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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 270 KB, 1080x1080, Fcrlo-iaEAAKbZZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6563152 No.6563152 [Reply] [Original]

Video Course General v.14

Never give up!

>Matrix channel


The rutracker search plugin has some nma stuff

/ic/ official torrent

https://avxhome.in (you will find some, plus books)
Uncharted waters, lots of content

Last thread: >>6551616

>> No.6563161

I can't wait for the Kim Jung Gi course to be translated. Will unironically buy it with my own money

>> No.6563171


>> No.6563174

more like "im a starving artist so i need to clickbait/sponsorship"

>> No.6563181
File: 33 KB, 823x547, starving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't look like he's starving.

>> No.6563184

damn ferrero rochers?!

>> No.6563186

>He doesn't look like he's starving.
he lives in korea
so yes, he's starving

>> No.6563187


>> No.6563188

What the fuck is wrong with Koreans anyways? Why do they charge $20 for some soup with boiled cabbages?

>> No.6563208
File: 453 KB, 640x538, 1675435631097776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does it feel like this fucking Korean tuna is going to become an /ic/ meme at this point? Is this shit sailing yet or not? And no I'm not going to play some gay ass cicada 69 game just to get rickrolled at the end.
I didn't even want the fucking course (I have shitloads to study from already) but you guys have got me curious as fuck. If this course turns out to be shit then I'm going to come back and post about it :(

>> No.6563217





>> No.6563219
File: 1.81 MB, 498x498, 1656075617826991.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already did this and all I got was pictures of tuna fish. What a waste of time.

>> No.6563221

How did you get to the picture?

>> No.6563223

With the two random sets of letters, just replace them into a mega folder link.

>> No.6563224

>not giving up after the first 30 seconds
You have learned nothing.

>> No.6563232

I've jumped through every hole and the only thing stopping me is not knowing what the hell I'm supposed to do with this
All I know is that it's supposed to be done with basic code, but I'm a complete retard when it comes to that so I have no clue what to do.

>> No.6563235

oye same
i don't get that part
what am i supposed to do?
i checked the pictures as well with 2 forensic programs if there was anything hidden in them but nada

>> No.6563243

I have no clue anon, I'm pretty much a spaz when it comes to tech.
When searching about this, all I could find is something called the "Steganography challenge", which seems similar to what this whole puzzle is trying to do. But by the sounds of it, you've already tried doing some techie stuff with the tuna photo's.
So again, I'm completely out of ideas. Sorry about that.

>> No.6563244

asked some of my coworkers as well but they don't know either
we'll never learn the secrets i'm sorry anon
at this point i don't even care about the course i just wanna figure it out

>> No.6563245
File: 51 KB, 1160x902, 1632953625928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfag here
Will those video courses help me get better at art? I wouldn't mind starting all over and start learning from zero to draw properly

>> No.6563254

from experience i only use tidbits of what i find useful from these courses, if you're beg probably it could clue you to workflows that others use

in the end its all up to you to make it useful

>> No.6563255

Well damn, that kinda sucks. Was really hoping to get that course.
At least now I can get some sleep without feeling like I'm gonna miss something and it was kind of fun trying to figure the whole puzzle thing out.
Hopefully someone'll figure it out before too long

>> No.6563260

others will leak it in time

people seem to forget the time where people had to wait at least a years time for a popular course to leak, theres always the speedpaints/vods on bilibili to partly see how he does his workflow

>> No.6563290

Yeah, it's better to wait 12 more months for it. Until then, let's not draw.

>> No.6563293


>> No.6563298

have you drawn at all

>> No.6563305

yes, i need to draw for work and im currently on break

>> No.6563342
File: 86 KB, 724x773, 517fe066f2864a382bdf876437e98f40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the first 4 of rinotuna course (no sub) in the meantime to keep you guys busy. If you need subs that bad just use translator.

I bought his course months ago since I got impatient. But imo the main benefit of his course is that he just has eng subs to explain his process. Other than that you can get by just fine bilibili has thousands of hours of his vods for you guys to study in the meantime.

>> No.6563360

Nobody else said it so I will say it. Thank you, drip feeder anon.

>> No.6563367

now the beggars will surely draw right?!

>> No.6563379

ooh that's cool
thanks anon!

>> No.6563385

Thank you so much. Not all heroes wear capes.

>> No.6563386

>upload 4 mins ago
download while you can, dmca soon

>> No.6563390

>I bought his course months ago since I got impatient
can you share the files and brush that come with the course?
also i think you can extract the eng subs easily.

>> No.6563404
File: 1.92 MB, 498x398, anime-cry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PLEASE SOMEONE REUP THE mogoon's 100 days challenge psd

>> No.6563417

Here, Deleting in 1 hour

>> No.6563422

Whats the pass?

>> No.6563423

password required

>> No.6563425

anothe troll

>> No.6563426


>> No.6563427

why no subsu . . . T-T

>> No.6563606

Once again requesting this course from tim mcburnie
I know it looks clickbank style, but the course looks great

>> No.6563612

Which one?

>> No.6563620

/beg/s BTFO'd again, kek. Learn perspective.

>> No.6563696



>> No.6563721

Tuna is finally out.Now go fucking draw you niggers.

>> No.6563726

Not all of it is out tho, I won't pick up the pen until it's all out

>> No.6563727

It is out. Go fucking draw.

>> No.6563729

where is it

>> No.6563739

Here >>6563342

>> No.6563741

That's what I fucking said,but these fucks heard me?Noooooo,they needed the course first

>> No.6563744

Now be grateful and stop making excuses you ungrateful mongrels.

>> No.6563745

Check online courses club, both are there

>> No.6563746

Thank you for your service anon
I will now actually draw in your name

>> No.6563753

same reason americans charge 26 bucks for a mystery meat hamburger w a slice of cheese

>> No.6563754

Genuinely curious, why are anons so obsessed with this rinotuna guy and constantly ask for his course? I don't think I've ever seen anyone explain it.

>> No.6563759

They want to know the asian secrets

>> No.6563763

The Secret recipe of Oriental

>> No.6563771

Rinotuna ENG Subs Rinotuna ENG Subs Rinotuna ENG Subs Rinotuna ENG Subs Rinotuna ENG Subs Rinotuna ENG Subs Rinotuna ENG Subs Rinotuna ENG Subs Rinotuna ENG Subs Rinotuna ENG Subs Rinotuna ENG Subs Rinotuna ENG Subs Rinotuna ENG Subs Rinotuna ENG Subs Rinotuna ENG Subs Rinotuna ENG Subs Rinotuna ENG Subs Rinotuna ENG Subs Rinotuna ENG Subs Rinotuna ENG Subs Rinotuna ENG Subs Rinotuna ENG Subs Rinotuna ENG Subs Rinotuna ENG Subs Rinotuna ENG Subs Rinotuna ENG Subs

>> No.6563777

Can tell predict the next course people will beg for

>> No.6563780


>> No.6563789

But again it's not the full course

>> No.6563803
File: 2.50 MB, 1515x980, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anybody know any courses that teach similar painting/knowledge to img related?
i'm interested in characters and environment.
I only have skills put into drawing, i neglected painting too long..

>> No.6563827

The floodgates are open, have some patience. Although I do wonder why every coloso course feels the need to devote a chapter to confirming that light does indeed have a direction.

>> No.6563834

medsmap digital painting

>> No.6563859

(different anon) but wow really? perhaps i'll give it a whirl
thanks anon!

>> No.6563865

Rewuest :https://coloso.us/illust_webtoon/characterdesigner_kevinglint_us

>> No.6563873
File: 161 KB, 720x405, us-illust-kevin-curri06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6563880
File: 1.86 MB, 228x170, 0000.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6563883

That'll be $180, sir.

>> No.6563899

I don't understand what coloso wants to be unless it's the illusion of premium quality from premium pricing.

>> No.6563919

They're just another bait and switch marketplace. I've seen this happen so many times since 2009.

>> No.6563934

I fucking told you all

>> No.6563937


>> No.6564079

rinotuna when ?

>> No.6564086

in 10 minutes

>> No.6564088

finally after so many months the wait is over!

>> No.6564089

bad news, turns out i hit my bandwidth limit for the month
but its coming guys!!

>> No.6564118

ask your service provider for 2 more bandwidths

>> No.6564177
File: 360 KB, 3166x1554, faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao you guys are mentally ill for keeping this charade too long. It's already up.

>> No.6564190

You can't prove that.

>> No.6564229

>4 mins

If you lowered the number by half it would be more believable. That site is not that active.

>> No.6564242

Does Krenz have any specific course?
I can probably find it on my own, I just need names.

>> No.6564244 [DELETED] 

Yes, his body construction videos.

Here is an example https://files.catbox.moe/p5y4d3.mp4

>> No.6564245

same 1 unfunny troll, go draw

>> No.6564253

no points for creativity?

>> No.6564263


>> No.6564274

>191 files

>> No.6564431


>t.actually fell for it

>> No.6564437

The first eight videos are out though. The rest will come soon.

>> No.6564478

how do u know?!!

>> No.6564484


>> No.6564489

Clip studio paint is it a good crack ?

>> No.6564491

just wait for a sale

>> No.6564493

Jokes on you, I don't even know what site that is

>> No.6564496


download/install the setup from the site
and replace with the crack

you can use the assets too

>> No.6564532
File: 1.99 MB, 498x498, soy-soyboy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6564540

t.ake your me.ds s.kitzo

>> No.6564544

Yes, Id rather get medsmap. Suck on these nuts.

>> No.6564549

stop being passive aggressive like a fucking woman and joke like a kid, you're not funny, you're not quirky you fucking MANCHILD

>> No.6564593

who are you talking to

>> No.6564598

O rinotuna you mad.

>> No.6564609

You didn't miss a thing desu

>> No.6564741

best painting class?

>> No.6564746


>> No.6564751

you sound like a femoid

>> No.6564809

so is this like a formatted and translated version of the krenz lessons? i've always been curious about them, but since it seems so cumbersome to sit through his 3 hour + live streams reading shoddy translation i've shied away

>> No.6564813

I dont like rinotuna they hid kabbalah in their art
>rinotuna is a zionist

>> No.6564818

shut up you little fucking bitch

>> No.6564823


>> No.6564825

be nicer

>> No.6564827

Might as well kill this thread forever nobody is sharing shit anymore even the discord I am in has been dead for 1 month. It's owari da.

>> No.6564842

can someone repost this

>> No.6564883

Where is it. I need it. I crave it.

>> No.6564895

How can i record a coloso course without my email popping up as a watermark in this shit player????

>> No.6564930

Here you go

>> No.6564950

Woah it’s actually legit thanks!

>> No.6565012

does anyone have gentlecat's class101 course, or another course that includes cat portraits?


>> No.6565013

Thanks mate.

>> No.6565014
File: 805 KB, 327x251, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Fa.pomf.cat%2Foxljyl.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a meme, it helps to keep the thread alive in a time of anti-piracy fascism
it's a revolt against the feds

>> No.6565017

how do i use this?

>> No.6565024
File: 55 KB, 735x413, the-numbers-mason-what-do-they-mean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skill issue, zoomer
Google "base64 decode" and put that into the box and hit decode. Then take the results and decode that to get the URL for download.

>> No.6565029

>Skill issue
>can't spoiler properly

>> No.6565031

Hello? Full course subbed videos when?

>> No.6565035

I have been exposed...

>> No.6565278

go draw

>> No.6565283


>> No.6565364

[spoilers]please no bully[/spoilers]

>> No.6565369

Doubt it will be too long at this point.

>> No.6565458

Yeah,they definitely aren't going to beg for the next hot stuff for hoard instead of actually drawing

>> No.6565466

I knew it, every single course like this is already covered by the sticky(Except for his coloring part, maybe). And most of those fuckers didn't even said 'thank you' and will more likely to drop the course in the first lessons to beg for the next thing instead of drawing.

I fucking hate those begging niggers.

>> No.6565477

Don't lie, you were one of them, probably the loudest faggot, too.

>> No.6565489

Projecting much kek
I've been off the board for a while

>> No.6565493

>I've been off the board for a while
10 minutes for you is a while, faggot.

>> No.6565496

bro why so asshurt

>> No.6565498

Your projecting is showing anon,go take your meds.

>> No.6565502

>Trolling outside /b/

>> No.6565506

guys seriously though there was a kabbalah symbol hidden in rinotuna’s art and I feel like there would be more hidden symbolism

>> No.6565505

>projection projection projection
Dance for me puppet.

>> No.6565509

Bro, lay off on the Mediterranean food.

>> No.6565510

The symbols are 추첨하러 가기
But mere westerners can read the runes

>> No.6565516

I will say thank you when subs come out and leave, never to return.

>> No.6565518

See you tomorrow anon

>> No.6565521

Best thing you can do bro, I just come here for the books,guides and courses

>> No.6565525

why spoiler tags aren't a global thing?

>> No.6565754

Does anyone know how to download the videos of the COLOSO classes?
I have some courses that I bought on sale but they are for a limited time (they expire in a month)
COLOSO uses a 3rd party player (kollus)
i cant even take screenshot
Any annon who knows how I can download them?
kollus downloads the video to the pc as a cache but I think it is encrypted or idk
I can only get the subtitles

>> No.6565767

They are hard to rip for a reason. Even the ripper on cgp doesn’t share his methods publicly so that it doesn’t get patched out.

>> No.6565772

Do post the rinotuna subs though. We need those.

>> No.6565776

I saw there are some guys who bypass really strict copyright methods by using virtual machines, but honestly it seems really convoluted, probably better off to record with your phone if they are for your eyes only

>> No.6565804

i could rip the sub
and maybe share through Mega i guess ?
It will take me a while, since I would have to play all the classes

and to record, i tried to use nvidia experience and it recorded just the start

maybe the best way is to use a virtual machine and record it little by little

>> No.6565825

Coloso has your ID floating around at all times. You will get banned if you post them. As much as I would love to get the rinotuna courses, they are expensive and you should be careful

>> No.6565829

I'm confused, didn't someone post 4 or 5 videos? Don't those videos have their info floating around?

>> No.6565839

They look to be properly ripped. Not sure why he drip fed it onto bilibili though.

>> No.6565853

Why? Because nobody has jurisdiction over the CCP! Goodluck trying to take it down!

>> No.6565862

Yes, but the subtitles would be nice.

>> No.6565887
File: 1.32 MB, 1400x2029, inspiration 113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have "Drawing Portraits in Charcoal with Nathan Fowkes"? I lost it when I swtiched hard drives and none of the sites or the torrent seem to have it.

>> No.6565892

I'm almost certain that I have this one. Gimme a couple of minutes to get my hard drive

>> No.6565895

how are you downloading them onto kollus?

>> No.6565900

Thanks anon.

>> No.6565901


Sorry, dude. I don't have the charcoal one. I do have 4 courses by Nathan Fowkes
- pictorial Composition
- landscape sketching
- environmental design
- designing with color and light

They're quite heavy (around 25GB each), but if you're interested in one I can see what I can do to upload it somewhere

>> No.6565905

rinotuna course complete on bilibili
download while you can, proko anatomy was on bilibili too but got dmca

>> No.6565907

Thanks but I already have those, thanks for looking for it anyway, it's not urgent so I'll see if it gets uploaded somewhere in the next few months.

>> No.6565929

How do you download videos on bilibili?

>> No.6565931

with the full videos now, I wonder if I can rip the Chinese subs and machine translate them just so we can hold a bit before someone rips the official English subs

>> No.6565934

Jdownloader probably works. I'd try but I can't find them on bilibili.

>> No.6565935

Sort by latest

>> No.6565939

Ok, I've already got Jdownloader and I tried to use it by just going onto "add new link" and chucking the url of the video into it, but it didn't seem to work.
Did I do it wrong and if so, how am I supposed to do it properly?

>> No.6565941
File: 51 KB, 786x323, Rinotuna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried, Jdownloader doesn't work.
But this does https://youtube4kdownloader.com

>> No.6565947

Fuck that faggot is everywhere.

>> No.6565953

Okay cool.
I just tried but as anon said it doesn't work.

>> No.6565954

Are these in HQ?

>> No.6565964

He probably was the faggot who took all of the /ic/ folders down
Fuck you Stan

>> No.6565971

>Are these in HQ?
No. You have to create a Bilibili account to watch HD, which involves giving a phone number and some sort of government ID.

>> No.6566066
File: 6 KB, 225x225, tuna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all the lazy or anxious anons over here~

Don't know if anyone already did it but, I will probably dump all his VODs from bilibili too (just in case), if anyone is interested.

>> No.6566068

Is it finally here?! We'll find out in about 2 hours

>> No.6566127


Do these include the subs? For some reason even fucking yt-dlp cant rip the subs for me in bilibili, weird.

>> No.6566143

Nope, there were only chinese/korean subs in bilibili's upload so I didn't bother to dump it.

>> No.6566167

If you can dump it, I can most definitely machine-translate it with deeepl

>> No.6566189

Didn't check every single one but they are probably fine, have fun with it.

>> No.6566205

I'm trying to upload it uploadnow.io since my mega/gdrive are full, course is 15 gb

>> No.6566212

Anonfiles is a good option too, 20gb limit.

>> No.6566213


>> No.6566217

It is a kinda slow though, but of course I'm grateful for anything

>> No.6566223

No sound on the first video. Still, Thank you anon.

>> No.6566224

(different anon) i downloaded the videos off bilibili as well
no sound for any of them when i downloaded
i couldn't find a website that let me download with sound

>> No.6566228

Still waiting on all videos HD with full English sub.

>> No.6566232

What I did was I used this site: https://pastedownload.com/bilibili-video-downloader/
Then download the video and sound as separate files and then used MKVToolNix (https://mkvtoolnix.download/downloads.html)) to merge them together. Not the best method since the videos are only at 480p quality

>> No.6566238

Yeah I noticed after I uploaded, here if anyone wants the audio on the first class.

My upload is in 1080p, so I don't think anyone will upload a better version, maybe just without bilibili's watermark.
The official subs will probably appear soon as well, or the anon's machine translated ones.

>> No.6566242
File: 47 KB, 369x368, 1675598575915425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no subs
This is as useless as those Japanese Clip Studio books that teach you how to use Clip Studio Paint but it's all in moonrunes.

>> No.6566246

i'll be fine with no audio
i can see what he's doing anyway
but thank you for sharing your process
it'll be useful

>> No.6566249


If you need subs that bad, you just download the chinese ones that I uploaded and translate everything through DeepL like the other anon said he will do, or wait for him.

>> No.6566250

Working on it, currently on the 4th video,
DeeepL actually has worse chinese translation than yandex so I switched up

>> No.6566261

>rips are here but retarded americans are bitching because it's not in english


>> No.6566263

Learn Korean idiot lol

>> No.6566296

Why is the official subs not ripped yet?

>> No.6566299

to filter lazy ameritards

>> No.6566309

ill put them on anonfiles later, since uploadnow likes to delete inative files quickly
use jdownloader or w/e

>> No.6566383
File: 207 KB, 1296x357, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you

>> No.6566387

Thanks anon

>> No.6566393

>not translating
burger filtered

>> No.6566397

>B-b-but muh engrish!
This is the funniest thing ITT holy shit

>> No.6566401

t. mad chink

>> No.6566405

>t.butthurt burger

>> No.6566411

who is this guy?

>> No.6566442

i think those are by different artists

>> No.6566443

the top left one i'm 99% sure is arucelli's

>> No.6566505

NTA but ty, i was also looking for the artists there

>> No.6566524

Keun Hoon Choi
Danila Kalinin
Sleepy Pang

2 last artists i forgot

>> No.6566526
File: 731 KB, 2560x1440, thanks rinotuna fren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man, though translating with ChatGPT to make it more readable does take time but whatever it takes to make it.

>> No.6566827

See? It's not that fucking hard.
Also how did you use it to translate?

>> No.6566847

I challenge tunabros here to make your own version of tuna using what you learned from the course

>> No.6566935

>he hasn't learned every asian language

>> No.6566939

Heh, I sure hope no one uploads fake English subs! That would be bad, huh? Hahahaha!

>> No.6566949

>someone uploaded subs here

>> No.6566955

I meant to you guys do a tuna drawing based on what the course taught you...
But they need one more crutch I guess

>> No.6566957


Yandex CC Anon here, managed to finish the translation, do enjoy


if someone explains the chatgpt method, I am willing to make it happen if it's really any better

would also be cute if someone posts the official english CCs

>> No.6566964

If you are already familiar with the program, this is already half the way and you can use a translator,what's so complicated?

>> No.6566973

We'll have to wait a while,these sites have their ass filled with DRM
Even in subtitles

>> No.6566985

Is this translation from transcribed Korean or the bilibili Chinese subs?

>> No.6566989

Do the needful sir, all for one and one for all

>> No.6567133

>ripped course
>no ripped subs
I'm not sure, seems like it might be soon. We're really close, maybe even already there if the translated subs are good.

>> No.6567159
File: 393 KB, 1322x853, tuna_sub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot for it!

For me they are working pretty well, even when something is translated in a funny way, I can simply understand by looking at what he's doing.

I sincerely doubt that the official subs will be THAT much better.

>> No.6567163

Now that the tuna is out, what's the next course /ic/ is going to wish for this time?

>> No.6567169


Probably one of these.

>> No.6567190

I wanted the course of it because of the part about color and maybe by the design,I don't care about the rest

>> No.6567202


>> No.6567223

dont bother with this, i have a couple of vids. Its absolute dog shite udemy quality

>> No.6567233

What's up with all this hype around this tuna guy?

>> No.6567238

His original characters are pretty good, that's all

>> No.6567243

Tastes good, I like mine grilled with a squeeze of lemon.

>> No.6567325

I'm dumb, in which website do I put these random characters?

>> No.6567361


Did you read what happened on their discord (unless I'm misremembering)? Someone drew porn of their mascot character and the owner or someone close to the character (voice actor?) got angry. My hats off to that brave soldier.

>> No.6567391

where can i find schoolism courses? no luck on courses.club

>> No.6567396

A long time ago we had A LOT of schoolism courses on the IC Mega. Most of it is lost now. Are you interested in something specific? Maybe someone will have what you're looking for.

>> No.6567412

kek i wasn't aware of that

>> No.6567418
File: 79 KB, 302x186, 2023-03-18 18.24.10 schoolism.com da88b25f68d9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea im trying to find viktor kalvachev deconstructed course

>> No.6567424

It's on anonfiles already. Here:


Has anyone ever heard of a scan of his latest artbook? I've asked on the artbook thread a couple times last year and it seems he's not half as popular as he "should" be. His work is good, but there isn't a lot of people talking about it.

>> No.6567426

Most of what I've seen from Schoolism was kind of meh. The ones I would rescue are Essentials of Realism by Jonathan Hardesty, Craig Mullins Digital Painting, and Deconstructed Drawing by Viktor Kalvachev.

Did I miss any important one? I wanted to check the Drawing Workout by Ian Mcaig but was deleted before I could download it or try it, is it good?

>> No.6567447

I find it fascinating that Kalvachev is THAT good of an artist and we talk very little about him. He clearly knows his stuff and at the same time has very little published. He has a modest online presence and that's it. What kind of work does he actually do?

>> No.6567450

I remember a bit of gossip from a couple of years ago about him having creepy vibes around women. I wonder if he's decided to keep a low profile because of that.

>> No.6567486

nvm figured it out

>> No.6567491

Any ETA on Rinotuna complete with English subs? Or are people still working on figuring out how to translate it best?

>> No.6567533


High quality video without audio

Anon graciously translated to English. Might not be perfect, but it is good enough for me

Thank you anons that worked hard to make this course available.

>> No.6567563

Just give your phone number to the CCP voila free 1080p

>> No.6567566

care to put this on mega ? anonfiles is blocked in my country,

>> No.6567568


>> No.6567569

My brother in christ. There's an anon files link, with the Tuna. In HD. All of it. Only without audio. If you spend five minutes of your time to read the thread.

>> No.6567572

I will post Rinotuna's official subs if someone willing to share Erak Note' brushes and project files.

>> No.6567583

>Erak Note

>> No.6567645

takes days bro

>> No.6567658

I have the ADHD and can't sit through tutorials in anything. Do video courses really help you improve?

>> No.6567664

If you're watching any English speaking videos, your ADHD will probably help since you can watch and hear and draw at the same time. For Coloso courses you can't do that because you'd need to read the subs.

>> No.6567680

What exactly about video courses are helpful to you in your opinion? Is it having someone telling you what's what not to do more learning efficient?

>> No.6567685
File: 216 KB, 1300x867, 1677933032433661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They tell you the technique and then you do it.

>> No.6567697

Would you say you learned something quicker watching a video course than an image/written tutorial?

>> No.6567700

I guess, with image tutorials you see the step by step, but with videos you can see the steps become the next steps.

>> No.6567714

Thanks for answering my questions.

>> No.6567881
File: 38 KB, 347x331, tuned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's audio in all of them, except the first, that was uploaded again with audio.
If anyone downloaded it and doesn't have audio, update your codecs lmao


Here's on MEGA with Anon's translated subs

>> No.6567884

Well? How's the rinotuna course so far

>> No.6567888

the subs are really bad

>> No.6567891

chinese speaker here, even the bilibili subs are bad

>> No.6567934
File: 238 KB, 602x798, tuna progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For someone who struggled with even copying clothes from other characters, his techniques are surely helping me a lot for what I wanted to learn.

>> No.6567998

Thanks anon

>> No.6568049

The subs are really good

>> No.6568065

when do you realize you never needed tuna

>> No.6568085

He did? Where? I dont like him because his art sucks dick.

>> No.6568111

Thanks anon.

>> No.6568153

I prefer beef

>> No.6568180
File: 314 KB, 1249x761, 1668195062990667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

achidi bros, what does it mean?

>> No.6568188

Lol, why doesn't the canvas have onscreen translations? Does the rip end up scraping that off or something? Because the official has on screen translation.

>> No.6568198
File: 21 KB, 114x88, rat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably because it was a chinese who ripped for chinese users on bilibili, so...

>> No.6568202

It is HSV slider anon. Rino Tuna is demonstrating how he changes from RGB to HSV slider

>> No.6568280

Having a hard time browsing with phone. Does anyone got the proko sculpting course. Thank you

>> No.6568301

I feel bad for the Chinese who paid for those subs. But on the whole it's understandable.

>> No.6568308
File: 110 KB, 720x362, Screenshot_20230319_125322_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6568311

that's cool
any key messages on his lessons?

>> No.6568314

>Imagine the paypiggies refunding right now.

>> No.6568324

I imagine coloso operate on the same no refunds style that wingfox try.

>> No.6568327

>suddenly more people start buying the chinese rip

>> No.6568331

He should be happy. Leaking it takes money out of the hands of paid piracy.

>> No.6568335

Isn't the chink selling the course himself considered paid piracy

>> No.6568339

I mean that getting leaked.

>> No.6568341

"Moral" piracy fags do not operate on any kind of logic that makes sense.

>> No.6568344

if you watch past the lesson x or download the archives(brush,psd, etc) you can't defund

>> No.6568353

Why should he be happy? To him, people who got the course for free would be no different to those who got it cheaper from the reseller. He doesn't benefit either way.

>> No.6568357

It's illegal to pretend to be on sale forever in my country so cry me a river.

>> No.6568374

They barely have a farming industry, and most East Asian countries don't really grow fruit at all, to the point even Latin America seems like an attractive place to move solely due to how cheap it is over there.

>> No.6568386

Not on ic, I think.

>> No.6568388

Link doesn’t work heeeeelp it says it’s corrupted. Was it deleetd

>> No.6568391

the link still works.

>> No.6568393

up for me

>> No.6568412 [DELETED] 


Derp. Then what Am I doing wrong?

I start the url with


Then I added the


What am I doing wrong?

>> No.6568427 [DELETED] 


Derp I forgot it was a code. Nevermidn

>> No.6568429

Derp Inforgot it was a code, nevermind

>> No.6568431


>> No.6568544

it's still cheap for them because they're firsties and expensive for us because we are browns and europoors

>> No.6568571

Many thanks.

>> No.6568578

The subs are really cool

>> No.6568628

Did anyone upload the vilppu nma figure drawing course yet?

>> No.6568663

better rinotuna subs when?

>> No.6568689

I'm also waiting for it, please and thank you.

>> No.6568725

I believe they got uploaded in online-courses just now

>> No.6568729

You sure that's not a reupload of what was just posted here

>> No.6568732

I just checked and the subs seem to be non-AI translated.

>> No.6568736

could you put them on anonfiles please? for some reason mediafile gives me errors

>> No.6568746

agh man I hate these websites that throttle your speed

>> No.6568750

Here you go anon!

Yeah it sucks, I will just use the bilibili version with the new subs

>> No.6568754

>I will just use the bilibili version with the new subs
it is the bilibili version. I am looking now and the video has the watermark for it. I doubt those are official subs either but they might be.

>> No.6568757

Why did the chinks name their website billy billy anyways

>> No.6568760

thanks a lot, still not sure if these are the subs provided by coloso though

>> No.6568761

because western dmca goes into the binny binny.

>> No.6568763
File: 63 KB, 1876x958, tuna subs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do look like were at least reviewed and edited/fixed by someone, even if they are machine translated, so my bet is that they are the official ones.

>> No.6568776

For some reason the ones marked as English end at around the thirteenth one and from then on the english sub is rather terrible.

>> No.6568833
File: 2.81 MB, 360x230, math_woman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got a link to the 1994 Perspective Drawing Series- Matshall Vandruff?

I'm combing through the links and am not finding it.

>> No.6568856

>, so my bet is that they are the official ones.
So... is it over?

>> No.6568868

no way those are official, they wouldn't mess up the name "coloso"

>> No.6569185

When bili bili started the logo still had an anime girl on it, It's a reference to one Japanese anime character that has lighting powers, everytime that character activates the power the soubd effect *electric crackle* sounds like biri biri.

>> No.6569596

>no audio
It's fucking over.

>> No.6569617

just the first vid and there's already new upload to fix lmao

>> No.6569777

Are there any Japanese artists over colosso / course101 you guys know of?
I know Japanese so I'd rather this over having to listen to Korean or Chinese (no offense), but there doesn't seem to be a way to sort by nationality when searching for a course.

>> No.6569781

I meant class101*

>> No.6569784


>> No.6569881
File: 5 KB, 944x31, 9a1015e0128ab370e430d1c63f5ce675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6569936

Interesting but it's not on cgp sadly.

It's the same as the one in this thread.

>> No.6569939

Also btw thanks I hadn't realized there was a Japanese version of the website. It shows different courses than the US one on the frontpage.

>> No.6569966

I didn't expect it to leak here first, hanging around was worth it. Don't think we'll ever get real subs though.

>> No.6569976

Why where people asking for tuna and not this? This looks so much better.

>> No.6569982

It isn't even anime.

>> No.6569985

Can you not come up with an answer?
Tuna teaches stylized stuff where not much anatomy is needed if your aim is cute girls. It's more about designing characters and putting clothes onto them. Basic shapes are all you need.
What you're quoting is about refining your anatomy skills. We already have a bunch of these in the West.

>> No.6569996

mika pikazo, mai yoneyama, yom, etc
they all learn anatomy from him(tokyo university of the arts)

>> No.6570005

And? This looks better than regardless. Most artists here need to improve their anatomy before they start stylizing their drawings. Just look at all the shit in the anime thread.

Didn't know this but that checks out.

>> No.6570010

Stop having binary thinking with retarded takes. People here doing nothing but grinding and studying are the real NGMIs, not the animefags you're talking about.

>> No.6570019

I see I hit a nerve. Classic NGMI mentality. Hope you have fun with thousands of hours of videos you're never going to watch and/or can't understand.

>> No.6570024


>> No.6570068

I don't think you hit any nerve anon. I make close to 1k in commissions a month on top of my normal job.
You just need to accept your beating. People like you with black and white thinking and low intuitive aptitudes are the very definition of crabbing.

>Hope you have fun with thousands of hours of videos you're never going to watch and/or can't understand.
I have no idea how you reached this conclusion and what made you type this, wtf. Literal projection.

>> No.6570111

I really should draw more. All these videos really do hammer in the same basic circle and box construction.

>> No.6570115
File: 69 KB, 470x470, 1675762920677494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realized this as well, it all comes back to draw a box...

>> No.6570142

not him but care to pyw?

>> No.6570147

I said this threads ago, but everyone here just realized when the course finally got leaked
Just wanted the course for the color part and I bet that some anons here wanted the same

>> No.6570149

I wanted it for the character design. Oddly, that's kind of lacking as well.

>> No.6570165

>Character Creation Ideation
I knew it that was going to be a scam, bet the VODs have more content on this part

>> No.6570169


>> No.6570317

Hey, not that anon but im intrested in the pictural composition and landscape sketching course if your still up to sharing:3

>> No.6570327

Which video course are the best for someone with ADHD? Please no meme answers like "haha look at this 5 second webm"

>> No.6570330


>> No.6570333

Get treatment, fag
then try any course you find
t. adhd retard

>> No.6570345

Dude, I don't have my computer right now, but I'll make sure to upload it tomorrow morning.

>> No.6570371


>> No.6570374

>get treatment
I'd like to live.
also pyw

>> No.6570387

Thanks anon, really appreciate it

>> No.6570393

>I'd like to live.
I get you're exaggerating but why are you afraid of ADHD treatment? The most severe case doesn't go beyond getting a ritalin prescription.
>also pyw
For what reason?

>> No.6570397

I'm saying the real treatment to ADHD is death. A bullet to the brain, a noose, fire, pick your poison.
>what reason
You claim to have ADHD and are capable of drawing, so I'd like to see if you mean it.

>> No.6570427

Study psychology, introspect, ignore nu-science and stop using this word.

>> No.6570431

Practice what you preach and stop pretending things you don't like don't exist.

>> No.6570453

I never said it didn't exist. That's where you're misunderstanding me.

>> No.6570474

No, you did say it didn't exist by insisting that word didn't exist. Sorry you had to speak to someone with a major in Psychology, but it is what it is.

>> No.6570479

Oh yeah, well, I have a major in chemical engineering you're wrong. It is what it is.

>> No.6570484

No, I mean I really do have a major in psychology, it was the only thing I was any good at getting.

>> No.6570494

And you think it means anything? You can’t even abstract what I said you damn golem lol.

>> No.6570497

>a-actually it m-means
Shut the fuck up and try answering the original question anon posted.

>> No.6570510

If you mean >>6570327 then my advice is to find a study partner who’ll do the course with you in order to make you feel accountable and to nurture camaraderie/competition by setting small goals as you two go through the course.

If you’re on your own then I’d advise finding a Youtube channels instead and making yourself do/try new things regularly, with the goal being to make new experiences and seeking failure.
You need to make yourself conscious about how you want to connect with others though (blogs, websites, communities, …) , since otherwise creating in a vacuum will just make you dissociate to the next easy thing.

>> No.6570557

m000gUUon psds

>> No.6570564

Anybody not drawing even if they have gotten tuna?
>raises hand

>> No.6570567

my excuse is the subs suck

>> No.6570573

I'm not watching the rinotuna course until the official subs are ripped

>> No.6570619

>I’d advise finding a Youtube channels instead
You mean find courses on youtube instead of this thread?
>You need to make yourself conscious about how you want to connect with others though
What do you mean?

>> No.6570787

You will never GMI.

>> No.6570799

funnily enough I just haven't watched Tuna.

>> No.6570813

I bought it but never bothered to make it past a few videos.

>> No.6570894

>spent 350 in a course
>didn't even watched or bothered to leak for anons in need

>> No.6571027

>thinking you're entitled to anything

>> No.6571031

Which MTL subs are better?

>> No.6571033

>tfw being against waste

>> No.6571037

The online-course club was clearly translated by ChatGPT

>> No.6571098


No, it was retarded like this before cGPT.

>> No.6571126

Their old subs were notably awful, clearly transcribed and fed through Google translate, these are legible but still fucky.

>> No.6571145

Requesting esben lash's drawing faces from imagination course.

>> No.6571224

so use the courses sub? Did they upload a new one?

>> No.6571284

>What do you mean?
That you need to get what makes you tick and capitalize on it.
Example: if you're into drawing drawing R18 and enjoy getting attention from that then go for it.
But it could be anything, depends on the person.

>> No.6571570

Finally found a course I'm enjoying among the sea of shit.

>> No.6571667

what is it