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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 115 KB, 332x351, 7844999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6636607 No.6636607 [Reply] [Original]

> "You should only be worried of AI if your style is generic artstation style"
> "No one is coming for your artstyle"
> literally hundreds of artist-specific models on civitai

>> No.6636609
File: 125 KB, 960x720, RetroCel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger, show me how to AI retro that shit. that's all i'm interested in.

>> No.6636611

I get extremely pissed about StableDiffusion. At least the other image generators had the "decency" to be closed source.

>> No.6636615

pixiv already banned loras
now we wait for some /pol/ schizo to mass develop convincing enough ai fakes so the us and eu parliament could go banning GPUs and confiscating existing ones to combat the unauthorized AI menace

>> No.6636625

>pixiv already banned loras

>> No.6636632

Why don't Women look more like this?

>> No.6636634

When will civitai get sued to oblivion?

>> No.6636635

I see a shitton of AI on Pixiv every day.

>> No.6636638

>muh style muh style muh style
Honestly, i wanted to drop some helpful hints, but i'm tired of throwing pearls before faggots.
I'll start asking money for basic tutorials instead.

>> No.6636640

>pixiv already banned loras

>> No.6636641


>> No.6636646


"Detailed expressions are subject to change, but we plan to limit the use of the following malicious acts regardless of the production process.

・Acts of impersonating the operator, other users, or other third parties, or acts that the Company deems likely to be misidentified as such
・Acts that the Company judges to unfairly harm the interests of the creator by repeatedly and continuously publishing works that imitate the painting style of a specific creator.
・Acts that the Company judges to unfairly harm the interests of a specific creator by distributing or selling tools, etc. that assist in the publication of works that imitate the painting style of a specific creator."

Thank you based pixivs

>> No.6636647

thanks, interesting to see how it will be inforced

still dumbfounded they allow AI accounts to sell on fanbox and take requests, this is just damage control from their ongoing fuckups

>> No.6636663

>literally hundreds of artist-specific models on civitai
And they're all generic

>> No.6636672

I'm surprised they're still allowing it at all, the image spam has to be driving up server costs at rates previously unseen. Unless they're thinking of raising their premium service to offset.

>> No.6636673

I hope they ban it all entirely

Shit is nothing but spam

>> No.6636680
File: 60 KB, 326x326, Go+slow+and+dont+brake+slow+down+by+shifting+gears+_6fda5cf46682508c5cf7dcd672b82d90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are already tired of AI art
People can already tell it based on thumbnails.

The hype has peaked. Realization is here
It is just an image generator that you cannot copyright.

The end.
Pray that art sites start deleting them within this year. I am sick and tired of seeing that flooding the front page

>> No.6636687

There will never be another open source generative image model again, and that's a good thing. Enjoy your fucked up fingers forever, and fuck freetards.

>> No.6636690

>could go banning GPUs and confiscating existing ones
Going full 1984 is not necessary. All that really needs to happen is for the FTC to get off their ass and start holding corporations accountable for lines they've already crossed. When something is more trouble than it's worth the problems go away.

>> No.6636694

>People can already tell it based on thumbnails.
I still wonder why that is? Nobody's been able to explain the phenomenon yet...

>> No.6636696

it’s the composition

I feel sorry for those 500k+ follow artists who got fed as test subjects because their art is the face of AI

>> No.6636702

There is literally nothing wrong with AI art.

>> No.6636709

0.001 rupees have been deposited into your account.

>> No.6636711

But there's lots of basic pinups that don't look anywhere near ai, it's like its own style I can't pinpoint.

>> No.6636713

Uncanny valley. Trad is still chugging along because, after all, people are still in love with the amazement they feel when they realize someone "made" that thing. It's like watching zoomers reacting to music from the 70s, 80s, 90s and sometimes even the 00s and seeing actual musicians playing instruments instead of just weirdos doing karaoke. They love that feeling of realizing how someone took an effort to entertain you.

>> No.6636718

SD was trained on badly cropped pictures. That's why the compositions are so retarded.

>> No.6636732
File: 485 KB, 1200x630, 6448b6eb42b9e7b216cbf6dc_image2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that it only costs 50k to replicate stable diffusion from scratch. And it will get more and more optimized. There are 195 countries in the world and it only takes 1 of them to outcompete all the others, scraping and shitting out as much art as possible.
There are billions of dollars of incentives to automate things.
Ai is inevitable

>> No.6636735

Isn't SD trained on 5 billion images? Basically the whole internet?

>> No.6636737

Reminder that SD is a tiny ass model. Regulations will come out before someone trains a model that can do hands and text properly, and whichever company does will not hand it out for free like SD was.

>> No.6636741

>There are 195 countries in the world and it only takes 1 of them to outcompete all the others
and India won't be one of them

>> No.6636749

AI can do hands it just takes less then a minute of work so no prompters bother, they don't even look at the hands anyway

>> No.6636760

DeepFloyd, seems to be going in the right direction. At worst we will have models from countries with better text and data mining exemptions and also models from law abiding western companies that license their data and charge for the output. Either way it's gonna drive prices down :)

>> No.6636764

Doing hands in generic poses sorta ok, sometimes, after rerolling a bunch of times does not imply the AI can do hands well.

>> No.6636768

No I mean controlnet, depth and boundary mapping. Its not the hands that are the limiting it, thats outdated information.
its >>6636713

>> No.6636771

Seeing ones designed to attack/rip off megapopular meme artists is expected, bit it's really weird when you see ones targeting literal who artists, as well as character-focused ones which obviously used fanart by relatively unknown artists. It's shitty either way, but in one instance you can use the argument that they've already "made it" and are secure in the popularity/income/fanbase, but there's no such argument for a smaller artist.

>> No.6636785

>suggests AI does more than generic artstyle
>posts generic anime girl in generic artstyle.
why are AI bros like this?

>> No.6636788

What are some non-generic artstyles?

>> No.6636792

>artstyle artstyle artstyle
If artists aren't focusing on both style and content they're doing it wrong.

>> No.6636819

No copyright, bro
Give it up.

It's just another NFT

>> No.6636825

I mean people were roasting Ren & Stimpy creator the other day and he's got more style than all of /ic/

>> No.6636827

I don't care about copyright. I think it should be abolished.
In a world of near 0 cost media there is no point in giving monopoly rights in order to incentivize art creation.
Once that happens art will truly be free

>> No.6636833

>I don't care about copyright. I think it should be abolished.
as he posts this on his iphone lmao

>> No.6636834

Not that anon, but overall NFTs aren't an apt comparison. Sure maybe for big time artists it not being able to get a copyright is a good thing, but for smaller artists? Yeah, it has the potential to fuck them over. Harder to get entry level industry jobs, harder to sell commissions if people can just use a machine to make ripoffs, harder to gain a following when platforms are flooded with AI shit. I know a lot of what's important about art beyond the skill is the ability to tell a story or convey a feeling with images, but even with that, it's hard to find an audience when the skill factor is increasingly overlooked as everybody feels like they have the power to shit out highly rendered imagery. And now not only do you have to worry about tracefags aping your shit, you just have to hope that "model"fags don't decide to fuck you over by reducing your work to input data for a picture shitter.

>> No.6636835

Fuck off thieving commie freak. Ripping artists off will not lead to UBI.

>> No.6636838

No copyright means no money
Akin to how NFTs lost value after people realized it's not backed by anything

>hurr fiat currency
No, USA dollar is back by the US military
Art is backed by copyright

(dot com bubble
And now AI art

We already heard that and to this day, there is ZERO evidence of people preferring AI art over real artists

>> No.6636840

It has so much potential, but it all goes to waste in the hands of lazy retards

>> No.6636847

>ZERO evidence of people preferring AI art over real artists
I hope this holds true, but I am afraid of when people start to weigh "do I pay this artist money, or can I get a good enough knockoff for free." No, it will never replace the very skilled and creative, but most artists reach those heights by way of building up their skills, creativity, and experience through cheap, low level freelance commissions and entry level industry work.

>> No.6636848

there's a shitcoin machine at my local gas station that's been unplugged for a few weeks now. I can see the manufacured hype waning already

>> No.6636851

Hey buddy, much of the highest paid artists didn't price their works based on skill level but because of their fame

Fame is the biggest marketing value in art
There is no fame in being a prompter

And soon, AI art shall be purged from every art site

>> No.6636856

I don't disagree with any of this, but again, that's a good argument for people who've already made their name. People generally work up to that fame through less glamorous and poorly paid work, which is most at risk for getting shat on by image generators.

>> No.6636857

Those bad and unpopular artists can climb up, prompters cannot

You guys are nothing but a tiny annoyance. Hype is dead and you guys should just draw already

>> No.6636872

My entire point was that the methods which have helped lesser known artists to climb up are at the greatest risk of being degraded by picture shitters. It's pretty demoralizing to struggle to make a name for yourself as an artist, only to see people spamming shat out images which clearly used a piece of your art in their training data. I guess there's solace in the fact that they're not earning anything from it.

>> No.6636875

Correct. AI art should only be used by programmers.
It is wasted on the masses.

>> No.6636876

People already said that about photos and 3d

>> No.6636881

>not lazy retards
Good morning sir.
I hope this will be the same. Apologies if I come across as concern trolling or whatever the fuck, but as somebody who has long shat on tracers and other forms of art theft, seeing what is effectively art theft and tracing on steroids infuriates me on a very fundamental level.

>> No.6636885

Literally all of digital art is made on the tools made by programmers. If programmers are lazy retards, then what are artists?

>> No.6637019

Cuckservatives turn 180° on anime because they have AI to generate infinite propagandas now.

>> No.6637022

As a coomsumer I can't describe how fucking infuriating it is to see rule34 being flooded with ai garbage, I can't fap to that shit

>> No.6637080

Can you believe that fucker with the lute? Playing two notes at once, putting the choir out of business. Boycott polyphonic instruments.

>> No.6637094

Goyslop valley

>> No.6637108
File: 259 KB, 512x792, 106103170_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With the exception of a few niche characters I agree. I hope someone comes up with an ai that can filter/delete ai generated images

>> No.6637142

>hundreds of artist-specific models
And they still all turn out to be the same blurry deformed anime shit.

>> No.6637144

Slight imperfections, human touches and spontaneity, uncanny valley etc. Same idea as how music can sound overproduced. Could be cope, but I think humans have an innate sense for detecting soul

>> No.6637146

They stole kyle's art? lmao

>> No.6637152

not kyle lol

>> No.6637173
File: 97 KB, 1080x763, 2023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6637177

holy mutts law

>> No.6637180

I hope I'll still be able to gen characters from a particular series in their OG style and this'll only impact people copying artists for unrelated purposes

>> No.6637215

>> literally hundreds of artist-specific models on civitai
Thousands you mean.

>> No.6637216

>unironically thinking this is a good thing
jesus christ, clown world

>> No.6637218

>after rerolling a bunch of times does not imply the AI can do hands well.
How does this make any sense? Judging the program based on its first pass is retarded, it's like saying people can't draw well because their first draft of an idea isn't the finished product.

>> No.6637220

total ainigger death.

>> No.6637221

you people are trying to copyright styles which will completely destroy art.

>> No.6637225
File: 66 KB, 602x338, 1675965123953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like a style but the artist doesn't use it much
>use it with the help of AI
>"no, banned, not allowed to have fun making art you like because........"
>ignoring that the majority of the cartoon and anime industries are just a rip off of each other, here and there there are slight improvements or deviations
Next they'll just ban inspiration for traditional art because Mr. Goldberg won't make money on it. Hypocritical fucks, this is anti-art.

>> No.6637226

bumping for this. Do you guys think generating characters in OG style will be banned aswell? It feels kinda different than the "X artist style" gens but maybe im just dumb.

>> No.6637229

idk why you people are so mad.
nobody is taking your toy away lol, you can keep posting your slop in /sdg/ :)

>> No.6637264

Just blacklist the tag.

>> No.6637267

clown world is seriously thinking you're deserving of love and praise for entering a bunch of prompts and moving a bunch of sliders.

>> No.6637270

feels like still more than moving a pen around to be desu

>> No.6637278

It loses all value when even your soon to be ESL HS dropout diversity hire can do it. Its a spam machine at its peak and you're better off selling generators/prompt packs over the artworks themselves.

>> No.6637284

Inspiration is safe. Art is safe. Actual artists retain their proof of artisantry through the very act of drawing. The only ones affected are commie tapeworms like you who want free gibs by stealing the labor of those who bothered to put in the effort to learn their craft.

>> No.6637296

>you're better off selling generators/prompt packs over the artworks themselves
I believe this was the whole plan from the start.

>> No.6637308

Yeap. As usual its not the indie creatives who win but the big corpos who has the resources to make these generators possible. Not really a democratic industry when they have a massive share of the art market while the small ones just suffer even if they do worked hard.

>> No.6637315

Did you have a stroke?

>> No.6637319

how new?

>> No.6637320

Ai faggot has ai brain. Nothing new, kek.

>> No.6637321

I honestly can not tell if this is a troll account judging from their profile.

>> No.6637324

People who think regulations will do anything are fucking delusional. How will you be even able to discern AI art from normal art once the latter gets advanced enough? Any anti-AI filter is bond to be a false positive fest, and anti ai laws will do more harm to artists than AI long term, by limiting what you can draw while ultimately failing to stop people from generating drawings through machines.

>> No.6637327


>> No.6637330

>anti ai-laws harming artists
Considering artists are already incorporating AI into workflows to make it faster, its going to get really fucking weird

>> No.6637331

>How will you be even able to discern AI art from normal art once the latter gets advanced enough?
2 more weeks;)
It is kinda scary tho 0_0. Even now "ai" is smarter than some people (you) for example.

>> No.6637333

Thing is AI art is a prerequisite for bigger AI fakes unless seriously tackled with.
You niggers and your strife to be like the top Patreon dawgs momentously just might end up killing or otherwise seriously crippling everything to do with the internet.

>> No.6637337

you don't get it. I'm not advocating for or against AI, It's a neutral statement about how things are. the state cannot hope to ban advanced deep fakes long term without turning into hardcore dystopia shit which would make a world of AI filth look good by comparison. all regulations will do is delay the inevitable while harming people who have nothing to do with AI.

>> No.6637340

wouldnt that be the people trying to cripple this, bringing about more than what they bargained for? Its kind of inevitable that AI would be used in the ways we can currently see, like, you cant tell me you expect anything else out of chinese and considering all the cheap labor shit like farming gold in MMOs.
You either adapt (lol. lmao. pretty sure humanity is fucked anyway, the last 100 years of progress have already stretched us thin, now this..) or you go full retard trying to stop the inevitable. Theres no winners

>> No.6637341
File: 33 KB, 535x527, 1654108263876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any anti-AI filter is bond to be a false positive fest
this is a good thing when it would only be photobashers/porn tracers getting rekt. they deserve to exposed as hacks.

>> No.6637343

Also half the shit these artists complain about like copying styles, using copyrighted images to learn, and not asking permission isn't even close to illegal and was decided decades ago, they basically are just hoping they pass a whole new set of laws banning AI art specifically.

>> No.6637346

>stop delaying the inevitable and just give up lol
Peak trannyhumanism right there.

>> No.6637355
File: 28 KB, 660x360, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the chances the pro-AI shills are AI themselves?

>> No.6637357

see >>6637355 its just clown world from here on out, we cant close the lid. Its a fun time to live in

>> No.6637365

>draw an image, upload it to inpaint
>try to get it to inpaint different hairstyles for my sheep character
>all the hair looks the same more or less, nothing distinct.
Maybe im doing something wrong but i expected more.

>> No.6637366

I just don't think swimming against an obvious current is a good strategy. As cancerous as technology can be argued to be, ludites have been losing for the past three centuries and I don't see why the trend would stop. Adapt to the new paradigm and use it to your favor rather than trying to fight an uphill battle.

As the old silver lining goes, truly talented artists will outdo prompt shitters regardless and advanced deep fakes might put an end to defamation by taking away credibility from the sources.

>> No.6637375

raise denoise? mess with prompts? dunno what to tell you man

>> No.6637377

Use controlnet instead of inpaint.

>> No.6637380

Maybe this is a basic question, let's say I want long hair. When I do inpainting, should I inpaint only the head area/current hair, and leave bellow shoulders not touched, or do I need to specifically inpaint that area as well to try to get hair to show up there. Or if I want a short hairstyle, only inpaint that area?
Can you explain a bit more? I've been using the guides i found on /h/ and /trash/ but i haven't seen much about control net especially when it comes to hair?

>> No.6637384

There's AI pros that the devs keep shilling and AI cons that are visible to everyone else with their naked eyes. Just surrendering to AI spam and AI falsification isn't a way out either way you put it.

>> No.6637385

AI only changes the areas you marked, if you want hair to appear somewhere you need to mark the area.
In general when people want to change eyes, they tend to mark the entire face, so it might be beneficial to mark the entire upper body to give it more space to work with, you get the idea anyways.

>> No.6637392

I'll give that a go, thanks.

>> No.6637422

> artists are already incorporating AI
Sure thing, pajeet

>> No.6637430

Do you have source for that other than yourselves or people trying it once and going to to their regular workflows

>> No.6637435

None of them have any decency. Dont say otherwise.

>> No.6637439

NTA but the most famous instance is Nikke, which is kinda poetic really since like 40% of its total fanart on pixiv is AI slop.

>> No.6637441

I know one guy was posting his workflow on twitter, hes pretty popular but I dont remember his nick, he's made that funny realistic/horror gallery with a sewer trip on pixiv if that helps.
I've seen plenty of posts mentioning that they use AI to help with coloring or some other part, people talk about how some artists suspiciously started posting more often. But no, nothing solid I can really point to since I dont really follow twitter much.

>> No.6637445

Most Asian artists on twitter I've seen were kinda ok or just unconcerned with AI stuff until they started noticing people img2img'ing their art and making LORAs of their galleries and even demanding patreon money for it. Now they're in the same camp as western artists.

>> No.6637446

I did hear about one or two malding about it, but I do hear more about them accepting AI and using it than being openly against it.

>> No.6637450

Majority of the interaction is around those malding and being critical of AI workflows than those supporting and pushing for AI acceptance, which for all I know given their accounts might be western grifters trying to sway opinions through machine translators.

>> No.6637453

The stylistic contrast between this and OP's image shows just how far anime has degenerated. Miyazaki was right.

>> No.6637455
File: 1.86 MB, 1599x1035, Spumco Cartoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean people were roasting Ren & Stimpy creator the other day
Too bad, his is an example of a style that AI would struggle with. It's too bad much of /ic/ is stuck in this animu/conceptshit hugbox.

>> No.6637459

I play music from the '60s through '80s for my kids when we're in the car. They'd never heard anything like it before, so they don't perceive it as "old fashioned." They love it, and often request it on road trips.

>> No.6637462

I'm pretty sure just editing the hands in would be faster at that point but y'all want to be adamant on using just the AI. Not like most you would notice mistakes too giving how often your first pass seem to be used. And I don't see how picking the "best" picture on a filter is really editing when it changes the entire design

>> No.6637465

You could imply what circles your in when the majority accepts it and then you come here to post an AI almost every week

>> No.6637466

first time in these threads actually, but your tripfag retardation is showing so im not even gonna entertain that made up nonsense.
Im only here since I wanted to know about >>6637180 anyway, kinda liked doing fanart for characters below 20 images that no one really cared about for years

>> No.6637467

>first time in these threads ack...
you'd be surprised how many AI posters say this as well

>> No.6637471

No, I would not, im perfectly aware every shitposter would claim this.

>> No.6637473
File: 181 KB, 1024x768, early simpsons doodles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People are already tired of AI art
They were never interested in the 'art' itself, it was always the discussion. No one can name the comics made with AI because they were shit.
>It is just an image generator that you cannot copyright.
Yep. And it's dawning on people that the real power is not in muh cool/sexy aesthetic imagery, but ideas behind specific images/designs (IP). Sketches on literal napkins (pic related) have more power than muh deepfloyd-produced slop to own the artfags.
Next step will be AIshills desperately pushing for copyright protection for raw AI output. They know what they have is a creative dead end for anything other than cool wallpaper and coom material.

>> No.6637483

>And it's dawning on people that the real power is not in muh cool/sexy aesthetic imagery, but ideas behind specific images/designs (IP). Sketches on literal napkins (pic related) have more power than muh deepfloyd-produced slop to own the artfags.
That's bullshit. People are consumers at heart and what is considered popular media today proves that people care about getting their product that activates the right buttons. The only reason why AI isn't held in high regard is because people know the nature of computer generation devalues it's output.

>> No.6637485
File: 942 KB, 2048x2976, 1679011148718307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is it about AI art that makes it instantly recognizable even on a thumbnail where you cant spot the imperfections? AI funnily enough seems to have its own style.

>> No.6637517
File: 850 KB, 784x1024, 00095-2741268840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI funnily enough seems to have its own style.
Fuck it prompter stepping in to explain this further because it's true and annoying.
The biggest reason for this is everyone is either using the most popular models of civitai, or they are using something that just mixes a lot of them.
Another reason is a lot of people genning are coping other peoples prompts, rather than learning how to use the models on there own and finding there own method with it.
People also have tended to like "2.5d" models the most, so there is a lot of that.
Lastly, a lot of people don't have the pc for training or are too lazy, leading to less fresh blood to mix into models.

>> No.6637526

This isn't meant to hate or anything. Serious question but do you see a place where prompters are able to make serious money with commissions if consumers were gaslighted enough into believing AI was premium?

>> No.6637536

>rather than learning how to use the models on there own and finding there own method with it.

What kind of PC do you need for that? Do you really need at least a 3090?

>> No.6637540
File: 29 KB, 642x582, RDT_20230427_1928531560360556055264060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat, but why is it you newfags and "first" time posters all of sudden appear when an AI thread comes up. And in the ass crack of dawn no less

>> No.6637541

8gb vram is enough

>> No.6637545
File: 594 KB, 1625x1203, 1671039831937085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My character designs are too specific, can't be AI'd.

>> No.6637548

Damn fucking phone, anyways it time again to reach bump limit since Jannie useless again

>> No.6637550
File: 573 KB, 1564x1875, 1658744356702448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kills the AI.

>> No.6637553
File: 824 KB, 784x1024, 00090-2024983679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Serious question but do you see a place where prompters are able to make serious money with commissions
The only thing I can see right now making good money is obscure fetishes, catfishing, and onlyfans baiting. Ai isn't gonna be see as a premium, but rather the everyman's tool. I can make a basic portrait sheet for a game with ai, but spirit anime still needs to be done by hand.
dreambooth takes a lot, lora training can take only 8 like >>6637541 said.

>> No.6637557

>spirit anime

>> No.6637570
File: 65 KB, 690x960, 20230502_125347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already happening.

>> No.6637571

It's been almost half a year. Where are the "good" AI games we've been promised?

>> No.6637572
File: 653 KB, 1280x720, Union-Pacific-Stack-Train.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a train thread

>> No.6637577
File: 1.14 MB, 2550x3510, 85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prompters got too busy cooming, ai ruins your dopamine receptors.

>> No.6637580

Only thing happening is you shitheads posting on the wrong board.

>> No.6637588

>There are 195 countries in the world
and guess how many countries have signed the Berne Convention? Lol

>> No.6637593
File: 71 KB, 750x420, 1668020027305837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6637596

>I don't care about copyright. I think it should be abolished.
Hello shit skin. Copyright is something that is protected all the way up to the US Constitution. Not happening you faggot pajeet

>> No.6637616

>dohna dohna style
not shiny and neon enough
also AI niggers should be killed, only because they steal, know that they steal and still pretend they are doing something different
at least they could bring some value with their shit, but they only make the art landscape more trashy

>> No.6637620

because language models are the definition of soulless

>> No.6637655

Anon asked a question so I answered, you retarded faggot.

>> No.6637658

It isn't safe, it's held captive by kikes like you who only think about he monetary value of art.

>> No.6637661

>I hate copyright it should be abolished >:(
>Check out my Patreon, where I post all of my generations including my exclusive prompt packs :D

>> No.6637670
File: 962 KB, 3460x1688, 1658477482884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This + the fact AI art is usually unique and we haven't seen it before. Despite the incessant cope saying otherwise.

>> No.6637697
File: 630 KB, 1920x1080, Thomas-the-Train-in-Duluth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not that great

>> No.6637698
File: 583 KB, 768x1024, 00150-817754624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do people still perpetuate the hand myth, feet are the real problem

>> No.6637719

Hard to not hate AI niggers if this what kind of rot come out of they mouths.

>> No.6637722
File: 863 KB, 1080x890, 1683129745985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is just moving a pen around bruh.
I wish I could chop your hands off and strangle you with them.

>> No.6637731

Is "real" music even produced nowadays? Every single fucking slop I hear on the radio is some nigger mumble played over some basic bitch synth tune.

>> No.6637749

Dont worry about it, I was shitposting like the other guy. Obviously neither AI art is just "lmao prompt and move slider", nor drawing isnt just waving ur hand around while holding a pencil shaped tool.

actually interesting to compare images and music - its true that all the modern "music" is literal fucking garbage and absolutely no one minds because its still being made. Kind of bizarre people still think (in spite of AI art selling to the point where everyone is crying about it) that its somehow just a fad or that no one likes it.
Maybe someone will finall get it if they look at what happened to music and movies as a comparison I guess. Oh theres games too. All slop. All sells.

>> No.6637791
File: 545 KB, 1488x1024, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6637808

Artfags have nothing to worry about in regards to AI shitters. Most art generated by AI is full of mistakes & anyone dumb to pay art with mistakes is a fool. Alot of AI art generators simply trace of over existing images so it's not even autenthic art. Pixiv has a ton of AI shitters on it, & I can always tell when its AI art simply by looking at the final product.

AI is more likely to replace office jobs than artists.

>pixiv already banned loras
Fake news.

>> No.6637812

Bruh, this is just AI traced.

>> No.6637817

There is more SOVL in John K's awful art than a million AI artfaggots.

AI pajeets on suicide watch

>> No.6637821

Wow! So many mistakes.

>> No.6637838
File: 618 KB, 1612x720, Screenshot_2023-05-03-10-10-58-00_f9ee0578fe1cc94de7482bd41accb329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for you contribution but we still need train post till bump limit is reached

>> No.6637846

Absolutely. Force them into a small corner of the internet.. Get this trash banned from any art site and hopefully pile even more legislations onto this shit so that it's economically unfeasible for bugmen to make a profit from it. Also to remedy the absolute usery of artists made possible by greedy grifters and megacorporations.
It's the only way for REAL human creativity to continue to evolve.
If any technerd somehow disagrees with my factual statement; you know I'm right and fuck you.

>> No.6637849
File: 492 KB, 512x768, 1680978528655808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm grateful for AI as someone who is into fit women because barely any coom artists draw any muscle definition.

>> No.6637852

Coomer, isn`t it insane how far your generation has fallen.

>> No.6637853

They're already being quarantined as we speak. Even sites like Rule 34 have included an "AI-Generated" tag to so people to can filter the AI spam from their results. But I doubt the AI art is going to stop any time soon.

>> No.6637857

Shut up, poojeet. The fact your kind was the behind the whole AI art shit is enough to guarantee your future deportation back to the ganges in curry land.

>> No.6637860

holy luddite boomer

I don't get how anyone using the internet and a computer can hate technology so much. I think it's sad that the first thing artists feel is a threat instead of being excited over a new tool to play with to make art.

I like AI and I think AI art should not be posted on sites for artists but on seperate AI art only sites.

>> No.6637861


There is nothing "free" about it. It is degraded and exploited, in the name of the already rich, and the average pig, just like you keeps feeding all that is disgusting with your free worthless labor, training that garbage, that was trained first in the backs of those who actually had something of value to share.

You are a humanoid embodiment of pollution.

>> No.6637865

It has too many messy details that make it easy to recognize.

>> No.6637866


This "person" is a good argument that most people today should be killed.

It surprises me that nobody sent anthrax to those tech companies.

>> No.6637869

the problem is that the AI does not make art, it only makes photomontages

>> No.6637871

Hope someone creates a virus that actively corrupt the AI. Imagine the amount from seethe from aifags when their empty worth and value is taken away from them. God that would be hilarious.

>> No.6637872

Well, you think like this because you're a lazy, talentless parasite.
Art is free. Anyone can do it.
The last thing artists need is to be exploited by silicon valley tech nerds looking to make money by ripping of their hard work. There's nothing democratic about this process of exploitation and it's a complete violation of artists worldwide. Supporting this is truly akin to being a communist as a previous anon called you.

>> No.6637874 [DELETED] 

You're not real. Some absolutely unhinged deranged posters here even by 4chan standards.

>> No.6637875

the boomers control your zoomer generation, they have the same fucking ideals lefty environmentalist and pro gay, the zoomers are aggressive hippies with technology, you are screwed because the boomers finance all the shit you consume you are a product of the boomer market

>> No.6637877

AI art is shit art, & pAIjeets flooded the sites with hundreds of carboncopied AI art. It's more obnoxious than anything. Boorus were getting flooded with a ton of AI art. That's why some art site have decided to go full ban on the AI stuff while other sites have decided to quarantine the AI art into a separate category while allowing users to filter it from their search results. I mean, how many samefaced anime girl AI-generated images do you pAIjeets need to post until you get the message? Fucking low IQ shitskins ruin everything.

>> No.6637878
File: 752 KB, 1488x1024, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6637881

>Art is free. Anyone can do it.
That's not how it works, pAIjeet

>> No.6637884

>it only makes photomontages
This. They are image generators & some of it full-blown traced.

>> No.6637885

the tech itself is interesting but using it to make art is kind of dull, especially if that's the only way you can do it.

>> No.6637888

Haha. Luddite. Ah yes ofc.
The same old trite shit with you parasites.
As someone who embrace modern day tools of all sorts this is not a tool and it's not an ethical one either.
You promptcomissioning grifters have been made persona non grata and it's all justified.

>> No.6637895

wasted digits
Your AI traced art always have a ton of mistakes, pAIjeet.

>> No.6637901


While I agree that art shouldnt be exploited by tech prostitutes, you need to stop talking about democracy as if it is a good thing.

>> No.6637904

>obscure fetishes, catfishing, and onlyfans baiting
>borderline illegal shit
Kek what a bright future for proompters. Surely there will be no regulation andegal ramifications for this.

>> No.6637922

ironic coming from a kike whose main way of selling AI as a positive thing is efficiency for profit making

>> No.6637925

luddites lost because they were shot by the government retard

>> No.6637948

If AI is making you question things, then I say "good".

>> No.6637961

how is banning AI going to harm artists?

>> No.6638015

I just want the AI to learn my art style and generate my artstyle accurately. Is there any tutorial to do that? should I just draw each body part separately or a full figure is required to train it?

>> No.6638091


>> No.6638098
File: 42 KB, 500x500, 1535426508996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6638226
File: 820 KB, 819x506, 0642eaa8-1b56-4b40-a578-35ce57460d84 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like the other anon said, it's because no one plays with all the variables or really any part of it, everyone just copies prompts and settings. You can get so many different styles styles out of it if you try.

>> No.6638243

There's not enough stolen data for anatomically accurate eroguro in extreme perspective.

>> No.6638249
File: 1.22 MB, 768x960, 1222927085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6638258
File: 412 KB, 640x800, 1683148299665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6638355

Says the guy calling people niggers lol.

>> No.6638360

It'll be easier eventually if you don't want to put yourself out there and learn. Asking in a thread like this isn't going to get you any answers lol.

The theoretical ban will never even be considered because it's objectively a good technology for mankind.

>> No.6638364
File: 83 KB, 1024x1017, 1682802824136536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah thats top tier bait

>> No.6638399
File: 328 KB, 512x768, SOVLESS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I still wonder why that is?
>it’s the composition

And AI art lacks context and SOVL.
There's also a lack of logic when it comes to small details, like light and shadow in random places, hair blending with clothes, weird hands.

>> No.6638403

Those are not people

>> No.6638410
File: 921 KB, 920x1376, 1669564686563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you should to keep the topic on thumbnails. It's obviously much easier to tell if the picture is full sized.

The real answer is that we're just not dumb. Just like you can tell who this artist is aping and which character it is, without opening the image you might be able to tell that an AI image is AI generated. We have memories and constantly categorize things we see, especially if we're interested in it(in this case art).

>> No.6638436

Plenty of /beg/ art has those kind of mistakes but they still look human made, the problem is AI looks very polished in many ways so seeing those basic mistakes in these kinds of pieces is weird.

>> No.6638499
File: 804 KB, 598x881, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI 'artists'

>> No.6638511

>quoting a retarded woman

>> No.6638516

>AI retard is also a misogynistic incel
Shouldn't you be prompting some cp right now?

>> No.6638517

>it was a retarded woman

>> No.6638519

Not even same poster, retarded AI incel

>> No.6638549

Did I say you were? You really are retarded.

>> No.6638951

>AI "artists" don't even bother to screw around with their own tool

>> No.6639057

It's an illusion, textbook case of confirmation bias

>> No.6639064

Years before AI, I was already telling people that anime pinups were worthless, played out. It was already hard enough to make a living doing that. AI just put the nail in the coffin.
Make stories, not illustrations. Until the AI can write stories too. Then we’re all fucked.

>> No.6639205

I got a 3090 and couldnt imagine doing it on a 3080 with half as much vram to work with, but maybe I'm just particularly impatient (i always batch 6 images at once and it takes almost 10 seconds or something)
Ai prooompters were lying all along about how it takes effort to use this shit, took me an afternoon to get the same results. It's fucking infuriating that these people call themselves artists.

>> No.6639214

>Make stories, not illustrations. Until the AI can write stories too. Then we’re all fucked.
AI can do stories too right? At this point artists have to be extra resourceful to battle against AI

>> No.6639455

Mostly composition, lighting, plane work and linework

>> No.6639506
File: 10 KB, 1025x68, AIbros....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You should only be worried of AI

You should not be worried of AI at all, unless you're a Chink and there's no copyright law in your shitty country.

>> No.6639645

You can absolutely LORA that character/style.

>> No.6639653

You should only be worried about AI if "looking nice" is the only thing about your works. Luckily, this isn't a problem for the utmost majority of /ic/, but it is for people whose target audience is tasteless.

>> No.6639683
File: 1.12 MB, 1024x720, 1425384290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trains replaced most other modes of transportation by lowering costs

>> No.6639724

So what is it about trains that attracts spergs? They have a following as rabid as Sonic fans.

>> No.6639757

>closed source
i bet you think John Deere and Apple are completely in the right not giving you the right to repair their products which you bought and instead be forced to buy their new product everytime because they deliberately made it so that their products artificially break down after a certain date.

>> No.6639770
File: 331 KB, 800x1192, 800px-Mona_Lisa%2C_by_Leonardo_da_Vinci%2C_from_C2RMF_retouched.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all art has to have extrinsic value, sometimes an art piece is good just because it looks good. Thinking the only reason an artwork would be worthwhile is because of story and provenance around it is probably an even narrower and more autistic view than the AIcels that think only looking nice matters.

>> No.6639795
File: 154 KB, 734x239, 1671668525221434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure you can, anon, sure you can.
Just gotta draw her another 1000 times so your computer can "learn".

>> No.6639805
File: 1.15 MB, 1024x1024, 1662713865134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can train models with as few as 1 images. Pic related used 8 and the data set was horrendous.

>> No.6639815

>pic related
Yeah, it was trained on a fairly standard hairstyle and that's all there is to learn. Not a single complex interaction between design elements, and the body is swappable for anything because it doesn't matter.

>> No.6639828

R34 had AI-Generated tag before Stable was even in closed beta

>> No.6639829

It doesn't matter what it is or how complicated you think the art is, you can train a model on it in a very small amount of images. Are isn't as complicated as you seem to believe it is.

>> No.6639841
File: 484 KB, 1600x1131, 1664907850181122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. thinks the hacker is invading the Pentagon when he types faster on TV.

Maybe you should learn how to draw before letting the machine do it for you.

>> No.6639844

>Maybe you should learn how to draw
This is rich coming from you.

>> No.6639870

Why does it look like you just slapped the head on a random body in Photoshop

>> No.6639875

it doesn't

>> No.6639887

> This is rich coming from you.
How is it rich, when you don’t draw at all?

>> No.6639907

It might as well be an automatic photobash machine.

>> No.6639913
File: 185 KB, 1024x534, anon a fagget whats new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know this is the first thing most see on steam right

>> No.6639929

what are you trying to say?

>> No.6639931

I don't understand the bitching about AI when there's so many wannabe Sakimichan and RossDraws clones out there already.

>> No.6639939

You can tell how hard it tries to copy the original image, even when it doesn't make sense to do so, like with that one stray strand of hair in her face.
>But muh it was trained with one image!!!
Using more images does not make it right. It's still plagiarism even if it's blended with a ton of other images, fucking AI troon.

>> No.6639944

AI can do any style so it creeps on more people than those trying to copy those two. And that threatens artists trying to make a living or just looking for validation. Eventually almost no one will care about traditional art, it will just be a quirky old school way of creating art like claymation.

>> No.6639946
File: 1.36 MB, 1024x1536, 1670739509258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fanart is plagiarism
lol what

>> No.6639949

This shit was already possible with Photoshop why do you niggas pretend it's something new your giving us

>> No.6639954

If only you knew the extent some companies went with that

>> No.6639959
File: 1.36 MB, 1024x1536, 1672788749268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay make this in photoshop. You have 1 minute.

>> No.6639965

nta by why one minute?

>> No.6639966

It's once again just the head placed on a random body your not really anything but spamming shit

>> No.6639967

Sorry troon, your AI slop is neither done by a fan nor is art.

>> No.6639970

well it's not art to begin with as there is no artist. it is just a picture

>> No.6639972

Proompting is not drawing.

>> No.6639979

the person using the AI is the artist, duh

>> No.6639984

I don't care about your sperging, people been calling out tracers before, and it's not like photobashing seen fondly either.

>> No.6639985

an AI user can be an artist or not, it is irrelevant as they don't create the generated picture. they can only claim surface ownership, not creative ownership

>> No.6639988

>all this cope

That's how long it would take a toaster to generate it.

>> No.6639989

They do create it silly, it doesn't come into existence on its own

>> No.6639991
File: 1.70 MB, 1024x1024, 2219825781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6639997

the man who paid da vinci to make the mona lisa isn't the man who created it.

>> No.6640000

ai art is boring!

>> No.6640003

I fail to see how that's relevant. make your implied point clear. state it black on white

>> No.6640006
File: 109 KB, 840x563, up2554_2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I really wanted to just copy your picture post it somewhere and claim it as my own and it's not like anybody really gives a shit about prompters since literally anyone can say they generated said pic

anyways continuing train theme

>> No.6640008
File: 77 KB, 800x533, union-pacific-engine-passing-train-crossing-lockhart-texas-march-number-up-close-115106657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either way too you do it for free so meh

>> No.6640010
File: 2.00 MB, 1024x1024, 3556333211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but he paid another artist, I'm just doing it all on my own
actually mind broken

>> No.6640018
File: 845 KB, 2048x1071, Union_Pacific_locomotive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here to reach bump limit so that this thread dies faster
But sure continue to debate semantics about photobashing and how AI is totally different but with even less effort

>> No.6640023
File: 319 KB, 1500x986, western+maryland+scenic+railroad+locomotive+1309+at+cumberland+station+potomac+maryland+west+virginia+pennsylvania+train+rides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6640025
File: 67 KB, 620x465, 69156d47-bf33-45da-a8f0-8780697453dc-1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6640027
File: 206 KB, 1024x634, bulgaria-by-train.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6640033

I'm just fucking around, don't worry about it too much.

>> No.6640037

Bro why are her calves melting?

>> No.6640038
File: 9 KB, 144x100, a919fba5-1678-43a5-bc1c-ff9d26f6832e-medium36x25_AP22257705749856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat but this thread still requires trains

>> No.6640051
File: 16 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6640053

You failed.

>> No.6640056

He said you could do that for years. Evidently you couldn't.

>> No.6640060
File: 82 KB, 700x415, train-derailment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and you were waiting

>> No.6640069

Can't believe a western woman make me chuckle. I guess they can be funny too if they don't care about offend anyone

>> No.6640083

Your minute is up. Where's your drawing?

>> No.6640084

This isn't a draw thread so why post my stuff in this thread

>> No.6640122
File: 2.89 MB, 886x1204, 1672046518390828.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? I am not a professional, but I can draw the things I want. Sadly, AI can't draw the things I want - it will take a long time for it to be able to.

So I either accept its limitations and use it to make generic art, or I ignore its existence and draw my own, enjoyable content.

If you attempted to draw for more than a week, you would understand the difference.

Either you are buying pre-made Christmas cards and believing the words printed on it are your own, or you think nobody has anything to say in Christmas other than the couple of variations you can find at the convenience store.


>> No.6640128

Your art sucks and AI art is better.

>> No.6640134

For often y'all suck each other off for AI shit I could ask why should anyone care about stuff you didn't even create but still want to bitch to others about being "better"

>> No.6640138

It sucks?
Idk i like it tbqh

>> No.6640218

What's weird that doesn't get mentioned much is that AI is about as good at generating photos as it is stylised art. Why bother generating generic coom art when you could be generating photorealistic women to your exact specifications?

>> No.6640234

Show me AI animation that is better.
note: animation, not rotoscoping.

>> No.6640237

just look at the evolution compexity of the james bond music last one is litteraly the same four or 5 notes repeted over and over again while the earier ones are very rich

>> No.6640275

>tfw you love your AI creation so much you pay someone to draw her

>> No.6640307
File: 3.14 MB, 498x273, emotional-damage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What da hail? Da hail is that analogy?

>> No.6640324

Hello sirs

>> No.6640367

Now ban fanbox niggers and ill consider coming back
For me, the sterile white light is the giveaway. Once you notice how most AI vomit is shaded with it you can even tell when someone made art based off AI output.

>> No.6640395

Ripping off other peoples work to undercut them with derivative bootlegs isnt creation you cockroach

>> No.6640397 [DELETED] 

The whole coofid and AI art thing made me absolutely misanthropic. Humans are basically evil and the good things are the bugs in the design.

>> No.6640404

US copyright office begs to differ, good luck with them and all the governments going to ape their policies

>> No.6640411

Good. There is no more need for granting copyright to images or sound

>> No.6640412 [DELETED] 

>People who think regulations will do anything are fucking delusional.
I agree. The system wants to make this so they can hurt more people. The problem are techbros, the soulles biorobots who are running and upgrading the slave grid. They need to be removed. As long as they are around, human freedom is at risk.

>> No.6640417

The way I see it playing out is that politicians will be sitting down with big tech lobby and big rights holders and simply deciding that training as it is currently done for LLMs is illegal. Then the big players would actually win, since they have enough resources to license datasets and will certainly do so willingly, if it is clear that the jurisdiction keeps all the small ones and open source out

>> No.6640418

LLMs and art generators*

>> No.6640419
File: 158 KB, 1024x1536, retro anime AI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nigger, show me how to AI retro that shit. that's all i'm interested in.

>> No.6640459

Talk to me when the supreme court makes a ruling

>> No.6640485

The more look at the more mistakes appear. Not like you'll notice considering it's fucking up the hands again but you seem desperate to show any example no matter how bad it looks

>> No.6640489
File: 86 KB, 680x383, 4082-railroad-strike-2022_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another day another time to post trains

>> No.6640490
File: 83 KB, 1632x918, Cameras-on-freight-trains-credit-Jim-AllenFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6640491
File: 771 KB, 864x556, ab9e7757a3d20597f2aa48ddfb0a16df.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6640492
File: 695 KB, 2400x1600, graffiti_blog_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6640495
File: 37 KB, 396x396, B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6640689

naw it fools me all the time

>> No.6640696

Art is dead you dolt. There is no more harm that could possibly be done when your entire industry is annihilated forever and replaced with roundtables of marketing experts.

>> No.6640713

The AI art has more soul than the crap made by humans. You can see artists fall into repetitive habits and just make the same boring shit. You can see the cognitive dissonance and the incompleteness of human generated images when they make their disgusting omissions and avoidances. AI is superior already.

>> No.6640718

Ah..a fellow trainspotting enjoyer. My son and I go watch the trains pass by when we're eating lunch on occasion. My favorites are when there's funky little characters to join with the graffiti

>> No.6640723

Hell yes I has thousands of flicks from the last 15 years or so of trains and graffiti I have taken. Trying to share them all with the world has been time consuming and feels sometimes useless but it keeps connecting me with artists from all over the world.

>> No.6640729

You're basically complaining that someone smarter and harder working than you can produce better pictures than you faster at a fraction of the cost by using, I don't know, a ruler? You're complaining that they used a proper instrument rather than flailing their arms around like a caveman.

>> No.6640933

what model or system are these?

>> No.6641084

Stable Diffusion, it's great at retro art. Lots of great models and loras for it. Ghibli styles especially are quite impressive.

>> No.6641655

Pretty dumb since Japan is the country which accepts AI art the most.

>> No.6642003
File: 486 KB, 600x600, 00012-3669335446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

proompted this a few weeks ago. While it's true that SD can emulate every style in existence, it will never be able to create complex emotions or scenes. It's fun to play around with but nothing more than a toy.

>> No.6642068

You are literally able to do comic with the latest version of midjourney. But sure keep feeding your delusion.

>> No.6642136

Show it to me then, I don't believe it. Probably looks like shit.