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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 154 KB, 1072x1784, 1652930823139 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6632114 No.6632114 [Reply] [Original]

How long until you can draw well enough to impress a mindless NPC that is preferably a girl?

>> No.6632116

You must be over 18 to post here.

>> No.6632122

You can impress them even if you're really bad, you just have to not be an ugly incel with no social skills.

>> No.6632121

I am

>> No.6632126
File: 4 KB, 126x150, 1675630958495321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i wish these chinese photoshopped / genetically engineered women were real

>> No.6632129

Not true whatsoever. When you have a gf and you guys do the thing where you paint each other you need to be at least /int/ tier if you don't want her to leave you for some earring wearing faggot

>> No.6632132
File: 76 KB, 474x463, 76E2F2F3-5D9F-4B6D-B635-06257E63BD24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing is like doing magic tricks. Every nerd thinks it’s going to impress girls when it really just dries her up quicker than a drop of water in the Sahara desert. The thing I love most about drawing is that it pretty much filters out the fakers pretty quick once they learn there’s pretty much zero external reward for submitting yourself to the steep learning curve and regular punishment that is the act of learning to draw. Now AI has made that filter even stronger.

So there, nigger. Draw because you like it or fuck the fuck off. Hahahaha

>> No.6632137

AI actually inspires me because now with the help of gpt apps it seems alot easier to make your dream game/comic/whatever. /g/ is even saying artists and musicians are better off putting down the brush or guitar and learning how to use ai

>> No.6632151
File: 45 KB, 406x369, D296BD32-BF5D-41B8-B82C-D50D2C73A4B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that tells me is that you never liked drawing in the first place. Consumers are obsessed with final product, with no interest in the process. You’re a consumer, filtered by the process of creation. Simple as.

Feel free to enjoy your instant-art software.

>> No.6632161

This. I was actually a little surprised to learn this from a few encounters with girls. When I told my neighbour I'm an artist she looked at me like I said I collect Star Wars lego sets. I don't know what tickles the fancy of modern women, but it's not art.

>> No.6632164
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Looking at my old shit... it took me 40 days to reach that level where nodraw people starts telling you
>WOW you have TALENT bro! i wish i could draw as well as

That said: if girl actually likes you, she will praise you even if you show her your collection of lego. And if she doesnt like you, she wont be impressed even if you will draw like durer combined with rubens.

>> No.6632186

Art hasn't tickled the average woman since probably the 1890s. This is the true wizard's profession.

>> No.6632197

People aren't really getting impressed with art nowadays, epecially when random retard can create something insane looking with AI

>> No.6632203
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This, I don't know if that's enough to fuck people but impressing them only requires a few months of practice. I regularly get praised despite all those guys ever seeing me do being easy studies.

The bar is so low they'll praise you for anything that takes more effort than a stick figure, even the ones who are exposed to art all day through Vidya or anime don't know what's actually possible in terms of drawing.

>> No.6632205
File: 274 KB, 800x1305, girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6632215

didnt capture the volume and mass of her breasts well enough

>> No.6632219

Anon, that's just kindness praise, it's like how you politely compliment someones outfit even though you don't give a shit about it

>> No.6632226
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The only caveat is if you look like picrel and “paint from muh tortured soul”, trad only.

>> No.6632235
File: 182 KB, 2560x1440, 5f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know and won't pretend I'm good enough for real praise but the guys keep saying it and it's getting weird, after the fifth time I'm starting to think they actually have shit taste.

>> No.6632236

Feel free to enjoy the inevitable!

>> No.6632240

what did you EXACTLY do for 40 days? Draw things you like every day for a few hours? Read books? Draw lines 10000x

>> No.6632245

same shit with working out. Normalfags have low standards.

>> No.6632247

Very well done. But I'm low /beg/ so idk

>> No.6632258
File: 86 KB, 700x823, 11C34B43-3377-438A-A864-A184E6EE990F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you were trying to zing me but instead you didn’t think your argument through and as a result your retort fell flat. But I’ll bite nonetheless.

Assuming you mean that AI art is inevitable, and that I must accept it. I agree with you. However, I’m not sure how that affects the true artists who enjoy the creative process of drawing. Is the robot going to physically come into my home and take the pen away from me? Or are you suggesting I’ll be demotivated because of the existence of a glorified art search engine? If it’s the latter, then you failed to understand why an artists makes. They don’t make to achieve an end product. End product is merely byproduct of the real reason an artist makes, which is because they need to. There is an inexorable pull to create; to indulge in the creative process. There is no choice in the matter. It is automatic. You were born with that need or you weren’t.

Considering that you need to skip the creative process to find enjoyment tells me that you are not one of these people. You are a simple consumer. You seek the end product; instant gratification. If you are not okay with that, then that is your issue not mine. I enjoy the blank canvas and moving the pen around the page and solving problems. That is fun. A computer that can do it for me would remove all of the parts of drawing that I enjoy doing. Why would I use ai when I can generate endorphins doing it myself? It’s a free high. Do you get a steady cocktail of endorphins when you generate an ai image?

>> No.6632260

how do you plan to compete with the millions of other "geniuses" that are thinking the same thing you are? no one will play your game when there's million of other games made just like yours.

>> No.6632263

why is there an assumption that you can't be creative with ai? That you cannot go through the sweat and labor that would allow you to generate endorphins and whatnot? Photographers basically capture an image way faster than an artist yet being a good photographer is by no means an easy feat. And lets not even talk about what makes one a "true artist" lmao.

>> No.6632272
File: 12 KB, 372x184, 1664346516412554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA, I used Stable Difussion before and I could feel a piece of my soul dying inside everytime I pressed "Generate." It felt more like a slot machine and less like actually doing art, also the fact that it can only do this by stealing the work of millions of artists dead and alive made it feel like I was selling my soul to fucking satan. If I had the job of being a "prompter" I would unironically kill myself you could never call this shit "art-making" and the people that do are legit aphantasiac NPCs that never felt the joy of making something from scratch.

>> No.6632288
File: 165 KB, 1200x1474, E2F142CB-36F0-45A7-8324-A44221250AB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t know anon, do you get endorphins when you do a google image search? Thats why.

True photography requires a ton of mental pre-work, knowledge, and problem solving to get to an end result. It’s not just snapping a photo. Photographers who enjoy their craft enjoy the tedious processes of seeking out subject matter, deciding which angles give the right feeling they are hoping to convey to the viewer, making sure it has the appropriate lens and appealing lighting and contours. There are a thousand micro-choices that goes into the creative process that normie consumers will never be aware of or hope to understand. That is why you get retards who think that clicking generate on instant-art machine makes them an artist.

It is those thousand micro-choices that makes an artist what an artist is. It is the willingness, and the desperate need to be apart of those choices that makes an artist what an artist is. And it is precisely why, if you do not enjoy making those choices and solving those creative problems, you are not an artist. But do go on larping with your keyword search engine that generates wholesale slop without any real artistic input from its user.

>> No.6632306

The average woman does not care about art. Let her talk about herself; feign interest and ask some questions. That's what she wants. Women are self-centered, like children.
If you are a gigachad, and the woman sees you as a catch (rather than the other way around), she will pretend to be interested in your art as a way of getting close to you. But once she's gotten you to put a ring on her finger, or worse, put a baby in her, she will tell you to throw out your paints and paintbrushes because your art is a waste of time and money, and you shouldn't be doing anything that isn't bringing in more money for her to spend, or for you to spend on her and whatever trappings of family life (big house with picket fence, nice car) she wants to show off on Facebook and Instagram.

>> No.6632308
File: 2.31 MB, 498x498, 1682194861916283.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga dissected this mf soul to the subatomic level, got dayum.

Decimated- nay, sublimated- *annihilated*- the imagegen untermenschen with sublime concision and poise. No railing, no anger, no shitflinging or name-calling, but rather a calm and supremely damning observation of the AIgger soul- if, perhaps, such a thing exists- pinpoint in accuracy, deadly in delivery. Surely some of the finest posts to ever grace this board. After all my time spent struggling, trying to muster words to fight against people such as these, you have just said with such simple and graceful eloquence everything I could have ever wanted to say on the subject.

I don't even care if I'm being embarrasingly effusive in my praise right now and look like a huge faggot. These are some straight up good ass posts. Bravo, anon, sincerely.

>> No.6632311

But he fails to realize that ai is just another medium?

>> No.6632317

People who want to keep their brains sharp will continue using them. Those who don't care about becoming mush-brains will let machines do everything for them.

>> No.6632337

>How long until you can draw well enough to impress a mindless NPC that is preferably a girl?
>preferably a girl?
So a guy would be fine too?

>> No.6632340

What if you train the ai with your art (and use inpainting)?

>> No.6632342

Digital is the medium. The only thing AI is a medium for is piracy and copyright laundering.

>> No.6632350
File: 9 KB, 233x216, 73c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a qt once complimented my drawing skills, then immediately insulted my awful caligraphy skills afterwards

>> No.6632358

It only impresses girls who are autistically into drawing too, which is very rare

>> No.6632359

>just a medium
Ah yes, the "commisioning another artist" medium. I hear furries are very well versed in it

>> No.6632377
File: 122 KB, 599x698, DCB340FD-2DF8-4CE9-9FF7-BF140970E91C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> What if you train the ai with your art (and use inpainting)?
Tell me, anon. What purpose does it fulfill by utilizing an algorithm as a sort of middleman to effectively cuck you out of the very essence of creation?

If you enjoy eating flavorful food, would you rather instead take a pill that will artificially resolve your hunger and satiate you without the need to manually consume foods and taste each one as you swallow it?

Don’t you understand what you’re asking? You are asking me if it’s reasonable for an artist to, in essence, forfeit the pleasurable experience of creation, and all of the choices that goes with it, in order to expedite the very experiences of what it means to be an artist and make artistic choices that will in turn result in the sublimation of your identity as a human being into a final piece for others to in turn experience.

The question answers itself. You want to get rid of the process. The process is everything. Without it, you’re left with nothing substantial. It is a consumer product at that point. You generate and consume. At best, you touch it up? Is that really art to you? To touch up machine slop? Forfeiting 98% of the artistic process to a computer algorithm?

No anon. Not me. Not ever.

>> No.6632388
File: 418 KB, 1001x1200, 96B4EA54-C72E-43CD-99F7-FB49E14C7830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I will add one more thing. If you omit the artistic process, then you remove yourself. And if you remove yourself, what are we left with? What is the purpose of a generated picture that lacks a human being behind every step of it’s formation? It is empty. It is soulless. It exists without reason. It is an abomination. An insult, at best.

>> No.6632452

from my experience if you can draw better than an elementary schooler you can impress 90% of people who've never studied drawing

>> No.6632477
File: 191 KB, 1692x1436, 1676094854288193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta but can this enjoyment of the process be learned? I feel like even in my "real" job I feel good when I get external reward as a direct consequence of the end result being good. I do a good job and make myself and the people around me shitloads of money and I get praise, respect, and adoration and I can buy myself all the material pleasures I could ever want which motivates me to continue to try hard.
I sincerely doubt that anyone actually likes doing jobs like accounting for their own sake; if I gave the best accountant in the world "fuck you" money they would probably play golf all day because hitting a ball around is unironically more fun. If they needed mental stimulation they would take up chess or something.
I want to draw because I want to make beautiful work like the artists that I admire. When I draw and it falls short of my goal I become extremely upset. I find myself in a cycle of making reasonable progress for a few weeks, then trying something that is a bit too hard or complicated for my current skill and then rapidly being demotivated because what I produce looks ugly compared to what I wanted it to look like.
Is the key perhaps to find fulfillment in the process rather than the end result of the pretty picture? Is that what I'm missing? Is that how people can draw horrible Sonic OC's for years even though it's shit and there's no improvement? Are they just happy from drawing? How do you be happy from the act of doing, rather than the end product? Am I a soulless monster for not feeling this intrinsically? Sometimes I feel like if I wasn't chasing the dragon of money, if I ever "make it big" I would just never get out of bed in the morning. I wouldn't know what to do if I wasn't targeting an end goal. Do you have any wisdom that can help me?

>> No.6632487

Imagine how kids feel when the play Minecraft or with Legos. You have memories like this, don't you? Or did you just consoom all day until you graduated high school?

>> No.6632490

I hated my life immensely. Some of my earliest memories were wanting to either escape my abusive family or to end my life. I do play videogames sometimes but its the same thing there. I'll hyperfixate on a specific goal, like sometimes I'll play a game obsessively for hours a day studying every mechanic inside and out, min-maxxing everything possible, getting the hardest achievements etc. but once I've done what I set out to do I never play the game again unless it's to come back to do the Aamer thing for new content expansions or something. I'll play for hours a day for weeks then one day just stop for months until I pick up the next interesting game to obsess over until I beat it then drop it again.
I played with Lego but I never really had a stable enough childhood to get particularly attached to anything for too long before it was lost one way or another. I remember smashing bricks together to pass the time but I don't ever remember having this joyful feeling that that anon seems to be describing.

>> No.6632492

I was mindlessly sketching a tree, literally 6-year-old-drawing-broccoli tier, when the girl across from me said, “Wow! You’re so good at drawing!” It’s not that hard anon, just look like you’re doing something. That being said, I just looked up and stared at her, and she apologized for interrupting me. It’s about what you do with your opportunities anon.

>> No.6632494

That's because they're not autistic

>> No.6632501


>> No.6632509

Impressing npcs? What the actual fuck? Gtfo

>> No.6632514

You may find this video useful. The title is "The Psychology of the Man-Child (Puer Aeternus)" which doesn't pertain to your situation nor does it describe you, but the psychology and philosophy discussed is something you may find useful. It's about the idea of the "puer aeternus" (boy eternal) vs the "senex" (man of old age). In /ic/ terms, this is the ngmi permabeg chris-chan-tier artist who's never able to focus vs the eternal fundie grinder who throws away fun and experimentation for the sake of practicality and self-improvement.

>> No.6632552
File: 726 KB, 1156x1026, 1666576059220582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 minutes into the video
>living in a fantasy because afraid of facing death.
>uses drugs, alcohol, daredevil behavior to sooth inner depression and as a means of duct taping together a tenuous personality that threatens to fragment apart at any moment.
>refuses commitment to women, preferring eternal girlfriends rather than a wife.
>nothing lasts forever/everything is doomed to failure so might as well not get attached to anything which becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.
Wow I am 1000% a puer aeternus.
I just wanted to know how to enjoy the process of drawing but I guess I have other issues too. Thank you for linking this video I'm going to finish watching it now. I'll see if it has any advice for me.

>> No.6632615

IIRC the puer-aeternus wasn't necessarily seen as a negative type until the roastie called Von Franz wrote a book and shat on it. Four german psychologists conversely wrote well of it and said it underpinned artistic creativity. I'll try and find it later

>> No.6632638
File: 401 KB, 1339x753, concern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10:40 - become falsely feminine, have a negative view of masculinity.
>looks nervously at my 2TB collection of femboy/sissy/sissyfication porn, cock cage, and large collection of Bad Dragon silicone.
Well this was a rabbit hole and a half.
I've managed to get an appointment with a therapist for this upcoming Thursday. Earliest I could find available, I hope he will be worth my shekels. I dont know how I never knew about this sort of stuff.
I have a feeling the middle path is what I'm lacking. I want to be able to fully express myself creatively which I am struggling with like a senex but clearly I have some puer issues as well. Almost like I'm stuck role-playing an adult but my inner child is too afraid to come out and play. I did a lot of stupid things (especially with drugs) when I was younger because I thought it made me "adult" and "mature". I think I know at least what the direction of the problem is with me.
Thanks again anon from bringing that video up.

>> No.6632728

>Ew that creepy neighbour guy is an artist? I bet he draws gross fetish things. If he asks to draw me I'll puke.
>>Oh my god did you hear Chad is an artist? I bet he paints the most beautiful things the world. Do you think he'll want to use me for his art?

It's because you're ugly not because you're an artist.

>> No.6632731
File: 35 KB, 1203x214, 1676619688693988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't put too much value in the ramblings of this quack

>> No.6632880

It's fucking depressing when I get complimented for my work by normies. This distance in skill between my work and professional artists work is at least an order of magnitude larger than the skill gap between me and people who have never bothered trying to draw. Makes me bitter how little thought people put into the art they observe.

>> No.6632911

Go to the therapist. DO NOT listen to psychology advice from random fucks on 4chan.

>> No.6632919

Fuck, man, it's everything is too nerdy to women. Maybe they just don't have any interests and can't relate.

>> No.6633112

i was EXACTLY drawing these (copying keys to drawing + doing the exercises). yeah EXACTLY that

also it was 40 drawings days. i was struggling at the start to actually draw so i had quite a few days of nodraw.

>> No.6633377

So you haven't ever gotten into "the zone" while drawing? That place or state of mind where cool stuff just comes forth effortlessly without you even really trying. Getting to that state requires some inner searching and mindfulness, but once it clicks for you the first time you will understand why AI art is meaningless and why that dude posting Johnny Depps is absolutely right. It's actually kinda scary how much joy such a simple thing can bring, I hope you'll find it. Steven Zapata has some great videos on the matter, this is one of my favorites (his drawing meditations are brilliant too for starting out)

>> No.6633460

>But unlike any other topic i was ever interested in, only in this craft have i seen so many (seemingly) contradicting advice
Wait till you try learning Japanese

>> No.6633617

Eat shit rajesh

>> No.6633783
File: 707 KB, 640x525, 1663474388557204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with what >>6632911 said, nobody in this thread (or the rest of the site for that matter) has the correct answer for your problem other than helping you "pinpoint" the root of the issue by yourself but I think you'd be better off bouncing these ideas with a professional.

As for your issue with "enjoying the process", yeah its kinda demoralizing to tackle on a super hard subject without a proper "game plan" to solve it. I used to get angry and somewhat envious at all the tutorials from skilled teachers who constantly remind you that "you're meant to have fun with the process :)", yeah its easy for anyone with a couple of years of practice to say that because the steps have become "second nature" for them. They don't want to tell you how painful it was at the beginning but they went through the same ordeal just like the rest of us, except for one or two savants who happened to grasp the concepts within a day.

The first couple of months doing 1:1 copies of different drawings were like pulling teeth because I was approaching drawing with the idea that "It'll click eventually, no big deal." when the reality of things is that you have to be "in the moment" juggling 10 different balls in the air, it's tedious as shit but I've noticed that the mental workload has slowly lessened as time went by because I don't have to think as much when I'm measuring/drawing angles, which allows me to focus some of that mental power towards other things. I still get a little flustered when I take a 3 - 5 minute break and notice my fuck ups, but I've found enjoyment in the fact that I have the tools to solve them.

It's like that famous quote from the bodybuilder Ronnie Coleman "Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder but nobody wants to lift heavy weights."

>> No.6633819

>impressing a girl with a drawing
I wanted to do that I would've just go learn how to play the guitar

>> No.6634080
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Noted. I just randomly found the video of his. I'm ashamed and embarrassed that this stuff seems to describe me so perfectly.
Thursday. I already wrote down some notes of things to talk about so that it's a little more structured and so I don't forget something.
I'll check out his video! Thank you for the recommendation!
I've never really got into the zone. I haven't been drawing for much more than a few months so maybe it will come with time but in general I find it extremely painful and exhausting. Every single part of it requires an immense amount of focus and critical thinking and I'm so terrified of drawing something ugly that it feels like I'm sitting there defusing a bomb. After I'm done drawing for even a few hours my palms are covered in sweat and I feel like I am going to throw up. It's frankly exhausting. I probably haven't quite been "broken in" to make drawing relaxed and automatic yet; it just takes so much mental effort.
>The first couple of months doing 1:1 copies of different drawings were like pulling teeth
Literally me right now. I'm copying fucking sketchbook drawings that probably took the guy 10 minutes each and it takes me 3 days to copy one.
>it's tedious as shit but I've noticed that the mental workload has slowly lessened as time went by because I don't have to think as much when I'm measuring/drawing angles, which allows me to focus some of that mental power towards other things.
That's actually really good to hear. I'm not going to lie I thought I was just retarded so my motivation has been slipping recently. I'll keep grinding then!
>I still get a little flustered when I take a 3 - 5 minute break and notice my fuck ups
Literally me. Every fucking time while drawing it looks fine; then I take a break and come back and end up erasing half the drawing because how could I mess up that badly? No worse feeling in the world than erasing what you can't even salvage. At least I'm noticing the issues right?

>> No.6634082

It's kind of extremely easy, you don't even have to be good. I drew my ex a couple of times she loved it. It's great to lead with as long as you don't draw like those beg types who draw DBZ figurines pretty awful you should be good. If you know how to make a human being look like one and not symbol draw is what I'm saying

>> No.6634114

Hey I just wanted to say I watched the video you linked today while drawing and wow... it was really eye opening.
I think I really bought into the "sigma male grindset" of busting your own ass so hard that it's basically abuse. He makes a lot of good points that having this attitude won't actually make you better at art. It's like Buddhist wisdom! What a great video.
I subscribed to this guy's channel! I love this video he made like a pharma commercial its absolutely hilarious:
His channel looks like a goldmine of content that coud really help me out. Thanks for the recommendation anon!

>> No.6634136

I know artists gotta make money but $640 just to learn how to intuit form. Bro just fill a cheap sketchbook with cubes/spheres and shade them. Like, it’s not magic.

>> No.6634420
File: 302 KB, 611x716, 1373992712001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt that I'm ugly. Posted my picture on /soc/ some years ago and they rated me 7

>> No.6634425

What do they even like? "hurr pizza hurr traveling hurr smut books". Disgusting human beings.

>> No.6634484

If you're artist, you're either drawing porn or not making any money. Either one makes you an intolerable creep.

Women don't even care about themselves. They care if you're nice enough to put up with their self-obsessed tirade, and as such likely to keep providing them for resources so they can plop out some crotch-goblins. Ideally ones seminated by someone who looks better than you, so their kids can get laid before they're 40 and wealthy, so she gets to meet her grandkids. That's literally the only function, and only brain process, that females are capable of.

>> No.6634689
File: 106 KB, 320x287, 1564245220629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tell them you make profit off your art, that impresses just about anyone since most NPCs never consider that an option or straight up think it's nigh-impossible to do
If you can make money off something that most people never consider then you've already blown their minds away before you even tell them you're really just drawing mid-tier porn on Patreon for 5 bucks a pop

>> No.6634706
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>> No.6634719
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>I want to draw because I want to make beautiful work like the artists that I admire. When I draw and it falls short of my goal I become extremely upset.
>and I'm so terrified of drawing something ugly that it feels like I'm sitting there defusing a bomb.
do you save all your drawings? have you ever just compared your first one with a current one? even if it's just copies right now, compare and pat yourself on the back for any noticable improvement, no matter how small.
if you can try to shift your mindset from comparing yourself to your idols, to using them as inspiration and focusing more on being a bit better than yourself last week/month (don't do this daily), it might take off some of that dread. these small improvements stack up and snowball over time.
it's easier said than done of course, but i'd say you're gmi, simply because you actually aren't too paralyzed by this dread to even pick up your pen and draw. ganbatte anon.

>> No.6634722

i bet his hobbies are videogames and anime

>> No.6634731

just be handsome and funny :)

>> No.6634735

Don't know, don't care.
Sauce on the slut, plz.
Report and sage.

>> No.6634740
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Women were always like this, but I suspect the reason why there's such an ideal perception of them goes back to romanticism. For a very brief period in history there were women like Jane Austen, Emily Dickinson, the Bronte sisters, etc, who gave society the idea that if females were treated equally, they wouldn't be very different from men, at least in creative endeavors. In practice that obviously turned out to be extremely wrong. Even so, men have internalized this new idea of women which is discordant with reality. This isn't the case in places like Afghanistan. If an Afghani met a girl from NYC and she told him her hobby was brunch, he would say "of course it is".

>> No.6634859

oh no you don't.

>> No.6634925
File: 245 KB, 1584x854, 1641271797861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are more animals stuck with a children's brain than fully developed humans.
A woman never has to deal with any hardships because fags are there to always save a hoe in hopes to get pussy.
A woman never takes accountability for her own actions and never admits her own mistakes, in fact so much that a woman naturally masters the art of coping and shifting the blame.
If a woman FEELS like the earth is flat, the earth is flat and if you disagree with her you are actually seething or just jealous because you can't have sex with her.

Do you know what women like? Violence and Psychopaths. They literally get wet for them.
>"Dating a very unstable serial killer is a stupid thing, but the ROLLER COASTER OF EMOTIONS AND THE DANGER is worth the thrill"
Is how a woman thinks.

Everything is done based on the dopamine rush or for the big hit. And that is also why they crave so much attention and believe they deserve it for basically existing.

What do most female artist create art of? Porn, incredible shitty hypercliché romance trash, themselves or some proxy/OCs of themselves, shallow horror shit, guro, "literally me" comics or some delusional coping shit like pic related.

Women don't see other people as real living beings, they objectify them;
>"You're either useful to me or not"
That is why they commonly complain about women being objectified, because they do it themselves.
Basically, if any woman accuses someone else of something, 80% chance she is guilty of it and is projecting, much like the very known examples of pedophiles going on virtue signaling tirades to call everyone and everything a pedophile.

If you want to know how to actually handle women; Stop giving a shit about them, what they say or what they want. Women are the biggest crabs and if you play their game, they will only drag you down in their misery.

The only woman worth your time, love, attention and support should be the one who also pulls you up when you're down out of genuine care.

>> No.6634928

go for a walk

>> No.6634950

Based and Weininger-pilled

>> No.6634960

>women are sociopaths

>> No.6634981
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>> No.6635016
File: 7 KB, 266x189, Z(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the only anon on this website that has inspired me. I am gonna make it, even if it is just to buy more time to live for the doing the not the eating.

>> No.6635024

All males are XY hybrids with broken X chromosomes(Y) with elongated clitorises, entact labia(scrotum) and non functioning nipples. Starting female(the blueprint) in the womb and turning male when testosterone kicks on the sry gene. Men would be nothing without women and a world full of just males would wipe itself out in just under a year. The Goddess is the creator being the circle and the masculine is the square adding "points" in the circle creating encapsulating geometry. Imprisoning the feminine out of jealousy and inadequacy.

>> No.6635034
File: 799 KB, 2979x1996, 8FDD0758-3EEE-4A32-94C3-A98B1DB69B40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> If you want to know how to actually handle women; Stop giving a shit about them, what they say or what they want. Women are the biggest crabs and if you play their game, they will only drag you down in their misery.
This is good advice, but I’d extend it to anything outside of your tight sphere of control. Treat everything you can’t control as a crab out to frustrate your progress and waste your time. Starve it of all attention and instead only funnel your focus into activities that you can fully control. This way, your energy is not unduly wasted or depleted without getting something back for it. See stoicism for a deeper understanding.

>> No.6635344

Don't draw to get pussy. You want pussy? Go play guitar.

>> No.6635633

what does the modern man like? hurr durr "watching sports and drinking BROOO IM SO WASTED right now!!" disgusting pigs
how do you explain men leaving women at way higher rates when their partner has a live threatening condition? why are women more likely to stay? men are the actual sociopaths.

>> No.6635717

>hurr durr "watching sports and drinking BROOO IM SO WASTED right now!!"
Sounds like a jock from one of those 90s movies. I actually don't know many men who watch sports, they're more likely to waste their time with vidya. Also see
> women born between 1991 and 2000 now drink just as much as their male counterparts – and their drinking rates could eventually surpass them.
>National data show that the cirrhosis death rate shot up by 57% among women aged 45-64 from 2000-2015 in the US, compared to 21% among men. And it rose 18% in women aged 25-44, despite decreasing by 10% among their male peers. Adult women’s visits to hospital emergency departments for overdosing on alcohol also are rising sharply. And risky drinking patterns are escalating among women in particular.

>> No.6635736

drawing is not gonna get you normal girls (same thing goes for music or any other skill), mostly just cosplayers/other artists/weebs, but if you want to impress people just grind studies of people focusing on good values/shapes until you can produce an appealing image quickly (eg. good stroke economy if you're painting, convincing forms/values). my original work still takes me a long time and is low int but I can produce a pretty nice looking digital painting of a ref w/ full background in a few hours, or a solid traditional figure sketch in 10 mins. people love that shit, it's also nice because it's very quick to learn compared to drawing from imagination, so I could show that to people who asked to see my art while I was super /beg/ instead of the deformed looking anime girls I was drawing.

>> No.6635753
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Ahh I envy women in this matter. Sometimes I wanted to be less self aware and enjoy things like eating breakfest as the best thing ever and didnt care so much for moral, hierarchy and tribal impulses(even knowing things are shit sometimes I always catch myself thinking in how fix it)
I really dont know why they want to be like men or get into male spaces forcing themselves into it behaving, dressing and challenging men. Male world is shit, really. The reason why man only stuff scales to big proportions it's because either they are competing to death or if they master something they could spread their genes as reward. But those privileged men in this system are few the rest are dogs eating dogs for crumbs

>> No.6635764
File: 163 KB, 767x1024, 1441998057390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I really dont know why they want to be like men or get into male spaces
After thinking about it for years I came to the conclusion that they really don't. Men convinced women to enter these spaces using deception, and they took the bait. What did men gain from it? Workplace pussy most likely, or who knows, perhaps "the patriarchy" is real and they want a situation where females spend their prime years waging away like slaves while men sit back and live off NEETbux.

>> No.6635808
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>Men convinced women to enter these spaces using deception,

Well, it was necessary the napoleanic wars, two world wars and major civil wars to shape the modern world like this. And even before those events the aristocracy wanted their women to be ''independant''(the rest of society men and women were factory workers or peasants that worked equally) and those women started to telling women from bellow they are opressed. Both men and women form privilaged classes did that and we lost the cultural war.

>the patriarchy" is real and they want a situation where females spend their prime years waging away like slaves while men sit back and live off NEETbux.
No men wants to live like this, they are just coping in their neet tribalistic websociety and when a woman appears wanting to be like them, they went mad because they cant find a logical way for her to be there.

Btw Fascism in which modern women call the worst thing ever was more in favor of women than men. In fact there were a plenty of times where men tried to bargain with women equal rights respcting the differences of each other but they lost the war and now men put sex as the meaning of their lives and women went on a cruzade against masculine and now we have to deal with the system being even more brutal with unspeakable acts against kids and women because of mental iil freaks.

>> No.6635832
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>how do you explain men leaving women at way higher rates when their partner has a live threatening condition? why are women more likely to stay? men are the actual sociopaths.
I doubt one study of 515 patients can tell anything about the total state of half of the population.

Shit bait.
>Men convinced women to enter these spaces
It was "feminism", which basically were some bitter cunts being paid by hyper-capitalistic pigs to force women into the work force so they could lower wages all across and have a steady supply of cheap workers and drive up competition to further enable shitty work practices.

Women could literally sit at home and take care of their kids or do whatever they wanted, while the men went working and could feed an entire family with their paychecks.
The only demerit was that they were dependent on the man bringing the money home, but times were good where if you worked your ass off, you could actually achieve something.
Now work is all exploitation and the behavior of modern women reflects the state of society as a whole.

Men gained absolutely nothing from it, except a further devaluation of their existence. Men were always disposable.
>workplace pussy
Those who get the workplace pussy are also those who run the very big companies.
The average male gained nothing from it and throughout the human existence, males rarely passed on their genes i.e. got laid.
It is normal that only 20% of the male population ever get any pussy.

>> No.6635866

Women worth fucking nothing unless they achieve something, which rarely happens desu

>> No.6635872

This book changed my entire worldview because it described me so well. The author was like Jungs right hand woman but due to being a woman and due to the image of psychology being tainted by jews she doesn’t get talked a lot on /pol/ or /x/ unlike jung

Another good book you should check out is “The body keeps the score”. Especially since you had an abusive upbringing.

>> No.6635876

No don’t get a talk therapist it won’t help and you need like 5-6 different therapists before you find the one that clicks with you. I doubt you have that many shekels. Instead try more serious therapies like EMDR or IFS. Talk therapy doesn’t work for people who were abused as children whether physically or sexually. It can however be used as a good supplemental therapy but it can’t heal the main issues.

>> No.6635884
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Women are already worth something based on them being women and being sought after by men.
It is rather men who are always worth nothing unless they achieve something or become useful, this is why men always try to achieve something and if they don't, they get made fun of and treated badly, then they become broken or kill themselves.
A parallel can be drawn with artists.
Those who can't technically impress are forgotten, women that pose with their bland, kitschy drawings are rewarded.

>> No.6635891

If you wanted it, with AI you can now faceswap yourself and get many upboats like her. I bet many male artists already pretend to be women

>> No.6635894

She is cute I must simp

>> No.6635906
File: 93 KB, 999x915, 1614288037459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you wanted it, with AI you can now faceswap yourself and get many upboats like her.
One could do that, but this was not my point.
Even then, why pursue and learn art in the first place if all you're going to do is sloppily copy some image from a videogame to then post on the internet to try to impress normies for the slim possibility that some might give you money?
>I bet many male artists already pretend to be women
You can bet your left nut on that.
People are desperate as fuck for any woman's attention, even over the internet.

>> No.6635954

doesn't change the fact that the vast majority of men are equally as unambitious and devoid of any interesting hobbies.
a study with a decent sample size is still better than the utter garbage coming from a deranged incel like you.
of course you think no intelligent or ambitious women exist, none of them would ever waste their time on you.

>Women could literally sit at home and take care of their kids or do whatever they wanted,
look your mother or grandmother in the eye and say that. without modern convenience, staying at home and running a household with children is a full time job. you would know if you had children.

>> No.6635961

this desu
drawing has always been and will always be the most efficient, cheapest, yet at the same time most expressive way of putting down your ideas on paper
It has and will always favour the man of an honest, frugal and creative soul untempered by the greed and degeneracy plaguing the common herd-dwellers
I noticed even in supossedly "art-focused" environments the amount of people proficient in the simple n pure, no-bullshit art of draftsmanship is often not that great
the ratio is obviously better than with normalfags but like you said, this filter and its effectiveness is simply unerring

>> No.6636012
File: 102 KB, 504x377, 1654654654684565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look your mother or grandmother in the eye and say that. without modern convenience, staying at home and running a household with children is a full time job. you would know if you had children.
We talk about this stuff regularly in our family.
Both my mom and my grandma ran the household with children.
As many women did and do where i am from.
No woman ever complained about running the house, in fact that's what they want.
>of course you think no intelligent or ambitious women exist
Literally didn't even say that. Stop projecting whatever you want unto other people.
You don't know how statistics work and you don't seem to be able to comprehend something beyond your own shadow.
>none of them would ever waste their time on you.
>waaaaaah incel
You're miserable and confirming what i posted originally.

You're not funny or epic trolling, you're just retarded since you're unable to hold a conversation without degenerating in buzzword calling anyone who doesn't take your bait.

Kill yourself.

>> No.6636044

>complains about buzzwords while he spews the same alt-right tradcuck rhetoric again and again

>No woman ever complained about running the house, in fact that's what they want.
sounds like you don't know many women. really hope you never have a daughter who wants to do more than an incubator, would be sad to have her dreams be squashed by you and the women you know.

>Stop projecting whatever you want unto other people.
> you don't seem to be able to comprehend something beyond your own shadow.
EXTREMELY ironic, men truly are retarded. you guys still take pride in the historic achievements of men, while achieving nothing of your own. no wonder you are scared of independent women in the present,your main reason to feel superior gets exposed.

>Kill yourself.
statistically, you are more likely to kill yourself kek.

>> No.6636056
File: 120 KB, 520x588, 1614359757379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are completely mentally ill, further proving this post >>6634925 correct

>muh alt right
Another boogeyman association in an attempt to discredit whoever is speaking.
Classic attempt to derail the conversation and shit up the thread.

Last reply.

>> No.6636055

>>complains about buzzwords while he spews the same alt-right tradcuck rhetoric again and again
That you never refuted but instead use the world 'incel' thus validating the entire argument lol.

>> No.6636067
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would you put in the effort to refute a flat-earther? i would just call them an idiot or in this case, an incel.
>man loses argument and posts dumb words words words meme image to deflect
tale old as time.
tick-tock mensisters, once the old boomer fucks in positions of power die off, we'll finally get true equality.

>> No.6636077

>would you put in the effort to refute a flat-earther? i would just call them an idiot or in this case, an incel.
What effort? You dont know what that mens lol. Since you are ugly you should at least be more smart

>> No.6636091
File: 1.54 MB, 1600x2434, 1641261519993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be a good artist not to impress women, but to shit on them.

>> No.6636099
File: 3 KB, 276x80, 1678014495221027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put a high price tag

>> No.6636163

>After thinking about it for years I came to the conclusion that they really don't. Men convinced women to enter these spaces using deception, and they took the bait. What did men gain from it? Workplace pussy most likely, or who knows, perhaps "the patriarchy" is real and they want a situation where females spend their prime years waging away like slaves while men sit back and live off NEETbux.
Enough men died in wars that there was a labour shortage. Bourgs could've increased wages, but since that's never going to happen, they instead forced women to work. Once they proved themselves capable of doing it it was all ogre. Women really pulled off the grift of pretended incompetence for like 3k years and then got rekt by some rich bois with factories.

>look your mother or grandmother in the eye and say that.
My grandma raised 3 kids with her and her husband working full-time. This was without a car or running warm water and a wood stove/heating. Also no electricity or running water of any kind at summer home. She still found time to be active in various war veteran organizations. She also thought war had been fun, and wanted to go again.
Raising kids isn't hard. Raising little entitled bitches like Anglos is. Kids of actually capable races you can just toss in the lake and count on them learning to swim.

>> No.6636193

fucking feminist shit the thread became /pol

>> No.6636234

Now it's full of shitty feminists and incels, damn it go to /pol and fuck with all that shit, useless fucking parasites

>> No.6636252

so much mental gymnastics to justify being a social retard incel

>> No.6636257
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>> No.6636315

The retarded feminazi from Molnar, the typical shitty white woman who doesn't know shit, who, in order not to look bad with the Islamic community, calls the woman in the hijab empowered, shitting on what happens to women in Iran, really??? you can't post that shit here she goes to /pol to open a discussion about how you feel inferior and oppressed by incels.

>> No.6636664
File: 160 KB, 1280x900, IMG_20230502_135840_178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It impresses me how much you encapsulated all my thoughts on the AI subject since it started, how many retarded normies and artists alike saying it will be the future or that it will make their work meaningless, when in reality they are missing the whole purpose of their crafts. AI will only do the simple work of getting the uninspired and untalented faggots off the industry, and actually at best make people realize art was never meant to be just an industry, but a crusade only feel partake.

>> No.6640545


>> No.6640569
File: 35 KB, 640x360, Wanting_it_to_be_easy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I had a printer I would paste this shit on my wall. I've had these thoughts before but you put it out way more elegantly. Saving this thread to look back on later whenever I feel down about AI shit

>> No.6641417

Only women I've ever know who had plans and goals were athletes.
Every one else just had shit happen to them.

>> No.6641421

Women don't give a shit about anything but status and the Kurt Kobain wannabe is not sexy anymore, hasn't been for a couple decades.

You want a bitch to get wet for you immediately? Pay a couple others to mumble about you being hot where she can overhear them. She'll be gunning for you right then just to fuck them over. Like toddlers all suddenly demanding the same toy.

>> No.6641452

Bruh depp poster wrote up another epic one in a deleted ai thread a few days ago. Something about the artist’s power renews everyday with the power of a thousand suns or something. Did any one save it?

>> No.6642650

kek in the future everyone on the internet will pretend to be a woman and even when they go live they can have a indistinguishable filter and AI voice changer, I feel bad for the next gen of young girls. This will maybe make woman develop an actual character.

>> No.6644276

>How long
First and last mistake, you'll never make it
Also kill yourself

>> No.6644388

thank you for showing me the light anon