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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 710 KB, 1366x768, Loomis sensei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6632859 No.6632859 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many people who want to draw anime duck fundies like the plague despite actual professionals of their favorite medium advising newbies to read Loomis and grind fundies?

>> No.6632868

>Nips know about Loomis
What the fuck? I've thought they had their own methods and approaches?

>> No.6632872

The most basic anime style looks simplistic so they think they don't have to work on fundamentals and drawing in a non stylized way before diving into it. Anime breaks rules a lot of the time but most professionals know how to do it in a way that looks appealing because they practiced the rules themselves.
It's why those "how to draw manga" books came out in large numbers back in the early to mid 00s and a lot of them were "Here's how you draw a guy or girl with the pointiest chin and the biggest eyes" and nothing else.

>What the fuck? I've thought they had their own methods and approaches?

No, most of them use well known methods. There's no secret technique or anything that they have specifically. It's just practicing.

>> No.6632873

Are we doomed to have this same thread every time a newfag finds this video?

>> No.6632875

>There's no secret technique or anything that they have specifically. It's just practicing.
This has been debunked

>> No.6632925
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Sometimes I think there should be classes or videos or something for ironic western weebs that explain all the not-strictly-Japanese stuff that’s well known or big over there and has influenced their popular culture.

>> No.6632936
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>> No.6632940
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>> No.6632941
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>> No.6632944
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>> No.6632946
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>> No.6632952

the nes art really demonstrates that you can’t render your way out of a shitty drawing. famicom poses are so much more appealing even if you’re not a weeb

>> No.6632955
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>> No.6632957
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>> No.6632959
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>> No.6632960

if fundies are required, then every good anime style artist should be able to draw a realistic person from any angle, correct?

>> No.6632963
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>> No.6632973
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It's all the same shit

>> No.6632977

Is that shopped? I find it hard to believe that the Japs would be familiar with some rando 50s American artist

>> No.6632982
File: 752 KB, 1720x1644, loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6632993

stop pedestalizing the japanese you fucking weirdos, they use the same methods and learn from a lot of the same sources everyone else with an interest in drawing does

>> No.6633010
File: 397 KB, 846x900, 1678907762790959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's be honest here
EVERYONE started by symbol drawing and fundies are studied only *after* everyone honed their discipline and wanted to get serious

Fun comes first over function

>> No.6633022

I think some people look at process vids (many posted in this thread), in which the artist starts drawing from an eye or something, and conclude that the constructive methods taught by Loomis etc. are a trap.
Construction is a learning tool. Beginners tend to draw symbols rather than forms. They also tend to focus on detail to the detriment of the whole, causing their drawings to become stuff or off-kilter. By starting a figure with forms that are 3-dimensional and simple, and roughing out the entire pose before adding clothing and other details, they are learning a way of thinking. Some people, through experience and/or sheer effort, internalize this way of thinking and can draw freely, sans construction, and still avoid the aforementioned beginner pitfalls. They know what to look out for.
Constructive drawing and guidelines serve a purpose, of focusing the attention on the overall effect, and on the alignment and symmetry of parts (eyes, ears, etc.) and the solidity of forms. They are like training wheels that can eventually be taken off when attention to these matters becomes second nature.

>> No.6633049

I don’t think anyone legitimately thinks fundies are useless they’re just annoyed people keep trying to shove it on them when they just wanna draw some cute girls.

Yes if I want to improve I’d sit down and do a bunch of studying and practice, but it’s not my job to be an artist and I just want to have fun drawing anime girls. I’m satisfied with my slow rate of improvement and studying as I feel it’s needed.

Drawing more is always more important than mindless studying for the sake of studying.

>> No.6633133

That's what I disliked about it. Felt like they hired dollar value Boris Vallejo from Temu.

>> No.6633144

The Chainsaw Man guy literally referenced Loomis and Hamm in his work.

>> No.6633173

Loomis has essentially made every art teacher to come after him irrelevant. There's no surpassing him.

>> No.6633386

Rare piece of golden advice
>I just want to have fun drawing anime girls
You won't have any fun "drawing anime girls" if your "anime girls" look like shit. If you're fine with creating toddler art and hating your art, then I concede.

>> No.6633405

>Fun comes first over function
I hate people who act like drawing, a hobby, is suposed to be some big macho serious study requiring hyper-discipline to get better at

>> No.6633444
File: 1.16 MB, 1602x3000, Illustration33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk i'm havin fun.
are you having fun?

>> No.6633468


>Sees OP's picrel
>My printscreen from 2021 is still on /ic/
>Feels good

Do you really expect Zoomies to read Loomis?
Do you expect Zoomers to READ books ???

>> No.6633473

It just depends what you want out of it. Video games can be the same way. Some people enjoy grinding and working every day to get very skilled at the game and others are fine just having a casual play now and again and just enjoying themselves.
It really comes down to personal preference, it's just on a board dedicated to critique most people here are trying to improve.

>> No.6633477

2021 was only a couple months ago. Not that shocking.

>> No.6633495

>fundies are important!!!
>see, here are some examples of drawing with fundies
>ugly naked people floating in voids
>horrendous figures
>zero appeal

yeah, no thanks.

>> No.6633512

It just comes down to the fact that studies are boring and people don't want to do boring things. People could get good grades if they studied but they also don't do that either.

>> No.6633610

You have to study both fundies and appeal or you end up like that.
I don't understand why people have such simplistic views on learning art ("do XYZ specific thing bro!!") when it's an infinitely complex subject that spans many disciplines, we have to learn physics for color theory for fuck sake.

>> No.6633613
File: 298 KB, 1437x2048, [20-04-20] 1252272313677930496_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aruurara recommends a lot of western books, specially morpho

>> No.6633620

>Loomis is the only artist in the entire world that has ever conceived of construction
even for constructionfags his examples and way of teaching is pretty mid.

>> No.6633663

Whatre good ways to construct a more stylized anime head

>> No.6633694

>Video games can be the same way
>be me
>have infinite access to freeplay of arcade games
>used spend hours upon hours trying to 1 credit clear
>most games I try I never even come close to 1CCing
>would often get stuck at the same parts
>Japanese teens were quickly able to 1CC these games when they were still brand new, with their only way of practicing amounting to going to their local arcade and paying per credit, on top of having to jockey for a position with all the other gamers wanting to play
Same thing with me and art, been drawing for well over a decade, studying fundies and going to life drawing sessions with nominal improvement after having justdrawn for years, while thirdworld zoomzooms who justdraw porn and fanart for Twitter go from prebeg to high-int in like 3 years.

>> No.6633699

What's your "method" to constructing flowers?
What's your "method" to constructing assholes?
What's your "method" to constructing cocks and balls?

You're missing something fundamental about construction, and that every artist actually makes up their own way of constructing. The method of construction is based on your observation of the world around you. Construction is actually a very creative process.

If you want to construct anime heads, get your favorite artists who do that well, and copy it using the Loomis method, except, you need to start improvising where it differs. The eyes have their own unique shape, as do the hair locks and nose.

>> No.6633793
File: 104 KB, 500x522, 1658179465821144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people ITT who actually fell for the loomis meme

>> No.6633794

Sounds like you might be retarded anon.

>> No.6634025


"draw first, study anatomy later"

most drawfag wannabe don't understand this

>> No.6634040

Sounds like they had a plan while you spread yourself thin, spinning your wheels not knowing what you want- getting AND IMPLEMENTING feedback. You probably take you being shit at a certain aspect of art as an insult instead of an opportunity to get stronger then psych yourself out with self pity/ anxiety.

>> No.6634143

I have no problem with people drawing for fun, the problem is when they put the adjective ART, or the classic phrase "I know my art style is not good but it's mine", ART HAS RULES, do not pretend that any drawing with zero technical mastery wants to pass itself off as art.

>> No.6634166


>> No.6634303

so, this is how they do it huh?

>> No.6634307

This kills /asg/

>> No.6634309

>Why do so many people who want to draw anime duck fundies like the plague
Here's an idea: maybe they're just still learning.
It's not like you can just read 1 book and suddenly you've "mastered the fundies". You're talking about a years-if-not-decades-long pursuit here.

>> No.6634352

The screenshots in the OP says manga. There is literally no artist that needs higher fundamentals knowledge than comic and manga artists.

>> No.6634353

Eurangutangs perfected art

>> No.6634631

They're the same idiots who think cartoons don't need anatomy, nevermind that something like The Simpsons still use construction.

>> No.6634647

>no construction in sight

>> No.6634664

every single professional biker obviously had never used training wheels ever when starting
they clearly went on a bike as a kid and
>just ride bro

>> No.6634670

>Just swim bro

>> No.6634685

There are some pretty reasonable takes on this thread. I'm surprised.

>> No.6634691
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem isn't that they want to draw anime while skipping fundies. The problem is that they want to draw anime "well" and skipping fundies. It's like eceleb boxing. Literally anybody with working limbs can get into a ring and box. If you want to box "well" you have to actually learn how to box like an actual boxer, which means drilling the fundamentals (jabs, footwork, head movement) every practice even, especially if you want to get beyond the journeyman level. That’s not to say you only have to practice the fundies, but if you just plan to draw anime without every grinding a bit of Loomis or some equivalent source of fundamentals, your art is gonna reflect that further down the line.

>> No.6634704

Loomis is not and will never be a fundamental.
Construction is not a fundamental

There are tools for understanding the fundamentals but those tools are not fundamentals in themselves. Shape and form is, and you can grasp shape and form in many ways outside of construction.

>> No.6634732


>> No.6635043

They constructed in their heads

>> No.6635138

I mean, you can do both
Training the discipline to improve one's self is the reward in itself

One should always remember that good things always require sacrifice.

>> No.6635387
File: 125 KB, 564x1043, 0b7dcadffc6b0afee381666baf9dfad6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

average anime art looks better than crusty old
loomis style shit though