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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 455 KB, 665x861, ireland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6577622 No.6577622 [Reply] [Original]

Based or cringe?

>> No.6577626

bad for artists, no struggles in life, no soul and no filters for the weak

>> No.6577627

based. rich fags hate this

>> No.6577634

We'll have to see the work being produced to find out.

>> No.6577639

Cringe. Art is about the struggle, the pain, the misery. To fuel real meaningful work. Not fucking hand me downs from the government because they like to larp they get it why art is important and do some shit like this. Might as well call me a disabled retarded.

Bunch of bastards appeared in my front door with this condescending shit I would meet them with a knife and strike as much as I can down.

>> No.6577640
File: 86 KB, 752x567, Screenshot 2023-03-24 215632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based. this is how it should be. but the problem is that these "artists" are faggots who can't draw or produce good art. ideally, a scheme like this can only work if the prerequisite for eligibility is 1) graduation from a fine arts institute (where they actually teach art, not American style faggotry) OR 2) the individual is highly acclaimed and professionals can vouch for them. otherwise the government would just be subsidizing faggotry.

>> No.6577644

Any aid that's not universal will be weaponized against the people that need it most.

>> No.6577645

based if the selection of the artists who get it is good cringe if the selection is retarded

it is probably retarded

>> No.6577655

>2) the individual is highly acclaimed and professionals can vouch for them.
Wouldn't this option just end in a circlejerk scenario

>> No.6577659
File: 74 KB, 500x489, when-mrs-tweedy-raids-your-house-and-catches-you-nutting-6798892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most anons jerking off over the "struggle" fail to realize just how well off many pro artists were raised.

>> No.6577660
File: 256 KB, 601x812, 476814658761486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe, they will just use AI now to get even more free money

>> No.6577665

how did you get to answer it?

>> No.6577666

"the struggle" is not only monetary, but trivializing this aspect doesn't help.

>> No.6577670

yes, because art you get from entertainment, art galleries and social media are incredibly moving

>> No.6577671

It's the only art people care about.

>> No.6577677

they also care about influencers romance life, celebrity drama and farming likes. there is a reason art was elitist

>> No.6577683

This is bullshit. Most artist had some kind of backer in their life that provided income so they could focus on their works.

Before then most artist had commissions of shit like Madonna and Child to keep themselves with steady income. The starving artist is a recent invention.

>> No.6577685

welfare for artists like EBT for niggers
that's a great idea...

>> No.6577687

Photographers shouldn't get it, trad art is harder, more expensive and more time consuming

>> No.6577690

Watch everyone and their mother be an artist in the weekends

>> No.6577700

>government gibs
>wow 350 bucks!
>buys pot and meth
>accomplishes nothing
where have i heard this before, oh yeah....

>> No.6577707

And art was owned by the elite and burguesia that used as nothing more than a tool to stroke their own ego. We should be thankful we where free from those chains. I'm not interested in being a servant to another master of another name.

>> No.6577708

So where's the money actually from?
And in what positive return will it generate?
What criteria chooses who gets the money?

>> No.6577709

sounds like neetbux

>> No.6577710
File: 102 KB, 500x800, 1660492252462244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's why that might not be a bad thing.

>> No.6577723

If you require the knowledge that an artist struggled in poverty or squalor to create their art, your appreciation of art is just as vapid as any dipshit who looks at something for 5 seconds and scrolls past it.

>> No.6577724

not what i said

>> No.6577729

THE. POINT. OF. THE. STRUGGLE. IS. NOT. ONLY. MONETARY. How hard is that for you to understand, what kinda of dementia you have that you can abstract such a simple concept as art being a expression of the self and people living boring mundane lives with boring mundane tastes e experiences will create boring and mundane art?

>> No.6577732

Why do europoors get the best welfare and education in the world while westoids like us can't even do logarithms in 5th grade?

>> No.6577735

That’s simply not true. Some of the greatest artists and writers in history led completely boring mundane lives and childhoods

>> No.6577737

BECAUSE. THEY. WERE. NOT. MUNDANE. PEOPLE. YOU FILTH FUCKING MONKEY, YOU ARE SAYING IT YOURSELF. What the hell is wrong with you, how can you lead a sentence so short and fuck up entirely so much to complete miss a point of two line concept.

>> No.6577746

If yoi onlu knew how bad things really were

>> No.6577747

What other "struggle" in a thread about ubi for artists was the original anon suppose to be referring to besides monetary? You're the only one who took it to mean "artists should never contend with themselves what kind of art they want to make".

>> No.6577756

Listen, you know what, I apologize for my outburst, is uncalled for and is probably my fault for not trying to make sense of the concept for you, anon. Please accept my apologies and know this is entire my fault.

The "struggle" I'm talking about, for the lack of a better word, but commonly used trough all history as the abyss walk,alone in the desert, the valley of shadows etc... and etc... is the interpersonal journey everyone goes trough and is completely different for everyone. For an artist seeking to create real meaningful art this struggle can be anything, but for a lot of them is the journey and attempt of making a living with their art, for the challenge alone or convenience of working with something you love. Is not that different from trying to learn how to draw with no talent, or play the piano despite having bones made of glass, your path and what you want is what makes you you and how you bring that in to your art is what makes your art special and worth something.

Now you may disagree about if this really makes art worth more or is just me reading more than what I should, but you can't deny that this is an opportunity to even more scammers larp as the artist and ruin the scene even more just for their own convenience. Something we all should avoid.

Trivializing this aspect to an entire generation that will see art as just a cheap ploy for cheap profit will lead to mundane boring art no different of what we see in retarded modern exhibitions. Hollow of anything worth noticing much. And that should be avoided at all cost, or else all we have left are the pretentious aspect of art without the human aspect that makes it inspire people.

And once again I apologize for my outburst. Good news is that I found the rope I used to wip myself after doing some push ups, so maybe I will go wip myself for the necessary disrespect against you. But that's just a maybe.

>> No.6577797

I want a suitable reward for my hard work, not exploitive salary nor spoonfed

>> No.6577877
File: 85 KB, 850x400, 968E6D89-22FD-400D-8A97-19ABBAB831BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess, but framing the internal/external struggles of artists as a net positive for humanity because we get their amazing artwork has been the problem with society’s relationship to us since cavemen were drawing on cave walls. I don’t think this is the answer to that problem, but that is the problem at the root of all of this. Putting van Gogh’s paintings in museums afterwards and making movies about him and remembering him and girls posting on social media that they would’ve definitely fucked him… what good is any of that? The sadness will last forever, to quote the man himself. And to quote a modern man who similarly suffered for his art, “what a terrible name for an airline, reminds me of that tragedy”

>> No.6577884

dumbest thing they could possibly do
should invest more into studios and proper art education
giving a bunch of random people some money to "make some art" makes no sense

>> No.6577887

Pretty much this. As an artist, it'd be cool and all, and I agree with the sentiment, but in practice, what's to stop some lazy worthless shit from crapping out a stick figure, or "abstract" literal bullshit, and collecting ez paycheck.
So long as a proper filter gets set, then it should work out fine.

>> No.6577890

Then you have the government deciding what qualifies as art, what earns the paycheck and what doesn’t. That’s a slippery slope.

>> No.6577914

The idea that anything can be art is also a slippery slope. What's stopping a random dude who does nothing but go about his daily life and collecting a paycheck for being an artist? Then the government would have pay everyone because everyone would be an artist.

>> No.6577922

Idk at some point all this is is grant money from an art endowment. Someone must’ve given this money to the Irish government for this express purpose, and these 2000 artists were the ones that qualified. They probably filled out paperwork to do it, I doubt their names were pulled out like the Hunger Games.

>> No.6577929

i’d love it to death, but that’s because i’m an artist who wants to learn new software i cant afford to use.
but yeah, i definitely agree with this anon
in a perfect world, what artists in my line could really use is a fix to the exploitation of workers’ time, mental health, ownership and low wages till early burnout, crazy hierarchies and politicking, nepotism, lack of any support network or affordable software packages for education when you’re self-taught because you can’t afford anything else, some sort of free or affordable specific professional advice or pro community you could fall back on to answer all of your questions on your career path like a college counselor who’s a retired industry person who could introduce you to/ hook you up with the right pro to ask if your question’s about something like a specific software they don’t specialize in, and i don’t know.
just something like a good worker’s union to keep a bunch of workplaces from being known to pretty much consistently deal damage variously to their employees, especially the newer ones.
none of this will be fixed at the government level of handouts though, so money’s always helpful. so sure, it’s awesome.
if i weren’t a struggling artist i might not have an opinion, but i am, so yeah. based as a government would be, for a realistic immediate patch.

>> No.6577932


Hire them to draw things instead. Pretty up flyers with good illustrations, make propaganda, murals, wall art, public works, extend court illustrators to high profile meetings and public events, extend law enforcement sketch artists to 3d modelers, painters, and the like.

As much as I'd want free money I know it wont do any good in the long run.

>> No.6577934

you need some kind of standard

>> No.6577976


>> No.6577999

Depends on how they judge whether the artist should get the payment or not. Why couldn't any average joe who can draw a stick figure get this payment? Why should people such as >>6577640 get the payment when such artwork doesn't take time?

If they're going to be a government supported artist, I think they should be working at a level the country, and the average citizen, can stand behind.

>> No.6578036

Neither of you draw

>> No.6578052

just give me a job that doesn't fucking suck and leaves me some leisure time, I don't care about living in poverty

>> No.6578057

The trade off is Ireland will import 1 million Somalians to cover the labor that will be left by Irish people chosing to be full time creatives.

>> No.6578124

The struggling artist meme comes from a mix of Van Gogh being a massive fucking loser at interpersonal relations and "the bohemians" giving patronage near exclusively to fucked up people for the lulz.

It's one of the shittiest memes ever and has done nothing but harm to the world of art.

>> No.6578128

>if you have money you can't have an interesting life
Nigger, who do you think gets to have all the adventures?

>> No.6578133

hard working people will pay tranny, d
femoid and nigger parasite "artists" as usual
internet and art schools funded by mommy and daddy makethese retards believe they are artists by making some pomo crap and in reality they are lazy fucks who don't want to work and would leech on people. art schools are commie indoctrination machines so they thing it's totally good idea to give more subhumans and parasites money just for shitting. they never will pay taxes too

>> No.6578139

The tortured soul bs is more real in music than in painting now that we don't spend all day inhaling fumes.
And we don't live the kind of lives that made Orwell or Hemingway anymore. Then again Tolkien lived an incredibly comfy life other than his brief time in the trenches. And he codified the modern fantasy imaginarium.

I'd rather be an Akira Toriyama creating a religion from the comfort of my home studio and not a Basquiat locked in a closet with a heroin IV on 24/7 because I gotta shit out paintings that aren't even sketched out but already sold in the NYC laundromat for millions won't live to see.

>> No.6578143

hard working people will be fired, we will be using AI for everything

>> No.6578147
File: 31 KB, 280x305, 1632097828770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The website for this used a premade wordpress theme and hasn't been updated in 2 years. Pottery.

>> No.6578148


the kind of "artist" that will jump on AI like their life depended on it.

>> No.6578149
File: 73 KB, 168x300, imagem_2023-03-25_114730586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terrible idea. I thought Ireland wasn't Socialist tho.
That concept kills creativity and is ALWAYS elitist in nature, because the STATE is selecting the WHO makes the art.
>t.Live in socialist South Euro country,state give handouts to certain artists who collectively have done nothing over a 40year span.

>> No.6578189

Why are people here saying shit like "oh but if this is introduced, anyone will abuse this".
I live here and looked in to this scheme before it launched. You can't just submit some shitty drawings and then be like "give me money now". It's solely open to people who have actually made income on their work (selling in exhibitions, doing gig jobs in the art industry, etc), you have to provide proof that it's a feasible long term career path for you. You also have to be officially registered with some artist registry of ireland.
You also cannot be some coomer on twitter making money off lewds, your art is subject to approval from a board who decides if it enriches the cultural integrity of the country and contributes to the art economy of the country. So you need to be making things like paintings that sell at galleries or working on contracts in fields like animation, things like that.
Ireland has a lot of artistic grants here, most studios rely on those grants to get funding for their projects which is why you have places like Cartoon Saloon making celtic inspired stories with historical artstyles, you are more greatly favoured if you are using the money to promote the culture of the country (and why they also made an effort to dub their movies in to Irish as well).
This is basically a buffer system so that when you have a gap of 2-3 months before your next job, you will be able to survive.

>> No.6578212

I heard that artists in Ireland don't have to pay income tax. I like that. This idea of paying artists, not so much. The plumber, the supermarket clerk and the cab driver should not have to give up more of the fruits of their labor so somebody else can stay home and draw pictures. It's simply not fair. I know, it's one of many things that aren't fair about government, but there you have it.

>> No.6578214

sounds amazing
that actually could actively help people where it’s really needed, and it’s very cool a government wants to help keep their culture alive through supporting art. it must have been done, but i’ve never heard of this being a solid, specific thing before. historically cultures seem to try to keep themselves intact through actions that deal in negatives.
thanks for explaining, anon.

>> No.6578249

Great, more artsy wannabees

>> No.6578256

>You also cannot be some coomer on twitter making money off lewds, your art is subject to approval from a board who decides if it enriches the cultural integrity of the country
And this right here is why this shit is terrible and creatives all the wrong incentives. Imagine having the state decide what kind of art you need to do in order to get your allowance

>> No.6578258

We have a huge welfare state here, one of the largest and easily accessible in the entire world, so that point is rather moot. Artists do have to pay income tax, Ireland has some of the highest taxes with the worst tax brackets (40% if you earn more than 35k). There is a scheme you can apply for as an artist but it caps at a ridiculously low number and there's only so many people eligible for it per year. It's also exclusive to people selling things like paintings or photography which is incredibly niche. It's also subject to a board approving you, you need to interview for it every year and basically prove that your name and branding has value to claim you're an artist who qualifies.
You might be getting confused with the fact we are essentially a tax haven for businesses and it's why a lot set up shop here, they can avoid paying tax by having their homebase established over here. Such is the case of Apple, who also does not have a single Apple store on the entire island.
Yeah it does, which is what makes this trial a cool idea. I don't know if it'll be implemented in the long term, there was actually a lot of success with a trial of UBI but they were against it despite it's success. I think in the case of this specific idea, it makes a lot of sense to implement. Stops people claiming welfare and creates long term jobs in the actual field so the government end up paying less money in the long term. It helps to promote and grow the artistic culture of the country and has reasonable barriers in place to stop people taking advantage of it. I know film studios over here would basically never be able to make anything without these kinds of grants.

>> No.6578259

more bananas on wall

>> No.6578267

Disagree with this, the state can only fund about 2,000 artists and I don't think someone drawing ben 10 furry inflation porn contributes anything to the cultural sphere of the country so they shouldn't be selected over something that is impressive and could actually benefit the country. They're trying to actually support the real industry itself, not provide tendies for coomers.

>> No.6578303

Is it ideologically minded? Bet you government will give to certain artists and not others.

>> No.6578414

But wtheyre.notndictating what is art, only who qualifies for this stipend. Your free to smear shit in a white canvas and call it macaroni, but if you want to get paid for it, you ought to be able to impress SOMEBODY.
Like, a board of a hundred people, and if you can get 25 to endorse you, your in. Monthly check up for work put out, or improvements made, etc, so it's also not just a "do something once and get free paycheck forever", either.
SOME sort of standard and filter.

>> No.6578417

Fucking ham hands... First line is supposed to be "but they wouldn't be dictating what is art, only who qualifies..."

>> No.6579012

They actually give money to people making Celtic stuff and not to people trying to make goyslop as unbelievable as that seems.

No wonder "the west" hates catholics lol.

>> No.6579220
File: 738 KB, 2048x1366, Lisbon Candle Shop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based if handled right. Lisbon has a program that helps historical businesses. It prevents them from being evicted and gives finances for maintenance. Something like that is based because it helps to preserve a rich culture in the face of hyper-capitalism and predatory landlords.
A program for artists is good if there is a standard, and not just handing out money for shit thrown on walls and shallow propaganda art. It's harder than ever for artists to live a bohemian lifestyle and make the space to develop their work.

>> No.6579252

>Imagine having the state decide what kind of art you need to do in order to get your allowance
I agree. I remember attending a lecture by a gay artists who spoke against government art grants for this reason (he made art during the Reagan years, when it was the rightwingers trying to control culture like the woketards do now).
Really I can imagine a government program being cool if it preserved things like ateliers, old style sign painters, letterers, engravers, etc., things that were in danger of going extinct due to the forces of technology and capitalism.
But I do have a problem with the government having control over the content of art, because I'm of the great American tradition of telling the government and society to go fuck itself.

>> No.6579253

Cringe. If your art doesn't sell, that's either because you're not intelligent enough to find ways to sell it, or because nobody wants it.

Free market is a blessing. It's not sugar-coated, but it's fair enough.

There's no such things as "free money": the cost of this kind of move is to encourage shitty artists.

No, (awful) rich fags like to give you puny amount of money to keep you under control, to prevent you from educating yourself or gaining any viable skill that would allow you to gain control over your life.

No, not necessarily. It can help to some degree though. The "struggling artist" is a modern construction.

>> No.6579296

I wonder how much money there is in something like a candle shop... I mean artisan candles, hand made blaa blaa, I could see easily being something decorative, but would it be possible to even do that online?

>> No.6579299
File: 28 KB, 480x360, 8DB37DA8-57F9-4A89-9BD3-5AA95FC7C2EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just two guys and a dog making candles. What a cliche

>> No.6579305

It could’ve been so easy

>> No.6579368

Wait, they want to remove art and music from schools (that are not colleges) but they want to push this shit too?

>> No.6579381



>Mutts live in a distopia without free healthcare even when shitholes like Brazil have it

>Americunts ITT are CRINGE

>> No.6579385

>I wonder how much money there is in something like a candle shop
It's in a heavily touristed area, and in my experience broads love candles.

>> No.6579433

At first sight, I thought it was great and I wish I had that privilege
but if we're sincere we know that not a single decent piece of art is going to come out of that
it's not only that artists need the struggle (maybe some don't) but they usually get lazy and they develop huge egos, giving them free money is not really going to make things better
I would I've money tot hose who are really good and live in some poor countries or make art that only a few can appreciate

>> No.6579492

>Free market is a blessing.
Yeah, not so sure about that. There's a reason many professional artists are from the upper middle class nowadays, they're "subsidized" by their parents.
It's also why so much art now is 'woke', because it's the cultural ideology of the professional middle class.
I believe in a free market to an extent. But I also know that some level of financial security is needed to make good art (Maslow's hierarchy). Desperation pushes artists to do shit like vore furry porn for rent money.
How to achieve balance is the challenge.

>> No.6579517

Desperation only awaits an artist not good enough to sell their work. You could argue that an artist whose finances are subsidized by their parents finds out much later if they can make a living as an artist than one from a poorer background. They don’t have a need to survive, so if their art is shit they’ll just keep making it forever and never find the skill they actually have. A poor artist, if they’re destined for success, will know almost immediately because they’ll be putting themselves in situations to make money from their art. Arguably if you’re a struggling artist in todays world it’s probably because you’re not good enough to do it

>> No.6579530

I don't completely disagree, but I often question if the 'free market' as it is currently constituted incentivizes quality art. In the commercial sphere we have shitty Marvel reboots and shallow Instagram art. In the fine art world we have charlatans who defend their shitty art under the guise of postmodernism.
In certain markets craft and skill still matter, but often it has just as much to do with personal branding. Artists could benefit from studying branding & marketing along with their fundies.
I've been reading interviews with one of my favorite artists, Robert Crumb, and how he struggled for so many years. He had multiple run-ins with the IRS, and at one point had to live on welfare (even after he achieved fame). Now patrons like George Lucas are buying his work for millions. He's certainly an accomplished craftsman, but I'd argue his success comes as much from his brand, his 'story' (which has been documented in film, etc.).

>> No.6579540

>Robert Crumb, and how he struggled for so many years.
that was a loooong time ago though.
the way things are now, whatever your sellable product is that's just what you make a living doing. At some point whether it's postmodern crap, academic painting, or stickers with superheroes on them... it doesn't really matter. Because there are a million other artists making postmodern crap and superhero stickers that ARENT making a living. And if YOU are, then clearly you're producing a superior product. Supply and demand. You don't have to fill a niche to make a living, you just have to be competitive with the other people in your line of work.

>> No.6579546

>you're producing a superior product
Or have better marketing/branding. This is especially important for art, which has subjective/nebulous qualities.

>> No.6579563

Is $350 a week really enough to allow them to focus solely on their creative pursuits?
Also, why should anyone have to get a "proper" job if the government is willing to pay you while you idle away at trying to achieve your dreams? There needs to be a point where you face the hard reality that things aren't working out, and that's usually caused by financial stress. We should pay people trying to make it big with their band, well beyond their rocking years; we shouldn't pay writers who can never give their stories endings; and we shouldn't pay artists who can't art decent enough to live off of.

This is just funding delusions.

>> No.6580815

Yes, and why were they provided patronage? Because they were the most skilled artists of the time. If they were shit, they wouldn't be getting pity handouts, instead they would have to get a different job or starve. Just like these liberal arts dickweeds in Ireland need to do. If they were actually skilled they wouldn't need this money

>> No.6580882

You don't draw shit. That's why you don't give a shit about artists.
Art is STILL owned by elite and bourgeoisie, they don't stroke their egos anymore, now they stroke their disgusting little dicks to any shit their fucked up heads can come up with. And they will get what they want, because those artists NEEDS that money, to actually barely eat.
Those elite fuckers are the ones seething at the sole idea of freeing those artists, gaving them an exit from being servant whores from the money keepers.
An artist who doesn't need to care about how he will eat everyday, can be free to imagine something unique outside of the box. He could do whatever he ever wanted, his mind will be free of guilt and anguish, maybe he will experience what hapiness is. Artists doesn't need mansions, or Ferraris, or Rolex, they just want to draw or paint, or sculpt, they want to be alive just to do that. They don't need too much money. It will be a good investment. Much better than let that money burn in the hands of the elite fuckers with their tax evasion, laundering and criminal schemes.

>> No.6580889

if you think that this isnt based then you're a faggot. simple as

>> No.6580912

My fantasy would me being a vagabond artist. Just pick up my motorcycle and wander around and draw/paint whatever I feel like. No worries besides where I gonna pass the night. I whould just go back to my house to pmw.

>> No.6580969

$350 a week isn't much though. you'd still need another source of income

>> No.6580980

>$350 a week isn't much though. you'd still need another source of income
I'm guessing since these are working artists the 350 is only supplemental, they can still make money with their art.
Also 350 isn't much in most American cities, but there are rural places wagies can easily live off of that. Not sure about Ireland.

>> No.6581030

>projects getting funded are nationalist Celticboo edutainment
Leftards need to burn but rightoids will outright kill their own out of paranoia.
American politics is the worst thing to every happen to the human race.

>> No.6581039

You either pay the highest rent-to-income rate in Europe or live fine off five bucks a day. If this allows people to move out of Dublin it's a massive win.

>> No.6581043

That is more than I'm getting paid by unemployment after losing my job

>> No.6581229

Just for the record. I also don't think rightard artists should be getting money for just existing. Statistically most artists are leftist though.

>> No.6581233

Fascist rightoids are the first in line to get the gibs. It never fails. and Lefttists are the most likely to feel ashamed to grab that. They are always left behind.

>> No.6581253
File: 80 KB, 750x1000, 1912345987164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking communists. All communists must be shot, all people living off government given money should have zero voting rights.
Work or die of starvation, motherfucker.

>> No.6581270

The free market protected by redcoats was responsible for the Irish Famine

>> No.6581312

Wtf I love the free market now

>> No.6581323

the irony being you're definitely unemployed

>> No.6581385

>posting this at 11:24 on a monday
>definitely not working
Ready to get shot?

>> No.6581449

Im self employed, I shitpost whenever I want.

>> No.6581466

News flash, there never was a "free market", such a thing doesn't exist. Either you own it by the right of the people's constitution, or it's owned by a bunch of criminals up there in wall street. Once they shot down JFK they grabed your market, brand it "free" and took it away from you since then.

Life is a struggle, anything in life will be owned by someone, there's nothing free. Either you regulate the market with the law and constitution, or the market is regulated by a couple of Bezos and Gates. It has been decades that the global market is in the later hands. That's why the world has come to such level of shit.

>> No.6581472

Is that the pic you use as your twitter profile pic when you go crying about trans people in bathrooms, cuck?

>> No.6581499

>trying to control culture like the woketards do now
Not trying to derail the thread with /pol/shit but this is schizophrenia, american capitalism is in full swing and more domestically destructive than ever but rightoids always delude themselves into thinking they're persecuted because their monopoly on political and economic power doesn't extend to popular culture either.

>> No.6581560

this is classic art of the level you will never even get near to, show some respect.

>> No.6581729

I'd like to have that, sure. But i don't think it's all that based desu

>> No.6581915

>shitposting instead of working
Ready to get shot?

>> No.6581936

The masters did a great job infusing your mind with fear, don't touch that money pleb, or you will burn in hell. That's THEIR money, to hide in off-shore havens.
God forbid using "the money" for working pleb decent people.

>> No.6581946
File: 241 KB, 1280x958, 4B901B69-F5F1-430B-9630-01CCC29C128D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEETs that haven’t taken their meds are so paranoid. So when someone buys a painting of mine for $200 it wasn’t actually a guy in Ohio trying to decorate his entryway it was a shadowy cabal using my painting of a cloud to hide their human trafficking investments offshores? Are we absolutely positive it’s not just a guy in Ohio

>> No.6581976

Nice, what kind of paintings you do?

>> No.6581978

I think you misunderstood what I meant. You DESERVE that money, that helping program is for people just like you. What if you only have that one sell, what are you gonna do? what if you have kids, are they gonna starve? Billlions disappear from the financial system into black holes made by banks, "charities", and corporations. They don't care if it's just a penny, they will take it, with no second thought.

But decent humble people are afraid of that penny that should go to helping them. People shouldn't be afraid of that, they should DEMAND that. That's the whole reason we have a democratic and finacial system rule by a government and our constitution, for the RIGHTEOUS USE OF MONEY. People doesn't seem to understand that.
But the sharks up there, they tear eachother apart for that money, and they scream at the people bellow: you don't want this money, is not for you. G get another job, what? You work 4 jobs already? Well don't you have any kids? Put them to work too!
People must WAKE UP. see? how they even turn that word upside down. As if "waking up" should mean turning your son into a fucking tranny. They do that, they took everything from you, words, rights, MONEY. And your will to survive.
That money should be for the peolple, artists, doctors, nurses, the peole who need it. It should be for them.

>> No.6581987

I’m gonna be totally honest with you I make about $42k a year on art because I’m LAZY! If I actually painted all year everyday all the time my best ability? I could make like $125k. But I don’t. Cause I don’t wanna work that hard.

I think part and parcel with this idea that artists “don’t need much money to live” “don’t want mansions or sports cars” is also the fact that most artists when they reach that comfortable living don’t overextend themselves into luxury. Because they don’t care about being rich, and they can work at a comfortable level and make enough to spend their $30 a day or whatever on cigarettes and a sandwich. That’s what I do at least.

>> No.6581999

Struggling artists is a post modernism concept that reeks of jewish subversion. European artists had very boring life focused on working within your guild.

>> No.6582001

Yes, I wrote that comment about artists being frugal, and they don't need mansions and Hypercars. I know, and most working people are like that. That's why the idea of puting a minimal amount of money in the pockets of people that will make the best and most optimal use of it, IT'S a good idea. More than that, it is the right thing to do with money.

>> No.6582003

In art history it’s exceedingly rare, with a few notable people, but most artists making a living. It’s mostly wishful thinking on the part of artists that the reason they aren’t succeeding is because they’re actually so exceptional that success is impossible. Bit of a farce, and it’s even reached the government levels as a matter of fact about working as an artist. The worse you are, the better you are. It’s almost 1984 levels of “don’t trust your senses”

>> No.6582020

That's why this program >>6578189 is actually good. They are making use of the actual raw skill of the artists. Their are a tool to produce something. They are paying them to produce more celtic oriented artistic culture. You won't buy your gold ticket with a banana and some duck tape.

>> No.6582064

why are people doing coomer shit in the first place? simple way to make money on something they know will sell. they're still being compelled to make something they might otherwise not make. just not by the government.


couldn't care less about irish propaganda in song of the sea, it's a beautiful movie. one that was almost certainly made in an environment of more creative freedom than studios that have to make a clone of the latest disney movie in order to get funding.

>> No.6582155

I want in on this

>> No.6582280

First thing is that we're not really is a free market, it's more of an idealized setting.

>How to achieve balance is the challenge.
Second, that's what's great about a free market: there will be always be unbalance: free markets allow things to restore themselves "naturally" (without/with little political involvement). For instance, people complain a lot about the currently difficult economical situation.

But it's actually a great thing, as things are balancing themselves: there's some many bullshit jobs paying people at doing nothing, which lead people to depression, so many dumb overpriced products and so forth.

Similarly, wokeism is a blessing in disguise: so many people are waking (lol) up to the imbecility of modern societies. Sure there's a cost to it, but there's always a cost.

>> No.6582309

Oh no, the market's "invisible" hand church send one of their minions. Close your doors anons. They will "balance" your wallets pretty clean.

>> No.6582535

lmao, I've actually worked at a government office and leftards are not ashamed at all to get gibs, they in fact think they're the only people that should get any givs. They're just too retarded to fill in basic paperwork without calling their working class conservative daddy for help and that what they're not willing to do.

>> No.6582541

The woketard agenda is pushed by Larry Fink, who owns capitalism.
Your retarded hippie faggot idea that capitalism is right wing is what's gonna get you strapped to a pod and fed bugs till you burst.

>> No.6582548

The problem with retards like you is you always want to give the power over money, and therefore the power over life itself, to the government.

We don't need the government to take over, we just need to get rid of lending money at extortionate interest rates as a profession.

More companies being cooperative and banks being forced to reinvest most of their earnings into their community is all we need to solve most of our economic woes.

>> No.6582562
File: 17 KB, 400x300, No one is above the law.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SHUT THE FUCK UP, and get out of the internet. You're using a technology financed, developed and created BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT YOU FAGGOT LIBERAL PIECE OF SHIT.
Same as the energy that fuels all your shit in your house, the roads, The police that takes care of you sorry ass, the education system that gave your parents and granparents the oportunity to be someone in our society. ALL OF THAT is AMERICA. WE HAVE THAT BECAUSE WE HAVE A DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT RULED BY A CONSTITUTION.
You fucker hippie corporate neoliberal cumdump.

>> No.6582824

lmao the government that made America died with Kennedy.
Fedposting out of /pol/ should be ban worthy.

>> No.6582960

that's a nice strawman you built there
go a little deeper
it's not the struggle itself that matters

>> No.6583373

No, you don't get it.

The problem actually has already been observed and finely understood by the Greek 2500 years ago. But people today are so full of themselves, and think they are better than the old farts.

If people want / let a communist regime take over, that's fine by me: let them have it, and let's see what they think of it after a few decades. They still have the opportunity to leave and start over elsewhere, if somehow it happen not to work as advertised.

Now liberalism, in essence, happens to promote just that, but again, that's an idealized setting, you can't force political systems not to get corrupted.

The present state of the Western economical system though, by genuine liberal standards, isn't liberal at all: we buy out poor performers instead of letting them die, wealthy business are actually being dismantled (energy in France for example), and good performers are thrown upon ("why do they make money and we don't lol it's unfair, they should share"), the state doesn't break monopolies to encourage healthy competition, and so forth.

>> No.6583625

It's time for some change, the only struggle you really need is knowing that you'll never be as good as Kim Jung Gi if you don't draw 10 hours a day.

>> No.6583994

It's almost as if the state has always and will always be the enemy of the people.

We should be using AI to replace politicians, not artists and burger flippers. The people keeping the country running are the engineers at the power plant and the construction workers mending the roads. Not the faggots charging millions a year to make their work harder through bureaucracy and corruption.

>> No.6584000

>ditch their day jobs
>$350 a week
That's not livable at all. Not to mention I make that in a day. I hope this is just some journalist sensationalism and not what the Irish gov thinks is sustainable

>> No.6584099

Oh, worry not. Asia is "having it", and they are advancing at full speed leaving us in the dust. In less than 2 decades they went from eating dirt in the Tiananmen Square to send the first robot to patrol the dark side of the moon. They are 3 billion people and they eat, take care of themsleves and thrive. We are only 4 hundred million and we are fucking dying here from our own corruption and stupidity, "I dun need a prezident, I dun need democrazy I can make whatever I want I only need muh gun and muh moneyz".

America did the opposite path, it went from puting the first man on the moon to this "libertarian" retarded liberal debacle of western society, when the american dream is just a dream. There's no more jobs, no more health care, no more education, no more values. no more dreams. Selling your people for a dime is the only value here. Watching your kids killing eachother in schools and doing nothing. Drugs ruling on the streets.
CORRUPTION is what rules in the west. You made legal the act of corruption, you gave it a name and set it "free". Now any body with a briefcase full of money can "lobby" his way up to anything he wants.
You want to change human values for a software programmed by the same shits who are destroying the american economy? And you talk about the greeks? The greeks came out with the concept of democracy, wich is the compromise of the human individual with the human colective. The compromise with the good of the many, set on values.
Amercia had social values, and it was great because of it. You pieces of shit did this, with your "polititians are evil", "fuck america", "fuck the government", "fuck taxes", "my money is only mine", "fuck the rest of the community", "I want to be free to take my money whetever I want", etc, till we got to this. A disaster, lead by greedy, retarded, morons with zero education and lack of discipline. And still they dare to talk shit. you've been talking this same shit the last 50 years. And here we are

>> No.6584144
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>crying about trans people in bathrooms
Why does the left spend so much time, money, and effort, agitating for the "rights" of people who make up less than 1% of the population? Why did trans become a cause-celebre?

Let's assume that the right gets its way on all trans issues. Trannies are abolished. No one is allowed to be trans. What appreciable effect would this have? Would the average person be affected in any way? Twenty years ago no one on the left or the right cared about this stupid horseshit.