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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6562629 No.6562629 [Reply] [Original]

I've been studying almost everyday 6/8 hours a day for the past 108 days and I STILL can't draw an anime head after dozens of books, tutorials everything

>> No.6562637

show us your practice anon

>> No.6562639

Some people just suck, that's why they latch onto copes and end up hating people who don't

>> No.6562644

Dude it hasn't even been a year. Art is a long game and 108 days is not even four months. The average person doesn't pick up on it that fast even with a lot of study.

>> No.6562645

Let's see your work

>> No.6562648

But it's been almost 4 MONTHS and I can barely copy right, I even struggle to follow tutorials properly!

>> No.6562650

Yeah four months is nothing. People work on their art for decades.

Also the best way to know if you are doing something wrong is to get honest critique so if you are serious about this, post it.

>> No.6562652

I'll have to get back to you later
The idea of asking you guys just came to me and I'm not home yet

But it's mostly copying artists I like, perspective exercises and all that stuff

>> No.6562656

I will in a bit
But I have already gotten critique before
Their advice was mostly that I was improving but it's way too slow

4 MONTHS and it took me 12 hours to draw one mildly passable looking head

I also spend around 500 hours studying perspective and barely learned anything :/

>> No.6562709

Have you also drawn art that wasn't just copied from other artists?
For me, the most art gains I made were when I applied what I'd learned to my own original ideas.
Just copying without applying your newly gained knowledge is honestly wasted time.

Like with your anime head, for example, I've struggled with it quite a lot as well.
I tried to copy other people's anime art style and watched a lot of tutorials but it still looked like shit until I carefully observed the thought process behind the construction and exaggeration of the anime head.
That's where the switch in my head got flipped and I finally understood.
How is the brow and cheek drawn at a front and 3/4 angle?
How is the nose drawn and what part of the nose do they even draw? The tip? The Nose Bridge? The Septum?
How are the eyes drawn and where are the ears placed?
How is the jawline and the chin drawn at different angles?
What areas of the face do they focus on and what areas do they simplify or leave out completely?
Anime does a LOT of stylization and exaggeration of the human anatomy.

You need to understand how, what and most importantly WHY they exaggerate certain body parts to draw in this art style without falling into the cycle of constantly correcting your art piece because it just doesn't look right for some reason.

>> No.6562716

I have drawn some original work, all terrible.

I think my biggest issue with drawing heads are the guidelines, I tried going all in on loomis to no success

Then I spent around 100 hours analyzing live streams frame by frame to try and learn how they did it (mostly from hide channel)

Needless to say it didn't work
After wasting so much time I became desperate and here I am :/

>> No.6562727

Chances are you'll never get to 100% copyskills. Even that Krenz guy who is obsessed with copying says as much.

>> No.6562731
File: 152 KB, 959x675, anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like you're just consuming information and tutorials without really understanding how and why something is drawn.

Look at pic related and compare.
You can learn and understand a lot just by comparing stylized vs realism.

Look at the head size.
The Cranium is much bigger.
The head in general is a bit wider.
The jaw is much smaller.
The chin is pointy and way smaller than in real life.

Look and compare the facial features.
The eyes are way bigger and are placed much lower, creating a bigger forehead as well.
Look at how the brow transitions into the cheekbones into the chin.
The nose is just the tip and nothing else.
The lips are just the lines between them.

Really try to understand what's being drawn.
Once you understand this you can look at how other artists are stylizing these specific areas of the face.

I get it's really frustrating, I've been there before but once that flip in your head switches then learning and practicing is gonna be much more enjoyable.
It's kind of like how when you learned how to read the first time.
A switch in your head flipped and you finally understood the whole concept of reading and HOW you need to look at the words and letters to finally read.

Godspeed anon.

>> No.6562893
File: 2.27 MB, 3840x2160, all_for_nothing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is one of my latest work

as you can see a blind man could find problems in it

Am I doomed?
It's been 4 months already and no progress

>> No.6562911

I don't know why you keep repeating four months like it's a long time. Even a singular year isn't that long.
Also it's good that you got crit but you need to keep getting it on every piece you do. You can't just think you got crit once and now you are good.

You probably are progressing just slowly. Don't worry about the time it's taking worry about the work you are producing.

This is fine for only drawing for four months. Obviously it needs improvement but overall I don't really find this image very relevant to the conversation. What studies are you doing daily? What exactly is the work you are putting in? What work are you doing daily to grind fundies? Can you show me the pages you have of that?

>> No.6562919
File: 341 KB, 971x898, beeg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently I've been very obsessed with learning how to draw heads

So I'm doing a lot of copying tutorials and going to threads, discords, artbooks you name
I have a few big canvas with my studies

I can't post it here because they're 30/40mb and 15876x14661

that and trying to crack the code for head guidelines so reading loomis (which barely works for anime) and looking for guides nonstop

>> No.6562922
File: 215 KB, 1424x244, cop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also used to do copies daily but after 50 copies and no improvement I stopped since it was clearly not getting me anywhere

>> No.6562940

What does the glory hole represent?

>> No.6562941

Honestly you look to be where you should be at this point in time given your method of study. I would highly recommend stepping away from copying anime at this point as you are lacking in much more fundamental aspects. You need to start drawing from life more. You will learn significantly more when you have to take a real life image and simplify it into 2d. Copying artists who already figured out how to do this and stylize it in their own way is not very useful in this regard as you are copying their learning but not actually doing it yourself. You are fastforwarding/skipping a necessary step here which is knowing the real life anatomy in the first place. You of course can still learn some thingsusing this method you are doing but I find it the slowest way to improve and not as useful if you are a beginner as you don't have enough of an understanding to really absorb what you need to be absorbing.

Definitely stop copying other's work and start grinding out fundies. Draw those boring figure studies and still lives. As it is I can see that you don't seem to be learning from what you are copying given the overall composition of what you drew in that first image.

Also 50 copies isn't that much. People have to do hundreds of studies to learn anatomy.

>> No.6562951

>How do you know if you're doing something wrong in art?
Fundamentals and observation

>> No.6562952

>I've been studying almost everyday 6/8 hours a day for the past 108 days and I STILL can't draw an anime head after dozens of books, tutorials everything
perspective and form

>> No.6562957

It was supposed to be a crack on the wall :(
you see what I mean
I'm ass at this drawing stuff

>> No.6562959

so you don't think I'm doomed yet?

>> No.6562963

Nope. Not at all. Just change up how you are studying and keep at it. If you keep up the work I really think you can do it considering you have the work ethic.

>> No.6563061
