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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 50 KB, 594x790, 1683134016132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6637841 No.6637841 [Reply] [Original]

Sirs... It's overed.

>> No.6637862

Fill me in on this. What do they mean by "advance notice of revision"?

Also post link, faggot

>> No.6637919

Explain in English

>> No.6637924

>Japanese announcement
I speak Japanese and I'm telling you it's a waste of time to read all of it, please find the two lines in the Bible they will write where they slightly hint at the new guidelines.

>> No.6637984

it's about AI flooding the site? most people knows it's a bunch of ccp slaves posting ai shit mixed with cp to damage the site

>> No.6637992
File: 144 KB, 664x666, Screenshot 2023-05-03 145259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems to me that if you say you're using an artist specific model (or it's too obvious) they'll ban you.
Seems based but they aren't going far enough.

>> No.6637993

Ban art? No thanks ! Go back to China or Russia if you are into this kind of stuff.

>> No.6637999

It's fine, they'll prohibit ai fugas to use fanbox. A few days ago there was some drama when some Ai retard posted how much he was making on fanbox using certain artist style. The original artist found out, tweeted about it and a horde of other jp artist followed.

Guy literally killed free AI cash farming for everybody kek

>> No.6638000

You're not even trying anymore huh

>> No.6638002

Just ban all fucking AI shit already. Nobody wants it on there anyways.

>> No.6638004

>some Ai retard posted how much he was making on fanbox using certain artist style
how much was he making

>> No.6638005

The more AI troons clown themselves the merrier.

>> No.6638006
File: 92 KB, 1048x589, 168314061841207_P21783498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what originated it. People can be retarded sometimes, they literally had a gold mine and had to throw it away. Good, fuck them

>> No.6638013
File: 665 KB, 1024x1024, 150806_gigachad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hate ai
>become successful with ai and use position to be as annoying as possible
>ai removed

>> No.6638016

DLsite had the same TOS, thought it was very based. Westoids(jewoids) literally don't give a shit about copyright.

>> No.6638017

Honestly it’s not even sustainable it’s the same shit as nftbros. People arbitrarily pad the numbers to make it seem like the next big thing before everyone realizes it’s going nowhere and backs off.

It’s literally fake shilling. Just like how 99% of NFTs didn’t even make a dollar

>> No.6638036

Remember how half the profit people were making off NFTs was just the Creator of said NFT buying them themselves to make it look like there was a financial interest in it?
The internet has made people bigger grifters then before

>> No.6638048

There is zero positive argument for shitters trained directly on an existing artist's style. The only reason they exist is to either harass the target artist, or to otherwise try undermine their value as a creator.

>> No.6638089

I didn't know about this. Are you sure it isn't glowies? I can see that being an angle to take down tech companies.

>> No.6638097

Why the fuck not ban it altogether and threaten legal action against ToS breach? Newgrounds is still the most based art site in this shitshow.

>> No.6638101
File: 483 KB, 1226x981, Screenshot 2023-04-23 at 05-24-26 Ade W on Twitter3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tech companies and big corpos are the ones most interested in AI, that's why they're pushing that shit so much, even using stupid /pol/tard rethoric to get idiots to support them
The ccp, as all the chink regime is obviously looking to take down anything japanese, so the easiest way to do that is by flooding the site with cheeze pizza shit

>> No.6638102

Its just obvious in this case because not even the actual artists make that much money, and that's with them selling tutorials and other perks as marketing.

AIfags have nothing to offer people who'd buy into a patreon.

>> No.6638105

If only newgronds wasn't complete dogshit as a website...

>> No.6638108

Imagine once the FTC acts on this. They already recognized the sheer scam potential of algorithm tech from day 1 and have been basically signaling threats on their blog posts. I don't know how the government operates in Japan but action in the US tends to enable a domino effect.

>> No.6638110

>first step into copyrighting styles

>> No.6638115

>so the easiest way to do that is by flooding the site with cheeze pizza shit
I mean it's evil but smart. Would be funny if it ever leads to a whole site takedown, I'd certainly like to see it happen with artstation.

>> No.6638120

It's really not, the ui is just outdated. And that's part of the reason zoomers are attracted to it. That and oldskool humor isn't shunned like it is everywhere else.

>> No.6638124

Yep. All the AI shit is what made Fanbox pull the plug on AI shitters who spammed the site.

>> No.6638134

CCP chinks & western poos are to blame for pixiv's downfall.

>> No.6638133

The ui isn't just a little outdated its absolutely horrible and fails to function as a decent art gallery, its somehow worse than twitter.

>> No.6638137

Pixiv has fucked itself repeatedly for years.
Letting AI in at all solidified its downfall.

>> No.6638139

At least it HAS a gallery. Twitter doesn't catalog shit.

>> No.6638140

>It's over for the hundredth time
>This time is different!
Two more weeks, right inkcels?

>> No.6638143

ok aicel

>> No.6638147
File: 813 KB, 1638x2048, 20230503_155823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6638150

Shut up, pAIjeet. You're the reason why they are enforcing censorship in the first place. Had you simply follow the guidelines of the site this shit wouldn't have happened. Fucking curry munchers need to be deported back to the ganges.

>> No.6638156
File: 996 KB, 768x1024, 11666-426411542-Konpaku youmu, green vest, white shirt, white hair, green skirt, hitodama, massakasama, large breasts, underbust, navel,.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if I will get banned for my kamepan and massakasma gens. Not that it matter I just liked having a place to post.

>> No.6638157

I called it months ago they were going to hit the wall with imposter syndrome. They want all the fame and money with no work or skill to show for it, so their next step in desperation is to harass genuine hardworking people.

>> No.6638158

dumb cuck, you retards have turned the internet into a shitpile and because of you, we'll need IDs to even browse it in the first place. you deserve to have your heads lobbed off your shoulders, to not even mention that it's because of those "inkcels" you get to generate your filth in the first place.

>> No.6638159

Newgrounds is cucked just like DA.

>> No.6638162

This is one step closer to banning AI spam, which I welcome.

>> No.6638181

One banned goyslop while the other made an in-house model and almost forced everyone to participate.

>> No.6638246

I just hope they don't do something stupid like try to copyright "style" cause that opens a whole nother can of issues if someone like disney or nintendo can start suing people for drawing characters too close to canon styles.

>> No.6638251

Here's the deal: If I'm not allowed to be edgy, draw tits, draw pussy, draw ass, draw NSFW, & draw attractive females, then your site is shit & not worth my time. IDGAF if I am labelled racists, homophobic, etc. My cooming & banter powers overpower the PC culture that exist in those sites.

>> No.6638260

And we'd have AIniggers to "thank" for it

>> No.6638261

Just specify that your platform is for drawn art and not synthesized or generated artwork. It's not that fucking hard.

>> No.6638272

why the fuck would I want curryniggers and apefricans to have access to anything at all ever?
fuck emad what a dumb faggot

>> No.6638289

>to have access to anything
slave workforce that'll work for pennies a day
That's how chinkland and pedocuba survived beign commie shitholes, communism turns countries into slave factories

>> No.6638296
File: 398 KB, 1760x1760, 1654752581384743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not about restricting lolicon again
Good. I can sleep.

>> No.6638297

>retard thinks we're hoarding up knowledge
Yes, that's why there are free drawing tutorials on youtube

>> No.6638301

post more

>> No.6638303

anon, this is an art board I'm not gonna fill it with my ai images

>> No.6638306

post an account where you post them then, i just want to see

>> No.6638315

Styles are technically already copyrighted. It depends on how much legal muscle you're able to hire.

>> No.6638325

Most of my massakasama stuff uses a few more artist loras to mess with the style because massakasma already knew about my model and lora of his work, I already removed them form civitai at his request, so I didn't want to poke a hornets nest. As far as my kamepan stuff goes it looks boring. My gens are shit, do you still want to see my pixiv?

>> No.6638334


>> No.6638341

fuck it here:

>> No.6638370
File: 11 KB, 412x160, Minus 227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Newgrounds is still the most based art site in this shitshow.

Fur Affinity and e621 banned AI goyslop too.
Turns out furries are based.

It's funny how even Redditors hate AI art.

>> No.6638381

1/36 of what low tier ai whores make at onlyfans

>> No.6638383

Basically Pixiv is btfoing people saying AI can't create new styles lol.

>> No.6638386

They aren't even remotely copyrightable.

>> No.6638387

keep that garbage to yourself. stop spamming art sites with slop

>> No.6638389

>Yes, that's why there are free drawing tutorials on youtube
And even with all of those tutorials and years of practice most people are shit artists. But if you use AI you can make great art after a couple of days or less. See the discrepancy here?

>> No.6638407

>See the discrepancy here?
That you're a dumb faggot and no one should ever take you seriously?

>> No.6638412

He's talking about the shitty or bitter artists trying to delete AI art. AI being the thing that lets you create good art like a good artist with knowledge.

>> No.6638417

LMAO dude is earning 10 times more than any of you can ever dream of earning AND he spends like 100 times less time on it, what a fucking chad

>> No.6638423

You don't make any sense. It's an emerging art form that will improve dramatically. At the current pace in a couple of years people will be able to make entire movies and video games by themselves with AI. It will lower the value of these things but you seem to be implying something else entirely.

>> No.6638425

what is the point of giving money to this guy? feeding a leech instead of feeding someone who will grow from your contribution?

>> No.6638427

Both produce something you want more of, what's the difference really?

>> No.6638428

they're not actually doing anything because management would be dumb to cut off a source of revenue

>> No.6638430

They'll stop people plagiarizing IE impersonating artists. Or perhaps if they're just outright ripping them off to a high degree. Not much will change though since not many, if any, people are doing that.

>> No.6638435

One gets better because you support them, the other stagnates until big corp drop an update. Plus you know, empathy.

>> No.6638438

Both of them get better and you can empathize with either person just fine, they're both just people making stuff for you. One is more talented and works slower, the other works REALLY fast. The quality of their outputs is subjective too but I've seen plenty of examples of AI "impersonating" art being better than the source which is another reason people might prefer to pay the AI artist. Obviously a lot of people prefer to pay the real artist.

>> No.6638439

I want the actual thing, not the shitty Temu knockoff.

>> No.6638440

Others just want the thing they like. Some want both.

>> No.6638441

>One is more talented and works slower, the other works REALLY fast.
One works, the other does no work. Give him money because he bought a gpu and you didn't is retarded beyond belief.

>> No.6638442

too bad it's over

>> No.6638443

>It's funny how even Redditors hate AI art.
Until THEY are the ones trying to scam people out of their money, like every aicel here

>> No.6638446

They both work.
>Give him money because he bought a gpu and you didn't is retarded beyond belief.
If you ask me, giving ANYONE money for pictures is retarded beyond belief. I always scratch my head when people give me money.
And you're ignoring that some people use that GPU better than you, just like some people use pencils better than you.

>> No.6638449

>AI you can make great art
100% of what ai makes is literal trash worse than the most beg of begs here, try again

>> No.6638450

>If you ask me
No one did, bugman

>> No.6638451

Imagine working for years on your skills, only for some AInigger to spend an afternoon tagging and throwing your works together to "make" a picture shitter, declare himself better than you, and then trying to steal away your patrons and future potential patrons, not to mention stalking your uploads for img2img fodder that he can "improve" and try to render your gallery "obsolete."
I'd gladly take on somebody like that in a game of Minecraft.

>> No.6638452
File: 467 KB, 1500x2100, 1679032039960379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You Can (Not) Redeem

>> No.6638453

>trying to delete AI art
no one's doing that, aicels started it, they should have shut up a long time ago

>> No.6638454

He can simply create a new account? Also god knows how many people like him are there

>> No.6638455

Keep telling yourself that while crying yourself to sleep.

>seething grasping strawman argument

>> No.6638456

If it's so bad it's worse than a beg, how come it gets so many likes on twitter and wherever? Don't tell me literally every AI post has botted likes or I'll laugh at you

>> No.6638457

You're bad at false flags.

>> No.6638458

>plenty of examples of AI "impersonating" art being better than the source
never happened

>> No.6638459

What are you even taking about? That is literally what he was talking about.

>> No.6638461


>> No.6638463

Happens 24/7. The best example of this is in human portraits, 3DPD style. No living woman can even remotely compete with the AI sluts with gigantic tits that people generate. It happens with pretty much every art style though.

>> No.6638465

>likes are a measure of quality
Fuck off back to r*ddit

>> No.6638466

AHAHAHAHa the seethe is strong with this one!

>> No.6638467

>strawman argument
>I've seen plenty of examples of AI "impersonating" art being better than the source which is another reason people might prefer to pay the AI artist.

>> No.6638469

Yes. Who do you think you are talking about? You're just making up a fictional story with made up characters.

>> No.6638471

ai always makes shit, keep believing people has 7 fingers or 5 legs

>> No.6638474

nazis, commies, feminazis and all kind of idiots get tens of thousands of likes for their stupid takes

>> No.6638475

You dumb nigger, I was describing the situation alluded to in more detail as opposed to glossing over the logistics of it.

>> No.6638476

Says the faggot white knighting a machine.

>> No.6638477


>> No.6638479

>y-you are a strawman! you are totally crying while I'm the chadest and basedest of the chads!

>> No.6638481

It's proof people like something...

>> No.6638482

You are making a strawman argument to make yourself feel better. You're a schizo though so it came off as completely retarded.

>> No.6638483

ok aicel

>> No.6638484

Prove me wrong posting your masterworks. You don't always make shit, right?

>> No.6638508

No draw tourist fucks always wanting people to post their work.

>> No.6638510 [DELETED] 
File: 188 KB, 585x667, pxvt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found that tweet, and there's some quote tweets from nips saying it's that jcom is the artist himself falseflagging gathered from the wierd evidence of the jcom twitter and fanbox that made in April without any history and the evidence of the fanbox revenue being edited

It might be wrong though, not to attack the artist but there used to be a trend on twitter involving artist making a throwaway twitter account to attack his real account by using AI, it used to done by img2img or whatever it's called on his own image and post it on the main account. After that the artist make a new post to fan the drama further.
This is done to genererate the traffic from drama resulting in more followers and more favored by algorithm

>> No.6638522

Just shadowban all common easily accessible AI generated pictures (like novelAI's with their own Metadata for example), maybe program random bookmark/views/like counter for the shadowbanned posts to fool the jeets. At least cjts down on AI spammers who kept on posting multiple posts for variation of the same goddamned image.

>> No.6638536
File: 760 KB, 570x866, 18E63A5A-2AAD-4CC7-A065-7E21702CF3B6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Japanese wouldn't do that, right? Unlike westerners they h-have h-h-honor... right?

>> No.6638541
File: 281 KB, 750x945, 14C7354E-6E82-4AEF-9FA7-4F1327B04E59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since the faggot jannies deleted this, I guess it's true... you can trust nobody anymore, not even your heroes

>> No.6638547 [DELETED] 

It was exposed that the number was faked.

>> No.6638577

Not on Fanbox now lol
All of them are going gone by the end of this year

>> No.6638580

2 more weeks

>> No.6638581

Account already got banned lol

>> No.6638583

why would anyone pay for that shit? it isnt even showing tits or vegana

>> No.6638585

People are already saying it's fake
Just a ploy to make you buy their models so you can also be like them

Exactly like how scammers always give you pictures after pictures of the money that they claim to have made easily

>> No.6638586

it's a nice picture

>> No.6638590

well, you don't make anything with AI

>> No.6638592

If AI chads weren't making art you wouldn't be so upset right now. Stop deluding yourself.

>> No.6638593

If you are making it, then why don't you have copyright over it

>> No.6638595

aicucks don't make any art, it's a fundamental misconception. the ai generate a picture for them

>> No.6638596

Because boomers don't understand what Stable Diffusion is.

They do.

>> No.6638597

Not your art, no copyright
Enjoy getting banned, prompter

>> No.6638598

Enjoy staying mad for the rest of your life.

>> No.6638599

I am celebrating right now lol

>> No.6638600

But nothing has changed. What you're doing is coping, a small respite from the past half year of seething.

>> No.6638601

>already banned
>nothing has changed

>> No.6638602

>one person who was a falseflagging artist got banned

>> No.6638603

>They do
no but they sure like to pretend and larp as artists

>> No.6638604
File: 80 KB, 924x532, ddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when they flooded everyone calling artists obsolete?

Good times, good times

>> No.6638605

>i-it's not real we would not get banned

>> No.6638606

If you make art you are an artist.

>> No.6638607

that's the funny thing, they don't make it

>> No.6638608

Yes they do.

>> No.6638609

No copyright is no future

>> No.6638610

You're one of those tards huh. I guess every work pre-copyright wasn't art.

>> No.6638611

breaking news: someone using a printer is now a calligraphist

>> No.6638612

Whatever helps you sleep ;)

>> No.6638613

meant for >>6638608

>> No.6638614

Printers only copy.

>> No.6638618

nta but the ruling does explain why they are not elligible for copyright and by extension explain why they aren't artworks.

>> No.6638623

It also misunderstands the process of creating art using AI. There's a reason this entire month they're discussing it with artists. I actually kinda agree that Midjourney works should be exempt because it's not the same kind of black box you can mix yourself, but as it stands their arguments do not apply to what people get up to with Stable Diffusion. It can get far more involved and complicated than drawing.

>> No.6638626


>> No.6638629


>> No.6638631

Like for what? 2 seconds entering prompts, 10 minutes waiting for the pic to be done? Literally free money

>> No.6638632

Don't forget to cry. It's not healthy bottling it all up.

>> No.6638634
File: 24 KB, 262x200, +_8c55de4b97280a8805afdaee9d04001e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crying with laughter right now lmao

You guys were soooooo haughty 6 months ago

>> No.6638637

kekimus maximus

>> No.6638657
File: 202 KB, 220x198, shikimori-shikimoris-not-just-cute.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would continue to improve, they said
Artists are obsolete, they said
Everyone would use it, they said
You are all Luddites, they said

We would not be banned, they say

Meanwhile, every single thing I predicted is happening right before our eyes
It cannot be copyrighted
It is spam and would be deleted
You will all be banned

>> No.6638663

you are genuinely a sad person

>> No.6638670

Eat shit, baby

>> No.6638675

deluding yourself and coping is unhealthy

>> No.6638677


>> No.6638687
File: 2.96 MB, 640x640, pajeet.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never understand why you retards reply to pajeets
also lol @ the jeet calling someone a sad person when he's been furiously responding to every post in this thread

>> No.6638698

Pixiv was dead when they tried to censored my porn. I'm in america. Fuck you chingchongs. Your laws do not "appry" to me.

>> No.6638701

am i banned

>> No.6638704


>> No.6638728
File: 1.37 MB, 3823x2812, yande.re 718645 feet landscape ogipote seifuku skirt_lift sweater wet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leads to ai getting banned
based as fuck. I already loved ogipote but now i like him even more

>> No.6638735

I just returned home from work and the shill is still at it?

>> No.6638761
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, 1682437781782257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet dreams loli bro

>> No.6638773

>Pixiv was dead when they tried to censored my porn
They had to start enforcing it because credit card companies & Japanese government started complaining. A bunch pAIjeets & CCP chinks were uploading shady shit with the AI that were violating pixiv's TOS. Reminder the enforcing of censoring genitalia didn't start until AI shitters flood the site with shady shit.

>> No.6638779

The art was never yours to begin with, pAIjeet

>> No.6638782

Does pixiv support uncompressed full res uploads

>> No.6638832

If the removed Ai art they wouldnt be in this mess. they deserve to die

>> No.6638846

Ai trolls just need to just spam loras on their most popular tags, the amount of moderation needed will probably force a blanket ban or kill the site altogether lol

>> No.6638854

It's the future of art. Deal with it.

>> No.6638875

Yeah but it will just be another stupid thing people do on their phone apps to waste time. No one will care about the "artform" and it will be something that is taken for granted.

>> No.6638877

There is no future of art. It's only mindless consooming from here on out.

>> No.6638892

nice AI translation

>> No.6638893

No one cares about any art form by your logic. It's just a stupid thing people do on their phones or paper.

So nothing changes.

>> No.6638898

This is a bandaid and real artists will get in the crossfire.

>> No.6638900

Within a month there will be many that easily get around this little problem. Spammers aren't representative of what can be done with these tools. You're funny.

>> No.6638901

You can already almost produce this with what's available, soon you won't even need to edit. I see why people were shitting on /ic/.

>> No.6638906
File: 17 KB, 326x278, +i+wasnt+expecting+that+_02b550a4bc3c7cd847ef2ddb8e4474d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will adapt within a day and off you go searching for another way

Follow the rules dumbass
We don't want it so leave

Go make your own website where it's nothing but AI art. But we all know that you don't want it either LMAO

>> No.6638920

you're not wanted. AI shit will be appreciated only by tech obsessed NPCs who want to hype and consoom next product, so make your own community

>> No.6638924

All spammers get the Range ban
Good luck

>> No.6638935

Hey hey hey...hear me out...how..how about we use AI to detect AI generated art? Shouldn't thab e possible? Like a plugin that checks your uploaded picture for similarities to AI art. And if it's suspicious you have to proof with screenshots or a video that it's really real.

>> No.6638937

That's been done for a while. The problem is that it's an arms race between a bunch of retards with money and fewer retards with less money.

>> No.6638942
File: 94 KB, 326x326, Endless+free+blood+for+83+days+_4267e8f17405cce9cd333dedb7454084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already done

>> No.6638979

If humans can do it by thumbnails alone, surely machine learning can

>> No.6638981
File: 147 KB, 1024x1536, 00450-4275399158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean look at pic related, at first glance I didn't knew it was AI

He added a lora of a electrical fan to his normal model

>> No.6638982


>> No.6638988

Looks more AI in thumbnail vs medium res, of course full res reveals everything kek

>> No.6638995

>Not that it matter I just liked having a place to post.
You have Twitter.

>> No.6638998

Only coomers use ai, oyoyoy, kek, lmao...
Stupid ass idiots.

>> No.6639004

>So nothing changes.
for your consoomer coomer brain, certainly. i don't understand your broken subhuman species myself, how you can look at the same anime girls in the same poses and never get tired of it. there's more porn than you can consumer already in a lifetime, so it's incomprehensible to me. i have this feeling of pity, and the urge to put you out of your misery

>> No.6639008

no, humans have soul, that's why they can tell, it takes soul to know soul, that's why aijeets think their ai shit passes. that's why!

I actually am hopeful AI gets this figured out soon, I made some actual passing AI stuff when testing it out(but not typical ai imagery)

>> No.6639010

>Mutant fan
>Deranged navel placement
>Nonsense hair underglow/glowthrough
>Scene disconnected from reality; no creator input, vibe, tempo, or tidbits. No feeling for the setting in what should be an immersive picture
AI bros reek of more desperation than humanity

>> No.6639019

Also AI shit is so incredibly personalized and generative that the only person who are impressed are the person who generated the work. People are more likely to fawn over the generator itself rather than the works generated. I worry we lose IP fanbases and communal engagements with media because of hyperpersonalized realities but that's a worst case dystopian scenario.

>> No.6639030

The average normie would never care about these things and you know it.

>> No.6639031

Yeah, like if this was an actual artist's work it would be completely nonsensical for the subject to cool her underside with a fan while her back is facing sunlight. Also why the fuck do it in front of a doorway leading outdoors? Why not a window? It's all fucking compromises

>> No.6639041
File: 595 KB, 719x768, you achieved nothing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6639092

Beep boop- random words.
Ai brainlet gtfo.

>> No.6639094

That's right, anon. Strive for mediocrity.

>> No.6639096

... Are you proud of yourself? Did you ever thought about it? Can you?
You are on current neural network`s level of intellegence- non existent. All like`s of you should never even come close to anything artistic and you newer will.

>> No.6639097
File: 1.31 MB, 768x960, 1177638404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6639111
File: 22 KB, 259x326, Stop+making+this+about+your+fetish+_c2888a24b0532e7eb60ad107664f02ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly figured it out at the thumbnail alone
I figured it out because it's so similar to every other AI art.

And by similar, I mean, it uses the same color contrast, bad shading, and worst of all, the uncanny combination of 3D, realistic texture, and 2D

Shit is a compete mishmash everytime, all the time

>> No.6639113

You said that from the very start and look.
Those normies are sick and tired of it. Everyone's already demanding proper tag filters if not outright calling for its ban

And that's just for the first 4 months

>> No.6639123
File: 1.40 MB, 768x960, 3226591812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6639124

>feels like you didn't make it
>it was premade

>> No.6639138
File: 1.43 MB, 1920x1080, 1673943377794593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a coomer, I hate AI images too.

>> No.6639162

Fuck off to civitai / sdg pajeetkun

>> No.6639244
File: 370 KB, 478x798, 789721345567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6639253

Why the fuck would anyone pay for someone to make an AI picture? The entire point of AI is that the layman can make decent pictures with it without needing any skill. Literally why pay someone to generate an image for you when you can do it yourself without spending anything?

>> No.6639258

This is why there is still a decent amount of for this shit, because they are literally subhumans

>> No.6639259


>> No.6639344

Same reason you pay someone to paint for you, takes too long to do it yourself. Now to learn how to paint to a high level maybe takes 10 years so you'll pay a lot of money for a high quality painting, but even the AI will probably take the average joe a week to figure out so why not just pay someone $5 and get it done immedietly?

>> No.6639349

because it's not worth anything above 10 cents

>> No.6639369

Your opinion is irrelevant, It's worth as much as someone is willing to pay.

>> No.6639378

It's a matter of time until normies realize how worthless and easy AIshit is to make, and it'll get even easier. AI scammers have no future.

>> No.6639382

At some point the AI will be so good you'll get exactly the image you want on the first few tries and everyones phone will have the capabilities, but who knows when that will be.

>> No.6639385

You don't make art. The computer is making it for you. You don't know how to draw. You are pathetic. Learn to draw brown nigger

>> No.6639387

You're a sad person who can't make any art and had to have it generated for you

>> No.6639389

India needs to be fucking bombed and all Indians killed

>> No.6639390

why buy ai art when you can learn how to do it in a week and make profit from it. if a skill ceiling is so low that it can be reached within a week then everyone and their mom is going to do it, once people find out how short time it takes to reach it compared to college degrees its going make everyone ai artists

>> No.6639395

The future of art is people being lazy fucks and not learning how to do art? Sounds horrible curry nigger

>> No.6639401

and that will decrease over time.

>> No.6639422
File: 62 KB, 720x799, FB_IMG_1683217225677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads how hard will Pajeet seethe when he realizes there's Zero (0) money to be made from AI shit, that no company on earth will hire him for anything other than janitorial services and that he was better off reselling Bored Apes?

>> No.6639427

I sincerely wish all indians a very happy nuclear holocaust.

>> No.6639490

>Your opinion is irrelevant
>says the AI cuck
you have no skills
you have no toilet
you have no giftcards to redeem

>> No.6639513

I'm not an AI cuck, just an ammoral capitalist.

>> No.6639516

> just an ammoral capitalist.
That’s every single ai cuck, dumbfuck

>> No.6639537

Not all rectangles are squares friend.

>> No.6639541

I'm just as ammoral to do whatever it takes to get rid of the competition, which in this case is the aicucks

>> No.6639570

Just like how microtransactions and live service is the future of gaming?

>> No.6639573

Proompters are the trannies of the art world.

>> No.6639809

Neither humans or AIs can tell. It's just a guessing game.

>> No.6639810

No and you need to stop acting like a panicked goy. It's the future of art and it will make art completely free. And that's a good thing.

Most of the people against AI art are literally trannies.

>> No.6639824

>Most of the people against AI art
Bruh, that's all artists worth their salt. gtfo with your bullshit.
>AI artist are real artists
lol, don't you get it?

>> No.6639830

Most artists aren't against it though.

>> No.6639831

they are

>> No.6639842

I can tell

>> No.6639876

Only sellout grifters aren't against it, which is a small minority.

>> No.6639880

Get out of /sdg/ for once.

>> No.6639889

Most artists are fine with it because it makes the creation of art more accessible and it produces great work. Anyone can use it, it's objectively a good thing and most welcome it.

>> No.6639893

bad bait

>> No.6639897

why would I want to use that

>> No.6639905

false pajeet narrative

>> No.6639925

It's only seething trannies and grifters who hate it because it threatens them.

>> No.6639927
File: 677 KB, 959x1900, HAMMER TIME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI is precisely for use by disabled trannies.

>> No.6639940
File: 59 KB, 596x450, who the fuck lets these people out into society.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i smashed my hand and fingers with a hammer
>it actually made sense but now it SEEMS irrational
>im mentally ill
>averages 30-50 likes
>begs for money
>pls buy my merch
>basically and definitely some autstic edgy coomer codemonkey tranny with a botted account
And now realize that people like this are allowed to use social media, vote and are left on their own

God really makes the funniest jokes.

>> No.6639977

Source: Your ass.

>> No.6640383

>this fucking cope
hory shit

>> No.6641265
File: 26 KB, 585x382, look_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at first glance I didn't knew it was AI
shiiiet man i can usually tell from the thumbnail with like 95% accuracy i don't even know how

>> No.6641326

ai is worse than the stupid bored monkeys and deserves a worse fate

>> No.6641341

200iq take

>> No.6641353

Imagine spending hours upon hours trying to perfect your artstyle only to have some AI shitter steal your artwork then make profit off of your artstyle. Yeah, I can't really blame the art faggots for being pissed about this.

>> No.6641358

that fan looks like shit, it has no motor and it's crooked, damn it still doesn't know how to create coherence in the images ignorant pajeets.

>> No.6641359

AI is already being is used in a lot of office jobs. I predict officewagie might end up being out of jobs because of AI within the end of the decade. We've seen what ChatGPT can do. It can replace writers, programmers, paper pushers, etc. I mean it does a lot of stuff. Art & music chads however will still be around.

>> No.6641360

for a reverse trope, check this out
>guy stabbed his own hand to please "certain people"

>> No.6641361
File: 2.03 MB, 1408x1088, 1683334303987013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artlets thinking people are img2img their art.
When in reality its training LORAS and finetune models on pretty much anything.
I'm sorry but the amount of artist/creatives seethe is just too much to not laugh at. The sad fact is you directly put yourself in competition with AI. You have no one to blame but yourselves.

Anyway I'm wayy beyond creating coomer art with AI which to me is only a novelty, I find it far better for conceptual/architectural art.
Not sure how pixiv is going to enforce "style protection", I do imagine the shenanigans from people bitching about stolen "styles" be it AI or not will be hilarious.

>> No.6641364

If your style and idea is so easily replicated by an AI, to me that would be the point I would seriously consider reevaluating your art and maybe realizing it's not quite as unique as you think it is.
Getting pissed at someone making money over copying a style is like getting pissed at someone copying "cubism, anime, impressionism" if that was your medium.

>> No.6641374

Why are AI nigger parasites like this so confrontational and aggressive?

>> No.6641375
File: 1.00 MB, 768x1024, 00035-126153090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon I can tell you probably gen'd that yourself via the file name. few people save other's gen's while keeping it's file name.

>> No.6641377
File: 650 KB, 2048x3072, 1683334283251771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Partly because even before AI /ic/ was in a state of self-defeat, pedantic, ngmi mental state. AI just pushed everyone into full on panic mode because it not just the job but the identity of being an artist that AI destroys.
I also legitimately think there are a small yet vocal minority of artists here and elsewhere that are mad their hard trained skills can now be outdone or met at parity by anyone with access to a modern graphics card.

>> No.6641448

trying to rewrite history now, are we?

>> No.6641479

le epic own xD
le false equivalency!!?

>> No.6641482

>DUKAT: I know you find this to accept, but I believe that in some ways the Occupation actually helped Bajor.
>KIRA: Which part? The massacres or the strip mining?
>DUKAT: I have no desire to debate the merits of the Occupation with you. I'm even willing to admit that perhaps we were a little harsh in our methods. But the fact is, the Bajoran people are stronger now than they have been in centuries. When we arrived, you were a weak, contemplative race, choking on your isolation. And now you have a new confidence, a whole new sense of purpose, not to mention a key role in the future of this entire quadrant.
>KIRA: All of which Bajor achieved in spite of the Cardassians, not because of them.

>> No.6641498

Because they can't get punched through a screen

>> No.6641505

A mix of ones who think they're being le epik troll, and ones who think they've somehow won something because they feel like they've gone from being a person who's never made anything of value to a master artist who can "improve" any artist's style with the click of a button.

>> No.6641510

The dumb kid who acts smug after acing a test because he copied the answers off another kid's paper.

>> No.6641520
File: 53 KB, 477x511, firefox_dqj2fuGpiU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YWNBAA. and you will never be a part of the artist community.
>a small yet vocal minority of artists here and elsewhere
sure sounds like coping to me

>> No.6641661

nigga, that’s like 1k

>> No.6641945

>Consentual training
You do realize this is a courtesy to artists and is not any form a legal or contractual obligation. Nor is there any mechanism that would prevent me or literally anyone from training ML/AI on available data.

But please continue to seethe about how AI is "stealing" your work. It's as retarded as trying to prevent other artists from using your work as a reference or imitating your style.

>> No.6641958

That’s a lot of money to pajeets, anon

>> No.6641961

Just because this shit is to new to have a legal precedent it doesn't mean it's not stealing. Can't wait until the ai parasites get what they deserve

>> No.6641977
File: 690 KB, 1153x877, Kike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ meme for every AI thread.

>> No.6641981

>it learns like a human gaiz

>> No.6641992

>It can replace writers
I hope not, the output is just as garbage.

>> No.6642019
File: 1.70 MB, 1024x1024, 2219825781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reality is if you're a good artist there's nothing to worry about.

>> No.6642024
File: 757 KB, 858x556, jasonfelixplagiarizm1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prevent other artists from using your work
Tell that to the guy who got fired from Wizards of the Coast and lost thousands of $$$ for "imitatingusingreferencelearning" lmao

>> No.6642026
File: 122 KB, 500x500, roflmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy actually thinks an AI is going to do all the programming work for him lmao

>> No.6642038

NTA but i can see big companies needing only a team of 5 programmers instead of 100 thanks to AI, i work for Amazon and the higherups are trying to implement AI in the process as much as possible to save every single penny they can.

>> No.6642048

Most of the coding is already automatized by simply copying and pasting modules, frameworks and program segments that have been already developed, you don't need to write from scratch an engine to display a window with a message when there's over a thousand you can choose from.

The actual problem with programming comes with debugging, anyone who's done coding knows that's the part that takes most of the time in software development, specially when the errors come from using the wrong variables, a mistake in an operation or a letter missing from a database calling, which sometimes don't even make the program to crash but simply throw botched results since the computer thinks that nothing's going wrong with the code.

>> No.6642096

ChatGPT can write out whatever code you ask for. There was a software guy who used it in his job before he was caught. It's already happening. Creative jobs like arts & music will still be around, but officewagies will be suicide watch because of AI. Google has already taken the AI-pill. Their search engine is already gone full AI. I predict other tech companies are gonna do the same.

>> No.6642100

AI shitter doesn't understand how img2img works. It's literally traces art of existing images.

>> No.6642214

>ChatGPT can write out whatever code you ask for.
Now make it debug the code, with 100% surgical precision, leaving the complete program absolutely free of bugs.
Over half of the development process time is invested in debugging, and with the amount of error, glitches and bugs current software (applications and games) have, there'll be work for code monkeys for a LONG time.

>> No.6642236

code monkeys don't debug code

>> No.6642252


>> No.6642526

>calling people niggers and threatening them with violence
If anyone is being aggressive it's you lol. Literally no self-awareness.
But they did win. AI exists and nothing is going to change that. They're simply stating that, nothing more, and people are mad about it.
Nothing is being stolen so it's not stealing.

>> No.6642701
File: 320 KB, 441x427, 1667557285199100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, if you buy AI shit, you deserve to get scammed out of your money.
Good on pajeets for being able to make some cash

>> No.6642764

>y-you are aggressive!
way to miss the point, moron

>> No.6642765

>Nothing is being stolen so it's not stealing.
The fuck you talking about? AI runs on stolen assets, that's why it can't be copyrighted and devs are staying the fuck off it

>> No.6642798

Nothing is being stolen, so it isn't stealing. It can't be copyrighted because the law hasn't caught up to the technology. Devs(talking about vidya?) are using it regardless though.

>> No.6642837

It's stealing the images "source code".

>> No.6642846

No it isn't retard.

>> No.6642878

why not?

>> No.6642891

For third worlders, the AI fanbox flipping is """good money"""

For everyone else, it's not even minimum wage. It's not worth the electricity or the time. It's just ugly shit you see clogging up art sites.
>guys, look at my meme fetist, only interpreted for me by some shitty language model attached to a diffusion model and a dozen others!
This is all so obnoxious, lmao

>> No.6643119
File: 193 KB, 397x288, 1683382056938516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it fucking doesn't you tech illiterate idiot. It's also not the same thing, not even close to creating a LORA/Fine Tuned model of a specific artist and/or style which is what the people on twitter and Pixiv were complaining about.

img2img believe it or not literally just uses an existing image in lieu of the random "noise" that is generated when you you start generating from a basic prompt. So instead of sampling and building upon random noise the AI instead has existing image to work with. How much of the original is changed or altered is dependent on the prompt, interpretation Scale and de-noising strength (i.e De-noising set to 0 does nothing, max nothing of the original exists).

>> No.6643181
File: 160 KB, 1280x608, ddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, you're showing your low IQ. You can't create concept art with AI. Do you even know what concept art is? And if that picture you posted is the best you can do, then I'm sorry but I can only laugh. It looks like absolute shit, no company would ever use that shit. Concept art needs to be clear and realistic. Look at your shit, now imagine giving that to a 3d artist, he will kill you. Pic related can NEVER be replaced by AI.

>> No.6643183
File: 664 KB, 498x488, nyahaha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems to me that you're...


>> No.6643184

chatgpt can’t even do a word count lmao

>> No.6643186

>consenting training
why would anybody consent to having their work jammed into some soulless AI, for no monetary compensation on top of that?

>> No.6643187

it seems to me that artists are in full defcon 4 seethe mode because a LITERAL child can now create art that is at above parity of most average artists.

>> No.6643188

and pirating isn't stealing yet you can get your ass fucked for it
retarded pajeet nigger

>> No.6643190

meant for >>6642798

>> No.6643193

Again, it's all the same, it all looks the same, feels the same, has the same soulless looks and scenes, there is nothing organic, human or soulful about it. Humans have a sixth sense for that stuff. I don't know what your endgame is here, is it trolling? Or do you think you will make money with it or something and see real artists as your enemy now because we do all what we can to stop AI art becoming a thing? Seems to me that you're the one seething here anon or else you wouldn't come to a board dedicated to drawing.

>> No.6643202

>Nothing is being stolen, so it isn't stealing. It can't be copyrighted because the law hasn't caught up to the technology.
No, it can't be copyrighted because it's working on stolen shit and it's just an automated plagiarizing machine
If this guy >>6642024 got kicked for plagiarism, the same applies to any AI pic made "in the style" of anyone who didn't give his consent

>> No.6643203

>it seems to me that

>> No.6643224

>a LITERAL child can now create
this the pure cope right here. you targeting the top artists of the world and creating cheap imitations of their images doesn't make you anything other than a mere commissioner. i know you've been told this a million times, but it won't stop being true no matter how many times you try to deny it. the artists you're scraping tell you to fuck off because you're a worthless shitbag with no skill. you're gonna have to deal with this being a fact for the rest of your life

>> No.6643234


>> No.6643749

StableDiffusion states on their site that the AI uses a web crawler to get the images, then copies those same images into a dataset. The end result is usually something that looks similar to the original image. How the hell is that not considered tracing?

Look up any retro anime generated with AI. Guarantee you it is AI traced.

>> No.6643912

I get the feeling he's trying to delude himself that he's now somehow superior to us "artlets" yet he is everything described by this anon >>6643224

And he's right in every word. We all know it. He's just an oportunistic parasite trying to take credit for what he's comissioned from a plagiarism-AI handed to him by greedy megacorporations.
I'm happy we're finally seeing some sanity again with these new laws making it harder for these bugmen to make money of off this exploitation.

Regardless the whole gig has been properly fucked and we might not ever see it become lucrative for REAL creatives ever again. Although I don't know. Just speculating on that one.

What I do know though is that no buttonpushing bugman is above me in terms of creativity. No amount of crying, whining and bitching will ever change that fact.

>> No.6644205

Unlike him, a literal child can create.

Even toddlers that shit themselves can pick up crayons and make art, something AI flags are too mentally challenged to do.

>> No.6644211

Five people did apparently.

Five (5), as in five fingers, five out of 42.7 million that is.

>> No.6644212

>No, it can't be copyrighted because it's working on stolen shit and it's just an automated plagiarizing machine
Not true at all because you can train your own models with uncopyrighted work and they'll still reject it according to their current rules.
It will change though, cope and seethe all you want.

>> No.6644213

Tracing is copying 1:1 or close to it. AI is creating something entirely new.

>> No.6644504

>And by similar, I mean, it uses the same color contrast, bad shading, and worst of all, the uncanny combination of 3D, realistic texture, and 2D
Thank you. Had the exact same issue looking at the current state of DeviantART, all AIshit looks exact the same, it's worse than modern moe anime at this point

>> No.6644525
File: 156 KB, 640x640, 1506653654144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6644735

I see 7 hands