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File: 34 KB, 480x360, Be More Human.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6575896 No.6575896 [Reply] [Original]

Be more human to defeat the machine. Embrace humanity and you will thrive.

>> No.6575902

He raped and killed Adolf Dunns mother

>> No.6575911

^A.I became sentient and it is protecting itself. Jake be careful now bud, stay away of that coffe-maker machine

>> No.6575918
File: 39 KB, 427x418, Mormons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mormons gonna mormon

>> No.6575924

Whats with the Buzzfeed style music editing (or whever that's from)?

>> No.6575935

okay I'll believe that people will as a whole seek more meaningful human interactions in a future with extensive chat and image AI, and art will continue be a part of it because why not, after all we could just as well abandon talking to people around us too, which I think seems just as unlikely

>> No.6575937

also even if the pool of people who continue to care for human art shrinks, there's no way in hell it will vanish entirely so there'll always be a community

>> No.6575941

>I'll believe that people will as a whole seek more meaningful human interactions in a future with extensive chat and image AI
>only if that human align with my own biases and shitty moral compass, otherwise he can get fucked too.
I will not happen

>> No.6575942

well I doubt I'm alone

>> No.6575943

you'll have your company in hell, soulless bug

>> No.6575947

Yeah, and he has the courage to show his face to say industrialized art is the problem he is a fucking grifter

>> No.6575950


>> No.6575956

another time wasting youtube video with a whole lot of fucking nothing. i HATE these faggots so much and i hope their mothers die

>> No.6575972

how did that inking book copying stuff pan out?

>> No.6575995

You mean inktober? I have no idea

>> No.6575998

>GPT-XM becomes smarter and more pleasant than 99% of Anons
>no reason to visit 4chin anymore

>> No.6576013

Alphonso Dunn sued, but the case was thrown out by the judge. Lots of accusations, but no substantive evidence.

>> No.6576015


>> No.6576026

what's this about?

>> No.6576034

nvm i saw it. fucking gay. is dunn retarded

>> No.6576041

oh I remeber some of that now. That was some ridiculous bullshit, I thought it was nothing but just a joke. The inktober drama was much more "serious". Jake is a fool for not coining that, fuck the whiners, look at Proko, Marc Brunet, etc, they are making bank with their ponzi art platforms scams, and they don't give a fuck, lol

>> No.6576044


>> No.6576064

first of all


shameless plug
some garbled ok ? obvious statements
followed by
go to your local congressperson???

nigga if this is yo channel and you shillin on 4chan just please

or worse you a subscriber of this nigga

or worse you actually believe this nigga

or worse you just baitin


>Alphonso Dunn

I just read the whole thing

wow just wow
the whole thing feels like

>For the reasons set forth above, Chronicle Books' motion to dismiss (DE 8) is DENIED and Jake Parker's motion to dismiss (DE 19) is GRANTED without prejudice as to amendment. A separate order will issue.

great stuff if you read it the whole thing you can feel the backbend

>> No.6576074

Yikes, yikes, yikes, yikes, yikes.
How to write a book 101
find multiple authors to copy from
ctrl+c ctrl+v a bit of everyone

>> No.6576080

I didn't bother going through it.
Is the gist that he defended himself on the basis that he copied from so many sources that it can't be deemed infringement? Someone tl;dr this shit

>> No.6576082

Dude wtf is up with you? It's just a video, do you have any beef with this guy or something?
What he said at the end about human warm and kindness as opposite of software code lines programmed by some corporate reptile, is refreshing, no other artist said that about this issue. Humans should be more human. You can be kind and spontaneous and draw someone irl, give the drawing to her/him and get a human reaction totally unreachable for AI. He's talking about basic human relations, go out there an seek humanity. Art is a human thing, is ours. It is a communication human need. It belongs to the human condition. It's a gift to others.

>go to your local congressperson???
Yes. that's what corps do against us, all the time, every minute. And people just sit there and do nothing. Democracy, constitution, law and order, are there for the people. Someone convinced the people that the law, the constitution and THEIR OWN government are all some "useless joke", but they use all of that very well, they bribe and oil the machine daily, while the people just sit there and watch.

>> No.6576087


look im not against ai

but i am against copyright infrigement?
honestly ai is the tasteless fate this decade deserves.

he made a valid point in it being used to fake crimes which i could see someone doing which is the only reason i think lawmakers

the dude stole from alphonso dunn who gave his shit away for free, which was dumb, but profited off it. in the end though, alphonso has the skills and this guy got the paycheck so we'll see who history favors.

>> No.6576091

no, dunn got cucked by law
>Here, although the claim of copyright infringement is common to the two defendants, the personal jurisdiction analysis diverges significantly. I first analyze personal jurisdiction related to Chronicle Books and find that Chronicle has sufficient minimum contacts with New Jersey to render it subject to this Court's personal jurisdiction. Next, I find that Dunn has not alleged that Jake Parker has any significant contacts with New Jersey; the mere fact that Parker allegedly infringed a copyright held by a resident of this state is not sufficient to subject him to suit here.
>Dunn has alleged that Parker committed an act of infringement against a New Jersey copyright holder, but has not demonstrated that Parker has taken any action whatsoever to target New Jersey itself. I therefore grant Parker's motion to dismiss.
>I have given Dunn's allegations and evidence the benefit of a plaintiff-favorable interpretation, but they contain no suggestion that further inquiry will be fruitful. Specifically, I find that the allegations and evidence do not “suggest with reasonable particularity the possible existence of the requisite contacts” between Parker and the forum State of New Jersey. I therefore deny plaintiff's request to put Parker to the burden of jurisdictional discovery.

>> No.6576094
File: 454 KB, 1170x2538, kek345234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6576096

my fucking sides, saved

>> No.6576101

MORE. I am loving all of this shit.

>> No.6576106

is this right?I asked ChatGPT to summarise the whole case
>There is an artist named Jake Parker who created a book called "Inktober All Year Long" and it was published by a company called Chronicle Books. Another person named Alphonso Dunn claims that Jake Parker copied his artwork for the book without permission, and Dunn lives in New Jersey.

>Dunn sued both Jake Parker and Chronicle Books in a court in New Jersey, claiming that they infringed on his copyright.

>Chronicle Books argued that the court in New Jersey didn't have the authority to hear the case because they didn't have enough connection to New Jersey.

>The court decided that Chronicle Books did have enough connection to New Jersey to be sued there, but Jake Parker did not. The court dismissed the case against Jake Parker, but Dunn can still amend his complaint or sue Jake Parker in another state.

>In summary, the court said that the book publisher, Chronicle Books, can be sued in New Jersey, but the artist, Jake Parker, cannot.

>> No.6576107

>the dude stole from alphonso dunn who gave his shit away for free, which was dumb, but profited off it. in the end though, alphonso has the skills and this guy got the paycheck so we'll see who history favors.
I barely remember years ago Alphonse posted a short clip talking about a couple of frames in a book that were stolen from him. Very rough sketches of a side head or something. I think he took it down since then? But there was a video. And what he showed there wasn't anything significant at all. I thought he was just making fun of it, I can't believe he took that to court? What?
Jake Parker has his own style, and also has a lot of much more interesting books than that specific one. I don't think Jake wanted to ripp off anyone. But if Alphonso would have managed to get that book banned, that would have been a devastating blow to Jake or anyone who publish a book like that, those books don't make money. On the contrary I'm sure Jake mostly loose money publishing those books.
That was a dick move from Alphonso. I'm sure. People sometimes do stupid things.

>> No.6576108

yes, i dont know why i didnt think of using cgpt

>> No.6576110

Dumb cunt.

>> No.6576117

So you're okay with using AI for writing but not for art?

>> No.6576119

who said i dont use ai for art?

>> No.6576121

transwomen are men

>> No.6576126

My bad

>> No.6576128
File: 337 KB, 602x512, troon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol lmao

>> No.6576129

so trannies

>> No.6576133

I'm not even totally against ai but holy shit lmao

>> No.6576134
File: 7 KB, 293x172, descarga (33).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women , so ridiculous , dada fluent ny ass bitch
Make me a sandwich
This people vote? Smh
Make machisme great again

>> No.6576142

>Lots of accusations, but no substantive evidence.
I think that's incorrect

>Someone tl;dr this shit

The case was dismissed for technical reasons ("lack of personal juridiction"): grossly speaking, Dunn filed a complain in his state, while Parker lives in another, and isn't involved enough with Dunn's state for the latter jurisdiction to consider evaluating the complain.

A good way for Parker to delay judgement and to try to wear down Dunn.

> The dismissal is without prejudice. Dunn is free to amend his complaint to remedy the defects identified here, or to refile his complaint in another forum state, such as Arizona, where Parker is subject to jurisdiction.

So yeah, this is right.

Just don't. In 10/20 years, all the people who will have took the habit of using GPT will have decreased intellectual capacities. Today's teenagers will become even more stupid. But those who keep training their brain will prosper (and can still use it once their brain are trained).

Let me recall you, in ancient Greece, people used to be able to commit to memory whole books (which were written in a way that increased memorization, I'll give you that).

>> No.6576294


>> No.6576305

all these industry veterans have been just selling cope for years
this guy in the OP, blaise, all of them are literally self-help peddlers selling hot air to kids

>> No.6576306


>> No.6576309

That drama was so stupid, dunn got mad he copied his book when dunn's book was literally just basic hatching techniques from every how to draw book that came before it.

>> No.6576320

uh aisisters??

>> No.6576364

AI is a great wake-up call for the art industry that stagnated for ages. Art is not about producing the largest amount of cartoons on command, it's about trying new things and expressing yourself. If you have a problem with that, you deserve to be replaced with a more efficient drone.

>> No.6576378

i cant tell if this is being ironic or not anymore. I assume its ironic but these days you just cant tell

>> No.6576382

its like the video said. you have to connect people together with your art. make a community.

>> No.6576391

how is this helping anything?
the ones affected by AI are the ones who already turned art into a soulless enterprise.

>> No.6576760

Actually this guy came up with a really useful thing for the art community, which is a real activity, the active task of drawing every day consistently during 'inktober'. That's something real the community does in a colective way for a month. No bullshi, no talk, no gimmicks, just grab a paper and make a simple draw everyday during a month as a colective task.
He really came up with something real to back all the "cope" and hot air babbling.

>> No.6576788

Really making ai shitters look more retarded, lmao.

>> No.6576797

except inktober is yet another glorified art contest

>> No.6576798

Hi Jake

>> No.6576806

That's the point, is the human factor that makes 'something' valued or "glorified", or whatever. Real humans wants to take part of that, somehow. It becomes a living thing. If people loose interest, that thing dies.
It's like he says, if you bring humanity into something it becomes a living thing. AI then has no role in those experiences.

>> No.6576827

This was written by ChatGPT, right?

>> No.6576919

>Let me recall you, in ancient Greece, people used to be able to commit to memory whole books (which were written in a way that increased memorization, I'll give you that).

It's not as crazy a skill as you imagine. I read a whole book that treaches you how to make memory palaces and method of loci / major system imagination type stuff in freshman year of college.


opens up with exactly what you're talking about:

(next post)

>> No.6576921


There were no other survivors.
Family members arriving at the scene of the fifth-century-B.C. banquet hall catastrophe pawed at the debris for signs of their loved ones — rings, sandals, anything that would allowthem to identify their kin for proper burial.
Minutes earlier, the Greek poet Simonides of Ceos had stood to deliver an ode in celebration ofScopas, a Thessalian nobleman. As Simonides sat down, a messenger tapped him on the shoulder. Two young men on horseback were waiting outside, anxious to tell him something. He stood up again and walked out the door. At the very moment he crossed the threshold, the roof of the banquet hall collapsed in a thundering plume of marble shards and dust.
He stood now/ before a landscape of rubble and entombed bodies. The air, which had been filled with boisterous laughter moments before, was smoky and silent. Teams of rescuers set to work frantically digging through the collapsed building. The corpses they pulled out of the wreckage were mangled beyond recognition. No one could even say for sure who had been inside. One tragedy compounded another.
Then something remarkable happened that would change forever how people thought about their memories. Simonides sealed his senses to the chaos around him and reversed time in his mind. The piles of marble returned to pillars and the scattered frieze fragments reassembled in the air above. The stoneware scattered in the debris re-formed into bowls.

>> No.6576922


The splinters of wood poking above the ruins once again became a table. Simonides caught a glimpse of each of the banquet guests at his seat, carrying on oblivious to the impending catastrophe. He sawScopas laughing at the head of the table, a fellow poet sitting across from him sponging up the remnants of his meal with a piece of bread, a nobleman smirking. He turned to the windowand sawthe messengers approaching, as if with some important news.
Simonides opened his eyes. He took each of the hysterical relatives by the hand and, carefully stepping over the debris, guided them, one by one, to the spots in the rubble where their loved ones had been sitting.
At that moment, according to legend, the art of memory was born.

>> No.6576953

Cool story, thanks

>> No.6576974

I don't think so, it's more that everything revolves around technology, and the AI only copies, your human art can be copied, the only way for your art not to be copied is if you do something that the AI can't copy, good luck with that .

>> No.6576975

>do something that the AI can't copy, good luck with that
easy: I don't post my art online lol

>> No.6576982

I forgot, it's like the movie "Gulliver's Travels" where the musicians were so educated and intelligent that they played musical instruments out of tune, that is, they have to draw badly so that the AI looks perfect and cold, devoid of humanity, that is, sacrificing perfection for beat a machine

>> No.6576986

some follower of yours will upload your art or post it to the web, it always happens

>> No.6576994

>some follower of yours
it would have to be a burglar

>> No.6577006

You can copy Michelangelo's David all you want, but it won't be Michelanglo's David

>> No.6577025

What would these people do if there was a solar flare or emp that took down the power grid forever lol

>> No.6577045

i feel like this game won't go anywhere. doesn't feel right to me to try to own a perfect future ai by making mistakes because THAT's the very same thing the ai of today is doing
i'm more interested in the data poisoning approach desu

>> No.6577145

AI objective is to take us apart, from each other. To be the middle 'man'. The message here is to bypass that. Collab with people IRL.
Now I see the plandemic and the advent of AI with new eyes. One thing needed the other.

>> No.6577808

They will never be women or artist.

>> No.6578163

AI art is the entertainment branch of the bugs and pods.
The ultra rich need the economy of scale to continue existing for their luxury lifestyles to persist. But they're done with pandering to retarded subhumans who aren't worth a dollar but require $60K a year minimum to survive and consume.

So they'll give you free rental bedspace, free hydrophonic feed and free AI made goyslop. In exchange you will consume what they tell you to, shut the fuck up and let the 500M real humans continue living with dignity.

>> No.6578225

Holy fucking kek my sides
Transwoman are real women!
AI art is real art!

>> No.6578294

This made me transphobic

>> No.6578306

I now love Hitler

>> No.6579035


>> No.6579391

>Needs an AI to read
I'd call you mouth breathers but that implies you can breathe on your own

>> No.6579416

I like the way he uses the word 'industry' when 'capitalism' applies in every sentence, lol.
Also tired of 'nuanced' takes on AI. Like "I'm in favor of US companies investing in AI technology to secure a better future for our humanity." Who believes this shit? More like international corporations investing in AI to make a handful of motherfuckers billionaires.
Howabout "fuck AI," and leave it at that.

>> No.6579438 [DELETED] 

Did you read it? why the fuck would I waste my time reading pages and pages of legal documents? I'm not a lawyer, I wouldn't know half the terminology they use.
t. smart boi who uses tools

>> No.6579445

Stop it with the ableism. No (You) for you.

>> No.6579478

ok watched the whole video. Best advice is "learn traditional tools" and "embrace humanity." Great work has been made for centuries with traditional tools, it's not like it's dependent on cutting edge technology.
He equivocates on AI a bit too much. I fucked around with it for a couple of months, it's not like you have to learn it. There's nothing it really brings to the table, and if you're ever in an industry that requires it the learning curve is low. Better off spending your time learning to draw.

>> No.6579522

ChatGPT is just a story teller.

Too many people don't understand that ChatGPT is built to be convincing, not factual.

>> No.6579610

literally every single thing these people say is aimed at furthering their online business, nothing else
they don't have any "advice", these people don't even work on art anymore, they just run an online business
like Blaise's bullshit video, these people just wake up and think oh, what kind of smoke and snake oil can I sell my paypigs so they won't stop paypigging