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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 235 KB, 1080x1443, 200B5F41-428D-4423-8422-71F82E2A5EF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6602714 No.6602714 [Reply] [Original]

I draw constantly. I draw until it hurts. My arms, my hands, my whole body, it hurts. It hurts so bad. And I keep drawing. More than 8 hours straight nearly every single day, no breaks. Last night I was drawing until I nearly passed out from not eating. And I still got back to drawing 10 hours today. And yet I have nothing to show for it. Everything I draw is horrible. I’ve been at this for over a decade. Constantly trying new things and working towards becoming a good artist, yet I draw worse than anyone I know who actually tries. I draw worse than an autistic child.
I don’t find drawing fun. I find drawing painful and it causes me nothing but depression. I try over and over again and again to get better to be able to create the things I want, to draw things only my head can think up. And I fail worse every single time. My art never gets better and in fact it gets worse.
I have alienated every one of my friends because my depression and whining makes them hate me, and I don’t blame them. But I can’t not attack my art when it’s this bad, I can’t be “okay” with trash. I can’t “enjoy the process” when the process is nothing but crushing my hopes and ambitions. And all “praise” feels like they’re just mocking me due to how much better they truly are compared to the trash I make. My art genuinely makes me suicidal at times.

Nothing works. Grinding doesn’t work. “Fundies” don’t work.” Cubes and lines don’t work. What am I supposed to do? How can I get better? I don’t want to be like this. All I want is to make good art and be happy

>> No.6602715


>> No.6602717

niggers making these threads wont ever post their work

>> No.6602719


>> No.6602732

I only don’t want to because people I know use this board

>> No.6602741
File: 192 KB, 480x1040, d5in1th-170b8746-0888-4da6-b11c-9b38a1d1b36b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried memory drawing?
1.Draw from memory
2.Draw from ref
3.Draw from memory
you will improve.

>> No.6602808

I’ll try

>> No.6604883

you're a demoralizing faggot. you've been drawing 8 hours a day for a decade and you still can't draw? you're a gigantic faggot and liar. either post your work or fuck off. and post with timestamp, lying slut.

>> No.6604898

>I don’t find drawing fun. I find drawing painful and it causes me nothing but depression.
then why do you draw, serious question
if drawing isn't fun at all then don't draw, it's that simple
if you're going through this you might as well have fun cuz that's the only thing that'll keep you going

>> No.6605637

Give me a prompt and I’ll draw it right now.

I don’t have fun because the end result is bad and I can actively watch myself fail as I do it. It’s been a lifelong goal of line and the constant reminders that I’m patheticly bad hurts but giving up feels like suicide to me. I can’t imagine a world where I can’t draw.

>> No.6605640

Draw a mermaid trying to masturbate, but being unable to do so because she has no human genitals. It’s all fish!

>> No.6605759

Will draw that in a few hours. I’m a bit busy

>> No.6605779

>I don’t have fun because the end result is bad
This is something you should meditate on and fix brother
if you think like this for everything you'll end your life very quick
enjoy the process, the end result is secondary

>> No.6605786

>More than 8 hours straight nearly every single day, no breaks.
kek, there is your issue
if you don't take breaks, your brain won't have enough time to internalize the information

>> No.6605813

if you are doing something and making no progress, stop doing it. like... notice when you're about to attempt something that usually doesn't work, and stop yourself.

it's not about how much time you put into it, you gotta put it into things that actually work.

>> No.6605841

You lack proper genes, I recommend AI to circumvent that

>> No.6606644

>If you’re bad stop doing it

Terrible advice

>> No.6606944

>What am I supposed to do? How can I get better?

Fuck the grindan and the cubes, there's no point if you don't get how the thing you're supposed to work in the first place. I was in the same stagnation boat so I stopped drawing and started learning 3D modeling. And that's when it all clicked in my brain, I could finally understand 3D space and lights, so I went back to grindan' and started getting good results.

>> No.6606960

>More than 8 hours straight nearly every single day, no breaks. Last night I was drawing until I nearly passed out from not eating. And I still got back to drawing 10 hours today. And yet I have nothing to show for it.
cut back to 6 hours a day max, take breaks, eat meals and get sleep. You're grinding without resting, of course you're going to burn out and hate it. If you find yourself with extra time then workout or get another hobby.

>> No.6606966

>16 hours ago

OP, did you draw it?

If you didn't, but you're telling the truth, then I suggest, in order to help you get better, that you set drawing aside for some time, maybe months. Try working 8 hours a day at a job instead, you'll make money too. Staffing agencies give jobs quickly. Try going to the gym too, or pick up a physical hobby, but the gym could help you familiarize anatomy more.
After a while, then resume drawing on your days off. It will hopefully become easier for you.

The above and other things, plenty of suffering but not depression isolation, made drawing easier for me. Although now I've got more free time than I'm suggesting to you.

>> No.6606980

Surely you can post a single piece you’ve spent ~8 hours on that you haven’t posted online or shown anyone. If not, spend 8 hours drawing something and pyw here. If someone recognizes you from your style (unlikely) who cares? You say yourself it’s “horrible.”

>> No.6607018

Sorry haven’t had any free time besides sleep. I don’t want to get into my life story, but trust me when I say things are really bad right now. I will draw this random mermaid thing as soon as I can sit down at my desk and work on it,
I do work. Usually I work 8 hours, then draw 8 hours when I get home, but again I don’t draw every day

I will draw that mermaid thing once I get the chance

>> No.6607075

do you draw from real life or photo references? that might be stunning your growth, I noticed ny drawing skills improved by drawing from real life. Also what kind of art are you trying to achieve(e.g animation, painting.)?

>> No.6607078

fish do have genitals

>> No.6607100
File: 907 KB, 1021x1319, 1658758037913223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Stop disappearing cold turkey from the Internet places you go in order to try and form connections; starting from scratch is fine, starting from scratch every single Monday is stupid;
- Stop being friends with the equally suicidal retards who keep you in this environment of defeatism. If you can't simply cut them because you care, at least distance yourself and say you're working on yourself. If they're the ones that make you feel unsafe to post here because they'd recognize you, then they aren't your friends, more like you're an emotional hostage to them;
- You have the mileage, the problem is you don't have a clear goal. So you mastered 99 different styles, but none take you where you want to go. Why? Because you don't know where you want to go.
- The moment you find something you want to work towards and realize the viewer is not interested in you being the best, but in you delivering a completed, appealing product to consoom, you will be freer;
- Mimicking what everyone else is doing in hopes that will give you the dopamine you seek is retarded. For example, if you don't really love your OCs, is it worth having them just because those SEEMINGLY happy Twitter people have one? How about investing that energy into making a one-shot, an animation about a topic you care about?
- Stop looking at art as an escape. You can't focus on art if you're focusing on escaping. Treat it like a friend, a loved one you want to visit every day. It is your reward after a day's work, it is something you choose to do;
- Find another hobby. If you're a loner, pick up an instrument, learn a language. Study your learning habits from a fresh perspective and compare how much pressure you put on yourself on that compared to drawing;
- Finally, join projects and competitions. If nothing else compels you to draw, maybe getting some deadlines, teammates and whatnot will stimulate you. Don't assume any long-term responsibilities if that'll make you miserable, get into shorter projects first.

>> No.6607110

I try to do a little of both, but I tend to do more animation art because I can make that look better than realistic faces.

I use a lot of photos, but I also have those wooden anatomy dolls and the like. I don’t really have the resources to go to a live model class

>Pick up an instrument, learn a language

I failed at learning instruments and I’ve attempted to learn languages several times but to no avail. At this point I feel like it’s impossible for me to learn anything.

The rest doesn’t apply to me too much, I don’t vanish from places, rather I end u o annoying people and then ask me to leave, none of my friends are equally as bad or depressed. Me being the least talented person I know does more damage for me than anything, and their “encouragement” doesn’t feel encouraging at all

I do know where I want to go, I want to be good but only to a specific degree. I don’t want to be the best ever, but I want to be good enough to competently draw whatever I want whenever I want and have it be quality and aesthetically pleasing, I’m even fine without ever getting fans, a following, or money if it means I can obtain the skill and quality I want. My art is for me not others and I am the one I let down the hardest

>> No.6607243

you need to draw more from real life as it is more interactive. A lot of modern artist don't because they focus on illustrating (some even dare to trace). Drawing from real life is far harder and it will improve your skills, Ive been "drawing" from photos since childhood until recently. I started to draw my room and outdoors, honestly just about anything in my field of vision (even my own hands) i picked up on prospective fast formulated my own style and method (I personally don't use guidelines), I am still surprised how much I've improved in less than half a year. You never stop learning if draw from real life, I also aspire to do animation so I hope you'll give it a try :).

>> No.6607268

>Fundies” don’t work
They do and I bet your work's fundamentals are shit

>> No.6607366
File: 282 KB, 2041x1838, 599DB21C-682C-4A33-B6FF-D2FEF1CEEB59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s your mermaid.

Took me 2 hours and 36 minutes

>> No.6607389

Oh, also this as done with zero references, something I usually never do. Faster than I normally draw and with no references so it’s notably worse than usual but authentic

>> No.6607406
File: 1.23 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230414-140453_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't make excuses
You need to make more studies or just copy some drawings you like

Pic I just drew this in 5 minutes

>> No.6607414

Yes because I suck and you don’t. Read the op

>> No.6607425

Honestly you draw as well as I did 3 maybe 4 years ago

I only started drawing seriously 2 years ago - I think how you are studying isn't ideal

Use more references, copy an artist you like aim for 80-90% accuracy then do it again - do mini focus tests, focus on drawing hands or heads or eyes for example

Main thing is find an artist you like and just drill

>> No.6607532

I do that constantly

>> No.6607558

>I do know where I want to go
Where? Being good isn't a destination, it's a tool.
It's like me asking "where do you want to travel to?" and you reply "a first class airplane".

>failed to learn languages and instruments
Learning to draw takes 5.000 hours or more.
Learning a second language takes 600 hours.
Learning to strum a few songs on the guitar or piano takes less than 100 hours.

I'm not telling you to become fluent or a concert musician, just to learn a skill to some degree where you can see your progress and do something with it. Again, you're not thinking about destinations, only skill.

Symbol drawing up the wazoo, how long did this take?
Draw an interior scene of a castle dungeon where we can see some perspective in action, put a character there just for scale.

I don't want to see a finished product, I want a solid sketch without using rulers or any construction lines, just imagine the 3D environment and try to draw it.
Feel free to draw a loose sketch first and then polish it.

My guess is you are not seeing in 3D at all, only in 2D.

>> No.6607681

You people come on 4chan instead of going to therapy and cry about "third world countries" when obviously, you can't afford your healthcare.

>> No.6607687

Oh we know you did this in 5 minutes.
This is dog shit.
OP don't feel bad when these are the people mocking you KEK.

>> No.6607704
File: 135 KB, 498x576, image_2023-04-14_182318849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm back off work and decided to quickly colour this as a warm up :)

>> No.6607714

Why you made the thread though? What do you want to hear? That's why everyone fucking despises depressed cunts. You make a thread and you obviously are already trying to counter the usual suggestions people are going to make. All the advice people could give you here you could google since thousands of people have already cried out like this. You won't hear anything new and you being an emotional little bitch is the reason behind this thread existing but everything you or the thread could ever give is just counter productive.

So if this thread gave you some emotional relief I guess you were correct to create it. However never providing anything of substance yourself is why you fail. You're a selfish little depressed cunt after all. If your thread wouldn't have been a silly outcry for a slight emotional relief, but instead you would have been concrete about just one problem, would have constructively described your efforts and what you think went wrong then people would have actually received something. And they had given back and you would be one step closer to getting good. But nothing works, everything is pointless and you just have no talent and can not improve no matter what you do, right?

The irony about describing your skills in absolutes like that is that you are actually praising yourself. If you're too dumb to improve then you're too dumb to know anything about yourself or your capabilities. And yet you talk like you have figured it all out. The one thing your shitty brain can masterfully calculate is your potential, even though it's good for nothing else. What a convenient brain you have.

>> No.6607719

Went from soul to soulless.

>> No.6607733

you dont draw

>> No.6607746

Congrats you mogged on OP for literally no reason

>> No.6607777

I was asked to draw a specific thing and I did, I don’t know what you expected, I have said I’ve been failing for years, I don’t consider anything to be a strong point so there was never going to be a good drawing from me here

And yeah, maybe I am looking for a new perspective or something to make sense of why my art is forever terrible and not just “you’re doing what we told you but you’re doing it wrong” which is all anyone tells me even though I do it literally exactly as I’m told.

>> No.6607806

You probably came to this thread to feel superior because there's no way you actually think this is good.

>> No.6607810

this thread is pretty much why almost nobody on /ic/ has friends
unlikeable and superiority complex for no reason.

>> No.6607811

What new perspective? If you're at this for a decade already you have already heard all the general advice people can give. You have to be ultra specific and problem oriented. But you're the opposite, evasive. You trying to escape into yet again another general advice rodeo just tells me you avoid targeting your weaknesses. And no, no one has to point out shit for you. If you think you art is bad then you have some idea why it's bad. And you can ask other people if your idea is right and then you can discuss with other people why can be done to fix it. Everything else is escapism.

>> No.6607826

What superiority complex? I think literally everyone is better than I am.

I know it’s bad because it looks bad, I don’t think anything in particular looks good so clearly I need help with every aspect. It’s impossible to be specific when you see a problem with everything in the most fundamental level and my consistent failure of evidence of that.

You tell me, is there anything you think I did especially worse?

>> No.6607843

>You tell me, is there anything you think I did especially worse?
Show me which artist your aiming at with your style since you seem to suffer more from shit taste than actually being bad. Show me the ideal you're aiming at currently.

>> No.6607865

I don’t have an ideal. I see a billion better artists and I try to be like any one of them

>> No.6607872

So we have found your problem pretty fast. Pick one and just one artist and their absolute best works. Now copy these artworks every day and analyze the fuck out of them for at least 3 months. This will pretty quickly make you much better. There, your depression is fixed. You're welcome and now fuck off and go draw.

>> No.6607879

Every time I draw i attempt to emulate other artists
I’ve been doing that for years

>> No.6607882
File: 80 KB, 531x628, SumatraPDF-3.4.6-64_HAuoiwuMxK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Download Fastest way to improve illustration by Naoki Saito. That's actually an intermediate to advanced level book perfect to fix your shit taste and art schizophrenia. Just work with the book for 3 months. You will improve, a lot.

>> No.6607928

Isn’t that just a YouTube video?

>> No.6607941

He references some of his videos in the book to make his points clearer but they are optional.

>> No.6607943

This one?

>> No.6607946


>> No.6607978

Not that I disagree with his method, I think it’s actually an important aspect of learning but where does he teach form/perspective fundies?

>> No.6607997

The English is almost incomprehensibly bad, how can anyone read this?

>> No.6608002

Like I said, it's an intermediate to advanced level book so none of that here. Not sure if he teaches them in one of his videos since I don't really follow him.

>> No.6608021

Op needs to spend the next year drawing boxes and doing form and simple still life studies. Style is just going to further hamstring him.

>> No.6608038

He has been grinding 10 years without a clear precise goal to aim at. He is a broken man. The last thing he needs now is grinding fundamentals. He needs to find actual purpose. He is incredibly lost because he tries to do everything and wants to be everything. Wanting to do everything might as well be wanting to do nothing. So he should just select one thing he wants to definitely learn to draw and focus on just that for a couple of months. Learning and refining fundamentals doesn't have to be a linear process. You can always at any point refine them further. And the best point for that to happen is when you have a clear purpose for these fundamentals.

>> No.6608075
File: 122 KB, 734x944, Screenshot_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How can I get better?
If you practice anatomy drawing from books for 1 hour everyday you would be better off than mindless drawing for 8 hours. And do lots of figure studies trying to apply anatomy. Not sure what you were doing those 8-10 hours

>> No.6608200

But I managed to get out of the hole, after giving up drawing for 1 year I decided to study the most basic of the basics. My problem was that I never developed spatiality skills.
I fixed it by studying 3d shapes (cubes and prisms) for 1 month, 1 to 2 hours a day. After that all the knowledge I acquired in the previous years was unlocked. I'm still not good but I already notice improvements.

>> No.6608293
File: 78 KB, 600x500, 1678868714578967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's bullshit. No one who grinds art for a decade draws like that, no matter how braindead you are. There's no line weight here, no anatomy, no perspective, no volume or shading of any kind, no gesture, nothing. A person who picked up the stylus a month ago can do better. So either you were drawing literal stick figures 8 hours a day for a decade, or you're lying to get asspats.

>> No.6608323

I’m not lying and I don’t draw stick figures. I’m just genuinely terrible

>> No.6608340

Again, that's not possible when you do proper practice, unless you're an amnesiac or something. Mechanical skill develops by itself through repetition, it's literally not possible not to develop it as long as you perform the work. If you do gestures diligently every day for a couple of years, you WILL learn how gestures work, and your figures won't be static. Same applies to other concepts. So I would assume you didn't actually "grind" at all, and the decade you're talking about sounded more like "damn, I wanna learn how to draw (again), so I'm gonna spend the next few weeks doing studies and then not touch the pencil for the next three years".

>> No.6608356

Gestures do not work whenever I draw them. Everything I do is worse with gesture drawing

I genuinely have never learned a single mechanical skill in my life, at anything. I couldn’t even figure out host infuse s bicycle

>> No.6608363

Then I'm sorry to inform you that you're genuinely mentally retarded. I hope you'll be able to live at peace with your condition.

>> No.6608383

>Retard Doesn't Take Care of Himself
>Can't Learn Because His body Needs Upkeep
>Refuses to Upkeep and Draws to the point it's a complete negative Feedback
>Confused when they don't learn

Literally wallowing in self-perpetuated misery. Take care of yourself first and foremost, then learn.

>> No.6608390

How does one take care of themself any differently?
I eat, I drink, I sleep, I pay my bills, I’m not fat, I’m not sick, my body is maintained just fine

>> No.6608582

Im talking about the people shitting on you not you

>> No.6608683


>> No.6609099

at least he admits for being a plagiarist

>> No.6609369
File: 153 KB, 375x600, image_2023-04-15_183249794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for your feedback - I went back and spent more time on my piece :)

>> No.6609442

Yes you’re better than op, you won a literal impossible to lose battle.

Go fuck off

>> No.6609450

as long as we're on the same page :)

>> No.6609815

Still ugly as shit desu

>> No.6610090

if it had slitty eyes and a pointy chin would it be ok then?

>> No.6610093


>> No.6610095

Miku-fag plz

>> No.6610097

Keep going, make those perma/beg/s and op rope themselves.

>> No.6610098
File: 26 KB, 571x408, IMG_3586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you're happy now, OP is in the other room crying like a little girl.

>> No.6610100

Some people here are just pieces of shit with no respect, and they're not worth hanging out with.

OP would you ever want to draw together? Maybe you can help me and I can help you. I'm trying to get better too.

>> No.6610313

This thread is wild
>op claims he's been drawing every day for a decade for 8 hours per day
>asked to post work
>it looks like something a ten tear old would draw
>gets called out by anon who pyw
>other anons jump on pyw anon
>pyw anon goes and works on drawing and makes anon seethe
I'm happy someone mogged op, if he's drawing like this after 10 years of practice he's either larping or an actual permabeg

>> No.6610327

OP, what or how have you been studying? Can you provide an example of your study routine / the studies you do on a regular basis?
Mileage is important, yes, but how you're spending those hours is just as important. Have you considered taking any courses with instruction or classmates?
As for pushing away your friends - you may not be able to avoid self-loathing of your art, but you certainly should be able to refrain from whining or complaining it in the presence of company. Expressing frustration with your work on occasion is fine, but it sounds like the level of self-loathing that you exhibit is actively harming your social interactions, which is only going to perpetuate the cycle.

>>6606960 is also good advice. Like anything else you learn or study, fundamentals are best tackled when you are well-rested and nourished. Breaks, too, are a time for reflection or allowing yourself to take a new perspective; 8 hours a day may sound you're getting a lot done on paper, but it means nothing if the lack of rest is hampering your ability to think or learn.

It'll be no different from the salaryman who is forced to remain overtime in the office with no improved efficiency just because the metrics look good.

>> No.6610366

>I grinded fundamentals
LOL you didn't. You don't understand volumes, you don't understand lineweight, you don't understand the perspective (not going to comment on lighting because you did none and even if you did your volumes are fucked up so it would not work)

>> No.6610370

Forgot to mention your anatomy is a joke

>> No.6610394
File: 188 KB, 375x600, 59C177BF-6FB6-4F2F-92F0-9DE8C7BE76EF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make love to me, baby

>> No.6610611

>can’t take criticism but shits on others

>> No.6610628

To be honest, mogging OP isn't hard. You're still permabeg as fuck.
The difference is OP feels bad about it.
What was your point?

>> No.6610633


>> No.6610728
File: 501 KB, 1799x2909, 9A39D4BF-491B-45ED-BC1D-E2C9B0DE3529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP Here

Like I said. The mermaid was something I did without references and faster than usual.

Pic related is something I drew for /v/ and is a better example of where I stand. Still not good, but better.
Nearly everything I draw is for various drawthreads. This one took me 8 hours.

As for what I study, I do various redraws of other artists, I do those programs that give you a random pose to draw. And I spend a lot of time just on finishing drawings.

>> No.6610734

Good for u, op. Thought you hanged yourself

>> No.6610745

No just been busy and frankly shocked this thread is still alive

>> No.6610803

So 8 hours and you still can't draw hands nor feet and you have to draw flat character so you don't have to deal with perspective. Also you forgot about hips

>> No.6610805

post your klee

>> No.6610821

hah nice
who'da thought posting work and critiquing art on the Artwork/Critique board would be a bad thing?

I think this just rustled your jimmies because you don't draw or / draw as well as OP

I still don't understand how someone can claim to say they draw 6 hours a day for a decade and show no signs of any study

>> No.6610832
File: 496 KB, 1112x721, image_2023-04-16_174010173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't see this mermaid poster here - this is way better than your last pic
>8 hours?

I'd genuinely love to know your process - because 8 hours for this, and 2 and half hours for the original mermaid

You got to be be doing something unique

are you drawing construction? Stick to simple shapes and then draw over them on new layer
refine your sketch and then proceed further - I'm not really sure how long I spent on this one - maybe 1 or 2 hours? but this is my process

>> No.6611195


I wouldn’t have made this thread if I didn’t think my ability was unusually terrible

I start with basic construction, significantly more basic that the left lost one, then Inredraw and refine over and over until it looks decent enough to move on to next step.
I will redraw them entire thing maybe 9 passes before ink

>> No.6611214

OP what do you ask yourself when you've finished a drawing or while you're working on one?

>> No.6611243

“What am k doing wrong?”
“Is this good?”
“Why do my lines never look right?”

Stuff like that

>> No.6611377

I don't know if its my place to tell you "you should go study x" or "you need to do y". but I think it would be good for you to take this sort of analytical mindset further both during the process and after you finish.

Without judgement or putting yourself down, or even expectations of improving, break down specifically what you think you could do better the next time. Like "okay, my lines don't look the way I want them to. what exactly do I want them to look like, and what can I change to bring them closer to that ideal?" Do this with different aspects that you're unsatisfied with so you can tackle them one at a time.

If you have an artist or two that you really like, it makes it a lot easier to do this, since you have something to compare to. Look closely at their work and ask yourself what their thought process was while making it. Take note of what is successful about their work and make your best guess as to why, specifically, it's successful. ("because it's good" is too vague) Then see if you can implement that into a piece. Then you can go back again and ask "what exactly did I do differently that prevents it from looking how I want it?"

Idk if that makes sense or is helpful. Basically, you should always be thinking and analyzing, whether you're consuming other people's art or making your own.

"I can't ever do this right" "What's wrong with me" "I'll never improve" "my work sucks" these are useless thoughts. You can drop them. They don't matter. All that matters is what your next step should be and how to take that step. And ideally that you're having fun.

>> No.6611383

Also as other people have said: get enough sleep, drink enough water, eat good food, and get out of the house (I could take this advice myself). Drawing takes a lot of brainpower, doesn't it make sense that if you're not taking care of your brain it'll fail you?

>> No.6611428

Stop lying about fundamentals. You never understood then well enough to apply them. That's why you are trying to guess work the solution by re drawing until it looks correct. Go back to start before you waste another year not progressing

>> No.6611476

Honestly take sketches from Disney movies and trace them, not braindead of course but do it consciously. I think that would help you the best

>> No.6611480

You think you're dunking on the guy but at least he knows he is a beg you on the other hand are the text book case of Dunning Kruger

>> No.6611587

I did this last year, but here’s an attempt by me to duplicate a head from someone else’s art. I couldn’t get the angle 1:1, it’s a little wider, and the pupils are off, but I think I did okay. Even if this head took me 4 hours

I practice them constantly but that’s doesn’t mean I understood them or they work for me. I have to try harder and harder to get any result, I’m aware of that.

How do you consciously trace?

>> No.6611588
File: 304 KB, 1168x454, 316477DD-B733-40A5-B905-F6F10F94F84E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to add the pic

>> No.6611618

Why not just get a different hobby if it's really that hard for you to grasp how this shit works? Especially if you're tanking 8 hours every day into it and it's stressing you? Maybe drawing is just not your thing

>> No.6611630

>How do you consciously trace?
You try to understand what the lines you're drawing are trying to convey, why is the line around the cheek thinner there but thicker here what is this supposed to convey to the viewer/reader

>> No.6611670

Because I want to be good. It’s all I’ve ever wanted.
Yes I’m beyond awful, yes nothing I make will need be worth a damn to anyone. Yes I’m a mockery who tries his hardest and still ends up with the shittiest work imaginable. But it’s all I have. I’d have no reason or desire to live if I gave up.

Believe me, no one knows how utterly talentless I am betted than I do. I spend every moment of every day surrounded by nothing but success and talent and I’m pathetic. But I can’t see a reality where I don’t work towards this goal. It’s either get better or die

>> No.6611709

>I'm gonna off myself and irredeemable destroy the life of my family forever if I can't draw my furry brap porn >.<
Seriously shit like this feels so unbelievably retarded and makes me question everything else you said in this thread, you're such a drama queen. Who is gonna fucking off himself because he can't draw a fucking mermaid? How entitled do you have to be, to have a mindset like that

>> No.6611710

Study, watch videos on how to draw from pros, try copying art you like, get a good grasp and understanding of what makes for good anatomy and composition

Either this or give up if art causes you so much suffering

>> No.6611916

I am not even going to give you a (You). You have substituted studying, understanding and then using applied practice of fundamentals with "practicing" fundamentals without understanding them. You have wasted years and now you are wasting everyone's time.
You are an example of a person not only too retarded to become anywhere near proficient after all that supposed time you have dedicated to art but also to retarded to conceive or adapt any kind of efficient structure to your education. You came here and only when pressed you admitted you don't actually know fundamentals. Keep re drawing until it feels right, I will remember there is somebody like you out there LMAO
People like you make me feel good, because no matter how much I hate myself for not being as good as I want to be I can always remind myself there are mentally retarded people like you around and so it could have been so much worse.

>> No.6611925

I had dreams to become an animation director to be able create my own films and shows or at the very least be like those art or content creators, who manage to get monthly income and recognition from their followers. But as the time went on, offers had been rejected and jealousy watching others succeed didn't help.

I had been trying to sabotage my attempts and quit entirely, but sadly I can't as my mind can't get off from creating art pieces. I still comteplate whether or not to actually quit and throw away everything. Or instead to suck up to some of the creators and use them to grow somewhat

>> No.6611932

>t. draws once per month

>> No.6611933

Damn, that’s some high level insecurity

>> No.6611948

Diagnosis: tranime brainrot, inoperable

>> No.6611970

A lot of people dunking on mermaid poster a lot less posting their work

>> No.6611975

I used to do this with eagles.

>> No.6612058
File: 1.90 MB, 3024x4032, 20230417_094822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Change mediums.

If one isn't working out for you, then apply your artistic eye and urges to another. I was drawing a webcomic in ballpoint pen for over a decade, and I had to abandon it, the server rental and domain name renewal money was devoured by Covid,and I was too depressed to continue it. Now,I am gearing up to redo the 180+ strips in full color and in my style of drawing all the elements of a comic panel separately and processing them to fit the need,so I am relearning pencil, and this is today's drawing. I will put more work into this tomorrow. But explore all sorts of different media. If drawing figures hasn't been productive, try patterns. There is always a market for eye catching clothes,especially women's clothing, and places that will produce physical products based in your art.

>> No.6612074

>you don’t draw
You’re projecting
I do art professionally
I refuse to be associated with /Ic/ or people will think I’m like you so idc about being called permabeg.
You on the other hand… KEK

>> No.6612088

>I draw until it hurts
first mistake. if something physically hurts, your technique is shit.
>more than 8 hour straight without breaks
total waste of your time, nothing will stick in your mind, and even if it does you're probably actively getring worse by repeating shit technique when you're "angr drawing"
>I’ve been at this for over a decade.
what do you expect? you're unironically practicing the opposite of how you should so all you're doing is repeating and ingraining your shit habits
unironically just switch to AI art at this point

>> No.6612129

Big thread and I know I'm procrastinating so I'll say this if anyone haven't.

This is like working out for 10 years thinking you'll look like some ifbb pro. You most likely was spinning your wheels. If you don't have a map to where you're going you'll most likely go nowhere.

>Who do you want to draw like?
>Who inspires you? Why doesn't your art look like that?
>What methods do they use to create their art?
>What habits can I gain to close this skill gap?
>Who can I go to to help me or what resources I can get to reach my goals?

That's all you need, frustration is apart of the process- in fact if you're not frustrated or feeling uncomfortable about your work you aren't growing. Don't spread yourself thin by getting distracted by every new technique/study, actually make it a point to finish your paintings, post it and APPLY THE FEEDBACK and you're golden.

Side note depression is another flavor of mental delusion, it's a mindset in which you will have to break, it's your body telling you that you're fucking wrong so adopt another mindset. What you're in now is a spiral of despair. I've been in that spiral as well and this may be hitting deaf ears for now, but in time you'll see you needed to go through this dark period in order to gain the emotional self control never to be in it again. Figure out your spiral triggers, refuse to ruminate, you can't control what pops in your head but you can introduce new thoughts like "don't think of a pink elephant", or you can do push ups/exercise every time you repeat a certain phrase to train your body not to.

>> No.6612184

>I do art professionally
>won't post artwork
Cool story bro - if you're scared of being "caught using 4chan" of all things then draw something new and post it
Right now you look like you got called out and are grasping at straws

>> No.6612197

imagine you're trying to do a trick on a skateboard and you keep busting your ass because you literally keep doing the same exact thing over and over and over again for 8 hours a day every single day without taking a single second to think about what you're doing wrong.

>> No.6612223

But but Tony Hawk is doing the same exact tricks and he says to practice these moves to do said tricks so why am I not improving?

>> No.6612306

>breaks ankles doing an ollie
it's just my style

>> No.6612314

Okay so if you know you messed up why don't you try drawing it again and fix up what you know you drew incorrectly? If you want to get better you have to focus on what you are doing wrong.

>> No.6612326

op your problem isn't simply you not getting fundamentals or grinding 8 hours for nothing but that you constantly jump to "I suck and I'm bad" without asking where and what exactly you are bad at. You have serious self-esteem issues that need fixing and if you can't love yourself, you can't love your art, much less the process of making it. this board isn't a hugbox but you are brave for posting your work, now you just have to be brave to work on the shortcomings. Personally, I think your work is bad on a technical level but I can see that you adore cute style/cartoonish characters. I recommend starting from there and translating what you learn into creating what you like.

Also for the anons here who felt like they have to go on an entire rant to diss on him, post your fucking work. He might not be skilled but at least he has the balls to get himself shit at.

>> No.6612331

>my art is trash so I have to rely on twitter politics and fake internet rep to stay relevant

>> No.6612381

Hey, whatever helps you sleep at night.
I don't care if I'm insulted by an anonymous voice on the internet.
But as others in this thread pointed out, you're a textbook case of dunning kruger.
And a hypocrite since you hate others criticizing your artwork but you'd gladly do it to others.

>> No.6612385

>Seething so hard you create a character in your head
Holy mother of copes

>> No.6612452

>character in my head
>literally 90% of twitter artists out there
tell me why else would you not want to be associated with ic if not for being canceled by twitter. pyw because I'm sure its shit

>> No.6612723

>you hate others criticizing your artwork but you'd gladly do it to others.
>only criticism is "dat sux" "dunning kruger" and "lol why you dunk on op"
>even no advice was offered, I still took this as "critique" and went back and improved my drawing
>still doesn't pyw

>> No.6612728

Other than the cancel shit, why would anyone want to associate with austimo fucks like you? What is even the benefit you fucks provide?

>> No.6612730

Also, that shit doesn’t matter if you draw fucking coom. Rep means nothing when you have a hoard of retarded cumbrains at your side

>> No.6612762
File: 206 KB, 375x600, 1681579973584813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I engaged with it
Overall your style is just very unappealing and your line work is very insecure

>> No.6612937

For what? To be like this one faggot in the thread? Last time I checked this is about how shit OP is

>> No.6612991

Okay, then you give OP advice

>> No.6613018

You're pissing in the wind here. It's a weebfest so unless you're doing weeb shit, they're going to hate it.

There's some problems with the way the hand on the right connects to the arm and other bits and pieces with the anatomy. The expression/facial style is a nice change to see in that it's different to the usual pedo bait which is all over the place. The colouring is warm, without being overwhelming.

What I'd like to know is this; were you to add other figures and a background, what would they be? If it's a character in isolation, nothing else going on, the internet is infested with that. Adding context and interaction makes things more special.

>> No.6613022
File: 193 KB, 375x600, 1681579973534816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make her look cuter and less ogre-ish

>> No.6613024

I dont have any direct inspiration of style I want to look like. I’ve always tried to emulate whatever I see. Which I know versatility is a impossible task. I guess I have been very directionless, but I don’t know how to definitively pick something and be married to it.

I’m more than willing to change everything I do, but I don’t know what would be effective and clearly trying to teach myself with available resources has been in vain. And you’re right, I probably do spread myself thing y trying every technique someone brings up. I’ve had no real structured plan or training method.

I spent a lot of time reflecting on my mental state and why I get depressed by my art and I’ve more or less found the triggers and why I disappoint myself so heavily when my work doesn’t meet the impossibly high standards I set for myself, I’m more positive than I’ve even in months, but I also haven’t drawn since that mermaid. I’m not really sure how to properly keep myself in check.

I try to keep that in mind for the next drawing, I have not made e same pupil mistake again for instance.

Above all I am trying honestly and earnestly to find why I’m not getting anywhere and I am willing to put in work, I just don’t know how to properly formulate a plan or how to even identify what needs more work than others. Whenever asked what my weak points are, I say “everything”

>> No.6613036

> Encouraging the worst part about the drawing to forever stunt the guy's growth

>> No.6613069

I prefer it to the nonce bait sameface that often gets posted here. The expression they did shows a mix of impatience, confusion and tiredness. Is it "cute" for a weeb no. More interesting to look at though.

The "cuter" version below just makes them look like a blank mong.

>> No.6613084

You can do that, but the reason the og pic looks so awful is because the you obviously have huge gaps in your fundies, you might want to express a lot of emotions and do unconventional faces, but if you don't know what you're doing it will just look wrong

>> No.6613087
File: 16 KB, 96x97, Dunning Kruger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The expression they did shows a mix of impatience, confusion and tiredness

>> No.6613094
File: 10 KB, 202x250, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire thread feels like a dhar mann vid

>> No.6613177
File: 536 KB, 1000x1000, 07FE2104-FE02-46D0-B236-49E852C0CBBE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to just join this mermaid circlejerk

>> No.6613187


>> No.6613200

like this but please learn to draw faces and hands

>> No.6613331

>in b4 lol hurr durr dunning kruger
Looks great better than op and you posted your work

>> No.6613334

Who are you talking to

>> No.6613343
File: 796 KB, 2400x2400, 8B104AD5-7E1D-4CB4-A9D8-E8D3B4D24E61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once drew a mermaid that was all genitals

>> No.6613367
File: 176 KB, 416x219, 1675307226004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanna draw and post a mermaid to mog on this guy for mogging on OP so bad but then ill be just like him

>> No.6613394

Mermaid poster here
Honestly I'm all for it - my biggest drive for me is people shitting on my work or telling me how it sucks - its the soul reason I come here :)

>> No.6613399

this thread is pretty sad if true. hope OP-kun realizes he may have greater tribulations to overcome in his life than learning to draw

>> No.6613421

Yeah, I'm overcoming depression with art. I DON'T EVEN CARE IF IT'S GOOD.
At least I'm living and for periods of time I don't want to kill myself. I'm fighting my inner demons throught art, and that's something.

>> No.6613500

W*sterners really can't into beautiful.

>> No.6613556

What is the point of this...? Do you really get an ego boost out of this? Look as those fucking sausage hands, anon, you're better than OP, but still /beg/ tier. This is really pathetic. It's like you actually feel superior from winning a game against a toddler.

>> No.6613826

>Sees no difference in his drawings
>Kills himself drawing, burning out

There are differences between drawing and leaning how to draw while drawing
You gotta learn from the mistakes, even if its a single drawing

Remember to study references, you cannot draw a body if you haven't studied the structure of one in the first place

And PLEASE rest, a tired mind is the worst enemy of an artist

>> No.6613869

You’d think your art would be better then.

>> No.6613877
File: 267 KB, 1920x1080, 1630977570506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posts like these make me believe that maybe /asg/ is going somewhere with focusing more on developing an appeal by ripping off others, what is the point of being able to draw well if it leaves you with zero impressions other than how ugly it is.

>> No.6613893

this looks like a fat ogre hypershitting out a huge dump from their disfigured torso

>> No.6613917
File: 713 KB, 1216x3800, 1668733912957445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6613929

They're purposely drawing ugly as shit garbage because they want to have muh special unique style. Just a failure of putting their massive ego first before the actual result and effect of their work.
Disgusting. This drawing by OP is no masterpiece, but it's infinitely better since it actually has some appeal >>6610728

>> No.6614067 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 526x796, image_2023-04-18_202049245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jumping on the mermuger train

>> No.6614194
File: 161 KB, 481x712, image_2023-04-18_214901941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you for the feedback - I didn't really intend to mog OP - but I'm grateful regardless of the feedback given to me

I don't normally draw anime stuff - but got a bunch of references and gave it a shot - feel free to keep letting me know how to improve as I genuinely just enjoy drawing :)

>> No.6614263

Bruh you will make it
Don't take drawing as a chore, do it for fun, enjoy it , if you draw like its killing you then trust me you won't get better, have fun, relax and go easy on yourself
Study, draw what you like and when you like, don't force yourself
Also can you post some of your work?

>> No.6614269

>Those hands
You draw like a 14 yr old Instagram girl

>> No.6614277

Aye man that's good, tf you whining about?
I've been drawing for 20 yrs yet I'm way shit than you, stop whining and keep grinding but don't kill yourself doing it, have fun

>> No.6614284

>first time trying anime
>unironically mogs all of ic
>ic seethes in jealousy

>> No.6614295

Why don't you give some advice to op?

>> No.6614330

Why don’t you pyw?

>> No.6614331

Fucking kiddy diddler...

>> No.6614336

I unironically have multiple times in this thread

I even complimented their second piece they posted - but I don't know what else to suggest

Just keep practicing but make better efforts to focus on anatomy and copy references whenever you can

>> No.6614339

>didn’t intend to mog OP

>first post was mocking OP for taking a long time to draw trash

We get it, you can draw. All you’re doing is making Op more suicidal

>> No.6614358

>more talking
Why haven’t you posted your work yet

>> No.6614388

Are you supposed to do step 3 the same day or the next?

>> No.6614477

All you did was insult them and draw specifically to insult them further.
Frankly anyone who posted art in this thread except OP is an asshole

>> No.6614509
File: 713 KB, 1990x1475, B71A4BB3-232C-4874-B3EC-1EE81886E874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Frankly anyone who posted art in this thread except OP is an asshole
The mental gymnastics nodraws will contort themselves up into in order to not feel bad about never actually picking up a pen to draw is astounding. In your fantasy, you’re the hero for not drawing and posting your work on a board whose sole purpose is for people to draw and post their work. Marvelous!

>> No.6614512

>that tail
>those hands
>the change of perspective of the different body part
>the awful lineart
You can't hide your begness from me, it's your fundies anon you have big gaps in them

>> No.6614513

you can hate the guy for being an ass, but you said that out of spite. and you know it

>> No.6614514

Where’s your work, /beg/ boy?.

>> No.6614516

I literally pointed out all the problems I have with his "piece", with what are you disagreeing

>> No.6614517

>beggies just don't get it
I guess it's time to redline

>> No.6614528

>I guess it’s time to continue not drawing and posting my own work.
Redline away anon. That’s about your speed.

>> No.6614537
File: 277 KB, 1000x921, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op lets address some things in your post:
>More than 8 hours straight nearly every single day
>I have nothing to show for it. Everything I draw is horrible
>I’ve been at this for over a decade.
this is just not possible, i know a man lying on the internet; shocking
you can come post threads and lie to us all you want but you will not get better if you continue to lie to yourself
its is genuinely not humanly possible to draw for 10 hours a day every day for a decade and not pick anything up
quit LARPing and go actually draw, or quit if it makes you miserable.

>I don’t find drawing fun.
>it causes me nothing but depression
>I have alienated every one of my friends because my depression and whining makes them hate me
>I can’t “enjoy the process” when the process is nothing but crushing my hopes and ambitions.
this is truly and purely the attitude of a NGMI
if you dont like drawing, you are not an artist. simple as.
you think hairdressers hate cutting hair?
you think carpenters hate woodworking?
if you aren't doing some menial task or labouring it just isnt realistic to wake up and hate what you do everyday.

>how much better they truly are compared to the trash I make.
comparing yourself to anyone but yourself is retarded and unhelpful.
you will continue to fail forever as long as you do it

>> No.6614538
File: 209 KB, 481x712, 1681850946682054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have the same problem as before, you have no understanding of perspective/Volume/proportions. You don't understand what you're drawing, hence why you're a /beg/

>> No.6614545

duning kruger sisters...I don't feel so good...

>> No.6614548

this anon knows his fundies

>> No.6614550

Your work? anyone can do a redline, fag.

>> No.6614554

less seething more grinding Dunning Kruger anon.

>> No.6614559

do you realize you made the composition and proportions worse just to make the tail look more "3D"?
it's obvious >>6614194 has flaws, specially on the tail, but it is not beg tier.

>beg: not good enough to be monetized, lacks basic quality/knowledge
>int: potentially monetizable, good enough quality/knowledge
>pro: very monetizable, high quality/knowledge

stop trying to be a smart ass you are achieving the opposite

>> No.6614560

Not even the same fag you're bitching about in the first place, not pyw shows you don't have the confidence or guts with your work. All you can do is talk shit.

>> No.6614561
File: 526 KB, 1165x883, Dunning Kruger part 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you realize you made the composition and proportions worse just to make the tail look more "3D"?
>umm the flat T-Rex tail was a stylistic choice???
Never change Beggies

>> No.6614562
File: 17 KB, 263x275, 1670653238470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6614568

Even a complete beginner like you should know that if you can redline and correct mistakes from retards like you then the chances are pretty high that I know what I'm talking about

>> No.6614573

I accept your concession, /beg/ boy. All that redlining and you still can't produce anything, retard.

>> No.6614575

>n-no YOU are the beg...

>> No.6614594

>>it's obvious >>6614194 has flaws, specially on the tail, but it is not beg tier.

>umm the flat T-Rex tail was a stylistic choice???
>Never change Beggies

nice to see how you ignored the whole point.
if it doesn't fit your narrative invent a new one, that works too

>> No.6614605 [DELETED] 


>> No.6614609


>> No.6614622

Listen anon, I know I hurt your feelings by being harsh. BUT obviously, if you wanna dunk on OP with you're "art" then you better bring out a banger, or else people are gonna dunk on you.
All my points still stand. You have no understanding of volume/proportions/perspective these concepts are so foreign to you that you call them "making it look 3D" that falls under /beg/. it feels like your drawings are just a bunch of references cluttered together but because you have no fundies you don't know how to make them work with each other so the proportions and perspective are completely off. No amount of crying and bitching will change that. Get gud.

>> No.6614624
File: 2.75 MB, 6071x8598, Gainz Goblin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just kill yourself already, Anon. You know you want to. Your mermaid drawing is hideouts and you should indeed be ashamed of yourself for working this hard and not improving.

Kill yourself. The only thing of value lost will be the rope. You had a goal, tried really hard, lacked any natural talent to get there and failed because your a genetic failure.

Pray you get more lucky in the next life you worthless piece of shit.

>> No.6614632
File: 41 KB, 400x366, 1580919656347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6614649
File: 439 KB, 1165x883, dunning kruger part3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we can go deeper

>> No.6614650

>when you shit on so many people you lose track
to clarify, i didn't draw anything here, i'm only: >>6614559 >>6614513 and >>6614594

>these concepts are so foreign to you that you call them "making it look 3D"
volumetric drawing is basically trying to make things look more tridimensional, you love cherry picking don't you?

while your "correction" fixed stuff it also changed things that didn't need to be changed.
relax a little, you need it.

>> No.6614653

very based and fundiespilled

>> No.6614664

Hip going places

>> No.6614671

How long did it take you to master construction? Awesome drawing btw

>> No.6614677

im not a master of anything,, but ive been drawing for 7 years

>> No.6614679


>> No.6614686
File: 303 KB, 1137x944, WORSETHANCHRISCHAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will NEVER be worse than Worse Than Chris Chan.

>> No.6614702

You sound like a league of legends addict.
The art on the picture looks fine.
And guess what? even the most incredible artworks I have seen can allot of time end up being something I scroll over in a second.
Because they have nothing to tell me.

Skill does not produce intrigue... Practice all you want, but, if you ain't living, you got nothing to actually show in what you do.

Go outside, do some job, live a life and use the experience as a reference, it'll make you draw something you feel better with, that actually says something, and people will find interesting.

Even if the art ain't with the best skill ever, it'll have a message to deliver.

I am surprised by how my skill is low but how much I manage to convey through my animation to people... Because I am busy delivering a feeling, a sensation, a message.
And a ton of video game references, these matter.

Draw a life, not a picture.

>> No.6614773
File: 574 KB, 1000x1000, 0B62F845-B3EF-4C92-B508-DEF89FD9F713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m seeing a lot of talking and no posting of work in here.

>> No.6614883
File: 824 KB, 3000x4000, b8bs19a8wrua1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've made my comment to OP into a drawing with spirit of the mermaid theme.
Cause' you inspired me to ;'D

>> No.6614887
File: 55 KB, 217x190, ok OK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only guy having fun
well played

>> No.6614895
File: 2.33 MB, 614x458, gosling laugh.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I draw ugly on purpose because only pedos like cute things
You might be the dumbest piece of shit on the planet.

>> No.6614970

You aren’t giving yourself enough rest for your brain to process information you’re trying to learn, and your eating, sleeping and social habits aren’t helping either. A poor and irregular sleep schedule will totally fuck with your memory and cognition taking years off your lifespan, poor and irregular diet will further kill your cognitive abilities and energy levels, and lack of socialisation will do the most harm out of all these things to your learning and memorisation abilities.

Bullet points:
>until your life is in better order, only six hours per day of drawing
>fix your sleep schedule, it doesn’t matter when you’re sleeping as long as it’s the same time and length every day, and at least for eight hours
>diet: three meals per day, healthy balance, plenty of water, multivitamin, fish oil and probiotics
>socialisation: leave the fucking house and interact with people. Even if it’s less than an hour a day go out, get coffee, interact with other humans. This is vitally important to cognitive health

>> No.6615085

>The composition is now ruined
>Character literally just stands in a blank void before and after
What is there to ruin?

>> No.6615093

how does it feel to be completely mogged by a cunny-pilled anon?

>> No.6615100

>socialisation: leave the fucking house and interact with people. Even if it’s less than an hour a day go out, get coffee, interact with other humans. This is vitally important to cognitive health
not OP
Ah yes, the classic "lone loser goes to public place" thing. As if people didn't come in groups from their own social circles. We livevin internet age, strangers talk through internet, not in public.
Which is awful because I absolutely refuse to turn myself into some show monkey just for a chance of getting a gf on corporate-ran "dating app".

>> No.6615110

>I don't normally draw anime stuff
LMAO that is way, way waaaay better than anything posted ITT. I don't get why you handicap yourself just to appease the anti-anime contrarians. Fuck them and FUCK w*stern styles.

>> No.6615112

Theres a lot of people pretending to be me in this thread

great angle on this one

looks great - I should get me one of those drawing pad things

and thanks for the feedback - the tail does look a lot better like this
moving the arm up looks much better and the way you drew the face looks great!
Also I love the method you used to draw the hands here - I've never seen that before, I always draw a sort of warped square and add the thumbs to it - but adding the fingers individually gives them a lot more shape

>> No.6615144

Okay then offer to teach OP

>> No.6615181

its not my job to teach an anon who says he has been drawing longer than i have how to draw.

>> No.6615196
File: 199 KB, 1040x1223, 4D7E2DE8-A5DE-4D8E-A3A4-A38B09F748EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>handicap lel
you do understand that anime is kindergarten level drawing right anon? Even your average beglet can draw the 6 line formula anime uwu face… Oh goodness, you didn’t think anime was actually hard to draw, did you, anon?

Protip, most ppl don’t draw anime bc it’s a boring sameface copypaste across the board that is easily replicated by computer algorithms, not bc it’s haaaaard. Lmfao and no picrel is not meant to be my example of anime.

PS, Western art unironically mogs your paint-by-numbers, assembly line nonce bait.

>> No.6615226
File: 271 KB, 1474x1854, 6F0A936D-5F65-48FD-8807-FC55D86CD694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op back with a faster mermaid than before.
This one was one hour instead of the two hours of the previous one

>> No.6615229

same day, same hour even. test your self the next day if you want.

>> No.6615251

Still lots of areas to improve but significantly better than your first go at it

I think you need to keep doing quick sketches rather than continually polishing a single piece

>> No.6615258

so...they instead draw lilo and stitch ripoffs?? top kek

>> No.6615284

actually cute

>> No.6615286

>you do understand that anime is kindergarten level drawing right anon? Even your average beglet can draw the 6 line formula anime uwu face… Oh goodness, you didn’t think anime was actually hard to draw, did you, anon?
the /beg/ is oozing out of you

>> No.6615297
File: 69 KB, 680x680, 1455454646256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dunning Kruger anon is gone the entire time
>Suddenly someone appears who completely ignores the horrendous-looking mistakes in his shit tier drawings and asks him why he won't with all his incredible talent join the anime forces just to get rejected by Dunning Kruger anon who tells him that he is a REAL artist who would never stoop so low
>they both appear at the exact same time
>they both disappear at the same time
I wish you would stop this and just learn perspective

>> No.6615605
File: 591 KB, 1474x1854, 1FAE17F5-9D30-46ED-BF9A-AEFD8C173BB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6615632 [DELETED] 
File: 515 KB, 1479x2097, mermaid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cute but Anon, I think you would benefit from reducing the opacity of your brush. and giving more flow to her hair.
I'm high beg and I'm at work but i tried to quickly redraw the parts that were bothering me

>> No.6615647
File: 591 KB, 1474x1854, D4DDB9DC-1707-46C2-8E58-E19F69903722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arm was too long

>> No.6615663
File: 490 KB, 750x650, 1576341488307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is painful to view its embarrassing.

>> No.6615693

If you had fun you are already winning

But I wouldn't even bother will colouring until you have grinded more fundies - focus on anatomy and continue to use construction and references

Did you have a stroke half way through writing this? Wtf are you talking about?

>> No.6615709

I think heads and faces should be the priority first

>> No.6615711

>But I wouldn't even bother will colouring until you have grinded more fundies

Hard disagree. Anon should finish more pieces as opposed to only doing sketches. Finishing something adds a sense of pride and builds confidence.

>> No.6615712

Thats what happens when a /beg/ gets mind broken. It happens a lot for shitters like them.

>> No.6615760

I’ve been told I’m a stagnated permaprebeg who gets worse with each drawing. What do?

>> No.6615828

Keep drawing. I want to know what words can be used to describe the worst artist ic has ever made.

>> No.6615880

Well according to this thread its either kill yourself or draw anime

>> No.6615929

OP, you’re extremely schizophrenic with your art. Focus on one art style

>> No.6615939

What he should be focusing on is honing in on developing his cunny drawing skills. Keep drawing more genshin kiddies, that's the only piece I've seen you make here that has any sovl.

>> No.6615987

Based and cunny pilled

He needs a sensei to train him in that

>> No.6616136
File: 2.75 MB, 1363x1524, 2215CB6F-B121-4ECC-A535-703C45D02F9B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>according to this thread it’s kill yourself or draw anime
This board is filtered by literally anything that isn’t chinkychink uwu pedobait.

>> No.6616503

most of the posts in this thread make me feel like im having a stroke
are you guys all ESL or what

>> No.6616506

We usually call them Americans....

>> No.6616525

it's because this is a crab post, OP doesn't draw at all.

>> No.6616650

OP has drawn in this thread.


>> No.6616669

At least he stopped posting his beg art

>> No.6616690
File: 183 KB, 732x1080, E0234B20-C38F-4370-83B4-45D61BF68536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uwu anime so hard, spank me daddy.

>> No.6616692
File: 64 KB, 1048x649, sataniacopyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP I copied satania in 4 hours using this method, and I started drawing 3 weeks ago going into it with the same mindset as you


I think you just autistically focused on one thing without really learning fundamentals, maybe take an online video course also remember the art of not trying, if you try too hard you will fail. Try not to try.

>> No.6616839

L+ you draw like shit+ zero rizz

>> No.6616851

I have tried several video courses, both paid and unpaid, but I haven’t gotten much out of them. I think my issue there is that I am too eager to watch every video first and I’m horrible at planning out what to focus on and deciding when it’s time to move in to another one. The whole “learn at your own pace” aspect doesn’t work for me because I don’t have a paces. I think I really do need a human to smack me and tell me what I need to work on and when.

That said I will absolutely watch the video, your output here is insane for 3 weeks. Can I see where you started?

>> No.6616867
File: 463 KB, 752x941, dunning kruger part4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meh, if youre gonna be wonky as fuck you should at least try to be charming

>> No.6616884
File: 258 KB, 776x958, Illustration14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It feels like you have no experience in drawing at all, you can't draw well anything if you don't have an understanding of the fundamental principles of art, you're drawing here is proof of that >>6614194 from the face to the body it is full of mistakes.

>> No.6616901
File: 109 KB, 848x1200, neco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to add, the pic I posted is a good example of that principle Sera can draw good-looking anime characters but just looking at the way she cross hatches you can see the depth of her knowledge.

>> No.6616937

Fairly certain those are 2 (maybe 3) different people anon
tan background anon and white background anon are different at the very least

Also lol pyw

>> No.6617010
File: 2.89 MB, 2103x1720, jogi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure here

>> No.6617070
File: 47 KB, 495x1010, valt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean where I started artwise or in the video/course? This was my first drawing I mean you could just draw a list of things you could learn until you're happy with them. For instance for 2 days just draw circles and spheres and then cubes in every thinkable perspective and repeat that over and over until you're really happy with that. I'm also not that organized at the moment, I torrented marc brunets art school which has a .pdf which tells you what to do every day, and it really isn't much, but the art school is meant to be almost stretched over 2 years, you could certainly do it faster if you wanted to, but if you really need something to just stick to and mindlessly follow a study plan maybe something like that is for for you. Or pay some art teacher to look at your work and ask him to put together a study plan for you.

>> No.6617262

Never change /ic/

>> No.6617598

I d paid people before, some on /ic/ even but the other issue is that due to my life I can’t consistently draw every day. I can do a few days a week, which is why I draw so long on the days I can draw

Also can you explain what I’m supposed to follow on that video? There no talking or text so I’m incomprehensible to me

>> No.6617844
File: 47 KB, 750x614, 1670668662901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6617901
File: 60 KB, 1132x450, quickcopy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch this he explains it here, it's basically a coordinate system


pic related, far left without the system, right with the system It's not perfect in my case, but you can copy it 1:1 almost with this method. Aim for 60-80% accuracy

>> No.6617911
File: 47 KB, 437x392, 1441055731549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coordinate system
What the flying fuck are you trying to sell him, good god just fucking draw and familiarize yourself with form and not autistically include Saturn's orbit into your amawu drawings.

>> No.6617914

nothing i draw has form anymore. The lines look arbitrary, like i'm looking at a map. even the squares and circles i draw look off.

>> No.6618088


>> No.6618095

sauce on the sexy brown girl

>> No.6618104

Burn out, you need to pull back and take a break. Drawing nonstop doesn't help you, it hinders you.
You only feel inspiration to draw when you do other stuff.
Whether it's drawing a character from a show/movie/game you just discovered, or witnessing a view/event irl, you get motivated to capture it in your own way.
By drawing nonstop and never taking in anything new, you will stagnate and feel nothing while drawing.
On top of all that, you're destroying your health for less than desirable "gains".
In other words, you're wasting your time and killing yourself for nothing. This is inefficient and pointless.
There's nothing wrong with stopping for a bit and enjoying life.

>> No.6618141
File: 47 KB, 168x176, h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not aware of how Saturn's orbit and relative coordinate systems for your copied drawings of satania will affect it
>its over

>> No.6618158
File: 62 KB, 716x710, 1641264406493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off Saturnus.

>> No.6618267

It’s Luz by JCM2, a based cunny artist

>> No.6619522

Is OP dead?

>> No.6619591

Kill yourself, retard.

>> No.6619621
File: 268 KB, 1000x1000, 03D4C020-7F62-40CF-8F23-DD2DEE53A764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6619647

OK is bad, but has posted work and show a willingness to learn, that alone makes him better than most people here

>> No.6621350

This is cute

>> No.6621433

This thread was entertaining as fuck to read.

>> No.6621454

Haven’t laughed out loud in a long while thank you you stupid fucking retard god bless your incompetence

>> No.6621492

Who did you side with?

>> No.6621810

>who did you side with?
lol why pick sides in this if the thread itself was entertaining

>> No.6621815

I love Howie so much bros.

>> No.6622207

he's literally me

>> No.6622214

Post work.

>> No.6622394

>expose your vulnerability so I can laugh at you LOL
is this a kiwifarms thread