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6604411 No.6604411 [Reply] [Original]

here's something I realized while being here
a lot of you genuinely do not have fun drawing
all you're talking about is muh study, muh ngmi, muh pyw, but not a lot of you are actually having fun with all this
like who cares if it's shit at first? just draw something and have fun, even if it's genuinely awful it's not the end of the world, is it?
oh right the aim for some of you is getting followers and money drawing shit, instead of you know... actually liking the process and having fun doing it, whoops!
but even then, it's never been about how good the art is, more like how it connects with the audience, how does the technical aspect of it enters that fact? who knows, but that's what this board thinks is the most important!
just have fun!! that's the secret!!!

>> No.6604415

>its fun being bad!!!

>> No.6604420

if you don't allow yourself to be bad how do you expect do eventually be good?
you do realize most normal artists started by being a teenager and drawing genuinely awful shit over and over until they get it right one day right
no amount of extreme study will save you from that sort of grind btw

>> No.6604428

You will always feel like you're not good enough compared to others, so might as well learn to enjoy the process.

>> No.6604430

>if you don't allow yourself to be bad how do you expect do eventually be good?
by not being content with being bad.
>you do realize most normal artists started by being a teenager and drawing genuinely awful shit over and over until they get it right one day right
no they did not. they just started taking things seriously.

>> No.6604441

and all that leads to is endlessly loathe yourself and not drawing anymore
or you'll only draw endless studies to "get better" instead of realizing you are having no fun whatsoever
>they just started taking things seriously
the complete contrary happened: they allowed themselves to not take themselves seriously and as a result experimented with probably terrible pieces that ended up being good eventually as a result of the fun they had
the ones that take shit way too seriously are the ones who end up burning themselves out, not daring to experiment, not daring to step out of line, and being completely sterile

>> No.6604444

Whats the point of drawing if nothing looks right?

>> No.6604445

I can't even figure out what the process of drawing is, much less how to have fun with it.

>> No.6604446

That's how I started out, but now I truly enjoy the process, improve much faster, and rarely post my work or listen to critique here. I would do coming but I like to stay focused on anything art related if possible and there's no other place like this

>> No.6604447

I would stop* coming

>> No.6605723


>> No.6605739

How do I learn to make practice, studys or life drawing fun?
Drawing from imagination or drawing dumb shit is really fun for me, but not the study part.

>> No.6605743

what's the point of looking right if you're miserable while doing it
if you don't like making shit you're never gonna stick with it for long enough to make gold. a lot of you miserable fucks gravitate towards art because you think it's gonna fill the cavernous hole within you, as long as you have any kind of activity to do. it won't help. do your dishes instead.

>> No.6605750

nice quats and also based...better just to draw and stop worrying about others opinions...

>> No.6605754

DR1 > trash > DR2 > DR3

>> No.6605755

Mix it up. Do a practice drawing but stylize it, make it more round or angular, change up the colors a little, exaggerate the proportions, add details which aren't in the original, etc, anything you want. Pick one or two things you want to push and go from there.

>> No.6607368

It's very hard having fun when you realize you are not doing well at all, despite the effort. I do know anatomy well enough, but still can't pose a figure, even if i have references... How do i learn that? Why it's so hard?

>> No.6607377

You're going through stages in reverse. That's no a good sign.

Everyone starts out drawing for fun but then they realize their shit stinks and wants to improve. Especially when you get older and want to make it in the industry.

You can draw for fun if you don't care about a career and are happy stocking shelves at Walmart m making $14/hr while coming home to take a $100 commission as your follow count rises to 10K and claim you've "made it" when you're not doing industry work.

There is a time for fun and then a time for getting your ass in gear and working hard.

>> No.6607408

This post convinced me to not bother getting my ass in gear.

>> No.6607413
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For me,it's the mystery of what will appear next under my pen. The art fuels the story and the story fuels the art.

>> No.6607420

That's a brainlet view that actually just throws around words without dissecting the problem. Just like calling people lazy when the concept of lazy doesn't actually exist in reality. It's always problems that can be easily put into more precise words that causes the phenomenon of not doing work. Yes your goal should be to make drawing enjoyable.

But what makes drawing actually not fun? Since everyone has a different process and humans are actually not that different it's more useful to look at how people that have fun operate versus people that don't. Obviously this is kinda complex but here are a few things that make drawing not fun

>not selecting the correct difficulty for your skill level (too easy or too hard)
This is by far the most common thing. People almost always want to create something way beyond their level. Or they have absolutely no idea what they want or what they are capable of and just start brainlessly doodling.
>pressuring yourself because of time limits of any kind (I'm age x, I have only hours x a day, I want to draw a good picture in time x)
Also extremely common and very ironic. Because people waste most time by falling into the trap of time limits.
>too much study not enough goal oriented drawing
Very common as well. A good countermeasure is the 80-20 rule. Draw 80% of your time goal oriented. Study the remaining 20%.
>avoiding your weak areas
Extremely common, very obvious. Everyone knows how theoretically to counter it (just do it) but in reality difficult to work against.

There are a lot more but I just wanted to lead the topic into a more practical direction than just throwing accusations around that help no one.

>> No.6607438

Yes, we know 100 USD is 1000 USD in your country, Sebastian.