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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 713 KB, 1216x3800, LOL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6651462 No.6651462 [Reply] [Original]

If you are a /beg/inner or /int/ermediate in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Use this thread instead of making new threads or post in the drawthread with fundamental exercises.

RESIZE YOUR IMAGES TO ~1000 PIXELS wide using one of the following methods:
1. screenshot the image and post that instead
2. change camera capture settings to something smaller
3. send to computer and resize in MSPaint

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98/edit
New collaborative sticky (anyone can edit): https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
Old: http://www.squidoo.com/how-to-draw-learn

Read the stickies

When giving feedback, avoid vague "advice" - point what's wrong and try to give the anon you're quoting a clear direction to improve their art (study heads < watch THIS VIDEO about head structure, read THIS SECTION of THIS ARTIST'S BOOK, etc).
You, feedback seeking anon, should also try to be clear and concise when asking for critique/help. When posting your artwork, say what you want help with, and what's your goal with the study/artwork.

Previous Thread: >>6650007

>> No.6651464

what is your end goal? i want to draw like yoshinari, but instead of focusing on animation i want to focus on illustrations

>> No.6651480
File: 2.49 MB, 2700x1819, Fk6lUMQagAE_3hl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is your end goal?

>> No.6651483

I just want to finally pet a dog

>> No.6651485
File: 517 KB, 1126x970, Illustration11 (7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres your copy bro.
Is it a good time to mention that i've never drawn a person before?

>> No.6651487


>> No.6651488
File: 122 KB, 537x312, tatsuyayoshikawa001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tatsuya Yoshikawa mix with Katsuya Terada.

>> No.6651489
File: 80 KB, 500x500, Untitled1_20230512081325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I worked on it some more and tried to fix the hexagon. Also because I'm more versed in charcoal I tried to render it similarly to charcoal. I definitely have a few fuck ups with the shadows.

>> No.6651493

>i've never drawn a person before
lmao virgin

>> No.6651495

I want to draw like my idol Kitsune Tennouji sensei

>> No.6651499


>> No.6651500

I don't really have one. Drawing is fun sometimes, and it feels like less of a waste of time than video games, but I don't see myself as an artist, and I don't think I'll ever be truly good.

>> No.6651510

I want to get as gud as a golden age illustrator.

>> No.6651512

i just wanna draw and design my OCs
my end goal is really just illustration

>> No.6651517
File: 78 KB, 500x500, Untitled1_20230512084005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I worked it just a tiny bit more to where I'm good with it and will move on.

>> No.6651518
File: 1.37 MB, 3561x1342, Baryx vs Rai-khil duel 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to depict my oc donut steel setting. This one is the first time I have actually done a proper colored landscape/scenery picture.

>> No.6651520

blackpill me on Mattesi

>> No.6651523

Form, Construction, Anatomy, and proportionately accurate drawing are the fundamentals beginners should focus on.

His book ignores all of the above. It FUCKING SUCKS SMEGMA DICK

>> No.6651526
File: 145 KB, 1000x750, IMG_20230512_093640_1000x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to proceed in perspective made hard until I actually grok the thing for the chapter, which makes this the longest I've spent with a book. I tried "extending" my paper so I could place the VPs super wide while still being able to aim at them with a ruler and it kind of worked? On number 3 at least. Obviously close VPs warp the thing but keeping the lines all lined up is beyond my freehand /beg/ skills and I still rely on actually seeing the vanishing points plotted on something, but I can kind of see how one might be able to freehand something like the brick pile and make it make sense, assuming they follow the rules of perspective. So am I wrong or is there an intuitive aspect here where an artist can meet the eyeline and vanishing points as a result of a proper drawing technique, rather than working backwards from the vanishing point like I do now? I am so lost dude how tf will this make me able to draw big tiddy goff girls

>> No.6651528

Gesture drawing with contraposto. Good book.

>> No.6651531

you probably want to go through morpho or some other anatomy book before

>> No.6651532

Woah, gadamn son..

>> No.6651537

>So am I wrong or is there an intuitive aspect here where an artist can meet the eyeline and vanishing points as a result of a proper drawing technique, rather than working backwards from the vanishing point like I do now?
why do you think everybody recommends drawing boxes?

Fucking hell, skip perspective for now and start figure drawing. Get Hampton and Morpho

>> No.6651544

>why do you think everybody recommends drawing boxes?
People say to do this but the thing with drawabox is that all of those 250 boxes exist in the imagination, uncomfortable never dips into actually putting the perspective boxes into a picture plane

>> No.6651551

I hate drawabox. I'm a Vilppu connoisseur myself

>> No.6651555
File: 77 KB, 1028x1325, 2m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 minute STUDIES (fuck calling it gesture) Is this still a good way to learn proportions? How can I get perspective into there?I tried with these cross contour lines but I always run out of times to draw the limbs on the lines

>> No.6651560
File: 463 KB, 1131x618, 23.5.12.portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6651561

be more accurate

>> No.6651564


>> No.6651567

kek you gave him a white nose

>> No.6651569
File: 342 KB, 1725x1844, 20230512_161707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been having a hard time coloring recently, pretty proud of how this came out looking

>> No.6651571
File: 18 KB, 501x421, eyebleach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6651572

That ass is disgusting

>> No.6651576

>is there an intuitive aspect here where an artist can meet the eyeline and vanishing points as a result of a proper drawing technique, rather than working backwards from the vanishing point like I do now?
learn to copy, so you can freehand cubes

>> No.6651578

yeah, that's what I'm practicing

this seems like a good exercise, thanks. does he have some kind of button press that locks his pen to a straight line? does that exist in krita?

>> No.6651581
File: 14 KB, 79x72, 1683440285174979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No critique just crabbing
Mald harder crustaceans

>> No.6651584

it's not a skill problem and therefore there's no meaningful critique to levy, your personal aesthetic preferences are just subhuman

>> No.6651585

ITT: gays

>> No.6651586

>your personal aesthetic preferences are just subhuman
fair enough brother. It's my trash

>> No.6651588

Like he said, It's a good drawing. I just hate the assflaps

>> No.6651589


>> No.6651592

Her butt looks like it's dripping.

>> No.6651593

Dude assflaps are top tier bro, not a man of good taste I see

>> No.6651598

dripping all sorts of goodies right there... mm-mmhh!

>> No.6651603
File: 1.82 MB, 776x502, 151213.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but i warm up(20-30min) doing this

>> No.6651607
File: 615 KB, 1080x1214, 1660135305226385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer my women tight skinned

>> No.6651610
File: 76 KB, 680x777, 61ca2ba2535c14a2025ef5be2d364026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgusting tasteless niggers. All of you faggots have extremely blind eyes for beauty. Eat shit too much and you'll start to enjoy eating it

>> No.6651613

in photoshop it's holding shift while drawing a line

>> No.6651620

go back to /fit/, homo

>> No.6651624
File: 14 KB, 240x240, avatars-000182086510-rn5fm8-t240x240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not liking woman that look like a man and disgusting ass flaps on a loli that look swollen and diseased
>get called homo
No. I don't think so.

>> No.6651626

fine I'll fix it mf stfu now

>> No.6651659
File: 27 KB, 613x861, x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drawing the big alien head first always gives me trouble

>> No.6651664

those are perspective issues

>> No.6651669

How do I learn perspective so I can apply it the best on figures? Is drawing 250 boxes neccesary?

>> No.6651676

The 250 boxes is only one part, highly recommend some actual perspective manuals. Drawabox is so weird because it's a dumbed down (no offense to the guy) Dynamic Sketching by Peter Han, and Han himself would say of his own course "you should understand perspective BEFORE taking on this course." Drawabox tries but having done much of the course (up to lesson 5) I would still recommend grinding out an actual manual before doing 250 boxes.

>> No.6651677
File: 68 KB, 684x965, 3f46def88604a595a72519b1cb7341bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno. Either go ask /asg/, since that's what you're drawing, or just find some generic tutorial for drawing the head (it will include perspective implicitly). But look at something like this random pic from google to see what you did wrong: your perspective being off is why you can't figure out where to place the features.

>> No.6651683

And I guess since I mentioned manuals I'll recommend:

Perspective Made Easy by Norling: this one was good in that it teaches you kinetically, Norling often prescribes IRL homework which, when you draw what you see, demonstrates the principles he explains.
The Complete Guide to Perspective Drawing: From One-Point to Six-Point by C. Attebery: PME on steroids. An actual textbook that will teach you, methodically, the math behind the things you want to do. Only recommended if you are exceptionally dedicated and have a brain that will eat technical info.
Dongho Kim's Perspective Drawing: my personal favorite, Kim is pretty good at showing and telling. Thicker than PME, there's lots of the artist's actual drawings in here with redline to show what he's thinking. There are also lots of photos that the artist author will redline to explain what he's seeing/what you should practice seeing.

Just pick one and DL it then work it out and then do your boxes, it'll make more sense

>> No.6651684

I'd like to be an illustrator, but I'm not looking to be a pro or anything like that. Really if I could just be as decent as a mid-level furry artist I'd be happy.

>> No.6651687

Yeah, that's my personal umbrage with drawabox: it's a simplified version of a course that was never intended for beginners, but for intermediate artists who want to polish their line control. But the creator of drawabox repackaged it and markets it to total beginners as an all-in-one start from nothing program, who latch on because they're desperate for any kind of concrete guidance; with the result of burning them out and maybe taking their money in the process.

>> No.6651688

I think his starts are ok, probably most beginners do benefit from the line exercises. So many points in his course are these kind of hand waives, "this is complicated and you don't need to get it now," rather than explaining the thing. A super smart student will grok the material and quickly outgrown DAB and the student who needs more guidance will just quit lol.

>> No.6651694
File: 24 KB, 577x531, images (38).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so... should i... not have done those 250 boxes that i did?

>> No.6651698

Her butt seriously looks like its diseased, all red and puffy and shiny like that. It's nasty.

>> No.6651699
File: 202 KB, 350x583, 1343266103966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a good drawing

>> No.6651700
File: 154 KB, 500x500, Untitled2_20230512112134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did a quicky sketch to help the brain juices.

>> No.6651701

Honestly it's fine, that's probably one of the good things about drawabox. It's just mileage; trains mark making, trains you to make realistic perspective. The only thing that would improve it if the last 100 boxes had to be realistically placed in a picture plane, so you had 100 crates, packages, appliances etc etc. Beyond that though, it gets weird. Like the plants thing is ok but just weird. Same with animals. Like after you get the boxes the course just seems weird and uncomfortable never once says "draw from life" or "go outside," which you should do. Like for the plants sure you can get on flickr or whatever but it's much better if you find an actual flower and "draw through" that.

>> No.6651702

It's not like they made you worse.

I hate drawabox because of its marketing angle that exploits fresh-faced beginners just to burn them out. There's nothing wrong with a line accuracy course.

>> No.6651704

I just do it cause its the only thing that consistently gets me drawing. I've drawn like 1 other thing outside of it.

>> No.6651705

>not have done those 250 boxes that i did?

>> No.6651715

That's a bad habit. You would be infinitely better served doing the reverse. Right now, you're in forever-beg territory: climb out ASAP and start drawing.

>> No.6651716

>check last thread
>amid all the screaming about gesture, someone brought up copying
>realize any meaningful growth i've had lately is just when i copied a drawing as best as i could and anything else was nonsense or pure suffering
Whoever brought that up, thanks.

>> No.6651719

yeah great, like i havent heard that a thousand times.
come on man, if I knew how I would've done it already.

>> No.6651722

Yeah, same. I’m just not practiced enough to make accurate drawings from imagination (without a couple hours of revising and a ton of erasing).

>> No.6651723

There's no "how". Pick something and draw it. Something you like, something you want to draw well someday, something random because it's nearby to reference.

Volition is the only step.

>> No.6651726

heard that too. draw what?
Again, if I knew what i liked, or what i wanted, and how to draw them, i would've done it. I cant just hit shuffle and draw. The fact I have the ability to draw anything is a problem for me.

>> No.6651727

There is just too much information out there that it gets overwhelming as fuck for newbs. Isnt there a modern updated guide for zoomer brains that have the attention span of a goldfish and the IQ of a chimp? Like nigga these 50 year old books are full of fancy words n shieet

>> No.6651729

Huh? Draw something from your favorite video game, tv show, anime whatever bro just do it, make your dreams come true. Yesterday you said tomorrow, so just do it, mkay?

>> No.6651731

There isn't yet.

>> No.6651732

>I cant just hit shuffle and draw
You can in fact. Websites exist.

>> No.6651735

Where do you even begin with copying from art you like without already being decent at figure drawing or construction? Never understood that

>> No.6651736

>draw something from your favorite video game
i may as well be nowhere man, thats not helpful either. If I can do anything, I do nothing, thats how my brain has always worked (and it screwed me on projects when i was in school).
A single website compounds every single character, thing and object of everything humans have ever seen, experienced and created? And lets you randomize to narrow down to one specific thing for the purpose of drawing?

huh, who knew.

>> No.6651738

Do you think all these lucky fucks who drew when they were kids knew any of that when they copied whatever they liked back then? Just draw what you see, unironically. That's it.

>> No.6651741

Just draw the lines and pay attention to the relations they have with each other and par it down until it looks right. I’ve only recently started with actual construction.

>> No.6651743 [DELETED] 
File: 320 KB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have fun like a kid

>> No.6651746


>> No.6651748

You just put down lines. It will come out looking worse than you can possibly imagine. Then you assess what went wrong, specifically - this line should've been more like this, that bit was more like this, etc. There are techniques, but they're simple ones like measuring and looking for lines or implied lines, and the process is the same even if you don't consciously know about any of them.

Then you repeat until you're good.

Quit whining. Draw, or don't. Nobody benefits from or enjoys your moping, neither you nor us.

>> No.6651749
File: 229 KB, 935x1000, MORE ASS PLS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't be fixing shit maaan!
You will be double down on this trannies my dude!
These faggots won't take hot ass from us! NEVER!
Hold Your ground anon!

>> No.6651752


>> No.6651755

I remember you, glad you're still going.
Good stuff.

>> No.6651756
File: 15 KB, 500x307, vq6qmn19a4i61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody's gmi unless they've been copying art since kindergarten

>> No.6651757

maximum soul

>> No.6651759


>> No.6651761

>>Quit whining. Draw, or don't.
Why does this keep fucking happening.
>I mention how I cant draw outside of DaB and thats why im doing it
>someone comes along and tells me to ""JUST DO IT""
>I explain how I cant choose, how my brain doesnt function that way
>people get mad at me for not being the same as them
Im sorry i'm retarded? Idk, what the fuck do you want from me? I was quite content just doing the lessons.

>> No.6651766

You will never improve without actually drawing, and you are unable to actually draw due to a lack of volition.

It's not even like the fucking OP comic who doesn't know how to pet a dog. You know exactly how to pet the dog, you just refuse to, because you refuse to pick which spot of the dog's back to put your hand on despite being fully cognizant of the fact that it is all the same and doesn't matter.

Literally everyone has had analysis paralysis. You're not special, you're just afraid to fail.

>> No.6651770
File: 143 KB, 540x368, weak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here. I'll make it easy for you and just tell you what to do.

Draw this image. Copy it as best you can, starting with the big shapes/areas and working your way progressively more detailed. It doesn't matter if it sucks.

>> No.6651772

I'm gonna assume you're done with this.
anyway you might want to add some fog layer or something in the background to separate it from the foreground especially around the guy on the right because everything melts together and the thumbnail ends up looking like literally nothing
i approve tho good effort

>> No.6651775

Ffs, all that screaming was because some fag said that begs should only copy and that gesture is a lie, and there you are starting it again

>> No.6651776

>missing the point entirely

>> No.6651777

>You will never improve without actually drawing
Do those lessons not count? If not, whats the point in them?
>despite being fully cognizant of the fact that it is all the same and doesn't matter.
Is it? Is it all the same? If so, I didn't actually know that. But still, I seriously doubt it.
>Literally everyone has had analysis paralysis. You're not special, you're just afraid to fail.
thanks for the diagnosis doc, now fix me already. I still cant fucking do it. I've heard ALL this before, and gotten nowhere because I still dont know what to do.

>> No.6651779

just draw

>> No.6651780

At some point in history the human brain became a solved puzzle. The biggest thing was that we realized we could paralyze action with infinite choice. Contrary to what you might think, huge amounts of choices tend to result in no choice being made, endless browsing and such. Compared to an individual with two, three, four choices maybe, who will make a choice and often see it through. All that to say that you just need to decompress, turn off the internet for a while, touch some grass, limit yourself to real shit and not the 999 games on steam that just give you anxiety or the ten billion YouTube videos in your watch later queue or the 99 gigs of art courses you downloaded. Log off, pick a book, simulate scarcity and your problem of "analysis paralysis" will subsist.

Tldr think about vidya as a kid: you only had two games but you played the fuck out of them. simulate being a kid and pretend you only have one drawing book, one pen and pad, and one set of subjects. then draw the fuck out of them.

>> No.6651781


>> No.6651783

What >>6651766 said; at worst you are going to make some errors which is 1000 times better than being paralyzed, some times even for years. Trust me, it's the worst fucking feeling in the world when you remember all the time you wasted when you could have simply drawn or done something.

>> No.6651785

You will NEVER improve without drawing, looking at what you drew, identifying mistakes, and attempting to fix them.

Fuck you.

>> No.6651787

>at worst you are going to make some errors which is 1000 times better than being paralyzed
I'd rather just not make the errors thanks
>when you could have simply drawn
yeah right
anyway thats a problem for future me.

>> No.6651788

I don't want to draw that though...

>> No.6651789

>it's the worst fucking feeling in the world when you remember all the time you wasted when you could have simply drawn or done something.
This is what keeps me going. I've felt this for so long and I can't feel it any more or I'll actually just kill myself.

>> No.6651791

I don't care.

>> No.6651792

Yes yes so i've been told. How?

>> No.6651794

Again with the uncaring attitude.

>> No.6651797

It's not my job to care. You wanted to know to do, I told you.

>> No.6651798

So this is the average /IC/el when they go outside?

>> No.6651799

anon thats not me thats a faggot making me look worse, im getting to it, give me a second.

>> No.6651802

>im getting to it, give me a second.
It better take longer than a second.

Hours, more like.

>> No.6651803

don't rush nigga take your time

>> No.6651804

That's simply not possible, drawing is an art not a science, there is no first principles from which you can safely logically deduct the truth. Errors are the only way to learn, and good for you it's a visual art so if the drawing and the thing you are drawing are too dissimilar in some points you know you made an error.

>> No.6651805

At first I thought the pet a dog comic was done by an unhelpful smug draw-from-childhood faggot but now I'm starting to see they were talking about shit like this.

>> No.6651806
File: 1.71 MB, 1165x854, Sieppaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks m8s.

Good point. His coloration being so dark made trying to make him stand out from the dark background a puzzle. Tried to ad a sort of fog/mist behind him.

>> No.6651807 [DELETED] 
File: 181 KB, 895x682, Screen Shot 2023-05-12 at 10.16.48 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that symbol drawing is good drawing. If you try to make your work too 3d it backfires.

>> No.6651808

>At first I thought the pet a dog comic was done by an unhelpful smug draw-from-childhood faggot but now I'm starting to see they were talking about shit like this.

Weird, I interpreted the comic as sympathetic to the guy.

>> No.6651810
File: 93 KB, 634x510, 1680616039259056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon you've touched my heart. I'll stand my ground, fuck these bozos with unrefined taste. BIGGGER, REDERR!!!!

>> No.6651811

the comic is ridiculous. No one learns anything there.

>> No.6651812

Why don't you isolate and study ears? You know, do a page of them with a simple head construction for placement.

>> No.6651816
File: 1.51 MB, 3024x4032, EFC7897D-FC11-4B72-AF79-5AD88EAE9C93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike him I actually gave it a shot. Took 10 minutes, and I am /beg/ as can be.

>> No.6651817

Why is painting so difficult? I can draw but I can't paint anything beyond a rough blob of idea.(been trying for like weeks but kinda rarely)
How 4channers think it takes "1 hour to learn how to paint if I know how to draw"?

>> No.6651818

what is this bait ?

>> No.6651820

Because if you learned contour and perspective you learned most of what you need. The rest is color theory honestly.

>> No.6651823
File: 41 KB, 436x501, bunga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i drew evil face girl

>> No.6651825

Same here
my sketches are looking pretty decent but it all turns into shit the moment I add color

>> No.6651827

Don't forget rendering and shading, that's also drawing.

Good, that's drawing #1 of ten thousand.

>> No.6651828

Congrats, im still on the base shape of the head, i did the forehead thingy and one of the eyes so far. You are not /beg/ as can be.

>> No.6651831

Thanks, slave driver-san

>> No.6651838


>> No.6651840

I'm fine with coloring. I mean that entire different process called painting(unless I misremembered words), that is using no contoures but rather going for values to define shapes, be it in color or grayscale.(I've tried to roughly sketch before starting too to have some idea beforehand but meh, it doesn't help at all)

Rendering and shading are easy compared to that. I'm still not too good with shadows but not bad enough not to be able to use them.

This makes sense, because it's all color even if grayscale. The problem is, you say color theory, okay what now? I know what general category I have a problem with. I could continue for months to get somewhat less bad results but here on 4chans people learn that "in one hour"(not that little but I get what they wanted to say) so I'm open to how to learn specifically painting.
Unless internet strangers lied to me, but that's not possible.(I know they might have been just dumb saying it, but lets them talk)

>> No.6651845
File: 157 KB, 960x933, 5f4fef59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have no fucking idea what the rules of this exercise actually are

>> No.6651847

NTA but >that is using no contoures but rather going for values to define shapes, be it in color or grayscale
Sounds like you talking about a painter's approach to art, like direct painting. Then you should probably look at illustrators like Sinix and Marco Bucci. And probably read Alla Prima II.

>> No.6651848

its framed perspective enough for learning perspective?

>> No.6651851

This sounds like some actual directions, thanks Anon. Gonna check at least one of them out in a moment.(illustrators, since reading takes some more time, so I'll do the reading+exercise through the course of a few weeks lets say)

>> No.6651854
File: 61 KB, 579x798, nigguh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta but i gave it a quick try

>> No.6651860


>> No.6651863

What are your favorite simple breakdowns /simplifcations of human anatomy, specifically the torso and pelvis? Rectangles only? trapezoids? ovals and spheres? I've seen multiple and it's hard for me to determine the most effective and accurate breakdown.

>> No.6651864

The one rule is no matter how well you did, you did it wrong. Welcome to perspective. I'm looking now and what you have sure looks right but I'm sure it's wrong somehow.

>> No.6651865


>> No.6651874

That's from the website itself. I looked for a tutorial on that exercise and it doesn't even seem to be following any particular vanishing point on the inner, unseen portion, and I don't know how they determine how much to turn the shape.

>> No.6651876

Who is telling these retards to "copy" anime as a beginner?

>> No.6651877

>it's hard for me to determine the most effective and accurate breakdown.
oh, you think drawing is as easy as abc? You just follow the rule, and you've got it, right? You plug in x, and you get y!

It's not that! Drawing is a muscle! Draw 10,000 figures, before you ask what the "most effective" breakdown is. By then, you'll have realized that all breakdowns are approximating the real thing: Human Anatomy. That's what you need. When you've drawn 20,000 figures, 30,000 figures, you'll know what basic shapes work for what body types. You'll know that different views of each bodypart require different shapes. When you reach 40,000 figures, you'll know how to use simple straight lines and curved lines to approximate your anatomy. When you hit 50,000 figures, you can lay in your figures with scribbles, and still find your way to a clean outline. When you hit 100,000 figures, you can draw like Kim Jung Gi, with no underdrawing.

Pick one "framework" and start figure drawing.

>> No.6651882
File: 273 KB, 618x330, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, keep grinding those fundies

>> No.6651886

>favorite simple breakdowns /simplifcations of human anatomy, specifically the torso and pelvis?
Mine is the two boxes with a line of action, great for a simple analysis of what is going on.
>determine the most effective and accurate breakdown
I mean, you kind of have to do your own simplification at some time, so you should just pick one and modify to your taste.

>> No.6651887

I know, I've done it too. It's one of the annoying things of drawabox. He just wants the boxes to be floating, so in theory you start with the middle his and you look straight down at it. Then you imagine it tilts up, down, left, right, at each angle, and you increase the rotation as you go further out, until you get a cube-ball. Seems cool looks cool but in reality the boxes aren't "tied" to anything, and the guys who inspired drawabox, Peter Han and Kim Jung Gi, NEVER let their subjects just "float" like that. But still if the instruction page was like "this works out your imagination and nothing else," it would be fine, but this "Perspective" exercise lacks... perspective.

>> No.6651889

This is a good starting place anon. I think you're just not quite looking at the image close enough while you draw it. When I look at yours side by side with the reference, I notice the brows are spaced too wide apart. The knuckles of the hand shouldn't be draw so close to the jawline, and the finger that's pointing out should be much closer to the bottom of the lip. Likewise, the earlobes on the OG image are much closer to where the curve of the jaw begins than in your rendition.

You can achieve most of these changes with just your warp tool and redrawing over any lines too blurry. A lot of drawing from reference is just making note of how close "lines" are versus "images." If you conceptualize in your mind "the line here crosses with this line," instead of something more general like "the hand is near the chin," drawing from reference becomes much easier.

>> No.6651922

>Why don't you isolate and study ears? You know, do a page of them with a simple head construction for placement.

No particular reason, it just hasn't bubbled to the top of my practice priority list yet.

>> No.6651926

thanks will try to do that

>> No.6651933
File: 325 KB, 1374x954, Illustration11 (8).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres my 2 hours of shit
>It doesn't matter if it sucks.
why do you lie

>> No.6651948

because it doesn't matter
you're new at this and will get better the more you do it
good job, just by doing it you've done more than most begs

>> No.6651958
File: 296 KB, 1166x505, literally just draw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have completed step one: Draw. Good job. Pat yourself on the back, you have earned it.

Next is step two: Self-Assessment. Compare your image and the original. Which parts are off? Which lines aren't quite right? What angles did you misjudge? Think about both lines/shapes as well as the underlying forms: *why* does this part of the face go like this, or that part of the hair connect up there? It's okay to take a break inbetween drawing and reflecting if your brain is tired.This time, I'll do some for you, so you can see what you're looking out for.

There are no steps after step two. When completed, you return to step one: Draw. Then you do step two: Self-Assess. Repeat until your skill at copying becomes good.

>why do you lie
Are you being graded? Is it for a job?

No. It's practice. With every drawing, you improve. Improvement is the only metric that matters, and the only way to improve is to make a routine of consistent practice. The finished product is irrelevant, except as a means for self-assessing your mistakes. Hold onto this image, so that in the future, you can see how much you've improved.

>> No.6651984
File: 2.90 MB, 2772x2079, reiquarelle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aside from the dress straps being so oversaturated, what should I improve?

>> No.6651987

that head doesn't look constructed
i could go into detail but i think you just need to look at some tutorials/guides on how to construct a head there's too much to cover in a post

>> No.6651994
File: 37 KB, 410x866, reiayanami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhm excuse me, what did you do to my wife? Eyes are way too high is the first thing I can see here, jaw too square. Hair and eyes are good tho, same with colors imo

>> No.6651995

nvm eyes are not too high, the jaw is just fucked

>> No.6651996

You did it, you drew. You can't expect to be perfect from the beginning, just enjoy the process. It's like going to the gym. You won't see results for the first week, 2 weeks, a month. But at some point there comes the day where you will see that you're muscles have gotten bigger, and you became stronger.

>> No.6651997

wtf it's so easy to draw a circle on paper after screenless

>> No.6651999

She has a midface, I see it now, I probably thought that this is the way it should be after looking at her too long.
More Loomis then?
Also, would solid color background improve it somehow?

>> No.6652005

man gets out of the ball punching machine, wonders why balls feel better

>> No.6652014

Don't draw the contour, draw 3d shapes anon

>> No.6652017
File: 120 KB, 800x1200, 68be085d16bf2579d68929d682a9aa03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, don't chose these weird poses for your first drawings..use somethingn simple like pic related

>> No.6652021
File: 422 KB, 943x1318, 547DF335-705A-4FC7-B3A6-6117AF6A7425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some practices from memory, I’m really struggling to use references does any one have advice for how best to se a reference?

>> No.6652028

I want to create my own anime like this guy https://youtu.be/sursVprvwl0

>> No.6652031

are niggas like this trolling? like 3 sentences into the sticky it tells you how to deal with this exact fucking issue lol.

>> No.6652039

in krita, the default is hold v while you are using a brush

>> No.6652040

> open pinterest
> find cool image
> try to copy it


> think of cool idea
> try to draw it

>> No.6652041


>> No.6652046

most of the good books you only need the pictures of it. drawing is visual after all

literally OP desu.
honestly drawing is mostly about learning the process. at first, measure the angle and relative proportion of every line when you are copying, over time your sense of observation will become more intuitive. but at first you will have to measure everything. take as long as you need to, and you will probably surprise yourself.

value is another dimension that you have to train yourself to see, and full color adds hue and saturation on top of that. of course it will be harder at first if you are only used to drawing

is rendering and shading considered drawing now?

the point of this is to build an intuitive understanding of perspective. that's why all the rules are pretty vague. just make sure your edges are consistently approaching a vanishing point, the exact angle and proportion don't need to be perfect.

> expecting people to read the sticky
you've already set the bar too high

>> No.6652048
File: 151 KB, 900x1140, arthas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retarded question but, if I wanted to learn to draw because I like anime, but I also like western style like this for example. I'm undecided in what to learn..I like both but I need to specialize right? Can I maybe mix these both up? What even is the process of developing your own style?

>> No.6652050
File: 340 KB, 1920x1200, EJCFAAQVUAA-N_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or this shit, so cool.

>> No.6652052

his knee has basedjak vibes

>> No.6652054

this was drawn by some chinese dude

>> No.6652059

Drawing is just a bag of tricks. It's lego pieces you put together to get a certain look.

Anime is one bag of legos. "Realism" is another. You can start with either one, and be fine. But I do recommend you start with one, then learn the other. You might make quicker progress that way

>> No.6652069
File: 1.45 MB, 724x829, men at arms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 hours for a 4 inch square, now I feel silly.

>> No.6652077

Then your art will be like the "anime" illustrations on instagram, think Sam Yang or Ross Tran' styles. That's what you kinda of get when you mix these up (though your references have a darker tone).
>What even is the process of developing your own style?
This is one way of doing it, you get your favorite artists and... study.

>> No.6652083
File: 1.02 MB, 2599x2384, shdmanjp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more ASSanagi practices i think im nailing his hips style

>> No.6652086

This is beautiful

>> No.6652102
File: 24 KB, 294x228, image_2023-05-12_152641569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got into the golden bikini meme and I do wanna see how I can get better with painting gold. Any advice?

>> No.6652109

what furry babe is this

>> No.6652115

It's great though, worth the time

>> No.6652124
File: 335 KB, 764x996, Rhea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew this for my wife. It's her D&D character, Rhea, The Hunted Hellion. She's a rich girl that was trapped in a zombie and ratmen infested wilderness with armor clad hunter always stalking her. (Jumanji anyone?) She ended up becoming the champion of the cat prince and wields his dagger to cut rat tails for trophies.

Toes are a bit strange and I don't care to work on them further, but other than that, critique please.

>> No.6652129

Very lovely, good exercise.

>> No.6652130

I can't read moonrunes

>> No.6652144

>is rendering and shading considered drawing now?
It was at the time the "25 years to draw, 1 hour to paint" quote was originally spoken

>> No.6652147
File: 250 KB, 744x527, do this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see I see, I understand everything now.

>> No.6652162
File: 64 KB, 600x486, 0_xmTu0qISS8VB84J6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool but i think she should have a big stinky ratking tangled in her hair

>> No.6652179

do you people believe you're helping?

>> No.6652181

Why wouldn't they cut their tangled tails with their own teeth?

>> No.6652182

I have a cheap XP-Pen tablet from 2017 is it worth starting digitally on something like that is going to pen and paper better

>> No.6652183
File: 1.65 MB, 4032x3024, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting a little bored with figure drawing, maybe ill into hands and feet

>> No.6652186

>notice this
>look at that
>compare this
You're saying things and im just not seeing them. How am I going to self-assess when I dont even see what you're pointing out here? How does that orange line compare the distance and angles? Why does the red line not even match what my drawing looks like? The green line outright isnt a continous line, thats two that connect. And the blue one, how do you even take that measurement?

Do you expect me to be able to do this as well? Do you expect me to be able to learn when its just question after question? How?

>> No.6652188


>> No.6652190

noone expects anything from you faggot just draw

>> No.6652192

well, either give me some magical secret that lets me do that, or shut the fuck up and let the other guy answer.

>> No.6652196

as shrimple as that

>> No.6652197

>How am I going to self-assess when I dont even see what you're pointing out here?
If you can't see that the red triangles on the original are very different shapes than the red triangles on yours, despite both touching the same landmarks on the head and hand, then there is nothing that anyone can teach you.

>> No.6652199

The digital medium will help you to speed up the process. You will have infinite ammount of "paper", you can resize te canvas to allow your sketches to flow more naturally without contstraints. It will help you to multiply your grinding efforts.
About the pencil and paper, that's the medium that will give you the real satisfaction, a real piece that yo can be proud of, frame and hang in your wall. You won't be printing some digital stuff and hanging that. That's the value of real art.
Grind digitally, then apply your training on paper.

>> No.6652200

xpen back then was shit, go for paper first and then when you have the money upgrade to a display tablet or something like an samsung tab s6 lite or an used ipad.

>> No.6652202

Oh sure, but how am I going to use that?
Where do those triangles even come from? I didn't see them earlier. And how am I going to get things like that accurate? Even if I knew exactly where to place the triangles, would I just draw over the top of the photo and duplicate it? Or is that tracing at that point? And if I dont do it that way, then how?
Also the one on mine still doesnt line up.

>> No.6652203

i think he should tell you to kys cause you’re an ungrateful nigger expecting 4chan to be your personal tutor, but that’s just me. if you’re a passionless cuck i dont know why you’re even bothering with this hobby desu.

>> No.6652210

are you going to be helpful any time soon or what

>> No.6652212

Anon I think you're either trolling or genuinely retarded

>> No.6652216

>either trolling or genuinely retarded
>everything I said was real and my actual thoughts

>> No.6652237

why do you want to learn how to draw? genuine question.

>> No.6652239
File: 10 KB, 500x281, LVL 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use your brain, that anon showed you where you need to look. When you copy something you need to use a technique to measure. Try this: https://youtu.be/kbKqIJcIUCw?t=1927

Then do it with this pic on your own

>> No.6652241

Yes, i have goals. I just cant summon the strength to draw them. I dont want to right now because I CANT. It'll look bad. Yes I know drawing is how you improve
Yes I know I should be working towards them specifically and not doing general bullshit.
Yes I know any other bullshit you're about to tell me as i've been on this board for years and been through this line of questioning possibly hundreds of times.
But no, I still cant get the strength to draw them.

>> No.6652245

Well wouldn't you know it, I was already bordering the artwork. But how does he get any other measurements? How does he know where to draw to take the measurement? And again, when does it stop being copying and start being tracing? How far can you even take this method.

>> No.6652248
File: 415 KB, 991x1368, 293wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello beg, today i am posting WIP of slave raid. Rendering whole A4 page is a bitch.

if you want to be tradchad then use paper. If you want to be anything else use tablet. Simple as. Drawing is the same on both in the end. Only when you decide to start using colors then the differences are massive!
i kneel
go into print shop, have them scan it at maximum DPI their scanner has and then print it on A2 paper. It will look glorious. It is very nice
worrying about style is common beg thing to do and its utterly pointless worry. pick up keys to drawing and start drawing. the style will develop on its own as you will draw (and can be later changed by mindful practice)
if you want observation practice then copy bargue plates. But from what i see you dont really need it
>didnt PYW his circle
Yes from what i have seen it is pretty comprehensive, especially if you will also do volume 2
read, do all exercise and copy cover to cover keys to drawing. it may seems this isnt explaining your question but it is
keys to drawing. One page at a time. Cannot get easier than this.
yes. doing master studies or just studies is how you level up. whoever reads keys to drawing will know this by default
distance between eyes should be 1 eye width. and when you are drawing 3/4 view, then that distance must be foreshortened. nose is too low, mouth isnt foreshortened. Please use reference next time
idk what you are doing and it looks silly. It is too stiff to be gesture, too flat to be figure. Are you following some book or course? you should
after you will draw enough drawings with buildings you will get that intuition on which lines should go where.
>how will this make me able to draw girls
ALL figure drawing books use boxes or cylinders to construct / simplify bodies. if your boxes wont be correct then you will never draw good bodies.

>> No.6652251

>Where do those triangles even come from? I didn't see them earlier.
I just drew a shape between some landmarks. In this case, I picked where the neck intersects the jaw, the tip of the middle knuckle, and then halfway up the first knuckle. You could've picked any arbitrary set of points, and in any arbitrary shape; those were just the ones that made sense to me. It's merely a made up way to show how different points relate to each other in space. The point is to map out their relationship, "this is left of this and up by that much", in the same way that you know "the nose goes below and inbetween the eyes", but more precise.

>And how am I going to get things like that accurate? Even if I knew exactly where to place the triangles, would I just draw over the top of the photo and duplicate it? Or is that tracing at that point? And if I dont do it that way, then how?
Why are your triangles wrong? Don't overthink this, be basic. "The line on the right side is too long, it should have been shorter". That's all you're looking for, the rest is just to get your attention. If you were to redo the exact same drawing, you would know "okay, don't make this so far above that". That's all you're after, here.

>> No.6652254

>keys to drawing. One page at a time. Cannot get easier than this.
>cannot get easier than this
NTA, but I must be doomed to fail then.

>> No.6652260

I suppose just comparing any old arbitrary measurement will do. But, again, how do I use that in practice? Say I did it again, how would I know where to place this correct line then?
>okay, don't make this so far above that
So far above WHAT? When I drew that part, it was practically guesswork.

>> No.6652263

have you heard of guessing and checking?

>> No.6652265


>> No.6652266

How do I put vanishing point outside of paper

>> No.6652268
File: 204 KB, 653x897, Ursa_tries_sumo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My giant barbarian teddy, Ursa. Why you ask?

>> No.6652270

Can you explain your rationale for how you chose your line thickness?

>> No.6652272

put an eraser or a coin or the tip of a pencil there

>> No.6652273

>So far above WHAT? When I drew that part, it was practically guesswork.
That's the secret: it's always guesswork.
You guess, and then compare. If it looks wrong, you adjust. You repeat until the drawing is done, and then you check your work to see all the mistakes you still made anyways. Over time, you get better, and as a result your accuracy improves.

>But, again, how do I use that in practice? Say I did it again, how would I know where to place this correct line then?
You guess. Then you say "okay, compared to some landmarks, does this line look right?" Over time, you will get better at making that judgement.

>> No.6652274

>get extra sheet of paper
>extend horizon line
>draw vanishing point on extended horizon line

>> No.6652277
File: 314 KB, 1670x1379, pawell2418.github.io.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe i should have used word like straightforward instead of easy since KtD indeed has steep skill curve at the start. But it is definitely doable if you will follow the instructions which explicitly tell you to not expect good looking results.

Anyway pic related, two alternative very solid BEG books i did. Their scope and power level are nowhere near KtD but they have definitely easier skill curves. One is for analytical mind (autistic men) and other is for intuition minds (women and faggots).

In your mind. You imagine the eye level (horizon) and extend the VP into the infinity outside the canvas.

>> No.6652278

How do I compare in the middle of drawing? If its incomplete, there wont exactly be any landmarks to measure, so nothing to really compare to. And is this just every line? Do you do that as well?

>> No.6652280

The only line that exists in isolation is the first one you put on the paper. Every other line can always be compared to something else. Over the course of the drawing, the whole thing gradually gets more accurate as you progressively dial it in. For this reason, you start with big shapes before doing details.

>And is this just every line? Do you do that as well?
Fundamentally yes, and yes. Eventually it becomes subconscious.

>> No.6652281

>idk what you are doing and it looks silly. It is too stiff to be gesture, too flat to be figure. Are you following some book or course? you should

I'm confused, line-of-action.com or whatever it's called told me to draw the head, line of action, torso pelvis and the joints. I thought this way it's good to like learn different poses to build up your visual library

>> No.6652284

Yeah well, when I was reading through, I skipped a lot of the mumbo jumbo because none of it was making sense to me. Then the exercises were either shit I didnt want to do (myself) or shit I didn't have (like the bell pepper, or whatever it was, idk some sort of fruit.)
I still ended up doing the hand exercise, didn't work out too well.
>One is for analytical mind (autistic men)
Thats MEEEEEEE. I'll be looking for this book, thanks anon.

>> No.6652288

At this point, anon, you should just go to an art class, an atelier or some similar thing. People here aren't really found of that, but if you can't selfteach yourself, get a teacher

>> No.6652289
File: 836 KB, 649x840, sai_ORpkc6SxLX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ear has a lot of indicators telling you where to put it. If you wanna know more read LOOMIS

>> No.6652290

What if the first line is wrong? Every comparison would then be off, no? How do I measure that first one?
And how do I even compare lines to other lines? I just draw them as they look, I dont know how they relate.
>For this reason, you start with big shapes before doing details.
I tried doing that, the first thing I put down was a big oval for the head. Then i got lost in the details like the eyes, whatever that is on his forehead, started doing the hair. The hand was the very last thing I did.
>Fundamentally yes, and yes.
Jesus man, this feels insane.

>> No.6652291
File: 2.66 MB, 3120x4160, 20230513_092207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We aint gonna make it niggas, if you're demotivated and hopeless I don't even know what I' drawing.

>> No.6652292

I dont know of any classes near me. My friends did art class in high school, but seem to have all not furthered into another class, so im assuming there just isnt one local to me.

>> No.6652294

>What if the first line is wrong? Every comparison would then be off, no? How do I measure that first one?
The first line will *always* be wrong.

>And how do I even compare lines to other lines?
Height, angle, length, etc. Grouping them into abstract shapes can help. Checking for plumb lines (google this) can help. Looking for implied lines can help. Enough practice and you'll figure all this stuff out on your own. Just practice.

>Jesus man, this feels insane.
Welcome to art. It gets easier over time.

>> No.6652295

this particular anon is a no draw fag so they are already beyond hope, but perhaps it can help someone else

>> No.6652296
File: 1.20 MB, 1702x952, 11512421532623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6652298


>> No.6652300

>The first line will *always* be wrong.
Oookaaaayyyy. So what am I comparing to? If its wrong, how is it usable?
>Height, angle, length, etc. Grouping them into abstract shapes can help
I still dont get how to. This doesnt exactly help me, but whatever.
>Checking for plumb lines (google this) can help. Looking for implied lines can help.
I understand neither of these concepts. Nor how to check for them.
>Just practicing
Just practicing is going to teach me all this shit without pointers? Are you sure?

>> No.6652303

kill yourself.

>> No.6652307

drawing is about relative proportions, a line by itself is neither right nor wrong

>> No.6652308

>So what am I comparing to?
The second and third lines. And then maybe later the fourth and sixth lines. And so on. You refine more and more as you go.

It is iterative. You don't expect perfection at all, let alone immediately. You lay in a line for the nose, and realize oh, that eyebrow from earlier was too low.

>Just practicing is going to teach me all this shit without pointers? Are you sure?
If you practice copying, and seriously assess what went wrong after each attempt? Yes.

>> No.6652309

not making sense here

>> No.6652310

Well, then look for the classes! You have this thing called internet, anon, it's not just for jerking off.
I am assuming you are the same anon that I am replying, try the exercise from this video for one week:
Now you have a objective approach on how to compare.

>> No.6652311

I'm not that anon, nor am I going to read that long ass whiny conversation. But I will tell you that your first line is based on the reference you're studying. You get it down, then you adjust it. You draw in layers, going from general to specific, messy to clean.

If you want to learn about accuracy techniques, then Dorian Iten has a free guide on his gumroad. Google that and download it.

>Just practicing
Do the Feng Zhu regimen. Watch these videos:


>draw from reference
>draw easy subjects to begin with
>copy each picture for at least 20 minutes
>draw for 2 hours a day, total
>start with basic shapes, then draw over it to add detail.
>Use contour lines and line weights to indicate form

>> No.6652316

looks like shit, retard

>> No.6652317

I still dont see how any of that works. I just dont see exactly what im meant to be comparing here. Sure compare lines to lines, but..... how?
>you lay in a line for the nose, and realize oh, that eyebrow from earlier was too low.
I dont know if I'll be able to tell the difference between a low eyebrow or a high nose. Comparing the lines to other lines is not at all a logical thing.
>and seriously assess what went wrong after each attempt
I've still not gathered how im going to seriously assess everything. Both in the midst of drawing and after it.

>> No.6652319
File: 1 KB, 592x277, use your eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, anon. Either you can tell that these two sets of lines differ in their relationship, or you can't. Everything else is just that in different context.

>> No.6652320

NTA but feng zhu is good, problem is I hate drawing anything that isn't a human so this wasn't for me.

>> No.6652321

nice, reminds me of the new combine beefy boy in half life alyx

>> No.6652322

>look for the classes
Are there online ones? I guess I just didnt consider that.
I'll check it out, thanks.

first line is based on the reference you're studying
Again, how do you know where to put it? I saw that thing from Dorian iten and dont really get it either.
>going from general to specific, messy to clean.
I just draw everything on one layer, the final one. I dont really know how to get a "general" line.
>Watch these videos
>over an hour each
It is going to be unbelievably hard for me to focus on them. I will try.
>>copy each picture for at least 20 minutes
You guys really like to underestimate the tine it takes. I drew that other one in about 2 hours and have done similar in similar amounts of time. Should I multiply the total time by 6, too? Should it be 12 hours instead?
>>start with basic shapes, then draw over it to add detail
Again, tried that, started with the head and got lost from there.
>>Use contour lines and line weights to indicate form
Well hang on, you cant just say that. What is that? What is any of that?

>> No.6652323

Good work anon, just a little more refined and I would play a VN on this style, maybe a card game.

>> No.6652324

Sure these very obvious red lines in an open canvas are very obviously different. Will this apply in practice?

>> No.6652327

Yes. It's just harder.

Again, it's not going to be perfect. You eyeball, give it your best guess, and then refine as you continue the drawing. The final result will still not be perfect, but you'll get better with each attempt.

>> No.6652328

>online classes
Yes there are, but you do know that in person art classes also advertise on the internet right?

>> No.6652329
File: 955 KB, 1000x1000, 44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon i'm always looking for constructive criticism

>> No.6652330

making absolutely no sense. Maybe it's just something that only works with the context. I'll try to think of all this next time im copying shit.

>> No.6652332

Well I just searched and cant find any in person ones at a reasonable distance. Online it is.

>> No.6652335

>Well hang on, you cant just say that. What is that? What is any of that?
I can't help you if you won't help yourself. You're asking basic questions that would be answered with only a couple days of drawing. Watch the Feng Zhu videos and do them faithfully. It'll calm your neuroticisim

same. I just applied the same study method to figure drawing

>> No.6652337

>You're asking basic questions
gee thanks you really know how to make someone feel like they're 2 years old
>that would be answered with only a couple days of drawing.
Ive copied shit before. A lot, actually. I stopped recently to do DaB instead but still did them quite a bit. Now how the fuck is just doing that shit going to teach me how to indicate form with those things?

>> No.6652343
File: 227 KB, 707x791, dfwvmg7-0b9e91e7-a711-4ba8-a763-e753139459f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6652344
File: 1.03 MB, 807x1227, Screen Shot 2023-05-12 at 7.10.00 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ur doin good, anon. Don't let the haters bring you down. Fundies are important, and you're on the right steps

That said, pay attention to proportions more. There's no difference between what I did, and what you did, except proportions. "Widths" count as proportions. Look at the knee on your figure. It's crumpled!

>> No.6652346 [DELETED] 
File: 218 KB, 920x1184, 20230512_211625~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6652350
File: 299 KB, 1184x920, Killsport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6652360


>> No.6652367

bussin nocap fr fr

>> No.6652369

Bussin fr fr on g

>> No.6652370


>> No.6652371

Do boomers really?

>> No.6652372

On god we bussin

>> No.6652375

sheeeee *inhales vape* fr fr! *cleans his nikes* on g *does a quick tiktok video* sussy *posts on /ic/ how he has no motivation or attention to draw* sheeeesh..*becomes proompter*

many such cases

>> No.6652377


we be bussin

>> No.6652378

Anon i see that text bubble tail . . . what did it say?
We bussin?

>> No.6652384
File: 278 KB, 707x993, dfwvmg7-0b9e91e7-a711-4ba8-a763-e753139459f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was gonna add fr fr, it's some kid that kept hitting people in his car

>> No.6652390
File: 215 KB, 1082x818, winning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, I'm thinking it's time I go pro. $200 a commission sound about right?

>> No.6652393

is gud but eyes too far apart

>> No.6652404

derpy cute

>> No.6652410

Look like shit. NGMI with lying kind words that mean nothing.

>> No.6652411 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 501x538, gugugaga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After reading your reply and seeing my image again I feel embarassed. Here is my quick fix I think this is kinda what it should look like right

>> No.6652412

More like losing it. KYS talentless nigger.

>> No.6652416
File: 5 KB, 301x168, No quite there yet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite there yet, muh boi.

>> No.6652419

Stiff as fuck. Need some GESTURE :). The thread guru is not that good imo.

>> No.6652421

I see the crabs crawled out of their bucket again.

>> No.6652422
File: 42 KB, 468x494, EA7XrGSUcAASR7I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill do more gestures

>> No.6652424

he's good enough to help. We need more of those here.

>> No.6652425
File: 410 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_2161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6652426

Triggered talentless and greedy pajeet. Learn to prompt nigga.

>> No.6652428

A little trolling. It's good enough.

>> No.6652429

looks the belly button is too low, also what are some leaning in gestures to study?

>> No.6652431

Why do you have such a lack of confidence? Imagine writting an a pology when some retard on the internet say some retarded shit about your work without posting his work. Your redlines are good ok?

>> No.6652435
File: 23 KB, 387x512, x2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for pointing out the errors, looking at my picture again I feel embaressed desu. I tried to fix it a bit here I think it's a little bit better now

>> No.6652455

>Woe is the beg thread. Just a bunch of coomers and weebs trying their best to draw the human figure without mastering the basics first.
>A huge box where everyone give each other unearned praise and call people crabs for pointing out their flaws

>> No.6652456
File: 20 KB, 768x646, seizure.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw the human figure without mastering the basics first.
Drawing the human figure is the basics, no?

>> No.6652458

criticism is useless, the only thing that matters is mileage

>> No.6652459
File: 156 KB, 613x861, qt1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your first drawing was much better >>6651659
Your instincts were right. It's cute, but there are just little details, like the neck and the eye distance is juuussst a bit out of place.
Sometimes advices make us deviate too much from our original path. Your first drawing was way more cute and appealing. Believe in yourself.

>> No.6652461

Honestly with this one, try swapping the eyes around. The difference in width might work better that way.

>> No.6652463

That's the most retarded thing one can say ITT. LOL. Human body is the hardest thing to draw. That's why anatomy courses is about 60GB+ each. That't why people teach anatomy in college drawing classes.
What a dumb faggot you are!!!

>> No.6652465

You're right that is cuter.. God the learning curve is so hard you have to consider so many little things it's insane.. thank you.

>> No.6652466
File: 1015 KB, 3024x4032, 45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you anon with enough practice i'll get it

>> No.6652468

NTA but that looks like you press too hard and only use your wrist. Try learning to use your whole elbow/arm to draw lines, and press lighter on the paper

>> No.6652469
File: 189 KB, 582x827, 1683952112120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to draw but that's why you want to get started on it asap so you can get mileage drawing it. Yes it's gonna suck but you can't just be drawing boxes for a year before you even try your first gesture.

>> No.6652470
File: 34 KB, 640x568, E9431E8E-7A2D-4AAF-B3AA-B7407F93CDD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What a dumb faggot you are!!!
>ESL gibberish

Yeesh. How about learning English before trying to insult me, you retarded monkey. You’re not even right.

>> No.6652471

This picture prove that relining beginner is useless. LOL. Classic case of coomer try to draw coom without fundies.

>> No.6652475

>I am right, you are wrong!!
>Triggered troon is triggered
Post some of your beautiful human figures for the thread to marvel at LOL.

>> No.6652478

Or easier. Post a single well drawn human figure that you saved from the beg thread. LEL

>> No.6652480

>with enough practice i'll get it
Words to live by, my dude. Keep that attitude and you're GMI. Keep at it. You're going to loose your lines eventually, practice is the only way. Don't let anyone take you down.

>> No.6652481

I’ve already posted work ITT. I don’t need to prove myself to someone who not only isn’t posting their own work, but is struggling with simple sentence structure, and can’t fathom the idea of somebody posting their learning progress.

>> No.6652484

>Coward lying because his works suck ass
Is OK honey. Don't cry :)))))

>> No.6652488


best perspective book out there IMO for free my boys (dongho kim) helped me a literal retard to understand it way better

>> No.6652489

pyw. LOL.

>> No.6652492

I'm gonna need you to never again use oval spiral lines, hair is one of the places that tells how much you're actually trying to design interesting shapes, evidently, using a spiral is telling that you had no idea how to do it.

>> No.6652502

Triggered LMAO. I also posted in the thread UwU. I don't need to post again LEL

>> No.6652506
File: 153 KB, 1050x550, 22ARTS2-facebookJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are creative people always hating on each other? Once they even started ww2 and killed 6 gorillion jews wtf is wrong with you guys? I rather stay with prooompting, thank you very much.

>> No.6652507
File: 52 KB, 734x525, 1CDD425A-C25F-42C8-97C4-E184525DE9D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah you so very scare no want post own work now who hypocrite jajajajajajaja

>> No.6652508
File: 35 KB, 602x339, main-qimg-600ebb20b5b7db48704968596e45fd96-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hyprocrite beg troon is triggered

>> No.6652515
File: 28 KB, 600x600, pp,504x498-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get into argument with low IQ beglet
>I am sured the triggered /beg/let will stay objective. Surely, she won't go full cope mode shitting on my work.

>> No.6652525
File: 1.11 MB, 244x276, 79ECBB4C-26D7-4E8B-9B4B-8CD1D3D747D8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6652526

Sure. There are a few things I consider when thinking of line weight.

First is squash and stretch. Forms that are squashed will have a thicker line. forms that are stretch will be thinner. For example, I thicken the lines at the peak of the bends in her hair because this is where the most hair is bunched up. Most curves can be thickened in this way.

Second, where two soft forms meet, the line between them is thinned until it disappears completely, showing that they are almost joined. Conversely, a form in front of another form will have a thicker line, showing the distinction between the two things.

Finally, things that are closer to the viewer will have a thicker line weight than things in the background, and also, places of dark shadow and be enhanced by thickening the line, such as where her fur skirt joins or under her chin.

>> No.6652538

Time for a new thread

>> No.6652578


>> No.6652711

>character is a bear
>name is latin for "bear"
Do you also draw a human named "homo"? Because you should.

>> No.6652890

Any book for foreshortening/perspective applied to the human body?

I tend to subconsciously unfold the perspective when drawing from imagination.

>> No.6653441

Why did you use a circle as a guide if you weren't going to use it?