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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 30 KB, 680x491, c6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6667635 No.6667635 [Reply] [Original]

They should rename this board to Anime Artwork/Critique

>> No.6667637

great thread dude

>> No.6667643

Unironically would be great to split /ic/ into western and eastern board to get rid of you faggots.

>> No.6667656
File: 2.64 MB, 2392x848, random.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not my fault that you are a person with shit taste, also you don't even draw so fuck off normie

>> No.6667670

Exactly, you retarded weebs can go be a perma/beg/ in your containment, like /asg/.

>> No.6667736

OP should try not being a faggot and actually contribute.

>> No.6667749

There are a lot of streets that looks exactly EXACTLY like a random metro area in America. Open up google earth and pan away from Akihabara for just a second.

>> No.6667776

they really should

>> No.6667798
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>> No.6667807

One of the appeals of manga is that its often misogynistic

>> No.6667812

They should rename this site reddit with how many of you retards are migrating

>> No.6667818

> insult your potential audience
What has Western entertainment become?

>> No.6667823

>its often misogynistic
Tell us you've never read manga without telling you've never read manga
>What has Western entertainment become?
A bunch of projecting manbabies who think they're entitled to get paid for their shitty political opinions

>> No.6667826
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I'd prefer the aesthetical appeal of Detroit timelines maps

>> No.6667832

If you mean "mysoginistic" as in the women are actually designed to look cute, western used to have that going for it as well. But not anymore. Industry got taken over by tumblrinas and their numale husband's (old news I know)

>> No.6667834
File: 439 KB, 600x3000, chjp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weebs... *sigh*

>> No.6667868
File: 1.82 MB, 1812x2549, image (186).jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like manga, but quite frankly women are treated like shit by their writers in most mainstream anime/manga, even those written by women because Japan is a fairly sexist society,

You have your things like Naruto where the writer just straight up admits he can't write female characters so he just justifies throwing them on the side.
But what always was a sticking point to me was shaman king and how the main girl literally only exists to say how much of a good wife she is, and despite being so powerful she never does anything because
>it's a man's role to actually do anything useful
You had all these fun female characters who just sideline themselves because of their gender.

But then you have things like isekais and the harembait anime that were big before them, such as shana or whatever the blood. Where the trend was always to introduce strong and cool female characters, just to sideline them and make them basically window dressing to the man.
Whenever you have a strong female character in manga its almost always just a do-nothing character with no big role. You have the tag alongs like Rukia but in the grand scheme of the cast she's basically a nothing and never does anything as remotely interesting as anyone else.

You can say its because its targeting the male demographic, but the result is that it makes the female characters look completely pathetic and useless, who's only purposes are to be trophies. Which is frustrating to a lot of people who like the characters and want them to be characters of their own.

I think its a big reason yuri type series are becoming popular, because women are allowed to be the main draw and showcase what they can do without being at the whim of men. Anime like GuP get popular because its not just cute girls, but its cute girls allowed to actually show off what they can do without some male character stealing the spot light.
But I'd say that's a recent development, and gacha games still show it in spades.

>> No.6667872

Wait until you see all the things Europe copied from America.

>> No.6667873

It's like the Last of Us

>> No.6667877

What's wrong with this?
It's like greco-roman culture

>> No.6667888

>Naruto, Shaman King
Hi anon you might not know this but Shounen (少年) means "young man" or "boy" now think really hard what the audience of Shounen animation is so of course male kids don't care about female characters
Then you mention a second niche that caters to girls and no yuri isn't something new it's just that girls watch shounen too so that genre is bigger
I think you have american brainrot and believe everything has to cater to everyone for "world peace" when in reality its just something to maximize profit by attracting a bigger audience

>> No.6667890

>You can say its because its targeting the male demographic, but the result is that it makes the female characters look completely pathetic and useless, who's only purposes are to be trophies. Which is frustrating to a lot of people who like the characters and want them to be characters of their own.

Just because you target a specific demographic doesn't mean you need to make the other gender feel pathetic.
Shoujo manga still makes their men look great, in fact they go out of their way to make their men look better.

>> No.6667915
File: 575 KB, 768x432, sailor-moon-eternal-movie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but quite frankly women are treated like shit by their writers in most mainstream anime/manga,

>> No.6667930

>is written by a woman
Are you retarded?

>> No.6667941

Do you guys really not see ANY appeal from that American photo? I think both look good (though America looks busier). Is this like a case of self loathing, or the 'grass is greener' syndrome?

>> No.6667955

I like how you had to remove all differences between the two in a failed attempt to prove your points.

>Yeah, but what if Japan had no differences? Then it wouldn't be better then would it? Check mate!

>> No.6667958

that last one is pretty nice, if it only it was located somewhere that was peaceful and safe. I wonder if there are any countries like that fit that criteria.

>> No.6667963

I read manga a lot brah
Well, its in the way they act and in the way stuff is presented. It's because Japan never got pozzed with women's rights and shit like the west did

>> No.6667981
File: 1.11 MB, 1600x1427, Crumb_History of America.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That reminds me of Crumb's History of America, but he learned to draw and moved to the French countryside instead of becoming a weeb.
wow, reminds me of Crumb's History of America in reverse.

>> No.6667984

>cyclist in the new future

>> No.6668000

I lust for the day when you no longer need a car in America, where you can walk everywhere, bike everywhere, and take the American Shinkansen. No more losing your loved ones to car accidents, seeing their corpses ground into human paste on the asphalt, seeing the rubbery ragdolls that used to be a living breathing human.

Cars have been nothing but a plague on human society.

>> No.6668004

Not pictured: screaming schizo punching into the air

>> No.6668006


>> No.6668038

Based. It's over for cars.

>> No.6668164

Sorry sis, stick to media targeted at you, for your own good. The world doesn't have to cater to you to make you "feel" better. Plenty of female characters that fulfill their role as a side character stand alongside dozens of male side characters who are just as ignored or sidelined. On top of being bigger jobbers than their female side character counterparts. People read a story to see the main character and everyone else in the story, male or female, exists to show you how cool and strong the main character is. Suck it up and watch shows where the main character is female.

>> No.6668166
File: 324 KB, 2048x1350, 29749535_1691872950849054_1468664653916770622_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6668168

Shana remained a badass character throughout the entire series, what are you talking about? The boy MC was a pussy 80% of the show until the writing turned to shit in season 3. If you’re talking about Strike the Blood, the main girl isn’t useless, either. Her catchphrase is literally claiming the fight every time.

Good bait, though. Made me respond.

>> No.6668172

So? We like China too ding dong fag

>> No.6668174

One honors dogs and the other kills and tortures them.

>> No.6668175

Shojo men suck ass. Stick to your girl shows and we'll stick to our boy ones cunt

>> No.6668181
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>> No.6668197

omg it's like a ghibli movie!

>> No.6668203
File: 106 KB, 680x653, 546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember this meme?

>> No.6668204
File: 75 KB, 770x514, hotel-gracery-godzilla-tokyo-Alxey-Pnferov-iStock-1157432552-770x514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were in bottom pic, just turn your head to the left to see an old friend.

>> No.6668207

>landscape orientation
>portrait orientation
Japs like em thin n tall, we burgers like em short n wide.

>> No.6668214
File: 2.68 MB, 1412x1075, Screenshot 2023-05-23 173118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*take a right first, my sense of direction is lacking

>> No.6668219

t.type from a pod

>> No.6668220

I don't know why this made me laugh

>> No.6668222

America always looked so comfy from an outside perspective. I especially like the aesthetic of gas stations and wallmarts in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.6668230
File: 284 KB, 497x639, Screenshot_2023-05-21-14-31-14-982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys believe the complete death of art-based medium like comics and 2d animated movies in the west is pretty much the biggest reason for western art losing influence and anime/manga taking over?

Alright hear me out, even to this day there seems to be a circlejerk of people pointing you to indie comics being as good, if not downright better than manga if you don't like capeshit and the big 2. This would have probably been the case like 10 or so years ago when the politically correct no fun allowed disease still wasn't widespread, but those days indie comics are even worse than capeshit regarding embracing SJW shit so it's all futile and people stick to manga. The absence of a recent big animated series still going on with big fan communities comparable to how massive Adventure Time or MLP were in their prime might also explain the lack of interest and the decling quality in our recent animation outputs as well. And it's getting worse to the point that they're starting hiring japanese studios for adaptation of old western series like Scott Pilgrim.

It is truly over at this point isn't it? Will our comics/animation industry rise up from the grave or will it continue to stay irrelevant as Japan dominates?

>> No.6668236

perfect for a serial killer horror story.

>> No.6668237

I'll give you a secret as someone who went to Sheridan anon. Its Koreans. Not cal arts. Not liberals. Koreans.

All the good outsourcing studios are already working for Japanese projects and large studios in the west pay the same so why would they drop a customer for a new one?

Also western animation is still pretty entertaining it's more about the message than the artistry. Gone are the days of smooth Disney animation when you can slap together a family guy episode in 3 days and reap the same profit.

Shows like Cuphead prove the interest and skill to make it is still there. Just not the money.

As for comics. I couldn't tell you other than marvel and DC need to fuck off and let dark horse and image do their thing for like 10 years.

>> No.6668245

based, good culture spreads far and wide. soon, china will spread this culture to you by force also.

>> No.6668260

i guess so, it gives me more of a lonely teenager vibe rooaming through the parking lot and smoking though

>> No.6668533

cry harder
at this point just make a western 4chan, how about that

>> No.6668541

The only solution is to leave. Iv'e been thinking about doing that, but the shit flinging is addictive. This website is a nuthouse for people who have to resort to coming here because they have terrible personalities and bad opinions and find it hard to function anywhere they have to attach their identity to the things they say. I came here because I'm not talkative and don't even know where to begin with socializing on Discord and whatever, but I think leaving may be my only option because the people on this board have incredibly narrow tastes and will tell you you won't succeed if you don't conform to their tastes, even though a large portion of succesfull artists make art that this board loves to seethe about. The people on this board don't even like good anime, it's always some Chinese Genshinshit that no one else likes because it has no soul or sense of aesthetics. The result of this is an aging population that pushes newcomers away, evident by the fact many on this board still think anime is non-normie.

>> No.6668573

>the people on this board don’t even like good anime

Define good. Usually it’s always le Big Zero, Bebop, Outlaw Star, Toonami core trash and it’s never ever the wholesome, cute but obscure stuff other boards with taste mention. I bet you fall in this category given your hate for Genshin. MiHoYo just makes good games and this fact goes over your feelings.

Anime is still largely non-normie. Lebron James or some Kardashian will come out and say he or she loves Naruto or MHA but they will never tweet that they loved watching last weeks episode of Tonikaku Kawaii or Alice Gear. Every nerd hobby has its iceberg and most people will never dive into the water—this includes anime.

Yes, more people consume anime more than ever. But it’s still by and large not a norm thing beyond surface level. Finally, you should leave. You won’t though, because you prefer staying here telling people to leave every thread once a week.

>> No.6668584

Ancient China had cool shit so now you're going to suck President Pooh Bear's tiny cock? So what?

>> No.6668588
File: 168 KB, 742x1024, Gon1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Define good

>> No.6668589

never heard of it

>> No.6668591

Give it a shot, it's unironically better than Berserk in the art department

>> No.6668593

anime website, faggot.
don't let the door hit you on the way out.

>> No.6668635

anime website

>> No.6668641

At least America (seems to) have sidewalks for pedestrians everywhere.
I remember visiting Ireland, lovely country, shit pedestrian walkways. Quite a few times I decided to walk to the tourist area only to end up walking directly on a busy road with no room to get out of the way of the car (literally, I was pushing myself up against some fence) like some asshole.

I don't mind car centric planning for travel and towns etc. but at least build the infrastructure for people to walk at all, fuck!

>> No.6668643

We have sidewalks in America but would you want to believe the absolute nerve of people who ride bicycles on the side of the road instead of using the sidewalk. Especially the old people riding bikes in the morning. Sometimes they’re on the side of the road and sometimes they’re too much in the road. I really don’t know people just can’t use the sidewalk for bikes. Nobody walks anymore, especially in summer weather here in Florida. Free space all for bicycling but nooooo they want to use the road where cars are.

>> No.6668646

Isn't it illegal to bicycle on the sidewalk

>> No.6668648

No? Maybe? Kids bike to school every single day. I’ve used a bike all my life on the sidewalk here and never got in trouble. I know there is some kind of law about it but cops never do anything about it.

>> No.6668651

Actually a quick google search says it’s not illegal here. So the old folks are just being assholes.

>> No.6668652

I mean casual cyclists obviously don't give a fuck but people who take the bicycle to work every single day probably wanna do it according to legislation

>> No.6668657

The people who have those special motor bikes that can top speeds up to 45 MPH I can understand using the road since that is the typical speed limit. But a regular bike makes no sense and the sidewalk is much faster.

>> No.6668777

It's all riceniggers...

>> No.6668891

>I read manga a lot brah
Disproven by saying that 100% manga "treat women like shit" and the muhsoggyknees BS like >Japan never got pozzed with women's rights and shit like the west did
>Are you retarded?
You tell me, since you know first-hand what's to be retarded

>> No.6668896

>the biggest reason for western art losing influence
The reason was communism, hundreds of idiots who unironically believe capitalism is bad because "you have to pay someone else for their shit" have taken control of the industry and pretend to transform every piece of media into a funnel to force propaganda down people's throats.
That's why they get so mad whenever anyone dares to have an opinion and will screech 1000 buzzwords to anyone who disagrees

>> No.6668898
File: 169 KB, 699x1241, incelmisoginosjw1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>population that pushes newcomers away
Gatekeeping is a moral duty to keep imbeciles out

>> No.6668988

>capitalist gets out capital
>hurr durr them dead commies from 30 yrs ago are to blame

>> No.6669165
File: 6 KB, 651x566, 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought picrel meant the line on her thigh which implies the woman is a prostitute, but then I realised he was talking about the crease created by her vagina. In what kind of fucking world is this a taboo the likes of which are considered disrespectful?
Like fokcign what, me having a dick is a taboo? It shouldnt bulge if I wear tight pair of pants? The mere existence of two sexes is so offending that they can't bear to look at features which discern either? I understand modesty in art, even support it because shock-value isn't my cup of tea, but belivability is where it's at.

>> No.6669179

sidewalks don't work when parking lots cause everything to be spaced miles and miles apart. Also, many roads DON'T have sidewalks, at least in America's shittier towns

>> No.6669188

You're missing the point. It's already a very sexualized image but this person refuses to view it as such because she wants to consume this manga without getting hit by feminism induced cognitive dissonance. Though somewhere in her mind the vagina crease represents the line where the image does become sexualized and this is upsetting to her. Nevermind the fact the character is already wearing a slutty outfit and the camera pointing straight up her crotch.
It's a dumb woman with no actual principles struggling to reconcile her consumerist drive with her feminist indoctrination.

>> No.6669196
File: 2.36 MB, 498x280, hideo miyazaki.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well by the looks of it, we can agree at least that there is no feminism or sexism, only common sense and people who don't have it. make of it what you will

>> No.6669216

The only real crime is that there aren't more fun action manga with detailed bulges and sexy posing men alongside the sexy women.

>> No.6669333

I remember one time someone erased the crotch lines on a character in a bikini and referred to it as "horny lines". Couldn't tell if they were trolling.

>> No.6669418

americans specifically are ten times as puritanical as any other culture, west or east, which is especially perplexing considering the recent growing popularity in sexual liberation. the MPAA and other conservative catholic groups completely destroyed our relationship with sex and nudity through their lobbying and censorship 50 years ago and it's only now that society is beginning to recover mentally from the damage they did to artistic sexual expression in popular media. what this has led to is 1984-style doublethink where people will seek and enjoy more "mature" types of media but shit their pants if it has a nipple or sex in it. how many people have you seen complaining about "fanservice" nowadays? how often do they say shit like "it's not necessary" or "it ruins the pacing" (whatever that means)? ive seen people say they dropped entire series because of a few sexual scenes; isn't that fucking insane? they don't actually give a fuck about sexism or the exploitation of womens image or whatever, they just have a pavlovian negative reaction to seeing something sexual mixed in with something they enjoy. the only exposure to sexual nudity they have is through porn, so when the camera zooms in on a titty bounce or a girls thigh they literally feel like they're watching porn. add that onto the fact that most animation is made for children in america and you can almost understand their negative reaction. imagine if a hardcore sex scene was played in the middle of the teletubbies or some shit. thats the juxtaposition they're experiencing. i would almost feel bad for them if they weren't trying to neuter anime into being just like american cartoons.

captcha: RRGAYY

>> No.6669424

i should also add that this mainly mostly applies to animated media and manga and whatnot since that's where the juxtaposition is strongest for most people

>> No.6669463

This anon is right. I love anime too, but rigid gender roles aligned with our world really ruin the investment I have in many series. Shows like Shinsekai Yori handle this really well

>> No.6669469

>You can say its because its targeting the male demographic, but the result is that it makes the female characters look completely pathetic and useless, who's only purposes are to be trophies.
Maybe they are shooting for realism?

>> No.6669479

no they aren’t right

>> No.6669486

The only apparent difference I can see in these images is that the left has better kept street quality. But again, the right is a busy subburban road clearly designed for mass amounts of traffic, unlike the left.

>> No.6669519

Those kinds of areas usually always have buildings where mechanics are, tire shops, glass shops, places that cell cement and fountains, etc. Not really a shopping area. With the food places for truckers.

>> No.6669686

How much longer does this dumb back and forth have to go on for betweem bothsides of the same coin? The fap junkies over at the anime board are no better.
The actual art-related issue is the general problem of human sexuality making people stupid and to poor impulsive judgement. It's not just neglecting fundamentals like perspective because Bryce wants to see breasts buttocks simulataneously with more bend and the result is an elongated lumbar spine that doesn't look attached to the body but is not in contrapposto either.

You get closet !nflation fets, in the form of boob otakus, who will throw composition and good breast design overboard just to see the same case of asymmetric full body lymphedema until the mammary pus balloons are getting deform into sickly looking bell pepper lobules by a pair of pirate eye patches.

The nuclear irony that has gone under the radar is that big €cchi breasts are a means of censorship. Like the tummy? Sorry but that can't be shown at that angle or when the Mexican grandma physics are at play, unless the proportions are stretched out. Like the clothing design? Sorry, you can't see it as a whole in its actualy glory. Rather parts of it are peeling off like an annoying defective band-aid because the now dumb looking outfit was irrelevant. Much of the time they make for poor references, so you'll be called a gay by fet zealots who can't into gestalt.

Sex pests exaggerating body parts results in ruined silhouettes, limited poses and range of motion, prevents scenes with tones that are not comedic or €cchi, and designs for one dimensional characters guarantees the spamming of cliche gags about that gimmick. G€ld them and things will get better.

>> No.6669806

>Gatekeeping is a moral duty
dangerously based

>> No.6671034

> dead commies from 30 yrs ago are to blame
Ironic coming from you who believe dead nazis from 80 years ago are to blame for the failures in modern entertainment

>> No.6671039
File: 254 KB, 603x713, 546464864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sexy posing men
It's never going to be enough for the hypocrites.

>> No.6671053

The sjw is having a meltdown because he thinks Horikoshi drew a fully detailed dripping wet vagina ready to breeding when it's just a fucking stitch line in the suit, like the average woke, he's trying to virtue signal to tell other wokes he's on "the good side"
>. It's already a very sexualized image
Unless you're into guro that's not sexualized by any stretch of the imagination since she's dismembering monsters with her bare hands in that scene, the only people claiming that image has any sexual undertone are either feminazis obsessed with hating men so much they go ballistic at anything men might like or manginas who are so deranged they're capable of wetting their pants in the mere presence of a woman in the same room.
> the character is already wearing a slutty outfit
"It's bad when wahmen wear anything less than a burka"

>> No.6671075

>not sexually submissive enough
>to attract a
>typical female
Anon this here is an idiot and nothing more. Probably a femcel fujoshit so burnt out on gay porn she forgot what normal sex is like.

>> No.6671098
File: 290 KB, 1704x1459, She-Ra-Errores1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How much longer does this dumb back and forth have to go
Until antis shut the fuck up and stop crying about the existence of manga and anime
>over at the anime board are no better.
nice whatabautism and deflection, no one's talking about "the anime board over there"
>the actual art-related issue
The actual issue of THIS thread is how OP is salty about having to see "anime-style" shit and doesn't like it
>the general problem of human sexuality
Irrelevant, antis are hypocrites who cry and stomp and do stupid shit like Conway saying that manga art is "pederastic and musoggynistic" like there wasn't enough pictures of 10-yo Gwen Tennyson or 2004 Raven to fill several compilations of the Kamasutra while "official products" from the industry give the audience stuff like Steven Universe or Big Mouth
>You get closet ...in the form of...
You get women who look like men with wigs because "western pros" are constantly pressured by puritan and hypocritical ideologues into drawing that

>> No.6671104

>this here is an idiot and nothing more
Sadly the people controlling the western entertainment industry have this mindset that says "If men like it then it's bad", so we the audience have to suffer their shit mentality and get labeled as nazis if we don't quietly comply and open our wallets.

>> No.6671173

lol white people

>> No.6671189
File: 66 KB, 800x450, Kneelingjews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Precisely, they lost the war. Now america is a jewish hellhole where virtue signaling and morality drama are prime time entertainment. But keep blaming it on others than ur own failures while the rest of the world moves on from the bed ridden empire.

>> No.6671299
File: 424 KB, 1080x1944, CodWar3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the rest of the world moves on
Only to fall face first and be the bitch of either chinkland or putinville lmao
Two countries that also blame every fucking thing under the sun on "dur hurr dem natzees" lmao
It's funny you named the image about "le jewz" when virtue signaling is an inherently communist behavior created by the ccp and all of the shitstain remains of the urss on its former satellites like cuba to destroy the west

>> No.6671991

What a shame modern china literally had a campaign to destroy it's culture, ever heard of the great leap forward and simplified Chinese? Retard

>> No.6672019


>> No.6672049
File: 495 KB, 1249x1600, 1668805266430304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This would have probably been the case like 10 or so years ago
It wasn't back then either
If you wanted a western alternative to manga you would read BDs. Good American comics, indie or industry, are an exception.

>> No.6672055
File: 521 KB, 853x1000, 1680189991854644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6672073

Why isn't it valid for a female character to support the male characters? Why must every woman be strong and independent?

>> No.6672089

There are a ton of anime where the female doesn’t need a man and overpowers all the men. Fagloni is just a new weeb.

>> No.6672301

>jannime weebsite
go back to your 2008 pedo cp ring

>> No.6672337
File: 18 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entertainment industry in 'murica is controlled by raging feminists and their mangina simps who have an everlasting hateboner for everything "normal" like men liking women or what they call "beauty standards" (because no one wants to bang them) so they're desperately trying to warp the standards so they are seen as attractive, that's why you see so many fictional women drawn like men and the "trans women" drawn like actual women.
These people are a bunch of mentally stunted child-minded adults who want to force others to bend to their whims and politicians use them like puppets

>> No.6672344

*clears throat*
Anime website.

>> No.6672463

>Unless you're into guro that's not sexualized by any stretch of the imagination since she's dismembering monsters with her bare hands in that scene, the only people claiming that image has any sexual undertone are either feminazis obsessed with hating men so much they go ballistic at anything men might like or manginas who are so deranged they're capable of wetting their pants in the mere presence of a woman in the same room.
Coomer in denial

>> No.6672476

Only in cities. Everywhere else is mostly highways so no paved sidewalks to use especially because everything is built so far apart

>> No.6672494

A lot of places that actually deal with snow in the wintertime do not have sidewalks outside of the big cities or a super major intersection in a smaller town. Snow wreaks havok on the sidewalks so they have to be repaired/maintained/salted/cleaned, and a lot of smaller towns either don't have the budget for that or the people don't give enough of a shit to want to pay for it.

>> No.6672541

>Coomer in denial
Ok Cuties fan

>> No.6672569

This. Why does every woman have to be a guy with tits now a days. Why can't they have exclusively female problems along with supporting or strength. That's why I like FMA because while there were powerful women in there, when a dude is a mountain of muscles she isn't easily overpowering him. Also there are plenty of females in supporting roles who are important to the story.

>> No.6672579

mimics real world society where women are more in charge than ever

>> No.6672594

Funny weebs bitch about western shit, yet weebs are the least skilled bunch compared to their other counterparts. They japs they worshipped actually put in work to get to where they’re at, but weebs can’t do that.

>> No.6672606

>mimics real world society where women are more in charge than ever
No, it mimics spiteful femcels who think they don't get dick because muh beauty standards

>> No.6672609

>Funny weebs bitch about western shit,
The only ones bitching are antis crying because anime exists and want to tear it down

>> No.6672617

Damn bro I’d put in “the work” too if there were vocational schools geared for getting me a JOB in a STUDIO working on ANIME and not prepping me to spend years working in some open open zoomer space on the next installment of Big Mouth. If only that was an option for me right after high school.

>> No.6672629

Thanks for proofing my point, you bitches would rather complain and come up with fucking excuses every single time. Many people outside of japan are able to work on anime, because they put in the work and find other alternatives, but you wouldn’t know that because all you do is bitch and moan, just stick to /asg/ as usual, that’s the only place you fucks belong to.

>> No.6672637

>dude just work 30 times as hard as a native Japanese to work on 12 episode advertisements for comic books/smartphone game and by the way you still can’t live in the country permanently unless to jump through 30 more hurdles

you’re worse than a weeb

>> No.6672647

>dude just work 30 times as hard as a native Japanese to work on 12 episode advertisements for comic books/smartphone game
No shit, haven’t heard of shit like a work visa? That’s the reality in life, but lazy fucks like you still will bitch about it.
>speaks the truth on how working in fields outside your fucking country will be hard
>”y-you’re worse than a weeb”
Cope more and stay perma/beg/, you retarded /asg/ shitter

>> No.6672661

Back up a bit, that’s not the point I’m getting at. I’m highlighting the “hard work” part. I’m incredibly autistic and get really fixated on things I’m passionate about and Anime is one of them.

I would get 4 hours of sleep for weeks if it meant I get to draw frames for Precure or whatever. THE POINT is that is not an option for a filthy foreigner like me. For a Japanese you can easily obtain that dream because that’s their industry and plenty of resources to funnel you into a job to work for Toei.

Reality is you’re a filthy westerner making “fan art” for Asian property (for free btw). It’s accepted practice because fans are fans of the work (at least most of the time). All I’m saying is, work should not require more than half your bodies blood and several organs. It’s a job just like any other job.

Competitive, sure, but a native is eased into the role and a foreigner is not.

>> No.6672687

I get where she's coming from but at the same time she's a cringe twitter bitch

>> No.6672701

>I’m incredibly autistic
I can tell and not going to bother any more. Most of your kind are autistic as fuck.

>> No.6672797

lmao it's crazy, anime was really frowned upon /ic/ 10 years ago. It's used to be all about "just draw le hyper realism first, bro!"

>> No.6672808

This is why gatekeeping is needed, allow too many shitters to flood in and the og members will get kicked out

>> No.6672816 [DELETED] 

Everyone was a kid back then and think thought realism is the coolest thing ever. Now they know is the worse thing u can do to yourself as an artist.

>> No.6672831

i’m so proud of /ic/. Anime is the superior choice.

>> No.6672833

>Everyone was a kid back then and think thought realism is the coolest thing ever.Now they know is the worse thing u can do to yourself as an artist.
>>6657132 yeah…

>> No.6672885

what’s your beef chowder with /asg/? Did they laugh at your krenz accuracy drawings?

>> No.6672943

>Thanks for proofing my point, you bitches would rather complain and come up with fucking excuses every single time.
Stop projecting, you moron, I don't give a damn if the "western comic/animation industry" crashes and burns, I'm just tired of its simps the antis crying 24/7 about the evils of anime and how it must be tumblerized and anyone who disagrees is a puppy-kicking, baby-rapist nazi istaphobe.

>> No.6672947

They should rename it to /g's shitting street.

>> No.6672958

I dont think they can when that's already the street name outside of ur shack.

>> No.6673229

Man imagine writing such a retarded rambling just because some twitterfag complained about a capeshit manga

>> No.6673237

>Muh antis


>> No.6673254
File: 173 KB, 1200x1200, ggwon2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is you.

>> No.6673256

Funny considering that /asg/ is the general with the overall lowest skill

>> No.6673259

Wow, an irrelevant twitterfag!
You sure showed me, José.

>> No.6673264

Huh? I see them drawing. By default they’re better than (you) in every way.

>> No.6673269

Yeah, and Chris Chan also drew a lot lol

Compare ASSg to the coomer Fujos on CSG and the difference is astounding

>> No.6673273


Oh you’re the same nerd who made the /asg/ thread just now I bet. Come back when you put in a weeks worth of practice, pre/beg/.

>> No.6673274

You're not even addressing my point of how low skilled is ASG compared to other generals

>> No.6673277
File: 633 KB, 950x533, IMG_2172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 weeks practice. See you then.

>> No.6673290
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>> No.6673346

>that's a strawman, it never happened
ok groomer

>> No.6673359

It's fine but its a very typical trend in shounen manga to introduce supposedly competent women, and then immediately side line them as nothing but support. But they still hang around the main cast because they need to sell waifu figurines and pillows. But for anyone that likes that girl, it just constantly feels like she's getting the shit end of the stick and no time to shine, or at worst is treated as irrelevant because she's female.

Not every woman needs to be strong and independent, but when authors introduce a character as strong and independent but then ignores her it, it leaves a bad taste for anyone who liked her.

Or you get shit like demon slayer where
>one of the most deadliest human beings in the world
>but teehee i'm a woman so I can't lift a big heavy sword and have to use a tiny half sword
is so offensively sexist its hilarious.
>but its written by a woman
because the society as a whole is so sexist that its seen as an attractive trait for a woman to be unable to lift a 1kg sword.

>> No.6673361

It could be worse.
Anime has the unfortunate effect that tiny issues people would hand wave in other styles look exponentially bad.

>> No.6673371
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>he hasnt read rosario+vampire

>> No.6673373
File: 585 KB, 1500x2250, xxsC3cgC5rb5ictmV8LyOk5636y7KDSeSr1xhu0j5zXIsQ_60_60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> its seen as an attractive trait for a woman to be unable to lift a 1kg sword.
Dunno, man, those swords look heavier than 1Kg

>> No.6673375
File: 43 KB, 400x446, dtglwgkwaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A normal katana weighs about 1kg
what the fuck is this shit

Claymore girls are chimeras anyways.

>> No.6673378

>trend in shounen manga to introduce supposedly competent women, and then immediately side line them as nothing but support.
The opposite can be said for shoujo manga, men are sidelined and are barely more than support or romantic interests

>> No.6673379

Men always do everything in shoujo manga though.
Its actually the opposite there
>introduce mary stu daughter of jesus character who can save the world
>her power is that she beefs up her boyfriend who then does all the work

>> No.6673382

>A normal katana weighs about 1kg
About 1,5Kg in average
>Claymore girls are chimeras anyways
And those two in the image don't look like they have the muscle mass required to swing those swords around, so in the same way it's "unrealistic" they can use them and still they do it, the DS character might use a dagger or a letter-opener and still be able to kill someone because it's fiction

>> No.6673383

What exactly are you bickering about? Isn’t that the fantasy of Shoujo manga? For a beautiful ikemen to do everything little miss princess wants? There are manga that has the man do everything and then there are manga that the woman is “big and strong and don’t need no handler”.

>> No.6673386

>>introduce mary stu daughter of jesus character who can save the world
>>her power is that she beefs up her boyfriend who then does all the work
Where and when?
And no, the dude saving the day once in a blue moon doesn't count, it has to be a consistent rule to pin it as a generalized pattern

>> No.6673394

Literally, the best art teacher is a white guy that grabbed a the most Beg weeb and pushed him to make photo-realistic elf waifus under a year. Western art isn’t dead. It’s completely hidden.

>> No.6673395

>It's a straw man
No retard, it's IRRELEVANT

You fucking stupid spic keep posting these Twitterfags

>> No.6673398

Seriously, is there a need to keep posting literal who's from Twitter in this thread?
What's even the point

>> No.6673404

You keep saying shit with zero proof and insist antis don't exist, you don't have a point or argument at all.

>> No.6673412

>insist antis don't exist
Never said that
It's just that people that whine about being persecuted by "antis" are turbofaggots, that's literally it

You'll never be japanese Jose

>> No.6673423

>Never said that
Every post you've written crying about "muh weebs" since >>6667670 makes you look a fucking imbecile
>boob otakus
Take your meds, idiot
>You'll never be japanese Jose
You must be +18 to post here, kid, go make your homework instead of crying about "muh boob otakuz"

>> No.6673504

Im neither the "boob Otaku" poster nor the one who told you to go to the containment thread, you are retarded Jose.

>> No.6673508

My favorite part about this rambling is that this MF is talking about "artistic expression" like it's some masterpiece that got censured or something, but it's just a capeshit manga that got slightly criticized by a literal who from twitter
This is why people mock weeabos

>> No.6673553

So you're just crying like a retard for no reason lmao
This is why people mock antis like you

>> No.6673556

What munga?

>> No.6673566

Puritan retards having a meltdown because "muh sexualized wahmen" in MHA or any manga at all >>6668898

>> No.6673571

MHA sucks donkey balls.

>> No.6673957

We understand Jose, you base your while personality on the fact that you masturbate to gook cartoons, no need to act defensive

And also this
It's funny how weebs screech about capeshit and then go read an even worse capeshit comic

>> No.6673966


>> No.6673968

Remember they are incredibly autistic, even one of these retarded fucks admitted it too >>6672661.

>> No.6673996

Autistic != Autism
it means obsession to the highest degree on this site.

>> No.6674017

Just so you guys know, when I said "pedestrian walkways", I wasn't specifically talking about a paved area, but just a spot for pedestrian to walk beside a road at all. I experienced houses/properties where their fences forced you to walk on busy high speed roads and such. It wasn't a matter of walking on the road to walk on a paved path, it was being FORCED to walk dangerously on the road because you could not literally walk anywhere else.

>> No.6674056

The fictional pixel wahmen won't fuck you no matter how much of a feminist ally you pretend to be

>> No.6674719

>It's funny how weebs screech about capeshit and then go read an even worse capeshit comic
I'm not into BNA but the reason I hate capeshit isn't because the concept of capeshit.
It's that they never stop fucking using the same characters. Its been nearly 100 fucking years and they're using the same damn characters with constant callbacks and interactions to their 100 year long run throughout 90000 different reboots and alternate time lines.

I don't want to fucking read 100 years worth of bullshit because every single comic has to include 20 different capes interacting with each other.

BNA is capeshit but its completely self contained, there's no external bullshit involved. You read BNA and you get the full capeshit story.
You read the latest spiderman and you're introduced into some cuck timeline because the author desperately needed to be different than the 100000 other version of the same exact story.

>> No.6674730
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bna is the furry anime.

>> No.6674739

i wasn't even talking about a specific piece of media lol but i guess the fact that there's such a recent example proves my point

>> No.6674750

I agree but that wasn't the point.

How about the time the people melted down over Spiderwoman's butt? Same shit.

>> No.6675331

>How about the time the people melted down over Spiderwoman's butt? Same shit.
But you know, it's ok when they do it, the bunch of hypocrites lmao