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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 364 KB, 761x761, wip2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6641354 No.6641354 [Reply] [Original]

I will post what I draw here every single day.
No I will not fuck off to another thread or /beg/. This thread is mine.

I will post until its archived or you guys fill it up with your work.

>> No.6641371

Cool, what are you using PS? Huion?
if we post some shit, what would be the theme?

>> No.6641376

Clip studio because I'm a cheap fuck. XP pen with dogshit colour calibration because see above. Don't care what you post. I wanna see people post wips and shit. If they don't you guys will be subject to 300+ posts of my mediocre art.

>> No.6641380

I'm pinning this thread. Hope you actually follow through, anon

>> No.6641446

I’ve always wanted to try this, to see if I could reach bump limit, but I don’t want to get yelled at by ic for attention whoring

>> No.6641450

crabs don't draw, so you'd win by default. I say go for it, king.

>> No.6641580

/beg/s outside of their containment thread should be banned t b h

>> No.6641587

But I like posting my work in the other threads to keep them lively. It’s in poor taste to post your drawings more than once on the board. You may be accused of flooding

>> No.6641675

>drawing outside of their containment thread should be banned t b h

>> No.6641937
File: 550 KB, 1000x1000, 16051968934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty nice, I like it.

>> No.6641939

where's today's work op?

>> No.6642066
File: 110 KB, 920x736, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chill its been like 14 hours dude. I usually only draw from 8pm est to midnight est because I'm a wage slave.

I still don't even know what to draw yet so I'm been thumbnailing on my lunchbreak. Probably gonna grind figures tonight because I suck ass at them.

this is dope

>> No.6642077

This is good shit OP. I hope it's yours though...

>> No.6642083

It is mine but it's not as good as it should be yet. A lot of guys use gradients and shit for thumbnails but I'm retarded and need to keep it dumb for me to paint later. I'm gonna be doing some line only environments this week too because I tried that and it's hard as fuck to get it to look appealing.

I'm at the park now though looking at grass because it's neat.

>> No.6642915
File: 425 KB, 900x761, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cool thing about being stuck in the ER since 8 30 is you get to draw cool shit on your tablet while you wait. I like the headless statue valley. I might take that to a finished painting this week.

I like the dumb houses too. Probs gonna use that for a line drawing environment.

You guys won't get me to page 7 tomorrow

>> No.6642989

What tablet do you have?

>> No.6643043

Those are some very appealing looking compositions.
Any tips for drawing good composition?

>> No.6643479
File: 281 KB, 759x848, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XP Pen 24 Pro but its the older one with only 72% colour gamut
Not gonna lie idk. I don't think the composition is that good in them. I just put shit near the third line and abuse steelyard compositions.

Dumb figures while I ate a crappy salami sandwich for lunch. Probs gonna put a lot more effort in tonight to figures and get my line drawing started

>> No.6643543

Thanks for sharing man. It's gonna be a looong thread m8

>> No.6643577

How do you go about drawing those houses on CSP? Do you freehand the circular objects or do you use the ruler tools?

>> No.6644379


>> No.6644395
File: 249 KB, 840x840, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fine. Not every day is gonna be a masterpiece. Especially with figures since its been a while since I've drawn them and getting back into them is kinda rough.
I usually just freehand over a perspective grid layer. I find the ruler tool is too complex for me and fucks up my strokes.

Spent legit like an hour and a half bashing my head against a bunch of different grids trying to find out how to make this dumb house work as an idea.

Completely unreadable to anyone but me but I feel a lot more confident to work on it tomorrow. Slowly getting back to being comfortable with figures and reworked a rough sketch from a couple days ago.

Getting oral surgery tomorrow boys. Wish me luck. I wonder what its like to draw all fucked up on anaesthetic.

Figures will start looking better soon I promise.

>> No.6644437

i really like your figures do you have more?

>> No.6644443

Thank you so much for answering and sharing!

So grids are the best way to go then? A lot of times I have tried with circle rulers, but at the end of they day it ends up taking up so much time that it ends up being a waste of my time. I started using procreate, just because it auto completes things and cuts my time in half. I will try and practice what you suggested though, because yours looks great!

>> No.6645099

You use a screen tablet?

>> No.6645353
File: 370 KB, 824x464, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. Maybe tonight if I have the energy haha. I gotta finish this.
Everyone works different. Grids are more prone to error but faster if you're doing something like scott robertson.

For little stuff like those red houses I'll just freehand everything. For more intimate stuff I'll use the line tool a lot than draw over it all freehand.

I once spoke to a background layout artist a while ago who worked for a Canadian animation place. He basically told me that being too picky with ellipses is a waste of time because people pick out boxes much better in terms of errors. As long as the axis lines up okayish you're fine.

I usually just stroke with an ellipse tool then transform it.

He said that the reason why background layouts look "good" in line is because they use a lot of organic stuff to hide errors. Things like stone steps can turn a box with hideous perspective into something that looks good.

Take a good look at guys like Thomas Romain's perspective tutorials. You'll see that his initial layout is bland but once you add a ton of detail to hide all the errors you'll eventually get it looks good.

Basically the process is
>scott robertson boxes symphony
>fix what you can in the time you have but don't get picky
>add a fuck ton of detail to hide all the errors

Anyway I'm currently on the last step on this which is about 3/4 of the work left.
Yeah I draw with my arm but I wish I had the coordination for a screenless.

>> No.6646001
File: 142 KB, 836x471, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sloooooowly getting there

>> No.6646326

Whag books would you suggest for figure drawing and drawing buildings?

>> No.6646532

For figures I'm not that good at them yet but Michael Hampton and Force were good to me. I learn better by watching videos though.

Buildings I legit have no idea. I just look at houses in the architectural age I'm going for but my dad was an architectural drafter so i might have picked up something from him.

>> No.6646534

tips on environmental drawing? I have no idea how to do these

>> No.6646563
File: 145 KB, 2048x854, 20230415_010218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I finish my statue valley painting for this week I'll give you a breakdown but basically it's
>have grid(even a basic one point is fine. You can find loads of brushes that do it in one click)
>rough line drawing. By rough you can be super rough
>assign your key elements eg: sky, background mountains, roads in midground etc
>paint each thing separately

The best course I've taken on it was noah bradleys landscape art camp but I found copying guys I like I learned the most. I objectively probably learned the most from Robh Ruppel and Edgar Payne

Pic related is about a month old but I also learned a lot from doing Google maps stuff because it forced me to get creative in a short time limit( usually 2 hours)

>> No.6646832

not that anon but i was struggling with this too, thanks for the tips

>> No.6647125

>>add a fuck ton of detail to hide all the errors

This is really great advice, actually, because I feel I spend so much time on making sure everything is correct that by the time I get to making those details I am spent and end up just moving on even though I want to add more details.

So, then I end up fiddling with the ellipse tools and etc then it ends up taking so much longer. I remember seeing some of Romain's tutorials, but I found all of them so I am going to use them and go over my Scott Robertson book again as you suggested.

>> No.6647133
File: 289 KB, 709x527, F4F75EE7-02CB-4DBC-B73D-EC4FC5E8E721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day i will stop drawing on lined paper

>> No.6647231

so cool man, if you have socials please share it, i'd love to see more shit like this

>> No.6647232

Why not today?

>> No.6647377
File: 312 KB, 1101x636, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rough marker layer wash. Was fun to focus more on line than value for once.
Obviously I'm not a god or anything from background stuff. Especially line stuff but I'm glad I could help. If you aren't having fun doing boxes for 90 hours then adding detail with a movie on will help get into it.

>> No.6647379

You have unreal appeal in your hair shapes man. I dig the guy on the left. Please post more stuff on non lined paper

>> No.6647396

Because my last sketch book disintegrated and lined paper feels too comfy to get another one
Thanks,Bro. I probably can use computer paper, but that would be too messy.

>> No.6647405

I will literally buy you a sketchbook if you are in canada and send it to you if paper is that much of a problem. You got skills man. Let'em show.

>> No.6647406
File: 45 KB, 904x995, drrfdrfedrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6647421

It’s all good, man. Besides i don’t live there, i’ll get a sketchbook later on amazon(sketchbooks here are ass) soon.

>> No.6647514
File: 405 KB, 802x401, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All good man. Hopefully you get it soon.

Don't usually paint like this but trying something out.

Super rough + terrain breakdown before I start fixing figures and doing line stuff.

I think I might be experimental with this one. Do a line art one like Moebius and also a standard painting and see which one looks better.

Its a good excuse to practice drawing figures in weird perspectives too.

That's all for tonight

>> No.6649227
File: 169 KB, 1003x502, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rough linework. Time for a fuckton of detail and fixing stuff
>page 9

>> No.6650398

Don't die on me yet. I got a bunch of shit to do but I'm too busy waging

>> No.6650749
File: 170 KB, 903x451, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lineart almost done

>> No.6650783

Cool composition/idea

>> No.6650966
File: 218 KB, 1203x602, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks I appreciate it.

These lines are definitely too much gonna push myself to colour this and see how well it reads in line + colour vs paint.

>> No.6652449
File: 174 KB, 782x391, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably my favorite part of painting is the mud stage when I just throw down colours and see what sticks and what doesn't.

>> No.6652491

Nice, are you still going to do the little horse man down in the middle, right? That little detail make the whole scene much more monumental

>> No.6652493

Hundred percent but its about getting light and color relationships right now. The horse is about 1% of the image but adds 100% impact

>> No.6652873
File: 1.00 MB, 1596x807, 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Color keys and stuff to find out whats working.

I think the read looks best on the warmer one. It just needs some neutrals to cool down some areas.

>> No.6652885

I can't say which one is better though.

>> No.6652919

whats your schedule like?

>> No.6653049

Usually its
>wake up at 7
>gym from 8 to 9
>work at 9 30
>work till 4
>nap till 5
>family time till 7 30pm
>draw till 10
>mandatory time with my wife till 11
>draw till 12-1 depending on the day

Weekends its basically
>wake up at 7 30
>family time till lunch
>draw and eat for an hour
>more family time till 7 30
>draw from 7 30 till 12-1 but sometimes 2.

On the days I go to bed at 2, I usually get up an hour later.

In terms of actual art practice I usually set a goal of one finished piece per week and tailor studies as I need to. If I'm really struggling I'll just do master studies.

Right now I'm struggling a lot with colour, figures and value so I intermingle studies of those between one finished piece per week

>> No.6653850
File: 324 KB, 963x481, 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opted for a more hellish appeal and changed some poses. This piece is filtering me hard. The foliage is pushing my tablets shitty calibration to the max. I gotta keep moving screens to make sure its working (it probably isn't)

>> No.6654006

wait. how old are you? and how long you've been drawing?

>> No.6654203

28. Started "seriously' drawing when i was 19 but had a couple long gaps(1 to 2 year) due to me trying to get a big boy job.

>> No.6655148
File: 81 KB, 587x994, 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on thumbnails for my next idea based on the one I'm working on. Weird doing night time values since I'm not really used to it.

Gonna work on the color stuff after I post this. Based on a picture I saw of the Lincoln Memorial chair.

I think the top one sells the idea best but the composition feels too tight. Middle is probably strongest for composition but feels too direct.
Bottom is most ominous and probably has the best potential if I didn't fuck up the values.

Don't have a clue which one is the way to go. Not even sure how I'll lineart that much architecture in a week while doing studies and finishing my previous piece.

>> No.6655725
File: 715 KB, 1504x752, 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta completely redo the line work and fix some edges but its getting there.

>> No.6655823
File: 1.43 MB, 2000x1632, zelda1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6656498
File: 477 KB, 864x472, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scott Robertson boxes jambori. Fuck me is plotting this tedious. Probably could have spent 1/10th of the time doing this in blender but I'm trying to get better at the layout style
This is pretty cool

>> No.6656512

you bring me hope anon

>> No.6657565

Thanks friend. I appreciate it. Next couple posts will be more box fiestas and statue designs to get this idea hashed out. I'm aiming to have the lineart done by Wednesday night/Thursday morning but its going to be a fuckton of work given how much architecture there is to draw.

Its obviously easier use blender but I find doing all these dumb boxes and shit helps me get a better idea of how to thumbnail better. Perpetual mouse on a wheel I suppose.

Pretty sure I'll end up completely relining the last piece and having to repaint it but its given me a cool idea for a personal project.

>> No.6657587

Obnoxious question but what resources and materials did you use to learn this. The composition looks familiar but i don’t remember the artist

>> No.6657600

Not sure desu. When it comes to compositions I just tend to bullshit it with standard rules of composition like steelyard, 3 point snakes etc. I'm sure there's definitely an artist I subconsciously stole the compositions from but I didn't reference any in particular when I made those.

Edgar Payne comes to mind actually. I tend to keep his composition templates in mind sometimes when drawing

>> No.6657621

not them, but what are three point snakes please, very cool anon? i knew about the s armature, but multi-snakes’re over my head

>> No.6657868
File: 315 KB, 1152x629, 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Box jambori continues. Should be allowed to actually draw over this tomorrow. Standard fill it up full of organics + draw statues to keep the viewer from discovering the perspective errors

>> No.6657874
File: 867 KB, 1350x1677, 20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically the idea that you want repeating elements to lead the eye through the composition in thirds. Obviously I'm not even close to an expert but I try to overfill my stuff with repeating elements (towers, rocks etc) in hopes that at least one of them catches.

I usually throw an interesting point onto the steelyard idea (imbalanced elements eg big tall castle vs tiny bush) then balance it out.

A much more friendly way I find to think about it is imagining I'm just a dude in a video game. Obviously if the player can see the path clearly its boring. But if you start putting elements to stop the player it makes it more interesting.

Like I said though I'm not an expert. Much much much better compositional theories exist out there but it ultimately comes down to how interesting your painting is. Wes Anderson often has flat shots in his movies but they work because the subject matter or shapes are interesting.

>> No.6658216

Dude, I love you so much. Coolest /ic/ post I’ve gotten to study in forever. For sure count me in if you ever formerly teach. Thank you!

>> No.6658914

I appreciate it. I'm definitely not the person to teach others though. I'm not even close to the skill set required nor do I have the personality to teach.

If you like environment stuff go check out Noah Bradley's landscape course. I know he's a bit of a pariah nowadays with what happened a few years back but it's a very straight forward learning process with his stuff.

There's plenty of courses and teachers out there who are wonderful at explaining concepts. Jordan Grimmer is an absolutely incredible painter who is very much rules not tools. Same thing with Tyler Edlin. Of course you can also get your feet wet by copying simpler landscape paintings and branch out from there.

>> No.6659330
File: 548 KB, 922x503, 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely not getting this one done tonight. Gonna pull an all nighter tomorrow to get it done since I have friday off.

Not included is a shitload of statue drawings and other elements to copy and paste in then transform to fit.

Yeah I'm a lazy fuck.

>> No.6659417

How do you plan this out because I can't see myself sitting down to figure out the composition first and then the subject

>> No.6659418

look up thumbnailing or something

>> No.6659678

I mostly do stuff in this process
>have idea even if it's very simple like big tree, statue valley etc. Doesn't need to be complex
>put down grid
>ultra rough line drawing 2 to 5 mins max focusing on the subject matter then composition second
>paint in shapes of value
>add additional elements to balance out composition
>do the final
Obviously it's a bit more complex than that but it's basically my standard process

>> No.6660930
File: 293 KB, 1291x705, 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting there. My dumb pen died on me so its gotta charge for a couple hours.

Not sleeping until this one is done. All the tiny strokes are murder on my pen battery. Working at 9200 x 5000 px.

>> No.6661110

stop being cringe and post in the generals

>> No.6661183

fuck off, not like he's hogging traffic to this board or something
(and I don't wanna dig through the generals to find his shit)

>> No.6661201
File: 398 KB, 1277x698, 23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rough value marker wash over unfinished line art.

Actual values are much darker.

Gotta fix a lot of this absurd hand anatomy and the skull guy in the back.
I will be cringe because being cringe is better than another AI thread.

>> No.6661203

>manually outlines every stone on a distant wall, flattening the perspective
>the foreground's completely unresolved
Oh no.

But then nobody would pay any attention to him, how can you even suggest that, anon?

>> No.6661204
File: 470 KB, 1277x698, 24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit would have def been easier in blender but it was fun as fuck once the dumb boxes were done not gonna lie.

>> No.6661220


>back wall flattened due to stones
yeah I gotta fix all the line art and adjust a bunch of shit but that's for another day. You got a good point
>how would anyone pay attention to me?

Now you get the idea. Being an attention whore on a drawing board is based but I would like to see other people post here too.

I like seeing people's process.

>> No.6661222

I'm currently exploring different pipelines on how to approach painting, as I tend to gravitate towards just painting on one layer (with maybe a clown pass for selections) which isn't ideal for work. I'm currently doing trying greyscale method and it's not satisfying but it's the one I understand way better.
Would you mind sharing what do you do (or rather, how do you start) your painting after you have the lineart and are satisfied with the value key? Do you then start rendering with the values in mind or do you overlay the values you did with a mask or something?

>> No.6661238

I'm not very good yet so my process isn't the best or well defined but usually its like this.

I don't actually work in greyscale or line all that much. Its probably very apparent but both are something I'm trying to get better at hence me spamming them.

I usually start in colour but for these I'm starting in value because I'm awful at it. Greyscale to colour I find is extremely hard because value and colour aren't parallel.

What I mean by that is a "6" on the value scale of blue may really be a 5 when in greyscale due to some hues being naturally darker than others even if the values are the same. It sounds really dumb but once you get your head around it it makes sense...sort of.

My general working idea of stuff is each element (eg: sky then background mountain then midground grass then foreground)
has its own layer.

I usually start with a very very loose line drawing then use a polygonal lasso to create shapes for their own layer using a very large mostly opaque brush. Then I carve away at the shapes until I have an idea of the final form.

After that I'll paint in the lighting for each shape, eg if a cliff is lit from the right, I'll seperate it into 2 values/colour temps. Then repeat over and over until I "finish it" or get pissed off and want to do something else

Jordan Grimmer has the best idea of how to do this process imo, he even starts in greyscale if thats more your speed.

>> No.6661251

Thanks man appreciate it, I think I get it and I'll try out the lasso and carving
And embarrasing I follow jordan's work but had no idea he had a youtube... I'll get right on that lol

>> No.6661280
File: 387 KB, 1225x707, hors2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and in case you'd like a tip for values that's pretty solid (at least it helped me out a lot with simplifying them) - explain it in 3 values or less.
So if you start with 3 total - ex white for sky and highlights, grey for base and black for shadows and it's readable and looks proper then that's it and that's your base
If you feel like you NEED more, go back and rethink the whole thing, the priorities are wrong and the subject is being overcomplicated. A good way to practice this is with well lit and posed pictures of statues in museums - for a fun practice do only 2, black and white for the entire thing including background.
As for colored reference, drop a blot of paint on it, squint and keep adjusting the blot. When they match up while squinting then that's approx the correct value, because with colors as you know yourself we can't see the actual value.
Hope it helps you too for something idk, helped me when I started working to get shit done faster - my assigned mentor taught me this


>> No.6661289

That's a pretty dope idea. I usually do my thumbnails in 5 since I felt too restricted with 3 values. But I've gotten better now so I should be able to do them in 3.

The starting in 2 values is a good idea. I think I'll take my rough line drawing and before I clean it up I'll go black and white. Then eek out partial values.

I like the colour blot tip too. I'll have to work on that on my phone or something when on lunch break.

Dope advice anon. Great study too BTW. You nailed the shapes

>> No.6661301
File: 840 KB, 2065x1228, 3_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just drop a black blot on a part of the ref you want the value of and adjust it's luminosity while squinting.
Pic related is result

>> No.6661417

(you) just stop being cringe period.

>I will be cringe because being cringe is better than another AI thread.
I have bad news for you my dude.

>But then nobody would pay any attention to him, how can you even suggest that, anon?

>> No.6661492
File: 2.59 MB, 4128x3096, ring light.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good thread OP

not the OP but
this was good advice thanks

I'm gonna try to apply it to my next study which is of this statue I spraypainted black a while ago.
I lit it 4 different ways so if anybody wants the images :


>> No.6661523
File: 2.58 MB, 3096x4128, ring light.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6661577
File: 1.12 MB, 1482x2282, Untitled_Artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not op again
dont get disheartened if you cant post every day OP im finding it hard to just get over my own laziness let alone make money right now. #weenie

>> No.6662044 [DELETED] 


>> No.6662047
File: 1.40 MB, 1482x2282, Untitled_Artwork 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6663099
File: 348 KB, 1240x1024, Edgar_Payne_Desert_Sky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very clever. I'll have to try that tonight. I'm gonna be doing some edgar payne and golden age studies tonight so I wanna see how close I can get before and after using this method

>> No.6663668
File: 107 KB, 900x591, 25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Standard 1hr garbage dump at lunch.

I like the idea of a big tower in a wheat field. Probs not gonna do a lot of line stuff this week. Just value studies, some head drawing and maybe 1 or 2 couple hour value paintings

>> No.6665210
File: 102 KB, 861x505, 26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15 min greyscale studies and some comps for this wheat field thing.

I think #2 is best but I'm gonna add the bouncy trees from #3 and the cloud structure from #1.
>captcha pyw j24

>> No.6666313

Literally just use printer paper, man

>> No.6666368
File: 285 KB, 840x840, 27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spent most of tonight watching skull drawing tutorials on youtube and working on redoing lineart for something else. Got an idea of where to go for my next thing and even though the skull drawings suck 'm getting better...slowly.

>> No.6667159
File: 1.54 MB, 1482x2282, E219A1D9-A397-44B8-82A1-C29F9A2564CF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


good shapework anon keep it up

>> No.6667724

Hey anon, do you have any tips for people who want to draw in layers but have no idea about how to manage them? I've seen videos of artist who work with a fuckton of layers and it always seems like is too much to keep up with, but somehow they are fully in the know of which belongs where, so I'm just wondering if there's some good approach for this aside from separating some of the things into groups, like how do you deal with painting over more than just one layer or how to keep the integrity of them without destroying them so they remain separated, etc.

>> No.6667752

reminds me of that area of boletarian palace after you defeat the tower knight, kind of neat. Do you use vidya as ref for making these comps? Also do you mess around with 3D software to help your process? it seems like a lot of concept artists push the idea that is kind of a must to do add this to your toolset if you want to work on that industry.

>> No.6668086
File: 183 KB, 998x665, 28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was gonna be a thumbnail but got caught up watching a Jordan Grimmer video and started fucking around with a hard brush way too much.

Bot gonna lie it looks like ass for a value painting but you gotta try this guys. Its super fun to see what you can do with just a rectangle brush.
Yeah dude. So I used to feel bad about having a fuckton of layers till I saw Robh Ruppel work. The guy would have 100+ layers easily. The way I learned from him was just groups eg.
>sky group
>bg group
>tree 1 group
etc etc. Although I will admit 80% of the time I'll squish everything together into 2 layers near the end (sky, everything else)
Good catch. I had a bunch of bloodborne inspo up on the side when drawing it. Gonna spend a couple hours working on the linework tonight after an hour of skull studies.

As for 3D I have a bunch of experience but I don't use it in painting right now because I'm trying to improve my technical abilities. I probably haven't opened maya or blender in almost 6 months.

Thanks man. You too. Keep up the good work.

>> No.6669666
File: 148 KB, 775x600, 29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some crappy skull study warm ups to keep this thread alive. 50/50 ref no ref.

I gotta take a Steve Huston class or something because I am awful at drawing heads.

>> No.6669969
File: 56 KB, 800x412, 30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did a thumbnail I kind of liked after watching an artwod video on composition. I kind of like the idea of a big flower field in chinese style cliffs with bierstadt lighting.

Threw in a big spooky lady shape in the clouds for good measure. I think this one can look really cool if I add a bunch of statues and shit like I usually do.

>> No.6669973

i always enjoy seeing your thread pop up on the catalog anon, keep at it!

>> No.6669982

Thanks dude. People probably feel like it's attention whoring but to me it helps keep me accountable with making finished stuff.

I still got a piece that needs to be finished from last week but I've been waging a lot recently so I've just been doing dumb little paintings and shit in the meantime.

>> No.6669993
File: 260 KB, 2258x472, 1680652774363042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it's attention whoring anon. Compared to all the shit that floods the catalogs, I would much rather have a thread that actually involves drawing. And even if this was something that could be considered attention whoring, the fact that you're actually putting in effort makes it way more palatable.

Looking forward to that piece you're working on anon!

>> No.6670438

I really appreciate that man. Thanks

>> No.6671535
File: 163 KB, 1200x554, 31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't have the balls to do what I wanted so I turned it into a dumb waterfall painting instead.

Painterly foliage in value is so hard it makes me feel like an idiot.

>> No.6672961

This thread isn't going to die on me because I'm stuck waging.

>> No.6673017

lol, i do that too. why do vertically inclined highest value splotches always nonsensically turn into waterfalls?

>> No.6673047

Visual library I guess
>this looks like ass but that light spot that's vertical looks cool
>paint some more light
>huh that's like a waterfall I guess
>yeah it looks like shit but it's a waterfall

>> No.6673574
File: 164 KB, 867x488, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looked at some russian paintings of wheat fields. Those guys really know how to massage those midtones into something that works. I don't but but I think I'm getting better at value foliage.

Kinda burnt out on value stuff. Gonna do colour next week.

Gonna spend tomorrow night just chilling doing lineart and skull studies.

>> No.6675343
File: 505 KB, 1277x698, 33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally sat down and redrew a lot of the linework. Needs a few more adjustments but I think it'll be a cool lineart and colour environment experiment.

>> No.6677542
File: 1.27 MB, 2703x2183, 20230526_121904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a bump.
Pic is me doodling on post potty notes at work. Not my truck, the guy was off and has titty calendar girls. They look like shit, but I'm doing this at a bad angle in shit light on a short time. Add it was I only got Jan thru Mar. Shame because May was the best looking.

>> No.6677880
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>> No.6677988
File: 274 KB, 725x1568, Circuit-Breaker-Transformers-Marvel-Comics-a-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Circuit Breaker /10

>> No.6678079
File: 565 KB, 1500x1000, Illustration2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping since OP is a cool guy

>> No.6681344

It's bumping time, for quality threads

>> No.6684278


>> No.6685245
File: 1.15 MB, 1993x1236, öööönooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
