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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6557443 No.6557443 [Reply] [Original]

Has this happened in the art industry as well?

>> No.6557446

In the anglosphere yes.

>> No.6557461

nothing is tying the hands up of the game devs then

shit /pol/ tier excuses

>> No.6557481

>this happened
i don't think this happened at all, i think we now have a lot of brainwashed "gamers" npc who more interested in hating certain subjects in games than playing them
if you look at old games everything already was there from the beginning

>> No.6557484

>ignored Gamergate

>> No.6557486

Happened with No Mans Sky and Rick and Morty after season 2

>> No.6557487
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In any big Western companies, yes.
But in the field of art itself, it's as free as it's ever been, anyone can draw whatever he wants.

Just like games, stick to indie productions or Japanese content (while dodging gacha shit).

Yes, anon, getting zero funding because all investors are more interested in farming ESG points than in delivering a good product is /pol/'s fault.

Back then profit was made by selling games, nowadays profit is made by appeasing to the top hats in the financial system, so going for quality isn't a must.
The amount of dissatisfaction has only gone up, because outrage is not only warranted, it's a marketing strategy for modern companies.

>> No.6557490

They weren’t old enough to remember.

>> No.6557500

I'd disagree, though the image is reductive. Microtransactions and live services were a plague on games and absolutely made things worse.

But the diversity shit doesn't help either, and just as a tangible example
>type a /type b bodies
its a relatively minor change but with pretty annoying consequences for no gain outside of political circle jerking.
meanwhile it makes it harder to create the character i want because i have to figure out what bullshit they're calling female/male body types now. or even worse like in hogwarts legacy where there was no option, you just had to pick from presets and hope you picked the right gender who's body is hidden under long robes.
shit like this actually makes character creation worse because you don't know what you're picking until after you do it, sure its just a single click to pick the other, but its an example of a degrade masquerading as an upgrade for political reasons.

other things that bother me are things like lost ark black washing characters. i don't recall anything in the 2000s that would go out of their way to make characters black to fit "western culture". worst i can think of was nier making him an old man.
though censorship is my ultimate trigger, but both sides of the political spectrum cause censorship to happen, right now its just being paraded by the woke crowd so of course it makes me hate them. but the right did it before them.

And maybe i'm wrong and this was always happening since the dawn of vidya, but as a kid i never saw any of these changes, but i would have hated them if i did see them because i've always wanted to play the game as designed.

>> No.6557501

Most artists are liberals and the only people who draw.

>> No.6557503

>/pol/ meme that excuses micro transactions
Cancer beyond cancer. Probably made by a gachafag too.

>> No.6557533

It's not even a conspiracy theory anymore. Blackrock will ban you from access to high profile investment if you don't shove niggers and trannies into your workforce and your projects.

>> No.6557538

The video game industry has many problems, most of them unrelated to this culture war nonsense.
- The push for graphic fidelity over all other game elements has caused budgets to rise, development cycles to expand, and any risk to be regarded as unacceptable.
- Because of the nature of the internet, the solution to the absurd dev cycles has become to ship an incomplete game, wait out the backlash, then patch it. So called AAA now have a reputation for being barely functional messes, on top of the long bouts of crunch that are now required.
- This aversion to risk has made it so experimentation in mechanics is heavily discouraged, such that the games we're playing now are little different than what we were playing in the 6th generation.
- The mobile market has revealed how easy it is to siphon money away from consumers with their embrace of microtransactions and gambling mechanics, which immediately was adopted by the mainstream games industry even in paid projects.

Even if culture warrior got their wish of a industry full of straight, white, intelligent men, the problem would not go away. The obsession with realism to the detriment to all else would still be there. The desire for quick and easy cash at the expense of the user would still be there. The issues with dev cycles will still be there. The only difference would be there would be more big boobied beauties to distract horn dogs with. But culture warriors seem to be okay with getting abused as long as it's someone on "their team" doing it.

>> No.6557543
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Games aren't shit
Companies went to shit

Indie games dominate now.
Terraria, Stardew, Rimworld, and Dwarf Fortress are taking over the charts

>> No.6557544

not really.
art tends to be individual projects.
while what gets popular can be manipulated by larger and more powerful groups, nothing stops YOU from drawing whatever the fuck you want. nothing stops you from making stupid live art projects in time square. there is nothing that prevents any individual from doing whatever the fuck with their own art.

video games cost money, so an independent dude can't make a good video game, the best they can do is shitty rpgmaker garbage or chinese asset flips. this forces them to fall under a larger corporation with their own goals and values, which leads to political bullshittery.

if you hate trannies, you can go make a webcomic about it and post it wherever you like, a few websites might take it down but the vast majority don't give a flying fuck.

>> No.6557546
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my team makes sexy anime girls.

>> No.6557548


>> No.6557582

Compounded by the fact that art it created as slop now. You create an artwork, not to be sold or the be enjoyed on a wall, but to farm likes on social media for 24 to 48 hours. That's why there is no quality, no craftsmanship, so much porn and coom art, etc.

>> No.6557587


>> No.6557651

Where does it say what you claim it says?

>> No.6557657

model name?

>> No.6557662

>Hm... I can't quite figure out why games are shit now.
Online reactionaries will do literally anything, any level of scapegoating, in order to avoid talking about capitalism. And yes, it has obviously been fucking over art as well.

>> No.6557667

and what form of economics would be conducive to people wasting thousands of hours making a video game for an extremely niche group of people?

>> No.6557672

Capitalism and its endless creation of bullshit jobs.

>> No.6557676

capitalism is too complex of studject for the terminally online to understand so blaming everyone who isn't a straight white Christian male will have to suffice.

>> No.6557678

>terminally online
stopped reading

>> No.6557683

>t.terminally online fag

>> No.6557689

its more that its a scape goat for everything that could go wrong, despite the fact that even under other economic systems you see the same problems pop up but for alternate reasons.

>> No.6557708

It’s the federal reserve, not capitalism. Back in the day men painted mainly for glory not for millions

>> No.6557714
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When was the last time the left did anything to even marginally disrupt "capitalism."

>> No.6557716

>The obsession with realism to the detriment to all else would still be there.
Then why are indie projects, the side of the industry still manned by 90% straight white nerds, much more experimental in both mechanics and aesthetics?

No dude. The industry is so backless now because diversity hires don't quit when investors ask for bullshit that ruins the project's vision and turns the development cycle into little more than a sweat shop. Hell Blizzard's current situation shows they don't even quit when being sexually harassed on the regular because they know they weren't hired for their talent and they can't just go an start their own studio.

CDPR also shows what taking Blackrock money does to a studio. From small functional serious developer to clown car of redundant bureaucracy and useless blue haired chair warmers in a single project.

It's not the nature of the industry, it's the nature of the demons holding AAA hostage with their ESG score compliant investment.

>> No.6557719

Cash in to cash out, Cave Story and Undertale are more successful than every AAA game of the current gen so far.
And Cave Story was free longer than it's been on stores.

>> No.6557734

Where are all the socialist video games?
Pajitnov left the URSS as soon as he could, and the SocDem countries haven't produced shit despite being the richest, most privileged people in Europe after the tax haven micronations.

You need to be hungry to stay creative. Zoo animals can't do anything worthwhile with their lives, they're too pacified.

>> No.6557736

>Then why are indie projects, the side of the industry still manned by 90% straight white nerds, much more experimental in both mechanics and aesthetics?
Because the budgets range from very small to non-existent, with multiple single man projects, indies have far less risk and are far more likely to experiment. Even then there are multiple trends in the indie space that have a dominant hold, it's just not nearly as suffocating as the AAA sector. Let's not even go in to the fact that you're more likely to find your dreaded minorities and women in Indie games, so even this statement is built on a faulty foundation.

Your conspiracy theories lack weight, bite, and only serve to distract from true issues. Take your boogiemen elsewhere.

>> No.6557752

turn your phone off and cut your ethernet cord. Don’t want to be terminally online, would you?

>> No.6557755

Man you're so fucked in the head by the culture war you don't even notice you're agreeing with them.

Investors are cunts and ruining the industry. Literally what they said, literally what you said.

But no, you gotta fight because this is America and everyone is "the evil other" pushing "their agenda".

Fuck this country.

>> No.6557781

> But no, you gotta fight because this is America and everyone is "the evil other" pushing "their agenda".
Anon, the thread OP is literally about the evil other pushing an agenda.
I can go in to length about why my view is different than his, but honestly I don't want to keep getting tugged back to this thread. I have drawing to do.

>> No.6557876

>other things that bother me are things like lost ark black washing characters. i don't recall anything in the 2000s that would go out of their way to make characters black to fit "western culture". worst i can think of was nier making him an old man.
Persona 1

>> No.6557893

And that's because of conservatives bitching about how "art and videogames are pointless"

>> No.6557999

i wanna be a gemdev so i can harass my famele coworkers grab their titti

>> No.6558001

co opted by the federal government

>> No.6558031

yeah capitalism is the problem.
despite it being just fine for most of the US's life

>> No.6558033

Filling your game with leftist millennial humor and plotlines and stuffing trannies into everything to the point of financial failure isn't capitalism. See: Saints Row Reboot. The MCU is starting to suffer from it too despite the strong momentum they had built up over many years.

>> No.6558120

this pic goes hard, two dyed hair women watching as two children give money to a male stripper pretending to be a female, as the united states of america flag waves in the background next to the "sponsored by walmart" banner, all while in front of a bank.

>> No.6558124

A metaphor with no meaning, truly a post-modern classic

>> No.6558206

Maybe, but this feels a bit like the saying "in the old days things were better" and maybe that was true in some instances but I feel like it's also a fallacy a lot of the time.

I still don't like all those political activists and I'd wish they fuck off.

>> No.6558242

I work in the local game dev scene (mostly indies) and yeah, it’s like this where I am at least. It’s annoying but mostly okay, I tune them out when they say stupid shit and I’m careful about what I say so I don’t get blacklisted.

>> No.6558264

Somewhat, yeah. Artists have always been liberal faggots throughout human history though, so it’s not surprising that they’re at the vanguard of this liberal faggotry too.

>> No.6558302

Unironically there’s few non-tech things that have improved in the past 20 years. Things such as creativity have gone into the shitter. Movies and books are way worse now, the only real improvement being CG (which debatably made things worse)
And it’s not like this isn’t verifiable.

Same with games, 20 years ago AAA games releasing as broken and unfinished trash was unthinkable but it’s the norm now.

Pretty much everyone agrees modern political/culture war bullshit has made at least America a pretty shitty place to live, you can watch the news from 20 years ago and compare it to today and it’s like night and day.

Things have gotten worse. And my mortgage compared to my coworkers would also agree

>> No.6558374

why is this shit all over /ic/ now? you don't even draw. fuck off tourist.

>> No.6558477
File: 270 KB, 1019x710, All da weemen in da game-bizz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual Reality

>> No.6558478

Someone got butthurt

>> No.6558887

anon is right though, men are now weak and have allowed everything go to shit for a crumb of [boi]pussy. No amount of pointing to a handful of faggot diversty hires will change the reality that 98% of any giving game project are still men.

>> No.6558895

you have a point tho,I'm just going to point out that as much as the two sides try to accuse certain groups, said groups shake hands behind closed doors

>> No.6558898

This right here. The problem is the copnies went to crap. Great games are still being made people just don't wantt o stop sucking corpo cock.

>> No.6558917
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>98% of any giving game project are still men
surely these men aren't held in line by nepo babies and diversity hires of a certain political bent in non-dev creative divisions or ideologue types in HR and marketing departments

>> No.6558920

>it's muh microtransactions
>it's muh diversity hires
No, it's creative bankruptcy and marketability. For every AAA game that's shit technically (muh diversity hires fault) there's 10 that are competently made. Yet they still suck just by being uninspired copypasted garbage.

>> No.6558931
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Oh yeah FIFA is garbage because of all the trannies and the blacks.

>> No.6558978

What about Sonic Heroes?
I still like that game I still play it but it was pretty broken at times.

>> No.6558982

what is 'nepo'?

>> No.6558990

>diversity hire

More dumb excuses out of /pol/ to mask ones antisocial tendencies. Yeah, the flamboyant black man will get hired over you if they make everyone’s day a lot more fun to slog through. I’d rather hire them than the boring guy.

>> No.6558999

if game made by someone who doesn't identify as an sjw = good then why is there no game with such a creator out there breaking records.
even the hogwarts game has trans and black people.

>> No.6559022
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No. Art industry was always filled mostly with tumblr kids/deviantart kids/art hoes/furries/people on spectrum/left-wingers and others of that kind. As long as I remember it was like that. If a guy draws and also supports capitalism he will forever be banished from art community as an outcast.

Generally all art communities either it be about music or drawing are always liberal because conservatives and right wingers don't like art and view it as pointless waste of time.

>> No.6559029

>they still think PC culture is not a mainstream ideology but a forced agenda and companies that pander trannies/niggers are doing it not to appeal to masses and earn as much money as possible but just to annoy /pol/ for the sake of it

>> No.6559042

We trannies have always been around, you just hadn't fallen for psy-ops then.
Basically what this anon said. >>6559022

>> No.6559090

What does I.A 2W mean?

>> No.6559092

Tha'ts why america is fucked. They really believe there're two factions, when they are all the same shit all ltogether. Both libtards and "conservatives" are all against the american state and constitution. Against themselves, as a united sovereign nation with rules and values. They're all about muh freedom, muh property, muh guns, muh rights, muh money, muh car, muh planet, all is "mine".

Both sides think that FDR who fucking won the WWII on a weel chair, and his New Deal wich created the american dream and the most powerful nation in the planet today is a "communist socialist idea".
They don't wanna pay taxes, they don't wanna be under any law, both libtards and "conservatives" now they want to call themselves "Libertarians", pieces of shit. Both shit on people like FDR, JFK and Eisenhower.

America thrived as a SOCIALIST NATION, when Lincoln ended slavery, when Ford said that workers should be able to earn enough to buy the car they were building in their factories, when FDR said that every american family should have a house, education, jobs, and dignity. You threw your social values to the garbage bin, and now asia took it and they're thriving now taking care of their people and getting stronger and stronger. You let that happen. You let the socialist values of america rot and your people now became just as rotten.

>> No.6559095

>t.seething commie

>> No.6559099

>Both sides think that FDR who fucking won the WWII on a weel chair, and his New Deal wich created the american dream and the most powerful nation in the planet today is a "communist socialist idea".
I can tell you're a retarded shitskin. You're not even American are you?

>> No.6559106

Tumblr as an entity and to a slightly lesser extent Reddit

>> No.6559109

art industry is extremely toxic
if you draw ugly or retarded shit you dont get anywhere
everyone has to draw animu, super cute or MTG card tier art to get money
its the most redpilled of the industries even if youre a tranny gay furry artist

>> No.6559112

Idk man back then the amount of attractive art hoes were rare. Sure their was always that one stacy who had all the autists under her spell but it wasn’t like now. And it also felt like people weren’t constantly talking about race/gender issues or political issues. Hell back then you could be blissfully unaware what the current political situation was and it wasn’t an issue. Even if we go back and watch video game tournaments. Fighting game or even nintendo championships you’ll hardly see any women, fat dykes, trannies or obvious fags. Yes their were gay people and degenerates and autismos but it was something concealed only brought out at certain times. Also many PROFESSIONAL artists were not turbo leftists. The animation industry loved making everyone white with the token black guy because this is america. And back then you could draw young girls all hot and scantily clad. Teen Titans, Symbiotic Titan, Fosters home for imaginary friends so many shows didn’t have a political agenda. Same with games.

I always ask myself “all these mentally ill weirdos know anout the olden days of video games and anime but where were they back then?” I didn’t hear their rhetoric on the internet. I didn’t see them at cons, anime movies, tournaments or card stores. It’s like they were sleeper agents waiting to turn into raging leftists the moment trump ran.

>> No.6559117

Slavery should’ve never began. It was infeasible to send the slaves back and killing them was something that only the white race wouldn’t dare to do. Ultimately it all comes to the love of money. Why buy the slaves in the first place? Why expand video games to be appealing to women, fatties and all other troglodytes while saying f u to the og fans? Why stop making quality anime with cel-shading and switching to CGI? Money. The root of all evil. They print more and more and more and it’s never enough. Back in the day an artist painted for years and never expected to get famous. As long as he could hang it up in his local cathedral and please the Lord and his community he was satisfied. There was no money printer back then. Their was only so many coins that could be given out.

Everything that is happening to our society and world was inevitable the moment we allowed jews to touch our money.

>> No.6559120

The amateur and fine art world, sure.
But Disney was a turbo conservative company for the longest time. Most professional groups erred on the side of conservative to the point they’re try to avoid ever reflecting religion in a negative light. And these places had plenty of artists happy to join them.
They’ve been around for a long time. But now since it’s mainstream you can make a buck pandering to them and pretending to be part of the crowd for extra brownie points. It’s just part of the game, 99% of them don’t give a shit except that it keeps them popular if they agree

>> No.6559128

market blew in numbers. game industry it's too damn big to not care about optics anymore.

that's why there's black supermen and little mermaids, ya'll think that's because there's a black pusher in the decision table? A anti-white conspiracy? No, its because the whole world is made of browns, blacks, yellows, and in betweens. Billions and billions of them, and they have nothing to buy on the screen. A whole planet of new untouched viewers are out there for the taking. It's about money. Not about skin color or gender, or whatever.

>> No.6559141


That’s no excuse. Anime is 99.8% fair skinned characters and loved by all races. 20 years ago all the Disney classics were and still are loved by everyone. Yes, there is an untapped market. But “they” whoever “they” are, keep making crap with ugly characters who just so happen to have a darker complexion. Nothing is stopping them from making those characters just as cute and attractive as their fair complexion MCs.

They just like ugly. And embrace things nobody wants to strive for IRL. Nobody wants to be fat, crippled, or blind. But they push it anyway. Nobody wants to be short and disfigured, but they shove it in cartoons to be inclusive. Nothing wrong with dark skinned characters—they just keep drawing them in a way that’s not as good as any old cartoon/anime character. To demoralize? Or to do it because it makes a small percentage of people online angry. Maybe it’s the Rich peoples way of shitposting.

>> No.6559143

White people think they make up a lot more of the world than they actually do. Similarly they overestimate their importance on a global scale. There is a reason Disney caters to Chinese censorship.

>> No.6559147
File: 83 KB, 221x325, 498AB1AF-E16A-4F1A-B1E9-412FB08FFCA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody wants to be short and disfigured
Speak for yourself

>> No.6559149

That’s a little girl and most people here wish to be that. Not the same thing.

>> No.6559150

No, it was always like that.
/ic/ is a very leftist board.
Right wing artfags, as in actual right wing artists who believe in the value of hierarchy and acknowledge talent exists, are a shunned minority.

>> No.6559153

People getting mad over this shit is literally free advertising to large corporations. After Nike went "woke" they like tripled in value because of all the free advertisement. Us talking about it right now is exactly what they want.

>> No.6559155

LMAO, brown people outside of America don't care about racial representation; in fact they are more likely to openly prefer light skinned actors

>> No.6559158

>very leftist board

>> No.6559159

Maybe it worked for a bit but people are tired of it now.
I never hate watch or hate play things. I don’t give a single minute of my time to them once I realize they’ve gone woke.
Maybe it’s free advertisement to hate on it but it’s no money out of my pocket and it’s clearly no money out of other peoples pockets when you consider how badly they keep flopping now

>> No.6559165

it depends. black people in uk are pretty much the same as in america. basically every black person who was born in a country with a non-black dominant population has victim syndrome. also a lot of blacks from arabic countries like that, but I suppose it's because arabs are just in general super entitled. the only chill black people I know were born in black countries. same for asians and all other races. asian born and raised in asia is chill, asian born and raised in america is absolutely unbearable

>> No.6559168

See what I mean people? The leftist jumps in to seethe at me.

>> No.6559170

i am left, i fucking hate capitalism i think it is literally the core problem of everything that is wrong in modern society. you dont understand it yet, but not everything left is about trannies and gulags. a lot of us just want to be able to pay rent

>> No.6559171

>/ic/ is a very leftist board.
>artists who acknowledge talent
the absolute state

>> No.6559175

Doesn't matter. The amount they save by random people pushing their brand names everywhere is worth the money. They aren't marketing to you anyway so they weren't targeting your money in the first place. They just profit from you give them free lip services because you don't like it.

>> No.6559177

>tfw called leftist

>> No.6559180

>leftist board

>> No.6559181

Thank you for proving my point.

>> No.6559184

Thanks for providing a weak point.

>> No.6559187

Blacks are generally an outlier in how butthurt they are and even them deal with positive bias for lighter skin tones; especially when it comes to female attractiveness.

>> No.6559190

>weak point
The point that /ic/ is leftist and you can instantly diagnose that by their hatred of hierarchy and talent, constantly making memes trying to disprove the superiority of asian genes, for example?

>> No.6559194

>the value of hierarchy and acknowledge talent exists
You mean the people who keep making threads whining about how they don't work hard?
And here I thought the right idolized pulling yourself up by your bootstraps not whining about their 'innate lack of ability' to be able to work. That's literally welfare thinking.

>> No.6559195

i dont believe in talent

>> No.6559196
File: 626 KB, 500x2592, they-live-meaningless-lives-they-waste-their-precious-days-over-35613764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>This aversion to risk has made it so experimentation in mechanics is heavily discouraged, such that the games we're playing now are little different than what we were playing in the 6th generation.

I felt this. I bought a ps5, but the changeover shift in ps4-ps5 doesn't quite feel as monumental as n64 -> gamecube was.
It's all the climate. Since the wii, the "family" has to be a gamer family now. And why not? so you can sell gamer gear! It happens.

Basically, instead of timmy showing his dad how to fight with big chested women and actually enjoy the game (THE BEST END IS THAT YOU GOT YOUR PARENTS INTO YOUR VIDYA FOR 1.25 seconds btw)
the original point in gaming was to is to wholly:

>ages 3-11
worship any bionicle sauce and call that sad crashed attempt by sleep deprived interns as THE GREATEST GAME THAT SHAPED MY CHILDHOOD I GOTTA COLLECT EM ALL

>ages 11-18
Sex. sex. does thE GAME HAVE SEX?

>ages 18-24
I'm not playing much vidya lately, heh.I'm kinda depressed.

Why yes pokegothic child toddler i too once was the PEEKEEMOON MASTER

>bullshit jobs

There are no bullshit jobs. You either are delusional to do low paid unfair work or you scam the system and try to not get caught.
everybody does a mixture of both. try to not die in the process.

>> No.6559199

Eventually the money comes from somewhere, and places like hedgefunds are banking with other people's money, if it loses enough money they're liable for it.

>> No.6559200

>asian genes
into the trash it goes

>> No.6559202


>> No.6559204

No, I mean people who point out the futility of certain pursuits due to lacking the ability to do it, and artists being unable to agree with that because it's an assault on their way of thinking.

Thank you for admitting you're a leftist. You and

>> No.6559206

That's the thing though, a lot of these ventures are fairly profitable. After Gillette "went woke" it also got record profits. Even if you have a failure the millions you saved on marketing is still saving massive amounts of money for the company at the end of the day.

>> No.6559207

cope harder

>> No.6559209

Is that’s why you’re a perma/beg/? I thought rightoids like hard work, but you are using talent as an excuse to not put in the work. You’re more “leftist” than any fag here you shittter

>> No.6559211

Yeah the futility of being able to work hard and make it is exactly what people on welfare believe. They are also "disabled" and can't work hard. It's not their fault though!

>> No.6559212

the "left" is an economical axis towards collectivism.
what it has to do with believing or not believing in talent or asian gens? how is it correlated?

>> No.6559219

It works in niche cases like that, but in gillette's case, people aren't going to stop buying razors and their "wokeness" doesn't affect anyone who isn't monitoring their twitter. I have 0 idea what the fuck you're talking about with them because it doesn't in any way change how the razor looks or functions.

Something like a marvel movie is directly impacted by it and shoved in my face, and there's a good reason they're seeing flop after flop, or why star wars had to massively cut back on it's plans after people realized they're fucking retarded.

They might get an initial boost from pulling in a few extra people, but after they realize they can't do anything with their tokens people start getting annoyed and leave the entire brand as a whole.

>> No.6559221

Dude asian americans are way better than chinese natives. Chinese natives don’t hold back and will laugh at you in your face. Asian americans at the very least know how to assimilate and put race on the shelf

>> No.6559224

but i thought being racist is based

>> No.6559228

Asians who moved to america are pretty chill.
Asians born and raised in america are a coin flip. But usually they're pretty psychotic (especially the women) and either go all in on the sjw bs, or start pretending they're actually full asian despite never being in asia and barely knowing the language.

t.asian american

>> No.6559232


not in my murica
you get exposed to so much cross culturalism you realize that every group of people has niggers.

niggers are not black, but everybody knows a thievin nigger. and if you dont know one, you are probably the nigger in the financial situation.

>> No.6559235

>pokegothic child toddler

>> No.6559237

When did /ic/ become so against /pol/?

Do you really think 13% is a lie?
That 56% is a lie?
That getting kicked out of 190 nations is a lie?

Genuinely asking.

>> No.6559239


some kid was buying pokemon cards in a gamestop and i commented that i was into the cards when i was the same age. im not a bloody pedo.
im just ranting that the video game experience changes as you age.

>> No.6559240

frankly I don't give a fuck.
you're on /ic/ not /pol/ I don't give a flying fuck about your race politics.

shut the fuck up and draw nigga.

>> No.6559243

I mean it is but it doesn’t change the fact that it was rude as fuck when it happened.

>> No.6559244

It might be niche cases but other corps look at Nike, Black Panther, and Gillette doing it and they want a piece of that pie.

I am not saying all these ventures are profitable I am saying more that the initial boost is what they want. They love having their brand names trend and people taking pictures of their razors or shoes or whatever.
Don't buy the lies that these corporations actually give a shit about any of these issues. They are just chasing what they hope to be easy money. As soon as pride flags become unprofitable they will drop them and move onto the next thing. Though they do profit off your rage no matter where you sit politically. Look how well the newest Harry Potter game did, people's outrage was literally free advertising for the thing.

>> No.6559246

>When did /ic/ become so against /pol/?
when I realized those faggots never fucking draw anything ever.

>> No.6559252
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if you didnt notice every board is against pol because everyone got tired of 24 7 autism and complaining. it was fun in trumps election era, but the joke is now too old. the funniest thing about pol now is that they unironically believe polface was created by some twitter trannies

>> No.6559253

An Asian girl in my college class likes me. She has he/him pronouns and is shy and reserved but occasionally blurts out something in an autistic way. Any tips how to get her? Don’t want to fuck it up as this is my first time Dealing with sideways pussy. Mostly only dated my own volk.

>> No.6559257

I've been anti-/pol/ ever since they started supporting russian niggers and AI goyslop.

>> No.6559258

Shoes and Razors don't change the end product which is what people care about.
CEOs are going to do whatever political bullshit publically and most people don't care, people care when it starts getting forced into their products.
Black Panther wasn't really woke either, its just a black character that was always black.

The problem isn't that people say stupid shit for free brownie points on twitter, its that they cram it into products to the detriment of said product. and eventually people start to hate it.

>> No.6559262

Why should they have supported ukraine? I honestly thought they would’ve had a neutral stance. But when I saw them sperg out because the left supported palestine over israel I kinda realized that /pol/ is just where you go to get your ass educated and then you move on

>> No.6559266

>supporting russian
that was so retarded because russians are literally white niggers. their culture and behavior consists of everything pol hates about niggers

>> No.6559267

When did /ic/ and /pol/ become two individuals?
People disagreeing with you isn't a conspiracy, 4chan is no ones safe space

>> No.6559275

Dude at one time all boards were just an extension of /b/. The way you acted and discussed you learned from /b/. Now /pol/ is the new motherboard since 2016 and all of a sudden after trump “lost” people want to act like we haven’t been invaded. /r9k/ literally has girls posting on it while we speak. And not a few but a whole bunch along with a bunch of normalfags too. You’re all redditors and twitter users and discord users and under age. You do not belong here.

>> No.6559278

>Dude at one time all boards were just an extension of /b/.
No they weren't. Everyone hated /b/tards.
You are the newfag, kill yourself.

>> No.6559288
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If Russians can make a game while their country is getting sanctioned to the gills, when it was already poor, so can you. I post on /agdg/ myself. You create nothing because you have no skills.

>> No.6559293
File: 3.13 MB, 498x434, attackontitan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You retards made being a /pol/fag your entire personality and not a day goes by where you absolute faggots don't break your necks to complain endlessly about shit and people you dislike while doing absolutely nothing but complaining outside of your fucking designated hellhole. You nigger don't even draw, write, watch tv / movies, play videos games, play sports, fix computers, make music, work out, cook, or even fucking go into politics despite never shutting the fuck up about it. Fuck /pol/.

>> No.6559301

People don't give as much of a shit about the end product as you would hope.
As a random example people will spend significantly more on Advil than an identical non branded medication just because they saw adverts for Advil. We are easily manipulated by just hearing about something a lot and corporations know this. The more they can get us to hear about their product the more likely we are to buy it. That's why they WANT to encourage culture wars because it's the only time people will bother saying the word Hershey.

If they were worried about annoying us they wouldn't shove the exact same jingles into our faces every 20 minutes. It doesn't matter that you are annoyed it matters that you just hear their brand a lot.

>> No.6559308

The dogpiling works as expected.
You don't actually understand the underlying reasons.

>> No.6559316

Don't worry anon, like a true leftie, I truly do believe you when you say that you are too retarded to work hard. Unlike a leftie I think this just means you should die since you don't contribute anything to society though.

>> No.6559317
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left is just better at art, you need to face it.
they are worse at memes, but better at art.
everything you like is made by a leftie.
right wingers dont have any drip or good taste.
the only exception are asians. they are both racist and creative

>> No.6559320

>muh election
You are just the right wing version of the people who think /pol/ is behind every post that complains about wokeshit.
The simple truth is that 4chan users exist in the real world; its not a cyberworld insulated from real world happenings.

>> No.6559321

So then if hitler won art would’ve been worse despite both richard wagner(greatest composer) and walt disney(greatest animator) being staunch right wing fascists

>> No.6559323

They are the ultimate definition of based just for this

>> No.6559327

The point is (you)'re writing this on /ic/, meanwhile the desission to invest billions in a blooming market made of trillions of people (non whites) out there in the real world, that desission, is made by whole armies of experts in any field we can imagine.
We should try to understand why a global corporation geared towards making the biggest ammount of money possible, and beyond, has came to this final product desission. Because they're stupid? Because of "ideological bias"? Because thay're just "evil"?... Or because they will surely and undoubtedly profit from it?

Let's say Africa becomes a market for one of this corps, like Disney, and you must provide a whole line of products to that population, LIVE Tv shows, etc. What would you do? Put a bunch of blond kids on stage? You need an army of new talent to get to every region of the continent, YOU HAVE TO use local resources. Local people. Not just in africa, but in asia, in central america, southamerica. They are going for that. The franchise needs to diversify to become cost-effective. To build 'capillarity '.

Also, what else is on the table in that meeting? China is doing the same. They want to build their own global narrative just like america has done for half a century. So, that's another reason to go with this full throttle, they need those new faces, new colors. Asians are a HUGE population, they can not put an american fag on their faces to tell his tale whatever it is. They can't. It's a whole new global ball game. Started in america, but america is not the target.

Sometimes you hear some americans take the black issue as a "problem". When it could be a huge advantage now, an advantage that Russia or China, doesn't have. They didn't have a cultural process wich dealt with two opposite human kin trying to live together as a whole. America did. As good or bad was the process, america has decades of advantage in how to deal with a whole different "race".

>> No.6559329

>Y-you are wrong! Because I said so!!Link is a c-confirmation bias?N-no,you are the commie here!

>> No.6559339

>richard wagner(greatest composer)
>walt disney(greatest animator)
i dont think they are bro

>> No.6559343

Anon, I can point you to many, many studies and links showing the fundamental difference between rightwingers and leftists, that being but one of them.
I'm sorry underage-kun, I've heard banal lines like that long ago.

>> No.6559345

Asian artists are leftist though

>> No.6559347

Always was.

>> No.6559348

All sane people are "leftist" according to 4cel

>> No.6559349

>You need an army of new talent to get to every region of the continent, YOU HAVE TO use local resources. Local people. Not just in africa, but in asia, in central america, southamerica. They are going for that. The franchise needs to diversify to become cost-effective. To build 'capillarity '.

>China is doing the same.
They are remarkably not; they talk big about expanding their cultural sphere of influence but in practice they keep kneecapping all their artists. Same with Saudi Arabia.

>Sometimes you hear some americans take the black issue as a "problem". When it could be a huge advantage now, an advantage that Russia or China, doesn't have. They didn't have a cultural process wich dealt with two opposite human kin trying to live together as a whole. America did. As good or bad was the process, america has decades of advantage in how to deal with a whole different "race".
This is just pure copium loo.
Racial tensions don't make your nation stronger, thats just a bootstrap mentality rebrand of the "diversity is our strength" mantra.

>> No.6559350

rumao you don't know what confirmation bias means

>> No.6559351

all asians are leftists tho. like literally they are either full on communists or just have collectivism mentality. maybe except south koreans and their ultra-pussy-capitalism

>> No.6559355

AIgods mindbroke you.

>> No.6559356

You know what he means when he says leftist. He means asians don’t tolerate race-mixing, gender equality or emasculating their men etc efc

>> No.6559357

Hard not to be with their history of collectivism and mass killing of suspected individualists
>south korea
Really bad example.
You don't know anything at all about asian artists lmao

>> No.6559358

Anon you aren't even effectively refuting any points people are making at this point. At least come up with an actual response.

If you were a real rightie you would agree that people like you who are incapable of being productive shouldn't continue to bring society down.

>> No.6559362

That explains declining the birthrates

>> No.6559364

>Pushing politics into a drawing board
And still had the balls to accuse me of dogpilling
Go draw or take your /pol/ack ass back to the designed hugbox

>> No.6559366
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>> No.6559367

What "points"? Can you please point them out in the conversation? I discussed a key difference between leftists and rightists and then people got mad exactly as I said they would in my first post.

You're also making an assumption that I'm rightwing for no particular reason. Maybe you could cut that out?

>> No.6559370

Did you type this with a straight face?

>> No.6559372
File: 132 KB, 1199x804, 6DE55A58-4378-4C13-9AF2-9D61362FE356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The declining birthrates are due to pic related. A bipartisan issue really that doesn’t have a clear solution without drastic measures

The solution is not more immigration

>> No.6559373

is better than not knowing proper typing

>> No.6559374

There is no other solution besides immigration.

>> No.6559375

too bad you don't know either huh

>> No.6559377

My face were staighter than you anon-kun

>> No.6559379

So if everyone that wasn’t Japanese just died the japanese would go extinct because there would be know one to immigrate to japan, right?

>> No.6559380

Repeat that in English, if you can.

>> No.6559386

>ran out of arguments
every fucking time kek

>> No.6559388

Anon, you've made multiple incomprehensible posts owing to your hatred of English. What's there to argue?

>> No.6559389

They already are since they are choosing not to have kids. They are just deciding to also ruin their country at the same time because they refuse to solve the problem the only way we know how. A functioning country is more important than "racial purity".

>> No.6559391

The only one coping is the guy believing asia is "le red pilled"


>> No.6559394

So many brilliant arguments but no drawing...
I miss the time anons drew

>> No.6559395

You have no idea how populations work.

>> No.6559397

You can thank ai shitters and /pol/fags.

>> No.6559399

You niggers realize this is just a meme right?
Japan currently has better birthrates than many euro countries.

>> No.6559400
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>ai shitters and /pol/fags.

>> No.6559404

Bro, you literally got BTFOd by the rest of the thread because of your weak ass points and yet, you still wants to push this shit to us without making a actual valid point.
Grammar should be the least of your concerns.
Hope you enjoyed the 15 minutes of attention.

>> No.6559407

This is how populations work. As women get more educated they choose to have less kids. You can't put that cat back in the bag now as our economies depend on women in the workforce. This is a problem every developed nation. Women in developed countries typically have less than three children which will never grow the population rate. The only way most countries deal with this issue is through immigration. Japan just chooses to try and fix this problem though other ways they just haven't found any success.

>> No.6559408

>get proven right
Sorry anon, I've always been here. Try reading this thread again when you've calmed down.

>> No.6559409

Why? I explained why. Africa is not just a whole continet is a HUGE continent full of different people and languages. You can't go there with a cookie cutter strategy. You wiil build it piece by piece.

>They are remarkably not; they talk big about expanding their cultural sphere of influence but in practice they keep kneecapping all their artists. Same with Saudi Arabia.
That's what I said before. They're not prepared yet to deal with this. There's a total lack of "sensitive touch" in their approach to the "soft power". America exercised this for a century dealing with its own racial tensions.
It is stronger.

Russians couldn't survive something like that, imagine a tsunami of millions of blacks coming from africa right into Moscow. And they have to live together from now on. They would kill every single one. They can't deal with that, they didn't get through that process. America did. It wasn't pretty, it wasn't cheap, but americans did came through. And now they can look back at all those non white nations with a gaze that neither China nor Russia have.

>> No.6559411

Yes, all developed nation have a birth rate that is less than the growth rate and sometimes not even the replacement rate. Japan is unique in which is hasn't used immigration to solve this issue unlike Europe and other western countries.

>> No.6559417

Then post you work bro

>> No.6559420

Sorry Jamal, but this is a white mans world.

>> No.6559430

more like white men forfeited their world

>> No.6559442

All 2nd gen immigrants are like that. They become mentally ill because of the cognitive dissonance of living better than the rest of the world while still wanting to be oppressed 3rd worlders

>> No.6559455

Well for me as a hapa at least, there's just always an awkward feeling of not really belonging anywhere. Since you're not a "real asian" all your aunts and uncles feel completely unrelated and your asian parent(s) feel out of touch. And all the other whites / other minorities have their own cultures pretty set in stone here with their own groups and shit.
While nobody is outright racist toward you or excluding you, there's just always the inherent 'other' feeling and it makes it hard to interact with people just on a cultural level because you don't belong to any of the groups, but everyone else seems to have theirs.

It causes most of them to do weird shit to make / join other groups. Its probably not as big of an issue in areas with large asian populations, but since I live in texas I was usually the only asian dude in school. but listening to other 2nd gen / hapas on youtube talk about their experience, it seems pretty universal there.

not that i think my life is shit, but its a big reason I'm a loner weirdo that still posts on 4chan in my late 20s and just draw anime girls.

>> No.6559493

I’m half black/half white and I feel your pain. I’m not going to make this about who has the worst pain. But I feel your pain.

>> No.6559531

>>6559430 yeah, black people didn't open the
foreign horde flood gates , hell id say blacks take super lefty stances for white people money .