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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 212 KB, 1790x1080, Iterative drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6600176 No.6600176 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think of Sycra's iterative drawing method? Can it produce any real gains?

>> No.6600178

Learn perspective and you won't have to do this retarded shit.

>> No.6600186

Sycra unironically is a crab for /beg/, just learn a fundie then move to another fundie and repeat this until you know all fundie

>> No.6600193

Take a look at sycras beg-level artwork after all these years and that will show you the level of gains you'll get. He's the kind of guy who can theorycraft about art for hours on end but still won't be able to draw out of a paper bag.

Just draw.

>Sycra unironically is a crab for /beg/
Completely true.

>> No.6600197

He's a well-meaning crab tho which is ironically the most dangerous crab of all.

>> No.6600203

It's a meme that has crippled the progress of many self-taught artists. They imagine it's like grinding in a roleplaying game. "Just draw 500 of something and you'll improve". On the surface it sounds like good old fashioned hard work, but in fact it's intellectually lazy. Instead of drawing to fulfill a magical number, your goal should be to figure out what you're doing wrong and then work on that with intention.

This. I feel bad for them.

>> No.6600230

If your head isn't hurting from learning you're not learning

>> No.6600239


thread is over and any further replies is wasting your time

>> No.6600249

>Instead of drawing to fulfill a magical number, your goal should be to figure out what you're doing wrong and then work on that with intention.
that's what Sycra say lol
at least what the video if you wanna said something

>> No.6600260
File: 1.11 MB, 954x1190, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Learn perspective
>just learn Perspective

picrel is peter han, he prolly study more perspective than fucking kim jung gi

>> No.6600268

>It's a meme that has crippled the progress of many self-taught artists. They imagine it's like grinding in a roleplaying game. "Just draw 500 of something and you'll improve". On the surface it sounds like good old fashioned hard work, but in fact it's intellectually lazy. Instead of drawing to fulfill a magical number, your goal should be to figure out what you're doing wrong and then work on that with intention.
non of that is what he said you stupid mother fucker

>> No.6600269

dont learn perspective
just keep drawing lolis on a white bg

>> No.6600276

I don't like the "Iterative Drawing" video because he says to NOT use reference. Complete mistake. Using reference is the fastest way to improve. You should use the Iterative drawing process WITH reference. Draw the reference over and over again, until you get it right

>> No.6600286

>he says to NOT use reference

>> No.6600293
File: 41 KB, 185x156, 1680757825396870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't remember this part. Holy shit, Sycra's the best

>> No.6600300

>ai art becomes good
>oh shit, i better start pumping out videos again to be relevant and not easily replaceable

>> No.6600301

No, his method is to draw a bazillion variations of a head and hope that "mileage" will make it stick. Character designers and caricaturists use a similar technique to invent new/interesting shapes. Beginners who don't know anatomy and perspective will get nothing out of it except several hundred deformed abominations. Bear in mind Sycra can't even draw an accurate skull.

What did he say then?

>> No.6600306

>No, his method is to draw a bazillion variations of a head and hope that "mileage" will make it stick.

>> No.6600310

You niggers are as bad as Nietzsche fanboys
>"hurr that's not what he said!"
>well, what did he say?
>"I don't know, but not that"

>> No.6600315


>> No.6600318

bunch of apes

>> No.6600321

>make drawing
>analize drawing
>find faults
>Itirate with fixed flaws
a process focused on analyzing, spotting mistakes, comparing, and building mileage
please see a doctor for impaired brain function

>> No.6600332 [DELETED] 
File: 301 KB, 381x424, 1407344567574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's what he said
that's not what he said

Which one is it? Either way, Sycra is a shit artist despite drawing for so long so it's probably not a good idea to take him seriously.

>> No.6600340

obviously has a typo missing (not)
holy shit you are retarded

>> No.6600342
File: 301 KB, 381x424, 1407344567574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's what he said

>that's not what he said

Which one is it? Either way, Sycra is a shit artist despite drawing for so long so it's probably not a good idea to take him seriously.

>> No.6600346
File: 885 KB, 1773x1963, img057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's weird. He's one of the most technically skilled artists on the planet, but his art comes off as high /int/ at best.

>> No.6600349

and you have a shit brain despite not drawing shit so its probably not a good idea to take you seriously

>> No.6600352

perspective alone won't give you good compositions

>> No.6600367

literally, go to any of the comments of his video to read thousands of compliments he can teach better than he can draw

>> No.6600372

are these comments with a link to their portfolios?

>> No.6600375

where is your protfolio lmao

>> No.6600383
File: 90 KB, 1200x637, 1655939101712423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6600395

why do you keep posting that same blurry image of folders as if it means something

>> No.6600398

first time i post it?

>> No.6600405

>anime coom
thanks for proving you have zero functioning brain cells

>> No.6600406

No it isn’t.

>> No.6600407

not my fault two thirds of my commissions are coom
ok schizo

>> No.6600504

>just learn how to draw anything in any angle at any time!!!

wow.... its so easy..... why didn't I think of that... just draw everything right the first time......holy shit..... you're a genius.....

>> No.6600506
File: 32 KB, 240x320, 1409347888658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Sycra
>draw several hundred small heads very quickly
>analyze them
>try to find faults
>oops! you don't know anatomy
>you can't even draw a proper skull
>instead of referencing anatomy you make allowances
>"well, they're deformed because muh pointy style!"
>you don't give much thought to the underlying structure
>and yet you you imagine you're "spotting mistakes"
>what you're really doing is making countless superficial variations on a turd
>you do this so much that you can't break out of this vicious cycle
>you never make it

>> No.6600516

if all you have is anatomy your problems will look like boxes

>> No.6600519

so he drew this out of thin air? he didn't trace a 3d model or copy the composition from something else? He went in with the plan to have a bunch of dragons and shit everywhere and composed it all before drawing, and its not just a ten hour piece he kept coming back to? The lines aren't even straight or even. The hands look like AI hands. How the hell can I draw like this when it looks like fucking scribbles up close? Look at the fucking plants, they're just a bunch of dashes. So you're telling me there's a flower out there that has its own color leaking out of its outline? where do I find those refs? How do I construct puff balls?

>> No.6600537

You did i’m pretty sure if i cared enough I could find the same post in the archive.

>> No.6600540

and by the same post i mean not that image, but you blurred folders of your work before

>> No.6600542

Peter Han has made some big improvements in recent years. Unfortunately his faces are still dogshit. If he gets that down his art won't look so ugly

>> No.6600544
File: 124 KB, 900x1382, nancy_portrait_by_sycra_d2xcl5o-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw several hundred small heads very quickly
you draw one then analyze it
>oops! you don't know anatomy
>you can't even draw a proper skull
picrel sycra has knowledge of human skull
he just dont wanna draw that shit anymore

>> No.6600545
File: 903 KB, 900x598, Dc-VmviVwAITZLU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck he is even better than sinix bugeye

>> No.6600549

definitely not me

>> No.6600550


>> No.6600556

That's even sadder. He regressed bigly

>> No.6600570

yea because the world needs another realist painter

>> No.6600575

>check twitter

>> No.6600577
File: 862 KB, 572x1088, db0cmid-363e5c20-80b7-4361-a69e-435d8c58f559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just looked through his gallery. There was never a point when he understood standard anatomy. The closest he came were those life drawings, which were full of mistakes, but at least they had some foundations he could he worked on. Instead he went full autismo with the deformations in the name of muh style

>the only two styles are realism and cthulhean gobbledygook

>> No.6600579

>have worked on*

>> No.6600582

>beg-level artwork after all these years
>Just draw.
>...b-but not like that guy "just drew" because he "just drew" and was a beg after years of "just drawing"
The absolute state of justdrawfags. So close to the truth but they just won't admit it.

>> No.6600592
File: 104 KB, 750x449, pablo-picasso-periods-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his last post is 2018 not fair judgment
you may as well shit on Picasso for developing a style
its a normal artistic evelotion

>> No.6600605

Picasso was a hack. What happened to Sycra is not normal. It's depressing.

>> No.6600616
File: 127 KB, 500x374, Louis-Wain-Cats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is your problem he is happier with his style

>> No.6600629
File: 423 KB, 1600x1236, Van Gogh Layout_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6600631

I remember watching one of his streams where he admitted to faking his upbeat tone and sounded very depressed. Do you anons remember which one it was?

>> No.6600633

to be fair, a lot of youtubers do that. Do you honestly think those pranksters for example keep up their character all day?

>> No.6600636

This is a method FOR learning perspective, or any other art skill.
It’s a general method for learning things, it’s not a “replacement” for perspective or anything else.
It’s actually really fucking simple and calling it “iterative drawing” makes it sound more complicated than it really is. All it’s really telling you is to use your fucking brain, look at your drawings and figure out what’s wrong, then fix what you’re doing so you stop drawing things wrong. It’s the obvious way that anyone learns anything. But it needs to be repeated explicitly to beginner artists because all art books and tutorials are fucking terrible.

>> No.6600670
File: 922 KB, 958x957, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The average sinix drawing has much more appeal than the average sycra drawing. Also why does sinix come up in every sycra thread?

>> No.6600673

they are ex gay lovers

>> No.6600679

you are comparing 2021 sinix drawing to a 2017 sycra drawing

>> No.6600688
File: 815 KB, 960x959, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2016 sinix still mogs
who topped?

>> No.6600708

lets see their uncolored lineart utilizing this technique

>> No.6600712
File: 1.58 MB, 498x498, B8667B05-F1A5-4993-9A26-B4B00151BDE7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s called shorthand, anon. Experienced artists employ it to save time and even to denote style. Ofc he isn’t going to autistically scrawl out every sunflower and weed in excruciating detail like he would’ve done 10 years ago as a study.

To everyone else, I suggest you follow this guy and watch this video if you wish to improve: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVFQX1GyYLQ

>> No.6600716

you answered one of the many questions

>> No.6600909

>a stoic Mexican migrant opens a bottle of champagne in celebration after successfully crossing the US border, circa 2015

>> No.6601379

Just draw only works when you know how to draw and observe

Just draw works when you need to get over the 'what if I fuck up' phase

the problem with just draw is retards who cant articulate what you are fucking up with think grinding 'i did this for fun' shit will improve you. it can, but not nearly as well as structured practice.

>> No.6601452

is it just me or is that head gigantic?

>> No.6601453

So this is the power of dynamic sketching...

>> No.6601530
File: 1.20 MB, 250x188, laugh_fluid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

genuinely LOL'd

>> No.6601537

Kek this is so retarded but it embodies the exact kind of chudden, literal, INTP-brained virginity that truly makes a person NGMI. The real filter in art isn't related to technical ability, IQ or creativity. It's related to the thing you are witnessing in the depths of profound retardation and shallow-brained dumbfuckery evident in the post I'm responding to currently.

It isn't about perspective, it's about design and bringing concepts through iterations to get an appealing result. But, being an INTP brained permabeg incel, you look at that image and you immediately think "huh, it must be about the eyes lining up to the vanishing point? lmao just learn perspective??".

Like holy shit iterating your designs is such a universal, common and well-accepted thing but /ic/ still manages to cope their way out of utilizing something as simple and fundamental.

>"uh... look at sycra's art man... do you want to draw like that?"
Iteration is literally something that every industry pro does you stupid fucking retard. This isn't some super special or unique exercise. Kek but sure if you watch Erik Olson's 300 hour perspective course twice you will suddenly become better than all the industry pros who mogged you on their 1st year of drawing.

>> No.6601549

You sound like an INTP yourself

>> No.6601732

>The absolute state of justdrawfags. So close to the truth but they just won't admit it.
>cant differentiate between actual just drawing and being a mindless autistic self referential photocopier for zero improvement.
spoken like a true constructoid permabeg, congratulations.

>> No.6601827

have you heard of AI?

>> No.6601840

Is this a new copypasta?

>> No.6601849

Even closer to the truth.

>> No.6601869

Sycra gobbled my gains when I was younger. I'll never forgive him

>> No.6601876

For me it was mark crilley

>> No.6601882


Mark was the reason for my route memory anime girl face that I had to fight off.

>> No.6601888

Maybe learn to measure proportions instead of doing trial and error?

>> No.6601895

Every now and again there's a new Sycra, or Moderndayjames, or Irshad Karim, and all the /beg/s follow him like he's the pied piper. I don't know what induces people to do this; none of these pseuds have drawn for long and even lack that air of authority which actual instructors like Vilppu and Huston have acquired after decades of teaching.

>> No.6601906

>"relevant" artstyle
>"fast" food style tutorials
>"easy" to understand and follow
>teens arent experienced enough to know what will be a waste of their time or not because no one ever told them
And notice how they very rarely teach them to learn how to learn, they want people stuck to watch their new video on how to draw anime hair #7 and #8 next week

>> No.6601908

what do you mean?

>> No.6602083

As a /beg/ I raced through Loomis' Figure drawing book in a week, thinking I knew everything, had learned everything, and therefore had no more to learn from him. It's just the way beginners are. They see Vilppu and Huston focusing on basic construction and they think they're "past that" already, so they move onto more exciting things like skin tone colors and visual development stuff. Really, 99% of art students still have problems with basic construction, and they don't realize it, which is why giving a simple redline can be so effective sometimes

>> No.6602127
File: 141 KB, 736x1086, past_and_present_wip__by_alexoflight_dfovcxp-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this on r/artistlounge today:
>Going to be honest, but I really don't want to go through school again. I'm already pretty dang good at art and I know what I need to work on to make my art even better.

He's been drawing for at least 5 years and pic related is his most recent work. At least here we're ripped apart from our /beg/ delusions. On reddit they're patted on the back and stagnate forever.

>> No.6602494

I think that stuff like this is more about pride than pure ignorance. These are artists who like disregarded most if not all fundies when they started drawing and leaned into "muh style" early on. When their skills inevitably stagnated and they stayed at the same high /beg/ or low /int/ level regardless of further grinding, they couldn't simply go back and properly learn the fundies they ignored to begin with. That would be admitting their "style" is just cope for their shortcomings as an artist, and that's a blow to the ego that a lot of mediocre artists (who have pretty oversized egos to begin with) can't handle.

>> No.6602507

that's not that bad. It's sketchy and rough, so I'll have to see his finished work to really get a good idea of his level, but the faces there are well constructed and the bodies are well proportioned

>> No.6602539

>Really, 99% of art students still have problems with basic construction, and they don't realize it
This is 100% true and it hurts to see. I know multiple people who have graduated from Art Center for illustration and one person in particular still can't even draw a decent figure. Imagine the second hand embarrassment the classmates felt when this persons graduate showcase was poorly drawn military waifus with guns and tanks that are also poorly drawn. It truly feels to me like max cope from some of these people wasting all that time, money, and opportunity to still be mediocre.