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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.60 MB, 1170x1668, 70f552537e598c834f195c3df8b974f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6561795 No.6561795 [Reply] [Original]

i'm curious there this dude Khyle who surprised me i saw his twitter then patreon at 3.3k sub at 5.50 so that 18k per month for drawing a fews garbage animes pics every month this is crazy .

>> No.6561802

looks ok but tells a story, so it's better than 99% of pinup boring patreons.

>> No.6561804

so is this the way to make good art? put in tricks like storytelling and composition and boobs?

>> No.6561806
File: 361 KB, 1080x1350, b4680fb9c8af0f0fe7ffcf444a76c96f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He draws relatable memes with well-known anime characters.
People don't care about technical skills, they care about the emotions a work make them feel.

Hyper rendered realistic-bodies/anime-faced artists are in danger because AI is robbing them of their only skill

>> No.6561819

This, also
Have you not seen graphetron top adult artist? They are 3 times worse

>> No.6561820

I don't get why Dross makes so much dough, was he just the first one to regularly churn out stuff for the trapfag crowd?

>> No.6561825

yes. slice of life, put observations of life, unique situations, comedy, relatable stuff.

>> No.6561827

Shexyo makes me seethe. i work 10-11 hrs making high effort stuff that I post 4 times per week and I'm barely above 1k

>> No.6561828
File: 58 KB, 782x503, EGRGR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>graphetron top adult artist?
>checks it
>The top earner is AI
>It has a website
>5 porn pictures are generated every single seconds

What the fuck

>> No.6561830

Dont do it with yourself bro. Dont bring others down because you are jealous of them

>> No.6561832
File: 23 KB, 360x330, 1655234757039994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the absolute fuck

>> No.6561834

Don’t care didn’t ask

>> No.6561841


still that a lot for a random artist


i mean at least there a lot of talented and productive artist compared to this dude


he draw good trap i guess that why most trap artist are shit


isnt this the dude who copied the style a super popular artist lol i think its name is cutesexybuts or somethign like that yeah i can understand your frustration this dude is a fraud


the top is mostly weird yaoi webtoon shit .funny to see porpen.ai didnt know this shit its pretty impressive to see how much money they make (170k/m)


im not jealous i just like seeing the patreon stats of artist and im surprised that this random anime dude make so much money most of the time the number aint high for this archetype

>> No.6561847

10,000 turd worlders without GPUs want AI coom.
This is temporary. Soon your smartphones will do it.

>> No.6561854

It's also funny how he uses AI and gets called out for it all but blocks anyone that tries to do so. There's really something so pathetic about someone who tries to go to lengths to hide it so badly regardless of the normies he fools for now

>> No.6561857
File: 30 KB, 534x534, 1685464546546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the demand for porn is so high that coomers are willing to pay a prompter to get low quality but FAST porn
I was fucking right once again.

>> No.6561858

prove it

>> No.6561860

this guy is a visionary, kids raised by tiktok will masturbate to this

>> No.6561862

>low quality

>> No.6561863

Doesn't take a genius to search his name into twitter, or browse through the pictures he uploads and see the AI deformities when looking closely in some of his works

>> No.6561868
File: 82 KB, 512x512, 7C5DEAB792C84CCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hope fat tits realistic porn like pic related become so generalized, women will have to go into debt to get realistic implants while titcows will be adored like the goddesses they are.
Let's just bring chaos at this point

>> No.6561869

Yes, no need to repeat it, anon.
Say that and coombrains will heavily deny it. In the future, sfw art might make a huge comeback

>> No.6561874

Is this a reverse anime head shit, the fuck? First we get realistic body with anime head slapped on top of it, now we get realistic head with un real body.

>> No.6561881
File: 1.67 MB, 1831x749, Screenshot (1487).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling this trash anything but low quality
You can already imagine the average 28 year old reddittortranny with his hands in the hair, cheeto stains on his shirt while expressing the facial features of a monkey in heat as he watches the site endlessly generating novel pictures, thinking to himself;
>"Wow, this is just like what i imagined the cyberpunk-lovecraftian-horror-utopia-virtual-reality-future to be! Just like the videogames!"
No doubt about that, but this is what they get for trying to aim for perfection.
This isn't about sfw art either, Kitsch has been completely taken over and automatized, than now artists have to actually put effort in their works instead of presenting yet another mindless anime blob floating in the void to try to impress some mentally ill loner tranny into further descending into the delusions that his fetishes are his idetinty.
This is a rebirth.
Only the real creatives will inherit the arts.

>> No.6561882

>women don't get attention from coomers anymore because they're all busy fapping to a million AI pics all day while living on government benefits because an AI/robot replaced them at their white-collar/blue-collar workplace.

>> No.6561884
File: 207 KB, 1428x1446, Cassie0pia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with unreal body.

Tits like these definitely exist, but they are 1 in 10 000.
Which is why AI porn is great. Let's humble women a bit

>> No.6561888

please post that fat native girl in the second row... ai got me guys...

>> No.6561889

how is that an "unreal body" when there are women with tits that big irl?

Found the asshurt roastoid.

>> No.6561890

When i mean unreal, i mean it looks like something you see in anime or cartoons. The pic you posted is way more realistic

>> No.6561891
File: 176 KB, 1080x1440, Anri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some more

God I fucking wish. If they (rightfully) want 6"7 ripped chad or perfect trap pretty boys then we should be able to get the equivalent.

Nothing more painful than a mid-woman getting undeserved attention

>> No.6561892

are these being generated by people and there's just that many indians using it, or is the ai doing it on its own? And what happens if it generates something loli?

>> No.6561895

You only talked about bodies, but I kinda see what you mean.
Still, hentai-tier tits do exist, the ones I posted aren't even the biggest. I remember a girl who had a chest like the AI picture but I can't find it atm

>> No.6561896
File: 806 KB, 900x916, 4(1487).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a waste of trips though

>> No.6561897

you cheeky cunt

>> No.6561899

It's done by people who don't have the hardware to generate it on their computers.

>> No.6561902

She looked better before
No you can't change my mind.

>> No.6561903
File: 86 KB, 2170x1010, fakepenai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was proven to be a fraud in another thread
they got 9,000 odd patreons in a single week, how poetic for a bot page's subscribers to be entirely... botted

>> No.6561905

To each their own.
The bigger the better for me.
At least you ot to have porn of her with her old size

>> No.6561912

Really? I mean i seen people would get 80k follower in less than a week and make a millions in a month, so something like this is not unheard of

>> No.6561914

That really doesn't prove anything. It just shows a spike.
What kind of other irredeemable evidence do you have that it would confirm this surge in subscribers to be inorganic?
For what purpose would they bot their patreon earnings?
There is legitimacy in the service they run, there is the costs of running the AI, which is probably by having multiple GPU running somewhere much like crypto farms, so what would be the purpose of paying out of their own pockets for basically running a service they aren't monetizing?
What do you know about their marketing strategy? Did this pornpen account just appear out of thin air or did they already have operations and some sort of community that people instantly subscribed the moment they published their patreon?
>Inb4 AIshill
Use your brain instead of making retarded and baseless accusations that can easily be slapped in your face by some armchair lawfag.

>> No.6561919

>they got 9,000 odd patreons in a single week
And India got 1.4 billion Indians.

>> No.6561933

Good morning sir

>> No.6561935
File: 210 KB, 664x610, 165465416541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wasted dubs

>> No.6561967

because this entire "AI" movement, especially as it pertains to art, is inorganic and astroturfed as fuck. literally 24/7 around the clock demoralization campaign about how you can't do anything creative because these uncreative machines are doing it in your place. All the while it's shitting out nightmare fuel, like things I would actually see in a night terror. Eyes made of flesh, hands with worms as fingers, all this disgusting, can't-take-your-eyes-off-like-its-a-bad-car-crash garbage literally getting praised as if it belongs in a museum. The entire "movement" is inorganic, of course they are going to bot their "smut artist killer" to make it appear more valid / popular than it actually is. Also
>0.01 per patreon
why don't you try using your brain?

>> No.6561986

>$3,714 per month

>> No.6561987

Uh oh stinky

>> No.6561991

>0.01 per patreon
Kek. thats like just giving 29 cents to paypal per subscriber, literally negative money

>> No.6562006

who's that furry artist that makes $500 ychs or something with a super rendered style

>> No.6562010
File: 167 KB, 896x1200, FqmhT0VaEAAuz04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI generated cosplayer is already making banks and got 130k followers in a month



>> No.6562018

the e-whores wont be happy about this..

>> No.6562020

I wonder if I could just do a shit ton of AI prompted art and make alotta cash.

>> No.6562022

A lot of the AI art discussion definitely overlooks how much of what's generated is actually more like photos than paintings.

>> No.6562024

how much are they actually making?

>> No.6562030

Women BTFO

>> No.6562032

>99% of luck
>1% of work
It's same to OnlyFans, YouTubing, streaming, indie gamedev, startups, ... Will be popular AI prompters because they're the first to do it, then the bubble will burst and only a few will be left and a lot of dreamers that they can do same.

>> No.6562039

either that vidya gamer webcomic dude of "loss" fame or the guy with the redhead tranny comic known for "this is me"
both hopped on the thing early and parasitized extremely hard on vidya trends, both never learned to draw and made like 15K+ monthly

>> No.6562040

I think I'll finally see some justice when all the porn peddlers and instathots will have to get real jobs
but I doubt it, they'll find a way to save them

>> No.6562103

>barely 50 comments per post
>all bot replies from accounts with 10 followers created in 2022-23
do you faggots just not look at what you post? or are you a shill? because it's clearly obvious, just like the ai patreon, that it's not organic whatsoever at all, if you spend two actual fucking seconds sifting through the retarded profile you just posted

>> No.6562209

This is my answer too. Current me would have been so popular online in 2007. I was born too late.

>> No.6562211


>> No.6562214 [DELETED] 

the most obvious astroturfing campaign I've ever witnessed

>> No.6562238

18k dollars? kek that's like almost a mi in flipland l each month lmao.

>> No.6562274

> GPU and energy costs

isn't even breaking even lol

>> No.6562276

>A lot for a random artist
nigger, if you're popular money just follows you. That's just fucking marketing basics

>> No.6562296

This guy's pictures is the same thing every time. It's kid's cereal box "find the object in the maze" tier composition. You have a main subject and then there is something extra added if you look closely.

>> No.6562355

I like him. Would not sign his subscription tho

>> No.6562379
File: 1.35 MB, 1200x840, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He draws popular characters in a gimmicky meme way. That's the source of his popularity. It's not about his skills in drawing, it's about entertaining content producing content for people to like. It also has to do a lot with you as a media personality. For example streamers - they are popular just because they provide this virtual persona people can follow and entertain themselves. If you want to be popular online you have to be a clown at least a little bit. Throw a little silly dances here and there and people will love it no matter of your skills

>> No.6562469

I mean I will save a pic of misato resuscitating shinji and repost it than a pic of misato fingering herself which will inevitably just be shoved into my porn pic folder and never see the light of day.

>> No.6562471

There was one I liked but it was generating too fast and I can’t find it :(

>> No.6562476

Oh i get it they kissed lol based

>> No.6562478


>> No.6562485

isn't this what happens when something goes viral? maybe he posted about the pornpen on some pleddit or made a video about it on yt that a streamer reacted and a bunch of horn teens got their moms credit card, that being said i had no idea about pornpen until now, is there any art by them posted publicly?

>> No.6562499

>is there any art by them posted publicly

>> No.6562542

His art is good. It's rather high effort for something thats just meme bait.

>> No.6562547



There is also Asuka shooting a photo in the back. I wonder why.

>> No.6562571

>In the future, sfw art might make a huge comeback
there is no future

>> No.6562576

holy shit how does it generate them so fast

>> No.6562577

Everything around art is astroturfed and inorganic, if you really want to see the bigger picture.
Time has shown that fictional porn, no matter if it's directly stolen or shooped with just the face of a celebrity, always attracts and sells.
>but the art is bad
Normies don't care. They are impressed that art is "made out of nothing"
>inb4 but it's shooped, stolen, copypasted
They don't care.
>but they're making fun of artists
A bunch of faggots use anything that happens to either troll and get attention or troll and make money. Do you really think they give a shit about how artists feel? Do artists give a shit when they "make fanart" or steal other pornfags works to make money?
What's the typical reaction you get from fanboys when you even show them when someone else has stolen from others? They don't care.
>smut artist killer
Porn is mostly always guaranteed to sell. It's just a meme spread by trolls to make pornfags mad.
>to appear more valid
That's retarded. Do you think the target demographic for porn actually gives a shit about that? They just want to consume porn.
>0.01 per patron
What's the point of hiding your earnings if a graph is going to show them anyway?
If artshitters already boil with impotent rage at the sight of aishitters getting more numbers than them, you can only imagine the amount of explosive autistic rage it will cause if they start publicizing their earnings.
Min requirement on patreon is $1, so you can assume that they're earning $10k give or take.
You use your brain.

If smut artists or artists in general, weren't such insufferable low iq niggers all the time, trolls and astroturfers wouldn't have such an easy time doing the shit they do.

>> No.6562688

>not unlike my porno faggotinos who draw literally everything that is trending in that moment on twitter
>that's perfectly organic
pornfaggots and fanwhores had already overrun the whole art scene with the most inhuman and creatively bankrupt garbage imaginable, there is literally nothing about AI that is somehow less organic and human than what the pornfaggots had already established. artstation has been literally just a platform for companies to advertise by publishing "concept art" of a new game or pornoniggers to get to the front page with cropped porn. none of this shit was organic, AI actually is going to contribute by fucking inundating everything and finally, hopefully, pushing those few faggots who were still trying to make "art" away. Those people who still try are actually the worst culprits of all, they're letting normies think "oh well there will always be a stupid bitch who'll make art just because he loves it so much", I sincerely hope that all these cucks finally get caved in

>> No.6562694

So the only way to make it in the art world is to draw comedic quirky """stories""" huh

>> No.6562695

I'm learning to draw to exploit this fetish. The people are furry tier in terms of how much money they will spend and all the artists are terrible with the exception of merunyaa (who hasn't drawn diaper stuff in like 4 years).

>> No.6562702

when I set out to learn art I was thinking Miyazaki, it was horrible to realize that the whole bottom of the iceberg is this grotesque diaper shit
normies are a fucking cancer

>> No.6562784

you don't even need boobs, see the little nuns artist

>> No.6562810

The purpose of art is expression. If you're not expressing anything, what's the point?

>> No.6562832

Having a narrative in your work isn't a trick lmfao. That's what you should be trying to achieve.

Just say something with your work. The more it connects with the audience the more people will like it. This is a big reason why fanart gets more notes too than most people's original work. They already have an attachment to the narrative and you are representing a part of it. You don't have to create the attachment in the first place as someone has already done it for you. Creating something someone cares about is the hard part which is exactly why I said above it should be what you are striving for.

>> No.6562843
File: 679 KB, 564x792, dredd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 porn pictures are generated every single seconds
This is some heavy metal 2000 A.D shit. I fucking hate this

>> No.6562851

I don't know how anyone can deal with a barrage of porn all at once all the time. It's the reason why I got rid of Telegram from being in the anime porn groups.

>> No.6562859

jeff koons. or one of those YBA hacks. they all suck. the guy who did obama's presidential portrait also sucks. I'm sure there's someone shittier out there but I'm not going to rot my brain following modern art.
even the biggest patreons make small change compared to the numbers thrown around at the top of the fine art world.

>> No.6562891

So expression = comedy?

>> No.6562899

Making jokes or references to other things is always entertaining and helps make a sale
Not always taking your art seriously is an example of soulful art

>> No.6562947

how do you grind expression?

>> No.6562966

do you have mild aspergers?

by drawing

>> No.6562972

any other way? i dont want to draw

>> No.6562980

>i dont want to draw
fucking /ic/ man

>> No.6563053

use these prompts [expression,+soul]{increase50%}

>> No.6563229
File: 123 KB, 825x1224, FrTYod_XwAELXZc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy isn't shitty at all. At least he tries to be creative by making funny stuff. Creativity consistently trumps technical skill, so artists like him or TinaFate1 and minus8 honestly deserve their fame imo. But since the point of this thread is to be a crab, pic related making that much money is honestly a joke.

>> No.6563251
File: 59 KB, 512x512, c57c109e-1fcd-4680-b474-bbfdb840ea14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pornpen.ai thing is something else, man. It's like a fucking ticker tape.

>> No.6563312

its especially crazy becauseits so shit, these people cant figure out how to run a fucking colab and install a LORA for custom made waifu porn

>> No.6563319
File: 101 KB, 300x256, 1446456516546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"the point of this thread is to be a crab"
>makes a good and objective observation that is also true
You fags should really stop using crab as >anyone that says anything negative

>> No.6563334
File: 44 KB, 500x500, tails 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6563354

One of the reasons why people like certain art pieces is because it feels like a snapshot of life, a frozen still of some kind of "moment".
It's the little things that make it come to life, like the stream of saliva implying Misato just got done doing mouth-to-mouth to Shinji.
Anyone can draw an attractive woman doing first aid on a boy at the pool, but the right artists would know to add those extra details.

Love em or hate em, they understand human behaviour and what makes people connect to art. Instead of being a crab, you could instead be learning something from this. Don't copy their art but don't totally dismiss it either.

>> No.6564351

>There is also Asuka shooting a photo in the back. I wonder why.
probably for blackmailing purposes, these are part of a series

>> No.6564433

sakimi csr

>> No.6567240

Is this ai art?

>> No.6567246

I think it's more likely women will just evolve into a different race of human entirely as men self destruct themselves thanks to this shit. I don't understand why you people think women need men. They literally don't. If anything all species don't need males, that just do it make things easier for the female sex.

>> No.6567248

I knew this shit was NFT's 2.0

>> No.6567253

I look down on people who don't have a refined sense of aesthetic taste, simple as that.

>> No.6567255

Looks fine but you can tell he traces from real people, it turns me off. The bodies are not stilyzed for anime.

>> No.6567257

> The bodies are not stilyzed for anime.
So like most realistic body with anime slap on top of it

>> No.6567366

which proompting software lets you do this? is it run locally?

>> No.6570310

>I look down on people who
You're not anybody.

>> No.6570337

hey look, it's the Ai whiteknight. better not doing so many quotes, you stick out.
>"nothing to see g- fellow coomer, it's totally organic!"

>> No.6570352

this thread makes me worried

>> No.6570471

>literally 24/7 around the clock demoralization campaign about how you can't do anything creative because
i've never fucking heard that take in my fucking life. rather it's people saying you should be using this as a tool or that you should suck it up and draw anyway if you actually care.

>> No.6571090

See most of this pathetic fit is really to be ignored since you clearly have no idea what you are talking about however, you can place your tier at 0.01 actually.

You're just too mentally deluded and bitter to do some basic research so yeah phew buddy they sure are making those 110 bucks worth of work with their ai ventures...