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File: 391 KB, 828x1234, E4BD833B-6BF8-42BA-BD89-EDE048ED321B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6652752 No.6652752 [Reply] [Original]

Twitter finally has a gallery

>> No.6652754

Based Elon
Now let me draw Shota without banning me

>> No.6652789

Easier for niggers to feed AI database.

>> No.6652790

maybe elon musk isn't so bad after all...

>> No.6652793
File: 232 KB, 1080x1484, Pedos BTFO'd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banning loli and shotafags is one of the few truly based things Elon has done.

>> No.6652806

He's just another kikefaggot to me, as with every other normalfaggot that against it is.

>> No.6652807
File: 173 KB, 800x1600, 2885970D-E86B-43A0-B891-3FDBAF1F0A04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No lolisho has been banned you retarded normie, that's a 3dpd flag.

>> No.6652808

Good thing shota and lolis are drawings and not real people, otherwise we would be in jail for all those people we killed in videogames

>> No.6652812

It's simple
People shouldn't be in jail for drawings
Police resources should be focused on 3D
You are jerking to drawings of kids
>but they're not le REAL!!!
If you were jerking to drawings of shit people would say you had a scat fetish.

>> No.6652815

Not really, the ones I fap to have the head proportion of a fetus. So I must be attracted to aborted babies according to your interpretation

>> No.6652817

Try telling that to the trannies that keep mass reporting lolishota artists and getting their accounts nuked as a result.

>> No.6652821

Trannies report everything and everyone, with enough reports any account can be taken down regardless of the content

>> No.6652823

Why do you care so much what people are into? Thought crimes don't affect your life in any way.

>> No.6652828

The guy is probably secretly into it but is scared shitless about it because his normie conditioning

>> No.6652859

Still not really a gallery, but it'll be a nice way to finally go through peoples work without shitty replies, reposts, and memes. A nice feature update.

>> No.6652916

Trannies can get literally anything taken down by spamming reports. It happens all the time.

>> No.6652922
File: 51 KB, 720x769, FkhqKJtXEAUooYe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone who doesn't like cartoon porn of children is Jewish and/or a dumb normie.
Okay bro.

>> No.6652948

If it's the same constricted scrolling-down format without a tag system or dedicated search then its not really a gallery and Twitter is still not a site properly fit for art hosting.

>> No.6653110

Yeah, but we don't want to see your disturbing sexual fantasies on a public platform. You do what you want in your basement, as long as you don't harm anyone (but yourself), but just don't shove it in our face.

Also, violence/gore is more ingrained and "natural" than your disturbing sexual fantasies: up until recently at mankind scale, most people lived in the country-side, and it was customary to kill animals for food (chickens, rabbits). Let alone the incredible number of wars.

>> No.6653123
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>shove it in your face.

>> No.6653154

this is a USA vs Japanese values set on the global stage of the internet problem.

this all just boils down to the following:


loli/shotafags, your favorite artists being canned is not a legitimate crisis, they will be fine. move on. and if your rebuttal is "well fine then ill just find CP bro! don't you see how porn of non virtual children is preventing me from doing it to actual kids?" You need to look inward and perhaps, maybe, stop hiding behind "its a mental illness" and start looking around and seeing that everyone in society makes sacrifices but you. We tolerate your behaviour, and we have given room to explore those feelings and urges, which is already more than you deserve, so fucking can it. nobody cares. youre not a victim, you have a fetish for fucking children, we get it, just shut up and grovel and be glad you even get at shotacon.
you seem to mistake liberty and right, nobody has the right to shotacon, but people, normal people, will defend the liberty to be free from seeing your shit on their websites.
This is just one you guys are gonna just have to let go, even though I know you won't.

>> No.6653159

your only rebutal is , cartoon children are the same as real children. How is that a better argument?

>> No.6653171

Funny because lolifags have a bigger persecution complex than Jews. It's not even about moralfagging, you people are whiny faggots.

>> No.6653195


>> No.6653197

nooo I'm proud of masturbating to little cartoony girls. but don't tell my mom

>> No.6653205
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>meanwhile >>6650508

Too fuckin late.

>> No.6653211
File: 421 KB, 1755x1079, 1683604758528715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy (musk) its a retarded boomer moron, he thinks lolisho is CP, so of course he shadowbans and throttles them artists, you are screwed otherwise.

>> No.6653213
File: 557 KB, 573x350, 16546546416854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First he bans lolishit and shotatrash
Then he bans porn
Then he bans the homogays from the platform
Then he bans everyone from the platform until only corporations are left who will pay for twitter platinum

Sasuga Eron

>> No.6653223

>lefturd style censoring

You fucking troonie.

>> No.6653231
File: 506 KB, 910x1039, 1640557410035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont fucking care anymore
Hope everything gets banned so no one can post anything anymore

Also lolishota is shit taste
get fucked

>> No.6653329


>using WEFie shadowban memebook 2.0

Too little too late. Gay ass platform co-opted by rich harem society boomers.

>> No.6655551

Based. Go all in on the hate.

>> No.6655613

t. can’t reach more than 300 followers

>> No.6655735

>the jews are pushing degeneracy and pedophilia to destabilize the west!
>the jews want to take away my cartoon childporn!
Which one is it?

>> No.6655771

when you realize all the fear-mongering against troons and globohomo is just projection/confession...

>> No.6655787

the jews

>> No.6655834


>> No.6655905

Pick one. I'm glad I don't use that shitty site.

>> No.6655911
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>> No.6655932

Still not reactivating. All the other shit dogpiles any random good feature that slips through the cracks. Adsense already started leaving in droves which sealed twitters fate anyway.

>> No.6655944

Yeah but now its run by the WEF

>> No.6655964

Wouldn't this imply that you're falling for the psy-op if you support loli and shota?
Also, it's not like lolifags are pure. Every year I hear about a handful of very popular artists that get called out for tracing CP.

>> No.6656023

>handful of very popular artists that get called out for tracing CP.
I'm curious how that works. Someone who exposes the artist surely has some explaining to do themselves?

>> No.6656067

That guy... wat the hell.

>> No.6656786

>nooo! think about the children you are drawing!! pixels are real humans too!!
come back when you saved a kid for the first time from child abduction you online addict retard

>> No.6656929

anon should go to the Middle East to save the >10-year old girls that are forced to marry old guys

>> No.6656932

It's ironic and funny how easily is to take down troon accounts by reporting them by misgendering fucking Bridget from Guilty Gear after the whole Brisket fiasco lmao

>> No.6658198

I'm happy they got banned but I fucking hate people who say "I'm a free speech absolutist" then go on and restrict speech. Just admit you're not a free speech absolutist, I don't even consider it a bad thing at this point.

>> No.6658202

still better than "free speech abolutists but were are actually very political and far left"
Elon is the lesser evil

>> No.6658491

I'm not saying he's worse but it bugs me a lot. I guess it's because I have higher expectations of him.

>> No.6658532

Devil's in the details, things look better from a distance

>> No.6658551

You are all stupid. Elon literally diasabled the Moments feature, something that had already existed which allowed you to showcase specific tweets, and then released highlights and then locked it behind a paywall.
You idiots are sitting here praising Elon for a feature you guys used to have for fucking free

>> No.6658583

They are different features idiots

>> No.6658606

They literally to the same thing, unless you can say how they're different I'd love to hear you bullshit an explanation

>> No.6658648

It literally has MAP/YAP (shoulda seen that coming) in the tweet, dumbass.

>> No.6658653

tl;dr this retard implies brides younger than 18 weren’t a thing in the states.

>> No.6658664

Keep your dumb interpretations out of my mouth.

I actually genuinely think a 14/15yo women to be a women and not a kid. Generally speaking, women mature faster than men, are more resilient psychologically when young, which retrospectively justify the fact than they were married to older men, and impregnated early.

Which doesn't mean I'll date 15yo either: when in Rome, do as the Romans do.

But a 5yo girl, or even a 10yo, yeah, that's deranged by all standards, and that was my point.

>> No.6658802

>disable an existing feature and re-release it behind the subscription
>"elon actually did something good for once!"

>> No.6659126

It's literally both for some reason

>> No.6659143

>But a 5yo girl, or even a 10yo, yeah, that's deranged by all standards, and that was my point.
It was commonplace, though. The aoc was 9 in many states. Part of marriage was that you would raise a girl until she's a woman. Our modern culture causes us to think about nothing but sex so we can't imagine such things.

It was a different world back then but people weren't retarded/evil.

>> No.6659152

I stand corrected on 10yo, but that's kind of a general limit it seems: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_consent.. People were pragmatic: once Nature sets things in motion (puberty), let's roll (in my mind puberty is more about 14, I don't remember when it started; 10 felt too young but thinking about it, yeah, things start to move around there I think). There were also rules like, requiring consent if there's more than 7 years of spread.

> In 1880, the ages of consent were set at 10 or 12 in most states, with the exception of Delaware where it was 7.
So Delaware could be about raising the girl until she's a woman I guess?

> It was a different world back then but people weren't retarded/evil.
Yeah. The context in this thread is people masturbating to cartoons of little girls complaining about not being allowed to speak publicly about it, and qualifying of "retard" those who agree with the legislation/social norm because there were historical, less than 18 brides.

That's telling in so many ways.

>> No.6659153

shit like this happens so often

>> No.6660220
File: 61 KB, 526x576, LolHypocrisy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up, hypocrite

>> No.6660518

cept its fake but would also be a good business move considering retarded normies cant see a difference

>> No.6660521

people also say the earth is flat retard, you can fap to an interpretation but not the real thing. thats why you have faggots beating off to anthro pony futas but ignoring actual horses

>> No.6660672

You can bet now the lolis/shotas are gonna get purged now that the new CEO is a WEF kike agent.

>> No.6660956

I'm this picture but the opposite

>> No.6661040

If you don't want to see it then don't look for it retarded. We have a right to the public platform just as much as anyone else. Also you're retarded, The disturbing sexual fantasies you're talking about are normal. Learn history

>> No.6661041

You should go do that since you care about kids being rapped and want to kill pedophiles. Go inlist in the army and rescue those kids nigger