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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 368 KB, 1600x1035, Johnovy Holky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6629368 No.6629368 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys have any specific opinions on John Kricfalusi's art? He is mainly known for Ren and Stimpy (and dating 16 year olds), but I also find his lesser known work stylistically interesting.
He has this really specific style and some specific fixations. I recommend checking his blog and browsing through the tags sometimes, he has some interesting opinions.

>> No.6629386

If he was a nobody this board would crab his artwork to hell and back and then deem him a ngmi ugly drawfag.

>> No.6629398

Wasted potential. Too much focused on disgusting gross out "humor." He's actually a funny guy

>> No.6629443

Woah, so he is posting shit right now? I thought this guy was dead and retired. Fucking legend. Thanks for the shout out anon

>> No.6629445

Well, he is not posting much nowadays. He was posting a lot for a lot of years, but for the last two years or so, he has been silent. Probably something to do with his whole controversy

>> No.6629452

But wasn't all of that shit like a thousand years ago? I know that shit doesn't go away, but why would it matter again a couple years back? Maybe something happened wich I don't know about?

>> No.6629453

based and was right about most things but unlabeled cans kind of shit on his legacy

>> No.6629456

Where can I see his erotic work? Can't find shit on the boorus.

>> No.6629459

The thing is, he never draws anything straight up erotic. He is more concerned about drawing funny, rather than sexy. Check out his PRETTY GIRLS tag though, and you can find some pretty girls he drew. Close enough

>> No.6629482
File: 1.86 MB, 1599x1035, John K rubbish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He can draw great stuff, but some of his stuff can be astoundingly shit as well (what the fuck is nose-hat in picrel?). He's one of those guys who draw "gross out" or "ugly" characters, not realising that those can have appealing designs as well, or maybe he does realise that, and is just too up his own ass to realise his design is shit.

>> No.6629502

I think the approach here is to draw dozens of characters and pick the two or three best.

>> No.6629513

his shitty style ruined western animation

>> No.6629533
File: 338 KB, 1000x1100, Dr Ren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a couple of these. Can't remember were I'd got them. Maybe it's AI, dunno

>> No.6629548

I find his work grotesque. I also hate tex avera’s garbage that inspired him. I prefer Chuck jones, max fleischer, and danny antonucci

>> No.6629554

talented but a nightmare with daddy issues to work with. Cans without labels was a super letdown after making people wait for it for so long.

the reveal that he was dating underage girls basically put an end to his career unsurprisingly. I wonder how many people know the whole "Cal Arts Style" thing started with him

>> No.6629555

"durrrr i'm retarded" put into style

>> No.6629562
File: 106 KB, 610x778, johnk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A KING of cartooning. Was a huge influence on me and an entire generation of cartoonists (though few would admit it now). It's fashionable to bash his stuff due to his behavior, but I separate the art from the artist, and love even his later "picassoid" work.

>> No.6629576

>Well, he is not posting much nowadays.
He started a patreon recently, which looks like a continuation of his blog, so he's still at it.

>> No.6629707

i judge the artist separate from the art so i see him as a shitty degenerate person but as a shitty degenerate artist as well.

>> No.6629773

This thread's a bit boring...someone alert guy it exists

>> No.6629774

That's definitely not by john

>> No.6629777

If it weren't for john everything would look like care bears still

>> No.6629802
File: 693 KB, 1400x1000, 4Inte1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he took this kino style from us
fuck this dude and his shitty ugly scribbles i am glad he's blacklisted and everyone hates him

>> No.6629818

Do you think he still has the potential to create a great cartoon?
It would probably have to be a really specific environment where he would have enough control, but not too much and a studio willing to fulfill all his demands. But does he still have it in him?

>> No.6629922

too bad he's a sex pest and groomer.
his art is good.

>> No.6629927

just keep the young women a safe distance away from him.

>> No.6629983

>Do you think he still has the potential to create a great cartoon?
That time has passed. He was trying to get a new studio together when that Buzzfeed article hit.
>It would probably have to be a really specific environment where he would have enough control
He had control with the Ren & Stimpy Adult Party Cartoon and Cans Without Labels, the first lacked focus and the charm of the original, the second barely got made.
Kricfalusi is a great cartoonist, probably the best in American animation in the last 50 years. Unfortunately he's also his own worst enemy. A cautionary tale.
But we still have his great drawings, and his blog is a treasure trove of cartooning knowledge.

>> No.6629989

This no its of spumco, is a rule34

>> No.6629993

I don't understand this one, they accuse him of sexually abusing someone?

>> No.6629995

based japs (koreans) animating western IP

>> No.6630022

His grotesque style worked for a comedy like Ren & Stimpy, and he could do good-looking stuff when he wanted.
Yeah, there's the ugly grooming scandal, which basically will be used to shut down anything he says or does.

>> No.6630054

His colors are really really ugly

>> No.6630370

no bro fell worse then Burch fartman and thats saying something
he's a has-been simple as that (even without the blacklisting)

>> No.6630387
File: 400 KB, 300x640, DA47F7C4-006B-4A15-BD67-4663838041AF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of this John k knob polishing is amusing, considering that his art looks like unappealing beg shit. You niggers will worship at the feet of any art if it has been preapproved by mass consumerism. Retards. No taste. Retards. It’s either samey weeb shit, capeshit loomis or bad cartooning. Dumb fucks can’t even get taste right. Ngmi

>> No.6630417

Bro, you have harder feelings about his art than pretty much the entire thread.

>> No.6630422

Love his style but I thought he had mommy issues from the way he draws girls.

You're on an anime board infested with millennial virgins, what else are you expecting?

>> No.6630438

I would be interested to see what John can do when he steps out of the cartoon realm. Like has he always done gross out cartoons or had he dropped some more realistic looking things anywhere? He's like if a demented /beg/ actually took Fun With a Pencil seriously and developed a bunch of Loomis style cartoons or something. Or did John skip that "learn the rules and THEN break them" meme and just do cartoons at all times?

>> No.6630441

I've noticed a lot of channers on the chan like to bash John K . what a bunch of losers.

>> No.6630449

No Cans Without Labels or whatever it was sucked.

>> No.6630564

Butch Hartman did not trance Mikasa. Just copied another art piece in his own style. And boo hoo he's a Christan. Get fucked atheist faggot

>> No.6630567

Not mommy issues. Daddy issues. Which is also why Ren and Stimpy were so gay

>> No.6630571

He just did cartoons all time. He hates anything that even looks like realism, yet he claims to love old classic DC and Marvel capeshit

>> No.6630577

Ever since the Katie Rice and Robin Byrd stuff came out. It's a thing now for everyone who was a fan and inspired by him to gaslight and say they always hated him. Pure maximum copium

>> No.6630584

Is a Chris-tan like a Chris-chan? That sounds pretty bad

>> No.6630585

Yes, most talented cartoonist ever, but he can't be in charge of it. And that's the whole issue with the guy. As someone said, he is his own worst enemy.
His ideas suck at the core, he needs a talent above him to manage the overall concept, and HE should be a tool for that. Since the very moment he couldn't wrap that fact around his head, it was over for him. Egos destroy talent.

>> No.6630626

Maybe he secretly sucked at drawing lifelike and that's how he copes. It's fair -I'm sure many people quit realism and just go to cartoon since it's more forgiving. He was just mad about it I guess.

>> No.6630797

It was a bit before that too. He had some takes that many artists disagreed with, such as all cartoons should be comedy and anime is shit (except their colour choices) etc.

God forbid anyone have dissenting opinion after all.
Oh and let's not forget his abysmal mismanagement of 'cans without labels'.
(Though the predator stuff defo nuked his career harder)

>> No.6630876

ah shut up you he fell off not long after danny phantoms ending
tuff puppy was alright but everything else afterwards complete shit
and dont get me started on the scams

>> No.6631109

>Maybe he secretly sucked at drawing lifelike and that's how he copes.
Or maybe he grew up with classic cartoons and loved them so much that's what he enjoys drawing.
There are a lot of ways to be an artist, not everyone aspires to Charles Bargue plates, animu, conceptshit, or capeshit.

>> No.6631883

Seems like he updated his Patreon again...I wonder, does he actually need the money, or does he just not want to give advice for free anymore?
He probably still gets some money from Ren and Stimpy and his online store, but he has not been hired to work on an actual paid project for a while, right?

>> No.6632261

>I wonder, does he actually need the money
Given that spent spent 'cans with no labels' budget money on his own hospital and care fees, yeah he probably needs the money.

>he has not been hired to work on an actual paid project for a while, right?
Who's going to hire him after the allegations? Hell, he didn't get work even before the allegations because of he mismanages projects and because he always pushes things too far.

>> No.6632321

>Checks blog
>Obsessed with Trump
>Is virtue signaling a defense mechanism for sexual predators?

>> No.6632365

John K is one of those people who can output brilliant work but absolutely NEEDS someone to tard wrangle and keep him in check or it all goes down the toilet.
Hideo Kojima might be another one of those types, desu.

>> No.6632386

i think he's a very talented illustrator, not so sure about his actual animations, and his idea of what's sexy is utterly repulsive, i've read through a lot of his blog and agree with a lot of what he says to a certain extent

>> No.6634055

Remember it’s meant to be animated. It looks good animated.

>> No.6634375

This is what one of those girls look like animated, if any of you are wondering.
If you guys saw this ad on tv, do you think it would work on you?

>> No.6634650

>god awful animation
>weird posture + retarded mouth breathing girl makes the tasteless panty shots look like she is wearing a diaper
>video is 90% just about depicting some chatroom text in shitty fonts and screeching with annoying awful voice acting
If I'd see it on TV I would think it's the worst commercial I have ever seen. Without context I would think it's an unfunny parody.

>> No.6634668

I think John K's art is impressive and his early work reflects what he learned from the Old Guard. I do think he lost a bit of that years later and I personally don't find his girls all that attractive

>> No.6635214

>god awful animation
People forget, but that was actually John K's thing - Very Limited animation for smaller budgets. I think many cite that as his biggest contribution to animation actually?
Granted, the moment he went to digital animation (flash) there was a noticeable drop in quality, though I have no idea why that is the case.

>> No.6638148

Doesn't really matter if he still has it in him. Even if he managed to make something good again, there'd still be a high risk of him ruining the careers of others with his awful behavior. It'd be a net loss for the industry either way.

>> No.6638175

His art has only gotten worst after transitioning into digital.

>and dating 16 year olds
Perfectly legal in certain parts of the world

>> No.6638183
File: 1.31 MB, 1016x1208, DykesInAmericanAnimation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He warned us about dykes in the industry in 2003. I think he was spot on considering how so many of them happen to be Tumblirinas & ugly unappealing cartoons that followed afterwards.

>> No.6638190

Are dykes not also interested in sexy women? I think he used 1 word in place of another.

>> No.6638201

What if he becomes a total coom animation unchained psycho legend? His reputation is there already, why not take full advantage of it? Is he married with children or something?
All his ties with mainstream are burnt. We all expecting him to go nuts and do porn or something crazy. Surely is all about his stupid proud. The guy still cares, even when he is a total outcast drown in shit.

>> No.6638206
File: 350 KB, 503x680, 1682797564430011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah they run the American animation industry. They absolutely seethe over attractive cartoon girls. They're behind alot of the shitty Tumblr art & are the reason you are not allowed to draw attractive women in American animation. One look at any current-day American animation studio, & you'll find dykes making the decisions on those cartoons.

Reminder that the same people that are telling you it's "offensive to women" are the same people who draw pic-rel.

>> No.6638212

>offensive to women
that's not the real reason
why the fuck would you put sexy women in childrem cartoons
his drawings are ugly too

>> No.6638223

Not your personal babysitter, faggot

Japanese do it all the time. How are we any different? It's not the animator's job to parent your kids. TV or Streaming is not a real babysitter. Also most of those shows are "for kids" in name-only. You think kids are the main demography of those cartoons? Please, it's mostly weird liberal men & women who watch those shows. I don't understand why they don't just take the Adult Swim pill & get it over with.

>> No.6638224

Dykes are more against what men like than what they are into, but then again that's simply true for a lot of women but especially dykes, they seem to develop this adversarial dynamic towards men that is completely one sided on their part.
Men have no problem with women enjoying whatever they enjoy and don't care to meddle but the inverse is not true, women hate when men do what they want without their input or to deffer to them.
It's a tale as old as history, women are nags.

>> No.6638242

>A KING of cartooning.
Hardly a king, but definitely one of the most influential animators of our time. He created the first flash animation long before YouTube was a thing. It's ashame he couldn't respect his deadline & was hard to work with. He was Adult Swim before Adult Swim was even a thing.

>> No.6638264

pretty sure the japanese anime is not a fucking example to follow in that regard and their target demographic is not even kids anymore. an anime actually made for kids is fucking doraemon and there are no tits being slapped in your face

>adults watch it
whoa so you made something for a target demographic and got a different one. congrats

you make a cartoon for your target demographic and if your target demographic is kids you don't put tits on it, how hard is this for your smooth brain to understand?

you are the exact opposite of the people you are criticizing who put gay fat niggers in media where the majority of the revenue comes from white straight people. you want to force you retard cum art into fucking CHILDREM CARTOONS because you are a porn addicted drooling retard

>> No.6638561

>REEEE You can't draw attractive women in cartoons
Cope harder, pathetic seething dyke

>> No.6638837

Don't post a low budget ad he had to make for money, post the good stuff.

>> No.6638844

It's funny how much of an influence John K and Doug TenNapel (both in art and sense of humor, moreso the art of the first and humor of the second) were on 2000s cartoons, and by extension an influence on modern cartoonists, even though said modern cartoonists will go out of their way to shit on them for reasons removed from both humor and art.
Some of it is great, some of it is too stylistically bizarre for my tastes (see: that The Simpsons couch gag he animated). Despite how muh style his art can get, he emphasizes the importance of cartooning fundamentals like construction and perspective and the ability to accurately copy art as a learning tool.

>> No.6638916

why does every good american animator from the 80s/90s draw women like they've lived in a monastery their entire life and had to get their friend to describe one for them

>> No.6638933

Because you’re a fucking faggot

>> No.6638964

You're gay

>> No.6638977

I grew up on Ren and Stimpy, I really love the style, but aside from one music video from Bjork, I have seen nothing of his art.

I'll be happy to check out his other works, there's a good chance that his style influenced mine subtly.

>> No.6639194

how am i the gay one when these people are the ones that are dogshit at drawing attractive women? the micro thin waist, balloon tits, unnatural body shape. its fucking disgusting

>> No.6639201


>> No.6639226

Pick your favorite girl

>> No.6639362

You sound like a dyke

>> No.6639365

They're drawing what men like you fucking faggot dyke

>> No.6639393

Not my thing but theres definitvely good parts about it like that girl in the middle covering her puss has this nice single line for the upper leg and torso

>> No.6640263

>See blog that John recently had a meet and greet in japan
>Look it up on twitter
>Absolutely no mention of it, not even a riled up fan autistic enough to mention it just to make others aware

Man, fuck twitter. I feel like the site has become tumblr 2.0. Just don't post anything there and you'll be fine.

>> No.6640272

Well of course Japan doesn't mind that he groomed and fucked under-aged girls. That's probably what the meet and greet was for, rather than any of his animated work.

>> No.6640427

>Wasted potential
Bitch, he ALREADY used his potential to great extent by working for big profile music videos, ads and even having plenty of successful and cult mainstream cartoons under his belt. He's just past his prime and so old he probably won't see the 2030s.

>> No.6640440

>plenty of successful and cult mainstream cartoons under his belt
Other than Ren & Stimpy?

>> No.6640448

>Other than Ren & Stimpy?
"Cans without labels" was great.

>> No.6640471

what's wrong with him dating a 16 yo girl, isn't that legal age in the us?
anyway, not a fan of the zany, gross out style nowadays but ren and stimpy was pretty funny back when I watched it

>> No.6640501

Ren & Stimpy was the best shit ever, unsurpassed till this day

>> No.6640576

Genuine question- but why?
I used to watch it as a kid but it legit just made me uncomfortable
It was all gross out humor and uncomroftable moments with music which filled me with dread

It was dark and mean spirited - I just never saw the joy in it, I've never met anyone in person who watched and enjoyed it either but everyone online treats it as the best show of all time

I just don't get the appeal - and when I ask I just get responses like "because it was great" and they post a screenshot or something

>> No.6640613

Well it depends on how young you were back then. I totally understand what you say. I wasn't a kid when I saw that, how old was I? 15? It was something totally different to all the rest, it was unique. An adult cartoon, disgusting and funny. It was like drinking beer, it's not tasty, but you get used to it, and then you want it.
It had something nostalgic about it, the music, the style. It had drama, it had a complex script structure. I remember whole episodes, like when they are traveling in space, when Ren gets sick, when Stimpy makes his own cartoon. It's unforgettable stuff, because it was so well done and fucking funny. To me there isn't anything like that, I don't remember "episodes" like that from any cartoon TV show. Unless we talk about real big time shows like The-X files, Seinfeld, etc.

>> No.6640624

I never saw it as a dark. I just saw it as a bunch of gross stuff. Cow and Chicken was alright which took a few similar cues.

>> No.6640626

its really pushing it when he was 39,
my gf is early 20s I'm 30s and feel weird.

>> No.6640631

How the fuck would he go more far than with a fucking internationaly famous cartoon?

>> No.6640639

>It was dark and mean spirited
Dude if ren & stimpy is "mean spirited" to you maybe you should see a therapist

>> No.6640643

Who hurt you?

>> No.6640698

My gf is 15 and I am 27. 3rd world btw
Not weird at all

>> No.6640706

Thanks for the response - it's weird I enjoyed things like cow and chicken, IR baboon and Rockos modern life which had similar vibes its just ren and stimpy just felt really gross

Maybe it was the colour pallet and the music but it just felt grim and I can't remember any happy endings

How is it not mean spirited? Stimpy would get the shit slapped out of him all the time and Ren would often fall into manic fits of jealousy or depression and take it out on those around him practically every episode

>> No.6640760
File: 4 KB, 320x180, these hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Genuine question- but why?
I find Ren & Stimpy is one of those shows people either deeply love or hate (like a lot of great art).
Haters tend to dismiss it as gross out humor, but to me that was the least interesting part of the show (and not even a major part). It was more the psychological humor, melodrama, and weirdness.
So much of current adult animation is writer driven, formulaic, self-referential, dialogue-centric, irony-drenched, pop culture reference-ridden, and mean spirited in a cynical way (think Rick & Morty on the last point). Ren & Stimpy could be dark, but it was dark as in creating a surreal Lynchian atmosphere.
It probably shouldn't have been marketed as a kid's show, but as a kid at the time I'm glad it was.

>> No.6640793

Nah he was banging a 15 years old chick who was his fan and worked with him and when he left her she started complaining muh abuse.

>> No.6641175

I grew up watching it during the early & mid-90s. R&S is one of those shows you either love or hate. I recall alot of my peers in summer camp hating it due to gross-out & shocking imagery. Turns out the biggest demography that was enjoying the series were teenagers & college students.

>> No.6641183

It is legal in some states, but I do not excuse his behavior. He should have treated Katie & Robyn much better instead of being a creepy groomer. I think Hollywood corrupted him.