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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6648165 No.6648165 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Tatsuki Fujimoto considered a bad artist by plenty of people? Yeah sometimes it can look sloppy but considering he works on a weekly deadline it's understandable

>> No.6648170

A lot of the people here don't understand working under tight time constraints and the sacrifices you must make to meet those deadlines.

They will point at a messy panel and think their criticism means anything but in reality it's the reason why they don't have a completed project done by now.

>> No.6648173

They aren't exclusive to /ic/.

>> No.6648179

Those anons don't seem to understand that if every single last panel was as polished as their favorite animu grill #4857274 floating in a void, their favorite manga would take possibly 3 times as long to get out if not more.

>> No.6648258

Exactly. It most likely also just wouldn't get done as supporting yourself on such a low output would be extremely challenging. Having worked on multiple larger projects myself there is much wisdom in the phrase "finished not perfect".

>> No.6648277

Besides he's more of a painter, he has a degree in traditional art and oil painting or something, and you can notice, his drawings are stiff as fuck, but his composition is master class.

>> No.6648300

>he works on a weekly deadline it's understandable
Spend a minute figuring out how stupid of an excuse this is so that you will never bring it up again unless you enjoy looking stupid.

>> No.6648302

People think sloppy = bad. They're all exclusively nonartists, who think this way too.


sometimes, I feel like the stiffness is a stylistic choice. He was not stiff at all in the first chapters of CSM, but it got more stiff and awkward over time, like he liked the look

>> No.6648809

Popular artist = contrarians flock to shitpost any thread pertaining to them
He could be the best artist on earth and anons will still find something to nitpick and doompost about to declare them "shit and overrated".

>> No.6649073

because he's popular, but if he were an /ic/ poster he would be hailed as our schizophrenic jesus

>> No.6649081

This is some battle shounen about a guy who turns into a chainsaw and the rest of the cast are generic harem palette-swaps? I'm not sure any amount of quality paneling or linework is going to save that from being called shit. And if the art is wonky it should have some other charm to carry the weight, like Hellsing or something.

>> No.6649086

>They will point at a messy panel and think their criticism means anything but in reality it's the reason why they don't have a completed project done by now.
Yeah, this is typically the mindset of the eternal sketcher. They'll scribble down countless ideas, go to finish them, get caught up in endless refinements and corrections, get burnt out, and move on to the next 100 sketches with the last "to be finished" piece forever stuck at 60% completion.

>> No.6649095
File: 904 KB, 2048x1564, 08CB9C10-2EF8-4A10-B08E-0D0D4674FD62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not disparaging fujimotos work but this argument falls apart when Dandadan, a manga drawn by fujimotos own former assistant, is serialized in the same magazine and routinely has spreads like this

i think fujimoto just straight up doesn't really care. people like his stories, as long as he can convey that i don't think it matters to him. he did get much better at drawing faces though

>> No.6649103

People have differing levels of assistants and helpers too.

>> No.6649131
File: 857 KB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>considering he works on a weekly deadline it's understandable
and fundies
min 7:40

once you become pro there's no time to improve

>> No.6649188
File: 1.60 MB, 1568x1145, Dandandan12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh deadline
>dandadan exists
He's lazy

>> No.6649351

Why can't you draw like this?

>> No.6649450

In fact, why can't everyone draw like this?
The Dandandan guy is just an exceptionally skilled artist, far beyond the average skill level of his peers an unrealistic point of comparison. You may as well be asking why everybody isn't drawing like Morita Masanori or Takehiko Inoue. It's because that's exceptionally difficult and not everyone can do that, especially when it's not even the priority in comics.

>> No.6649469

People like Tatsu are rare and the guy literally has 10+ years working as an assistant/pro-assistant, drawing things in perspective and fast is the guy's forté. He also falls into the "ex-assitant" pitfall of having wonkier characters (in this case, same-face syndrome and stiff expressions). Fujimoto's strengths lie in different areas such as style, character design/costuming, and value/shape design. In fact Fire Punch/much of Chainsawman was a perfect team up of Tatsu and Fujimoto and both of their weaknesses are more apparent now that they're not working together.

>> No.6649486

good post

>> No.6649490

I don't believe in my art. I'm always second guessing myself and trying to make sure I check all the fundies boxes instead of having fun putting the lines on the paper. I can't even comprehend whats happening in this picture either because its like 5 characters all using different super powers at the same time. You have to have a world you like and think is cool and not cringe in order to draw a fight like this with any genuine passion. I'm stuck drawing people standing for a mugshot because I hate myself and any ideas I come up with.
That's why I can't draw like this.

>> No.6649510

It cant be helped. Some people are just better than u at certain things. But art is not all u need in the manga industry.

>> No.6649586

damn actually well informed and decent observation...wtf are you doing here, go away before this place rots ur brain!

>> No.6649593
File: 401 KB, 908x1300, 14-o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga compare CSM to other weekly manga and you'll quickly realize that CSM gets mugged by most of them when it comes to the art. Plus CSM isnt even weekly now, its bi.
Look dont get me wrong, I like Fujimotos wonky figures but even his one shots are full of jank

>> No.6649619

lowkey i really like the stiffness.

>> No.6649670

bis are just closeted monthlies

>> No.6649675

Zoomer gen manga are just abysmal in their quality, almost all of the top ones (i.e demon slayer, jjk, and csm) are made of chicken scratch lines and stiff poses. They're so use to the "well the anime will fix it/animated it better" that they just throw the laziest shit on the page and keep moving. This kind of art would've been axed hard during the 80s/90s and even the early 00s.

>> No.6649695
File: 1.32 MB, 1488x2820, the heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the future you chose

>> No.6649699

this is the type of shit you keep to yourself so people don't figure out that you're a complete fucking nooblet retard who's talking about 2 industries he knows nothing about.
plz go back to disappointing your parents irl.

>> No.6649701

>t. Seething csmfag

>> No.6649731

case in point.

>> No.6649739
File: 593 KB, 1095x667, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fujimoto already admit in interviews that the only art class he took was an oil paint class and that he never learned perspective, figure drawing or any fundies properly.
he even mocked himself in his last one-shot(that guy is literally him)
also he never worked as a assistant

>> No.6649742

>number one tip is "just draw"
What did he mean by this?

>> No.6649743
File: 282 KB, 1400x2000, 81r9pMwJCoL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read the oneshot(the uncesored version) and you will understand

>> No.6649744

>any manga
You've never tried to make comics if you seriously believe that.

>> No.6649747

Like all retarded dunning krugers.

>> No.6649748

I did. Thinking back, the girl ended up not improving that much so I guess just drawi ng really isn't all that great

>> No.6649750

read again
I had to read 4x to understand what he really meant by "just draw"