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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6662389 No.6662389 [Reply] [Original]

The general thread for Manga / manga-styled comic-making, manga-style illustration and related comic work.

Support each other and talk about your work or the work of others that excites you. Inking, character design, paneling / layout, writing, planning, and other discussions are all welcome.
Post resources, questions, in-progress pages, breakdowns of other works, etc. If a work is not yours, credit the maker (unless it's fucking obvious like a full page of One Piece or something).
Thanks to everyone for making /mmg/ a level-headed and helpful place. Remember, drawing and making comics and manga are difficult endeavors, and we're all in this struggle together.

Previous thread: >>6623219

Some resources:
/asg/, our stylistic sister-thread series for those focused more on illustration >>>/ic/asg

Understanding Comics
Making Comics
Manga in Theory and Practice: The Craft of Creating Manga
Story: Substance, Structure, Style and the Principles of Screenwriting
Even a Monkey Can Draw Manga
The Shonen Jump Guide to Making Manga

Habanero Scans: https://www.dailymotion.com/HabaneroScans/videos
Full MANBEN Series link: https://mega.nz/folder/9h1mUYSJ#8sJoO57nMP_JhjnujBXkpQ
Urasawa Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkIFOAoFm47XOAlJwTa6Ieg/videos

>> No.6662390

Some western / indie publishers of Manga:

Saturday AM ( https://www.saturday-am.com/ )
> Digital indie magazine, seems to be on the up-and-up
> Open submissions for long-form series; also distributes series currently being published elsewhere.
> Regularly publishes one-shots, making it a good potential outlet for already-finished work.

Noir Caesar ( https://www.noircaesar.com/ )
> Focuses on black (specifically African-American) content, but seems willing to publish anyone good enough.
> Seemingly series-based only.
> No "magazine" style updates; series are updated on their own schedule.
> Seems less regular than Saturday AM, but also seems larger in terms of readership.

Oni Press ( https://onipress.com/ )
> Technically indie, but at this point large enough by comic standards to be mentioned in the same breath as other publishers.

Antarctic Press ( https://antarctic-press.myshopify.com/ )
> Longtime large-indie publisher of OEL / manga-esque books.
> Seemingly taking submissions at present if http://www.antarctic-press.com/html/submissions.php is anything to go on.

Yen Press ( https://yenpress.com/ )
> Started out as a small indie publisher of original / Korean material, and has grown reasonably popular since.
> As of 2016, it is also one of the western arms of the Kadokawa Corporation, with Kadokawa owning a 51% stake.
> Editorial inquiries can apparently be sent to yenpress@yenpress.com, however, they apparently are not open to new submissions at this time.

Viz Media / Viz Originals ( https://www.viz.com/originals )
> *The* western manga publisher.
> Currently in the exploratory stages of setting up an English label.
> Submissions are open and several books have been announced. However, progress on the label seems to be moving very slowly.
> Still might be worth a shot anyway.

Shrine Comics ( https://shrinecomics.com/ )
> Small indie manga publisher
> Seemingly attempting to make the transition to physical volumes
> Allows crossposting to other sites

>> No.6662392

Other open comic publishers:

Dark Horse ( https://www.darkhorse.com )
>Dark Horse still welcomes your submissions, and all submissions will still be reviewed, just as they always have been.
>All unsolicited story/series proposals must have a full creative team on board. Writer-only proposals will not be reviewed.

Image comics ( https://imagecomics.com/ )
>Image Comics only publishes creator-owned material. They do not contract creators; they’re only interested in publishing original content for which you would retain all rights.
>Image Comics publishes creator-owned/creator-generated properties and THEY DON’T PAY PAGE RATES. Image takes a small flat fee off the books published, and it will be the responsibility of the creators to determine the division of the remaining pay between their creative team members.

Drawn and quarterly ( https://drawnandquarterly.com/ )
>Please email a low resolution PDF with at least 20 pages of comics and cover letter to submissions. Do not send dropbox links, scripts, or proposals. Please read our submissions FAQ.

Fantagraphics ( https://www.fantagraphics.com/ )
>submission page: https://www.fantagraphics.com/pages/faq

Top Shelf Productions ( https://www.topshelfcomix.com/ )
>Regarding submissions, we're easy. Just email us a download link of what you'd like us to review. NOTE: We cannot accept cover letters, plot synopses, or scripts unless they are accompanied by a minimum of 10-20 completed pages (i.e., fully inked and lettered comic book pages).

Additional publisher lists:
> https://jasonthibault.com/definitive-list-comic-publisher-submission-guidelines/
> https://writingtipsoasis.com/best-independent-comic-book-publishers/

>> No.6662396

And a new addition, platforms to host your manga:

>Manga Plus Creators by Shueisha











>Your own website

>> No.6662430

Current Contests:

Silent Manga Audition: https://www.manga-audition.com/sma19-overflowing-tears-silent-manga-audition/

Magic international manga contest: https://www.shibuya-productions.com/en/magic/magic-international-manga-contest.html,73

4-koma Contest:

/mmg/'s very own anon-led anthology: /ic/onography

Additional community added Resources:
Mangafonts: https://mangafonts.carrd.co/
Hiro Mashima YT: https://www.youtube.com/@mashimaCh/videos

How (You) can help /mmg/:

> Know about a contest or a publishing opportunity? TAG THE OP and post a link.
> Have a new resource? TAG THE OP and link / mention it for inclusion.
> Have a link / DL for a mentioned resource? TAG THE OP and mention what you're supplying a link for.
> SCREENSHOT / PASTEBIN effortposts that help you for posterity.

>> No.6662466

Anyone else have trouble inking digitally? It seems like everything goes well up until that point. I sketch on B4 size canvas but I can only really manage inking when its significantly smaller (1200x1600)

>> No.6662476

Ink murdered me for 2 years straight. I'm finally (recently) getting the hang of it. Inking is one of those things where you really need to play with the settings so it suits you. I use the "Real G Pen" because of the texture it gives you. I also constantly have to fuck with the thicknesses after the fact, with the "correct line" function

>> No.6662496

>Anyone else have trouble inking digitally?
yeah, thats why I ink traditionally, then scan it in photoshop and edit that.

>> No.6662528
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is pic rel digital or trad?

>> No.6662552


>> No.6662580

Could be either, hard to tell because this is a scan of a printed magazine/book.

>> No.6662592

kinku is a digital artist through and through. I don't see why he would switch to traditional just for manga.

>> No.6662731
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I remember that last year when i posted a draft some anons said that in a page i had so much text, but lately studying some mangas (mostly gintama) i realized that it might had been more a font size issue that number of words issues

So i wonder how much text, it's too much text?

Also in the same basis of studing manga, do anybody else have aim to try the same type of storytelling that some mangakas?

A few days ago while i was rewatching gintama i realized how much i liked sorachi's way to tell things, it was a episode called "amen" if anyone wants to check it

>> No.6663443

I don't know why more western comics don't pick up the vertical bubbles format. Or at least circular. A page has limited horizontal breathing room since comics are printed in the portrait orientation. When you cover your panel in horizontal bubbles you're taking up valuable visual space. When you make the bubbles more vertical and condense the text vertically, you have more width left over. Instead comics just make bubbles and text so small you have to squint to read which is a huge pain. Bigger text in vertical bubbles is just superior on a portrait orientation.

>> No.6663495

Given how western comics seem to want to do nothing more than preach (with superheroes as just a convenient vehicle), they have no incentive to utilize vertical bubbles. Just WORDSWORDSWORDSWORDS.

>> No.6663572

They really are way more wordy. Which is such a terrible fate, because the illustrative aspects are already so cluttered in comic books. So much color bogs down the clarity of what you're looking at. And then on top of that, a light novel to read in microscopic text when the whole point of the medium is "show don't tell, whenever possible."
What a shame. What a waste of iconic american characters and history. The whole thing all the way through is rotten with lack of respect for anything but the personal gratification of the in-group currently making the content. And their visual decisions especially seem completely illogical and based on nothing but outdated tradition, misguided marketing teams, and maybe some pure spite against manga itself.

>> No.6663582

To be fair, it largely comes from the nature of Japanese text and how its read, vs how western languages are read. Considering Japanese is read vertically, it makes more sense for the bubbles to be vertical. You can also express more in fewer actual characters than you can in western alphabets.

You can express a word, or even a whole idea in a single character with something like Kanji that might take a whole sentence in something like English.

>> No.6663587

I know japs write vertically in manga but it just happens to work visually. It might even be another reason people like manga more than comics, because they fine-tuned their layouts with these vertical space-saving bubbles. Adapting the art to a more pleasant composition on a portrait format.
As for expressing anything, we have assloads of English translated manga where everything that needs to be said fits perfectly into the bubble space provided. Just talk less. It's not a literary medium.

>> No.6663595

>just talk less
>it's not a literary medium

Anon, mainstream western comic book artists couldn't do that even if they tried. The current modus operandi is to bury the reader and the artwork in words. What if there isn't a clear political point you want to drill into the brain of the reader?! We can't have dead horses here, no sirree, we need that horse to be a fine pink mist!

>> No.6663634

Yeah yeah I know. I shouldn't expect anything from the western industry. I don't really. But it's frustrating every time I think about them, because it's humiliating that comics are technically a representative of me/my country. But something as logically sound as "make the bubbles narrow because your portrait orientation is narrow" and "make bigger text in smaller amounts for easy reading" is ignored. Among all the other aspects that have lead manga to be successful. We just refuse to adapt to what people say they like. Pigheaded industry attitudes that makes me and you look bad by association.

>> No.6663666

It's a weird mix of stubbornness and individualism taken to an extreme. On the one hand, you have every single artist that acts like they HAVE TO (on pain of death) put their own "spin" on something, which ironically ends up with a bunch of derivative works that all read the same and have the same twists. On the other hand, they refuse to change the western comic landscape to anything that wouldn't immediately be obvious as "western." Japanese manga for all of its many faults has some wacky and zany artstyles that are all over the place even if it is yet another high school setting.

Western artists, what do we have? It's either capeshit or capeshit-lite (their attempt at forcing a marriage between capeshit and anime), or it's pure unadulterated military-grade tumblr artstyle. That's it for the most part. And all of it is WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS.

>> No.6663732

I do notice that nearly neurotic need to stand out at any cost. Including sacrificing appeal. Those are some twisted priorities. It's especially obvious in modernized franchises where new blood tries it's hardest to leave their mark on things that just objectively don't belong to them. Couple that with executives who demand you use the established formats and your result is a mess. This is just as true with cartoons as it is with comics.
I don't have much to add. This is our fate until enough skilled anti-industry people fight the good fight and start making comics that are objectively cool and fun and appealing, because they just felt like doing it. People whose only priority is making something that's cool and fun and appealing whether it makes money or becomes famous or not.

>> No.6663766

Let's be real for a second here: When we say "Western comics" we're mostly talking about US comics, since even European and South American comics (for the most part) tend to have more creativity and thoughtfulness than US stuff.

Pretty much all forms of entertainment in the US have fallen into the "bigger, louder, dumber" trap, that, instead of just being a story to tell a story, it has to outdo everything that came before it, while also appealing to the lowest common denominator, and cramming in as many references, memes, and pop culture rips as they can.

It also doesn't really help at all that with the advent of things like the MCU and the Walking Dead and such, that comics have largely become nothing more than pitches by hopefuls that they'll be able to get a movie or Netflix deal from their idea to turn it into the next billion-dollar franchise.

>> No.6663815

I think the true death knell of creativity was everyone in the US now adopting MCU-esque snark. God, i would take 500 years of DreamWorks smirk over MCU snark. Its such a post-post-post-ironic wasteland out there.

>> No.6663909
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>Western artists, what do we have?

>> No.6663923

But when was that made, anon? I never said there was no good western art ever, I meant in recent years.

>> No.6664077

I figured it was a given we were talking about the US. Europe, west Europe especially, is not far behind us though on this ride into hell however.
You're right, just like prostitution always being a successful industry, you can always make money by appealing to the monkey part of the brain. Low hanging fruit and lowest common denominators make money guaranteed when you have nothing else.
There's something to be said on why we see all these hopefuls abusing the comic medium to send pitches to studios. The incestuousness of the entertainment industry is the culprit of most problems like those. It's a social club at the end of the day, even down the the lowest rungs of the ladder. People who know people who know people who are related to people. All looking to get more popular, more rich, more famous, more remembered. Hollow little lives with nothing of substance to keep them going except needing more & more. While all the honest humble people with great minds and stories to share, just for the pure sake of bonding with your human brothers- are toiling away at jobs they hate just to make enough to get by. They don't have it in them to lie and play pretend and bark on queue the way the people who make it in the industry can.
It's all existential issues once again only solved by honest anti-industry people forcing their way through poverty to make good quality media by themselves even if they have to sacrifice a little quality to do it. That plus time, plus ignoring the mobs who form against it out of jealousy, is the only reliable way we can fix it. Don't kneel to the twittershitters. Don't let fortune cloud your vision. Create because you love creation and maybe we can save us from ourselves.

>> No.6664122

Its a bit difficult to disseminate your stories, however, when you don't have the social media clout to "force" the algorithm to share your work with the maximum number of eyeballs possible. You shouldn't chase popularity, yes, but there's the unavoidable issue that stories by their very existence are meant to be shared - a social activity. And if you don't grind your way with trend hopping, then the algorithms share your work with (relatively) noone. I do not know how to escape this hole, as I do not have enough time to do BOTH a manga and daily trend grinds.

>> No.6664228

If your work is interesting enough, it'll get the spread it needs. Even Dog Nigga, for the completely outrageous premise and being a manga made by a non-jap, is gaining popularity despite not being algorithm friendly for obvious reasons. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. If one story isn't going somewhere, try another. And another. Keep creating and live to make stuff just because you like to make stuff. That's what it'll take if you want to keep your soul.

>> No.6664536

Oh yeah, digital sucks really bad. Everything looks rounded off and you don't have the stress of trad

>> No.6664540

that gives me hope personally. I'm just gonna grind like toriyama did. apparently he did 500 pages in a year before he got his first hit.

>> No.6664659

Yeah, I know it's easy to get attached to a story or characters that you really want to see succeed, but you have to cast a wide net. It's actually rare that the story an author likes best is the one that is successful. So keep churning out ideas and obviously practicing to improve with each iteration

>> No.6664729

Just use a textured G-pen noobs

>> No.6664839
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Commission comic WIP of client's girl making her entrance

>> No.6664927

Blame western writers, they're basically holding the industry hostage with their failed Hollywood scripts. The western comic industry was healthier when those on top were dominated on the forefront by artists (i.e Macfarlane)

>> No.6664960

ah damn, /b tier retards found this thread again...
see you in a few weeks...

>> No.6665004


>> No.6665062


>> No.6665517
File: 134 KB, 613x551, Mina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most recent panel I've been working on.

>> No.6665554

I do blame them anon. Sequential imagery is imagery to tell a story. If you're trying to tell a story that relies more on words than imagery then just write a fucking book ffs. Can't wait for the entire garbage business to collapse and hopefully it takes hollywood with it.

>> No.6665622
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did i go too far with using dark blue for the shadow work?

>> No.6665626
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>> No.6665627
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>> No.6665642
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>> No.6666898

What size should manga be when uploading online to prevent theft pirating printing

>> No.6666951

how long do you spend on each page, on average?

>> No.6666965

Often times those upload sites (I am assuming its not to your own site and instead its to a place like Tapas, etc.) will have their own dimensions that are well below what would be considered an acceptable print resolution.

Frankly, if you're that paranoid about pirated print copies, your only solution is to not upload at all as someone will always be able to print something out one way or another quality be damned.

>> No.6666971

Way too long. Way way way too long.

>> No.6666978

I'm trying to get it down to two pages a day total. Right now I'm at about one page per day, when my depression doesn't cripple me.

>> No.6666981

Two pages a day? You're either an insane powerhouse or your manga utilizes minimalist design. How...?

>> No.6666985

Uploading to the internet downsized as like a 72 DPI JPG, if someone tried to print it off, it'd be about the size of a postage stamp on a piece of physical paper.

>> No.6666989

You doing a manga or webtoon?

>> No.6666991

My goal is two pages a day. I'm not there yet. When I can think straight, I can do one page per day total - writing, drawing, inking and toning - due to the time intensive stuff being done on the computer.
I think it's possible to do two pages if you do
1) Just two tones, black and white for most things
2) Rounded off and simplified designs for characters instead of realistic proportions/figures
3) Have very simple two tone backgrounds, like Dr. Slump.
4) Prioritize heads in panels like in Dr. Slump, not posture, costumes or bodies
That's my goal

>> No.6667017

About 4 hours to 1 day

>> No.6667027

Well, it'd be a bit weird if I posted here and wasn't doing a comic, lol. Currently working on chapter 3. Ultimate goal is to have a physical release on Amazon or some other store.

Tapas link: https://tapas.io/series/aecast/info

Pixiv Ch.1: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/97250867

Pixiv Ch.2: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/102515774

>> No.6667033

2 days with screentone etc

If there’s bg about 5 lol

>> No.6667035

Was Dr. Slump primarily talking heads? I can't recall...

>> No.6667051
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not talking heads, gigantic heads, and simple costumes and bodies, often as big as or smaller than the heads.

>> No.6667054
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Anywhere from 3 to 8 hours. That's of time spent actually drawing, so in real time it's usually more than that. Also some pages take more time than they look, simply because of redoing some bits or simply hitting a wall in the sketch.

>> No.6667055

Why haven't I seen your manga around here before? Do you not post a lot? I'd like to see more.

>> No.6667073
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I don't post it online. The plan is to send it to an eromanga magazine, so I can't be uploading it for free everywhere. Not yet anyway. It's still a work in progress.
You may have seen other stuff I've drawn, depending on how long you've been around.

>> No.6667108

How do you get that line weight variation on your speech bubbles? Just mechanical skill? This looks really good friend

>> No.6667117

Wouldn't you just simply use a brush that has pen pressure variance, and then just..... draw the bubble?

>> No.6667141

>pen pressure variance
Never used it since I'm a line weight control freak, I should give it a shot.

>> No.6667144

>The plan is to send it to an eromanga magazine, so I can't be uploading it for free everywhere. Not yet anyway.
not that anon but how many pages do you need completed before getting it published by the magazine?

>> No.6667158

Jumping off the back of this anon, also what are the publication requirements if you don't mind? Now I'm curious about if I can't publish my own thing as well assuming they accept it.

>> No.6667233

NTG but each magazine will have their own submission guidelines

>> No.6667283
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>> No.6667290

>there are 72 pages of this

What in the fuck am I reading lmao. Anon post more.

>> No.6667323
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>> No.6667331
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>> No.6667333
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>> No.6667346
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Anyone got any song or podcast recommendations while drawing? Kind of bored with the current stuff I'm listening to atm and need something to help push through these pages

>> No.6667366

What kind of mood you want?

>> No.6667367

pretty open to anything, just as long as itll keep me awake

>> No.6667853

As the other anon says, I just use a pen with line weight variation and... draw the bubble. I like it when speech bubbles have personality, so I draw them by hand.
I don't know yet, but judging by the massive volume of examples we have from the various eromanga magazines: some can go as low as single digits while generally asking for 16-20ish, while some generally ask for 30-50 but can go a bit higher. The magazine I'm aiming for (Mugen Tensei) is the latter, most of the chapters in their mags hover in that 30-50 page range.
Again, I don't know yet. Just look at the kind of thing the publication you're aiming for publishes. For technical specifications they'll have guidelines on their submission portal (look through their website and if they accept submissions then they'll have a submission form with the details), and for non-technical specifications magazines typically focus on a theme -- ie some aim to be lovey-dovey-fluffy vanilla, others aim to be focused on fantasy with elves and orcs and stuff, some aim to have lolicon, or bdsm, or milfs etc -- and this theme will generally be evident from the magazine description on stores & in the types of works they publish. It does take a bit of research. I'm not even sure this current thing I'm drawing is really something the mag I'm aiming for would typically publish, as far as I can tell they go for more real-world-like scenarios where what I'm doing is kinda straddling the line of low fantasy. I'll find out when it's done and I send it in. If it's not, then I can always try somewhere else. Plenty of magazines are struggling to fill themselves out these days what with online self-publishing being a very real option nowadays.

>> No.6667924

I don't know if you'll like any of this stuff since music is super personal to everyone, but hopefully one of them makes you happy.

Soulful shit

Darker shit

>> No.6667986

I'm struggling to even have time to work on my webcomic due to my extremely demanding job and as the days go by I just get more and more stressed feeling I haven't made any progress
at one point I could make a chapter weekly but now I can't even draw a page a week.

>> No.6667989

Is the job situation gonna be permanent? It's ok to feel that way anon, I feel that way sometimes too when life bullshit gets in the way and I can't get time.

>> No.6667991

It's not permeant, but it is unpredictable. I'm a Police Officer so some days can be particularly draining as well.

>> No.6667994

Unfortunately anon, with physically demanding jobs, you have to tailor your expectations that realistically you'll be lucky to put out a 5-8 chapters a year.

>> No.6667995

>5-8 chapters a year
The fuck what? Anon, how long are your chapters?!

>> No.6667998

on average 25-30 pages, 1st chapter clocked in around 70 pages

>> No.6668005

Ok, at that scale that's more reasonable. I internally clock a chapter to be around 46-50 pages or so (but that's mostly because that's when the print companies allow me to use perfect binding as opposed to crappier options). You freaked me out for a second lol.

>> No.6668077

Does anyone here make money from their work?

>> No.6669129

The 16 hours of silence after this post is extremely funny

>> No.6669337

I'm trying to figure out how to make that happen. People just laugh at me for asking, saying I'm probably not technically good enough, but nobody ever offers any advice themselves. The only one who has ever responded to my post is the cowboy anon here, but I can't replicate his situation very easily.

>> No.6669363

I have no desire to make money. People enjoy things less if there's money involved.

>> No.6669459

Yes.* So far the only people who have bought hardcopy versions of my manga are friends and family who both want to support me and have told me they genuinely like the story. They've paid me the amounts I've asked, which would be enough to give me a small profit after printing and shipping fees. However, since not everyone that has received a hardcopy has compensated me (and I'm not going to, they were under no requirement to take and read my manga in the first place) I'm technically in the red.

Oh well. Once I have enough for a full manga volume, I plan to sell to the general public via Amazon or some other vendor.

>> No.6669920

It takes a lot of commitment and dedication to make a comic or manga. That's the part I'm having trouble with: it's not that I don't draw a lot or everyday (I do), but I struggle with creatively committing to an idea.
I have a lot of different ideas, and characters I made up that I like drawing. But, to make a manga out of them - I can't decide what story to tell, or where to take it. I have a tendency to get distracted by "shiny new things." This week, I might be obsessed with drawing shortstacks. Next week, I could be obsessed with drawing robot girls.
I'm trying to think in terms of: what am I most passionate about? What do I want to say? What manga do I want to read that doesn't yet exist?
I have a bit of creative inertia. I want to be bold and try something new, but I don't know if any of the ideas I have are actually "good" or just the most recent "shiny new thing" I'm interested in.
Anyone else deal with this sort of thing, or relate in any capacity?

>> No.6669922

what a lame post. grow some balls.

>> No.6669966

How much "ecchi" or "fanservice" do you guys like to put in your manga?

>> No.6670042

I'll add something for most non-degenerate tastes
>some feet
>some thighs

>> No.6670218

I make money

>> No.6670248

A lot of manga started off as a one shot you're using the "perfectionist" approach thinking that you're gonna knock it out of the park first try- your premise is probably gonna suck your paneling, your composition, etc. make something and commit. Everything in life is reps- the more you do something the more you get better at it, but if you constantly switch your program week to week you'll get really good at doing nothing, spreading yourself thin. Stick to an idea to see if you have what it takes. Shiny object syndrome is the mark of an undisciplined man.

>> No.6670482

Ive already done a slightly censored nude body in my first chapter, so I figure that allows me a few chapters of focusing on plot before I do more fanservice again.

>> No.6670492

I was like this for a long time, but to be honest, I didn’t have much that was worth saying during that phase; hindsight is 20/20, etc. I could say a billion things on this topic, but the best advice I can give is to have a clear mind, which means you have to purge coomer urges as must as possible.

>> No.6670674

The best way to create a singular project is to make the story as flexible as possible to your tastes. If you limit it, then you'll run into these issues. Make a story that can contain everything you might want, if you feel it doesn't fit the story's structure, avoid it.
I don't exactly have this issue since I broke all my big ideas into separate series already, so if I have an idea I really like and doesn't fit with my current work, I just move it to another of my series.

>> No.6670727

Yeah, you have to be insane to want to draw, let alone make comics or animate. Its one of the hardest hobbies in the world, the most harshly judged, and the most thankless. But some people are cursed with a desire to create and they don't see the point of living if they don't get to draw. Other people wake up, trip and land on a girlfriend, a stable job, a deep network of friends, tall height, and other good things. Meanwhile we have to toil every day, grind for hours, for one tiny drop of dopamine when something we draw finally looks alright. there's nothing free in manga world, you brute force it and spend all your energy squeezing rocks to get a molecule of water, and you're supposed to like it. While people who feel satisfaction from beating their wives laughs at your wonky loomis faces and then go back to watching the game on tv, thinking they're accomplishing something. You can't draw for other people, and you can't expect non artists to understand. Draw for yourself, and make your story because you want to.

>> No.6670979

You're not wrong anon, but it hurts when nobody wants to enjoy the story you want to tell. A story "needs" to be shared.

>> No.6670989
File: 209 KB, 695x1024, Ebs2ZDCWsAAeyxC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how much text, it's too much text?

>> No.6670997

Based Togashi flexing on his editor again before going back to bed to shag his wife Sailor Moon. The guy gets paid big bucks for this

>> No.6671003

I appreciate what you’re saying, except for the part where you said:
>tall height

You do realize many artists are physically attractive, right? That doesn’t make them work less hard on their passions.

>> No.6671761
File: 1.09 MB, 1100x1655, dana cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working on this as the new cover for vol 3, the old one was way too busy and hard to read at small size. What do you think of this? I might change the font a bit but I'm going with something like that for the title placement.

>> No.6671777

What is your actual title logo?

>> No.6671779
File: 1.58 MB, 960x1440, Tapas Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been doing this, but I don't think it's very good. I'd want to design a new title logo for this cover, and then I can go back and put it on the new editions of the old covers if I wanted. My other idea was generic looking font that's easy to read and puts focus on the image.

>> No.6671798

I'm trying to come up with a logo for mine but I need practice
Is it okay if I practice with your title?
You can use it if you like it or not if you don't

>> No.6671801

I appreciate the offer, but no thanks! I got burned in the past from some anon who volunteered for free work and then tried demanding money from me. It would also be better for your own comic's benefit if you spent all that time perfecting your own logo instead of working on one for me.

>> No.6671803

That sucks what a fuckhead
I'm still working on it though but I won't post it lol

>> No.6671805

It will probably be better than whatever I come up with, but yeah, because of that past experience in this very same thread, I won't let people do any free work for me again!

>> No.6672226

I hate the mobile format, can I still make it if I do trad format on webtoons/tapas? Zero interest in being an original though
Also, how do anons find people to read their scripts?

>> No.6672308

Doesn’t matter if you do manga style paneling, it still scrolls

>> No.6672339

Yes, you can still do trad format on sites like Tapas, don't worry. It's more than readable. Also, good on you for thinking about having people go over your script, I feel at times there's too many anons who just write down whatever and then the end product comes across slightly rough. Just start with friends who are willing to help.

>> No.6672345

Any writers here interested in doing a romcom manga? I was thinking of doing a oneshot and seeing if it gains any traction to get a publishers attention

>> No.6672366

Isn't that one of the most saturated fields in webtoons right now? You're gonna be wading into an insanely wide ocean.

>> No.6672474
File: 531 KB, 843x1541, 09987657897557885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im more thinking mpc/twitter/r*ddit and yeah i know. but i feel like being westoids we can bring in something unique enough to stand out. besides im just looking to start with a oneshot and see how it goes

>> No.6672496

Don't get me wrong, I wish you the absolute best of luck, anon. I've tried myself posting on reddit, and jesus christ the art subreddits dedicated to comics/manga are just the most barren wastelands out there. Nobody can draw, they make the /beg/s here look like fucking Hampton and Vilppu.

As an aside, on your top girl I think the nose and the mouth are not in the right position. I'm trying to redline the face in my head, and I think the eyes are pointing in one place while the nose/mouth are going in another direction.

>> No.6672502

Do you guys have more documentaries or shows like :

I find it enjoyable watching mangakas talk about others and art while drawing or just artists in general talking art/artists while drawing in the way they edited this (showing the artwork of the person they're talking about)?

>> No.6672508

nvm i just read the resources. I'm gonna leave my stupidity up though as a reminder that people should read instead of blindly posting... definitely not because I forgot how to delete a comment on 4chan.

>> No.6672543
File: 240 KB, 1218x1729, --.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r/manga isnt barren at all, in fact it helps blow up twitter oneshots pretty often, they pretty much eat up romcoms. also lol thanks for the heads up but ive learned over the years from the nips as long as the art isnt distracting, sequential art can have its technical mistakes ive stopped worrying about that at this point

>> No.6672561

Wait. I thought you werent allowed to post your own stuff on r/manga....

>> No.6672633

The only thing that wouldn't work are spreads, traditionally at least. You'd have to make them vertical.

>> No.6672641

I always avoid panty and nipple shots but do my share of fan service. Mind you i dont avoid them out of purity but more so because leaving it the readers imagination will always be more tantilizing than showing them all the goods

>> No.6674061

Wow, making a manga is no joke. Spent 8 hours a day inking a single page for the past 10 days and I already feel like I’ll get hernia. And I still have 30 more pages to go... how the fuck do all of you do it?

>> No.6674072

No sleep

>> No.6674084

A single page? Can you post an example so that what you’re saying makes sense?

>> No.6674129

>*single pages
I’ve inked 10 pages, I can only do 1 a day and it’s already killing me.

>> No.6674134

Oh I see. You meant a page a day. That’s pretty spot on.

>> No.6674147

>Spent 8 hours a day inking a single page
Speed that up, that's way too long to be spending on ink unless you are doing a cover illustration or a promo piece

>> No.6674233

I'd argue it depends on how insanely detailed your work is. Given how open ended everyone's art is, there's not necessarily a "one speed spectrum covers all".

>> No.6674239

If it's burning him out, then it's too much for regular output like a comic. I can pretty much guarantee nobody's work here is good enough to warrant that much time put into inking.

>> No.6674241

8 hours for inking each page is too long. Whatever results probably won't look like manga

>> No.6674246

Ironically, wouldn't that guarantee that it takes that long? Nobody is good enough, so they have to draw and redraw, and it adds up.

>> No.6674254

If he's talking about inking, that's not redrawing. Corrections and redraws would be done during the drafting / penciling stage.

From my experience most starting artists spend waaaay too much time polishing a turd with a shit ton of ink and color and rendering tricks, and this is what takes up all their attention and doesn't actually help them improve.

>> No.6674775
File: 3.55 MB, 2880x2048, blue period.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. It kinda sucks, but if was easy then everyone would do it.

>> No.6674783

>I can pretty much guarantee nobody's work here is good enough to warrant that much time put into inking.
That doesn't make any sense. The time it takes to ink something can vary based on subject and mood so this is pretty much a nonsense statement.


>> No.6674866

Do you consider solely getting the finalized lines down as inking or are you throwing in stuff like applying halftones/screentones/light values as well? Because if its JUST the lines, then holy hell yes 8 hours is way too long. I'd argue 3 hours maximum unless you were doing some kind of money shot panel.

>> No.6674870

>how the fuck do all of you do it?
Personally I do it because if I dont, i fall into a depression. Theres no money to be made in comics so it has to be something youre passionate about working on. Though i have to ask how does one page take 8 hours? are you doing some berserk tier detailed pages anon?

>> No.6674880

>there’s no money to be made in comics

Literally people make a living with comics. Why do you think there are so many webcomic platforms like webtoon, toomics, tapas, etc.? What you mean is that there’s no money in shitty comics, just like there’s no money in shitty music.

>> No.6674885

Not him but backgrounds really can take ages. It depends on the subject.

>> No.6674897

All the top comics on those platforms are absolute shit though. There is ONLY money in shit comics, because they have to pander to the lowest common denominator. This likely includes you.

>> No.6674908
File: 2.96 MB, 1942x974, db1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else studying old manga to understand what made them so great and to learn from them?
I've started to read the colored version of Dragon Ball Z because my own comic will be in color, and I think I'm having an epiphany.
I think I fundamentally misunderstood what to focus on when making comics.
I think modern manga and webtoons have kind of warped my understanding of comics.
I've always put a ton of importance on showing almost all "movements" and moments my characters are experiencing, almost like I'm drawing a storyboard for animation, as well as putting a lot of emphasis on shading, lighting, details, and backgrounds.

Yet when I'm reading this colored DBZ manga I'm awestruck at how beautifully efficient it is with its paneling, colors, shading, backgrounds, and even writing.
The backgrounds especially look so simple yet beautiful and have just enough detail to convey the scale and place they're in without being distracting.
A big contrast to the hyper-realistic 3d backgrounds many artists use nowadays.

I also love the use of simple one-color backgrounds some of the panels have (I've always wondered what to do with the blank-white backgrounds many black & white mangas do when drawing them in color.)

I've also noticed how the "sound effects" lettering really adds to the panels and how they change in style depending on the scene.
I know that sounds obvious but in so many webtoons and other comics, it feels like the sound effects are an afterthought, by picking a generic font and slapping them on top of the panels instead of incorporating them into the drawing.

>> No.6674917
File: 3.17 MB, 1942x974, db2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the fight scenes! Man, the fight scenes are so amazing.
They're so easy to follow and fun to look at.
I have such a hard time with some of the fights in modern manga and comics but here it's a joy to experience.
The way Toriyama conveys movement and uses the panel layouts for it feels so satisfying.
I truly understand now why Toriyama is worshipped like a God by so many mangakas.
I'm learning so much from reading this.
(sorry for the shitty watermarks btw lol)

>> No.6674918

That's one of the worst examples you could refer to when it comes to color comics, artistically speaking. The manga is much better in original black and white.

>> No.6674927

Maybe it's my taste but I love how it looks and the way it's colored.
Maybe I used bad pages to get my point across.
Here's the site I'm reading it on:

I've looked at other colored comics like Invincible but it didn't look that appealing to me.

>The manga is much better in original black and white.
Probably, lol. Are there any other colored comics/manga that you can recommend to study?

>> No.6674934

While I dont like the colored version, you're absolutely right about everything else. Toriyama in his prime was a manga making genius, the dude knew what to and what not to include to make the action as well as art as crisp as it was

>> No.6674935


>> No.6674950
File: 414 KB, 850x1400, 6302f9d1efc57f25c1065ef0dd7f63c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously very few manga are printed in color, but many of them have a few pages per chapter that were. It's more worth studying those grab pages and the cover art, or checking out some Euro or (older) American comics for a market that is well versed in color than to study something that was painted over way after the fact with stock-standard anime color.

>> No.6674968
File: 1.52 MB, 647x958, mha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's more worth studying those grab pages and the cover art
I know what you mean but many of these officially colored pages have a lot of detail added to them that would increase my workload exponentially.
I'm dumb enough to want to draw in color instead of b&w, so I'm trying to be as efficient as possible without it looking half-assed.
But you're right about studying comics and manga where the coloring was a part of the original artistic vision.
Still, I don't know why but the simple coloring of the DBZ manga looks so appealing to me, even if it wasn't Toriyama's original work.

>> No.6674971

God I wish I had the confidence to use SFX words, let alone the giant fuck off xbox hueg ones Toriyama and other manga artists do. I keep trying and I keep dying from cringe. It doesnt help that a lot of english SFX words sound/look really stupid when you put them in giant words on a page. Makes me feel like I'm trying to do some 1950s Batman or something with BAM! and SMASH! and KAPOW!

>> No.6674976
File: 94 KB, 567x720, 1604601723734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Japanese characters are just more aesthetically pleasing and easily more artistic than the English alphabet. Honestly, English is one of the worst looking scripts in the world. It's the concrete box of written language.

>> No.6674981
File: 2.26 MB, 977x1003, HE_Battle_of_Ealen_IV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, I'm in the same boat as you.
Having cool-looking moon runes instead of "DOOOM" or "KABOOOOM" for an explosion feels way more immersive and less goofy even though the Japanese SFX pretty much say the same thing.
Maybe try to incorporate the SFX into the drawing to make it less jarring and obvious?
You could also draw the SFX yourself instead of using a font to make it feel more natural as well.

>> No.6675006

My take on it is this:

Most SFX in Japanese are written in katakana, and katakana characters tend to have a lot of straight horizontal and vertical elements. This works really well with manga, considering all the speed lines, hatching, and just overall motion, so the sound effects legit just look like design elements moreso than actual text, especially to non native speakers. It isn't even really difficult to learn both kana types, so at bare minimum you should know what you're reading with SFX, because there are a lot of even translated manga that tend to just leave them untranslated except for publishers like Viz.

English characters often tend to have a lot more rounded elements, and as a native speaker, you might be taken a bit out of it because your brain immediately recognizes it as text to be read. So there tends to be a bit of a disconnect between the text and imagery, and it can be a bit jarring.

>> No.6675014
File: 2.22 MB, 1200x1854, title font.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like how Fujimoto used sound effects in the Bomb Devil fight in Chainsaw Man.
Speaking of font, I'm terrible at it! What do you think of this font placement for the cover I'm working on?

>> No.6675017
File: 92 KB, 536x808, bomb-devil-boom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe try to incorporate the SFX into the drawing to make it less jarring and obvious?
I like this pic related example of that

>> No.6675031

Top, dead center, or bottom. Having it just below center looks bad.

>> No.6675221
File: 2.11 MB, 1200x1854, title font.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure this works, but I like it because it's easy to read

>> No.6675262


>> No.6675618
File: 3.03 MB, 2000x1546, BOI74-75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill Six Billion Demons is pretty recent yea

>> No.6675627
File: 203 KB, 759x956, page 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess i might as well visit this thread if i want to make comics someday

usually the only sfx words i use are either exclamation points or question marks for that exact reason
only exception is screaming or numbers (when they're important)

maybe after the tourney i'll experiment with not using sfx words and see how it goes

>> No.6676474

Anyone got a good free font they use? Most are free for personal use but if I start selling with those fonts do you think I'd actually get busted for it?

>> No.6676486

Double check the fine print. Some require if you use it for commercial purposes AND are a big enough studio. Some font creators have carveouts for individual artists trying to commercialize.

>> No.6676488

if you are going to use a font you should really make your own with calligraphr or something. I think its free, it was when I used it.

>> No.6676497

But why? While doing your own thing is never gonna be intrinsically bad, professional fonts will almost always win out on readability. I've seen some of the custom fonts some anons and it deels like readability and kerning were complete afterthoughts. Absolute chore to parse.

>> No.6676498

Some anons use and it feels*

Goddamn mobile posting.

>> No.6676518

Will check, but there's only 3 I've found that look decent so I hope at least one of them will be cool with it.
No I really shouldn't, I'm trying to look as professional as I can. I also have tried personal fonts in the past and the alignment is always ass even if my handwriting wasn't chickenscratch.

>> No.6676528
File: 694 KB, 756x1000, ultra_zone_ch02_pg13b copy 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair points. Maybe I should have said you *might* want to make your own font , instead of you *should*.
For the record I don't even use a font , I just hand letter it, but I am a crackhead.

>> No.6676533

There's nothing wrong with that. I think comics like Calvin and Hobbes were completely free-handed for the text.

>> No.6676537

It fits the look you're going for and you write neatly. For me I'm looking to blend in with the published market, but thanks for trying to help

>> No.6676568

Now I'm curious about your work - post a panel or two?

>> No.6676581

I might have if I had anything I wasn't planning on putting on twitter. Last thing I need is to give ammo to the people who hate me (there's a couple)

>> No.6676652
File: 123 KB, 626x644, laf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scuffed character portrait

Irashai Carolynchad, hope you stick around

I did a font hunt recently to try and inflate my production quality, here's some I liked
Fontlibrary is great

>> No.6676681

On another note, anyone know how safe the top and bottom margins of the live area are on a printable manuscript? I know the right and left sides outside the safe area should be considered for binding. But I even search through japanese sources on the issue and nobody talks about the top and bottom margins. Just that anything you absolutely want, like text, should go in the live area. But when I overlay some pages from various manga over the manuscript print guidelines to compare, they often put speech bubbles all the way into the very top and bottom margins (but obviously still within the trim zone)
I'm going to assume it's safe to extend text and important images up/down there and that it's mainly the sides I should mind. But maybe someone here who has printed before will know.
Nice recommendations, thanks!

>> No.6676687

How safe the margin areas are absolutely depends on the specific print manufacturer you have decided to partner with. They will have a template you can use.

>> No.6676694
File: 408 KB, 1650x2325, 2010_manga_template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really depends on how and where you're having them printed. I've shopped around some various print on demand/self printing places, and the amount that gets cut off differs slightly. Keep in mind there are three terms to remember:

Live area: This is the area where nothing will ever be lost. If you're worried about something being lost, it should extend past this.

Bleed: If you want your art to extend to the edge of the page, it needs to be in this area, but because of slight variations in how the page is cut/printed, some bits that fall in the bleed are at risk of being lost.

Trim: If you want your art to go to the edges of the page, it needs to extend into the trim, however, know that anything within the trim will be cut off and lost in print.

This is just one example from KaBlam printing, for instance, but the page size, and all of the measurements will vary and be slightly different from printer to printer.

>> No.6676698

>it should extend past this.

Oops. That should say it "shouldn't" extend past that.

>> No.6676709

I mainly paint, what type of brush should I use for the finalized lineart? I guess that the basic hard round wouldn't do
Also another stupid question: how do you do the panels? Just square tool or there's more to it?

>> No.6676734

>I mainly paint, what type of brush should I use for the finalized lineart?
Winsor Newton Series 7

>> No.6676752

You mention basic hard round, so I assume you mean digital lineart. Just pick whatever looks good to you, man. Ain't no rules. As for panels, I just use the simple rectangle tool in Photoshop. If I'm using a weirder panel shape, I use the line tool and then clean up the connections afterwards.

>> No.6676762

Why bother giving a user standardized options in csp if its all at the whims of the printing company anyway. Very annoying.

>> No.6676766

I presume CSP is probably set to adhere to what are likely much more consistent standards in Japanese printing.

>> No.6676776

The "standardized" options (the ones specifically formatted to be the same dimension of the different publishers) are different because they presumably use different printers from one another.
Besides, frankly, this really doesn't need to be so precise. Stay roughly within the live area and you'll be good. Draw roughly up past the trim when you want the drawing all the way out the page and you'll be good. If the text is going out of the live area then that's a problem. The only time where you can be looking at it with precision is if you already know the printer and thus the exact dimensions of the margins you have. Outside of that circumstance, view them as the guidelines they are, not walls. The safe area is typically pretty consistent anyway, it's the trim/bleed that changes.

>> No.6676791

You mean besides the binding side I presume, which as far as I can deduce, shouldn't really go beyond the wall of the live area. But the live area differs a lot in say, your standard B4 that you prepare for a manga contest, and the KaBlam printing template anon posted above. Way bigger margin outside of the live area on a B4 in csp. So if I wanted to prepare something for a contest, then decide I also want to get it printed, I might not be able to without massive reformatting because something something no single standard. Seems like an issue that should have way more resources addressing it. Especially for brainlets like me.

>> No.6676814

The spine of the book is where the printing guides matter most, yes. You can draw into the spine, but don't put anything important in there like text or critical visual information. It's fine if it's just some background or effect that goes into the spine. Applies with spreads too. And text can go a little bit over the safe area, that's not the end of the world, but the deeper in it goes the more the reader will have to pull the book to see it.
If you're so worried, then simple make your comic in such a way that you can easily move stuff around. Make the speech bubbles their own layer on top of everything else, make a layer below it with a white fill and draw stuff underneath them and voila you have speech bubbles you can move around whereever you want on the page easily. Try not to put important information near the edge of the page. This stuff isn't all that difficult, so if you need to take your mind off bindings stuff then make it easier on yourself by working in a way where you're not locked into the placement you have.

>> No.6676839

Print question anon, don't forget that if you ever have any questions, the lrinter you decide to work with is always happy to answer whatever technical questions you have, since the last thing they want is a pissed off print customer after the print has been made. The one I partnered with is Mixam, and they've always been cool with me asking them questions.

>> No.6676867

Moving elements around isn't an option, I'll just have to figure out the most reserved way to lay things out and hope I don't run into problems later.
Yeah thanks anon, I'm sure it'll get easier after I print a couple mangas

>> No.6676872
File: 155 KB, 357x313, 2D1E4A0A-9919-435D-93AA-66016B0F51CC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people are saying series 7 quality control has gone to shit. some are good and some are let downs.
I myself have a series 7. it still is my first “pro” brush that isn’t some shitty michaels synthetic. it seems to work well for what I do, but sometimes I wonder if I had actually gotten one of the shitty brushes, and my lack of experience prevents me from realising it.

>> No.6676964

Then does it really matter? If it looks good, it looks good. If you get to a point where you no longer think the quality is good enough, then look for an upgrade.

Truthfully, any mid-grade quality tool will be just as good as the most expensive alternative in the hands of a good artist.

>> No.6677043
File: 489 KB, 900x1200, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a rough idea for a cover to my graphic novel. Kind of like it, but it also seems a little cheesy.

>> No.6677375

Capitalization could use a little tweaking as well as kerning for the L. I understand its just a rough draft but right now I'm reading despite my attempts THEM OLE and THEMOIE.

>> No.6677659

what makes a comic worth reading? I've read poorly drawn comics and skipped beautifully drawn ones, so its not art quality.

>> No.6677675

story, stupid

>> No.6677679

I knew that but I wanted someone to confirm it...

>> No.6677709
File: 134 KB, 624x435, sensui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Appealing characters.
Art quality, story content, pacing, tonal control, atmospheric content, action quality, intrigue, and everything else fiction has to offer all come distant second - at best - in the face of characterization. You can have a good comic even if you don't have a good story, so long as you have great characters. You can't have a good comic if you have a great story, but don't have good characters.

>> No.6677736

For anons who ink traditionally, what kind of pens do you use? I usually use the G-pen, but I recently got some Speedball and Hunt nibs and I really enjoy using them
Characters. Like 90% of a story is character interaction. It doesn't matter how good the art or plot is if the characters are annoying. ONE is a good example of this

>> No.6677794
File: 365 KB, 1066x1600, 0126-012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In how many years should you expert decent draftmanship in figure drawing and detailing if outside of studying fundies you're working on a comic? I know becoming Otomo in 2 years is objectively impossible but what about the same level of draftmanship and detail as something more middle of the road in terms of quality like pic related (but with more dynamic posing)? I started getting into drawing again alongside learning general storytelling in the hopes of making comics because I want to make my own epics, and sometimes illustrations just for getting commissions. Not going to post my art but I'm still pretty amateur with little fundamentals knowledge and technique, but not exactly a beginner.

>> No.6677816

You either love to draw
Or your don't.

If you love to draw, you will not need to track your hours like a diet plan. You will draw because you like the act of doing it, and you will improve because you naturally want to.

If you are only learning to draw so that you can make stories, then you should probably consider writing a standard book instead. Skip the 10-year learning period and get straight to what you actually want to do.

>> No.6677841

Oh, I like to draw but the problem is that my own art is just not not good enough to compare not only to most pro mangakas, but also most decently skilled internet artists active online as well. I'm just looking for a method to get quick gains illustration-wise while also working on long comics themselves without waiting too much time (eg 5 years or so) before I get to higher intermediate levels and I'm at least good at figure drawing and character design. My current plan is spending 2 years just doing one shots with just passable stories only with the intetion to improve my draftmanship, range and visual techniques themselves, the once I'm decently skilled but not exactly impressive I can start working on longer projects while hoping to made memorable stories while also getting an high art skill level during the run.

>> No.6677852

>all that planning and scheduling
>just draw, dude. if you'll get there, you'll get there

So much unnecessary stress.

>> No.6677872

This is all very disappointing to read. Art is not a trade skill you can plan out like a college degree path. It's a terrible choice for a career, high school athletes have a better chance of making a career in professional sports than an artist does in their hobby.

If what you want to do is make comic books, start making them now. Don't 'save up' your favorite ideas, start with them. If you try to draw lesser ideas first, you will not have passion or care for them and you will get nowhere. There is no rule saying you can't do the same comic twice if you find yourself improving immensely later on.

Honestly you sound like the hundreds of other people I have talked to who don't actually have any creativity or desire, they just want to be the guy who makes the cool comic.

Like I said, if you just have a burning idea for a story you need to get out, write a novel. If you really love to draw, then you are going to draw no matter what, so no 'plan' or timeline is going to effect that.

>> No.6677900

He's like those people who say they'll "really" get to drawing after these next few fundie exercises are grinded out... but in manga making form.

>> No.6677971
File: 86 KB, 792x609, Screenshot (101).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a couple of unfinished pages for my webtoon im working on. any critiques on my paneling?


>> No.6677972
File: 144 KB, 790x649, Screenshot (102).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6677974
File: 124 KB, 791x583, Screenshot (103).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6677980
File: 123 KB, 702x650, Screenshot (104).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6677982

Unsure how I can judge your paneling when its one panel a pic.

>> No.6677984
File: 87 KB, 390x648, Screenshot (105).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6677985

read in order from 1-5

>> No.6677996
File: 52 KB, 801x443, ybo5vcmqw9z61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How did you FEEL?

Overall, not sure what I'm supposed to be critiquing. Unfinished, out of context, tiny snippets.

>> No.6678010

Again, not sure what I should be critiquing paneling wise.

>> No.6678047
File: 278 KB, 704x997, these arent recommendations just examples.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the individual compositions are fine but you should do something with the panels
even in scrolling format the flow can be very different just moving things to one side of the page

>> No.6678101

that looks much better thanks anon

>> No.6678102

yeah thats my fault. ill post the finished product next time

>> No.6678182

Favorite fonts for sfx?

>> No.6678186

Hand drawn.

>> No.6678434

I have two questions. Figured this is the best place to ask.

First question, I don't know the first thing about manga making, but I've been drawing for a few years and I want to make a comic out of a story I've been working on for a while. Is it more beneficial to me to start working on the manga right now, even with zero knowledge and experience with how to create a manga, and then fix it later after learning more about the process? or should I learn how manga is made first and save myself the headache of having to redo everything later?

Second question, regarding character designs. I have names for my characters, and know what role they play in the story, but I only have a vague idea of what they look like at best. Am I better off just creating very bland temporary designs for them while I draw my first draft, or should I focus on creating proper designs for them before I start the manga? I know nothing about character design either, so I don't know which benefits me more, and I feel like I could spend literal weeks or even months trying to nail a design I'm satisfied with if I go with that route.

I want to get started sooner rather than later because it's a large story and it's going to take me an absurd amount of time to fully draw out, but I don't know how much time I might waste if I do things in the wrong order.

>> No.6678470

First things first: There a many things you can only learn by making manga/comics. It doesn't matter how many times you hear or read about these things, you need to encounter them yourself to figure out how to deal with them.

One of these things is character design. You can make a comic with whatever designs and as long as they're distinguishable from one another it'll be fine, but having a clear design in mind not only helps you (in keeping things clear in the storyboard) but obviously getting better at character design will improve your comicmaking as a whole too, so I'd recommend having designs for the characters before you start. They don't need to be locked in, you can change how you draw them later, but characters having some distinctive visual trait is valuable.

It doesn't matter which option you choose you're going to end up not liking the start of your comic. You can study for years before starting, it's not going to make you good at making comics, and once you've made hundreds of pages you're going to look back at the early ones with a grimace whether you "studied" beforehand or not.

>> No.6678679

Much appreciated. I kept hesitating to start working on it because I had no character designs set in stone or know-how on manga making, but I really want to start soon. It's reassuring knowing that I'll feel like my comic is garbage regardless of the prior studying (or lack thereof), so I know I can at least take it easy for now and just focus on putting my story onto the pages. I'll come up with some basic designs for my characters that are different from one another even if I'm not sold on them entirely. Thanks.

>> No.6678731
File: 2.80 MB, 1535x2126, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

examples of my comic layouts

later ones are in german sorry

>> No.6678732
File: 1.94 MB, 1210x1748, 3 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6678734
File: 1.66 MB, 1235x1748, 4 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6678736
File: 493 KB, 1070x1408, Unbenannt-43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6678738
File: 509 KB, 1165x1496, Unbenannt-44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6678740
File: 539 KB, 1165x1496, Unbenannt-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6678742
File: 508 KB, 1165x1496, Unbenannt-46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6678744
File: 1.68 MB, 1748x2244, freedomcomic3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6678746
File: 1.34 MB, 1748x2244, freedomcomic4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6678749
File: 1.58 MB, 1748x2244, freedomcomic5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6678845

You cannot really design your characters unless you have a clear mind for the setting and the overall plot. Even when in the same time period, designs will greatly differ based on the plot. Let's take everything from early medieval to early renaissance stuff for example. Lord of the Rings looks different than the Witcher looks different than Berserk, and thats all just "Europe." The clothes and styles reflect the world the characters live in. Once you have that down, then you place your characters and design them around that. How would they dress? Do their clothes make sense given who they are and how they live?

>> No.6678858

Not only this, but designs should convey their personality to a degree. One of the keys to attractive character designs is being able to have an idea at just a glance of what this character is about.

>> No.6678866

Are you 12?

>> No.6678877

>t. Eiji Nizuma wannabes
You guys are putting words into his mouth. All he said was he wanted to make one shots and improve his art before starting a series. That’s a good strategy, and he won’t get strung dry starting a webcomic which gains no views over several years, like most of the other posters in this thread.

This place used to be awesome. We made one shots and wanted to win the Tezuka contest. We actually critiqued each other and discussed manga in depth. I used to save every mmg thread on my hard drive so I could read and digest them later. Now it’s just lame stuff like this, as if you guys were telling him anything really important.

No wonder nobody good posts here now. Alice anon’s left, and now cowboy anon has too

>> No.6678911

Sorry the truth hurts, anon. You cannot optimize your way to artistic success.

>> No.6678941

I never said you could.

>> No.6678944

Im 28 and people are willing to pay the 2 to 5 bucks to cover the printing costs of the books i printed. Of the 50 I printed for each of the 2 stories, I am down to 30 or so.

People's interrest and smiles at cons are worth it even if they don't buy anything.
So I'll keep doing it till I die!

>> No.6678984

>printing only costs $2 per copy at only 50 copies made

Are you choosing only the absolute worst paper quality to print on or something?

>> No.6679000

Yeah, even doing a short story webcomic (something with maybe 10-25 chapters) is a good idea because it also allows you to learn about sites to post to, your audience, posting schedule, etc. You'll also learn how to format your shit and what you're good at and what you suck at.
Even Webtoons hosts one-shot drawing contests. A lot of newbies try to join but it's too hard, and it's a filter to see who can handle it and who can't.

>> No.6679029

Checked. I have a much bigger appreciation for manga studios now. It's one thing to understand in theory how hard they work, but its another to go through it yourself.

>> No.6679079
File: 756 KB, 929x722, Screenshot 2023-05-29 180336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



100g volume paper one time B/W for 16 pages was 1,61 € and for 64 pages with softcover was 3,61 € per book

>> No.6679501

>now cowboy anon has too
Why would you say this? I never left.

>> No.6679579
File: 484 KB, 923x1414, scribles2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some stuff

>> No.6679746

I didn't mind the trim lines lads, and inked a bad composition. Let this be a lesson.

>> No.6679809

Just surprised at the cost per print.

>> No.6680020
File: 1.03 MB, 850x1560, page 16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting last pages.

>> No.6680021
File: 1.01 MB, 850x1439, page 17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6680022
File: 826 KB, 850x2273, page 18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6680023
File: 596 KB, 850x1158, page 19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6681545
File: 186 KB, 759x956, page 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks man
hope i'll stick around for longer after i'm done with /crab/
pls be gentle this is my first time making comics

>> No.6681601

>trying add fanservice/pinup page
>get horny looking for refs
>don't feel like drawing for a few hours

How do not do this?

>> No.6681627

Draw even when you don't feel like it.
Alternatively wait til you hit 30 and your dick stops reacting to every barely concealed titty you see.

>> No.6681662

I'm 35 and just fapped for the 3rd time this morning

>> No.6681675

Must be a me thing then.

>> No.6681739
File: 170 KB, 680x680, 3b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Focuses on black (specifically African-American) content, but seems willing to publish anyone good enough.

>> No.6681745

I got contacted by a guy to draw a comic
He seems kind of legit (for what an amateur can be) but the fact that he wants like 80-100 pages potentially for free since we're going to split the income from self publishing seems kind of a huge time investment for nothing
Is this a common occurrence or I'm embarking on a disaster?

>> No.6681752

Never work for free. Always have a contract in place, like an ACTUAL contract signed and witnessed by a notary. Do not fuck yourself over.

>> No.6681758

If I go to a notary to make a contract for a maybe comic maybe Amazon published with a maybe first experience writer maybe everything he's going laugh at me and kick me out of his office

>> No.6681761

Why? Notaries work for set rates, and its not up to them to judge. Anon, do not give some literally who 80 fucking pages of work for free.

>> No.6681769

>we're going to split the income from self publishing
That's dumb, but common. Artists always put in the bulk of the work when it comes to comics. I bet his "80-100" pages is just schitzo rambling and you'll have to piece it all together. He's probably young, dumb, or both.
He should pay you a fair rate per page then royalties after that, if you want.
Just say no and move on

>> No.6681771

Just 80-100 pages is not going to make the two of you a whole lot of money. That's not even really enough for a single book, unless it's a pretty short book. I personally would never take a purely profit-split deal, I need a page rate to pay my bills. Relying on income from sales or whatever is such a longshot that it's simply not worth counting on. I could only fathom doing so if it's something I'm mostly making for myself and own completely.

It doesn't really matter, just get it down in legally binding language with both of your signatures on it. If you take the deal, then it's good for both of you to not be thinking the other guy is going to screw the other later.

>> No.6681825
File: 370 KB, 728x1135, IMG_8488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s the general idea behind how manga like pic rel is paneled? Not just this page, but all of Negima (if you’re familiar with it) and similar books. When does the artist decide on using these slanted panels, etc?

>> No.6681837

Slanted panels are meant to convey a number of things but mostly like a change of energy in the moment to something more dramatic.
Making them thin especially with closeups creates tension, but a thin panel containing a long/wide shot can just convey a character glancing around the area for a quick second.
As far as placement it's really all about how you want to convey the timing of whatever the characters are doing.

>> No.6681838

In manga, slanted panels are generally used for action and motion. Or sometimes speed. But how you panel can also be a bit of a personal style.

>> No.6681843

...i think that they just announced the kyoto contest... deadline 31 of august...

I'm still drafting my first chapter/entry for manga plus creators... but could i make another for the kyoto one?

>> No.6681846

You'd have to ask the mangaka themself. There's all kinds of possible reasons, including "I just felt like it", but the answer why that specific sequence ended up involving a diagonal panel break can only be speculated. Generally speaking, don't overthink or overanalyze paneling. Authors pump out so many layouts that they don't really have the luxury of giving a purpose to every single choice, and simple mistakes are quite possible even among highly praised "genius" authors.

>> No.6681852
File: 45 KB, 400x226, 1685324441427445.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget what i said, checking the page they say that they will have a category with just the name for the paneling, and that's my shit... at least with the one shot that i wanted to make for this contest

>> No.6681865

What kind of fanservice?

>> No.6681894

Just two of the main girls in tiny dresses having a drink by the lake with their toes in the water

>> No.6681910

try having a fucking ounce of self control you manchild coomer

>> No.6681940

Don't stop I'm almost there.

>> No.6682024

Lean into it and write something with an erotic premise. Better yet to express the way you're feeling add story contrivances that prevent the sexy stuff from going all the way and becoming full on porn, something along the lines of 'My Balls'.

>> No.6682046
File: 1.41 MB, 1024x724, noise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how to keep the same Noise level of the Right image without having the same kind of compression? Trying to retain it to keep the textured look and not so smoothed out but for whatever reason, whenever i save it, it smooths out the image

>> No.6682050

Ok I got the message.
The "schitzo rambling and you'll have to piece it all together. He's probably young, dumb, or both" thing is scarily accurate
I'll just wait him to send me the script and pretend that it's too hard for me
I'll do some page so I can put them in my portfolio though

>> No.6682057

What program are you using? Is your noise from a separate layer?

>> No.6682059

Panel boxes are camera direction + time, the smaller the box, the less time the camera will focus on it. So a slanted show is a increase/decrease time on whatever it's focusing

>> No.6682061

Using CSP, should I merge the layers before saving?

>> No.6682063

>80 pages for a payout that might never come
Sounds like a bad deal anon

>> No.6682072

Exactly, that's why I came here to ask you guys an opinion
But more importantly, just now I made a fucking huge mistake.
I searched for the guy that contacted me on Google. He's a complete fucking retard holy shit
Why did I do that

>> No.6682080

I'd recommend rendering out the image first then adding noise to the rendered image.
You may also be running into this image because you don't work in a high DPI or resolution. The higher they are, the better the results.

>> No.6682085

>I'll do some page so I can put them in my portfolio though
Don't do it at all. If no money is exchanged, then just ghost him. Don't use his content for your portfolio, either, sever all ties or he might come after you for using his content
If you really want a script to write from, then use something online or ask an anon here for like 2-5 page script of something simple

>> No.6682097

Should I really ghost him? Wouldn't doing something like pretending that a paying job came up suddenly and waving him away be better?
He has my contacts and my socials btw, how can I ghost him?

>> No.6682098

Just tell him you're not interested anon

>> No.6682100

Anon, just say that you've thought about it, and you don't feel like doing it after all. Thank him for his time and move on. You don't have to respond to him after that. If he decides to get weird, block him.

But under no circumstances use his ideas, or he will come after you if he feels at all vindictive. It's not worth the time and effort.

>> No.6682113

Ok dad I got it, thanks

>> No.6682352

I might be taking it too literally, but do you mean the speech to the right is meant to be read slower because it’s in a wider end of the panel, while the speech to the left is read quicker because it’s in the narrow end?

>> No.6682357

He's talking about how long the eye generally stays on that portion of the page. It doesnt necessarily have to correlate to reading time.

>> No.6682410

>draw approximate stylized hand
>this is fine but
>draw the same hand from photo ref of your own hand
>it's shit

>> No.6682458
File: 28 KB, 564x317, 435ijgklfsfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty excited about the kyoto contest, I hope to see more anons join this year. Lets all work on something we can take pride in!

>> No.6682480

>Kyoto contest
What's that

>> No.6682549
File: 11 KB, 391x394, AAFC9105-E651-40CE-8950-72070235D3E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can copy an action panel just fine but trying to come up with one from imagination is the pits. The warped, stretched and forced foreshortening is a crazy skill of its own. And then compositionally framing it in the limited space of the panel? I'm quickly reminded just how limited my skills really are.

>> No.6682601

here https://medibang.com/contest/kyoto-manga2023/

>> No.6682617

I was actually thinking of making something for it. I have an idea, but I want to go through my ideapad first, since the idea I have already would be quite challenging and kinda lacks an emotional punch.

>> No.6682667

sounds good, I'm still working on my idea and thinking with going something that is more slice of life. let's do our best anon

>> No.6682679

Watch martial art movies, piece together pieces of several fights you like, screenshot those scenes to have reference poses, boom ya got a fight scene

>> No.6682691

Issue with that is that action movies often rely on movement to stitch the cuts together. That's not possible with comics, so if you just copied action movies then the action scenes would become very difficult to follow.

>> No.6682706

I like how the grand prize wouldn't even pay for a damn plane ticket to Kyoto

>> No.6682714

If you're in japan the expenses for the trip are paid. If you're not in japan you aren't invited (lol)

>> No.6682734

Are you suppose to do all 3 parts of the Kyoto contest? its a little confusing

>> No.6682751
File: 20 KB, 720x405, DE7F5D5F-882B-40D5-9441-EBCD26F8A562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The poses aren't the issue, it's pushing them to foreshorten hard, while still showing enough between the dialogue bubbles. Like say, a shot from the floor level looking up, where the back of the guys calf is huge right up in the camera, his upper body mostly out of view, and then further away is someone's body flying backwards at high speed, warping him to an elongated shape, and everything is covered in speedlines. Pushing that kind of foreshortening is something I can do with enough sketching but making it all perfectly clear in the panel, and keeping all the text in the middle safe area of the page is really hard. There's a fuckton to think about when it comes to action in manga. I got only 4 panels on this page I'm working on. 2 panels take up 75% of the page with motion, but 50% of each panel's space is taken up by limbs right up in the camera. So I have to think if I'm a person reading this for the first time, do I know what I'm seeing and can I follow it? How can I make it explicitly clear? That kind of thing. It's humbling for sure. I haven't redrawn sketches this much in a long fucking time. Aw shit this reminded me too that I need the bottom left to visually entice turning the page. How these manga guys do this shit?

>> No.6682919

I think I'll join in too. I've already got a one-shot in the barrel, and external deadlines seem to be the only way I can make real progress. Might as well go for it, right?

>> No.6682925

I think those anons are trying to save the other anon from falling into the trap of thinking theres a clear path to success. Drawing comics is the worst thing you could possibly do if you just want to be popular and successful. That's why they stress the importance of enjoying the act of drawing. Its not like lifting where you're more or less guaranteed to get gains if you stick at it. You could draw as well as any mangaka but still have no readers due to pure bad luck.

>> No.6682930
File: 1.57 MB, 1920x2161, 1683592891224860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too anon, even if i'm concentrating more into another thing first, that the had made names electable for the contest made me really happy
Let's fucking go and try our best...

Also sma round 20 also started so we have kyoto and sma 20 to add into the next thread

>> No.6682951
File: 262 KB, 519x593, tfw cant go on copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first day of June
Summer is here anons. How did your May go? My month was dogshit. very unproductive. I can do a lot better.

>> No.6682969
File: 703 KB, 363x453, rinren002 copy 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will NOT be entering the contest.

>> No.6683201
File: 790 KB, 914x816, 1685144437737175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will enter, and you are going to fucking like it

>> No.6683207

Very stupid questions for digital
To avoid having lines of too many different sizes on a page I have to avoid zooming in?
There is a standard level of distance from viewer/loss of detail in the drawing ratio or I have to just wing it?

>> No.6683213

What does zooming in have to do with the size of your lines?
Just a pick a brush size and use that. It's not rocket science.
>There is a standard level of distance from viewer/loss of detail in the drawing ratio or I have to just wing it?
If you're ever not sure, just compare yours to a print comic.

>> No.6683219

It’s a legit question that’s related to your second reply kek.

Anon calculate your display ppi then in CSP go to view>Actual print size. You’ll then need to input the display size and ppi. Alternatively take a A4 paper and tape it to the display tablet then manually zoom and save the %.

>> No.6683224

You don't have to do any of that, you can just paste a page into your canvas and enlarge or shrink it to fit onto your canvas. Then you can directly compare line width.

>> No.6683270
File: 89 KB, 850x1204, Comic111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6683271
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>> No.6683272
File: 122 KB, 850x1204, Comic333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6683280

Have you been watching looney tunes?

>> No.6683284


>> No.6683286


>> No.6683487

I recognize this art style
What pen do you use? I feel like I've seen it in some stock library somewhere.

>> No.6683527

Rapidograph by anon from current csp thread
this comic is a first test of the pen, I haven't drawn anything else with it yet

>> No.6683695

Where do some of you host?

>> No.6683796
File: 58 KB, 298x260, yes honey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes honey.
actually I would but I have a pretty good hunch that I am not going to win. maybe that is lame , or realistic.

>> No.6683806
File: 272 KB, 836x458, meat conundrum bermaru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where do some of you host?
I was hosting my manguu on tapas and webtoon. Not sure I like being hosted on those sites though. Some of their policies seem kind of bad for creators.
For the time being I'm hosting on my website, see pic related.

>> No.6684067

So, maybe a stupid question: What resources do you guys recommend for learning to ink?

>> No.6684088

real or digital?

>> No.6684091

Resource 1: paper
Resource 2: pen & ink
Resource 3: time
Get to it. If you're lost, look at drawings you think are cool and try to emulate 'em.
Ink is so nice to learn because it's all laid bare on the page. No hidden strokes or ambiguity in the tools like in painting, once you know that whatever they're doing is just putting ink on a page through pen or other means suddenly you can explain every single line on the page, and as such you can figure out how to do it yourself. It's like 5% knowledge, 95% skill.

>> No.6684139
File: 702 KB, 1085x1380, Guptil, Arthur Rendering in Pen and Ink 049_r1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6684177

I'm deciding, I got a G pen and some good paper, but also have a decent tablet if I want to go digital. I will probably do some hybrid thing.
Thanks, mate, been doing master studies already, but the mindset of no hidden strokes will help.
Yeah, I've looked through this one, it looks like the type of book to lose half a year on lmao
I should just go at it, just wanted to see if the anons in this thread had a more modern or if this was the best really.

>> No.6684237

>What resources do you guys recommend for learning to ink?
I basically just try to copy the mangakas i like and sorta of learn through that process

>> No.6684447
File: 1.86 MB, 228x170, 1628287541784.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to share webcomic
>don't want to be associated with 4chan

>> No.6684514
File: 469 KB, 1920x1080, manga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't want to be associated with 4chan
I can't say I blame you. I have mixed feelings about 4chan myself. If you are a literal who though it probably doesn't matter.

>> No.6684579

I plan on drawing a comic series that I want to print in the future but will first be posted online digitally.
Should I draw the original file in RGB or in CMYK?
If I draw in RGB first and then convert to CMYK, the colors will get all fucked.
But if I draw in CMYK first, I will have a much more limited color palette to choose from.

>> No.6684594

If your palette is going to end up limited by printing anyway, shouldn't you just draw it in that limited palette to start with?
It's not like color limitations are much of a roadblock in comics anyway. I mean almost all manga is printed with one ink (outside of color pages) to begin with. It doesn't get much more limited than that.

>> No.6684632
File: 896 KB, 1163x494, cld05 c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you are unwilling to post your art on /ic/ , why bother posting here? are you just here to post memes? or preach your advice?

>> No.6684707

You can either post art or post advice. Advice here (any not strictly related to tool explanations or recs) always meets vitriolic resistance and any art you post will then be attacked for any reason to get back at you for telling someone what they didn't want to hear.

>> No.6684711

Next thread doko da?
Also asking to remind to add the kyoto and the sma 20 to the contests

>> No.6684936

CMYK is slightly darker than RGB when converted, so it'd work with CMYK from the get go. You'll get the colors you want. But you should also consider the paper if you wanna print it, brighter white paper gives a cleaner result.
Hope this helped.

>> No.6685074
File: 5 KB, 269x255, bear_contact.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bear anon, are you here?

>> No.6685216


>> No.6685278

I am! What's up turtlbro

>> No.6685288
File: 2 KB, 109x135, undercovertloli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that this thread has reached bump limit and is under the radar, I'm hoping to communicate with you about the crab tournament without the other participants eavesdropping.
I have my suspicions, and I would like to confirm one thing: Are you by any chance planning to break the game in your entry? You said you have something dramatic planned since day 1...
You're free to answer or not, I understand if you don't want to spoil the fun. Oh and you can chat/ask me whatever you want before the thread 404s.

>> No.6685307
File: 64 KB, 529x375, cool bear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got me, I am doing something a little game-breaking. It's nothing super crazy, I didn't want it to look like I was just going for the spotlight. It pulls in some other characters too and I think it'll be a fun read.
Carolyn anon was here too, so he may overhear this, I trust the detective can keep a secret.

>> No.6685328
File: 10 KB, 340x303, nothingtoseehere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shoots the girl, twerks on her grave
the perfect plan
Hoohoo now, I'm excited. I'm also going for some game-breaking stuff, but it might be a bit ambitious (if I get to finish in time, this time around)
don't worry, I can assure you Carolyn didn't see nothing, didn't hear nothing, she won't tell.

>> No.6685374

>I'm also going for some game-breaking stuff
We got a whole two weeks left, that should totally be enough, right?

>> No.6685389
File: 37 KB, 1074x650, popcorn_wip2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they don't call me turtle anon for nothing... Nah I'll get this done for great justice.
Btw, the picture I made with the Eldritchs going to the movies was an unfinished wip I made during round 1 (!), your 4koma gave me the courage to finish it. It was incredibly accurate too, down to the 3D glasses. did you use your psychic powers on me?

>> No.6685436
File: 62 KB, 451x883, hole joke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Godspeed and ganbatte turtle bro.
>psychic powers
Spooky. I'm glad you finished it, and thanks for throwing bear in there.
I wanted to draw a couple group pics of the f slurs but I keep switching between random ideas and my actual comics.

>> No.6685557
File: 54 KB, 1000x746, suigetsu dog filter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow I look forward to seeing your entries! and don't worry, we can keep a secret~

>> No.6685675
File: 60 KB, 991x790, wah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w-wha... what are you doing here??

i forgot to thank you bear anon for the cute drawings, you're one of my main motivations for keeping up with this tourney
once im finished with my entry, i'll be sure to give you something back
arigato, bear-sama.

>> No.6685685
File: 54 KB, 1024x576, 3699372080927799690_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, yknow... /ic/ is my homeland after all

>> No.6685724
File: 49 KB, 1031x794, the_true_face_of_mmg_where_is_your_god_now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was bold of me to assume I could hide from the /ic/fags in their own territory Good luck everyone!

>> No.6685799
File: 117 KB, 941x638, round 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks dragon bro, I'm just glad I can spread joy with my doodles

I'll see you guys in the bucket, better watch your fucking backs

>> No.6685820
File: 14 KB, 570x477, detective at work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

godspeed bearbro
i swear i'm working on something big too but don't tell anyone!