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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 356 KB, 497x837, 1658396964566057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6637563 No.6637563 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, which one of you did this?

>> No.6637565

Huh? The girl doesn't look Asian and the dude is not brown. Weird.

>> No.6637568

Well he aint a b/turd at least.

>> No.6637585

Dude is a patethic lonely man, and now he gets mocked by a page with thousand followers solely focused on targeting sad lonely fucks.

thats rough.

>> No.6637591

wrong board, ask in r9k

>> No.6637601

when females write reader x character fanfics or draw vent art no one bats an eye

>> No.6637608

That`s not rough- it`s rotten.
Twitter is a waste dump and so is zoomers generation(mostly).

>> No.6637617

I will never understand the npc urge to ridicule someone for expressing their pain harmlessly

>> No.6637618
File: 79 KB, 1920x1080, 1680077733780012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy deserves all suffering that may come his way.

>> No.6637625

He has a tatoo as a mark, you have animefagging as a mark. Kek.

>> No.6637665

I'm talking about his ideal woman.
And your comparison makes no sense, I could be into gay furry scat and that wouldn't show as a billboard on my skin.

>> No.6637754

I am trying to Make It™ for my waifu's sake.

>> No.6637775

cringe twitternigger
based waifu fag

>> No.6637782

It’s mostly so they don’t get perceived as sharing in that pain.

>> No.6637801

Is that proko?

>> No.6637805

Pygmalion vibes

>> No.6638049
File: 301 KB, 520x678, a68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

um, so you guys don't have imaginary friend waifus?

>> No.6638085

Always fun when the mask comes off
>we hate incels because they
>hate women
>objectify women
>have unrealistic standards for women
>are dangerous
>are mean
>are racist
Then you have this guy who simply posts a harmless, good spirited drawing of his seemingly looksmatch/interestmatch waifu, and he gets mocked for being an incel. The truth is that lonely, single men are the last group that society hasn't told you not to "punch down," so instead of mocking retards, hobos, gays, whatever, now they go after adult male virgins using the weak argument that they're somehow all simply bad people who deserve it. Until, again, they forget the mask and attack some random dude because they inherently hate lonely men.

>> No.6638095

>waah waah you cant make fun of cringy retards
go back to tumblr pussy

>> No.6638104

at least he drew his own waifu within his capabilities, unlike AI fags.

>> No.6638111

You are a cringy retard making fun of yourself pussy. Gtfo from ic you belong to /fag.
Clowns gonna clown themself.

>> No.6638118

People are free to make fun of who ever the fuck you want, but incel haters almost always hide behind the justification of "incels are bad people because so-and-so, therefore it is totally OK to mock them!"

>> No.6638129

He needs to announce his imaginary gf is trans STAT

>> No.6638153

you are wrong
i hate incels without the justification you just gave me

>> No.6638165

Here's a challenge for you faggots:
Draw your ideal gf

>> No.6638391

Makes sense

>> No.6638401

Also remember that the average "incel hater" is either a tranny, a male feminist, or a 3/10 leftwing hole.

>> No.6638790

Poor man, even in his darkest fantasies that he could imagine himself with a muse, he is ok with a imaginary 4/10 feminist/alternative woman.
They fucking won anons, hypergamy reached the land of imagination. Imaginacels on suicide.

>> No.6638803

Incels are disliked cuz they are losers my good man

>> No.6638805

Incels become trannies tho

>> No.6638807
File: 131 KB, 1204x1160, FiKPvCBXoA0Y_jt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forgetti

>> No.6638808

I was thinking of doing something like that. But I'm too depressed and I don't want to cry while I draw.

>> No.6638813

Better than the ones that troon out, learn a skill like drawing or 3D modeling, then you can make your own imaginary girlfriend.

>> No.6638815

True , I will make this happen.

>> No.6638816
File: 361 KB, 1920x960, 1683125599449041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chud pride world wide!

>> No.6638817

All humans are losers in one way or another my man. No one is safe of being pathetic, and that's a fact

>> No.6638819
File: 483 KB, 640x691, RDT_20230504_0056178274943150527405698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice one.

>> No.6638822

man whats the point of being a sad loser on twitter? maaan i cant... now we giving attention to the man equivalent of a blue haired bitch, whats even more sad is the fucking op projecting like a massive cuck, no op not everyone here is a fucking faggot like your dad>>6637585
kinda deserved no? for being such a bitch ass hoe on twitter id rather get out and rape some negresses than falling that low tbqfh

>> No.6638883

Looks to me like a wholesome but slightly autistic guy who wouldn't harm anyone. If he was a real supposed incel he would draw himself hurting women instead.

>> No.6638885

make the same image but with a black man with a black woman lol

>> No.6638889

they are bad, they are whiny faggots who cant get laid because they play LOL 24/7 instead of going to the gym. No wonder the incel to tranny pipeline is so true, they are beyond failed males, they are failed humans

>> No.6638891

>its filled by hapas
elliot rodger was right, this is the future yellow fever niggers want for their sons

>> No.6638912

>xe doesn't know about gymcels
Most of their failure is due to unresolvable genetic deficiencies and cultural issues which amplified the negative social impact of those deficiencies.

>> No.6638940
File: 98 KB, 540x720, FRIENDSHIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send this image as answer to the guy that made the original work, certainly inspirational!

>> No.6638946

Perfectly fine to have fantasies and share them online.
But the whole "Forever alone feel sorry for me" sentence is needless, the guy could have just said "My dream girl", it would have been perfectly fine without the added "Wouldn't feel so empty",

Really, placing everything on some female isn't life, it's a prison.
The guy needs to understand that he needs to find something else, be somebody - have something else... Women are just not a good goal for life.

>> No.6639145

Somewhat a bullshit take. Yeah, don't expect to get a girl if you're just a loser. But sometimes these guys aren't losers. The fact of the matter is, is that there are guys who are fucking absolute losers but yet they still manage to get girls. If you're a guy who doesn't subscribe to the traditional masculine ideals (like the guy must be the one who approaches), good fucking luck. The losers who get girls get girls because they approach them.

>> No.6639172

>Yeah, don't expect to get a girl if you're just a loser.

I got laid without a job, any friends and at the lowest point in my confidence in my life. Even had a short fling with her. I have no game, a small dick, and am pretty socially inept- I didn't even have an internet connection, I'm not that attractive as well.

I just kept trying it took me a year to solidly have something. A lot of women slipped through my fingers. That's why I don't like incels they're really black pilling while the true red pill is that you're someone's fetish and by that I mean the way you look may be what gets someone off even if you're unattractive, but they think going outside once and being socially awkward is enough to cast out half the human race, and they're always ridiculously young too, it took me six years after I lost my virginity to get laid again. Fucking put some work into it.

>> No.6639197

Not really. Me and one of my friends are losers, I'm autistic and he's jobless, and women approach us first. Just go on Tinder or something

>> No.6639215
File: 529 KB, 1280x1920, 1683010768203039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have aspergers. Women never approach me, and I don't want them to.

>> No.6639240
File: 223 KB, 500x500, x_bc58fc33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while i agree that these pages are mean spirited and mostly enabled by roasties and effete leftards, we shouldn't enable the pity party either and must enforce a modicum of emotional restraint.

you are lonely man? you know what to do about it. don't be a faggot and go do it.

>> No.6639267
File: 58 KB, 600x600, 3DPD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have anime. Women never approach me, and I don't want them to.

>> No.6639381
File: 16 KB, 1605x696, 1651176296853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people are deathly afraid of even experiencing, expressing and understanding any genuine emotions, especially with and by themselves, except anger or lust, because it might benefit them socially by either getting likes and followers, depending on who they direct those emotions to.

They don't hate lonely men, normies love easy targets they can vent and unload their misery unto and then receive praise from other miserable non-people like them.

It doesn't matter what these non-people's classification is, whether it's normie, roastie, tranny, nigger or retard; they're all miserable faggots who only understand through raw violence.
Look at the type of one-liners answers you got for trying to bring nuance to a subject, with the exception of these two >>6638946 >>6639240
who are also right.

Most people are now just stupid niggers who only want to consume, jerk off and get fat.
The type of art that gets made (90% porn and boring derivative work of fotm) and social media behavior highly reflects that.
Giving access to the internet to everyone was a huge mistake.

>> No.6639410

It's bullshit if you're after something more than just getting laid.
I'm just bitter that I was too passive as a teen, so i missed out on young love, and the only girl I've found that I really jive with is 6 states over and horrifically depressed.

>> No.6639416


>> No.6641378

opened the thread to find this

>> No.6641389

What is the deal with hapas anyways
It seems like most other half-white mixes, even blacks, get along just fine, so why the azns? They're generally the most good looking mixed-whites by far, Elliot himself looked like a chad for the luvva mike, so that can't be it. Is this some weird backwards repressed azn culture thing that causes possibly one of the most vanilla-ass halfbreeds to have such ridiculous angst? It is, isn't it?

>> No.6641392

If you mean drawing my self insert with my waifu , yes I did, and still smat it.

>> No.6641425

Mix of moderate to high intelligence with no cultural identity. Also hereditary mental illness on one or both of the parents' side. Hapa girls are likely to have daddy issues as the dad is almost always white due to yellow fever so they turn to porn as revenge. We don't see this kind of thing with hapas with cultural identity like in eastern europe.

>> No.6641455

>not a good goal for life
Yes, you need to find your own motivations and interests and not pin everything on a potential significant other, but on the other hand, finding somebody with whom to reproduce and foster a happy family is the ultimate biological goal of humans.

>> No.6641471

That's a completely innocent drawing

>> No.6641487
File: 158 KB, 497x837, gf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6641544

It's not about being a loser, that's fine... And yeah, someone can be rather successful yet can't get a girl... I actually have a friend like that, he earns good money, is highly intellectual... But, he has issues to find someone he can connect with.

However, his approach isn't "Look at me everybody, me sad lonely poor hug me please I wanna girl!"
His approach is to go out there, and find someone... Even if he fails at it, he wants it - and he goes out and tries again, because we all want love.

The guy that made the original piece, could just say "The type of girl I wanna be with" or "How I see myself in love"... Going with "EMPTY WITHOUT" is the bad thing here.

It's all about the approach.

>> No.6641551

Well... It is a goal, but, you need to prove yourself as being something first.
Make the partner laugh with charisma, have something to show you can have a function at home, be someone that brings something to the table.

OR just kill the next village, burn the men, rape the women and enslave the children... That can lead to a successful reproduction as well.
Nature ain't picky you know...

>> No.6641552

Yeah, it is actually, the drawing is the good part.
The writing above it is the issue.

>> No.6641554

That's cute

>> No.6642009
File: 247 KB, 497x837, gf2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6642458
File: 40 KB, 1024x1324, 45684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love is beautiful anons dont let anyone tell you otherwise

>> No.6642911

You should send this to the original artist, I think they'd appreciate it.

>> No.6642951


>> No.6642975

>which one of you did this?
You mean the guy who retweeted this or the guy who made this drawing?