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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6622504 No.6622504 [Reply] [Original]

Most of you don't know this, but getting better at drawing is literally just increasing your visual library. That's it. All skills are just vocabulary, and to get better at skill, you need to improve the vocabulary of that skill, aka, the fundamental building blocks of every aspect of carrying out that task.

Construction doesn't really exist, per se. Construction, as most people think about it, is just an elaborate use of the sphere, the box, and the cylinder. To learn these basic forms, you need to know what they look like from every angle. To learn what they look like from every angle, you can either draw them from life, or draw them over and over again, from imagination, and correcting your mistakes.

But that doesn't change the fact that you knowledge of the box is just a series of 2d images. That's right. You can't actually draw the box. You can only draw the box from certain angles. Please get this into your head. A professional artist can draw a box from more angles, more precisely, and with more control, than a beginner can. A beginner might only be able to draw 5-6 variations of the 3/4 angle of the box, but a professional might be able to draw 20-30 variations. Even before his death, KJG was quoted as saying "I still don't fully understand the box."

cont. (1/2)

>> No.6622509

end. (2/2)

The same thing applies to characters. Pros don't actually construct characters, they've just done so much studies that they know what the figure looks like from every angle. The 2d information is filtered through their understanding of form and anatomy, but they don't strictly construct their figures when they draw, from cube, to anatomy, to details, etc.

Think about how you speak languages. You don't construct sentences using grammar, you've just seen the "general pattern" of sentences throughout your whole life, and you imitate it.

Draw. Get an image from google, and copy it using the theory of construction, but don't belabor the point. Just draw what you see. Draw draw draw. Then draw from imagination, to see what you've retained. Just Draw!


>> No.6622525


>> No.6622530
File: 12 KB, 317x278, 1591722157367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I say you could speak?

>> No.6622537

>You don't construct sentences using grammar
lol monoglot detected

>> No.6622553

You don't sound fluent in your TL. Go back and read the AJATT table of contents.

>> No.6622570

Wrong, just draw 14h a day

>> No.6622581
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In summary, OP thinks that volumes are "just a series of 2D images" because he can't feel the forms.

>> No.6622589

On the contrary, I studied Vilppu for 4 years, until I realized that "feeling the form" is really a result of an absolute Alexandrian amount of knowledge about the world. I can probably feel the form better than you, because of how much knowledge i have.

>> No.6622608

You are just arguing semantics. The fundamentals which includes construction are just tools to super charge your observational skills which allows you to efficiently and accurately decode reference and store that information in your visual library and to easily recall that information whenever you choose to use it.

It still comes down to drawing a shitload but it makes a world of difference if you can deconstruct your reference to actually see what is going on and to memorize the angles efficiently instead of just drawing shit billions of times till your natural intuition picks up on every detail.

>> No.6622610

>4 years
Jokes on you, I've been studying Vilppu for 9 years. I have studied him to the extent that the Form of forms was mystically revealed to me and the mysteries of art were laid bare to my soul.

>> No.6622619


>> No.6622622

I don't think I made my thoughts clear enough. You're right. You NEED construction. But construction comes from observing the world. Every time I tell someone in the /beg/ thread to look at their reference more clearly, to pay more attention to accuracy, I get some asshole who comes and and calls me an "accuracy-nigger" or a "photocopier", when in reality construction is 1000% based on looking at the world. The very tools we use to construction, our basic forms, come from observing the world. Every figure drawing you do improves your understanding of the cylinder, because you need the cylinder to lay in the arms, and it improves you understanding of the box, because the bony landmarks organize themselves into symmetrical forms.

You can't "math" your way to drawing. It's not a course, where if you learn enough "theory" you can draw. Drawing comes from seeing, in the same way piano improvisation comes from playing by ear, or writing comes from breaking down masterful stories and learning the pattern of story structure.

>> No.6622629
File: 19 KB, 512x288, 2a5279cd7b5db0fc0949af99849401a7ac92d400_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I need you to post your work, senpai, not to criticize you, but to revel in your wisdom

>> No.6622649

I still don't get what you're trying to argue. You can still learn the base principles behind perspective in a day and it will massively help you to observe the world. You can still copy construction other artists have figured out to make you more quickly understand how something works. Our world is build on observable phenomenons and the consistent ones are called facts. And much more intelligent people than me or you have figured this shit so you can just reap the benefits.

So learning the theory behind how light works will make it so much easier to observe light. Learning the anatomy behind how insect legs work will make it so much easier to observe and comprehend insect legs. One doesn't deny the other. You still need to draw all this shit but you don't have to figure everything out yourself, this shit is ready to grasp. You can draw before theory you can draw after theory, you can skip theory whenever you want. But there is absolutely no denying that it will help you whenever you let it help you.

I don't think you have a point. I think you want to argue semantics about what "just draw" means.

>> No.6622656

My target audience isn't you. My target audience are the people who draw the figure, but don't actually look at the picture. They lay in boxes, cylinders, and spheres, but their figure is so divorced from reality, they might as well be making it up. This is complete crap for learning and improvement. You need to learn to synthesize construction and observation, and to not purely construct. This is coming out of a place of experience. I did not really LOOK at figures for the first 6 years I learned to draw.

>> No.6622674

Those drawings suck, he was great when he did traditionally still or was grounded in traditional, now there's no human character to any of that, it's just digital output with no emotion or style.

Aaron Blaise does animals much better because he still works traditionally so he never lost it even when he does digital.

>> No.6623047

aahhhh soooo dingdong pingpong

>> No.6623069

why is it that the people that never draw always give out the most advice
pyw and ill read the rest of your post

>> No.6623084
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>> No.6623121

I didn't know how to draw despite trying for years, until one day the Explosive Act of Creation was revealed to me in a dream.

>> No.6623124

Sounds like the Muses have begun to favor you

>> No.6623127


>> No.6623922


>> No.6624414
