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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 231 KB, 829x1102, 20230506_133237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6641684 No.6641684 [Reply] [Original]

Why are westaboo artists much more skilled than weeaboo artists?

>> No.6641686

Damn these are some good drawings!

>> No.6641689

>332 posts and 43 image replies omitted

>> No.6641693

You only see the good ones. Lots of shitty westaboo artists on twitter/pixiv.

>> No.6641707

Because they actually study fundies unlike their shitty weeb counterpart.
Yeah there are shitty ones, but even the shitty ones are still more skilled than the vast majority of weeb ones.

>> No.6641712

Westerner are too prideful to study inferior cultures art properly and without attempting to improve it

>> No.6641752

This is about weebs, not westerners you retarded weebshitter.

>> No.6641906
File: 3.15 MB, 3659x2673, 20230225_231215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think about it deeply and have some knowledge about the general history of anime, westaboos were far more prevalent between artists and content creators in Japan than weebs are in the west until recently: anime of the past were made by people who looked to the world around them and were inspired, yes by those trappings of their child-hood and the culture around them, but also by the art, history, culture, and ideas of the world at large. Maybe they were Otaku in the pure sense of the world, but they were artists above all. Now anime is made by and large Otaku, or rather a new breed of Otaku, anime Otaku, anime is the world around them and the work they create draws upon anime and video games (newer isekais though aren't even influenced by videogames anymore, just other isekai series) and the tropes within that. The audience then feeds on this self-referential incestuous bath-water of entertainment. For the Otaku escapist, this stuff is crack. Lately this demographic, and young boys age 12-18 is what has been driving the market HOWEVER, I have no doubt that as these Otaku artists grow and mature out of their 30s into their 40s (and lets be honest the 12-16y/o demo isn't growing in Japan with the aging population problem going on) anime will mature along with them, and will see stories that reflect their changing interests and they perhaps broaden their horizons to take inspiration from things that aren't the shows and pop-culture they grew up with.

>> No.6641918

>Yeah there are shitty ones, but even the shitty ones are still more skilled than the vast majority of weeb ones.
>source: my ass

>> No.6641921

mgs is from japan........

>> No.6641943

Isn’t westaboo a word for asians who are obsessed with western pop culture?

>> No.6641944


>> No.6642079

I thought chicken scratching was bad?

>> No.6642085

Nah, it's just some shitty word terminally online losers made up.

>> No.6642087

>anime will mature along with them, and will see stories that reflect their changing interes
Dude, seinen is a thing, stop watching and reading only the current season shonen.

>> No.6642088

Because they actually want to learn.

>> No.6642092

Weebs are trying to escape a stifling culture that hates fun and soul.
Westaboos are adopting stuff they like into their own comfy and ludic art world.

Ultimately Jap artists are always better and happier because they have the discipline to put effort into their stuff but also the stoicism and mental stability to realize it's really just leisure and should be fun.

>> No.6642093

>yet another thread shitting on anime and weebs

>> No.6642143

and I hope there will be a million more

>> No.6642351

Weebs wouldn’t trash western media as much as they do if anime wasn’t popular to hate back in the 2000s and early 2010s. This is mainly them trying to get back at the /co/ retards that showed so much disdain towards anime.

>> No.6642358

>childless only children in country economically stagnant for thirty plus years are going to mature out of escapist fantasy

>> No.6642394

I don't understand what people see in non anime art. Anime/Manga was not always beautiful, but always had soul. Now they have soul and the best quality. It is impressive how everything the otaku culture touches is just superior. Music, art, books.

>> No.6642398

Because Westaboos are copying the superior west, while Weeaboos are just making more anime slop.

>> No.6642403
File: 944 KB, 1080x1080, imagem_2023-05-06_232753986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are correct but that's Hayo's Miyazaki take from back in 2011~ from where the meme came from:
>Almost all Japanese animation is produced with hardly any basis taken from observing real people, you know. It's produced by humans who can't stand looking at other humans. And that's why the industry is full of otaku!
he was dead on about this. We are now seeing this in the west too,only not in animation because animation in the west died, but look at western film, tvshow, video games. The people making them are coosoomers. Not artists. Artists distill life itself and pour it into their creations.

>> No.6642428

>Yeah there are shitty ones, but even the shitty ones are still more skilled than the vast majority of weeb ones.

No they aren't.

>> No.6642431

Miyazaki is not only an otaku but a lolicon at that. Dude's even said "What's wrong with loving a 12 year old girl" before.

Not to mention his close relationship with Anno who is a known otaku and hates people that write them off.

>> No.6642715

there is no chicken scratching there in the slightest.

>> No.6642760
File: 51 KB, 664x960, gerryconwaymanga1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope and seethe, /co/tard, even Demon Slayer outsells the entire american comic industry

>> No.6642816
File: 63 KB, 1024x768, 66693651_p21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder the same too, even the /beg/ ones are soulful. What i found out is that
>they keep the characters on-model
>very minimal shading
>attractive color palettes

>> No.6642838

how do you copy this style? i don't even see where to begin.

>> No.6642840


>> No.6642894

The old pedo cries about anime because lolis are not realistic enough for his sick fantasies.

>> No.6642898

>t. shut in Otaku with smelly socks.

>> No.6642908

>Ah sweet.png
>Another East vs West thread
>But this time make it sound like it's pro west and anti east by switching up -aboos

>> No.6643047

>muh comics
lmao kill yourself

>> No.6643068

I think it's just because artists from the 3 major asian countries are much harder on themselves. They don't want participation trophies and are willing to put every free hour into practice, many even after coming home from their full time jobs.

>> No.6643115

Japs are more skilled in general. Go take a look at the Touhou art contests for children, the average Japanese toddler can draw better than the 30 something baka gaijins at the beginner thread lmfaoooooo

>> No.6643131

>sketchy = chicken scratch

Yep, that's how I know you're either baiting or beg tier.

>> No.6643371

Eat lead