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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 142 KB, 811x1014, YoRHa-Unit-No-2-Type-B-NieR-Automata-Nier-(series)-Игры-6193268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6615219 No.6615219 [Reply] [Original]

Just as with digital, someone working with oil paints could represent anything their mind conjures but 90% of figurative oil paintings are just some inane still life, random portrait or landscape. They could literally paint anything but they unironically choose to invest hours and hours to paint some pots and pans.

Why aren't there fanarts, OCs, character designs, crazy creatures, mechs, anime art, fantasy and sci-fi landscapes in the traditional art scene? Wouldn't normies be more interested in art if IRL galleries were as diverse as the digital art landscape?

There are of course exceptions - Donato Giancola, Ryan Pancoast, Dan dos Santos etc. but the majority of trad artists are just content with putting out the same inane content.

Pic related - Puppeteer Lee, oil on panel

>> No.6615223

>oil painters should paint AI style soulless anime whores, NOT what they actually want to paint
not everybody is soulless, anon.

>> No.6615232

>"Kitsch is boring"
>"Also why isn't there more Kitsch?"
I bet that picture is already being coomed over by normies because
>"wow is that 2B from the 3D porn i jerk off to? wow the art looks so realistic! so talented"
Why aren't there trad artist who actually aren't fotmtrend whores?
What a buncha kitschslopping hacks.

>> No.6615236

I don't understand. portraits, pots and plants are kitsch?

>> No.6615237

Yes, they are.

>> No.6615239
File: 1.05 MB, 2500x1981, benalish3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the difference between painting 2B and painting some random model you paid 20 bucks to sit and take a picture?

Ryan Pancoast - oil on canvas

>> No.6615242

2B is coombait, the other is just another generic fantasy picture.

>> No.6615247

I think it's either because they want to emulate classic oil painters down to the subjects, or because they subconsciously think "hmm, gonna oil paint, I should do a tasteful portrait next to a window with a bowl of fruit", and not "I'm gonna draw anime fotm with spread legs".
The physicality of it is another factor. If you paint something safe, even if it's a dorky subject like 2B, some normie with too much money might buy it from etsy, but more out there stuff will be harder to justify hanging in a living room, and it takes up space in yours if not sold. With digital you can draw whatever because it'll just be a few MBs on your drive or be on some social media.

>> No.6615248

>Everyone paints stupid shit and kitch but I don't

>> No.6615253


>> No.6615256

But I would much rather buy a god-tier oil portrait of one of my favorite characters than of a random girl.

>> No.6615291

its mostly because they are grown, adult men who aren't impressed by the same things as a 12 year old. pictures of half naked whores and dragons really aren't that interesting to a normal person.

>> No.6615300

Why do you even bother replying while adding nothing and without posting some work first?

Draw me a frog, smoking a cigar.

>> No.6615301

>What's the difference between painting 2B and painting some random model you paid 20 bucks to sit and take a picture?
COPYRIGHT and IP. Also, the lore of the last ~100 years is that character design is product design and product design is industrial design, and industrial art/designs are the opposite of fine art because they only exist to sell a non-art product.

>> No.6615316

>Wouldn't normies be more interested in art if IRL galleries were as diverse as the digital art landscape
fucking hilarious. you are not diverse. you are the same kind of consumers. it doesn't matter if one paints mario or pokemon and the other one paints 2b. the spirit is essentially the same, able to switch from one to the other without any loss of identity.
oil painters are actually much more diverse in kind that they can't form substantial communities.
>inane content.
you brain is so rotten that you don't even think of art. you think "content"

>> No.6615321

Have you been to an art museum? It's filled with pictures of mythology and from the Bible. Fanart has been around since forever, they just didn't call it that.

>> No.6615326
File: 216 KB, 1000x1000, 75d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If some shits on a kind of work, I assume they must think what they make is superior. It made me curious. pyw or concede, you are no better.

>> No.6615328
File: 445 KB, 2048x1394, FZR7BzxVEAIoz_Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus was FOTM for 1000 years

>> No.6615336

>Flavor of the millennia

>> No.6615340

And some portrait of a random bitch or a still life are more interesting?

>> No.6615341

Ah yes, how dare someone not-praise anything in this day and age?

Shut the fuck up and kill yourself.

>> No.6615344

Looking at how current folks love cartoons and videogames than they love their own family, I truly believe that IP law will be relaxed in the next 50 years enough that it will be possible to legally start a religion around your favorite character

>> No.6615347

thanks for conceding, turbo faggot.

>> No.6615348

>wasting another post
>didn't post anything at all
>absolutely nothing but memery
What an absolute turbo nigger.

>> No.6615351

The onus is on you. Don't even post your work then, post someone else's work.

>> No.6615352

Funnily enough, if you paint Jesus stuff today, it'd almost always be considered kitschy.

>> No.6615355
File: 19 KB, 680x167, are you going to waste more of your time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is Kitsch?
>"art, objects, or design considered to be in poor taste because of excessive garishness or sentimentality, but sometimes appreciated in an ironic or knowing way."
Jesus fucking Christ just take your own life, you waste of oxygen.

>> No.6615359
File: 1.56 MB, 1000x1350, image-asset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No! this is the height of good taste!

>> No.6615361

I am shaking, from laughter.

>> No.6615368
File: 80 KB, 1024x965, 1612860891700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6615371

I win.

>> No.6615377
File: 2.17 MB, 3840x2160, 1651258289416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your trophy, schizo.

>> No.6615379

thanks, sperg.

>> No.6615408

I've noticed this too. It seems the most technically skilled artists are also the most boring ones

>> No.6615417

What is the real reason for that? just the sight size methods etc are not transferable to imaginative work? (unless you make maquettes)
Just no interest maybe? a sense that anything not representing reality is kitsch and below them?

>> No.6615425

>Don't paint things people traditionally love & >value, such as faces, landscapes or humble fruit.
>Instead paint wacky fantasy stickfreaks figures that only appeal to half a dozen people.

Hmmm, no thanks.
I'd rather make a decent living keeping on doing what I'm doing, all the same.

>> No.6615458

>Instead paint wacky fantasy stickfreaks figures that only appeal to half a dozen people.
don't kink shame the man, he probably drew it because it appeals to himself. 40k people also happen to like it enough to follow his work.

>> No.6615460
File: 158 KB, 850x570, desktop-wallpaper-kim-jung-gi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You actually have a point there I've never thought about - someone using sight-size would never be able to draw something imaginative or highly complex like Kim-Jung-Gi. Not because they wouldn't want to or it's kitsch or whatever, but bc they simply are capable! "Kitsch" might actually be a massive cope by the atelier people.

>> No.6615513

As an oil painter myself, you have to justify it to your family and wife. That's why I either do studies or family portraits.

The most sane reply

When I got the idea to start oil painting, I thought "I'm gonna be the only one to do anime in oil paint!" The idea went out the window when I found out my wife doesn't like anime.

Get cancer, scum

>> No.6615522

Love the nunchucks on the door handle

>> No.6615526

>doesn't like anime.
She just got introduced to it wrong, shame. How can you dislike kiki's delivery service?

>> No.6615531

By not being a degenerate pedo

>> No.6615539


Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Jesus who?
Jesus, I heard you've been practicing with nunchucks lately. I hope you don't "nail" yourself in the process!

>> No.6615540

projection anon. please see a therapist.

>> No.6615561

What skeletons are hiding in your closet?

>> No.6615602
File: 862 KB, 1140x800, Dy47PYZ7_3103152219371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your point being... digital painters don't have families/wives? Or you only need to justify what you do traditionally?

KJG drew and sold stuff like this in pen while having a family and kids. Artgerm also.

>> No.6615625

Everyone's different. Maybe their spouse was okay with that stuff, maybe they didn't care to look.
Digital stuff is easier to keep private from them.

>> No.6615636

they did not call it fan art because it wasn't fanart.

>> No.6615657

Why isn't it fanart?

>> No.6615666

>Neoclassicists start drawing Greek and Roman history and philosphers because... they just did ok!
> Orientalism came from fans... uhh admirers of the Orient
Sure, it wasn't fanart in the sense we call it today, but the principle still stands - a whole bunch of nerds painting the same scenes/characters etc. they were obsessed about.

>> No.6615786

>Why aren't there fanarts, OCs, character designs, crazy creatures, mechs, anime art
maybe because not all artists are manchildren?

>> No.6615799
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, moon-maiden-frank-frazetta-1280x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy was richer, more skilled and influential than all you fart-sniffing teacup-painting faggots will ever hope to be.

>> No.6615822

pfft what a man child. This is praiseworthy? Hah! the great old masters wouldn't be caught dead doing the likes of this!

>> No.6615824
File: 818 KB, 1427x900, Frazetta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6615827
File: 766 KB, 1958x1536, 1679772699991597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this must be a forgery! Rubens... you fool!

>> No.6615832

Is that Age of Empires MMO promo?

>> No.6615839

yeah, just souless corpo art.

>> No.6615846

>Landscapes, portraits, still life BAD
>Tranime coombait GOOD
Grab a brush and paint niggerlicious bullshit yourself, let properly developed adults paint what they want.

>> No.6615868

saying you cant make anime landscapes portraits or still life is a false dichotomy.

>> No.6615905
File: 117 KB, 667x1000, 2d734913235e152f64049910e027938e--hobbit-art-the-hobbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with this sanctimonious "I am an adult" attitude about painting the most banal shit ever?
Tolkien was a grown ass man when writing his stories about hobbits, elves and dragons and he's one of the most beloved authors ever. Would you have been like "Are you a fucking manchild, grow up lol, write about depression or smth"?

>> No.6615962

What is a non borong subject then?

>> No.6615986
File: 57 KB, 440x600, Evangelist-St.-Matthew-And-The-Angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can master the craft by doing nothing but pots and pans. It's the artist's job to find the beauty and his choice to make it a reality.
You can't blame people for choosing to represent what they want to represent, but it is in the minute details where we find true value. You are the judge, Anon.

>> No.6615997

One option, is something that sparks the feeling of "I wish I saw that with my own eyes!"

>> No.6616031

Funny thing is Tolkien's contemporaries told him to stop wasting his time on childish crap like fairy tales and Beowulf, Beowulf for God's sake, and work more on his serious linguistics research.

>> No.6616305

>Just as with digital, someone working with oil paints could represent anything their mind
Have you ever painted with oils?

As some others have pointed, there is some original stuff out there, but indeed, not the majority. I've also observed digital artists to be far more creative and originals (I'm trad myself)

The main reason is, digital is so much easier to work with that trad. Color mixing is trivial, fixing proportions is trivial, altering composition is trivial, layers make an artwork much more maleable.

But when you're trad, you don't have that much flexibility, you have to work within some tight limits: there's limits to how much you can erase stuff, and they can be reached very quickly, painting costs money, color mixing requires knowing your pigments.

It's a lot more work to get into this creative zone that you get with digital. Guys like Andrew Tischler now do use digital to speed up the process, precisely because it's so much more malleable. Once the design is OK, projector on a canvas and there goes the trad.

> inb4 nooo digital is so much harder, we don't have easy texture
lol. It's well-known that animation studio, advertisements & cie all were very concerned by the major drawbacks of going to digital that they still hold on to their precious acrylic paintings because it's so much faster to make 10 different color theme variations on the same subject in acrylic than in digital amiright.

some minor things *may* (handling textures in trad is far from trivial, there's a bunch of subtle factors impacting the results) be easier in trad, but overall, digital is way easier

>> No.6616331

If you watch olympic fencing, the action happens so fast normies can't see it.

Basically the same thing. High level portrait/still life/figure/landscape artists aren't making paintings for normies, illustrators at videogame companies do that. They're trying to push themselves to the very limit and top other high level painters. It's kinda like 'final destination, no items, fox only'.

Like, go look at trees in any painting you think is exciting, then go look at trees painted by Shishkin (in high res, so you can see the mark making). Shishkin MOGS basically the entire field of illustrators and even most other painters.

Once you can evaluate paintings on this level, the subject isn't the exciting part, the execution is.

>> No.6616347

Sight size is definitely part of the reason. Horrible method. It's probably the worst thing to ever happen to the classical art tradition. The insidious lies about its supposed ancient origins made matters so much worse.

>> No.6616366

I do oil paintings of my characters and ideas as a part of my LARP.

>> No.6616478

>The idea went out the window when I found out my wife doesn't like anime
Pfft, coward. Do you think every artist, writer, scientist and engineer throughout history with their own deeply autistic obsessions had complete understanding from their spouses? For that matter- just going to make some conjecture here- if your wife is a cringe and bluepilled normalfag and likes cringy normalfag things, are you going to make a fuss about that and force her to be a based and redpilled chan culture gigachad like yourself? If you could tolerate your wife being a cringe normalfag, then surely she could tolerate (You) being a cringe weeaboo faggot. It's one thing to be self aware but another thing entirely to think far too much of what other people think about you and be dictated by peer pressure. You do you though, I'm not a marriage counselor.

>> No.6616516

You have shit taste

>> No.6616524

Typical pedo deflection

>> No.6616527

His writings were aimed at children and teenagers

>> No.6616531

what's your point? he's one of the most beloved authors by manchildren.

>> No.6616550

Typical pedo projection deflection

>> No.6616555

That's from Magic the Gathering, which went woke a couple of years ago and has had shit character designs since.
The only thing that actually surprises me from that picture is that the character doesn't have a stupid side-shave haircut.

>> No.6616565

grow the fuck up you boring idiot

>> No.6616568
File: 56 KB, 679x345, sexpest1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says anime is for pedos
eat a bullet, Dr Pizza

>> No.6616572

Because those faggots think everybody else must be as miserable as they are, addicted to talk only about politics.

>> No.6616580

Because the taste and interests of some people didnt stop developing past 15

>> No.6616586

As if current-day politics was even an interest or taste.

>> No.6616601

you were the first to mention politics in the thread

>> No.6616614

Because that's what they're getting paid for, digital has the advantage of not costing you a ton of money on oil paint.

>> No.6616784

Yes, we should all aspire to be uninspired Duchamp clones and paint canvases in entirely one color

>> No.6616790

What are those "adult interests" then, gigabrain? Shit, you people sound like those stupid zoomers who think life ends at 30.

>> No.6616823

pots and trees man, pots and trees.
But seriously, I'd like to see the "approved" non-man-child art. Is it Ilya Repin? I love him but I also love Frazzetta.

>> No.6616878

>Is it Ilya Repin? I love him but I also love Frazzetta.
most people who like frazetta also like repin for some reason. it's such a meme combination.

>> No.6616891
File: 625 KB, 1635x2048, 08demcuk-christ-before-pilate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, depends if your frame of reference is narrow or not.

>> No.6616896
File: 1.34 MB, 2230x3000, 6cfdd1ea36bb76a8bed8a154cd7b704d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6616950

such a meme combination? that sounds like a retarded thing to say.
>people who like great artists also like other great artists, so typical!

>> No.6616967
File: 76 KB, 640x483, 1590060925820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/End of thread.

>> No.6617019

it's not retarded. repin is an obscure name from an obscure school except for select art-learning communities or 4chan western civilization trad larp dump. people who like it intersects with frazetta fans in an unnatural way. he's the go-to traditional painter name-drop for people who don't really care for traditional that much.

>> No.6617051

Frazetta is the go-to non obscure fantasy artist, who was posted in this thread, hence mentioning him, and Repin is the go to "serious trad artist" for a community like /ic/, so anyone reading it gets the point of the post.
I can't see how it's unnatural, maybe for modern /ic/?
When everyone wanted to be a concept artist this was a totally natural combo. Frazetta being one who inspires you as a teen, and Repin being one to inspire as you seek masters to study.

>> No.6617117

Yet he was more successful than you ever will be

>> No.6617127

I get where you're coming from but the level of complexity in painting a griffin in oils for example is more or less the same as for painting a regular lion/eagle. Painting an imaginary lunar base has the same complexities as painting an urban landscape.
You're still putting in those hours so why not go for something more whimsical/unusual.

>> No.6617162

>If you watch olympic fencing, the action happens so fast normies can't see it.
interesting. Got any examples?

>> No.6617164

how is kikis delivery service, instead of any of the other anime you could make that accusation towrads, something that you consider pedobait?

>> No.6617304

trad painting instruction doesn't emphasize imagination drawing, so people tend to be much less apt in this regard, simply because they haven't (been) trained, and have little incentive to train themselves, as they can get by selling courses and portraits.

hence they forged a strong habit of working mostly from references. and once it's ingrained and bringing you cash, it's hard to change.

but really, the psychological impact of having to deal with real, tangible material is the most important aspect (IMO), even for a griffin or a lunar base. you have to deal with drying time, with transferring drawings from low quality paper to final surface, to not have colors available easily at the first stage to kick your brain and so forth, storage, smell, price.

if you don't do trad much, I'd encourage you to give it a serious try, just buy a few tubes of gouache, paper, some synthetic brushes. try to make a griffin.

even drawing as straight line without an edge/stabilizer is a skill to slowly develop

(but I agree with you, it's really a shame they don't)

>> No.6617331

i couldnt think of a better way to put that talent to use

>> No.6617335

I don't doubt it, but please share specifics.

>> No.6617342

anime thighs cum masturbarme

>> No.6617347

>trad painting instruction doesn't emphasize imagination drawing, so people tend to be much less apt in this regard, simply because they haven't (been) trained, and have little incentive to train themselves, as they can get by selling courses and portraits.
>Implying that people have to be trained to draw/paint in any medium

>> No.6617477

Care to be more explicit?

>> No.6617490

I actually started out in traditional and my dream was to do oil paintings for MTG but furries were more than willing to give me their money so I kinda got stuck in that niche. With AI I don't even know how much the furry gig is gonna last so I'm always thinking about going back to trad.

But going back to trad after so much digital I'd really try to implement some digital tools, unlike before - tools like masking, textured brushes, careful layering. I've drawn so much cool shit during the last few years, from battle scenes, comic book characters, to bank heists to colorful book covers that going back to pots and pans just to fit in seems disheartening. Thus the thread, I guess.

>> No.6617531

> Orientalism came from fans... uhh admirers of the Orient
>hurrr durrrr you paint rocks? you are a fan of rocks, so that’s fanart
actual retard

>> No.6617534

The new testament is fanfiction

>> No.6617536

refer to >>6617531

>> No.6617587
File: 159 KB, 1200x630, BD96C2D8-5457-414D-9A87-60DE3FF54943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most retarded strawman I’ve ever heard.

Say what you want, that shit is more interesting than 90% of today’s figurative art.

>> No.6617593

Easy money has a cost.

If I were you, I'd keep practicing pots and pans, self-portraits, just to give you mileage (those can be difficult exercises), and on the side, start leveraging your digital skills, see for instance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yy6w_pJxTrw

You may also want to try developing an affinity with a variety of mediums.

>> No.6617597


>> No.6617608

I’ve actually done half of the Watts painting course and painted some MTG characters in oils back in the day. Starting a following from zero on a new account is what I find most challenging.

>> No.6617610


>> No.6617618
File: 108 KB, 653x1200, saturn-devouring-one-of-his-children-1823.jpg!HD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason why Tolkien is beloved by many was because he could create something new while still touching on things that are universal. That is, despite the escapist bullshit elements, Lord of the Rings is ultimately a good story with interesting characters.
Almost none of that could be easily captured through fanart, being a logocentric form of expression, and even if it was, it'd miss the creating something new / novelty part of the equation. The most artists can do is allude to the work Tolkien had already done, and as such create at best 3rd order simulacra.

This is highly debatable. Even the critical community agrees that Goya's Black Paintings are some of his best work, but they certainly aren't that merely on the mechanical level. Even Shiskin's work would be rather mundane if it wasn't for his skill in composition, treatment of light, and the ability to create specific mood and atmosphere. The brushwork is merely delectable icing on the metaphorical cake.

>repin is an obscure name from an obscure school
Bruh, have you ever been to Eastern Europe. Or Northern Europe. Or France. In fact, have you ever been to Europe. UK doesn't count because Anglos aren't people.

>> No.6617619
File: 103 KB, 758x1103, BolshiePartyDevouringItsDarlings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6617629

what strawman, retard? the faggot literally compared orientalism to fanart because the painters are fans of the fucking subject

>> No.6617639

You tried connecting with local artists? Like, life-drawing classes

>> No.6617643

Most of them aren’t figurative artists.

>> No.6617652

And you compared Orientalism to painting rocks. That’s a strawman.

>> No.6617655

that’s not what a strawman is, you utter fucking mongoloid

>> No.6617871

Tell us what your interests are if you're so much more interesting.

>> No.6618240

yeah, and a multi-figure battle formation MTG illustration is just like a renaissance church ceiling painting.
if a person goes to mexico today and then paints that place's way of life, it's obvious that's not fan art.
things are more than the one or two words making up a title used to describe them, and things have more than one necessary criterion for their essence, especially something as complex as art.

>> No.6618448

Because you charge $250 for digital commissions.
No one is going to pay you several times that for working in a medium that requires more time and skill because it doesn't have an undo button for you to hit 20 times per minute.

>> No.6618458
File: 1.86 MB, 650x1000, Infinite_Frontier_Vol_1_6_Lee_Variant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No on is going to pay several times that
DC pays about 1k for a cover, which the artist OP posted does in oil.

>> No.6618486

1k is fucking nothing for oil lmao

>> No.6618494

Oil paintings sold in the local mall, not even in a gallery but a stand, go for more than 1000 euros here.
$1000 is a shit pay for a cover, that’s like 2-3 page illustrations for a literallywho indie publisher

>> No.6618851 [DELETED] 

You're a bit dense. He keeps the painting and can sell it for 50k to comic nerds.

>> No.6618853

He keeps the painting and can sell it for 10k to comic nerds.

>> No.6618856

am curious what goes for 1000 at a mall, and how long it takes to sell? how reliable is this market?

>> No.6618896

That kikery is not justification for lowballing, he could just paint something that isn’t retarded and sell the painting, paintings of batman aren’t going to do much to raise your value in fine art. I’m not even a tradfag, and that’s a shit rate for a cover.

I’ve seen what I assume are original paintings as well as master copies of known national paintings, generally recognisable places and events, but also random landscapes. Can’t tell you how long it takes, but once you’re done, it’s the seller’s problem, and they clearly sell paintings if they can afford to sit at the mall all day, every day.

>> No.6620140

>but once you’re done, it’s the seller’s problem, and they clearly sell paintings if they can afford to sit at the mall all day, every day.
"nice painting. how bout i sell it for you and get 50% while i sit around this mall oggling the babes and doing nothing?

>> No.6620169

yeah well if there are painters who do narrative paintings of mythology or history it will just be "figure painting" for most people and the message gets lost and not appreciated. and there isn't a community of people who share in the study of what is involved in making them.
with academic artists term "figurative art" that they adopted is holding them back because this phrase ends up defining the kind of work that they do even if they want to do something more and they don't even realize it. their work just becomes about the figure. once you start to define yourself as something else like "narrative painter" or "history painter" then it transforms your view on art and you then try to develop other skills other than just painting the figure. we can see in another way how the name "figurative" affected their art in that very few of them do justifiable backgrounds.
of course there are many artists who do more than figures, still lives, or the mate of the artist "james" who sat for him as portrait practice, but many of them are doing domestic scenes, politics, some personal stuff that only the artist cares about, wildlife art, american westerns, cultural paintings like people in their ethnic garbs, icon paintings. however if someone isn't the target viewer then one will just ignore the paintings or again see the paintings as lacking in anything interesting. if anything traditional is too diverse into niche camps that there isn't anything large enough that painters collectively add on to. there is no real "traditional art scene"

>> No.6620351

You'd be surprised, but once you know what you're doing, you can do an oil painting in around 2x the time it takes you to a digital one. So spending twice the time but getting 4x the money is a pretty good decision.

>> No.6620356

ugly painting, ugly subject

>> No.6620381 [DELETED] 

nobody buys paintings in my country, and I doubt people will buy expensive oil paintings with overseas shipping, too risky.

>> No.6620387

>4x the money
anon, $200-$300 is the rate for literal photobashed/daz3d covers for literallywhos
not even painted over or anything, shit looks like a bad porn game banner
this is super cheap for trad, the only people this is profitable for are the guys they keep rehiring every week because it’s a stable income, albeit with a lower hourly rate

>> No.6620397


>> No.6620523

Gaming rigs make better porn retards

>> No.6620526

what? that op pic looks better than 100% of AI pics. Fact.

>> No.6620623

Anon, how much do you think they pay you for doing an MTG card? It's something like $1000-1500. And we're talking WotC here, and they're considered to pay well.


>> No.6620652

Of course, didn't you see the stupid amount of SFW animations out there? You can't make that shit on an old computer.

>> No.6620661
File: 637 KB, 1634x1200, Storm-the-Seedcore-March-of-the-Machine-MtG-Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The illustrator said that WotC paid around 1k for this picture, which took about 9 work days.
People that complaint about random twitter artist#8658 being too expensive because he charges 70$ for a picture usually never commission anything anyway.

>> No.6620668

wotc fucking never paid well, they only pay well for super rare cards, and those are much better paid
wotc was always for nerds who really wanted to work on a specific franchise they were into and people who couldn’t get into applibot

here are some premades, just for perspective

>> No.6620719

Huh... thanks for those links anon, really eye-opening. What's that you said about applibot though? Do they even hire ppl outside Japan?

>> No.6620739

they used to, it was the company to work for back when this place was still all about going pro, no clue about now

>> No.6621428

I don't think sight-size is as prevalent as you guys make it out to be. Grand Central Atelier, the pinnacle of academic study today (beats Florence in prestige, no question about it) does not do sight-size at all, they do comparative. The Repin academy also does comparative-constructive, and still their alumni work is just as lacking in creativity as the sight-size schools.

>> No.6621431

There's a bunch of "famous" Atelier in Europe who do (Angel academy comes to mind, Florence)

>> No.6621447

I know that, all I'm saying is, the best school in the west, GCA, and the best school in the east, Repin Academy, don't do sight-size but some variation of the comparative method, which in theory would allow them to draw from imagination without the constraints of sight-size, yet their students' work is just as lacking in creativity and imagination as the sight-size gang.

>> No.6621460

colloquially sight size means comparative because constructofags just use it as an umbrella term for “not construction” and it sounds jargony and cool

>> No.6621472

A piece like this can go very wrong if you don't know what you're doing.

>> No.6621518

You are juvenile and have no taste. That is why reality bores you and you want to escape to these childish fantasy worlds.
You don't realize the fantasy worlds are just simplified reality with different superficial skins.

>> No.6621523
File: 246 KB, 1600x1132, 1 qyhua3giJFAx_kOdFoWHzw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this guy alone was more imaginative than all of your anime worshiping man children.

>> No.6621530

And yet, here he is using isoterism and religion.

>> No.6621534

neither sight size nor (extreme) comparative measuring are at fault. they're symptoms.

ateliers try to be neutral and focus purely on what they claim to be objective skill without giving any attention to things like specialized art theory or themes. doing so will alienate students who are coming from very different backgrounds and with widely different goals. so they settle for something mild and common such as pure conceptualized realism. they operate under the notion that if you can paint something as close to objective visible reality, you can branch out and do what you want with ease. first of all, that doesn't happen. they strengthen the habit of painting sale academic studies through practicing it. secondly, painting closer to objective reality does not necessarily mean greater skill which is also part of their teaching.

>> No.6621537

stale academic studies*
also their models are 19th century which are already less creative than older masters.

>> No.6621538


>> No.6621552

You're an elitist asshole too high on his own farts. Grown-ass humans have been using their imagination to create fantasy worlds, paint and write about them since time immemorial. Human imagination has more soul and character in it than your pots and pans ever ill.

Also Dali is just as Kitsch as Nier Automata.

>> No.6621757

well, I mean at some point, the students are adults, and should be expected to behave as such.

there's this strong infantilization vibe permeating society: let's delegate our responsibilities, because we're lazy buns. then get butthurt because obviously someone was glad to exploit the situation to their advantages.

solution? well let's find someone else, but not us right! -_-

>> No.6621769

Oh look at this guy, LOOK at him, he's at the brink of calling me pablo or a filthy ESL because of one typo.


>> No.6622037

nah man, I googled it and saw it was a molecule thing, and thought it might be some (esoteric :p) way of describing surreal art... esotericism did not come to mind. I'm the filthy ESL...

>> No.6622092

> escapism is le bad
Why are you even on an image board designed to take a break from reality?

>> No.6622642

What a pitiful way of looking at the world.

>> No.6622731

explain what behaving like an adult means in this context. i don't understand where you're coming from.

>> No.6624747

isolationist terrorism
it’s like an intel uprising but for countries

>> No.6624836

They pay way less than Applibot, Asmodee, Riot and pre-gettingsuedbyeveryone Blizzard

>> No.6624848

not complaining about the school you attend to being unsatisfactory, and instead taking actions to make it less of a problem.

my point was that, the issue arises not just for art schools, but is a global phenomenon. people tend to refuse to take responsibilities, then complain because they're getting butt-slapped as a result.

you (not (You) you, impersonal you) choose a school, you find out it's not perfect, then find ways to deal with the situation yourself, instead of blaming the world

>> No.6624861

wait, what happened with blizzard?

>> No.6624944

by the time that a student or a follower of a methodology finds out that it won't make them do art as great or imaginative as they thought it would, it's too late a lot of times. they're already ingrained the habits. you can't retrain proko. a lot of times they may not even suspect anything is wrong because they have also instilled the ideals of whatever teaching.
it's not really a matter of blaming the world or taking responsibility. rather a matter of the nearly inescapable tendency that the things that shape us first shape humans most firmly, especially if it's something takes as much investment as learning art.

>> No.6625097
File: 264 KB, 1205x1000, david-fortin-civic-building-design-all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They could literally paint anything but they unironically choose to invest hours and hours to paint some pots and pans.
>They could literally paint anything
You are wrong OP, it takes one set of skills to be a good figurative painter and another to put together wild designs of alternate realities and fantastic creatures.
Sure you those two have the same base of light, form, perspective, color, anatomy etc., but illustrator won't be able to produce as quickly as many varied designs with as much thought put into them, just like designer won't be able to reach as high quality and speed with depicting subjects and composing them into cohesive and moving.

On that note, have you noticed how many amazing designers are basic bitch at putting their designs into a scenario.
Why? Because that's not where most of their focus and expertise lays.

TL;DR: OP underestimates work that goes into design. Why spend extra hours designing that you could use working on something you're good at. Time is money.

>> No.6625384

That's precisely my point: your views are rather pessimist, while mines are optimistic. People should be encouraged to change, instead of being encouraged to submit to their own mediocrity.

That crab bucket mentality is a real thing in society: if you try to break free from the herd, people take it as a personal insult ("how dare you not do as I do") and will peer-pressure you to stop, more or less softly. If you meet success, some will hate you even more for showing them (not necessarily voluntarily) that they were wrong.

Key to success is and has always been hard work. If you start by thinking it's impossible, for sure you'll never get better.

Anyway, got work todo

>> No.6625457
File: 35 KB, 500x500, alice pot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A very interesting answer.

>> No.6625595

nigger you are ugly in real life. in theory, you should like it.

>> No.6625931

how is observing that people remain mediocre and addressing some of the reasons pessimist or optimist? you can't affect positive change unless the root causes are made known. none of this has to do with taking responsibility or being positive. a person can be positive or negative about their own self. observing trends is impersonal and separate.
expressing concern that the popular practices today should be more closely evaluated is the opposite of advising someone to simply follow the herd. if you can read between the lines, it's being proactive to not fall into traps where they have to spend extra effort and years to try to correct their training.
no one is saying an artist shouldn't work hard. yet it's evident that the training they choose has an effect on their mature work. so they have to be smart from the very beginning.

>> No.6626408

I think we're stuck in a loop.

So I guess we agree on the fact that training can influence people, that's for sure. And that most people tend not to be able to break free from it.

My point is then two folds: 1 it's their responsibility to free themselves 2) spending time and energy blaming a poor education setting is a waste of time and energy. This would be better redirected to serve 1)

The argument is based on establishing a parallel with a trend in society: people tend to complain a lot about global factors, upon which they can't act, instead of acting on local factors, where they can act if they set their mind to.

>> No.6629450

>trad art is just still lives and portrai-

>> No.6629488

That's more like "fine art" than traditional painting.

>> No.6629694

Wtf hes stealing another mans score

>> No.6630869

This image unironically goes hard.

>> No.6631592

i give my thoughts as an answer to the thread question and how a budding artist can develop in a way that is contrary to op's perception of traditional painters, and others think it's futile encouragement of blaming or against progression. it's not a loop, but rather the things i said being misrepresented.
if there is no one, either an observer or someone who has gone through poor education personally, would give alternate points of view outside the ateliers', then there will be more who fall into trap of only doing still lives or otherwise unimaginative works.
another problem is it takes a certain level of skill or exposure to good art before an artist develops enough taste to realize that the training that they wholly believed in was inadequate and leads to their mediocrity. even the technicality of ateliers is mediocre parlor trick, but beginners cannot evaluate skill properly.