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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 105 KB, 828x704, anigay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6643725 No.6643725 [Reply] [Original]

This art style is mainly a problem when the character designers are using western values as to what their characters should look like. Like the dyke cut girls in the top right and bottom left, stuff that clashes with the anime-leaning look and the obvious influence some of them wear on their sleeves. It's mainly just an action cartoon look but some go too close to anime bullshit and it just doesn't work when you're trying to make a "correct for US demographics" take on anime.

>> No.6643739 [DELETED] 
File: 950 KB, 850x1063, cp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a retard

>> No.6643743

fpbp. op btfo

>> No.6643745

>Sees a thread about faux anime
>posts a picture from an anime made by a japanese animation studio with character designs who were also created by japs
are you retarded?

>> No.6643751 [DELETED] 

Read OP's hypothesis, retarded subhuman

>> No.6643752

> it just doesn't work when you're trying to make a "correct for US demographics" take on anime
read good damn

>> No.6643754

You're thinking too hard about this. You'd be surprised what a little line weight variation and more dynamic lines in general would do for these art styles - it's why the "on model" fan art blows the actual art out of the water so often.

>> No.6643762

Anon, Cyperpunk Edgerunners is a legit anime created by a Japanese studio.

>> No.6643766

Funny because the MC with that cut is also the only one designed by a western artist and not by Trigger themselves I think.

>> No.6643771

in what world does edgerunner feel like faux anime that is trying to make a "correct for US demographics" take on anime??
It's as anime as it gets aside from the western writing structure.
Even the fucking dyke and nigger in edgerunner don't feel forced like in faux anime.
There's no clashing between the anime-look and the "western values" you fucking retards.

>> No.6643779

Voltron was the only one that had decent designs, the rest were utter garbage

>> No.6643784

Alot of the faux anime is animated by Koreans.

>> No.6643785
File: 29 KB, 225x350, 320558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone's wondering:
The real reason is that Japan has a Culture of Cute.
Weebs would tell you that anime is a huge thing in Japan. But in truth, 95% of anime media revolve around children's shows which are bought by adults. This is not seen as creepy and in fact, it is seen as toe to toe with just an American guy collecting Transformer toys.

Cuteness is a big thing in Japan hence why every art design revolves around big rounded eyes, soft cheeks, and no chin. Line strokes are often thin and curving

On the other side of the world, USA's culture of individualism demands a culture that values strength, resilience, and masculinity. Hence why art styles have strong jagged lines, muscular structure, and a well-chiseled jawline for both male and female characters. Line strength consist of straight and thick lines

This is not to say that it would always be like that, though.
Given enough love and passion and cultural boundaries between artisans can be broken and create artworks that are nearly indistinguishable.

Like how Cowboy Bebop and Trigun are love letters to Western movies
Netflix Castlevania is evidence that the West is also getting there

The only difference is that Japan started copying the West since Mickey. West only started copying Japan now

>> No.6643789

"non correct for US demographics" (wtf is that even supposed to mean, is it a new "MuH wOkE cUlTuRe" take)

Anyway show us your own anime stuff anon let's see how it compares, second hand after-thoughts and rationalizations means shit.

>> No.6643799

>Even the fucking dyke and nigger in edgerunner don't feel forced like in faux anime
thats the fucking point. OP saw those as the reasons why faux anime sucks, so he is wrong because edgerunner can do it without being shit.

>> No.6643801
File: 67 KB, 640x904, manga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western people simply don't understand how the "anime art style" works and what its appeal is.
They just see big eyes, small noses, or sharp and edgy = anime.
They don't understand what to simplify, what to exaggerate, and what the japanese focus on the most when designing their characters and drawing in an "anime art style".
This misunderstanding of the "anime art style" creates these uncanny abominations that you see in the OP image.

In short, western artists have no fucking clue how appeal works.
They just shoehorn their identity politics into their "anime-inspired art style" and call it a day.

>> No.6643804

That's because there's no western value within the design of the nigger and the dyke.
Funnily enough the dyke isn't even gay but straight in the anime.
No way in hell a westerner would've let that happen.

>> No.6643827

I wish some of these threads would include examples of work from the op instead of being just the usual low hanging pol bait...

>> No.6643833

Yes, it's literally current-decade crt marxist shit.
That's why woke stuff is shit, the propaganda component immediately makes its quality to plummet below the basement.
Not counting the fact that wokeism is responsible for diversity hires of idiots who can't act, write or draw to save their lives.

>> No.6643835

There are maybe three good anime series any given year and three good western animations any given decade

>> No.6643853
File: 19 KB, 474x429, 1678584433825791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fags spent more time arguing about east vs west shit than drawing in either style

>> No.6643887

an actual mongoloid wrote this post...

>> No.6643896

t. retard

>> No.6643897

only good post here

>> No.6643898

Unironically it’s a thing.
Game companies say it all the time when porting Asian games in
>we’re not censoring, just changing outfits and skin colors to better fit western culture
See lost ark and blue protocol for recent examples.

>> No.6643904

>mainly a problem when the character designers are using western values as to what their characters should look like.
You are a shonenfag who's never watched anything besides fotm garbage.

>> No.6643913
File: 137 KB, 1280x720, 15DB0E89-302F-4E71-88AD-06914027CE68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you’re over thinking. The abominations you see aren’t bad because of a lack of understanding, they’re bad solely because they’re shit at drawing.

A good example of misunderstanding anime is sinix when he tries to do anime (older example but he’s doing it on twitch this month too)
He’s a good artist and it still has appeal, but he fails at simplifying to anime standards. And it comes off as overly constructed and rendered.

But things like your pic is just /beg/s not being able to draw period.
But regardless anime isn’t that thought out or one collection of rules. It’s really just overall a standard set of minimalism combined with cuteness, outside of that pretty but anything goes.

>> No.6643939

a lot of actual anime is outsourced to korean in betweeners being paid slave wages too

>> No.6643958

Um... Studio Trigger is Japanese...

>> No.6643996

and the show was pretty much done by japanese staff, including the character designs

>> No.6643998

>cRt iSn'T a tHinG
Go step on a lego

>> No.6644008

the problem with netflix anime is their family guy mise en scène

>> No.6644012
File: 280 KB, 1152x1938, Profile_-_Rapunzel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like this more than the other garbage the west puts out.
only disney makes movies with fuckable protagonists though.

>> No.6644042

Edgerunner doesnt feel like it's made by westerners, nor made to target westerners. It feels more like what nips think of a 'western' animation

>> No.6644046

tweeners dont get to dictate designs which what tranny faggots do with faux anime

>> No.6644048

that movie was over a decade ago, disney today is doing nigers with cloacas

>> No.6644052
File: 49 KB, 515x616, Dolores_Madrigal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meh, i still would.

and elsa and anna were both still top tier.

>> No.6644068

ok zoomer

>> No.6644073
File: 11 KB, 236x456, efd89de4106baa12c5ec8aeca1cfc110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its okay to admit your homosexuality.
>hurr you're supposed to be attracted to man faced whores who fucked all of greece

>> No.6644102

Japan does cute shit so as not to rile any feathers after WWII. Thats it.

>> No.6644107
File: 36 KB, 768x805, 1679714264087875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sad that half of the people in this thread can't even tell what point you're trying to make.

Even sadder that all of you niggers don't think this look like absolute dogshit.
Sure, the art is better, but the ugly designs still ruin it.

Drill that into your skulls: brown people look bad, it's simply how optics work. There's nowhere to run, 90% of designs will look like shit.

You have to sprinkle purple and blue everywhere to try to salvage their garbage contrast, maybe darken everyone else with shadows so it won't look off, but all you do is drag the entire show down.

Keep darkies to a minimum if you want a harmonic show and make it count when they show up, choosing the right lighting that emphasize them, instead of trying to make them blenda up with the normal characters.

>> No.6644110
File: 612 KB, 2803x4040, image (471).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> brown people look bad

>> No.6644120

another crt faggot pretending to be "right wing"

>> No.6644141
File: 3.68 MB, 1811x2048, 1653529766699626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not a CRT and you can shove your American politics up your ass.

>> No.6644163

I think a better example would be the shit Leshean Thomas puts out, like Yasuke and Cannon Busters.

>> No.6644170

And i thought only white people hate their own race, but shit skins too?

>> No.6644214

>I am not a CRT
Yet you screech all the critical race theory bullshit.
No one believes your stupid strawman, commie, go fuck yourself

>> No.6644293

Who are you quoting?
>twitter uppercase-lowercase shenanigans
Nevermind, you are brown, go back to your shithole

>> No.6644295

You first, woke

>> No.6644303

I'm not reading this retarded thread. Here's the facts.
It's all about proportions and especially facial proportions. That's rule #1 for convincing anime. Rule #2 is when it's in motion it needs to be animated on a mishmash of 1's and 2's. Faux anime is only animated on straight 2's so it moves like shit. Westerners will take 8 frames to animate a punch while anime will use 4. The doubled time it takes for that western punch to land makes it feel stiff and with less impact. Rule #3 is warping the models. Faux anime always stays on model no matter what. Anime warps their models, taking extra effort and key frames to squash and stretch them when a force is animated to act on them.
Rules 2 and 3 are practically nonexistent in cgi anime as well which is why it's objectively shit.

>> No.6644333

>brown people look bad
>Edgerunners art posted has 2 brown people in it

>> No.6644340

Yes, they do. Especially the ones that want to be White so bad.

>> No.6644411

you look bad, nigger. you're a schizoid mutt

>> No.6644425
File: 928 KB, 700x860, 60418731_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its just the shit coloring and stiff poses, westaboo fanart of these shows tend to look real good. Pic rel

>> No.6644470

I'm tired of niggers too

>> No.6644471

Way to expose yourself as not just a dirty darkie but an asshurt one on top of that

>> No.6644527

They have made moe versions of the WW1 ships, anon
It's been waaay before they got nuked

>> No.6644585
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>> No.6644788
File: 64 KB, 1500x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American TV animation will never reach the quality of anime simply due to the fact that its made in a culture where being a slacker and "dunking on your boss who is a big meanie" is something that makes you cool and heroic.

>> No.6644791
File: 2.05 MB, 1638x2048, 8029114BFE20E748E75CB768FD472985FEC5EB49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts a monkey

>> No.6644841
File: 764 KB, 508x360, tIKNTpl8tm7BS5tc.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As western TV animation becomes more and more underwhelming, japanese anime will only continue to grow stronger.
We live in a time now where anyone with an internet connection can do freelancing anywhere in the world from home. Take a wild guess what the most talented animators all want to work on these days... (hint: its anime).

>> No.6644849
File: 229 KB, 558x491, a You.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your enlightening post OP here is your (You) medal.

>> No.6644866

You realize this phrase was made to denounce workers who aren’t putting in free overtime and taking on additional responsibilities so they “might” get promoted right?

Most work places expect you to do multiple extra roles for free for the sake of maybe getting promoted, only to get turned down.

American work places are hellholes mate, call Americans what you will but we are not slackers

>> No.6644880

There are also millions of people who are given reasonable expectations to meet and even when they have it easy they still go on their phones and take 18 bathroom breaks in a day.
Then they justify it by creating a narrative in their heads that they're "oppressed" and proceed to project an image of a chinese sweatshop worker onto themselves, pretending like they're on the same level.

>> No.6644883

If you want to complain about slackers point to the Europeans
And Chinese sweat workers might have it rough but the modern chink just sits there copy and pasting from other peoples work

>> No.6644920

Wanting is different from doing; unless you're truly passionate and value animation more than your health, you won't accept their rates and workload, it's simply too much.

Although talented baka gaijin would mostly join as key animators, which would offer a more decent pay...

>> No.6645000

>If you want to complain about slackers point to the Europeans
I'm coming at this from an animation perspective.
Say what you will about the European work ethic. I haven't been around them enough to validate or refute. But the value of workers is measured in productivity, and proficiency is as big a factor as industriousness. Europe values traditions in the same way the East does, and they appreciate differences in skill level. When they are working, they get more done and at a higher quality. This is why Europe still produces a lot of good 2D films at very low budgets. This is why Cartoon Network has relocated its studio to Europe, and many of its bumpers and cartoon intros (like the one for the Powerpuff Girls reboot) are animated in Britain. Generally speaking, Gobelin's graduation films btfo those of CalArts.
To be blunt, their animators working at 50% capacity is better than our animators working at 100%. If they are lazy, and I'm not saying they are, it's because they can afford to be.

>> No.6645019

European animators also put our a fraction of the content that American animators put out.

While EU/JP animators are definitely better than the rank and file American animators (discounting things like high production disney films, when they actually care), Americans are pumping out shows on a daily basis. Its not comparable to a more seriously done and traditional animation piece once a month (at its best)

A better comparison to American shows would be the bottom of the barrel isekai trash you see in Japan that just gets pumped out constantly and without any effort. And even the shitty calart animations beats the slideshow tier bullshit that is isekai anime.

>> No.6645058

>European animators also put our a fraction of the content that American animators put out.
First, this is not true when you consider most of the animation work on American shows is outsourced. It's even more so in this new post-covid age of cartoon production, where more shots are farmed out to individual contractors over facebook and whatnot. A great deal are done by Europeans working in their underwear from home, and the audience would never know.
Second, Europe does have its own version of low-effort, tweened shovelware shows that number in the hundreds. You just won't see them all that often in the states, unless you make an effort to trawl through the depths of youtube.

>> No.6645109
File: 12 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then is not "on model" then, Idk aboit the action cartoons, regukar cartoons are designed to only be seen in 2 or 3 angles insyead of like a 3D figure like in Anime, so any deviation from those fixed angles is off model since you have to make tons of shit up.

>> No.6645222

That doesn't look bad, is your problem that there's too much tone or that the character has a defined nose?

>> No.6645224
File: 314 KB, 700x925, image (246).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not bad, in fact its quite good.
But it fails to be "anime" because he doesn't really grasp the aesthetics of what makes anime feel more like anime and starts to over construct and over render it.

My point was more that its an example of someone who knows how to draw just misunderstanding anime. As opposed to >>6643801
which just lacks any sort of skill, anatomy, or gesture.

It still looks good, it just looks off.

>> No.6645227
File: 127 KB, 1222x1275, FvUjb0HXwAAE5Qp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tries to "emulate anime", and ends doing the "side mouth" that was actually a shortcut to animate mouths.

>> No.6645232

side mouths serve an illustrative purpose too, its harder to show mouth movements and shapes in a side view like that, side mouths let you be more expressive.

>> No.6645238

Can opt to draw them in 3/4 perspective instead, side mouths make no sense on a static medium like a comic other than the artist doesn't know how to draw a profile face, which seems to be the case there

>> No.6645240

>just draw nothing but 3/4 angles bro

>> No.6645256

>its harder to show mouth movements and shapes in a side view like that
Millions of panels from thousands of manga disprove this immediately. Skill issue.

>> No.6645273

You know for a country known for its love of freedom, they don't seem to be as artistically free as their Nipponese counterpart. There's always that "audience-safe" approach to design

>> No.6645277

Japan actually has some of the best freedom for art laws in the world. It was forced on them by America but unlike America they lack any systems to really change it. So basically there's just complete freedom of art and the press with fuck all the government can do about it.

All changes have to be done via societal pressure, which is basically impossible to do against a sole artist. There's been a few cases where artists got in trouble over loli/cp shit, but when it came to the art itself the government just has to shrug and say there's nothing they can do about it.

Its actually quite nice. One of the few times their backwards government charters actually are a benefit.

>> No.6645296
File: 294 KB, 640x720, wxefrtzi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime/cartooning is a curious thing. It lets you cheat on certain details, yet requires more care for bigger elements. Without the aid of realistic rendering, the cartoon becomes almost solely reliant on placement, alignment, and size to communicate structure, at a degree of accuracy that viewers have become accustomed to, but cannot achieve easily. Even Vandruff, in a draftman podcast, sheepishly alluded to the animator's need for greater accuracy such that his usual advice for drawing lines were inadequate.
>And it comes off as overly constructed and rendered.
His faces often have a distorted walleye look to them, which should be addressed during construction. I think it needs more, not less.

>> No.6645739
File: 2.12 MB, 1088x1488, 1682855108660529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no there are a few things which are pretty unappealing about these. for one, the values. it's only a base color and a single shadow. and the shadow is never tinted with a color reflecting from somewhere else in the scene, it's only black overlaid onto the base color. and the color pallets are pretty unappealing too imo.

but besides that the lineweight is ugly. looks like they used the paths tool at one solid thickness.

proportions are awful too. all those women have huge biceps and manly faces.

i feel like it's so obvious to explain why that style is so ugly that it's almost difficult to explain. i find it harder to understand how anyone could not get it.

>> No.6645755
File: 1.85 MB, 1763x1114, anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6645775

close ups, dynamic poses, emotive facial expressions, and creative camera angles.

>> No.6645779

speaking of which, don’t forget about the ost. Does american “anime” even put half as much effort to the soundtracks?

>> No.6645826

>cherry pick establishing shots from 6 shows
>cherry pick the best images from an action heavy episode

>> No.6645834
File: 246 KB, 1000x1459, MV5BMjNlMzNjMTMtNDAxYi00M2QxLTlmYWQtMTdkZDljMmIzYjI5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzM4NjcxOTc@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STOP WITH THE EAST VS WEST SHIT. Seriously, it's like every damn day this dead horse topic shits up this board. We get it, muh woke muricans can't do dem chinese cartoons right. not shit, especially in modern times. but to be frank, i'll take faux amerime over moeblob shit any day of the week.
also half you niggas really ousting your yellow fever faggotry on this board.

wakfu and radiant were both made by french people.

>> No.6645842

Or you can do like the comic pro and draw side mouths, it's your choice to have your product look like garbage anyway.

>> No.6645848

>Skill issue.
That's why the panel has sidemouths, Marvel hires incompent people

>> No.6645851

>>cherry pick the best images from an action heavy episode
not even the best images lol. that's just the standard quality of each shot

>> No.6645865
File: 315 KB, 1461x1200, 4a33b0848a98b4d5f3e811361f586dc7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American anime
What part of those six shows was made by japanese staff at a Japanese animation studio?
It's fun how Justice League, a show that's like 20 years old is still relevant, it followed a fine aesthetic, unlike half of american animation after Adventure Time and Steven Universe infected everything with the calarts cancer.

>> No.6645869

Which is basically moeblob shit

>> No.6645871

>Japanese Thing

>> No.6645875

Just like American video games, they only flaccidly copy whatever trend Hollyjew is doing so right now it's generic BIG EPIC WHOMMMP BRRRR sounds

>> No.6645884

>wakfu and radiant

>> No.6645921

>thing made in higher quality

>> No.6646031

Tell me you're joking. That shit can't be official

>> No.6646032

Yeah, music is a big thing that gets overlooked in American cartoons. Just another component western think tanks don’t understand. Instead they overuse sound effects to make up for it and if they actually try hard they do it for the opening song. They keep missing the point.

>> No.6646035
File: 79 KB, 640x1385, gwenpool-is-asexual-v0-zvfpufsxmfwa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, boy, it IS!

>captcha: DAMDAM

>> No.6646036
File: 143 KB, 720x1093, tumblr_117c7ec552e3cb95a030867bb31c317e_2a7bc133_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6646039
File: 224 KB, 1100x1466, Nk1755x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single horrible "muh 300 sexes" cliché is crammed on this comic

>> No.6646044
File: 166 KB, 946x2048, FuIazd0XoAEh--0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The comic is basically Gwenpool having a mental breakdown over not wanting to fuck everything that comes near her.
First-World problems, where people get so bored with their needs fulfilled they need to create a problem

>> No.6646046

Man that's a shame, I actually kinda liked the art style and some of the earlier issues were kinda fun.

>> No.6646053

>kill la kill as the comparison

>> No.6646055

>high school twitter user tier art
>focus on gender of the month shit
How has no comic company alternative been able to flourish under these conditions it seems like a cake walk

>> No.6646058

I mean, Gwenpool was always a sorta shitpost comic anyways. Her entire gimmick was trying to make a female cute deadpool out of a spiderman love interest, her entire premise was inherently stupid. And since she was just a shitty female deadpool, they couldn't do anything fun or edgy with the meta humor so it results in shit like this.

But its not like she was ever designed to be taken particularly serious

>> No.6646073
File: 935 KB, 1600x2461, DC-Pride-2022-1-36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like it's the only comic they're doing with that gender thing cliché
The industry is gatekept by the diversity hires and the virtue signaling people they answer to, it's a nightmare trying to enter there.
There are indie comics that are spawning around, and obviously every corpo shill is 24/7 screeching about how the nazis are trying to escape the duopoly held by the Big 2

>> No.6646081

yeah not defending marvel as a whole, just some extra context to gwenpool cause i liked her for a bit.

comics are a dead medium though, they're really just desperate for anything at this point is my guess.

>> No.6646086
File: 2.74 MB, 1368x2564, 7j4lsce85dj71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do agree with Anno, I was looking for his segment in the eva making of where he stresses this point but couldn't find it, found this instead.

>> No.6646090

I don't consider myself a comic fan at all but even I can't escape all the new humiliating "socially conscious" dreck that these publishers put out every couple months.
Who cares what they're screeching about. If you focus on merit and create good content people will come to you. Especially in the vacuum left behind by publishers dropping the ball. Even if people have to enjoy that content in secret it's a gradual thing. Eventually it'll hit critical mass and people will feel emboldened enough to like it in the open regardless. Someone patient should be banking on this mess right now.

>> No.6646098

those girls are underage.
this is illegal.

>> No.6646110
File: 61 KB, 526x576, 1564153351456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, hypocrite

>> No.6646114

Unfair comparison because Rikko is a giant whore who's entire personality is wanting to fuck Kanna, its not just a casual cheek kiss.

>> No.6646115

they are not. this is rebuilds, set in the future. plus Asuka has a curse that stops her growing older(removed at the end of thrice upon a time)

>> No.6646117
File: 495 KB, 1498x672, indies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone patient should be banking on this mess right now.
Yes, patience and steady work is key, the more comics get created, then readers can get more stuff to choose from.

>> No.6646120

>It's ok when the american cartoon does it

>> No.6646461

Dat ass

>> No.6647882

>TFW if it was still the 90s you could have just paid an actual japanese studio to animate your shit instead of soulless koreans
Such a shame really

>> No.6648123

For fuck sake why is there always some stupid fucking 22 year old poltard weeb making the same fucking thread over and over and over, barely even related to discussing the fucking art of the obviously made for pre-teens American cartoons and comparing it to the Japanese market?
Like take this drivel to /co/ or some shit nobody cares about your infantile "le ameritroon bad le nippers sugoii" that has nothing to do with art
Fuck you, retarded fucking Neanderthal

>> No.6648127

>all these seething replies
They hated him because he told the truth.

>> No.6648413

>that has nothing to do with art
Except the ameritoons literally have worse art lmao

>> No.6648441

My beef with the "anime" named:
> too many characters vying to be the main character in one show
There needs to be one MC per show. A spin off show can have another character as the main.
> forgettable silhouette
There's a lack of diversity in silhouettes in character design, ironically shows that seek to be more diverse neither have diversity in the silhouette nor diversity in personality. Theyre all brave, stoic, cold, and strong aka "powerful female characters"
> theres too much going on with some character designs
You dont need that many belts, colors, and wrist bands on one character.
> characters tend to have the same Marvel/DC style outfit
This is not bad per say, but if these shows want to stand out from the rest, they need to ditch skin suits
> finally...
This is just the character design problems I can think of. Im not going to begin on set design, dialogue, story, soundtrack, and story telling

>> No.6648455
File: 2.27 MB, 1240x1754, Untitled14_20210821222606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're talking about anime influenced drawings, what do you think about mine?
> made in 2021
You can say its shit. I like the truth

>> No.6648461
File: 53 KB, 692x1024, 1680699324887836m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like brownies

>> No.6648476
File: 201 KB, 1920x1080, 1674673956367802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> wakfu and radiant were both made by french people.
At least 50% of the staff working on Wakfu were Japanese, nigger, read the credits.

It was basically a French company paying a Japanese studio to lead them by the hand on how to produce an anime.

Don't get me wrong, I love it, but it's still Asian genes.

>> No.6648528
File: 912 KB, 2880x2880, OG Ben 10 and Megas XLR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, I hate when there are too many characters especially when they're all in one shot. Takes away their individuality. That being said
> Kill la Kill is a top tier show while all these Western shows are mid
Megas XLR and OG Ben 10 are kino

>> No.6648548

Westerners have never escaped the grips of 2000's era "how to draw manga" books written by rando white guys. Fundamental misunderstanding of character design and storytelling through stylistic and visual choices. And are forever stranded in the 80's and 90's "group of turtles/rangers/heroes/spies" school of appeal. Which is completely dated because it was built on the concept of selling toys, which kids don't buy now unless they see it in an unboxing video on YouTube.

>> No.6648558
File: 1.06 MB, 2160x3840, 20230510_170321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spongebob Squarepants has
> good character design
> an interesting set
> catchy memorable soundtrack
> funny puns and gags for a comedy
I would consider Spongebob Squarepants superior to any and every comedy anime out there

>> No.6648583

>American anime
>puts early 2000s Justice League in the image
What the fuck are you doing?

>> No.6648586

I actually was going to mention this but I forgot. Americans were unironically more skilled with their character design before anime started influencing their decisions. The old schools of art had crafted their own ideas of balanced and appealing shapes and features. Then japanese tastes get injected into our culture and it threw the entire balance completely out of wack. Decades of crafting our own visual identity is right in the middle of a weird "phase" and everything looks awkward.
I once believed the west could make their own "anime" if they tried hard enough. I realize now we just fundamentally can't. Now I wish we'd go back to western sensibilities and let the Japanese have their japanese sensibility and stop trying to merge the two into some unholy mutt. That goes for japs trying to be more like America too.
Technical animation techniques can be shared though. Nothing wrong with better functionality.

>> No.6648588
File: 206 KB, 1061x1500, image (433).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There needs to be one MC per show. A spin off show can have another character as the main.
Na that's stupid.
A cast of MCs works fine, with some episodes breaking it down to each party's perspective.

>> No.6648592

The main designer is still a frenchie.

>> No.6648599
File: 2.71 MB, 854x480, 1652608299511352.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to go down that route, then lest we forget the Americans that help produce anime.
Pic related

>> No.6648630

>Netflix Castlevania is evidence that the West is also getting there
Netflix Castlevania is evidence that the West should never touch Castlevania ever again. Even Captain N wasn't as bad

>> No.6648640
File: 554 KB, 1055x1500, 20230413_114846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That goes for japs trying to be more like America too
Hard disagree. A lot of of the best stories and art in manga and anime came directly from western influences, just think of Berserk, Trigun, Nausicaa, etc. and even today the best modern nip fantasy like pic related or Elden Ring is made by westaboos that enjoy classic D&D alongside traditional sword and sorcery.
Americans just never understood anime and never will, and it's understandable considering they got it much later than other parts of the world while anglosphere media has been widely exported globally for decades.

>> No.6648642

You can say that to the story but artstyle wise, nah
It's cool
They just needed to hire an actual Castlevania fan and kick the marketting team who wanted GoT audience waaaaay out

>> No.6648649

Did he do half of the show?

>> No.6648654
File: 279 KB, 1950x2276, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6648664

Are you purposefully being obtuse? Can you not grasp at the point that studios, yes even Japanese ones, outsource their animation? Or do you need an arbitrary percentage of ethnic count per labor done on animation to determine if something is produced by a specific country? Even so, most of the production for Wakfu was done by French, ergo Wakfu is French animation, bar none.

>> No.6648710

Stop being a disingenuous little shit.
Japan - and the US too, really - outsource most of their grunt GRUNT work to Korea/China and other cheaper shitholes.

That's different from having a big chunk of the key animation done by artists from another country.

>> No.6648884

You're the disingenuous faggot. The vast majority of Wakfu's production was done by the French, with the exception of the single Noxus episode spinoff. To say Wakfu is Japanese animation is just pure fucking retardation, you literally cannot post or talk about the show on /a/ because it's categorically a "western" show.

>> No.6648985

That doesn’t detest any of what he said you fucking idiot

>> No.6649558
File: 7 KB, 239x238, 20230328_073245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't western cartoons copy anime like they used to? TLoA and Boondocks were both amazing shows heavily inspired by anime, but all the attempts at anime we see these days like in the OP's pic are Super Saiyan-ish transformations, ugly animation/artsyle and references to that handful of shows current showrunners grew up with, like aforementioned Dragon Ball, Sailor Moon, etc.

>> No.6649581

Boondocks and Avatar have the same style, the writing was just better.

>> No.6650117
File: 93 KB, 340x388, 1683066664721216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ah sweet
>Another east vs west thread

>> No.6650130

Doesn't exists. Get out of your headcanon narrative.

>> No.6650135
File: 53 KB, 312x700, AnarchyShots-1454660851236065284-20211030_230547-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this suppose to imply same face shit is good practice? You better not be. if you're going to post a trigger image, post a better show faggot.

>> No.6650140

Romance is not porn polnigger
Angles for the male gaze is.

>> No.6650154

whatever the reason is, i just hate how sterile this style looks. shows that use it are almost always boring as fuck and forgotten quickly. Point and case: all 4 shows in the OP image.

>> No.6650159

I see it as stiff, like it's all drawn by constructoids

>> No.6650170

Another hypocrite
male gaze isn't a thing

>> No.6650197

>That's because there's no western value within the design of the nigger and the dyke.
Lmao even

>> No.6650205

Shut up virgin.

>> No.6650221

Although I'm no feminist, the concept of the male gaze is undeniably present. Simply take a look at any popular female character from the past decade and it becomes apparent that their design, presentation, and meta-reactions are all crafted to arouse male pleasure. This phenomenon, known as the male gaze, extends beyond just straight men and has a significant overlap with how gay men perceive and design their desired objects.
In male gazey characters, hypersexualization is pervasive, regardless of gender. This is exemplified by characters with exaggerated physiques and personalities, like the big-boobied waifus in anime, or those who embody vulnerability and naivete. Even femboys, who take their femininity to its logical extreme, are included in this group. Additionally, there are various gay bara porns that feature unrealistic body proportions like literal moobies and fat asses.
To claim that the male gaze is non-existent is akin to denying that the sky is blue or that fire is hot. In fact, the female gaze is also a real phenomenon, despite some feminist arguments to the contrary. Gender plays a significant role in how individuals perceive objects of desire, and this is particularly evident in visual media.
You're absolutely right about that. I've only watched a couple of these shows myself, and I couldn't tell you much about the plot of either of them. Even the fanbases that formed around them seem to have lost interest over time. Now it seems that the only ones left are a group of overly-obsessed spergs who refuse to move on.

>> No.6651628

>posts an image with no elaboration
>surprised when nobody understands what he was trying to say or what side of the argument he's on
I get that this is an imageboard but maybe fucking use your words next time you stupid AIDS-nigger with syphilis

>> No.6651630

nta but case in point
She's not brown, she's fucking GRAY in your image. That is sickly. She looks like a corpse of a white woman. And I like brown women and I like Nessa but everyone sucks at coloring browns cause there's less references and experience to stand on

>> No.6651635

No, that was just color theory

>> No.6651641

Absolutely retarded.

>> No.6651654

Me on the left

>> No.6651872

shut up rapist

>> No.6651878

>all crafted to arouse male pleasur
People who constantly complain about "everyghing being male gaze" most often just hate seeing men enjoying things and have to invoke some stupid patriarchy strawman to excuse their conspiracy theories.

>> No.6651879

ok racist commie

>> No.6651961

The only rapists are pedophiles and women haters.

>> No.6651967

No it's not, faggot. Cartoons don't count as CP.

>> No.6651968

>wakfu and radiant were both made by french people.
And it looks like shit because they used puppetry tweening software to do the animation.

>> No.6651978
File: 283 KB, 640x469, 0e7e3f676a1a887ec9bbf3c1e8defa53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6651985
File: 1.35 MB, 2472x3251, 1676994123137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>USA's culture of individualism demands a culture that values strength, resilience, and masculinity.
This might possibly explain why early US localizations were all focused on how 'cool and adult' manga was compared to the US's comics industry. Adult both in content, but also aesthetic.
For example, MANGA, which might be the first deliberately collected publishing of manga for the Anglosphere, has authors like Hiroshi Hirata who is one of the most extreme and cynical mangaka I've ever stumbled across. But no Tezuka, Ishinomori, Matsumoto, etc.
Similarly are early publications like Concerned Theater Japan, that focused on alt-manga and what was coming out of the underground in Japan at the time. Series like Akame or The Stopclock.
Later you have really early localizations of series by companies like Eclipse for series like Appleseed, or Kamui, but little to nothing from Kurumada or Toriyama.
If anything you could say they have the opposite problem to manga publishing today in that they avoided popular series and focused entirely on digging up whatever was 'different'.

Early OVAs and anime that were localized follow similar patterns early on.
It wasn't until the 90s that you saw a widening of the styles. But by that time in the US the focus had shifted to grabbing modern shojo and shonen. Dragon Ball and Sailor Moon and Pokemon over Galaxy Express 999.

>> No.6651988

>considering they got it much later than other parts of the world
Agree. In LATAM Saint Seiya, Dr Slump, Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball (original, Z and GT) and many other anime shows were already huge hits in the early 90's, also that the Latin American Spanish dubs had the original music and intros/outros from the Japanese versions, accurately translated to Spanish, not like the US English dubs that heavily altered the source material back in the early 2000's. They also used to air some Super Sentai Shows before there was Power Rangers. LATAM 90's kids grew up on Japanese TV basically.

>> No.6651991


>> No.6651992

>>USA's culture of individualism demands a culture that values strength, resilience, and masculinity.
Steven universe, the patient zero of the calarts-lgtv sinkhole in western animation was sold as "teaching boys a NEW role model of masculinity"
That's correct, people, SU was marketed at boys, with the pretense that they had to identify themselves with the retarded crybaby crossdressing MC.

>> No.6652007
File: 310 KB, 1016x1208, Dykes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope & seethe, dyke
You will never be an attractive 2D cartoon girl

>> No.6652015
File: 570 KB, 600x900, JapanVsAmericanAnimationProcess.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based & angle-pilled. Fake anime creators are lazy fucks who use toon boom & outsource their storyboards to Korea. The reason why real anime why is better is because everything is drawn by hand with knowledge in basic fundamentals. Amerimutt cartoons are ironically lazy & ugly.

>> No.6652019

Imagine coping this hard. Aanime uses samefaces & are still able to create beautiful animation because it isn't robotic animated shit made in Toon Boom.

>> No.6652032
File: 813 KB, 1367x1631, WhyYouShouldCopyAnime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic-rel is a redpill on the matter & why westernoids fail at anime

>> No.6652033

Alot of faux anime is animated by Koreans. That's why they're shit.

>> No.6652066

no, it's actually the strong facial design in the faux anime compared to this one >>6643739
the nose are small to the point of none existence in Japanese designed characters compared to the wectoid ones.

>> No.6652089

>japanese anime will only continue to grow stronger.
We're not even near the peaks of late 90's/early 00's Japanese animation.

Things like Jin Roh, PatLabor (movies), Cowboy Bebop, etc aren't in any way worse than what we're getting today.

>> No.6652166

Ban all weebcucks

>> No.6652361

This one opening already BTFOs all of those. No need for an entire show.


>> No.6652363

go back to /co/

>> No.6652382

>Simply take a look at any popular female character from the past decade and it becomes apparent that their design, presentation, and meta-reactions are all crafted to arouse male pleasure.

No FUCKING shit you retard. Women are attractive to the opposite sex. Next you are going to tell me the sky is blue. This sort of mindset is what has lead to idiots instead turning women into "men" instead. Sex sells. Grow up.

>> No.6652420

There's even more anti west fags there than here.

>> No.6652434

If you don't like people becoming weebs then make better content lmao.

>> No.6652442

I don't care about weebcucks, I'm tired of their obessisve inferiority complex.

>> No.6652447

>TFW if it was still the 90s you could have just paid an actual japanese studio to animate your shit instead of soulless koreans

Is there any source on the internet that puts this "koreans animate all of Japans anime" to rest? Where did this come from? Some 1 youtube video from Lesean Thomas talking about animation and then it go blown out of proportion?

There are 400+ studios in Japan albeit not all of them are active they still do the majority of the work in Japan. Please show me a source of this parroted meme.

>> No.6652454

It's not some unverified rumor, it's been happening for years. You'll see Korean names in the credits. Most shows in the west also outsource to Korea. They do it China as well. I'm pretty sure they do the in-betweens most of the time.

>> No.6652460

You see English names in the credits, too. Doesn't mean anything. Again, where is a verifiable, credible source for this meme?

>> No.6652476
File: 336 KB, 1200x1022, feminazismo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole "muh evil male gaze" thing reaches its extreme whith stupid shit like the Hawkeye Initiative, which was basically a bunch of gay pictures of Hawkeye
Showing any amount of evidence that men have been objectified as much and even more than women in fiction, these nutjobs will answer that what they want is specifically to repulse "cishet men"
For them, an acceptable male role model is Steven Universe

>> No.6652479

>There's even more anti west fags there than here.
Must be because westoid fags are more insufferable than any weeb can ever be

>> No.6652482

>I'm tired of their obessisve inferiority complex.
When have weebs considered anime inferior to cartoons, nigga?

>> No.6652485

Have you ever used google before declaring it to be unfounded? https://variety.com/2012/digital/news/japanese-companies-outsourcing-anime-1118049388/
We've even got a studio like Tonari being the middleman for people getting work on anime like Boruto from what I've seen recently.

>> No.6652494

>Reading comprehension
Backwards mind retard, it's the use of anime to seem superior to hide their insecurities behind.

>> No.6652496

Turd world ESLs most likely. They tend to talk about anime's achievements as their own.

>> No.6652498

That doesn't make a lick of sense, lmao

>> No.6652499

>Cuck too stupid to read

>> No.6652503


It's probably some underage kid in his honeymoon weeb phase that watched less than 10 shows and keeps picking apart American "anime" made long before he or she was born to watch it on TV. It's the same type of thread every week and the only reason they don't make the thread on /a/ (or /co/) is because /a/ would either ignore their thread or rip their bad take from head to asshole.

>> No.6652877

>we wuz kangz n shiet niqqa
fucking pathetic

>> No.6652883

>male gaze
>seriously using this worthless buzzword
actually commit suicide like for real no cap on god fr I genuinely hope you kill yourself

>> No.6652887

retarded ass nigger

>> No.6653018

The one thing the show is remembered for and anyone liked about it was the part that the western half of the production tried to oppose being in it because they thought it wasn't "correct for US demographics". This just proves OP right.

>> No.6653102

How do we remove retard execs in entertainment? Every week some new first draft or concept art gets leaked that's 100x better than the final product. It's simple to see where to start if we want to fix our trash.

>> No.6653105

Reminder that CD project was forced to rewrite the script several times and got rejected by Trigger until Trigger did it as well. Goes to show the culture around these companies are just fundamentally different.

>> No.6653114

this artstyle reminds of me of he man and gi joe, very easy to produce and commercialize to sell you toys and other useless shit
no soul involved

>> No.6653165

So essentially the style is only good when it depicts the kinds of characters you like to see? That sounds stupid anon. And no, I am not defending Western faux anime here. I dislike it for the same reason as you do. But thats not an issue of art style, its a creative one

>> No.6653169
File: 85 KB, 728x1096, c66f7656c2a8d3dd2d78a20f95870f24--anime-figurines-worth-it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shows made to sell merchandise
>Shows made to sell merchandise IN JAPAN

>> No.6653302

Oh, no, animation must fund itself with merchandise because it's stupidly expensive!

>> No.6653365
File: 898 KB, 849x1200, image (44).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every anime, every game, every movie.
needs a loli.

>> No.6653415

Western stuff still tries to stretch itself out too much. Like if that Voltron cartoon had been 1 or 2 seasons it would have been pretty good but by the time it limped to its finale it was a total mess. Same with Castlevania, after Dracula died it became dogshit.

>> No.6653421

Voltron went to shit because the showrunners allowed tumblrinas to blackmail them.
Castlevania also has its share of stupid shit from the beginning.

>> No.6653434

Once again, feminists dykes prove to be incompetent spinster
>doesn't understand what straight men are attracted to
>doesn't understand that attractive female & male characters can exist in any lore
Holy shit, someone should fire this dumb bitch.

>> No.6653442

To call these people "nazis" is inaccurate. They should be called feminist marxists.

>> No.6653840

Ah, so commies then.

>> No.6653963

Jesus Christ. Take your meds and calm the fuck down.

>> No.6654613

Yours aint gonna make you a real woman, troon.

>> No.6654618

Worry about yourself; try becoming a real man.

>> No.6654750

Dragon Maid's thing is that there are 500 year old dragons disguised as little kids wanting to fuck elementary schoolers, so the second image is indeed different

>> No.6654754

Actually the 500 year dragon is indifferent to the child, its the child that wants to fuck the dragon.

>> No.6654757

She's a short adult tho, her first appearance is in a pub

>> No.6654904

is the joke here that this scene was done by an American

>> No.6655100

>Butthurt janny deleted the first post

>> No.6655124

The difference is that a bunch of 40-year olds amerimutt weirdos sure love to see 10-year olds kissing in a cartoon when it's done "by the correct people"

>> No.6656865

cause he's a retard thinking edgerunners is faux anime when a majority of the production says otherwise, that being made by a japanese crew.

>> No.6656877 [DELETED] 

there are other deleted posts which maybe suggests he got a bullet through his skull by the mods for shitposting elsewhere