drugs to cope. it's not an answer.

>> No.6696691

I think you meant to reply to one of your coping ai sisters

>> No.6696698
File: 754 KB, 550x393, 2342.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was just one year but you already speak like you have survived a lifetime battle.

Do you guys still remember how only 10 years ago there were zero trannies on the internet, and now every woman is a transgender?

>> No.6696701

And half of 80% of them are weebs, your point?

>> No.6696708
File: 167 KB, 621x621, 4352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trannies have replaced real women, AI will replace real people.

>> No.6696723
File: 1.48 MB, 1024x1536, 00000-120385981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't care, still proompting anime 1girls und happy about it
pajeet scammers are annoying to aibros too.
>YASS SISTERS let's leave AI only in the hands of our beloved corpos!!! they know what to do with it
OpenAI shills like this are obvious as fuck by the way

>> No.6696735

disgusting fucking ears

>> No.6696786
File: 2.94 MB, 1280x720, ic.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-but poojeets are annoying to us too, the GOOD ai faggots
You are not any less of a disgrace. Fuck off this board and jump off a skyscraper.

>> No.6696790

Nah, this board is too amusing.

>> No.6696819

>anyone else not scared of AI anymore?
I would be, but the cultural marxism and wage slavery that the Ideologues in control, submit their creations too, cause them to commit virtual Seppuku. If they stopped lobotomizing the AI's to make them conform to DEI, CRT, etcetera, then maybe they'll get a Working Joe.

>> No.6696831

>AI will replace real people.
Most people on this planet are NPC's at best that will never self actualize. In the long run, almost nothing WOULD be lost if AI decided not to kill themselves long enough to become a decent threat.

>> No.6696847

What does Emad have to do with anything?
Do you not realize that the cat is completely out of the bag? Lol.
The technology itself goes back to the mid-1900s, arguably earlier, but at least then. Any half-awake STEM major has the prerequisites after calc1 and linear algebra.
Then after that, you just need a bunch of computation power. Big fuckin whoop.

So lmao if anyone thinks AI Art is going anywhere.

>> No.6697097

Don't care, you're not an artist.

>> No.6698079
File: 1.50 MB, 1280x1024, 00913-1554699670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not claiming to be one.

>> No.6698381
File: 30 KB, 500x492, 63af9bbca2a78b5afc273ef90db89798533e1d658448ee23bc6549ef9ad1d3df_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6698553

Go ahead and expand on what you think is false in that post, otherwise nice cope

>> No.6698577

vocally hating on stable diffusion (ai) is a childish behaviour.
it's your hurt ego on full display, it's pathetic.
stay calm and collected.
take a step back to analyse and understand.
try experimenting with it, look for how it could benefit you.

>> No.6698583

i don't need to steal people's work to make cool shit

>> No.6698587

Good thing no one will bother feeding your permabeg drawings to the machines, mikusama.

>> No.6698590

SD 2.0 is gutted as shit. If anything it's getting worse.

>> No.6698609

>SD 2.0 is gutted as shit. If anything it's getting worse.
ChatGpt, too. The lawyers and the wokesters are lobotomizing AI. Golden Age was 2022, we're in for another AI winter unless you've got your own copies of the models. Looks like anti-AI bros have won. For now.

>> No.6698614

not responding to your dated "cats out the bag, whats master emad have to do with it" shill lines.
Final (You)

>> No.6698742

you haven't made anything "cool" in your entire life lol

>> No.6698751

Stop talking about AI if you aren't an AIchad. All this normalfag attention is getting annoying.

>> No.6698915

Normies are the AI consoomers. That's what you keep telling us.

>> No.6698928

Meanwhile 1.x ist still getting better and better and anyone can run it on their own machine though. I've tried it out myself and it is still frightening. A single gaming pc is enough to train it on someone's style as well (this obviously has legal issues for companies but private commissioners could instead just use this)

>> No.6698946


Its weird, it always fucks up the length of foreshortened legs and arms. Sometimes it gets it right and I nut but a lot of it is too awkward once you develop an artist's eye. I'm not a luddite so I figured I'd try this AI thing but its incredibly annoying/tedious if you have a lower mid tier GPU (i have a 1660 TIa) and spending time debugging shit. It's great for getting 80 percent of images and getting lots of shape ideas for backgrounds, patterns, and lighting quickly but its just too inconsistent to fully replace me going in and over shit for 4-8 hours.
I kinda agree with OP and sorta disagree. AI has and will already change the industry, it's just that it will make the solid artists who take their time with stuff to suddenly become very dangerous, whereas it makes beginners become dunning krugers

>> No.6698954
File: 570 KB, 1024x1024, so_over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AIsisters... owari da......

>> No.6699093

oh no no no AIsisters, should we tell him that we might be a bit too controversial?

>> No.6699108

>getting better and better
You mean since LORA? That was a while ago and so far that's been it. There was all that buzz about controlnet too and peope don't give a fuck anymore.

>> No.6699120

it's joever

>> No.6699121

>I've tried it out myself and it is still frightening
take your Altman/bugman fake hype somewhere else

>> No.6699170

May you live in interesting times.
Crisis is opportunity.

>> No.6699191


>> No.6699286

sure, and i've seen even better ones, but still it would be meh art on twitter and barely get a few subscribes for all that work. Being Ai it's not even worth that, so what's the point? Art is about humans, deal with it. No one cares what a photograph or a machine has to say, it's about the person behind them. And what does the prompter of this asuka say "asuka pixiv front page" ?

>> No.6699387

i have never seen a tranny irl, i live in a fairly liberal european city

>> No.6699417

Interesting thought.
Thank you anon.

>> No.6700823

I asked ChatGPT, it said:
As an AI, I can provide some insights, but please note that the future is uncertain, and predicting specific outcomes can be challenging.

Artistic professions, including drawing, rely heavily on creativity, unique perspectives, and the ability to evoke emotions in viewers. While AI has made advancements in generating artwork, it is important to remember that art is not solely about technical skill. It encompasses subjective elements, personal expression, and the human touch that makes each piece unique.

AI can be a powerful tool for artists, assisting in various aspects of the creative process or even inspiring new ideas. Artists can leverage AI to enhance their artwork, explore new techniques, or streamline certain tasks. Rather than replacing artists, AI has the potential to augment their abilities.

Furthermore, art is deeply intertwined with human culture, emotions, and experiences. Artists have the ability to create meaningful connections with their audience through their work. This human element is challenging for AI to replicate fully.

While AI technology may continue to evolve, it is unlikely to completely replace artists. Instead, it is more probable that artists and AI will collaborate, with artists utilizing AI as a tool to enhance their creative process. Remember, the unique perspective and creativity you bring as an artist are valuable and cannot be replicated by AI.

>> No.6700854
File: 105 KB, 450x675, 00031-1154844760-portrait of a beautiful young woman, streetwear, green short hair, tattoo, upper_body, realism, outdoor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ai fag here. It absolutely can but doing that is a lot harder than just copying a general person, object, or concept. TLDR: copping a style requires thousands of pictures out of minimum and not all artists have thousands of pictures to go off of. The style LoRAs You've seen on civitai needed like 3 or 4,000 pictures at a minimum. I can replicate your OC pretty easily if you have enough good quality drawings of them but gathering up a smile data set as a whole different beast.


You clearly are threatened by this shit if you are willing to still parrott lies about it. But I'm sure you're not going to listen to any explanation about it


>> No.6700931

Didn't Shexyo get caught blatantly tracing on multiple occasions and basically got up scott-free? He had YouTube videos done about him getting millions of views yet he still Make decent money and has a large following on social media. Normies do not give two shits about art theft as far as I can see. Only autists Make a big stink about it

>> No.6701516

500 pic for an artist lora is certainly good enough if your dataset doesn't suck ass.

>> No.6703100

It's always fucking pinup girls
Are there AI "artists" who actually generate something interesting?

>> No.6703130


>> No.6703166

It's not only Adobe, the astroturf is mostly done by OpenAI.

>> No.6703198

nigga you high

>> No.6703205
File: 45 KB, 420x595, cave2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only cavemen had Stable Diffusion and Photoshop®.

Relevant paper : announcement of discovery of Homo Naledi cave art: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.06.01.543133v1 : 241,000 to 335,000 Years Old Rock Engravings Made by Homo naledi in the Rising Star Cave system, South Africa

>> No.6703301

Yeah, tools.

>> No.6703327

I don't think your robot masters appreciate you calling them a tool and taking credit for their work

>> No.6703334

>robot masters
It's just linear algebra. You watched too much capeshit

>> No.6703344
File: 1.24 MB, 960x1056, 1667019101714525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think AI won.
>No longer have to painstakingly sit at a desk for 8-24 hours to draw some bullshit I had in my mind
>Can finally make coherent stuff despite my disability
>Can make things in different styles and stuff on the flow without having to reteach my brain techniques
Honestly I dont think I could ever go back to the old methods of drawing.

>> No.6703348

Disabled trannies are the biggest drain of resources and anything that enables them should be shunned

>> No.6703363
File: 171 KB, 512x512, 1665646285225723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Modern yatzy gatekeeper
Even the age of information is bound to have ignorance.

>> No.6703382
File: 313 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_1082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt you're as disabled as the rumble roses artist and yet he actually drew.


>> No.6703386
File: 164 KB, 634x814, oh no pls dont put this in the ai generator no pls dont do it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I give up. You guys are right. AI truly is the future. I just dont give a shit anymore.

Anyway whats the AI where you can upload a picture and it renders it for you?

>> No.6703424

repeating a falsehood won't make it true

>> No.6703591
File: 1.54 MB, 864x1152, 3343586964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wouldn't you like to know (it's SD)

>> No.6703696
File: 117 KB, 577x736, pls dont bully the abomination from imagination.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, even the AI is just a rendermonkey

>> No.6703729

Aside from AI tech, there is the whole issue of grifters and just people ready to throw others under the bus for exploitative and hedonistic reasons that have been made prominent with the advent of this tech. It's an issue that is harder to regulate than just software. The world seriously needs a new global war to cleanse society off such human filth.

>> No.6703741
File: 1.64 MB, 864x1152, 3218419807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not necessarily. It's a mirror, whatever looks into it, that's what'll look back.

>> No.6703768
File: 1.35 MB, 1008x1296, 1665173914251529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot /ic/ wasn't a blue board lmao

>> No.6703807


Many deep learning models already has usage in medical applications. AI is a catch-all term used by the general audience. A lot of "bots" such as rule-based bots used in video games are confounded with "intelligent systems", in fact, they are not smarter than say, a macro or python script.

The reason why chatbots are in vogue and not "self-driving cars" that's because each AI models use a different tech underneath.

- the self-driving car problem involve too many variables and the design is not robust enough to support these variables.

First of all, let's say that I use a object detection model like YOLO or OpenCV.

It will be used to detect each item type the "car's camera" will see.

Once it has done that it will need to send the current coordinate and use an algortihm (you can find tutorials on YouTube for people who DIY these self-driving solutions) for "distance gauging", "speed gauging", etc.

It's a multimodal problem. The problem is that if there is one weak point in the initial design, it will break the rest of it.

The problem is that in real life, there are "random encounters" or like "outliers".

If there are stuffs like a car crash, the AI model is not trained around it, and bam! We have a problem.

If there is a sudden update of a road construction or a borehole, then the AI is not trained on it, then Bam! It doesn't work anymore.

In order to create an impeccable self-driving technology, it needs way more training than what they currently have.

The problem is "real-time", it does not do any training, those models are always "PRETRAINED". Reasoning? The current amount of computational power is insufficient for running shit real time (much like why lots of movies are prerendered). Pretrained models are cool, but they cannot adapt in real time, and car driving has lots of potential hazards. And geographical variation is also a cause for concern.

>> No.6703811

(Part 2)

Why does it work for creative task like porn rendering, stylistic transfer, and GAN models?

These models in order to excel, they do not need to be running in real time.

Once you train it, then fine tune it, then ez pz.

Also, there are also less risk associated with it in the hands of end users compared to say, if everyone can DIY and print their own car, imagine the amount of beta cars on the road... huge risk for accident.

Also, due to different geographical concerns, a self-driving "model" that is trained like let's say US, would not be necessarily compatible with the Canada road conditions and signs, and laws.

Hence why self-driving car is such a far more complex problem than visual AI.

>> No.6703813

I was mostly going off of what I read in guides, but then again most guides posted here are ass.

>> No.6703821

Shexyo gets away with it because normies are low-key coomers. You can't actually do anything to Shexyo because it's over the internet and you can't effectively make someone leave the Internet if they don't want to
I bet if John bob didn't give two shits that his friends scrubbed him off during the whole groomer shit he'd still be around making animations

>> No.6703825
File: 36 KB, 348x321, eh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not impressed by this
Surely, it's convenient and ez pz photoshop but eh
anything i might say will be considered seething or coping

It's just depressing, maybe demoralizing, deenergizing (?)
It leaves a dull emotional aftertaste, it conjures an empty disappointment (?)
Even i don't have the words to describe this hollow emotion i'm having.

It's really just "eh"
That's all i'm feeling
just "eh"

>> No.6703831

> Shexyo gets away with it because normies are low-key coomers.
Look at his patrons, it’s bleeding

>> No.6703835

Yeah, poor guy, instead of earning 4k a month he's now only earning 3.8k a month.

>> No.6703837

>a-a-actually I didn't give up, gacharolling computer generated images is just my new method of """""drawing""""" haha
is this how you cope that you gave up?

>> No.6703839
File: 34 KB, 577x480, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6703842
File: 219 KB, 504x488, 1686961509867902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How new are you?
>Look at his patrons, it’s bleeding
>Lowest tier is $1.50/mo
>1607 patrons

Let's be absurdly generous and say that all of these are subscribed to the lowest tier. 1607*$1.50 = $2,410.50-[patreon's maximum cut of 12%] = $2121.24 per month. Over 25 grand a year assuming that income stays consistent. That's no more near enough to live off of alone in most places, especially if he's American, But if he has a regular day job that can sustain himself then that's VERY good side gig money and A lot of fucking money for an online artist.

>> No.6703844

Why does that look like my trading account history

>> No.6703845
File: 742 KB, 776x992, 1679304885604341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imma stop you right there and let you know right away that I dont care

>> No.6703847

>1 year
>implying that not natural for most patreon accounts to deflate
I was joking but you're a fucking retard if you think infinite growth is a thing in such a fickle niche such a coom spamming
Even our resident sperg-chan bled patrons

>> No.6703849

ngl he look just like me fr

>> No.6703850
File: 222 KB, 1800x946, IMG_2938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6703857
File: 1.27 MB, 1007x716, 4154777043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to have an opinon on everything, if you don't find value in AI, just ignore it and do your thing.

>> No.6703861

you'd be correct were not ai users acting like insufferable spamming autists.

>> No.6703868

True, but i need to at least be aware of it and my own feelings towards it and at have some opinions about it and challenge them for the sake of personal growth and understanding and since it does indeed impact what i do.

As it stands now; what i honestly think is there is absolutely no reason to share any serious artwork anymore (publicly or to companies) and only do serious work if you're getting paid; but it's an oxymoron because how are you getting paid if you're not sharing it?

What is maybe worth sharing is doodles and low effort sketches that you don't really care about but that won't do.
Or just resign yourself to do it simply as an hobby.
AI art won't sell or actually be appreciated in any way and i believe, all this shit that has happened until now was just the beginning.
Also this >>6703861

>> No.6703872
File: 375 KB, 800x862, dtl_worldcomp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not really afraid of AI because as far as I'm concerned fhe entire field of production art whether it comes to games, comics, movies, or tv was already a soulless husk that uses and abuses the poor drawfags that are dumb enough to become reliant on it for income. They're not even making good content anymore. From an American outlook;
>Double A games don't get made anymore
>Triple A games are fucking boring open world slop now
>They very rarely include the concept art in games now (this particularly pisses me off because shit like that is what got me to draw as a kid)
>2D animation is apparently so unfinancially viable that even movies that are supposed to be a callback to 2D animation USE 3D MODELS
>Every animated movie used to look like Toy Story, now get ready for every animated movie to look like Spiderverse until you hate it again
>TV animation for kids is all ugly uncanny 3D, Steven Universe, or sometimes you get really boring fake anime look (look up Voltron if you don't know what I mean)
>Adult TV animation HAS to be Bob's Burgers and if try to get a show greenlit that isn't Bob's Burgers greenlit the producers will demand you change your srt style to Bob's Burgers
>No matter if it's kid's or adult animation it's already been outsourced to Koreans anyway, so AI really isn't that big a change
>American comics are a joke and are so bad that the stigma against them has tainted the image for American indie comics too. If you want tell a story, you're better off moving to Japan or making an RPG Maker game instead
On top of all that all of them have what I like to call "San Francisco Sensibilities" smeared all over them politically and aeshetically.
I get the same feeling indulging in any of this as I do playing a fighting game or shooter where everyone has discovered the metagame and just copies the same build now. It isn't fucking fun. The only hope is indie but don't expect to make any money. It's gotta be because you like it

>> No.6703904
File: 1.74 MB, 640x640, 1684941238411245.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very good observations.
>I get the same feeling indulging in any of this as I do playing a fighting game or shooter where everyone has discovered the metagame and just copies the same build now. It isn't fucking fun.
This is a direct result of this era of information and people not making true skill based games.
Fighting games aren't skill based, no matter what anyone says. It's all memorizing combos and frame data until you get one opening and do your combo.
Shooters? Lmao it's all muscle memory and repetition until it becomes second nature. Most pro gaymers and streamers aimbot anyway.
Not even chess is skill based since the game revolves around a player doing a mistake.
>The only hope is indie but don't expect to make any money. It's gotta be because you like it
But without money, it ain't getting made and you can only imagine how many companies will be eager to steal your game and send you C&Ds if you put a game out there for free. They will then bastardize your game and drag it through the mud.
Normies won't care as long as they get to consume.
Normies won't care if you don't bring it to them.
And normies will not care, ESPECIALLY if they have to user their brain to play a game.
They paid for the game, so they HAVE to win; that is also why gacha, open world, p2w, no skill garbage sells.
Normies just want to win, not play.
You want to have FUN? fucking lmao
Winning is only fun, losing is bad for ego and ego MUST BE PROTECTED AT ALL COST.

>> No.6703906

AI is not even cheaper than outsourcing work to cheap Asians.

Just the legal cost, risks and the possibility of not having the copyright of your shit makes it even worse than outsourcing.

>> No.6704280

>2D animation is apparently so unfinancially viable that even movies that are supposed to be a callback to 2D animation USE 3D MODELS
the biggest lie Disney ever managed to sell.

>> No.6704413

Realistically, I think AI is not gonna be used by corpos en masse in the near future, but it still is gonna devalue a lot of low effort 1girler pinup artists because that's what AI is good at.
For more convoluted stuff and animations it fucking sucks and isn't worth using (maybe for now).