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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.08 MB, 2500x1667, 221005104419-01-kim-jung-gi-file-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6562492 No.6562492 [Reply] [Original]

also, RIP

>> No.6562521

I will

>> No.6562525

>can draw anything he wants
>refuse to draw anything interesting
too many cases like that

>> No.6562559

Ultra realistic naked men that are just anatomy charts is not interesting no matter how much you cry about it.

>> No.6562560

he literally drew everything

>> No.6562563

Stanley Prokopenko

>> No.6562569

>Is there anyone now who can draw at his level?
I don't think so, he was Nikola Tesla in the art world.

>> No.6562580

Isn't the point of SuperAni to be an agency for artists on his level?

>> No.6562593

He was good performance artists but his art is boring on it's own

>> No.6562598

Post what you think is interesting art

>> No.6562612

I know personally one dude that is on his level, but he's such a schizo incapable of being normal around humans that he'll never make it.

I believe that there's a good number of people in the world who can draw like that, but to obsessively practice like that one must have something wrong with their head first. And that's how we end up knowing only a few of them.

>> No.6562620

not a kjg fanboy but his art is more interesting than hyperrealistic/hyperdeformed slop

>> No.6562631


>> No.6562687

Did he ever color anything?

>> No.6562693

Hook us up with some images or a link, anon. Not goading you, it’d just be genuinely exiting to see someone else as cracked as kjg

>> No.6562703

i remember a video where he used water color

>> No.6562718

Spy Games by Jean-David Morvan & Kim Jung Gi

>> No.6562732


>> No.6562756
File: 1.63 MB, 1022x558, Screenshot_285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i value cool interesting ideas, not mere depiction of reality (with a "cool twist" like the bug always did)

>> No.6562758

you just know him through youtube videos, buy a sketchbook

>> No.6562762

What is the idea here. Man sitting in AI background

>> No.6562799

>performance art
Just goes to show how little you know about drawing. This is the result of decades of tireless study. It's not "one simple trick" to draw without a sketch. Imagine if Erroll Garner suddenly teleported back to Mozart's age. Imagine what those guys would say about the colorful jazz harmonies that they could've never even conceived of. I don't even think their ears could hear the beauty of those chords.

>> No.6562823

he's not depicting reality because he pulls everything out of imagination. that's his specialty
nice AI image btw

>> No.6562824
File: 332 KB, 576x432, 1676581692452962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he died from the vax
>completely healthy guy his whole life (minus the baseball injury as a kid)
>working well and going to cons/doing events constantly
>suddenly drops dead for no reason right before NYCC 2022
sorry that the jews took the best artist of this age but its true

>> No.6562825

He died from diabetes complications due to being a sodabrained retard.

>> No.6562875

nta, but my grand parents (all 4) have diabetes, and are living into their 80's. Why did the goat have to die in his 40's? You sure there wasn't more to the story?

>> No.6562876

He didn't have a healthy live. He was a workaholic, in the most unhealthy field. On top of that he jumps from book publishing, to signing and drawing the cover of 5 thousand books, into world tours non-stop. From Paris to NY, till his system just blew up. He wasn't that young either. I didn't knew about the diabetes too, put all of that together and shit happens.

Also, all the deaths in the fitness (health) industry, all of those are particularly the ones that avoided the vax at all cost. Non of them took the vax. Then they drop like flies, and they'are all about "it must be the vax!" Fucking retarded POS. they really believed they were untouchable superior genetic freaks. They died just like the rest of 'unhealthy' peasants.

>> No.6562884

Nice, never imagine he would ever use a tech pen.

>> No.6562890

The human body is an extremely complex system, dude. Any number of minor things can kill you. Stuff like that isn't very consistent. It's honestly a miracle we're able to live up to 80 years.

>> No.6562895
File: 31 KB, 652x415, D20A1AF8-054F-42B0-860F-4D2421B2B9E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TIL being a workaholic with a busy schedule means dying at 40. Okay guy sure lol. I guess he should’ve been rotting away doing nothing but cooming to anime like IC and he’d still be alive right? Hahahahaha

>Early death = Working a lot < the jab?


>> No.6562909

>Also, all the deaths in the fitness (health) >industry, all of those are particularly the ones that avoided the vax at all cost. Non of them took the vax.

>> No.6562923

two more weeks
>no one died from heart attacks until 2021

>> No.6562925

I said
>a workaholic, in the most unhealthy field.
You could do field labour all your life, you're outside taking the sun, breathing fresh air, moving your body, getting tired, going to sleep early, sleep like a log. And live to a hundred years.
If you're in a cave with poor ventilation, crouching over a table more than 12 hours a day, just moving your fingers, sippin' on sodas, for decades, that to me looks more like "rotting away".

About the vax. I took mine three times, like everyone in my family. Nothing happened. I felt a boost in my inmune system for awhile if anything. It's not mandatory anymore, so I'm ok. Those vaccines usually are very costly if you want to be safe during the winter colds. I got them for free so it was a good thing for me. It would be great if they keep gaving them for free, but that's a huge load on the health care system. It's good to know that we have a system ready to fight this sort of shit. The fucking heat levels going up will come with a lot of these bacterial and viral bursts. I ain't going to die coughing gunk of worms and parasites, in a pond of nasty sweat and fever. I would kill for my fucking vaccine, and that is coming soon.

>> No.6562928

Don't bother arguing with them. They have been coping insanely hard about the vaccine recently as they slowly realize they were wrong and no one's dying from it. In a year or two they will be pretending like they never said it would kill people.

>> No.6562942

holy shit imagine writing a wall of text for a literal brain dead ape

>> No.6562949

the "vaccine" is a red herring. The real problem in society is the increasing surveillance state developing in every country.

>> No.6562954
File: 221 KB, 816x808, 7B9D894F-65F1-4EC4-B89E-C6CF504F0063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>daddy gubmint giv jab jab with peepee yum gubmint cock gud slurrrrp !

>> No.6563002

I mean what hasn't he drawn? What is interesting to you?

>> No.6563007

>i value cool interesting ideas, not mere depiction of reality (with a "cool twist" like the bug always did)
>Posts exactly that, a realistic depiction of a dude sitting, with a cool twist that the colors are unreal.
Nice image but you are a good damn retard lol.

>> No.6563119

you're the only buggoid here, faggot

>> No.6564025

so...there's no one who can draw like him?

>> No.6564049

try finding the deeper meaning of the image, you autist. not everything is shown at face value

>> No.6564122

You really wanna go there, with all the false and debunked information put out by the pro-covid-vax faction, which carried the added harm of being the “official” position with the power to sensor opposing (often truthful) claims and label them as disinformation.
>covid came from a wet market
>lab leak is a conspiracy theory
>Fauci didn’t fund gain of function research on coronaviruses
>vax will prevent covid infection and spread
>children and teens should get vax in spite of risk of serious illness from covid in this group being effectively nil, while risk of myocarditis and pericarditis from vax is a serious concern
I could go on.

>> No.6564127

What is the deeper meaning that you have found?

>> No.6564131
File: 290 KB, 520x732, BE33A64C-39A6-4E3B-8E2B-84A9E70CE964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one’s dying from it

>> No.6564133
File: 185 KB, 520x688, A3F135FD-0B92-49E2-AE4F-D123899492F3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6564160

>posts art that's supposed be more interesting than *insert artist*
>looks like shit
Every single time.

>> No.6564161

Yeah, the piles and piles of dead people filling the hospitals in NY and rotting on the streets around the world were all because of the VAX.
BREAKING NEWS YOU DUMBFUCK, the fucking vax wasn't ready till more than a year later. I guess you would let this thing just go and see what happens. All those people would be dead anyway along with the rest of us.

Americans got the worst vaccines, I'll give you that. I'm glad my gov banned Pfizer. And I'm glad that I don't live in murica's transsexual paradise feed on faggot juice and McPussy ratlabburguers. United States of Diabetes fate was sealed. And they still didn't came out to the streets to DEMAND a health care system that put americans out their absolute horrendous state. No, they want to burn labs and scientists on a big bonfire.

>> No.6564170

>muh vaccine killed kjg
He died of heart disease directly linked to having diabetes everything is poltard speculation.

>> No.6564173
File: 237 KB, 896x1088, 9D7AC265-9E2D-4705-8385-C8EA71B5A37E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All those people would be dead anyway along with the rest of us.


>> No.6564187

its shit because its not one of your anime slop made for you to jerk off

>> No.6564200

>puts up straw man and proceeds to attack it, hopes no one will notice, many such cases
Where in my posts did I say the vax killed all those (mostly old and infirm) people who died from the man-made virus?
I didn’t, you fucking retard. Get another jab, it’s doing wonders for your brain.

>> No.6564206


>> No.6564210

The only interesting thing about this is the stylization and abstraction. It is visually unique but it is not an interesting idea or concept.

>> No.6564214

coomer bait and porno art is not interesting

>> No.6564217

Of course I will get another jab to protect myself from the virus made by some piece of shit fucker up there who wants to whipe out half of the population.
I wonder why suddenly the BigGuy "up there" goes to shut down Russia when they came out with the first (and best) vaccine, it seems those ruskies fucked up the plandemic.

>> No.6564232

I am un-jabbed. I got the virus last year (from someone who was fully vaxed, kek). It was a few days of feeling tired, with a mild sore throat.

>> No.6564248

Waiting for you to post something genuinely interesting

>> No.6564264
File: 181 KB, 1007x1024, 1637433679087m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine defending both multi-billion dollar companies AND government overreach
jabbies are beyond saving lmao

>> No.6564284


>> No.6564296
File: 283 KB, 1284x715, 1759F22F-8CEA-42EE-B440-80CFDF621E48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who needs Reddit anymore when you have this shithole board. You limpwristed cumdumsters will infiltrate any community, even ones that hate you. Faggot retard twink tranny lovers.

>> No.6564341
File: 83 KB, 674x1024, h785zvtvnly71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lot of midwits on this board... I guess thats why we have so many people who dont make it, it checks out

>> No.6564386

>antivax tard
>schizo buttmad about asian jeans
impressive how the worst elements of the board just coincidentally end up in the same place

>> No.6564569

I heard some of his students can draw like him

>> No.6564575

I really, really hope your infant child dies from a completely preventable disease.

>> No.6564624
File: 17 KB, 600x600, nicepostanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6564629

You would wish that on someone you hateful butt pirate faggot. id tell you to get pegged but you probably have that on lock already.

>> No.6564635

>died of heart disease directly linked to having diabetes
read this again and again until you realize something

>> No.6564654

No children are dying in great numbers from the coof. On the other hand, I pray there is a world where everyone knows you wished that on someone.

>> No.6564757

I don't get it. realize what?
>Over time, high blood sugar can damage blood vessels and the nerves that control your heart. People with diabetes are also more likely to have other conditions that raise the risk for heart disease: High blood pressure increases the force of blood through your arteries and can damage artery walls.
He drank multiple liters of coke everyday, not making that up, i learned it from watching his live-streams.

>> No.6564761

you really thought you did something there, huh? fucking retard.

>> No.6565375

Gtfo, reddit fag.

>> No.6565380

Just one of many lies promulgated by hysterical, bed-wetting, CNN-viewing NPCs…that people who (correctly, it turns out) didn’t trust the experimental MRNA covid jab are “anti-vaxxers,” i.e. people who reject all vaccines and don’t vaccinate their children against tetanus, etc.

>> No.6565391

Source on him having diabetes? (Seeing him drink soda doesn’t count.)

>> No.6565402
File: 455 KB, 1177x643, orcas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's no use trying to reason with demoralized people or plants.
They have to submit to the convenient narrative because they want to be accepted by everyone else who is forced to follow the narrative, so we can all be a happy consumeristic society. And plants get paid to drown any threat to their own narrative. Helpful idiots also do that because it threatens to make them question their life thus their own constructed selves.

Those who are either ignorant or don't know better, are just collateral damage.
They will never truly make it, not in art (since they probably just draw porn or some shit that can barely be seen as creative) and never in life (since their hearts are a ticking time bomb due to taking the jab), not to mention they can never reproduce due to being physically and mentally sterilized.

>> No.6565403

probably some poor kid in Africa, but we will never know

>> No.6565439

Pfizer is the good one tough. JaJ is the one that explodes your heart

>> No.6565467

proko interview. type 2 diabetes

>> No.6565473

God Bless America

>> No.6565478

Diabetes timestamp. type 2 wasn't mentioned, must have been another one, or one of his friends/family mentioning it.

>> No.6565488

Thank you, anon.

>> No.6565597

>no one's dying from it
Not one single pharmaceutical ever in the history of medicine has this quality. Every single one has killed some patient at some point by adverse reaction from said patients body

>> No.6565639

you fucking fags derailed this entire thread with your bullshit. if you can't name anyone can draw at his level, fuck off.

>> No.6565861

Claire Wendling is alive and... She's not well from what I can see on her Instagram. But she sure is out there.