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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 575 KB, 1078x1082, 1671302991245580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6568373 No.6568373 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, so where we go from here.

What will be the direction art should take this century.

It's pretty clear we should go back to older classical beauty styles, but at the same time we can't simply throw away everything we learned from the XX century vanguardias.

It's pretty clear the future we must do is try to reconcile the dynamism and experimentation of the vanguardias and that raw uglyness, and somehow make a synthesis with the old classical styles and concepts of pre WWI art.

So, the question, at least to me.
It's how should we embrace this synthesis of the XX century with the older styles?

A new art DECO, you think, but in our digital world?

>> No.6568397

Is hard to say, really hard to say. You are basically asking "how to invent something in a world where we already invented everything?".

Experimentation and conceptual shit was already done to death 50 years ago, try as you might there is absolute nothing you can come up with that ins't incredible derivative of some surreal artist from the 60's or something. I think innovation like you want is something natural that comes from artistics interactions between a lot of individuals at once and not something to be designed with intent.

People want to draw because they feel inspired by other artists they admire, they give their own spin on how it was supposed to be done and slightly change the formula, someone is inspired by them and does the same in this chain of events that can create a unique aesthetic. I mean, would you have guessed in 2007 something like bronies would spawn from thin air and create their own art subculture?

You can try predicting, but it is much easier to know where something is not going than where it's truly going. I can tell you right now that anime semi-realistic style is kinda done, it was done by 2019 since it was so overdone to death by now it's really old news and something from the last decade. But where the rides go only mr. skeleton knows, we only know that it never ends.

Me personally I've been going more to an hyper stylized character expressionist route, I also have been thinking in applying digital art artifacting like Rembrandt Quiballo and using deep frying or dead pixels in the work, but how the hell you make something like that look good is hard to say.

>> No.6568398

Post your work, nodraw

>> No.6568406

already did 8 hours ago

>> No.6568413

and pretty much the same shit that everything was invented, we had the same cope every 20 years since 1885 where some patent officer said that shit.

We need to see our current social and technological enviroment and see what is the leading edge.

It's pretty clear we should, if we want new shit, to start working with game engines.

That's pretty much a new frontier to tap into.

And no, game engines didn't exist like 7 years ago, so we can't say that we have explored everything they can make.

>> No.6568425

Yeah, I realized a while ago that games can work really well as this new tool for artistic experimentation, specially because it places you in a first view perspective and immerses you in to something much greater than we can achieve with common medium.

You arrive at a few issues, tho, not only by how hard it is to produce even the simplest of games is the fact of what a audience expects and wants from a game itself, or at least something closer to an interactable work of art. I mean, we have "art games" out there, but "art games" are too pretentious to common audiences and even games with solid artistic flare and direction are far too "boxed" in the genres and structures. But is perfectly possible and a possibility, just thinking outside the box that can lead to a lot of trash.

>> No.6568426

more poo and abstract

>> No.6568430

pretty clear interactive media is the new frontier.

What I honestly want to try is to make a oneshot in godot, and have some minigames to change some of the pages, using a basic gacha store.

Dunno, I think that could be a fun project I want to try.

>> No.6568434

>Is hard to say, really hard to say. You are basically asking "how to invent something in a world where we already invented everything?".
I mean you can say that, but people 100 years ago were probably thinking the same thing. I doubt when artists stumbled into cubism, they really thought they were "inventing" anything. It's only when we look back that we can see the effects of it.

If I were to say where the future is going visually... As much as it's going to piss people off, it probably will have something to do with AI. People are probably going to use it to draw crazy backgrounds or inpaint elements on armor etc that would be far too tedious for a human to draw, but only a matter of moments for a machine. So I guess we're going to have a AI led overly detailed art movement.

So maybe something a bit like psychedelic art, or maybe Art Nouveau/art & crafts?
Alternatively, if people use AI art to mostly pump out glitchy weird looking stuff, it'll be more akin to when digital art first started taking off again.

>> No.6568437

I see AI art being used to blend styles, since It can perfectly replicate artists.

Like I want to try to make some muncha inspired works using anime girls and victorian costumes.

>> No.6568440

Uh, I had this idea for my website being a combination between an website and point and click VN game. So you can interact with my trash but the site itself would have hidden routes and links and you could go clicking shit in a more open format.

Is simple stuff to code too, anyone could do it in a week learning the basics.

>> No.6568455

My idea is inspired from shit like encarta and websites.

Imagine a magazine, but like It's like reading a PDF inside some wiki layout, and basic interactivity from manga websites.

But, at some points, there's some minigames, like 1980 atari shit, and like those 1980 PC gaming magazines.

But my idea is to use these minigames, to like lock the progress in the magazine, and maybe like earn some ingame coins to like unlock a maid costume in the waifu that changes her manga pages.

That's like my idea.

>> No.6568464
File: 103 KB, 640x960, Classical Anime_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So a bit like the homestar runner website (if I'm remembering it correctly), but more visual novel/adventure game like?
Sounds like a pretty neat idea for a site actually, original or no.

>using anime girls
Haha, honestly I see its over reliance on anime girls as being one of its biggest hindrances. It only really does them, and photo realistic well, and neither are really appealing to me.
But outside of that, you could be right, though I'm not really seeing it as as we've already seen examples of that (sort of) and it doesn't strike me as something that would catch on.

>> No.6568465

whgats with all these CAT OP pics making dumb ass threads? CHATGPT?

>> No.6568472

Yeah, it's nice but the thread now is full of AI shills talking shit, no point in having a discussion like this.

>> No.6568473

Wonder how long will jannies delete this ai thread

>> No.6568506

it's cris the eternal ngmi. the nigger posts the same images and content in agdg

>> No.6568668

i genuinely, whole heartily want you shills to fucking die. put a bullet in your heads so you stop becoming a problem.

>> No.6568751
File: 165 KB, 1100x1100, leonard baskin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

humanism is the intuitive reaction to the robots. don't think muh realism makes much sense considering the robots can replicate realism. more delving into the human hand, the artisanal, but also human mind, delving the unconscious, our shadow. in ancient texts the word "soul" was synonymous with psyche. also the mystical and iconographic.
touchpoints: forgotten humanists of 20th century such as Rico Lebrun, Leonard Baskin, Käthe Kollwitz, Ben Shahn. Mystics like William Blake Cartoonists like Robert Crumb & the undergrounds. Graphic designers who cross boundaries between design & art (you know where to look if tuned into this frequency). The ancients (they had contact with the alienz).

>> No.6568774
File: 1.30 MB, 1027x1374, Crumb_Bukowski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also the material. is your art made of life stuff? no robot can live your life, bub. the normies say touch grass. maybe normie not always wrong, eh?
capture the grit of life. not all art can be idealism, that's where the renaissance masters fell short (look to Bruegel & Bosch instead).
material can also be material, like make your work with actual materials. the art object is not threatened by a goddamned robot. the shill can say a robot can paint one day. who gives a fuck? naw, son, nothing can replace your hand to an object, just let it flow and let it go.
And ain't no ChatGTP replacing Bukowski, bubz.

>> No.6568784

we gotta return to sovl

>> No.6568818

People have already beaten to death the whole "AI glitch look". It's a gimmick that won't last. Outside the very few artists who figure out transformative use of it, it's going to be seen as a cheap fad in the fine art world. And by transformative I don't mean in-painting the spaghetti fingers and intricate backgrounds. I'm talking about Art Basil types who do conceptual art that none of you coomers would appreciate. The more AI takes over the commercial art world the more the fine arts will associate it with cheap commercialism and want to distance themselves from it.

>> No.6568906
File: 54 KB, 1000x1000, ye old confused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to predicate the future with limited data. If we were to go on ongoing trends than i'd assume we'd continue to go more and more expressionist. AI has expedited this process, so for your avg artist, i'd assume their art as a would become more stylized and simpler.

this has nothing to do with the thread.

this as well.

>> No.6569003

Do you have an example? I have an idea in my head, but it might be far less impressive than I'm imaging.

I did say it'd piss some people off, but I didn't expect such intellectual micro-cocks to throw their hats into the ring.
Did you actually address why AI couldn't and wouldn't be used in the future of art (the topic which this thread is about), despite it clearly being a visual tool that can be used by artists? NOPE!
Instead you just spewed the same tired sheep like opinion, like the curry eating script reading AI shills. You say the world would be better off if I put a bullet in my head? That's a subjective opinion, but it's an objective fact the world would be better off with you dead in a ditch somewhere.
How is it some people were more intelligent as cum?

Look at this guy >>6568751 , didn't even mention me and managed to make a case against of my post (though both can happen simultaneously).

>> No.6569103
File: 2.52 MB, 2278x7181, 3E98E9B0-FB2A-4DB4-B803-02ADCAEB6B53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6569116
File: 2.09 MB, 3253x4909, 5150F6D4-30EB-41F8-85E6-906FB480F063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Convey more information in one image and fuck with the ai

>> No.6569120
File: 2.97 MB, 4252x3845, C23D1103-EC34-4222-8A6F-32CF032D0214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making and selling art as multilayered photoshop files where on the top level there is just a normal looking digital painting and as you strip away all the layers demonstrating the order of operations, you also reveal a bunch of psychotic rants and math equations at the base layer.

This will be easily adapted to vr art galleries

>> No.6569123
File: 3.34 MB, 3519x2958, 2C423E3E-25A3-4F95-9C80-47446DA6F7A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memetic subversive genre paintings painted traditionally since ai will never be able to reproduce being bad at painting on irl canvas panel

>> No.6569128
File: 1.62 MB, 2954x2954, 029E5E7D-E1EA-4E07-9CA3-42353EB30E1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty half painted memes and reaction images painted practically where the final result is never allowed to be shown on the internet = actual nfts

>> No.6569635
File: 1.35 MB, 1440x810, ArtBasel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably something like this, the usual art museum stuff but instead more of them. Fundament based art (as /ic/ knows it) is going to be devalued, unless somehow the internet starts to value actual human craft (which I'm kinda hopeful for, considering how spammy AI art is. Case in point: You don't want 1000+ images of your waifu, you either want to be the one making them, or find a guy who dedicates himself to be autistic to that particular anime girl.

>> No.6569663
File: 500 KB, 2048x1365, Theatre de Opera Spacial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get you, I'm sick of that stuff as well, but I see that stuff as just lacking artistic talent honestly rather than being glitchy. Regardless, I was talking more about pushing stuff like this award winning picrel (as dull as this piece is) even further.

Just look at the walls and figures in this image. It looks like it makes sense, but under any actual scrutiny it doesn't. I wonder if that can't be pushed even further, where there are buildings within buildings, and figures that are actually just furniture and shadows, but actual figures, but actually not, and so on.

Of course I'm not planning to be part of said movement if it becomes a thing (another anon mentioned a second humanist wave, guess I'd join that), as AI bores me to tears, but I wouldn't mind if someone actually spent time in his craft to make extraordinary pieces (which most really don't, which is why I think AI is so loathed).

>> No.6569674

Visual arts are solved, innovation is done in mixed media like video games

>> No.6569882
File: 1.85 MB, 1500x1000, Kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A humanist wave is highly likely. The AI wave will be short-lived unless it fixes the spam problem and how its not fun generating images compared to actually drawing them by yourself. Reminds me a story I heard about how cake mix sales declined because housewives felt guilty about using them, corpos give this a fix by making users add in the egg themselves- trading some convenience for a semblance of authorship

>> No.6569961

Only problem with that is AI doesn't make any imagery that humans couldn't already. The purpose is to do exactly what artists already did with no artists involved. Even if pic rel was fully rendered and got rid of the weird distortion it would still be generic Sci fi arstation shit that we've seen a million times.

Not so fast, apparently GPT4 coded pong and some other game from scratch. There is literally nowhere to hide from AI aside from manual labor (for the time being). And that is why
Is probably correct. People are going to get sick of living in a world where robots out-do us in every capacity and there's no point to anything. You can't make ai go away but we have the freedom to form our own attitudes and values. Techbros promised that automation would allow to pursue whatever interests we want and a better quality of life so humanity should hold them to it.

>> No.6570139

>and how its not fun generating images compared to actually drawing them by yourself.
Yeah, and the AI corps are preparing for this. I spent a couple of months on MJ and listened to the weekly Q&A with their wu-wu CEO. He mentioned his intention to make MJ more 'hands-on' like cooking or painting. In time MJ & SD will increasingly push in (or integrate with) the same space as Adobe, and maybe even hardware like Wacom. Another intention is likely to lessen the resistance of artists.
Personally the whole thing made me cancel my subscription and go back to my sketchbook.

>> No.6570167

I'm probably overestimating the capability of AI, but I can imagine the future having these AI brushes that generates whatever you prompt it + the stroke you do with it. For instance you type in what you want (e.g, a coconut tree that fits with my inputted sky colors, rubble that fits within my laid perspective etc.) or a 3d doll that translates to 2D (I think controlnet fits this already?). That sounds more hands-on and will be more beneficial to actual artists. I can see it devaluing purely AI-generated content as well as fundies as we know it but who knows. It will be like exisiting writers now having chatGPT as their assistant.

>> No.6570531

violet cloverss faggot fuck offf

>> No.6570555

Old art movements were defined by groups of literal friends and acquaintances who impressed rich people and modest gallery owners enough to get featured, so other rich people were able to enjoy them. These were not mass-movements.

The art-movements of the 90s-thru-2000s were increasingly astroturfed and corporatized to the point where a lot of the shit /ic/ talks about WOULD HAVE BEEN completely outside the scope of the Art History education of 2070, but thankfully the internet has already ripped apart the monoculture irreparably and we have people like CARI (Evan Collins & Froyo Tam), and the zoomers running the Aesthetics Wiki, as well as random bloggers and youtubers catalogueing all kinds of art and design movements and subcultures that have cropped up since the 60s.

There's no unified artistic front. The "movements" you learned in art history were only surface-level, the ones that actually exist are all their own things. So your
>Where do we go from here?
Is meaningless, you choose your own path, your own friends, your own style, your own aesthetics, you make things you like and want and seek out people who also like what you like.

>> No.6570849

>CARI (Evan Collins & Froyo Tam)
That site is interesting as hell. I'm on the cusp between genx & millennial (xennial?) and it's fascinating how the the curators of that site categorize the aesthetic flotsam and jetsam of my youth.

>> No.6571196

i think we need to go back to fundies
you often get these retard artists giving 17 paragraphs for the reason and symbolism behind smearing vagina blood
I think when it comes to museum art, we should encourage artists to experiment with different techniques and mediums and let them explain their process a bit more rather and constantly question them about the meaning of the art
you then get a goal and you can critique something qualicative rather being go off the mood or vibe

>> No.6571248

I don't think AI can completely innovate in its current state still, ultra detailed and complex stuff has already been possible for a while now with 3D (plug-ins, shaders, etc), its also mostly been fed generic conceptart and bug eyed girls so nothing too stylized or crazy can come out of it

(Might be my autism speaking, I'm not really able to separate AI drawings from the rest of it's abilities and how much this shit is going to rape democracy fucking everywhere)

>> No.6571652
