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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 215 KB, 933x1228, yuriaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6653994 No.6653994 [Reply] [Original]

Let us at least have a general ffs. Artwork is artwork, stop discriminating against us. I use sketching, photobashing, lineart, poses etc to get good AI art, I put work into my art.

>> No.6653999
File: 604 KB, 696x704, FwEameiWwAA6t4V copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6654000

We don't have a heroin general on /ck/

>> No.6654003
File: 229 KB, 558x491, a You.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is your (You) anon, now go back to your seat.

>> No.6654005
File: 657 KB, 512x720, FwEFUtnWYAEBJOv copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tasty, thanks.

How is that even comparable?

>> No.6654009 [DELETED] 
File: 691 KB, 680x672, 00272-4239220201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and to the tranny janny that is banning me all the time, it literally takes me 2 fucking clicks and 10 seconds to remove it.

>> No.6654010

Saved, I'll put watermark on it and claim it as my own. Thanks :)

>> No.6654011

>How is that even comparable?
That's what a heroin addict would say

>> No.6654012

I don't care at all

>> No.6654014

Cmone someone give me lineart I'll render it for you I'm bored

>> No.6654016

Do you do anything with your ai images? I really only draw for the hobby, I find it enjoyable to create and I have ideas I want to share. Since you use AI I presume drawing is not what’s actually enjoyable to you about the hobby. So is it for story creating, comics or something? I don’t really see it’s use for commissions because the commissioner could just do it themselves after (1) YouTube video. Similar story for professional work, I assume they’ll just hire artist that are both better illustrators and better proompters.

>> No.6654018

nice bait
go to sd general in /g/ where people don't bully your big boy gacha edits

>> No.6654019

I just like to create cute pictures and proompt until I get the one that resembles the picture in my mind the most then I refine it also I'm gonna create funny maymays

>> No.6654022

you will never be a woman
you will never be an artist
yadda yadda, kill yourself pronto

>> No.6654024

So you think the process you described in the OP is more rewarding than just drawing? I’d figure it would get boring eventually. AI right now is still pretty noticeably flawed, so I’m sure there’s some joy in the fixing process you described, but do you worry about what will happen as it improves? I‘d probably get bored pretty fast if it ever truly became an instant gratification machine that could conjure whatever I willed into a flawless existence.

>> No.6654029
File: 474 KB, 512x608, yuri2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, maybe it will get boring, but for now it's fun. I still learn how to draw every day so I can use both to my advantage. Just did pic related in like 10 minute, really fun. I don't think it will improve significantly desu, but who knows. I live in the moment.

>> No.6654032 [DELETED] 

which of you faggots reported me on twitter now I have to use artstation ewww also janny gave me a cute little timeout again hahahahaha AND HE DOES IT FOR FREE

>> No.6654036

looks like shit

>> No.6654045

Blame the AIfags who utterly fucking bombed the reputation of AI into something only for obnoxious trolls or talentless hacks and made most online communities to see anything AI-related as something to be loathed or avoided.
AI-generated images deserve nothing more than to be generated for fun and immediately discarded, not uploaded online. The internet has fucking billions of them already and more and more websites are banning it because they’re good for nothing.

>> No.6654047

AI should have a board honestly, there's like 9 stable diffusion threads on /g/ at any moment

>> No.6654052

is that AI art? it looks like real art, so you are a real artist.

>> No.6654053
File: 201 KB, 1050x990, Ai surely cant do this lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"i dont draw but please let me belong"
What is this zoomer's obsession with trying to be something without even doing the thing required to be that something?
>"i want to be a pro-gamer influencer"
>"just let me cheat in videogames and buy bots for my social media"
>"i want to be an artist and worshipped like one"
>"but i don't want to draw but only use AI"
Why don't you AI people do something better with your lives?

I am very confident that ai cannot do better than pic related

>> No.6654054

> coom
> art

> ai
> art

>> No.6654055


>> No.6654056

I don't think it should be banned, it should be clearly labeled tho, and people should only see it on the art website if they click on it, not mixed in with real art. AI art has a place, just like niggers have a place, but ideally not with real humans but only with their own.

>> No.6654059

It is just like that, it's why games are piss easy now so retarded zoomers can get in on vidya culture despite sucking at games. FOMO culture.

>> No.6654061
File: 361 KB, 512x608, 00297-4260270098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotchu homie

>> No.6654064

I just want them to have their own places and stay there, not on places like Pixiv or /ic/, where people expect to see drawings made by other people. Why go through all the trouble of tagging and filtering when we can just go our separate ways and be satisfied.
They say "the genie is out of the lamp" whenever people discuss AI. Well, let’s at least shoo him away somewhere he can’t bother anyone.

>> No.6654065
File: 393 KB, 512x608, 00321-33426463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6654068
File: 73 KB, 512x480, everthing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much. Zoomers complain so much about gatekeeping because they don't actually want to put in any effort and always want the easy way and then discard the thing when they're bored.
They're even worse than boomers regarding consumerism. At least boomers consumed physical things, zoomers consume anything until there is nothing left.
>generic face without the meant expression
>flat six pack instead of chubby belly
Can't even get simple things correctly no matter how many times you prompt.
I'll give you two more attempts to get it right, but you won't.

>> No.6654072

Do people genuinely like this kind of stuff? It's just kind of uncanny and gets shit out by the bazillions so the novelty wore off very quickly.

>> No.6654078

>All those work and still shit result
What the fuck are you doing lmao
You should proooooompt, the photobash, then proooompt again, and then trace over the proooompt images.

>> No.6654079

you have an AI general on /h/, /e/ and even fucking /r9k/ of all places
fuck off with your stupid poo trash faggot

>> No.6654080

They really don't. It's just the same as every other coom picture.
>see titty
>neuron activates
>start jerking off because you now have to
>seek more porn because you have to
>repeat until you cum
Not even the last generation of pornographers has been this much exposed to easily accessible adult content and the flood of porn and overall nsfw content reflects that, because believe it or not, shit like that is just something to keep you jerking off for longer through its novelty.
t. chronic masturbator with a porn addiction

>> No.6654081
File: 428 KB, 512x608, 00342-738900644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I did it really fast just for that anon, you could definitely make it almost indistinguishable if you have enough time and skill

>> No.6654083

People surely wouldn't trace over AI art and call it their own..right? That would be cheating.

>> No.6654087

Eh, after November/December (basically a month after NovelAI made SD more accessible to general public) it's kinda 'meh' nowadays. Because, well, any random faggot could proompt it, it's basically no different than CM3D2/Koikotsu screenshots where 95% of them are just boring fanfics on Pixiv and only 5% of them had some sort of anything of interest (plot, characters, presentation, kinks, etc).

>> No.6654088

Why don't you do it then lol and see how far can you go.

>> No.6654091

You did nothing though, you just sent prompts and waited for the program to shit out something.
It has even less soul than the sketch.

>> No.6654095

blahblah I don't care, look at it. It's rendered, colored, etc you have endless possibilities to make your lineart look cool. Don't tell me that this doesn't impress you. You could easily change the things you don't like, like the eyes here, the hardest shit is done.

>> No.6654099

Meh, why would somebody even start drawing if he just wants his drawings to be done by someone else. Of course not “someone else” in this scenario, but still.

>> No.6654101

There could be several reason for it, for instance if you're creating a game/comic/manga with coloring. You still draw the same character but you don't have to render it every single time in a new scene.

>> No.6654103
File: 787 KB, 1295x517, you wouldnt download an elf, right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But cheating is hella easy in art, and pretty much what everyone does.
Now imagine someone who really, really, really wants to be an artist to get followers and coomerbux, what they would do.
But for what?
>Don't tell me that this doesn't impress you.
It doesn't.
Even if that picture was done in the most realistic way and rendered so good it was indistinguishable from a real picture, it still wouldn't impress me, because the subject itself is meaningless slop and when the scope and merit of a piece of art is to "be impressionable", it's even more meaningless.

>> No.6654106

smooth-brained coomers that can't see the nuances in a man-made artwork from what i've seen.
I don't think many people really see AI stuff as a valid alternative to man-made images, but the AI cyclejerk is pretty loud so they seem to represent the "New norm".

I don't think AI images really have a place in this board because they're against its "Values" so to say, also they are ugly asf and especially for /beg/s and low /int/s that don't know better and are spending daily hours practicing, seeing this stuff being made by retards with a few prompts really takes a toll on you and can make you give up drawing.


>> No.6654108
File: 378 KB, 903x585, immagine_2023-05-14_124123489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lul ok turn this into an AI image now

>> No.6654109

Yeah idk, it just looks fucking weird. I am a huge coomer and AI art is an instant turnoff in most cases.

>> No.6654118
File: 1.61 MB, 1536x1024, aibtw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about this?

>> No.6654124

the guys leg is on backwards.(no I'm not gay)

>> No.6654127

This gives me a bad feeling in my tummy :(

>> No.6654130
File: 170 KB, 491x505, 1657025135105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say what you will about the crabs in this bucket, but people here appreciate and seek artistic skill, and hate cucked frauds such as yourself
/ic/ has been shitting on photobashers and tracers for like a decade, your goyslop machine is no different
Kill yourself, tourist

>> No.6654131
File: 3.04 MB, 1242x1769, Rubens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck these AI can do master studies now. This one clearly consumed the Rubens drawings as training materials. It’s over for human artists.

>> No.6654134

More of a Michelangelo

>> No.6654138

but you do master studies as practice for yourself..
what the fuck are you trying to accomplish lol. you're starting to look like an old schizo yelling at cloud

>> No.6654144


>> No.6654145

>AI tranny doesn't get a joke even a /beg/ would
don't you have an axe wound to take care of? go away

>> No.6654147
File: 508 KB, 742x769, gakkari desu wa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd feel something if i was either 12 again or never saw a naked woman or my chances of ever putting peepee in vagoo were so non-existent that i had to master the way of astral projection to then insert myself in the picture as to trick my own body into feeling pleasure, then after doing it for enough times i would insert myself as the girl and have pronouns and lgbt flags in my bio.

AI cucks really believe we give a shit about consuming the finished product like the cattle they are.
Good lord, imagine keeping yourself alive only to be able to consume and looking forward to it.

>> No.6654155
File: 341 KB, 512x512, 00021-3588922337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta but I unironically don't. I did at the beginning and proompted myself a couple thousand for the hit, even trained my own character model. I grew desentisized to it, so to speak. There is nothing interesting about them. They're just pictures that tell nothing and "look cool" for the time being. I had nothing to do with it. Nobody cares about it. It took no effort I can be proud of nor it tells anything about me as an artist. If you just want quick pictures that look cool, sure, AI will do the job for you most of the time. If you want to become better as a person with skills and experience, it gives you next to nothing with regards to art. If you were the person who programmed the AI, you have my respect because you went through all that experience to get it done, but you belong to /g/. /ic/ is for people who want to better themselves by gaining drawing skill and getting critique for it, shitposting aside. Writing code and text is not drawing. Photobashing and tracing has always been a very grey area and most of the time looked down upon, and AI fits in that space. My .02.

>> No.6654160

What's the point? Honestly, what's the point of going on /ic/ with AI images?
Why can't you just generate an AI image and put it in your personal jerk-off folder rather than sharing it with others? Why do you feel the need to enter a space for artists with your fake art and demand acceptance and validation from us?
Do you actually care about producing art, or do you simply want the adulation that comes with being a person who produces art?
If it's just the joy of creation that makes you want to prompt, then you can post it plenty of other places. This is a board for artwork critique. How are we supposed to critique your artwork? We can't give tips on where you can improve because you didn't actually make it.
If it's the adulation, I'm going to tell you that you will never get that adulation making AI art. Even if you prompt an image that people really enjoy, people won't say "Oh wow, Anon is such a great artist." They'll say "Oh wow, AI sure is impressive nowadays."
Or maybe it's neither. Maybe you just enjoy invading spaces where you don't belong, in which case there's nothing I can say that will convince you to leave. I should just be glad you decided to invade an art forum rather than a women's bathroom.

>> No.6654162
File: 420 KB, 618x478, HANDS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good lord!, what's happening in there?

>> No.6654164

Good lord! I do not draw but i am impressed by the drawing looking almost like a real picture!!!