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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6637780 No.6637780 [Reply] [Original]

Looking to join a new discord since the last one I was in died due to all the popular ppl migrating

>> No.6637785

Why would you need a discord isn’t this place enough or are you one of those fags who thinks anonymous critique is too hard for your queer little feelings?

>> No.6637788

>isn’t this place enough
Lol this place is a fn dump.
Yes, let me just sti here on this shithole board filled with schizos bumping their generals or read another AI shill thread for the ump-teenth time

>> No.6637809

>a good critique resource
lmao 80% of posts aren't even critique it's just shitposting

>> No.6637820

Always funny see you faggot niggers getting assblasted over people wanting greener pastures since ic sucks so much shit.

>> No.6637825

Why is it that discordfags can never maintain their groups? In the MSN and Skype era I retained the same group of art friends for years until they dropped art entirely. Now when I get invited to discord I get sent some gay fucking application form and the whole group dissolves by the end of the year.
Artists especially should go back to using paintchats but I guess zoomers don't know how.

>> No.6637826

NGMI faggots who can’t handle anything other than a hug box.

>> No.6637827

>not wanting to stay on a board that became a designated loony bin for all the mentally insane shitposters to come to means you want a hugbox

>> No.6637830

I want to join a NSFW art discord that keeps out the loli kid fuckers. As well as focuses on critiques and getting better at the craft.

>> No.6637833
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>my feelings
no one mentioned feelings, no one mentioned taking things to heart or being "thick skinned", do you know what it means when you pull unwanted feelings from somewhere and apply them to others?
he wants better crits. discord can be with its flaws, and so can forums or chatrooms, but having identities attached means people are less likely to make low-effort posts that entice other people to make low-effort posts, and in turn discourage people from either writing something even as basic as "the side of the head is drawn in a different perspective to the body" rather than "loomis" because it's so god damn hilarious to post and read that for the 100th time
>whatever you reply with
I said less likely. "why would you need a discord" implies we only want/need one place to get crits from. you wanna stay in /ic/, so do we, there's no leaving, just looking in other places too. dumb faggot lmao!

>> No.6637931
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Because zoomers don't understand belonging.
They either make every place the same or they burn it to the ground for not being inviting.

>> No.6637933

I want to join an NSFW server where niggers like you are not around.
All the gay porn 24/7 and you fags complain about loli just because it's the one thing you can openly hate without being cancelled by the mob.

I want wholesome art, not sanitized Tumblr faggotry.

>> No.6637939

the mob is right to hate people who sexualize children. get fucked.

>> No.6637972
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It's not that they don't understand belonging, it's that they desperately want to be worshipped because irl they were unable to be with the cool kids.
With zoomers, it's a constant battle for who has the biggest dick and who gets the most attention. You have to fly over eggshells with them and god forbid you say anything that could be slightly related to anything that could be slightly compared to anything "cringe".
Every second you're in a group of artists, you're playing social games and you done goofed if you make any or the slightest teeny tiny, microscopic mistake.
Every discord group is like that and people start leaving until there are only a few people left who constantly bitch about the group dying or try to circlejerk about their miserable lives by posting the sad frog.

Even here you can't say the wrong word least some turbo mega hyper autistic goes on a tirade accusing you of genocide because you wrote tomatoe instead of tomato and will remind you every time you dare show up in any other thread while making 10 gorillion screenshots and spamming them everywhere.
And god forbid you're being hyperbolic for comedic sake.

Ah, well, it's either that, or the server degenerates into posting porn and erping in the vc.
Man, wouldn't it be cool to be around people who are chill as fuck, like to draw and share their knowledge with others without trying to pick up fights for a handful of followers or play shitty social game.
But ya can't have that since that doesn't generate likes and followers on the social media and being passionate is cringe, while having cat fights and spamming cope and seethe is the epitome of coolness and the based.

>> No.6638003

>wouldn't it be cool to be around people who are chill as fuck, like to draw and share their knowledge with others without trying to pick up fights
I was lucky enough to know a world like this before social media was in everyone's pocket. There's nothing quite like seeing a pro artist in a paintchat and just writing a message next to their art asking how they draw hands/eyes/whatever and they stop mid-drawing to sketch out some diagram or tutorial and explain it to you live right on the screen. Then they remember you next time you show up, and encourage you or even become a casual friend. Last time I experienced that was like 2011. It's fucked how unfriendly and isolated the internet has become in just a decade.

>> No.6638008

screenshotting your faggot ramblings doesn't make them any less retarded.

>> No.6638019

>Please don't leave us with the other schizos
What I read when anons shit themselves over people wanting discords. If you can't say it on discord but you can on 4chan you're a coward and a crab

>> No.6638027

I would love nothing more than for all discordfags to go and stay go.

>> No.6638030

>>Please don't leave us with the other schizos
Anon, all your schizos come from your discord channels
>If you can't say it on discord but you can on 4chan you're a coward and a crab
Yeah, now try to crit the artist everyone orbits or that has been longer in the server and is already in the inner circle.
Better yet, try to explain the autistic ones how to get better and see the stupid prize you win

>> No.6638142

/ic/ is dead, especially the discords. Only active ones are the neobeg one and the concept art one. The rest are fairly inactive. Wait for a violet clovers guy to give you an inv link if you're a conceptartfag or go to neobeg if you suck.

Your only other choice is to hope you can find some twitter artist's discord to join or just create your own place and hope it catches on. It's unlikely though, every new server gets like 10 new members and becomes another empty splinter server like the many other servers people here make.

I would just keep getting better and improving at art and just hope you get lucky that someone notices you/befriends you and you can then have artbros to chill and improve with.

Otherwise, you are shit out of luck. Don't listen to the faggots here who are against discords/people hanging outside of /ic, they are probably the same 2/3 schizo begs that lurk these threads anytime someone wants to be friends with someone that's not a meme cumbrained retarded schizo.

>> No.6638163

Can you screenshot something out of neobeg I want to see what I'm getting into

>> No.6638257

It's just a bunch of shitty begs shitposting and not drawing much, a few schizos there. Nobody is seriously interested in improving I think.

>> No.6638283

Not when they are gay and force you to like it.
It's like going to church and they only allow you to kill people who were born on even days, not odd.

>> No.6638288

The solution would be to have a no-phone server, but it's not feasible.

I'm not being ironic, make a way to block phones from accessing - or at least from typing and I'm paying premium membership to use your service.

>> No.6638302
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Wow, you're right! You still sound like a no-argument zoomzoomie.

>> No.6638313

Nobody is forcing you to like gay porn. If you can't find a group of porn artists who draw exclusively straight porn that's your problem. If people want to draw both they're more than welcome too. Neither of this has anything to do with the fact that sexualizing children is across the board disgusting. People shouldn't have to put up with your presence.

>> No.6638331

People who use discord scare me.

>> No.6638332
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>just hope you get lucky that someone notices you/befriends you and you can then have artbros to chill and improve with.
tfw I draw niche fetish stuff and everyone from that community are hyper autistic deviant art types who don't care about improving. The handful of alright artists from there I've tried talking to don't seem interested in being friends.
The ic discord I tried joining once was like some sort of weird cult of patrick bateman wannabes and one of the mods was having some sort of schizo meltdown because I didn't lift weights and my drawings sucked so I didn't stick around.
I haven't had good luck so far finding any chill artists.

>> No.6638340
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>that's your problem
There is no place protected from gay innuendo, go to a SFW server and everyone is being ironically homo as if it weren't disgusting, but then someone mentions a girl who is 17 years 364 days 23 hours and 59 seconds and everyone loses their shit.

I'm not asking for a safespace for loli, I'm asking for a normal place where people stop taking degeneracy as a joke and appreciate beauty and sincerity. Art is just the tip of the the iceberg, this garbage permeates every minor conversation, coomers have ruined social interaction and the only place I can somewhat get free from it is in communities of people larping as some type of trad-religious kekistanis, it's moral decay everywhere you look.

But sure, just ignore everything I said because you're a woman with no morals and saying "pedo" makes sure attention is diverged from your faggot garbage.

>> No.6638349

come and draw or not, idgaf

>> No.6638357
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For people who like to draw a lot, figure drawing, studies, comic phone etc. And for discussing which threads on /ic/ to shitpost your drawings in.

>> No.6638362

here, at the zone!! we think exactly like this!!

>> No.6638363

Two invites to the same server?! How do I choose which to yoose?

>> No.6638372

Don't join these fags, no draw server masquerading as a ic server

This one is better

>> No.6638377

>the only place I can somewhat get free from it is in communities of people larping as some type of trad-religious kekistanis
the way you speak you fit it nicely with those people so you're not going to get any sympathy from me. I wouldn't want to hang out with your type either.

>> No.6638390

All are shit except the /aco/ one and we don't want you shitting it up.

>> No.6638393

They are forcing me to like gay porn by showing it and then I fantasize about taking a throbbing black cock into my mouth, stretching my jaw to its limit, as he thrusts it in and out and calls me his white faggot and slaps me. I want to beg him to stop but I can’t manage any words with his member filling my mouth and pounding my esophagus. Instead he just hear my muffled cries and laughs. Then when he comes I nearly choke and he pulls out. Come spills from my lips and I double over, coughing it up. He then presses his foot against the back of my head and pushes my face into and tells me to lick it all up or else he’ll tear my ass apart.
And I hate that they make me think these gross faggot thoughts. Because I’m not gay and I hate gays.