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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 697 KB, 1080x1440, FE463255-975B-4793-A88C-81A0B9674F56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6568355 No.6568355 [Reply] [Original]

>muh fundamentals

>> No.6568369

Show me a single good artist who didn't grind fundies for at least a year or two before drawing their actual subject matter

>> No.6568376

Thousands of students ready to mog the shit out of you on twitter.
Hold on to your butt

>> No.6568377


This is why the great firewall of China exists. If it got taken down, the Chinese would decimate Twitter art space.

>> No.6568447

>meanwhile, in Western art universities...

>> No.6568452
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>> No.6568453
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>> No.6568458

>Intentional soul

>> No.6568459


Doesn't anime just refuse the same frames for heads and adjust as needed so they don't need to redraw it all the time?

>> No.6568463


>> No.6568479

Imagine the smell

>> No.6568486

imagine the noise

>> No.6568489

i get this is not what you should expect coming out of an art school but I like this a lot

>> No.6568492
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No. Not at all. They just churn out the same character designs repeatedly

>> No.6568498


I don't think we'll ever get another alpha MC that can top yuuji kazami ever again.

>> No.6568529

Imagine the smell.

>> No.6568533

hmmm cheap toxic oils

>> No.6568550

isn't this their entrance exam for art college? wonder what the subject was

>> No.6568557

Are they painting a still life from a foto?

>> No.6568562
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>> No.6568572

>go to western artschool
>No fundemantals whatsoever
Grandted i dont know exactly how chink artschools work but i get the feeling we pissed away something valuable in the last 100 years when
It comes to arteducation that they still practice.

>> No.6568576

Academicism is the biggest meme ever.

>> No.6568577

unironically go to a community college. they have a better actual art education.

>> No.6568619
File: 152 KB, 1080x1349, 1618684678534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are plenty of artschools in the west that teach in a more traditional way, they just arent universities
you are just a homosexual whose way of thinking about art is entirely based on social media

>> No.6568627
File: 670 KB, 637x574, fr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over

>> No.6568638

Does anyone have the pic of that famous british one where all modern students only produce garbage like this because the place got irredeemably pozzed?

>> No.6568645

>you are just a homosexual whose way of thinking about art is entirely based on social media
Wtf are you even talking about retard

>> No.6568650

what the fuck do they even teach?

>> No.6568651

Nigger worship

>> No.6568656

Any textbooks you recommend?

>> No.6568659

Based, art for sake of sovl and for having fun
Retarded grinders. Art is supposed to be a fun hobby, not hard work with nothing but the end goal in mind. Works for people who are unimaginabely talented, but most of these will end up on the streets with nothing to show for. Art is zero sum game where you can only become well known and get money if you stand out and also have better quality then others. If all of them have the same quality, then the bottom 99.9% of these monkeys in that room get fucked over while one guy makes it, and that is for pre-2022 world. Now we have AI and all those fundies get fucked over by losers and jeets who know how to prompt slightly better then the average person.

All while the twitter/deviantart troonoid will continue making their lineart 0 shading OCs, because AI cant get all the autistic details.

>> No.6568661

The same retarded shit amerimutt art schools decide is important, like clashing vibrant colors, "red means angry", shape language done in extreme (Square guy stable, triangle pointy villain), etc.
They can only produce retards who at best make mediocre children's books or suck enough dick to get a job at CN.

>> No.6568666

The driving ideology of the modern art establishment is essentially Hegelian dialectics, filtered through Marx, Lenin, and especially Theodore Adorno. The prevailing worldview is the constant supplanting of the old by the "new". The conceptualization of art not as the outcome, or as some transcendental stable value system, but as a complex of processes in which artstyles an concepts ceaselessly churn into being and un-being.

So they basically teach you how to come up with seemingly new and exciting ideas, your lottery tickets to your moment on top of the churn, your 15 minutes of fame. As the dialectic is the ideology of the establishment, it is also often the means - you are expected to produce works that work "dialectically" - they challenge prevailing ideas and norms. If you can question something and piss a lot of people off, you're well on your way.

This of course breeds elitism - by definition the more the "masses" don't get your art, the better it must be - but also enables art critics, theorists, and other writers to endlessly write about your art. Well, to be more precise, write about things they wanted to write about using your art as an excuse or a vehicle. This is a symbiotic relationship as it generates publicity for you and easy writing topics for them - and this is why all the art that rises to the top is necessarily dialectical in nature.

Most people in the establishment aren't self-aware enough to realize this is how it is, they just go with the flow. Reading the authors listed above and being part of the establishment for any amount of time will make the workings of it obvious, though.

>> No.6568678

those ideas aren't wrong though
but they are elementary

>> No.6568684

>filtered through Marx, Lenin
ironic considering Russian academies stayed unpozzed

>> No.6568690

They are important, but just part of a bigger whole, and usually integrated in subtle ways, and not the Steven Universe way.
Yet for some reason modern education boils down to "when you want to make le sad character for your IP, make sure they are blue with blue hair and blue clothes, because blue means sad, and also make them all soft and blobby, no hard edges, because that means friendly and approachable!" and that's where they stop.

>> No.6568783

Is this that village where they crank out reproductions of great *western* paintings to sell?

>> No.6568793

based demon post

>> No.6568808

I hate this nigga so much you have no idea

>> No.6568817

Imagine if it was you that got blacked haha

>> No.6568839
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>> No.6568840
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>> No.6568842
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>> No.6568843
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>> No.6568844

But I just want to be a concept artist at Riot

>> No.6568846
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>> No.6568847
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>> No.6568848
File: 58 KB, 358x459, Oil_painting_palette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand this way of holding the palette. Isn't it much easier and more comfortable to let it rest on your arm, as basically all professional painters do?

>> No.6568849

Imagine modeling your life after troonoids and jeets

>> No.6568850
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>> No.6568853
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>> No.6568864

There is a pipeline for these types of "artists". They get a bfa degree, go straight to grad school, and then compete for cushy university jobs where they brainwash young people to follow the same path and make the same garbage art. It's insane. If these schools taught any actual skills you'd have multitudes of talented artists who could form companies and give Disney a run for their money. But it's easier to collect a paycheck while preaching about feminism and equity instead of teaching.

>> No.6568866

My GPU when I use stable diffusion hehe

>> No.6568890
File: 254 KB, 1600x1917, 6189-original-thomas-Captain-Cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go check the Slade website
ic /beg/ are fucking old masters next to this, jesus christ.

>> No.6568909

I am not the one working my ass off just to get boring high detail pictures. I draw because I like it. My work is awful by all standards and you are probably better then me, but I have enough parasocial friends who like my work to not matter. I also dont get my money from drawing, but from actual job, so again, no threat to me.

>> No.6568918

By the time you get that job, Riot will no longer make any games. All games will just be made with AI where gamers will prompt their games and then play them right after.

>> No.6568920

What’s wrong with high detail pictures, you can also draw them just because you actually like them. People have different values.

>> No.6568925

art is a language, you can get your point across by screaming fuck but if you want to say something sophisticated and be better understood you'd use other words right?
'fine art" is just people screaming
with this logic you can say that these chinks know a lot of words but have nothing to say, but that doesn't mean someone won't come along with something to say. but the way "fine art" wants it, they want to make sure people who have a point can only scream

>> No.6568935
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See, this is why I don't believe in this "systemic racism" horseshit. White people will bend over backwards to pander to minorities. They are, as far as I know, the only people that actively discriminates against itself. I'm not even sure that I will have a fucking job in twenty years and I'm supposed to be the one with "privilege."

>> No.6568959

No job in 20 years because of race or because of bots?

>> No.6568962

>2 more weeks
In the meantime people should continue pursuing their dreams regardless. Spending time on hobbies and skills that require mental effort is good for your brain.

>> No.6568992

based take
know of any good books to read on this subject pertaining to art and philosophy/ideology? the only one I'm aware of is some /pol/ stuff but I'd love to learn about this angle of the art world

>> No.6569033
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I think I'm going to be physically ill. Is this the end result of dysgenics? Literal feces/semen leaking mouth breathers? Marxism ruins everything.

After reading that I'm glad to be on this shitty board with all the crabs and pahjeets instead of at a "real" art school. I feel like I need to go draw some figures right now just to cleanse my soul of this vile filth. Hitler was right about modern art, we where all just too blind to see it.

>> No.6569045

This is actually quite amusing that fine-art has been preserved in communist countries. Given the ties between fine-art and both religion, as a subject, and upper-classes, as buyers.

>> No.6569061
File: 2.66 MB, 3516x2817, 8239DAA9-BC1E-442D-A3A4-6256ED9E97EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>muh Marxism
Are you all retarded?
Soviets spent most of the 20th century fighting against “modern art” which they considered western capitalistic money laundering or whatever. Soviet art was all a rejection of the shit you bozos now parrot Jordan Peterson about calling Marxist lol.

The reason art spiraled out into abstraction and conception was entirely founded in a free-market reaction to the invention of the camera. Cameras replaced the traditional function of the artist and artists were forced to innovate and do new shit to continue to be relevant. Wasn’t actually that difficult.

If you don’t like modern art you’re basically whining about the Industrial Revolution, which is pretty pathetic considering you’re whining about the same shit that retards were upset about 120 years ago.

>> No.6569063

That's because their glowies did not try to psy-op modern art.


>> No.6569065

I think communists didnt mind it because they are purely material, if rich are enjoying weird art, then just share it among the lower worker classes so that they can also amuse themselves just like the rich did.

>> No.6569067

it has next to nothing to do with marxism and everything to do with vogues in art education. Classical art, draftsmanship and design went out of vogue at the turn of the 20th century as artists began to turn out more and more experimental styles. As the cutting edge of the art education world turned its back on classical art, that effect slowly trickled down to the realm of regular secondary education. Since the turn of the century at both the high and low academic level art education has focused more and more on personal expression and interpretation over concrete technical skill.

What you're specifically upset about though is a facet of modern capitalism. The contemporary 21st-century art museum scene is partly intellectual fart-huffing, but it's mostly about money. On the surface level, stupid high-dollar exhibits drive ticket sales while also making the artist who made it worth more. Behind the scenes, you have money-laundering going on with the artist-appraiser relationship.

Everybody knows its bullshit, the artist, the curators, the visitors, everybody. Modern classic atelier-style art is something for people to pursue on their own time, there's very little money in it to make it appealing to institutions if it isn't already a historic article. The same thing for art schools today, ateliers don't bring in the money, meaningless interpretive art does.

>> No.6569083

ermahgerd it must be da ebil global communist antifascist plot !!!! dey wanna turn our brains into sludge !!! wake up anons !!!!

>> No.6569115
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You fucking smoothbrain retards. You un-ironically think that the camera was invented and all artists immediately went "well it was a good run I guess its now time to start shitting in mason jars and eating razor blades!" Norman Rockwell was one of the greatest illustrators to have ever lived and he was well after the invention of the photocamera.
The ONLY reason this "modernist" crap is allowed to exist is because of massive funding from the funny little hat people who rule all western countries and own all peoples as chattel through their control of central banks and basically the entire financial world. Take away federal funding from these universities and lock up all the funny hat pedos like Podesta and Epstein who run the whole "elite" art market and all this shit would go away in a weekend.

Seriously do you think the free market wants this >>6568853 shit???? Normies want marvel movies and romcoms.
What the fuck is the free market supposed to do?
Hire Cathy for visual effects on the new starwars because she fucked a concrete dildo until her pussy bled all over the floor?
Hire John for storyboarding because he caught aids for his final project????
The free market rejects this degeneracy, the funny hat people push it as a means of demoralization and confusion; it's classic 1984 shit, up is down, war is peace, freedom is slavery, something with effort to aesthetics is so low brow, some whore shitting on a crucifix is the height of human expression (kill the 4 old's Mao style anyone???). This shit is about as free market and organic and grassroots as Marx was an intellectual.

>> No.6569124

>You un-ironically think that the camera was invented and all artists immediately went "well it was a good run I guess its now time to start shitting in mason jars and eating razor blades!"
you dumb fucking nigger that's not what i said at all, I said that art EDUCATORS turned away from classical art at the turn of the century to focus on experimental styles, which is objectively the case. I also pointed out that over time fewer and fewer traditional artists were being professionally trained. Rockwell received a professional traditional education in the mid-20th century when that was still a common option.

AVERAGE people don't WANT shitty contemporary museum art, but AVERAGE people are poor retards. Rich retards DO want shitty contemporary art because they can use it to launder money or flaunt how rich they are.

You dumb fucking gorilla nigger, kill yourself

>> No.6569135
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>art EDUCATORS turned away from classical art at the turn of the century to focus on experimental styles, which is objectively the case.
>Rockwell received a professional traditional education in the mid-20th century when that was still a common option.
I guess we should blame capitalism AMARITE BROS??
>Soviets didn't poz their art for some reason.
>United States bombed Afghani infrastructure when they invaded, and yet for some reason the U.S. doesn't bomb any of its own powerplants stateside
I wonder why the U.S.A would behave in such an illogical fashion GEEE I WONDER ITS A REAL FUCKING MYSTERY!
retard. I would say kys but what the people in charge have planned for all of us will make the living envy the dead.

>> No.6569138
File: 33 KB, 817x427, D7842781-01FA-40E5-A08F-8DE650DFB8C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> You fucking smoothbrain retards. You un-ironically think that the camera was invented and all artists immediately went "well it was a good run I guess it’s now time to start shitting in mason jars and eating razor blades!"
No they turned to expressionism and impressionism and then abstraction and non-objective and everything else.

It’s why Van Gogh is seen as such an important artist now. He was essentially the most blatant or popular or whatever turning point where the art world broke from the obsession with construction and realism and realistic romanticism and stuff that could now be executed with a camera, and towards being obsessed with feelings and abstractions and ideas and everything.

Like there’s no reason to get all wound up about it. It just be the way it do.

As for stuff like Rockwell, he was in a relatively niche position where he was being paid to draw covers for magazines. He was essentially a high quality cartoonist.

And while Rockwell was awesome, was that something that rich people wanted to buy on like 8 foot by 10 foot canvasses to add some color to the living room in their guest house? Not really.

>> No.6569148
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Mostly because they didn’t lol. Getting into a prestigious art school now actually is much more difficult in terms of what is actually expected from you to already be proficient at as a teenager than pretty much any time before. It’s been an endlessly progression of increasing standards year after year.

The only reason you think the did a 180 or whatever retarded bullshit is because you aren’t educated. You have no frame of reference to any actual real world programs and you’re basing everything off the emotional reactionary feelings that have been fed to you by your propaganda.

May be hard for irrational ESL bozos like you to comprehend but most of the people making the “shitty art” that you’re conditioned to be upset about we’re better at traditional painting and drawing when they were teenagers than you will ever be. So do you think maybe there’s an intellectual aspect to all this art history shit that you refuse to comprehend for retarded political reasons?

>> No.6569150

Old* western paintings

>> No.6569166
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Rich people have blown all their synapses on cocaine and hookers. That's why they are all pedos who are into "modern art". You could sell these drooling tards mcdonalds wrapping paper if you put a 2 million dollar starting bid on it.
Plus their even more retarded crotch fruit need some way to feel speshul so I'm sure nepotism plays a huge role as well.
>Getting into a prestigious art school now actually is much more difficult in terms of what is actually expected from you to already be proficient at as a teenager than pretty much any time before. It’s been an endlessly progression of increasing standards year after year.
I don't doubt it. Just look at how expensive tuition is. Still I haven't seen any actual good art coming out of these shitholes, please enlighten me a lowly peasant to some examples if you have any!

>The only reason you think the did a 180 or whatever retarded bullshit is because you aren’t educated. You have no frame of reference to any actual real world programs and you’re basing everything off the emotional reactionary feelings that have been fed to you by your propaganda.
I literally googled "top american art schools" number one was rhode island school of design.
Please have a look;
I didn't even pick the worst one for pic related.
Please motherfucker don't tell me that these kids where outclassing the old masters at the age of 15 just to paint like this after 4 years of the best art education in America.
PLEASE show me one example of a modern art school that has students that produce ANYTHING of value.
Most of the paintings in the link would have been at best cute to see in a doctor's office waiting room, or in a room in a 3.5 star hotel in Detroit.
Don't call me fucking uneducated and then not provide a single counter example. Where are all these modern masters you seem to think are graduating in droves? Selective ≠ good.

>> No.6569167
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oh boy, I can't wait to read these essays, because they will definitely further my life in some substantive way. Time to block out the rest of my evening for this.

>> No.6569177
File: 286 KB, 1360x504, 455DECFF-8F29-4E01-B8E7-CFC03E0F3EB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Rich people have blown all their synapses on cocaine and hookers. That's why they are all pedos who are into "modern art". You could sell these drooling tards mcdonalds wrapping paper if you put a 2 million dollar starting bid on it.
And this is proof that it’s Marxist how?

Like do you get why people get annoyed with like how words and labels just get turned into meaningless newspeak?

Like say what you want about the commies but the idea that modern art was anything other than a natural outcome in a free market system where taste was determined by aloof rich money launderers is kind of silly. They did a lot of damage to art history and spent like 80 years mostly producing generic shit, but you really can’t blame fucking Marxism for the rise and propagation of modern art lol.

Hell not to mention that both modern art and all the communism shit were both reactions to the same thing: THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION.

Like do we all appreciate that Ted Kaczynski was right? The Industrial Revolution was essentially an explosion that fundamentally changed what human life on earth even was. In a few generations like tens of thousands of years of human progress had just been rendered obsolete by an exponentially advancing industry that literally changed everything.

Whenever you find yourself looking at the last 150 years of history wondering why things suddenly got all weird, the actual reason is typically industrialization.

If you don’t like art that strays from realism into being about meta shit and ideas, you can really thank Da Vinci for inventing the camera and modern at the same time when he reflected an image of a lady onto a template painting of himself and then refused to finish it as a way to show his work. The Renaissance really ruined everything

>> No.6569182
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They are Marxists because words don't mean anything. I would say funny hat people because all Marxists were funny hat people but then you would just call me a schizo. Just look at how many ideological cleansing there was in the Russian revolution alone. If Marx himself was there he would have been put against the wall too no doubt.
The post modernists are right about one thing and that's that the only thing that matters is power. If I am willing to lie to you to get what I want and you are a naive retard who believes in fairy tales then you are basically become my slave.

As based as uncle Ted no doubt was, I really don't believe that we can ignore certain malicious subversive elements whose sole purpose seems to be to undermine, demoralize, and exploit. As much as I may agree with Ted, we can never go back to sticks and stones. You want to live like a monk in the woods? Great! Until someone with a gun comes to enslave you. We can't close pandoras box, much as we wish we could.

>> No.6569183
File: 854 KB, 800x533, mattress girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that girl in the bottom right is mattress girl. I thought it was her -- that mannish asian face -- and googled it. it is her. evil cunt.

>> No.6569184

They're asses to elbows with each other with no way out, so what will they do when all of the sudden someone needs to take a massive shit?

>> No.6569194

exactly what i was thinking you and i are asking the important questions unlike the rest of this thread

>> No.6569195
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>The ONLY reason this "modernist" crap is allowed to exist is because of massive funding from the funny little hat people who rule all western countries and own all peoples as chattel through their control of central banks and basically the entire financial world.
yes. you don't have to be an anti-semite or a conspiracy theorist to know and acknowledge that abstract expressionism was literally a jewish CIA psyop from day one. it's literally declassified public information that the abstract expressionist movement was cold war artifice. it's also an open secret that the fine art scene in our current funny money fiat economy is just a vehicle for money laundering and favor exchange. the real delusion would be to notice that they virtually all have funny last names and dual citizenship and say it's a coincidence.

this degenerate shit with concrete dildos and razor blades is just dysgenic, mentally ill children of rich urbanite jews -- and their sycophantic imitators. it's a cargo cult of spoiled, sheltered kids who don't understand, or care, that western fine art has been fake and gay for at least 70 years.

>> No.6569198

>We can't close pandoras box, much as we wish we could.
This is a pussy mentality. You gonna line up to put a chungus chip in your brain when that starts getting pushed on everyone? Form your own beliefs and community with people who share your values, and decide how much of that garbage you're willing to allow into your life.

>> No.6569211

Are they really going to push chungus chips though? We already have mobile phones.

>> No.6569219
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Thank you. I was starting to fear that this board was full of demoralized regurgitators like >>6569083
True that. It's impossible to be totally independent from tech today but at least you can know truth from falsehood. Plus I am already the biggest FOSS advocate to anyone who will listen.
They successfully pushed the clot-shot on a demographic of people who had more chance of dying from choking on semen than from the coof. I have no hope for the children of Karen's who will run out and chip their kids the moment the big man on the T.V. commands them to. Don't underestimate how stupid and malleable we are as a population. Don't forget who has literally all the power and money.

>> No.6569224

I got the clot shot and my relatives on both sides had heart problems. How many more weeks do I have?

>> No.6569225

the problem with poltards on /ic/ is that they think if shlomo kikelstein never existed, then western art would be fine in the current year. in reality, it would have degenerated anyway. you see this way back in the 1800s with Impressionism, which Academicists saw as a gross aberration. They weren't even allowed to exhibit in the annual Salon. tell me what jews facilitated cubism? we don't even see them in the picture until westoids themselves completely abstracted away and intellectualized their artistic tradition. was picasso a jew? was le corbusier a jew? duchamp? Loos ("ornament is crime")??

maybe stop being a retarded polnigger and read some spengler.

>> No.6569235


>> No.6569244
File: 1.04 MB, 1280x1447, tumblr_oyndovWLoB1rqxd5ko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Retard thinks cubism is the same as shitting in jars and eating razor blades
>thinks abstractions where an invention of the 1800's
How much is shekelstein paying you for this post?
I tried to convince my mother not to get it. She just had one shot and now she has APL. Almost died from it in hospital too. I'm sorry I can't say that I know how to help you. Unironically go to /pol/ they have threads. I dont want to get too off topic from art lest we incur the wrath of the jannies. I wish you luck brother.

>> No.6569253

jews and their sycophants can keep ""fine art"". even when there aren't tribesmen involved, it's corrupt and nepotistic. with the internet, people who make art can connect with people who want to pay for it. art school fags can get fucked or keep spreading feces on canvas or whatever and call it fine art. most art will stabilize into something that people want enough to pay for.

>> No.6569254

I find it interesting that some of the best modernist writers were either conservatives or fascists. You don't see the same backlash against modernism in the realm of literature - conservatives still love Eliot and Yeats.

>> No.6569255
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> yes. you don't have to be an anti-semite or a conspiracy theorist to know and acknowledge that abstract expressionism was literally a jewish CIA psyop from day one.
Literally wasn’t lol. Art has always served the same purpose of being a way for rich people to hold and move money in appreciating assets. The only thing that changed from 1800 to 1900 was the invention and propagation of camera technology. This caused the oligarch’s interest to shift from realistic art of themselves to be preserved for posterity to “conversation piece” art that appreciated in value for being weird or ambiguous and gaining word-of-mouth buzz among art circles.

The reason people like Pollock became popular, long before the CIA started promoting him abroad to fuck to fuck with commies, was that they were creating a novel product on a large canvas for rich people to stand around sounding smart about.

The overwhelming consumer demand, and supply, of modern/subversive art has essentially always been driven by rich white anti-Catholic waspy types looking to put money in appreciating assets that can cross borders untaxed. This is a tradition going back beyond Christianity entirely into Ancient Greece lol. Das Juden have never actually had any level of involvement in art brokering beyond the amount that allows them to be used as scapegoats by the people making all the money. It’s all a pretty standard outgroup bad chimp behaviorism meme

>> No.6569358

>mock exam
something tells me this was a publicity stunt and exams aren't actually taken this way

>> No.6569375

Yes they will, simply because there is money in doing so. There is already a ton of demoralizing/fear mongering pushing the idea that installing a brain-computer interface will be the only way to keep up with an ai driven world. Interesting how brain chips were developed under disguise of helping paraplegics and has been bait-and-switched to this. There are some truly fucked up times ahead of us.

>> No.6569447

Idiots like you struggle with reading comprehension so I can see why you doubt it.

>> No.6569474
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>The reason people like Pollock became popular, long before the CIA started promoting him abroad to fuck to fuck with commies

That's not true. Modern art wasn't popular until the cold war, and this was not a coincidence. The reason modern art grew in popularity is because the head of various institutions used it in concert with government agenda in a culture war.

>In June, 1941, a Central Press wire story claimed MOMA as the "latest and strangest recruit in Uncle Sam's defense line-up." ... In terms of cultural propaganda, the functions of both the CIA cultural apparatus and MoMA’s international programs were similar and, in fact, mutually supportive.

>Barr continued to serve as the Museum’s reigning tastemaker. His support of Abstract Expressionist artists played an influential role in their success.

>It’s awkward to promote art officially by claiming that it is free from official constraints, and it is especially awkward if the art is, in fact, unpopular. Cold Warriors in the nineteen-fifties often found themselves in the position of propagandizing for American values by exhibiting art that was manifestly élite, and attacking the Soviet Union for mandating that art appeal to the common man.

>...Modern art was not universally popular, and was created by artists who openly disdained orthodoxy... President Truman personally considered Modern art, “merely the vaporings of half-baked lazy people.”

Pollock and similar abstract expressionist became famous due to the culture war. It is incredibly ironic to use psy-op to promote freedom of expression. Alfred Barr was basically dictating artistic taste, and threatening publications as being anti-American for not liking modern art.

>> No.6569507
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It's true that every single time period has at least one retard shitting on a canvas or bashing his head on a brick wall. The difference is that in the renaissance such mouth breathing retards would have been rightfully ignored and condemned, not promoted to the highest ranks of society by kings and nobles. >>6569474 is right, without the government angle to this whole story pollock would have been a literally-who forgotten or even never remembered in his own lifetime. It's not as if he was the first or last tard in human history to make shitty art. Now he is famous for being famous essentially.

>> No.6569553

>tell me what jews facilitated cubism?
>Kahnweiler's promotion of Cubist works made him one of the most influential art dealers of the 20th century. His championing of Cubism in the 1910s and 1920s was pivotal to the movement's success. Picasso said of his friend, "What would have become of us if Kahnweiler hadn’t had a business sense?"[

>> No.6569631
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>Soviet art was all a rejection of the shit you bozos now parrot Jordan Peterson about calling Marxist lol.
Here is a picture of early Soviet art, inspired by the proletkult ideology. It is very much in line with what was stated earlier. Soviets were very much fine with "modern art" - in fact they strongly encouraged it - as a dialectical tool to attack the previous establishment, of which the French academic style was seen as exemplary.

The later state-sponsored socialist realism (More than 15 years after establishment of the Soviet Union) came into being once Soviets realized that they need pretty pictures for propaganda, and letting plebs engage in dialectics will just let them use them to question state power. It coincides with the change from a revolutionary movement into a stability-seeking power consolidating one. Any authoritarian regime, once they are in power, will do the same.

>> No.6569633
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Here is also a quotation from Lenin on what he thought dialectics were, and how they applied. This is very much a driving force of the modern art establishment, as well as the contemporary postmodern one. Actually read the texts, especially Adorno and the rest of Frankfurt School critical theorists.

>> No.6569637

No wonder Stalin poisoned Lenin.

>> No.6569638

I can’t believe I didn’t apply to art school because I thought I wasn’t good enough. Good on me for dodging the art major bullet regardless, but damn I thought they were all god tier. Those AP studio drawing portfolio jerks had me terrified.

>> No.6569677

Retarded zoomer

>> No.6569678

this is not marxism you stupid idiot. marxist art is political in nature (as seen by socialism realism). the roots of "modern" art is in the enlighment, where artists started affirming their role as intellectuals and where they wanted more individuality and personal expression. you seethe at marxism while your true enemy is capitalism (this is a recurrent theme with fascist retards like yourself).

>> No.6569680

A kind anon already posted it above, he's GMI unlike you.

>> No.6569707

>Norman Rockwell
He was influenced by modern art you stupid nigger.
>The ONLY reason this "modernist" crap is allowed to exist is because of massive funding from the funny little hat people who rule all western countries and own all peoples as chattel through their control of central banks and basically the entire financial world. Take away federal funding from these universities and lock up all the funny hat pedos like Podesta and Epstein who run the whole "elite" art market and all this shit would go away in a weekend.
Its because there is people with a modicum of art knowledge that understands the role of art and artists in capturing the current zeitgeist and asking for a change
>Seriously do you think the free market wants this >>6568853 shit???? Normies want marvel movies and romcoms.
For normies there is anime, illustration, norman rockwell, thousands of internet artists and chinks, etc., all who think a crude depiction of reality is still relevant today. And for people with more refined tastes, that have art knowledge (and money) and actually cares about what is being discussed today, there is contemporary fine art. you can sell 100 pieces of hentai art for 50 dollars for stupid coomers or a piece of contemporary art for 5000 dollars for a wealthy smart person. its all balanced.
>The free market rejects this degeneracy, the funny hat people push it as a means of demoralization and confusion
The free market rejects this degeneracy, except it doesnt, because it sells clearly. and demoralization and confusion? what normie actually knows one single contemporary artist? which normie knows whats being discussed in art today? they dont fucking care, the most of art they see is a scenary or some old painting on the internet sometimes. also, the free market devalue everything because it is concerned with mass production of goods, artists should not have their art treated as a fucking product to sell that only recieves value when enough braindeadnormiesbuy it

>> No.6569711

>artists should not have their art treated as a fucking product to sell that only recieves value when enough braindeadnormiesbuy it
Sorry. Every product and service are valued by the marketplace. Art is no exception.

>> No.6569712

renaissance was born out of a revolution in europe, inspired by jewish/pagan sources. by your logic we should have never stopped painting murals in christian churches and be treated like carpenters or masons

>> No.6569716

thats why for niggers like you there is illustration, for the intelligent elite there is contemporary art.

>> No.6569756

>you seethe at marxism while your true enemy is capitalism (this is a recurrent theme with fascist retards like yourself).
Why is this site so full of fascist vomit? These people are the most underhanded and insincere people, all of their beliefs are based on extreme bigotry. Fascists twist all the good into bad, and the bad into good. They are here to cause confusion. This is their way of trying to grab power. They are happy with the capitalist system as long as they are the ones in power.

If these fuck idiots were sincere, they would join Marxists to destroy power itself.

Fuck this trash site filled with trash people. Racism is against the rules but at least 50% of people here vomit their racist braindead conspiracies if they ever get the chance.

>> No.6569767

his twig also looks like a turd
looks like walking sticks we made at boy scouts camp and we were like 12 at the time

>> No.6569834
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>> No.6569849

you're right anon, I need to focus

>> No.6569862

>This is why the great firewall of China exists. If it got taken down, the Chinese would decimate Twitter art space.
That's better than AI art though.
Chinese art has got lots of cool shit. It wouldn't be that bad to see what they make.

>> No.6569866

>Racism is against the rules
only in theory. It's not a de facto rule, since its never enforced.

>> No.6569872

Mattress girl's story is totally believable to me (She's definitely at least a little bit crazy though).

>> No.6569896

Yeah, Soviet art probably more reflects the current leader rather then anything related to communism
>Lenin: academic revolutionary
>Modernist anti establishment art
>Stalin: control freak from poor background
>Simplistic propaganda
>Post-Stalin: no eccentric leaders
>Keeping of previous standards, but not as strictly

>> No.6569911
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>> No.6569913

Other excuses include: because they needed fine art for propaganda (those are complex situations).

I'm not sure fine-art was shared with lower classes; even if they did, I'm not sure the latter cared that much, as food was an issue (peas for instance, were a delicacy reserved for higher classes).

Those guys were insane https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trofim_Lysenko

>the funny little hat people who rule all western countries
Yeah, your average Jewish mom really isn't dictating the US president his line of conduct. Some "jewish" weirdos maybe tho. But that's a minority.

>Rich people have blown all their synapses on cocaine and hookers
It's unfortunate social classes are so isolated from each others. There's plenty of rich people who still behave very reasonably. But, it sells much more to show depraved riched guys, so we only hear about the latter.

Same as talking about drug dealers immigrants vs. honest hard working ones.
Same as talking about dumb "jews" vs. regular ones.

You guys need to chill the funk down.

>> No.6570116
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> That's not true. Modern art wasn't popular until the cold war,
M8 it was literally what Hitler was whining about in 1908. His whining was unfounded since he was technically accepted into the modern art school and never went and only tried to get into the conservative school and wasn’t good enough, but that’s besides the point. The entire Vienna Secession that caused there to be competing modern and conservative art schools in Vienna started in 1897. By the post-war period popular art was already starting to get into early post-modernism.
> and this was not a coincidence
Duh it was a natural progression of trends that all built on each other and continuously pushed new boundaries to stay relevant for like 80 years at that point.
> The reason modern art grew in popularity is because the head of various institutions used it in concert with government agenda in a culture war.
Nope. Rich people no longer cared about realistic depictions of themselves being captured on canvas and demand shifted towards subversive conversation art like 60 years before the CIA existed.
>link about abstract impressionism in the Cold War
Impressionism started in like the 1870s and abstraction in like the 1900s.
Saying something isn’t “universally popular” means essentially nothing. It only had to be popular among the people buying and selling it. The fact that it was confrontational to some people is what made it valuable to others. Like literally all art.

Madame X wasn’t “universally popular” when it was first unveiled and even caused a scandal because her dress strap was originally falling off her shoulder and she looked drunk. At the time in the 1880s he was seen as essentially a dirty perverted liberal trying to subvert traditional art.

And like look at contemporary times. That one super gay rapper that dances with satan or whatever is both “not universally popular” and has 100,000,000 views. Way she blows.

>> No.6570138

>Why is this site so full of fascist vomit?
Because fascism appears everytime the middle class (basically everyone on this site) sees their standard of life decrease (because of capitalism). and then they find an easily recognizable enemy to blame (like black people, jews, mexicans, marxists, women) and put all the blame on them: "life would be better if not by jews, blacks, etc". meanwhile the bourg. and capitalism gets away blameless when they caused all of the worlds problems with their greed and instability

>> No.6570148

>Why is this site so full of fascist vomit?
Outrage sell ads.

>> No.6570160
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It's even worse, they get all the government funded projects and even the private funded projects because the board is made up of people with a masters degree in fine arts or art history. I am classically trained and make a living from selling my work, but getting into an art residency or being part of a funded show would help me out a lot but I get nothing but rejections. Sure, my work might be just mediocre, but the amount of shit I get when I meet one of those people in person is absurd. If you try to make something beautiful and especially when it contains well constructed figures they literally screech and start talking shit. They literally don't want this type of art to exist. It also creates a weird social dynamic, where they treat me as some type of oppressor or tyrant, when in reality those who criticize me make more than double the money I make with a secure salary and big bonuses when they create political stuff for government shows.

Sometimes I question myself putting myself into this absurd situation where I struggle and get shit on from above, but I am hopeful that things will change or that I get so good that I become untouchable. Partly I think we are guilty of this, we are playing far too nicely, literally every neo-classical artist says "let's just appreciate all art and play nice" whereas the contemporary modernists want us gone forever.

>> No.6570184
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Also it’s important to note that with pretty much all of these cia revelations that come out, it was always typically like 2 guys working on it with a handful of supervisors and generally like a few hundred thousand of fucking around money in the budget. They had the ability to like vaguely influence public perception if they actually used their budget as ideally as possible, which they generally never did. Like just because there’s evidence that the cia in their crazy years had been spitballing about stuff doesn’t necessarily mean all that much outside of dumbass propaganda points. US intel agencies have had meetings and budget proposals about literally every single thing someone could think of, and then there’s an easily FOIA’d paper trail of that which is required by law to become publicly available after x amount of years.

This is something that people in shithole countries run by authoritarians never have to worry about. All the shit their intelligence agencies do will never be revealed ever so it literally never happened.

Point is that the reality of the cia involvement in art is primarily about exploiting already existing markets to move money internationally. They didn’t create Jackson Pollock, they just hopped onto the already-existing circlejerk and boosted it to increase the value of the assets they were smuggling to finance various other spooky things in gooky places.

You’re maybe being disingenuous with how much you want to grasp onto the idea that a trend that started in like the 1860s was caused by an organization that was created in the 1940s.

Like it’s the same general shit with what the Russian IRA does today. They typically don’t create the initial trend they just dump some money into magnifying it as it arises naturally. Like the IRA didn’t cause Zack Snyder to be a weird aloof libertarian that made a subversive Superman movie, but they paid shills to boost it when they approved of its messaging.

>> No.6570194
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>M8 it was literally what Hitler was whining about in 1908.
Someone detesting modern art doesn't prove modern art was popular.

>Saying something isn’t “universally popular” means essentially nothing. It only had to be popular among the people buying and selling it.
Something being popular only within a small subgroup, like millionaire art investors, isn't actually "popular".

>The fact that it was confrontational to some people is what made it valuable to others. Like literally all art.
That is not the only requirement for art to be valuable.

Modern art covers a long period of time with various styles. I was talking about the modern art around the time of Pollock and abstract expressionism pushed by the US government, which was unpopular then and back all the way into the 19th century. There is a text limit, so I just called them modern art. Its obvious you haven't done any research and just making things up if you think the type of art pushed by the US in the cold war culture war of the 1940s was popular back in the late 19th century. It's very well documented that abstract expression gained popularity around 1950 during the cold war with considerable help from propagandist "tastemakers" like Alfred Barr.

>> No.6570207

All research points to the opposite.

>They didn’t create Jackson Pollock, they just hopped onto the already-existing circlejerk and boosted it to increase the value of the assets
Citations needed. The CIA had to secretly use taxpayer money to buy paintings by abstract expressionists, like Pollock, for millions of dollars because it was unpopular. Alfred Barr had to silence criticisms against modern art because it was unpopular. Abstract expressionism wasn't popular until the cold war, this is very well documented by many sources. There was several different sources with details of its unpopularity already in this thread that you're just conveniently ignoring because you're making up fake history to confirm biases.

>> No.6570210

Sounds like cope for never getting good but you do you

>> No.6570213
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I was ready to cringe for yet anothre cultural marxism retarded rant that missed the point but yeah this is pretty much it, good post

>> No.6570214

>They literally don't want this type of art to exist
yeah because you are walking backwards to where art is today. you are being anachronic. you arent going foward, but regressng to a time where carefully constructing a figure was the norm and people fought for more than a hundred of years to end this. and i bet your ideas are really shitty, because people like phil hale does figurative paitings and get away with it kek

>> No.6570232

Let me regress and go where I want, I really don't need people berating and insulting me IRL about making art. They feel threatened by it, they know people like it and are willing to pay money for it and hang it. You can enjoy your comfy gov. funding, but don't get a few artists are trying to go their own way.

>> No.6570255
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> Someone detesting modern art doesn't prove modern art was popular.
Its sales figures and historical and cultural relevance do. Just because you “detest” shit is t proof of some glowie jewspiracy to make things popular in spite of you being butthurt about it.

>> No.6570257

They get more paint

>> No.6570305

>people fought for more than a hundred of years to end this
Why would that even matter. You can make any kind of art you want nowadays. With this total freedom also comes the possibility to make 'well constructed figures'. They wouldnt look like the ones made in the 19th century or earlier anywyay even if you tried since so many things changed already since that time. Even those classical atelierfags cant escape modernity in their works.

>> No.6570426
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the amount of sophistry in this thread is truly and remarkably shocking. I guess i shouldn't be so surprised, artists usually think they are smarter than they actually are.
See >>6569633
>Norman Rockwell
>He was influenced by modern art you stupid nigger.
Omegatard you know what I mean is that he wasn't influenced by concrete dilo fucking whores and razorblade eating mutant retards. By your definition every fascist on the planet was influenced by the modernist movement including Hitler.
When did I ever say that I was a racist? Jews aren't a race omegatard. The handful of Jews who run the world are literally like a single family who happen to be Jewish. If they cared about their own race they wouldn't have vax-maxed their own country folk before the president of the USA got his first dose.
All races are slaves to those certain few in power. I would happily stand hand in hand with a black and a Mexican to oppose this shit. Modern fascism is very diverse you know :)
>Marxists (want) to destroy power itself
Yeah and I want my cock to be 50ft long. Retards who believe in fairy tales are easily controlled.
This post should be included in the dictionary for the definition of sophistry.
>some white people were slaves in colonial America
>hashtag not all
>I knew a tall Asian person and a short black guy
>I knew a girl who was 2 feet taller than her boyfriend
>I knew a guy who won the lottery
I think you know what I mean but are spouting this shit in bad faith. The overwhelming majority of people in actual power (the federal reserve and central banks all over) are funny hats despite making up not the majority of the population.
What you call cap bourg I call funny hats. Same shit different anus.
If this doggo is AI gen I'm kms.
Every single person in this thread is confusing the term "modern". We mean like right now shit not like post-meta-precum modern academically 150 years ago.

>> No.6570441
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>immediately starts screeching

You just proved his point for him lmao

>> No.6570466

>Its sales figures and historical and cultural relevance do. Just because you “detest” shit is t proof of some glowie jewspiracy to make things popular in spite of you being butthurt about it.
Don't move the goalpost. The original argument was about the popularity of the kind of modern art pushed by the culture war that US participated in. Sales figures are muddied by the CIA and the culture war to artificially inflate the values of abstract expressionist pieces like Pollock's. The proof is in the declassified CIA documents and sources by acquaintances of people involved in the psy-op, already posted in this thread. You've still yet to cite a source on how abstract expressionism or Pollock was popular before the cold war.

>> No.6570960

lol are you retarded? The army of """"artists"""""" that draw shit anime OCs is much bigger than the fundies slaves

>> No.6571018

Dude fuck those people you do not have to treat them like equals you do not owe them anything. Never let them keep you down out of spite, show them why they are right to be jealous. These people cannot handle direct confrontation and are actually looking for guidance and they only thrive in secret meetings behind your back.

>> No.6571047
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> Don't move the goalpost.
Literally what you’re doing. You moved the goalposts of what “popular” means to discount the reality that “something being popular only within a small group like millionaire art investors isn’t actually “popular.” This is an insanely autistic and stupid take.

>The original argument was about the popularity of the kind of modern art pushed by the culture war that US participated in.
Yes which was popular like 40 years before the creation of the CIA. Which you disingenuously choose to ignore.

>Sales figures are muddied by the CIA
Literally aren’t.
>and the culture war
Wasn’t a war to anyone but the Soviets.
>to artificially inflate the values of abstract expressionist pieces like Pollock's.
Which again, they didn’t create Pollock or American Abstract Impressionism which had been around since the 20s. Jumping onto an already existing trend is not the same thing as being the cause of it, and you either understand this and are being a dipshit to maintain your idiotic hyper-conspiratorial worldview, or you’re just an idiot.

>The proof is in the declassified CIA documents and sources by acquaintances of people involved in the psy-op,
Yeah post all the sources. Post the dates on the sources too lol.
>already posted in this thread.
You posted opinion articles.
>You've still yet to cite a source on how abstract expressionism or Pollock was popular before the cold war.
It’s literally the history of expressionism, abstraction, and then the American concept of abstract expressionism that combined both those ideas after they crossed the Atlantic in the 1910s. Your “proof” is another one of the CIA’s retroactive propaganda brags about how powerful they are, and my “proof” is literally all of art history. Nothing that became popular in the 40s and 50s came out of nowhere. It all built on the previous 60 years of art development and followed a relatively predictable pattern.

>> No.6571055
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> Pollock signed a gallery contract with Peggy Guggenheim in July 1943. He received the commission to create the 8-by-20-foot (2.4 by 6.1 m) Mural (1943)[18] for the entry to her new townhouse. At the suggestion of her friend and advisor Marcel Duchamp, Pollock painted the work on canvas, rather than the wall, so that it would be portable. After seeing the big mural, the art critic Clement Greenberg wrote: "I took one look at it and I thought, 'Now that's great art,' and I knew Jackson was the greatest painter this country had produced."[19] The catalog introducing his first exhibition described Pollock's talent as "volcanic. It has fire. It is unpredictable. It is undisciplined. It spills out of itself in a mineral prodigality, not yet crystallized."
> Following the dissolution of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) at the end of World War II, President Harry S. Truman created the Central Intelligence Group under the direction of a Director of Central Intelligence by presidential directive on January 22, 1946,[8] and this group was transformed into the Central Intelligence Agency by implementation of the National Security Act of 1947.
Later than 1943.

Or were the guggenheims CIA agents from the future?

>> No.6571062
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>All research points to the opposite.
literally doesn’t. And lol at random claims made by retired cia agents and random foia documents from the CIA are “research” that is entirely true. Can’t trust anything the cia says except for if it says something that fits your conspiratorial worldview lol.

>> No.6571158
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>> No.6571166
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Basically whenever someone talks about “the cia” in the 1950s, they’re mostly talking about the whims of Allen Dulles, and the relative effectiveness of the various shenanigans he approved has been endlessly exaggerated and overblown year after year as new biographies come out trying to have something sensational and new to sell.

Like the reality is that from all the “the cia overthrew x country” memes to the “the cia was responsible for shaping culture” memes, it was like a bunch of aloof yacht club daddy’s boys just spitballing random stuff based on whatever was relevant and topical at the time and then doing a half-assed shotgun approach/ spaghetti on the wall strategy and just seeing what happened. They were, and are, WAY less competent or aware of what they were doing than pop historians like to pretend they were like 80 years later.

They didn’t “make Pollock rich” by using his art to fuck with the Soviets like a decade after he was the hottest artist in New York. It’d be like saying the CIA “made Lady Gaga Rich” by using her music to fuck with Russians in 2018.

>> No.6571186

Ironically if they pandered to students outside of Europe and the US, having not many minorities would be a huge plus lol
So many friends complained about a lot of international students from our country when they went to study abroad, they absolutely hated seeing them

>> No.6571219
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> Every single person in this thread is confusing the term "modern". We mean like right now shit not like post-meta-precum modern academically 150 years ago.
Who is this gook “we” you’re screeching about?

I don’t care about how any of you lonely ESL teenagers don’t understand or appreciate what words and terms mean attempt to rape the English language and subvert history. Get fucked in your fat foreign face you sniveling teenager.

Contemporary means “right now” and “modern” only means “right now” when you aren’t having a goddamn conversation about history you stupid fuck.

You screech about “modern” art now because it was be same thing hitler was screeching about 100 years ago and reactionary conservatism tends to stick with what works when it comes to agitating virgins.

Learn what words mean bozo

>> No.6571275

What do they do if they need to go to the bathroom?

>> No.6571414

No, not in bad faith. My point is, those bad actors can barely be compared to genuine practicing Jews. It's unfortunate that both are called "Jews" for the word really covers two really different categories of people.

Furthermore, coming at them for being jews has systematically failed. It's not because they are jews that they are bad actors.

Otherwise, they'll hide under "muh anti-antisemitism" and you'll get nowhere. And dumb people following the "jews are bad" trend will beat your average jewish mother because they won't be able to tell the difference.

I wouldn't be surprised that anti-semitism views are voluntarily spread in the population, precisely because they can be so easily manipulated.

>> No.6571488

Where do all those artists work? Chinese games suck and so does their animation.

>> No.6571515

Tencent, mobile games, or outsource work. They have their own copycat brand of western games. Crossfire, a copy of cs source, is the largest fps game in the word, bigger than both cod and battlefield. Like india, their own internal market is bigger than any western market thanks to its population.

>> No.6571567
File: 598 KB, 474x632, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried not to be antisemitic.... it's no use

also they made a film about Hitler and his friendship with a Jewish art dealer, funny stuff

>> No.6571572

They don't, they are just applying. most won't get in, those who do will teach for a living if they stay in the art field.
They hire weeb digital fags who learned to draw copying anime, not paint-faggots.
Commercial illustration vs. fine art is the same divide as in the west, ppl pursuing academic education aren't the ones who make game assets.

>> No.6571591

This is pure soul.

>> No.6571659

Stay humbled. There are still people who are in art school that easily mog everyone here just because their works arent shown.

>> No.6571782

I'm still not seeing any sources for how Pollock was popular before the cold war. Again one person liking something or disliking something is not a claim about something being popular. I don't think you understand what "popular" even means at this point.

>> No.6571845

>they made a film

>> No.6571963

>If all of them have the same quality
then they would perfectly have a great career in game industry. ever think of that, you piece of shit? there's a lot of different media out there where you can apply the same fucking art skill you have and still find success to it through sheer skill/talent that you honed over time. your definition of art career is a bit retarded for someone who's into art.

>> No.6572053



>> No.6572059

Yeah and it's actually aesthetically pleasing unlike calarts. That's the difference

>> No.6572278

Based digits and nicely put

>> No.6572758
File: 2.13 MB, 2627x3403, A48B7E5C-BD17-4CC1-AB73-8C9EE86E7756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I'm still not seeing any sources for how Pollock was popular before the cold war
Are you like autistic for blind or something?
Sorry to break it to you but 1943 was in the middle of ww2.

He was already being hailed as the best artist in the country and getting paid Guggenheim money for gallery contracts and commissions before ww2 was even over. He was internationally famous by 1949. The cia didn’t start covertly supporting modern art at all until 1952 and it wasn’t until 1956, the year Pollock died, that there had been a bunch of abstract expressionism exhibits, some of which allegedly were made possible by the cia.

You’re a dumb disingenuous hosed and the people you trust make fun of how stupid you are. Learn to read bozo

>> No.6572781

I was in this school lol

>> No.6572784

>Smug, conceited anon who only likes his own art oblivious to witty curatorial decision made in the hanging of his group show.

>> No.6572790
File: 3.92 MB, 2922x3898, 8B63830B-3D19-48C0-9CBF-221B86D70C68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And like what even is your argument? I thought (You) had been arguing that modern art was Marxism?

Arguing that the CIA was responsible for the popularity of an art movement because it triggered the commies is like the exact opposite of saying it’s Marxist.

And I don’t even disagree with anything other than the idiotic idea that I’ve seen repeated here a lot that the early CIA was A: actually effective, and B: responsible for like the progression of trends for like 80 years before they even existed.

It’s just a dumb take. The CIA weren’t creating popular trends they were utilizing ones that benefitted them as they came up. Just because some revisionist opinion piece written by some blogger says “the cia made Jackson Pollock rich” doesn’t make it real. He was rich before the cia ever thought about supporting subversive anti-communist art, which is why the blog posts posted as “research” all conveniently don’t mention dates.

*blind OR autistic

>> No.6572924


>> No.6572935

lol each time I see this post I grow more convinced the cock sucking sculpture is based, a direct reflection and mockery directed to people like that OP

>> No.6574717

Based thread

>> No.6574744

definitely. just look at how much he's fellating himself in the post, imagine how he'd be in real life.

>> No.6574798

That would be the Slade School.

>> No.6574803

I know someone I grew up with, no artistic talent for painting or drawing but wanted to be an artist 'type'.
As an adult, they 'teach' art and have a job which involves competing to get commissions to design crappy ugly installations for city centres that someone else's factory or studio then builds, while they get their name put to it. All using public funds.
It fucks me right off, because I actually paint trad oil paintings and sell them for a living to people that really want them, not sucking on the public teat.

>> No.6574812

I see Jimmy is back then.

>> No.6575124

Same. I didn't know I could appreciate crabs, yet here I am
hey it's this faggot

>> No.6575131

I enjoyed this board a lot more without him. Can't wait for the dtiys spam again...

>> No.6575145

Aah, just realized you're right. Damn.

>> No.6575192

quick rundown? who dat

>> No.6575229

In 2 more decades maybe

>> No.6575533

>Blah blah blah... I still don't have any sources.

>> No.6575643

All the responses with either very badly painted 'meme' paintings, or Russian long winded spiels, are from a drug addled smelly person called Jimmy whom you should NEVER engage in conversation with, for your own well being.

>> No.6575814

Some guy who's been banned at least twice. It's been months (a year?); pretty sure previous ban there was also some one year period.

The guys has made thousands of weird trad portraits paintings (>>6572758, >>6572790) always the same style/flaws.

And always the same weird way of arguing.

We've had a few clash of the Titans, Jimmy vs. Brian. Oh glorious days.

>> No.6576643

M8 it’s literally history. All of this shit is very easily variable. The fact that you don’t even know any of this shit while endlessly relying on like buzz feed articles that intentionally misrepresent facts speaks to your lack of education and critical thinking skills tbphwyf

>> No.6576679

not reading this whole thread but it's hilarious how people claim this type of art is being "pushed" to demoralize people when 99% of the population couldn't care less about it. it's for right people and artsy weirdos and that's it, you're not gonna see alice and her concrete dildo of vaginal destruction in a marvel movie or as a brand ambassador on your instagram reel

>> No.6577075

>I ran out of time
lol ngmi

>> No.6579036


>> No.6579373
File: 52 KB, 450x359, top_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Art is zero sum game where you can only become well known and get money if you stand out and also have better quality then others. If all of them have the same quality, then the bottom 99.9% of these monkeys in that room get fucked over while one guy makes it

This is a joke right?
Ever heard of the art industry?
Do you think that everyone trying to make it is a Sakimeme clone?

Maybe I don't understand your take cuz I'm ESL, but there's plenty of room for artists of all skill levels, specially in the animation, and games industry.

>> No.6579680

This is probably the only painting I like of yours but you really should not have colored the glasses totally black. You should have used a chromatic black or a red/warm black.

>> No.6580734
File: 2.75 MB, 4032x3024, C3C97EDA-E059-48E6-B31C-AC17F9C0608A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically the black was the first thing added. Painting was worked on over like 3 years. Started looking like all the others. Pretty sure was started with this Juan in 2017 but can’t find the older version on account of not having looked for it really

That’s kind of the neat thing about a whole bunch o these paintings. I posted like the 2/3rds done version and then there’s literally no images of the “completed” pieces. It’s like an irl nft maybe idk I don’t read

>> No.6580742
File: 322 KB, 1080x1920, C81E28AD-F5CE-482F-B739-44BA96793115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There ya Gogh

>> No.6580767

I, for one, await the day that the great firewall falls, and the horde of Chinese artists invade our websites and mog us all with their superior art skill.