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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 35 KB, 481x481, vbnuao00qv501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6667944 No.6667944 [Reply] [Original]

is he the Frank Frazetta of our generation?

>> No.6667957

Many people think he's just a regular man, but he's not just any man, he's Skeleton Man.

>> No.6667960


>> No.6667964


>> No.6667965
File: 72 KB, 650x322, Zap-4-10JO-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's closer to Crumb & the underground guys in that he breaks taboos in his comics, but those guys had substance and, uh, talent.

>> No.6667967

>i's he the-'
Go and stay leave

>> No.6667972

the only similarities between frazetta and shad its that both are into blacked shit

>> No.6667990

>comparing Frazetta to this shitter

>> No.6668094

When is he getting released again?

Cause boy, there are plenty of controversies that he can jump on upon release
His fanbase have already elevated him to the status of a martyrd saint

>> No.6668106

Considering I know people at work who could recognize shadman from this picture but not any artist aside from LDV I'm gonna go ahead and say he's above the rest in terms of cultural relevance to the average person.

I'm pretty sure there's as many frazetta clones as there is shadman clones though

>> No.6668117

love him or hate him for being a pedonigger, AI shit could never have the impact this guy had. that's what being an artist is about.

>> No.6668176 [DELETED] 
File: 333 KB, 596x429, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll just leave this here

>> No.6668177
File: 151 KB, 590x521, kek2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just passing through

>> No.6668182

People who say Shad is the worst of the worst are fucking sheltered. Come back when you look at Blargsnarf's art.

>> No.6668210

>just degenerate cartoon porn
oh wow i am literally shaking. Meanwhile Shad got a cease and decist because he drew scat porn of a real life child, four times.

>> No.6668226

Shad is dangerously based and literally the only porn artist with a spine since at least patreon

>> No.6668239


>> No.6668241
File: 56 KB, 500x500, copium artworks-N1IlQJkNcYFEHN69-4wisCA-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time I checked Frank Frazetta wasn't arrested for physically assaulting a person.

>> No.6668244

I still wish he was though

>> No.6668250

>drawings are real
also, I don’t care

>> No.6668251

So even better than Frazetta but not quite Caravaggio tier based?

>> No.6668255

he drew porn of real life kids, multiple times

>> No.6668258

if you draw a real person getting killed, are you a murderer?
I still don’t care btw

>> No.6668262

ok pedophile

>> No.6668263

still nothing

>> No.6668265

>still responding
lmao, seething pedophile

>> No.6668267

It can be qualified as harassment for sure.

>> No.6668270

even Japan has laws against porn being drawn of irl children

>> No.6668271

>troon lacks self awareness
many such cases

>> No.6668272

>Frank Frazetta of our generation
no but who is? what qualifies them? book covers/influence? I don't think anyone can qualify anymore. too many fish in the pond.

>> No.6668276

>even japan
japan doesn’t let you draw genitals, I’m not sure what point you believe to be making

>> No.6668277

troons are the biggest pedophiles, shad himself was into sissy porn shit. So you are projecting.

>> No.6668282

traps aren’t gay, newfag

>> No.6668286

they allow loli, but they draw the line at irl depictions of children. Should be obvious why.
they are, pedophile. Imagine being both a pedophile and gay.

>> No.6668290

confirmed newfag

>> No.6668342

He's never coming back dude. He had a good easy life raking in cash even after drawing the Logan actress and Lt Corbis...he STILL threw it all away. Actual retard energy

>> No.6668345

he didn’t throw anything away, he fucking lost it
as in mentally, he went full schizo
he didn’t wake up one day and go hmmmm today I will go insane

>> No.6668346

the real funny thing is he went crazy trying to get good at art
all his “career” he outright stated he can’t draw and doesn’t practice, even made fun of people who sit there and grind drawing
then he stopped uploading, saying he was working on a project he was really excited to show, he started taking art seriously, started really planning out his drawings, doing studies for individual elements like the old masters and he fucking snapped

>> No.6668538

are you unironically retarded?

>> No.6668540

>Imagine being both a pedophile and gay.
Imagine relating the two. Next thing you'll say you believe in God kek.

>> No.6668549

No, I am too intelligent to believe in religion, that’s how I can deduce the two being symptoms of the same mental illness.
That’s probably why religion exists in the first place, a hyper intelligent person such as myself realized the above and created religion so all the dumb people would know as well.

>> No.6668575
File: 2.94 MB, 640x640, shad.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought he was austrian and isnt he free again?

>> No.6668622

That may be but your attraction to the underage is real

>> No.6668655

I don't believe you. He seemed to be at least competent way before he went schizo unless you mean he traced. Some proof would be great.
On other hand I want to believe because I get extremely anxious if I start caring about quality.

>> No.6668658 [DELETED] 

Yes, but that is not a compliment.

>> No.6668781
File: 1.07 MB, 1179x1173, shad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

proof for what? I distinct remember him mocking people practicing art in the stream where he did the ds3 pic with the gender swapped cover dude
he’d also go on long rants telling people not to copy him because he can’t draw and people shouldn’t try to learn from him every time he’d get the how did you learn etc line
him going on hiatus and practicing is on his twitter
I mean he doesn’t say hello I went insane because I started taking art seriously, that’s me connecting the dots

>> No.6668782
File: 929 KB, 1203x918, shad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6668784
File: 192 KB, 1161x420, shad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6668796
File: 925 KB, 1150x878, shad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6668802
File: 954 KB, 1100x1487, EQOwkzRUYAARAIx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna post some of his final non-schizo art he posted, there’s a bunch of shit regarding the former topic in the replies tab on twitter if you care

>> No.6668805
File: 667 KB, 1400x990, ERMD8zgUwAAKqFp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6668807
File: 588 KB, 1500x1061, ERLDmTLU0AAVUEf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6668809
File: 838 KB, 1600x1131, ET7foDMUwAA3_OY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6668810
File: 658 KB, 1600x1727, ET7EComUcAEgqL0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6668819
File: 1.78 MB, 1400x1980, EacouX9U4AA1yOe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6668820
File: 1.34 MB, 2894x4093, EacLseAUwAAYSBO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6668829

>Trust fund failson
>memed into popularity due to how bad he was (Oney, Zach and Corey found him from his newgrounds art portal where he was known as that shitty guro artist who drew butchered up lolis)
>they discover he's born rich, he discovers they're popular enough to carry him, so he gets invited to live with them in the US
>gets the edgy popular flash animators to signal boost him
>steals Dimitrys's heckin epic artist soldier persona
>improves marginally, hires third worlders to draw his backgrounds
>Gloats about how he loves to be edgy but then starts groveling on stream when called out by someone for drawing IRL children
>stops drawing entirely
>still wants to be an e-celeb so starts paying athletic white cosplayers to dress like him, starts posting their pictures as his
>unsuccessfully simps for e-whores on twitter thinking that his brand popularity isn't tainted by being a sick pedophile

Everyone knows about the drugs and arrest shit but some further reminders as to why he shouldn't be respected/remembered fondly. Everything about him is completely phony and came due to elevated trolling from what are now just let's player sellouts.

>> No.6668842


About as good as those graphic tees you find at flyover state gas stations

>> No.6668845

It is way more questionable making pornography of an actual, real child than pornography of a fucking cartoon character, you absolute mongoloid.

>> No.6668851


>> No.6668853

is that actually him? I am not a fan of shademan but footwork of whoever dancing in this is mesmerizing to me, maybe its the lanky legs, but I like it alot. I want to use this as a reference for animation or something.

>> No.6668858

What is it with mutts and denigrating muh flyover states? Are graphic tees at gas stations in other states better? What the fuck does that even mean?

>> No.6668872

If you don't get it then you don't get it, stop sperging

>> No.6668877

No. Frazetta was an incredibly talented artist, whereas this guy is a degenerate pedo social media attention whore.

>> No.6668887

Oh I get it, I’m calling you a faggot, the questions were rhetorical, you would’ve picked that up in school if you weren’t a nigger.

>> No.6668924

Sorry I indirectly flung shit at whatever not-mattering nowhere you live in

>> No.6668935

Imagine being so brown you think saying you throw shit like a monkey is a sick burn lmao

>> No.6668948
File: 124 KB, 900x1113, b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol frazetta was a huge media whore
he straight up lied about his process to make himself look effortlessly gifted and went so far as to pretend he doesn’t know what animals looked like only to draw them perfectly on the spot without reference, pretending it was the first time doing it

>> No.6668949
File: 87 KB, 900x703, b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6668950
File: 101 KB, 900x1320, b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6668965
File: 51 KB, 436x536, 1617331748348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being any where near the level of a legend like Frazetta. The brain rot of this board is really something.

>> No.6668977

>hmmm you know what would make this woman even more beautiful?
>a DICK!

Fuck off, faggot.

>> No.6668990

Why do you futafucks will pull the most retarded mental gymnastics in existence? At least other fuckers will admit they are bi or some shit, faggot.

>> No.6668998

>nooooooo heckin frazetta was a master and not a degenerate!
>t. bbc enthusiasts

>> No.6669001

I was expecting way worse when i looked up Blargsnarf's art.

Meanwhile Shad's dumb ass was out there drawing porn of real life kids

>> No.6669056


Shad was dogshit as far as technical ability and did career-damning bullshit without thinking twice because he was always handed everything and praised by memeing idiots who eat up anything Oney shills

>> No.6669070

there was no career damning bullshit lmao his traffic was the highest it ever was in 2020

>> No.6669077


>even his early drawings look pretty decent save for the subject matter
>"but he can't draw tho"
I get violent urges when someone says this while the artwork is good.
Yes, I wanted some pics of him being committed to some project and slowly descending into madness. It's not like I can into Twitter in first place.

>> No.6669078

So he was even more based, and a badass beyond our wildest dreams then?

>> No.6669081

Nigger, I didn’t say he couldn’t draw, I said he said he couldn’t draw. He didn’t consider himself a good artist, it was just something he’d do.

>> No.6669088

It still would trigger violent urges. Shit on the "it's just a sketch" when talking about fully rendered piece.

>> No.6669091

You faggots think I don’t know about this stuff already? It’s hilarious, and he still mogs the shit out of your FOTM pedo e-whore.

>> No.6669093
File: 480 KB, 1280x912, 1613502028068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6669097


>> No.6669118


>> No.6669126
File: 357 KB, 585x911, a_simpshad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really believe his numbers since he lived in skid row and constantly paid people to shill his shit. He's dishonest/frauding about everything and he sucks, why is this still being discussed?

Also here's your hero embarrassing himself in some of his last words online. Stop comparing him to legends. Frazetta wouldn't have done this faggy shit

>> No.6669155

It’s not his numbers, retard

>> No.6669163

Its no different than the beast men lusting after the busty babes in most of his artwork.

>> No.6669166

Bruh, Frazetta fantasised about niggers with foot long dicks fucking his wife, remember his secret reference hoard being entirely home made.

>> No.6669168

Shad go home, you're too irrelevant for anyone to actually still care.

>> No.6669170

not irrelevant enough to not make you massively butthurt
you’re still the retard who thinks he bribed every traffic tracker into showing fake numbers lmao

>> No.6669189

Just draw dude, you're pathetically lazy. You're not going to fuck Belle Delphine, you're not gonna be chums with the Youtubers, Chris and Zach disavowed you because knowing you is a career liability. So go ahead and blow us away with porn traffic numbers from three years ago on a defunct site that's already made irrelevant because your shitty anatomy toon pinups are readily beaten by AI output

>> No.6669197
File: 26 KB, 1080x223, 1544580618063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re a massive newfag.
>commissions started from $400
>stopped doing it because he was earning more from his site
>murrlogic, the guy who spent 7 figures on commissions, gives him a blank check to draw for him
>tells him to fuck off, murrlogic still seething years later
>patreon tells him to stop drawing rape and loli
>at a time when literally everyone bends the knee and drops everything against patreon tos, he deletes the account because his site earned him more
>hurrrrrrr I don’t believe it

>> No.6669205

man, I remember getting commissioned by him was better than working for applibot back in the day

>> No.6669210


And now you're a bail-hopping tweaker that has to stay off the grid or go to jail for stabbing hobos with railroad spikes because all that money you made got shot directly into your wiry brown arms.

>> No.6669212

imagine being literally mindbroken by a porn artist from 5 years ago

>> No.6669214

>remember his secret reference hoard being entirely home made
??? AND?? What the fuck that's supposed to mean or prove? He used himself and her wife as reference because they were great model reference themselves. Same as Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell did the same.

>> No.6669217

Did they use them to draw BBC porn? No? Then I don’t see how that’s relevant.

>> No.6669219

>/ic/ - Interracial Cartoons
we get it, you love seeing nigger cock

>> No.6669224

Funny coming from a shit skin that sucks jap cock.

>> No.6669228

I’m sorry, are you coming on to me?
I’m am not gonna fuck your wife, dude

>> No.6669232

Not surprised you’re an esl as well.

>> No.6669254

>loves nigger cock
>I’m supposed to believe shitskin wasn’t a compliment

>> No.6669258

you have worms in your brain

>> No.6669699

lmao of course not, that's guerrero jah, spanish dancer, and yes he's fantastically skilled

>> No.6669705

>oh wow i am literally shaking. Meanwhile Shad got a cease and decist because he drew scat porn of a real life child, four times.
I thought it was cause he drew porn of roblox?

>> No.6669707

>if you draw a real person getting killed, are you a murderer?
No, but it's probably creepy.

>> No.6669719


>> No.6669859

I don’t even remember him drawing porn of a kid, he drew some autistic comics but nothing with genitals or dicks or anything

>> No.6669924

Damn this guy made discord trannies seethe.

>> No.6670179

that's based as fuck though, he was also good looking and had an equally good looking wife. Shad is a pedophile crack addict that looks like a sex offender. His art would be forgotten in an instant without the shock value. I am glad he fucked all his opportunities of ever comming back thanks to being an attention whore pedonigger. Good ridance.

>> No.6670190

ummm based

>> No.6670193

sorry for linking this cunt's video but it the one with the most information. Shad was a pedo, no denying that. If he, instead of being an attention whore, canalized his pedo tendencies into making good art he could have been the Dorontabi of the west.

>> No.6670444


>> No.6670455

no frazetta was a cuck not a pedophile

>> No.6670809

impact? nigga he just drew edgy lolis and happened to know and grow with OG newground artists. like pewdiepie, right place and right time

>> No.6670810

>im literally shaking, how could he draw a cartoon of a real person think of the children

faggots like you are sheep and shouldn't have internet access

>> No.6670819

That is literally every impactful figure ever, nobody gets big without luck and knowing people.

>> No.6670825

Based and freedompilled beyond human belief.

>> No.6670827

He was a psy-op, a balloon test program to blur and study the limits of mass control and behaviour. He's not the only one. Just a tiny part of the whole thing.

>> No.6670829

The fiction Chad wins again.
Realityfoids can't stop losing

>> No.6670830

kys pedophile, your faggot edgy cocksucker idol is a vile pederast and ruined his life forever because he couldnt keep it in his pants while thinking of irl children. Now he's going to at best become some cashier wagey cagey and at worst die of an overdose like the crackhead he is

>> No.6670839

seethe more

>> No.6670840

Here we see Le American Cuck in full display. Many such cases

>> No.6670881

What causes the American fascination with BBC? Is it genetic or environmental? Is it all the fluoride?

>> No.6670951

Murder isn't something you can feel, murder is something you have to actually DO. Unlike pedophilia, which includes attraction and isn't just child-touching.

Retarded example

>> No.6670959

you don't go to jail for being a pedophile though, just for acting on your urges

>> No.6670963

Pedophilia isn’t attraction to children, it’s a diagnosis, not all child abusers are pedophiles.
At least have some cursory understanding of the subject before attempting to draw comparisons.

>> No.6670973

why does shad wear the mask?

>> No.6670976

artist persona
the guy had his real name on the site, which was also his school project site, which is why he got expelled for hosting loli guro on it, it’s not like he gave a shit about anonymity

>> No.6670985

You're full on cope, Shad. Again.

>> No.6670990

i am not the one defending a crackhead pedophile lol

>> No.6670995

Learn english

>> No.6671052

Im gooning to this rn

>> No.6671064

You're full on cope, Shad. Again. As usual.

>> No.6671103

>You're full on cope
I don’t speak whatever jigaboo creole this is.

>> No.6671122

Does anyone know where the fuck he even is nowadays?
Is he still in jail or did he finally OD on heroin?
If he's truly gone then I hope he stays dead. Good riddance.
Not only was his art absolute dogshit riddled with garbage fetishes and stiff poses, but he was also a skinny little faggot with a cringey and tryhard *le nazi edgelord* persona while being in his 30s LMAO.
To make it even worse, he was fucking swiss.
I will forever laugh at Shad's life and art career.

>> No.6671143

he's the SHADMAN

>> No.6671148

>if you draw a real person getting killed, are you a murderer?
nah, that would show that you like seeing dead people
but if you draw images of naked underaged kids that are inspired by real kids youre attracted to....what does makes you?

>> No.6671208

so every seinen mangaka just loves seeing dead people?

>> No.6671819

He's better than Frazetta and he doesn't care about improving

Now post your viking rising his sword or whatever

>> No.6671826

"Justing" successful people only works if you are successful in your field.

When you are a nobody it's just pathetic, EVEN if luck played a huge role in the career of the person you are justing. It makes you seem like a huge whiny useless idiot. "Just" saying since you might go on and utter shit like this in real life and actually get bullied for being a dumbass sour grapes faggot.

>> No.6671829

skibi biri bibibi bip bap bop

>> No.6671834

been 2 days and trannies still can't come up with a viable counterargument
how does he do it?

>> No.6671838

As a loli artist i can say that you're utterly deranged if you think it's okay to draw real children.

>> No.6674336

logical fallacy btfo retard

>> No.6674380

>Have you seen your "resume"? you've drawn worse
$400 dollars or not I would also tell him to fuck off, and I have definitely drawed worse than shad
What's with that Tulsa King bullshit "you work for me do whatever I say and don't complain"

>> No.6674412
File: 965 KB, 841x841, I guess you can judge a book by its cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he the Frank Frazetta of our generation?

>not fit
>no smokin hot wife
>doesn't go outside
>not white
>sex pest
>degeneracy over beauty
>arrested for being a retard
>heroin addict
>not even good at art

>hurr durr he is da frank frazetta of all time bro

he is anti-Frazetta, in every single way. IQ lowering thread

>> No.6674426

Frazzetta wasn't white though... he was italian descent

>> No.6674697


>> No.6674707

Why? What?

>> No.6674926

I miss the old 4chan.
Then again I think that this new moral panic is ripe for exploitation for the new wave of underground artists.

>> No.6674928

Who and how could benefit of this "moaral panic" you talk about?

>> No.6674930
File: 51 KB, 567x790, cheer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire thread of people being offended by drawings...

>> No.6674947

Would you not also be "offended" when someone presents you dogshit on a plate?

>> No.6674967

>served in army
>larp photoshoot in his backyard

>> No.6674973
File: 167 KB, 886x841, fixed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6674974

kek, I just noticed the text bubble
>ahm gonna explode!

>> No.6674975

By that logic (Italians being blacks because of their descendants) we are all black, you fucking moron.

Italians are considered caucasians, dumbass.

>> No.6674978
File: 207 KB, 1457x229, shitalians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6674993

Trully a Titan of the industry and one of the best artists we have today

>> No.6674997

Oh no, you are retarded.

>> No.6675000
File: 337 KB, 614x918, CKZFzeUWoAAKClc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay brown

>> No.6675002

French are in the middle ground, you don't even know what those are anymore.

Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal, those are LATIN ethnicities, related to arab/semitic mediterranean cultures. Italians are the more brown of the bunch. They think they are "white" LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are all moors. Turkey is the nation that better represent those southern latin/arab/african cultures/countries.

>> No.6675005
File: 160 KB, 900x888, 1684853791913193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not so fast, negro

>> No.6675015

meh, B.Franklin was a degenerate pedo mason satanist anyways, he was half right though.

>> No.6675024
File: 440 KB, 742x516, D42A49E2-A5BE-4D98-BA95-04E6F561783A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6675025

Kek, white husbands felt very insecure and borderline cucked when their wives pined for dark Valentino.

>> No.6675029

Angloids do the strangest mental gymnastics to feel special.

>> No.6675043

>another thinly veiled pol thread

>> No.6675076

>muh dick

>> No.6675080

>Italians are considered caucasians
read a book. look at an atlas.

>> No.6675391

I'm slavic and I couldn't care less if I was black or brown or purple.

I keep forgetting I'm on a board full of alt right conspiracy theorists kek. Let me guess, the earth is flat, right?

>> No.6675392

I hope you aren't american, cause the irony in your post would be ridiculous.

>> No.6675416

>the earth is flat, right?
No, it ain't. About the moon, the russians back the american story, unless the russians blow up the american version, I believe it. I'm not a crazy stupid moron.

Benjamin Franklin was a masonic weirdo, he was part of those "satanic" meetings in great Britain's obscure masonic circles. You can read about it, it's part of history. As a Slav you should care about this shit. Those disgusting english pieces of shit destroyed your people again and again, and again. They did the same with the germans. For the brits, slavs and germans are the same shit. Don't believe what they say. Never. But it is true. "white" people are Brits, german, scandinavian and slavs. Some day it would not matter anymore. But it explains a lot of history, wars, divisions, decisions. Never trust an english man. NEVER. THEY did that to you in Ukraine. They tear you to pieces in the 90s, and now they did it again. Slavs should be united, as brothers. In other parts of the world we all call slavs nations "the Russians". Stay together. Those brits hate your guts, all of you, Don't let them divide you.

>> No.6675420

don't compare those guys to fucking shadman breh, lmao

>> No.6675886
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>> No.6675934

based nigga BTFO's moralfags in one logical statement

>> No.6675960

i still can't believe that his name is genuinely shaddai
also frazetta is good at good at art

>> No.6676002

imagine how different the world would have been if he was still active.

>> No.6676824


>> No.6676828

Pedophillic attraction isn't illegal or even morally reprehensible. Child abuse is though

>> No.6676847

holy samefag scoob

>> No.6676853
File: 166 KB, 915x696, 1680173497871852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holy ____ _____!

>> No.6677213

>Pedophillic attraction isn't illegal

>> No.6678629

Not only did people fall for this bait thread, it got subhumans to actively defend pedophilia in the process. Holy zazed OP

>> No.6678632

>or even morally reprehensible

completely fucking incorrect. The fact that you want to fuck a child means that you're a gross freak regardless of if you have or not. Get in touch with reality.

>> No.6678639

If this isn't bait it's absolutely the stupidest thing I've read on this board in the last five years at least

>> No.6678652

yeah cucked by a black man wouldnt be frown upon

>> No.6678662
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define child
reminder pedophilia is <12, the general onset of puberty

>> No.6678663

No I won't define child. Because you know. I get that you're socially retarded but you need to stop trying to get away with being a creep on technicalities and get your life together. If you ever try to talk like this to someone in person they will try to get away from you or hit you.

>> No.6678666
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>no I won’t
stopped reading
you have no power here, fag

>> No.6678668

I really hope you mature quickly, you are going to be disgusted with yourself in a few years. Stop glorifying degeneracy, spend less time on 4chan if you're genuinely thinking and talking like that.

>> No.6678690


>> No.6678694
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>> No.6678698


>> No.6678712

>I really hope you mature quickly
the absolute irony from a retard who thinks girls aren’t sexually mature at well before 18 lmao
look at this and tell me being attracted to minors is le wrong lmao

>> No.6678722

sexually mature doesn't mean mentally mature, stop trying to justify your perversion with EPIC FACTS AND LOGIC. you view them as sex objects, not people because you are socially retarded.

>> No.6678726

why is /ic/ full of unironic groomers?

troon freak

>> No.6678729


>> No.6678733

what does any of that have to do with attraction, you fucking retard?
>hurrr this 26 year old is super hot, but she doesn’t even have a savings account, I am so not attracted to her now

>> No.6678735

Major Frazetta W

>> No.6678737

/ic/ has a lot of women who can't cope with getting old.

>> No.6678739

So you’re telling me you wouldn’t be aroused if that girl was naked in the room with you?

>> No.6678741

ok, but what if you draw that body like REALLY mentally mature?

>> No.6678743

>fucking retard fuck you LOOOL lmao KEK LE fucking fuck you retard

yeah cool conversation. I get that you like to argue online but you should never tell people that you are attracted to children. Go outside, be useful to someone. I'm (hopefully) older than you so just take the tip and skip the whole hyperaggressive 4chan teen schtick.

>> No.6678745

I’m 32 lmao

>> No.6678747


If a 13 year old girl was naked in a room with me, I would not and I would try to get the fuck out asap. You clearly do not have siblings or children. You don't understand how much of a child that is because you are barely less of a child yourself. At this point in my life I wouldnt date anyone under 23

>> No.6678750

That's really sad, mentally you are not 32 based on this interaction.

>> No.6678751

What is a child? I can fuck 14 year olds legally and there were multiple 15 year olds in my class that had 25+ year old boyfriends. Who am I not supposed to tell, sois on twitter?

>> No.6678752

The French are latín too. But slavs aren't white, they were the reich's second most hated ethnicity right after jews.
Whites are germans and nords with a concession for anglos because they're nord rape babies even if they behave like apes

>> No.6678753

get help

>> No.6678754

more like you’re still a drooling retard or a butthurt spinster
grow up, fag

>equates being attracted to unrelated women to wanting to fuck your sibling and kids
lay off the porn

>> No.6678755

I’m not into threesomes.
>no argument
Define a child or fuck off with your vague rhetoric.

>> No.6678757

this is what I mean, you just get off on arguing.
>purposefully misinterpreting anons comment and ignoring the point for a cheap little victory

32 huh. you should have grown out of this 80iq bitchiness at 17. This isnt even a real conversation just you getting off on arguing a point that you know is wrong but refuse to admit because you have a porn addiction. Waste of time byeeeee

>> No.6678758

>stop using logic to deny my feefees

>> No.6678759

>define a child

you have full blown autism. This isn't a debate, shapiro. You know what a kid it.

>> No.6678760

it’s not a conversation because I’m operating at your level since you refused to talk like a grownup, look at facts or define your arguments
like a retarded woman

>> No.6678764

A person under 14, as per law. So we agree fucking 14 year olds is totally fine because they are mentally mature and can consent, as acknowledged in the legal code, correct?

>> No.6678798
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The roastoids really came out heavy ITT

>> No.6678804

That explains why your countries are 3rd world shitholes.

>> No.6678806

honeypot thread

>> No.6678811

>jewnited states

>> No.6678813

men should be gassed

>> No.6678816
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>mentally mature at any age

>> No.6678818
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try to fuck a 14 nigger. We both know that despite being ''legal'' it will lead to your ass getting kicked. No one likes pedos, specially now that is extremely easy to expose retards on the internet. Your mom will look at you in disgust, the father of the girl will kick your ass into oblivion, and forget about your friends.

>> No.6678819


>> No.6678821

just date a 20yo faggot its not that hard

>> No.6678823

>date a 20yo faggot
Nice Freudian slip.

>> No.6678829

I wonder what reprehensible bullshit people like you have hiding in their closet. I don't doubt that there are some people put there who are true and almost Christ like, but they sure as hell don't browse obscure forums on 4chins.

>> No.6678835
File: 189 KB, 1551x312, she&#039;s only 20 and a half, you sick fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shh, don’t remind them

>> No.6678859

> austria
Those are still shitholes, retard. Now hang yourself, troon.

>> No.6678863

post your country

>> No.6678871


>> No.6678875

I don’t speak thirdie

>> No.6678876

You don’t speak your own kind’s language? How unfortunate

>> No.6678879

>n-no u

>> No.6678883

Sad indeed, your shit filled brain forgot about >>6678804. Now continue to dilate

>> No.6678889

ummm sweatie, that was debunked
stay #17, aaron jeronique goldsteinbergowitz

>> No.6678912

Total Roastoid Meltdown

>> No.6678931

Even when I was a teen, I felt more attracted to women in their 20s and 30s. I think you just like the power imbalance that comes with pursuing a 14-year-old. At 32, you have more experience, your brain is more fully developed (in theory, kek) and it is easier to manipulate someone less than half your age. This stems from insecurity. You feel like an inadequate 32-year-old, but among 14-year-olds you feel at ease. I would say stop worrying, anon. Even if a woman in her 30s has seen bigger pee-pees than yours and is not so easily impressed by your action figure collection, it is worth the effort to win her over because she is smart and experienced, is at a similar place in life and can relate to your struggles and even teach you a thing or two.

>> No.6678939

>Even when I was a teen, I felt more attracted to women in their 20s and 30s
so do girls, retard
>muh power
I could be fucking a 60 year old and I’d still have the power
pathetic attempt

>> No.6678946

>even when I was a teen I wanted to fuck 30 year olds
>that’s why shouldn’t fuck teens as a 30 year old
>oh and you’re insecure and have a small dick
This is your brain on XX chromosomes.

>> No.6678950
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>> No.6678954

Kek this. If fun to watch them realize they don't understand men at all.

>> No.6678961

>so do girls
And yet most 30-year-old women don't have sexual relationships with teen boys.

>> No.6678963

there’s a female teacher getting fired over fucking a student every week

>> No.6678964

Well, guess what, I've had teenage sex so unbelievably hot it made me retarded.

>> No.6678966

>doesn't know what "most" means

>> No.6678971
File: 433 KB, 1689x635, muh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it means nothing
>hurr just don’t have sex, most people don’t
>just be have an unsatisfactory sex life bro, it’s the norm

>> No.6678974

What is the obsession with "mature" women about? I don't want to fucking discuss physics and philosophy with some used up whore, I want a girl who is cute, young, hasn't had 100 cocks and doesn't ruin my life because the media told her men are evil rapists. Simple, really.

>> No.6678976

Because women past their prime are upset about it and have nothing to offer besides the “experience” of taking cock after cock, having a job or literally just being old - I mean mature.
Because, you know, when men think about what the want in a woman, it’s usually baggage and a stable income.

>> No.6678979

Gotta love people here making evolutionary/historical arguments in favor of low-teens (or below) age of consent. Life expectancy was much lower in past centuries, so that if you lived to be 40 you were beating the odds. Infant mortality was very high. Having lots of children at prime breeding age was thus essential to producing heirs as well as having a large family that would help with farm labor and taking care of you in your old age. Girls were married off at a young age to older men for economic reasons that no longer prevail. The idea of "adulthood" was also very different. Teenage boys went off to war and died on the battlefield. Stupid coom-brained pedos have no interest in assuming the responsibilities and obligations that were the purview of men of past generations. They are just groomers who want to satisfy sexual urges by taking advantage of someone who is mentally/emotionally underdeveloped.
>in before "I'm not a coomer! Lies!"
Yet you're in a thread defending a guy who produced deviate pornographic images based on actual children. You're a coomer, nothing more.

>> No.6678983

is this pasta? it doesn’t even pertain to the thread

>> No.6678985

That's your argument? Married people don't have enough sex, ergo a 32-year-old man should treat the schoolyard as his hunting ground?

>> No.6678990

you might be retarded, it was a refutation of your argumentum ad populum, not an affirmation of it, you fucking imbecile

>> No.6678996

>t. never been with a woman

>> No.6678999

>only used up post-wall spinsters are real women

>> No.6679001

Says the guy who tried to refute
>And yet most 30-year-old women don't have sexual relationships with teen boys
>there's a female teacher getting fired over fucking a student every week.

>> No.6679006

You have exacting standards, that's why you're alone. The nubile young beauties should realize what a catch you are.

>> No.6679011

show me hard data about 30 years old woman - teen male coupling prevalence

>> No.6679012

How is anything of this /ic/ related? niggers

>> No.6679014

I’m not, though. Die alone.

>> No.6679015
File: 20 KB, 700x700, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Fuck off, you tiresome pedophile.

>> No.6679016

I accept your concession

>> No.6679018

Where are you faggots going with this conversation? Roasties gonna roast and pedos gonna rotate prepubescent girls in their minds. Tale as old as time.

>> No.6679033

drawings where?

>> No.6679038

ideally kindergarten, but preschool works in a pinch

>> No.6679040
File: 2.88 MB, 2061x3000, P047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of these retards dont even have the balls to approach a teen(thankfully). They know they would get their ass kicked. The age of consent thing is so 18 yos can date 16-17yos. Tell anyone you are dating a 16yo at 32 and you are going to get labeled a pedo and beaten. At least japs turn their pedo tendencies into actual art, these fuckers are both disgusting pedophiles and ngmis.

>> No.6679041

being a "gross freak" isn't morally reprehensible.

>> No.6679052

>The age of consent thing is so 18 yos can date 16-17yos
No, there are buffer clauses for that. Like when I was in high school, the age of consent was 18, but there was a 5 year allowance for 16 and 17, but the AoC was still 18. Now it’s 15, period.
For example, see >>6678666
>Spain 16 (*18) (except close in age)
That means it’s 16, unless in a position of power (then it’s 18), but under 16 is allowed if close in age
>El consentimiento libre del menor de dieciséis años excluirá la responsabilidad penal por los delitos previstos en este Capítulo, cuando el autor sea una persona próxima al menor por edad y grado de desarrollo o madurez
>The free consent of the minor under sixteen excludes criminal responsibility for crimes under this chapter, if the perpetrator is a person close in age and level of development or maturity.

>> No.6679056

Also see Italy
>14 AoC
>18 if teacher, babysitter etc
>13 if the older person is 16 or under

>> No.6679058

>and beaten
Lmao by who? I'm fucking jacked brother, one of the reasons I get attention from teenagers in the first place

>> No.6679059


>> No.6679066


>> No.6679082
File: 574 KB, 1986x496, romeojuliet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As mentioned, that map doesn’t include the so called Romeo and Juliet clause, age of consent is actually even lower or basically just doesn’t apply if you’re close in age

>> No.6679098

Yes, and it's a waste of time engaging with them. Anyone who has kids aged in the early teens, and interacts with them and their friends daily, knows how immature they are, emotionally and intellectually, and would view any adult pursuing them as a groomer, on a level with someone sexually abusing an intellectually disabled person. For a 30-something to believe it's okay to treat the schoolyard with girls playing hopscotch as his dating pool is the result of a severe psychological aberration, and it can't be reasoned away, but it must be kept hiding in fear of violent retribution. The irony of them arguing "muh childbearing age" when they clearly don't want the responsibility of rearing children, whom they see as objects of lust, is lost on them. They also completely lack self-awareness and empathy, believing they are entitled to "pristine" young females even though they are older and unattractive, and the real reason they pretend to renounce women who have fully developed intellectual faculties is because such women easily see them for the pathetic losers they are and would not have them.

>> No.6679103

toasty roastie

>> No.6679120

All women are sex objects, you’re just mad you’re a low tier one.

>> No.6679141

>only women object to pedos, because they can’t compete with little girls on the meat market
Anons, there are no women on this board. Possibly a few “women,” but no women. Secondly, get real. Your kind get shanked in prison, and not by women. And absolutely nowhere on earth do their exist women who are worried or resentful about losing out because you absolute fucking undesirable rapist-uncle child molesters prefer little girls. You are hated everywhere, and with good reason.

>> No.6679145

lurk more

>> No.6679150

>t. guy who is lurking

>> No.6679158

not putting him anywhere near the same level, the underground cartoonists were visionary and had a satirical edge, while shadman is just a coomer. but their content was meant to shock and offend, which makes him closer to the undergrounds than Frazetta, lol.

>> No.6679175
File: 437 KB, 1052x1500, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shadman branched out into porn, his early work was guro and shock value images that tended to utilize sexual themes

>> No.6679183

He is, he was and he will always be a fucking faggot.

>> No.6679220
File: 1.11 MB, 749x878, 1611885623345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this tourist

>> No.6679233

Massively successful bait thread op, well done.

>> No.6679282

His videos are nice. Any else watches them?

>> No.6679522

Wait, this fucking retard is also an heroin addict? LMFAO just how fucking pathetic someone can be?

>> No.6679526

Pedo and heroin addict. The mental illnesses compound.

>> No.6679529

Leave /ourguy/ alone!

>> No.6679604

The only maturity you need in a relationship is responsibility and accountability and women never develop those so dating grannies is useless.
Childless women over 25 should just move to a cat lady island and let worthy people live in peace.

>> No.6679628

I fucked dozens of 16-19yos while in high school, and dozens more 18-24yos while in college. The mental difference is negligible and the best bods were around 17-21.

I've also gone home with a 32yo single mom and would rather go celibate than deal with a "mature" woman ever again.

>> No.6679649

What’s the matter, pee-pee not up to the task?

>> No.6679650

What exactly messed his life up so badly though? He's from fucking Switzerland, did growing in too much wealth rot his brain?

>> No.6679655

Your virginity is showing dude

>> No.6679663

no person that actually gets laid would brag about it on an off-topic thread on a drawing board. Lame larp

>> No.6679673

Man, The discussion was about comparing artists and it devolve into faggots arguing about wanting to fuck children, what the fuck dude, is the lack of guts all of you have to not to commit to it in real life like every dickhead do?

>> No.6679695

imagine thinking fucking kids takes commitment, fucking virgin

>> No.6679776

Life experience taught me that the guys that brag about fucking pussy left and right are literally the ones that get a oneitis once a year at best and paint a whole rainbow of bullshit around it just to feel less insecure
Someone doing this on fucking incel central 4chan of all places must be someone in such a tragic snatch drought that was able to coom at home because a waitress smiled at him

>> No.6679782

>>served in army
Didn't he suck at shooting?

>> No.6679892

Getting laid isn't that hard lmao

>> No.6679985

Thread reply 300. Time to kill this thread.

>> No.6680121

The roastie meltdown in this thread was a hilarious sight to behold.
Also learned franzeta made porn, even gross porn.
Learning this made me want to grow as an artist. I will not hold myself back anymore.
I'm going to have more courage in my work here on out and go ahead and make that plantation comic with the black brothel bitches in Louisiana. I don't care for judgement by moral fags and anti racist niggers anymore.
I think the world would love to see enslaved negroids being cuckolded by BWC Cajuns in the antebellum.

>> No.6680254

And I was feeling ashamed by thinking that would be interesting to be another of thoses "artist who only draws big bellied women number #789", like anon above, if I enjoy, why not? The key is not caring about other retards shitting on my type of retarded crap.

>> No.6680433
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here’s tezuka if you haven’t seen it

>> No.6680547

That guy is a inspiration if he can draw mouses and snakes fucking, why would I not draw girls having sleepover?

>> No.6680775
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>> No.6680929

Actually, they are and always have been. I'm sorry you fell for the CIA psyop

>> No.6681331

Hes not in prison