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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 123 KB, 564x1089, Mead Schaeffer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6647225 No.6647225 [Reply] [Original]

Despite being good at art and making money with it, art isn't really respected by a lot of people. Does this hurt your ego a bit?

I've been told a lot of times that being an artist isn't a "real job". I've even had someone say (not to me but I overheard it) that art is a vanity job that's good for women who don't need a real job and can be supported by a man, but it's laughable for a man. I am not a rich man and will probably never be.

I know it shouldn't matter but it does. I sometimes wonder if this is part of why I am still single, women aren't that interested in me. Maybe I am just not skilled enough?

>> No.6647238
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i can relate. in some ways, it's better to not call yourself an artist, but go by the job you do. i.e. i do illustration under a contract = i'm a contractor. i work on advertisements = i work in advertising, or marketing or whatever. at least that's how i play it on dating apps, and still have art / painting as my main interests. to me that's the best of both worlds, you're interesting for being an artist, but you're not outright getting the negative connotation of a starving artist.

once i get to know people, and they see i'm holding my own: i've got a car, house, can afford to do nice things, then you can spill the beans, and it's not even a question on wether you're a starving artist, they see you aren't, through your lifestyle, and hopefully through the quality of your work.

side note, female artists LOVE skilled artists, and as someone who failed miserably with dating for all years of my life until i got good, it works to be good and passionate about something.

>> No.6647276

Yes. Non creatives both love and hate artists. They envy us and also admire us. To them, just drawing or painting requires a level of self assurance and audacity they can't believe anyone but an egoist weirdo would have. But also they know that some people simply belong in that creative state and they're glad someone is there making stuff, at least for the sake of it. I see myself as a waster in many ways, and maybe I won't get to have the things in life that non artists do, so it seems like I've traded these things for the ability to make something out of the material world that points to eternity, but actually I never had a choice after all.

>> No.6647298
File: 63 KB, 720x720, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>side note, female artists LOVE skilled artists, and as someone who failed miserably with dating for all years of my life until i got good, it works to be good and passionate about something.
gib story, pls

>> No.6647360

>so it seems like I've traded these things for the ability to make something out of the material world that points to eternity, but actually I never had a choice after all.

I feel the same way. It's not a choice at all. The artistic disposition chose me.

>> No.6647384
File: 928 KB, 2048x1488, Daisuke Inue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want someone to fall in love with me through my art

>> No.6647451

It would feed my ego as It would basically imply that I'm better than those wagie cucks and can afford to spend my time drawing shit while they slave themselves until deathbed.

>> No.6647478

>art is a woman job
big american energy

>> No.6647494

holy beautiful anon. Is that the artist in the picrel filename??

>> No.6647503

if i could live off my art i would be the most egotistical asshole imaginable

>> No.6647811

>moomy they're mean to me
Grow up.

Regardless of what you do, there will always be people unsatisfied with it. Some of them will be rightfully so, others won't. It's *your* job to decipher the mess.

>women aren't that interested in me
Here's some tough love: this, right there, is why women don't care about you. Most women aren't looking for an overly sensitive childish boy. They are looking for a man, not someone complaining that the world isn't kind to them.

> Maybe I am just not skilled enough?
That's one possibility, but not only haven't you posted your work, so we can't answer, and you've also opened with
> Despite being good at art

But if you're bad, and think highly of yourself, how can you complain about not being respected for it? If you can't evaluate yourself accurately, there are strong chances your skills aren't great.

As most men nowadays, you seem to have an urgent need to mature. Our fathers' generation was already "meh", and hasn't been able to properly educate our generation. So you have to do it yourself: find role models, develop your intellect, get to know your cultural roots, talk with people, build yourself up.

Lots of work.

>> No.6648226

in this day, it's easier to make money with cheap works, so despite the pride of making money many also have the insecurity that comes with making mediocre works.
i feel like an impostor whenever someone offers to buy something i'm not particularly proud of. i wish i could truly push my art but i know it won't be profitable (materials too expensive, need better space, take too long, no available patrons)

>> No.6649475

>Full time artist
>part of why I am single

No it's not. You probably have the skills if you're full time, but women eat that shit up. Besides my body (fat but years of doing pullups to go in kitchen made me look fit with a shirt on) I lean on art hard. They think you're deep or someshit. I unknowingly put a lot of points in drawing cute girls so it's an easy gift for V day.

I think that's how Noah Bradley met his wife. He slid in her DMs saying that he'd be in her town and he wanted to meet up.

>> No.6649484

I have gotten nothing but jealousy and catty behavior from femoid artists because they can't cope with some ugly incel who has been drawing for 3 years mogging the fuck out of them.

>> No.6649608


>> No.6649658


drawing "full time" has been stressful. When I improve anatomy, my appeal goes down. My old drawings were much more popular than my technically better current drawings. My doodles look much better than my finished pieces. It hurts the ego when I think about how everything is just complete RNG and there's no skill or fundamentals at play.

>> No.6649659

>Does this hurt your ego a bit?
>caring what other people think

>> No.6649856

OP literally made it though, he has an art job

>> No.6649868

Why does it hurts your ego to put in the same group as women? I don't understand.

>> No.6649905

One day you'll realize how little people care about you, and when they do care, how little it matters in the grand scheme. For goodness sake just focus on yourself. If it makes you feel any better, I and like every other artist ever has been looked down upon by non-creatives. Musicians, writers, and actors as well. Its rite of passage when you're creative. Also who gives a fuck about what women think? Wtf?

>> No.6650109
File: 656 KB, 2400x1080, 1683824178187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6650149

Sounds about right. They don't really care about that other guys art they just like his social status. He's probably a tallfag too. Remember women are stone age eugenics machines and they only want the most high status/most intimidating ooga to mate with. Everything else is just fluff to them. Yet they will never admit to it because ever since feminism happened they cruise on some arrogant unfalsifiable moral high (personality is the most important thing tee hee). God I hate women so much. Their minds are so disgusting to me. They're so thoroughly false and corrupted.

>> No.6650943

Holy shit this guy's studio is so filthy. I get the whole "tortured artist" thing but I think my man is actually mentally ill. How the fuck does he even paint with such unbelievably filthy brushes? His pallette must have like 30 years of dry paint caked on it!
Still unbelievably based. "You can get a Schopenhauer for 50 cents at the thriftstore, there is no excuse not to read".

>> No.6650996

idk but after a while full time artists seem to just be flat out less sympathetic towards the struggles of other artists
not in an aggressive way like crabs and i don't want to say they're more elitist but its somewhere inbetween

>> No.6651100 [DELETED] 

It's crazy how hard they go out of their way to try and flex on me.
>be at life drawing
>doodling faces in my sketchbook during break
>some femoid comes up to me
>"uh... thats.. can i show y you my art?"
>shows me some portrait she drew
>"that's cool anonette"
>go back to drawing, awkward 10 second silence and she's staring me down
>"i-i uh spend more time on my faces than you haha"
>at this point i realize, acutely, what she's trying to do, but i tried to deescalate and said i was just doodling from imagination
>she claims that her portrait was "pretty much" (exact quote) from imagination too
>i, however, recognize the EXACT pinterest reference she used and it's even on one of my boards
>just giggle at her and say okay since I didn't want to pull the trigger without being 100% sure
>find it and show it to her a few minutes later
>she plays stupid and says she must have remembered wrong or something
>made fun of her over it just to twist the knife and at some point she had nothing more to say

I know I shouldn't have engaged in all this catty bullshit but it was an easy kill.

Desu I also posted a painting of mine as an instagram story and next time I went to figure drawing a person there (femoid again) asked me about it and tried to imply that it's not mine. She said "uh who drew that, do you have their socials? OH its YOURS?? doesn't look like your work haha, also her noise is like kinda pointy??". I literally never enagage with these people, they always come up to me with this shit in some impotent attempt to make me feel bad. And I just keep drawing more and attending the classes as often as I can because I know it makes them furious. This is the kind of abjectly evil bullshit you have to deal with as an ugly male who draws though.

>> No.6651217

Its an age old meme at this point, I don't even register it anymore
You need to be a stubborn mule to do this job in the first place, none of us are actually doing this for the money

>> No.6651244

I liked that. I really should watch more documentaries that are just crazy-dedicated artists rambling about their philosophy of art and such.

>> No.6651475
File: 577 KB, 1626x2048, 6c17fkr5nwy71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot actually, I never felt this low status since I changed careers and went full time artist. The strangest behavior I get from friend and family circles. There is only one person who asks me what I do and want to see some art occasionally. Rest doesn't follow me, never ask what I actually do, never even take a curious peak when I am sketching. That one time I was on a trip with a bunch of friends and here and there I took off for a few minutes and sketched the city. At the evening I thought, "Hey, maybe all this time they were just too polite to ask and respected my privacy too much to ask to look into my sketchbook". So I showed them what I sketched/what I discovered on our trip. I got their attention maybe for like 30sec, maybe one page turn until they demonstratively looked away and changed topic.
I get it, I am not that interesting and people talking about their jobs are kinda boring, but I listen to their tech job talk and everything about it everytime. When I am on my own I have strangers curiously looking at what I am drawing, asking stuff. Everything I have ever sold and every single comission were from people I don't know. Every inch of support are from people who don't know me personally. If it weren't for them, I would think I am absolutely terrible, because I have witnessed family members comissioning artists for child portraits (sloppily done that is) instead of at least considering me.
It's very strange, before I worked at a boring tech/social media job and people were occasionally asking what I do, how I do financially, how I handle the job in general. I was treated like an equal. Now I am scum of the earth.

>> No.6651536

>I want to live to 90

>> No.6651595

europeans are built different

>> No.6651621

There are people who live long despite smoking. It's rare though. I often wonder how much psychological damage the heavy "smoking kills" campaigns do, and how much of this psychological damage actually result in people dying prematurely.

Don't take this as an incitation to smoke: cigarettes have been continuously improved over decades to get you hooked quickly.

>> No.6651625

>I think that's how Noah Bradley met his wife. He slid in her DMs saying that he'd be in her town and he wanted to meet up.
I'm actually extremely jealous of him in this respect. Listening to her gush about him on her youtube channel warms the heart

>> No.6651652

The examples of people who smoked cigarettes and lived long are only from the past, not recent examples. Tobacco in itself isn't any more harmful than smoking weed, it's the other shit they put in industrial cigarettes that cause cancer.

>> No.6651697

>not recent examples
The grandfather of a friend of mine is the only recent example I'm familiar with.

> Tobacco in itself isn't any more harmful than smoking weed
You mean, natural, unmodified weed, right? Cause your standard highly (lol) potent varieties aren't soft on the brain. There are studies showing schizophrenia getting triggered on 1/10 males.

I read once a story about some ol' timer hippies, who said that the weed has become 100 times more potent, while LSD is now 100 times less potent, compared to the 70s.

>> No.6651718

I was talking about tobacco and weed being similar on lung health (neither are good for lungs but it's not nearly guaranteed cancer like modern cigarettes)

Weed isn't as harmless on the brain as people make it out to be but I don't smoke weed so I have no dog in that fight

>> No.6651762
File: 175 KB, 1000x1600, 1614186330859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


THC/CBD is medicinal in nature if its from a dispensary.
CBD in particular helped that little girl with chronic seizures stop having them. This was a big breakthrough despite the fact the fact she would later die regardless, it helped her enjoy a short, but slightly better quality of life.

There are many veterans who suffer from PTSD and dreams of seeing combatants die who been documented to benefit from smoking weed.

My mom, the least druggie person on the planet, never even smoked 1 cigarette or drug had four back surgeries after a car crash and was taking more opiates than would be healthier from a dispensary vape.

My mother has no proclivities towards mental illness on her side of the family however, there is substance abuse but she didn't inherit those genes. My uncle did, and died of liver failure.

My dad's side has rampant mental illness and hates how THC makes him paranoid so he doesn't partake in weed.

But guess who inherited both the mental illness and substance abuse disorder? hahaha god life is cruel.
Don't do drugs kids, look at your family history first before they got you on the mind altering psych meds for life.

>> No.6651849

> Weed isn't as harmless on the brain
Yeah, it's starting to change though: legalization in the USA might be the best thing that happened to better understand and study the costs/benefits of weed, as there's just so many cases to study, and no legal obstruction to research.

Alcohol isn't that great either. But people have shitty life, shitty jobs, shitty pay, shitty coworkers, shitty relationships, shitty parents, shitty kids: solve that and boom, the need to get high drops.

Most plants can have some medicinal properties, the problem is dosage and addiction. When applicable, weed's definitely a better choice that opioid.

I think most drugs are better used in a very narrow settings, like, a unique (as in, not to be repeated) experience in a controlled environment (safe), for people who are really willing to experience it (no peer-pressure). And not as a way to escape reality.

> before they got you on the mind altering psych meds for life.
Never, never accept to be put on any drugs for life. That's just people trying to grow money from you.

> But guess who inherited both the mental illness and substance abuse disorder? hahaha god life is cruel.
It's a lot of work, but if you're really willing to make changes, you should be able to. Problem is, it might take years of repeated efforts, and if you're down the hole already, it's not easy to get out.

Try changing your environment (avoid hanging out with druggies), get a regular job. Maybe try building a family, and, or a personal business.

>> No.6652009

I don't even like the term artist cause it's so loaded and so many people have their own meaning attached to it.
So what I do is I make pictures, a career in picture making is what I'm trying to set up and if I succeed I will be very happy, I will tell people exactly this, I make pictures and will do my best to avoid using the word artist and use the word "art" as sparingly as possible.

>> No.6652448

I don't like the term either and turns out that art related academics that I talk to say openly that what I do is not art and some of them even call it "Kitsch". Kind of depressing but on the other hand they can go ahead and roleplays as true artists and write their essays. Would be nice to get sweet government funding money every now and then, but oh well I am just a mere painter I guess. It's been a while I called myself an artist, even though I draw and paint full time. Every "art thing" that has the approval of todays academics and governments approval is so goddamn boring. Not because it's mainstream, but it's so ugly and uninspired looking. I call it out everytime and get called dumb and uneducated regularly. So to answer the OP, yeah I guess it hurts my social standing.

>> No.6652472
File: 22 KB, 640x352, PI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aside from a few lucid moments like this, the guy seems like a bit of a retard. though inevitably most people who dedicate their life to art will have the time to think themselves into a hole. wish he defined his actual goals a bit more concretely. i think this is probably the most terrifying outcome a person with actual long term goals can face, completely trapped in your own head repeating the same shit over and over until you die, not having achieved any sort of recognizable end because you were constantly obsessed with perfection (ironically slowing the progress of your skill to a crawl) while simultaneously repeating to yourself that nothing matters

>> No.6652517

You should realize that the vast majority of people don’t give two shits about art. Then you should also realize that getting the attention or approval of the majority and the averages shouldn’t be your goal when you actually care about what you’re doing.
Keep in mind that I’m not telling you to look down on people, especially your loved ones, for being “normies who don’t get it”. I’m just saying you should focus on and cherish the minorities who actually care about your work. Even if they’re just passing strangers.

>> No.6652570

Yeah, this is pretty much the best you can hope for, whale patrons who like your work. There's nothing wrong with having a few clients and being a part of a niche market, you have to take it very seriously, like anything else.

>> No.6652756

That’s a nice sentiment. One’s art is their soul expressed, so if they love your art, they love a part of you. Or really, you conveyed a piece of love and truth that was recognized in a similar way by a relative stranger. One who had to have experienced/thought/felt similar things in order to arrive at the same place. And maybe you helped them arrive.

You filter your life lived and felt through your medium of choice. A stranger says, “I, too, see the beauty.” Few things are better.

>> No.6652762

Your ego must be fine if you can go around calling yourself an artist when what you really do is design and illustration

>> No.6652810
File: 481 KB, 2000x1376, purple-osteospermum-daisy-flower_1373-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, I've gotten so blackpilled and whitepilled on art recently, especially after the AI art stuff, the average person genuinely thinks art is this magical trait that 0.001% of the world has, I've even had people I talk to irl AND online ppl in arguments telling me unironically the average person couldn't draw a flower even if they had a photograph of the flower in front of them.

I basically feel like I have imposter syndrome all the time, but I also feel like I dont have to try as hard or beat myself up or try TOO hard.

>> No.6653021


>> No.6653047

You know what they say, do what you love and you won't work a day of your life. I don't think you should be afraid of having figure out a way to be happy, I just think people are so used to getting what they want from doing something they hate, that they can't wrap their head around it.

>> No.6653779

so envy?

>> No.6654140

>caring what other people think
your survival depends on other people, without society you would already be dead

>> No.6654149

I disagree
I think art is actually highly respected, regardless of how mediocre your art is people will gasp and be all like you drew this?? even if it's digital and you show them it's not just photoshopping.
The problem is those same people don't want to get pay for.
I blame the overabundance of art on the internet, it's been like that since forever. You just look up whatever you want on Google Images and save the result

>> No.6654315

I think the main reason why people are not willing to pay for art is that they think we are having fun with a pencil all day and that it isn't work. This is also were most of the resentment is coming from. In their mind we are lazy people who never work but get social approval for something that was given to us at birth. More importantly, if you say you are busy with work, they will take it personally and as an excuse not to hang out, because it can't possibly be that you are actually busy.

>> No.6654338

>art isn’t really respected by a lot of people
Art is so respected by people that the biggest, richest companies in the world spent millions of dollars building a machine to give people infinite art, and the companies refused to stop what they were doing even after the threat of legal action.

>> No.6654339
File: 327 KB, 1313x1425, 37978412_290983771670449_413050835967148032_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i literally FUCKED GIRLS MULTIPLE TIMES through my art account by posting drawings such as these years ago. I attract a lot of attention IRL with my drawings too, I think it has more to do with what you draw and how you talk about it, make it more engaging. For example i often ask people to make a cadavre exquis together, ask them to give me a sketch idea, draw funny shit together etc. Never been told it's not a real job, i'm usually the one bragging being a NEET, waking up whenever i want to and being paid like 100$/h whenever i get a freelance job. It's probably also because i'm relatively younger

>> No.6654364

why does this site attract so many delusional schizophrenics

>> No.6654496

people think that it's norm for """artists""", Picasso over Leonardo

>> No.6654731

so you agree that society is bad

>> No.6654936

I call myelf a painter rather than an artist. I actively refuse to call and see myself as an artist and it makes life a lot easier. I am a guy who paints pretty pictures and people will have a clearer idea of what you do. You will lose the mystique of being an (((artist))) but you are not 14 anymore, just stop it...unless you have a fine art degree and write essays alongside your blank canvas pieces. Think for a while about the term artist, realize how cringe, vague and edgy it is. Distance yourself from this crap.

>> No.6655799

because artists

>> No.6655807
File: 160 KB, 1250x703, 3035602-poster-p-1-an-x-rated-doodle-from-the-notebooks-of-leonardo-da-vinci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6655811


damn image ban.

>> No.6655891
File: 58 KB, 768x801, pyw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

«Della verga: Questa conferisce collo intelletto umano, e alcuna volta ha intelletto per sé, e ancora che la volontà dell’omo lo voglia provocare, esso sta ostinato, e fa a suo modo, alcuna volta movendosi da sé, senza licenza o pensieri dell’omo, così dormiente, come desto, fa quello desidera: e spesso l’omo dorme e lui veglia, e molte volte l’uomo veglia e lui dorme; molte volte l’omo lo vole esercitare, e lui non vole; molte volte lui vole, e l’omo gliel vieta. Adunque è pare che questo animale abbia spesso anima e intelletto separato dall’omo, e pare che a torto l’omo si vergogni di nominarlo, non che di mostrarlo, anzi sempre lo copre e lo nasconde, il qual si dovrebbe ornare e mostrare con solennità, come ministro dell’umana spezie.»
- Leonardo

>> No.6655893
File: 67 KB, 216x281, cade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Testiculi, testimoni del coito. Questi tengono in sé lo ardire, cioè sono aumentatori dell’animosità e della ferocia…” (De Anatomia, fogli B.13 r.)
“Cazzo, nuovo cazzo, cazuole, cazzellone, cazatello, cazata, cazelleria, cazate, cazo in ferigno, cazo erbato, caza vela, pinchellone. (Ar.f.44 v.)

>> No.6657703

what this

>> No.6657717

If you are a shit artist, yeah.
Artist who make multi-million of dollars, they don't care.

>> No.6657725

>whale patrons
You won't be happy if you see your allies in such a cynical way.

>> No.6657728

Se non parli italiano non sei un artista

>> No.6658134

What do you mean by allies? I've even heard of tech companies refer to certain clients or customers as whales. Many agencies depend clientele with lots of money to throw around, it isn't just artists.

>> No.6658259

no not really, I'm missing all the human parts of a human such as ambition and arrogance so my ego doesn't exist either. I just do work and accept what unfolds. If I feel like I'm not good enough I simply improve.

>> No.6658800

>What do you mean by allies?
People who appreciate and support your work.
>I've even heard of tech companies refer to certain clients or customers as whales
Hard to imagine something bleaker than the environment in a tech company.

>> No.6658807

translate.google.com, it's meh translated, but if you've ever encountered it already, you'll know what it is

The mix between humor, scientific curiosity, odd subject, careful observation, is darn delightful, if I dare say so.