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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.04 MB, 640x360, 1678568204637443.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6556135 No.6556135 [Reply] [Original]

I want references.

>> No.6556148
File: 1.63 MB, 2659x1851, R ok 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DAKO - I find it pleasing and aesthetic. He has a twitter and pixiv too

>> No.6556150


>> No.6556155

You just want to jerk off dont you

>> No.6556172
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>> No.6556184
File: 85 KB, 786x612, erin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoever drew this

>> No.6556200
File: 118 KB, 577x611, 11b778ed06d73e024861a0af8ecc582a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6556214

Me, of course. Nobody else draws my favorite characters.

>> No.6556289
File: 775 KB, 700x973, Asanagi-077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The king

>> No.6556294

these niggas getting turned on by armpits lmfao

>> No.6556357
File: 82 KB, 716x599, lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VeryBatty. I love their western toony artstyle.

>> No.6556359


>> No.6556377

Goddam its been a while since i saw erin lewds
She never got enough love

>> No.6556406

For me it's sleepygimp

>> No.6556471
File: 160 KB, 1000x777, tumblr_mmq6qaN7Qm1rlwzf4o2_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The torso is objectively one of the most sexually dimorphic parts of the human body. It makes evolutionary sense to find the armpit arousing because it signals to a heterosexual male that the the person in question is not a biological male. Plus the armpit is literally attached to the pectoralis muscle and the breasts which happen to be the next most critically arousing part of the female form. Most art depicting armpits also show the curvature of the female back showing the classical hourglass figure as the back tapers down to the thinner waist below. Basically armpit shots are ideal for showing fit feminine forms.
I kneel to the king but man does it suck that I don't find shortstacks arousing and that seems to be his entire fetish. I would love to draw in his super appealing style but more "normally" proportioned bodies.

>> No.6556490

wow that post looks crazy, too bad i didnt read any of it

>> No.6556521
File: 32 KB, 375x305, images (14)~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6556550
File: 174 KB, 900x808, 1623498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not sure what makes zoomers make such posts to basically admit that they are retarded.
If you didn't read the post then don't reply?
This is a forum not tiktok; I'm not sure what you expected when you clicked on this thread?

>> No.6556557

based jcmchad

>> No.6556560

asshurt armpit fag you should be silent perpetuity and the last person to call anyone retarded lmfao

>> No.6556564
File: 591 KB, 645x900, 94842796_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ponsuke for manga coom https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/154444
muk for illustration coom https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/4234383

>> No.6556600


>> No.6556637

Fuck him.

>> No.6556682

he's like the activision of cunny tbqh

>> No.6556730


>> No.6556739

this fuckingsouth american pedophile pumps out sovless rushed degen coom like it's nothing

>> No.6556740

pretty based, ngl

>> No.6556742

Used to find him hot
Now, everything he makes is a literal spam.

Exact same girl, exact same story
Jack off to one and you jacked off to all of them

>> No.6556754

jesus christ, you fags either like deformed looking women or kids lol
too much internet

>> No.6556759

Stable Diffusion

>> No.6556779

imagine having a pen. a paper, and total freedom just to draw a wrinkly broad-shouldered fucking hag. kill yourself.

>> No.6556782

You're such a faggot if you unironically use the term "sovless". Anyways, You've described most coom artists. Don't get why you're making this distinction for jcm. The only difference is his art is actually pretty nice to look at.

>> No.6556813

What do you mean by Activision of cunny?

>> No.6556817

He draws western cunny

>> No.6556823

Relentlessly pumps out the loli equivalent of goyslop

>> No.6556826

>You're such a faggot if you unironically use the term "sovless"
Kill yourself you tranny freak, you're the reason things are the way they are.

>The only difference is his art is actually pretty nice to look at.

>> No.6556836

>you're the reason things are the way they are.
How are things, anon? Do you have a problem with the way things are right now?

>> No.6556840

Yeah. I feel like most people defend garbage swarthy fucking artists like JCM just because they're le heckin epic cunny drawer.

>> No.6556842

projecting much

>> No.6556843

how is that a projection

>> No.6556844

Drawings are not the same as real children

>> No.6556846

Who mentioned kids? i mean, hasn't JCM drawn child actors before anyways? i love loli but like, c'mon, that's a hard line crossed right there.

>> No.6556847

most people don't even wanna be associated with le epic cunny artists though? I feel like you're being a bit tunnel-visioned by this site as most people here are pedophiles

>> No.6556850

>disagreed with me,therefore is a tranny

>> No.6556853

That's ad hominem, you can't just throw around big words like "projection" as if you knew what you were saying bro.

>> No.6556857

>Ad hominen+ projection
Calling everyone a tranny tells a lot about you anon

>> No.6556860

You keep using that word without knowing what it means lmao.

>> No.6556861

You didn't even tried to elaborate a better argument anon.
But it's a 4D chess I guess

>> No.6556862 [DELETED] 

Do you seriously not know what tranny means? How old are you, anon?

>> No.6556865

Why are you getting so pissy that i called him a tranny lol? how old are you?

>muh arguments
KEK, neck yourself retard.

>> No.6556866

meh, yer all pedos anyway
Brook Shield played 12 year old whore in the 70's

>> No.6556867

And still not provided a argument.
Into the trash it goes

>> No.6556870

>hasn't JCM drawn child actors before anyways?

>> No.6556872

Can someone please tell me if this is guy legit or AI user?


In 6 months he went from his first post that looks like a doodle to actually nice paintings

Check his first post: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/101650889

And check the timeframe and now this: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/103655823

>> No.6556874

>not loli
who cares

>> No.6556875

I just want to know if his progress is real or he is using AI

>> No.6556876

Uncanny but if this is their artstyle,they are done for since AI images have the airbrushed look

>> No.6556880


>> No.6556884
File: 52 KB, 340x292, Screenshot_28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's AI-generated. A dead giveaway for most AI art is their low resolution. There are also these inconsistencies in the eyes that give away that it's AI art too. Most likely, this faggot generates the artwork and then does some heavy editing to make it look more passable as human artwork

>> No.6556885

This is reddit speak kek.

>> No.6556888

Drawings are not the same as real children

>> No.6556891

yeah, that tsunade is most definetely AI. melting hair ends, wobbly eyes, the knees. she has it all
his latest post almost got me but the girl still has that weird hair artifact the temple of the head and melting finger nails

>> No.6556890

Wow, captain obvious, thanks for the heads up! Can you shut up now?

>> No.6556892

>look a plebbit user
kys plz

>> No.6556893

yeah yeah, we know you're compensating for diddling kids it's ok

>> No.6556895

yes its AI you dummy and photomanip

>> No.6556896

Please never go near primary schools

>> No.6556897
File: 38 KB, 680x406, 1663179881620387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now THIS is a projection gentlemen

>> No.6556914
File: 148 KB, 850x580, sample_6727abe5b860286a8f4f20cedb2d825b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eigaka is peak

>> No.6556915

>hyper and shota

>> No.6556918

the fuck is wrong with you
why can't you just jack it to normal shit like 8 year old girls of futa elf
JESUS fuckign christ

>> No.6556920

How anyone can be into this shit baffles me every time. Imagine if eigaka used his skills to actually draw something good, like cunny for example

>> No.6556927
File: 161 KB, 1036x1200, 3205944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk i like big tits and big dicks, the shota is irrelevant to me

>> No.6556964
File: 1.56 MB, 2955x2295, 39e733a242ec12963404818a6645e0a00d8e1add9640e0c58ea521c662afce22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eigaka has insane figure drawing, composition and rendering skills, it doesn't matter what sort of retarded subject matter he draws, the figure drawing, composition and rendering shine on top and bring everything together. I'm pretty sure he works mostly from imagination as well which makes everything that much more impressive and also explains why he has hiatuses where he can't get inspired and make a picture

If he didn't draw NSFW I'm extremely confident he'd be a modern day master

>> No.6556967
File: 346 KB, 1437x2000, Asanagi_231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I would love to draw in his super appealing style but more "normally" proportioned bodies.
Like this?

Kinfa true, but there's no denying that he's absurdly skilled.

>> No.6556971

If you guys were more honest, half the thread should be furry and pokemon vore.

>> No.6556975

>implying that this won't result in a ban

>> No.6556981
File: 112 KB, 1200x928, 1655018448633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

semi (sse_mmi)

>> No.6556982
File: 449 KB, 2310x2099, 2d5419bfc1139ad7be7cfb9f19fa33e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Novel, if anything; You won't catch many artists in the west doing ss and there are enough doing hyper/thicc women.
If you take out the sexual element, what are you left with?
>like cunny for example
You might be half joking but there are enough big pornfags actually doing it and never getting any flak for it because they have big numbers backing them up.
>"he'd be a modern day master because his work makes my pp hard and i'm impressed by his work because i can't do it"
What else can he draw though?
Being a one-trick-pony =/= a master

>inb4 crab pyw yada yada
I like eigaka, but you fags should talk about the art aspect instead of circlejerking about the porn you like.

>> No.6556984

Those are neat,specially the fox girl one

>> No.6556986

>art aspect
>it was wasted with hyper and shota

>> No.6556999

i miss em so much bros

>> No.6557003

what happened with him?

>> No.6557006

I didn't say that though, don't put words in my mouth
And I'm pretty sure Eigaka is pretty much capable of drawing anything and anyone, he just has tableguy syndrome where if he thinks an idea is boring then he won't draw it (and I don't blame him for it)
Acknowledging someone's skill without coming off as jealous is a sign of maturity, by the way, which you could do with having a little bit of

>> No.6557010

This,no one here said that his art skills were shit
Just that were wasted with fetish

>> No.6557013

His skill is not wasted at all just because he isn't drawing what you want

>> No.6557016

And don't put thoughts in my head as well then.
I didn't not acknowledge his skill but i am trying to develop the topic, if anything.
Throwing hollow praise at something is a sign of someone who doesn't draw and attracts more fags who just want to circlejerk.
Can you objectively elaborate and explain what really makes his work? Can you claim him as a master with actual proof that he is indeed able to draw more than what he displays and not go off on assumptions? This is part of being able to critique, so try to take out any personal bias you might have.

>> No.6557019

My brain wasn't fried by fetish coom,that's the reason I guess

>> No.6557027

Hypocrite that you fucking are for you are throwing every insult you know under the sun at me in a "no, you" manner
You people seriously have no fucking brains and are too high on your own farts like to acknowledge someone else's skill
Kill yourself, your body would be far better used as manure for the plants that I like to paint

>> No.6557044
File: 101 KB, 300x256, 1684632445642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hypocrite that you are
>you are throwing every insult under the sun
I just asked you to actually critique something, make an unbiased observation, elaborate on why the thing is good instead of just opening your mouth like a baboon in heat and throwing hollow praise like it actually means shit only for the sake of trying to circlejerk with some other retard like yourself.

Critique the fucking art, faggot.

>> No.6558099

I can tell this artist is an E.S.L..

>> No.6558125
File: 2.30 MB, 3013x4096, Running.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm quite fond of Namespace (previously LewdCactus64) - His stuff is very exaggerated, and he loves his giant sweaty women, but when his stuff hits, it hits.

So can we post full blown pornographic images or not?

>> No.6558158

idk they just stopped posting it seems

>> No.6558162
File: 3.30 MB, 2820x2000, 008_009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So can we post full blown pornographic images or not?
Huh? This is a red board -- meaning it's not SFW. Only things you can't post are those banned by global rules, ie ponies and loli.

>> No.6558165

>idk they just stopped posting it seems

>> No.6558199
File: 563 KB, 2555x3764, Baseball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, it's just I could've sworn I've seen posts removed for porn? Not to mention there is so little smut here otherwise. How have I not realised this up until now! I could have been posting so much porn!

Anyway, Mamimi is another good artist, BIG CAVEAT though, while I adore the way they draw these droopy, lumpy, curvy, sexy looking figures - they have some terrible fetishes (scat, traps, bestiality etc.), they're also only drawing fan-art rather than their own characters (if that annoys you).

I swear the artists with the styles I fuck with the most are all the biggest fucking degenerates.

>> No.6558207


>> No.6558488

Wow. Sounds like a very important information. Has your life improved since? What about your art?

>> No.6558528

He's free to draw whatever he wants and get money from it. But I can't, because of stupid laws. I'm not that anon and don't hate the guy though. I just want to seethe about my country.

>> No.6558533


>> No.6558555
File: 1.60 MB, 498x373, 1663058271445972.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6558579

Just an fyi, your post reads like a pasta

>> No.6558594

Nta but I'm so sorry for you
If the opportunity of living in another country arises,gtfo asap

>> No.6558596

>I swear the artists with the styles I fuck with the most are all the biggest fucking degenerates.
Can you namedrop them?

>> No.6558606

On a vraiment un pays de merde.
Le zoo c'est autorisé?

>> No.6558610

/ic/ 2023

>> No.6558642

>Le zoo c'est autorisé?
I might be wrong but from what I've read, there is no law against drawings. They were talking about making one in 2020/2021 but I don't see any actual law.
You can't legally have sex with real animals, record it and share it online though.


>> No.6558654
File: 188 KB, 1600x2146, 1659583439628895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6558662

Joel Jurion lives in France, doesn’t he?
He draws loli

>> No.6558671
File: 648 KB, 474x890, 20210418_154020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typo is really good

>> No.6558684

Why does he have an open wound in his ballsack, like a drained infection? What kinde fetish is that

>> No.6558687
File: 327 KB, 2896x4096, A Cop Who's Something Something Tail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you namedrop them?

Another I like is 遛鸟侠_nJIyUgubuFJQN33
Something about his style feels sorta angular, and he has very realistic renders... But he's really into pubes, scat, and gaping butt holes. Also some of his images have overly realistic faces, to the point of coming across as creepily uncanny.

I swear I'm just into pure vanilla missionary sex guys! I'm only somewhat a pervert!

>> No.6558700

found the virgin

>> No.6558736

He deleted multiple loli stuff from his galleries.
But because he did it doesn't mean it's legal. Right now there is Bastien Vivès (another French artist) in trouble for that kind of stuff. No judgement yet but glowies are involved. I don't know how far this will go.
If you wanna do it either go to Belgium where it is legal (when not too realistic) or don't expect to get money from it. Hide behind a VPN and never talk about it to anyone.

>> No.6558742

The ear is too small and kinda weirdly shaped, like it's everted, the waist is to small and yhe buttocks are misaligned with the shoulders. Also the penis is too big, bad anatomy. The festering wound on the ballsack isn't even confined to the sack, sloppy rendering.

If this is what sex is all about, then no thanks, I don't wanna be part of it

>> No.6558747
File: 2.68 MB, 3373x2783, b499150b6b53070cc01f978437196ea3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artist who draws a lot of BMWF also draws a lot of zoophilic porn
Every time.

>> No.6558756

>If this is what sex is all about, then no thanks, I don't wanna be part of it
don’t worry, you were never going to be

>> No.6558767

Might be. Only a little more than seven years and I will acquire magic.

>> No.6558777

It's a real shame, too, because his artstyle is quite nice, only he draws absolute garbage that to begin to want to see you'd need to spend weeks porn binging and completely frying your brain, first.

Maybe this is where furries and other mental illness comes in. animu girls and loli won't do it for them any more, and they just search out wackier and more inhuman shit, until the point they're basically torturing their drawings.

>> No.6558793

nah, animu used to be antithetical to furries
the core of being a furry isn’t fapping to anthropomorphic animals, it’s desiring (or believing) to be one
it’s why kemono stands at odds with it despite being the same thing on the surface

>> No.6558828

>the core of being a furry isn’t fapping to anthropomorphic animals, it’s desiring (or believing) to be one
[citation neeeded]

>> No.6558835


>> No.6558836

source: I was here before 2010

>> No.6558852

>the fringe group obsessed with paying huge amounts of money for exclusive rights to OCs and fursuits they don to take on their specific image in physical reality has a high degree of self identification with those alter egos??? proofs???

>> No.6558886

You're right, I was just trying to make light of it at that point. Omitting "furries" from my post, would you still take issue with it?

Not all of them do, although you've probably heard a lot about strange commissions.

>> No.6558890
File: 93 KB, 570x390, il_570xN.3582222767_7kwa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kemono artists dont have fursonas and their characters are treated as monstergirls, basically and live among humans.a

Some exceptions being Solatorobo but even then its not your typical furry setting (you should play it. Its great)

>> No.6558897

Ironic how you didnt include "loli" in the mental illness.

The truth is that while fetishes can come from porn addiction some people just resonate with more things.
Wanting to see a pretty girl defiled by a gross male is standard hentai. Its has basic as loli. That's why its on /h/ and not on /d/ with the shitting dick nipples

>> No.6558901

as basic*

>> No.6558940
File: 473 KB, 638x909, image_2023-03-14_014933149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://twitter.com/thirty8ght nuff said

>> No.6558961

https://twitter.com/ogreillust https://twitter.com/ikuchan_kaoru
I like my milfs lmao

>> No.6558966

I would also like to study sex scenes, but I can't stand the rampant degeneracy. Has anyone recommendations for extreme vanilla that still explicitly shows the act? Maybe something drawn by a woman?

>> No.6558969

Also women with normal but not ugly body form. I always liked women drawn by women.

>> No.6558980

check out 415265 and 435294

>> No.6558985

also anything by https://twitter.com/rororo_mg

>> No.6558997

>Ironic how you didnt include "loli" in the mental illness.
I draw a line between cartoon humans fucking each other, and cartoon humans fucking animals with poop smell and serious bodily harm.

>Wanting to see a pretty girl defiled by a gross male is standard hentai. Its has basic as loli. That's why its on /h/ and not on /d/
And nowhere did I disagree with that. This is why ESLs should just lurk, desu.

>> No.6559012
File: 147 KB, 868x1228, 9849583495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You clearly implied it. ESL, yes, but smart enough for induction

>animu girls and loli won't do it for them any more, and they just search out wackier and more inhuman shit

Animu girls do it for them, that's why they want to see it defiled by a dog, or a pig. Furries also tend to like anthropormophic animals from the get go, so it isn't a result of porn addiction.
As for your "line", there is nothing to draw as long as it's fictionnal. Japanese position. In the west, you're a pedo,and thus mentally ill, for enjoying a loli from the get go.

TL;DR : Your entire comment is wrong, and ironic.

>> No.6559015

This is not what I was thinking about. It's better than the other stuff posted, but the women are still overly curvy and the sex is still pretty rough...
Thanks for the suggestions though!

>> No.6559089
File: 370 KB, 1032x1345, EgpAVEBU8Agrqey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Furries also tend to like anthropormophic animals from the get go, so it isn't a result of porn addiction.
Self-fulfilling prophecy.
>guy likes anthros
>finds porn of anthros
>gets deeper into the furry hole
>starts attaching labels to his identity
>consumes more content
>seeks out echochambers
>this all gets reinforced by continuous porn consumption

Everyone liked anthros when they're kids or just don't really think about it being more than animal people.
>japanese position
Typical gaijin response.
Loli is as looked down upon in japan as it is in the west.
At its core, porn isn't normal or healthy, no matter if it's fictional.
Especially if someone goes out of their way to illustrate some animu girl getting defiled by an animal, because that's the ultimate moral taboo and perversion and actually because just the animu grill does it for them, it's the opposite; they have to chase a stronger high. You can't say someone who seeks to see, create and gets turned on by that is sane in any way or capacity.
Same as wanting to see lolis getting railed either by animals or older men.
If anything, they're having the most primal and animalistic reaction to sex combined with a lack of morals and sexual degeneracy but excuse it with
>my pp gets hard so it must just be right
They put sexual stimulation above all else so of course they will go deeper until even the most fucked up shit doesn't get them hard anymore.
That ain't normal no matter what the fuck you try to come up with.
>inb4 muh puritan
I tested this shit myself.

>> No.6559126
File: 2.83 MB, 4000x4000, 44425643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inoue Kiyoshirou and YD are my top 2. Especially their work outside of doujins are good too.

>> No.6559145

Liked these,is he known for some fetish or is he vanilla?

>> No.6559182

>my moral is better than yours
And nothing changed. Mamimi was still as popular as before and new people kept liking his work. The end.

>> No.6559192

I think the solution is to try to make the most wholesome hentai possible.

>> No.6559197

very vanilla

>> No.6559233
File: 2.78 MB, 3264x2448, 586966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll also add Yansae to finish my top 3. I don't really like manwha but his art reminds me of comics from the early 2000s especially when he dramatically switched his style one year

>> No.6559236

>So offended that people aren't cucks like him.
Holy Based trips. Artists in general are insane weirdos, of course the great ones are gonna be the most fucked up. Regardless, their creations are good study material
>Wanting to see a pretty girl defiled by a gross male is standard hentai.
2 bombs truly weren't enough.

>> No.6559260

>The truth is that while fetishes can come from porn addiction some people just resonate with more things.
>Wanting to see a pretty girl defiled by a gross male is standard hentai. Its has basic as loli. That's why its on /h/ and not on /d/ with the shitting dick nipples

I disagree. "Ugly bastard" hentai isn't that standard/vanilla. There is actually tamer (in some sense of the word) stuff on /d/ than ugly bastard.

But on the other hand, its not that extreme either. Stuff like ugly bastard and NTR is relatively common. Even in real life porn "pretty girl fucked by gross male" is a common trope.
Just having an ugly male porn actor is pretty common. Theres way more extreme forms of degredation.

>> No.6559265

The bombs are what caused anime.

>> No.6559276

he needs to draw more pseudo-scat

>> No.6559300

koreans make the best blondes UOHHHHHH.

>> No.6559559
File: 1.35 MB, 2401x1811, 63087860_p4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but I really wish eigaka didn't get his artstyle destroyed by taking the FigureDrawingPill.
All the bodies and cocks look like they're melting now. Back during the tumblr days his art was much nicer looking, no disgusting random ass blobby textures all over it.

Additionally, I've watched him stream before and he's so fucking inefficient. The man uses ctrl+z like he's in a QTE.

>> No.6559578

>NTA but I really wish eigaka didn't get his artstyle destroyed by taking the FigureDrawingPill.
>All the bodies and cocks look like they're melting now. Back during the tumblr days his art was much nicer looking, no disgusting random ass blobby textures all over it.
can you explain what those words mean?
>t. /beg/

>> No.6559586
File: 2.39 MB, 1366x1136, AAAAH NOO ANIMAL PORN AAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I tested this shit myself.
And just like nofappers you generalized your position. Some loser blamed his loserness on a symptom (porn) rather than its cause. I like degenerate thing and it doesn't make me shy, or see women as walking pieces of fuckmeat IRL
>muh lack of morals
I give you the benefit of the doubt, but the people who usually spout this shit are unable of genuine charity and care towards their fellow man. There is an entire subset of people whose entire virtue rests on what they do with their cock but pride, greed, etc is a-ok.
Basically. It's just a fucking drawing.

>Typical gaijin response.
>Loli is as looked down upon in japan as it is in the west.
That's why I can go to jail or canceled for even having loli material in France while I can safely buy all the kodomo no jikan material I want in Japan.
Holy fuck, saying the japanese are being sensible in regards to fictional porn doesn't mean they're gonna talk about it like some grand cultural phenomenom. Learn nuance

>> No.6559595
File: 2.47 MB, 1280x929, aeca9b93210789058964335d0a824b23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, if you look at the things that people like Vilppu use as examples, it has that kind of quality.
That is what faggots desire when looking at "artistic nudes" but it makes terrible porn art. The bodies are inconsistent with the faces, the additional shading doesn't ADD anything to the work. It just comes across as gross looking and fits into the uncanny valley.

Like, look at her back. It's just a bunch of exaggerated folds and bends and lumpiness. Look at her NECK, her tits don't even really seem to have much of a connection, they're just piled in there. And the guy (according to some profile thing he put out, that dude is 23 lmao) has a weird crease across his abdomen. I could go on, but it looks bad.
The cocks he does now also look rubbery. It's like everything is made out of crinkled plastic and rubber, it's gross.

>> No.6559603

Just a correction, my ESL is particularly strong tonight
>Some loser blamed his loserness on a symptom (porn) rather than its cause
I didn't mean (you) are a loser but it's extremely common to see a nofapper ramble about the great evil that was masturbation and how he basically got super powers, yada yada... And you look at him, with your 1 fap/day ratio and you're still more assertive and confident than he'll ever be.
Basically, porn is like alcohol, with some beverage much stronger than others.. It all depends how you use it. Now can say cope.

>> No.6559605

I'd say porn is more like fast food than alcohol. Especially since most (but not all) porn is just churned out with any real feeling or emotion to it.

>> No.6559607

>Yes, if you look at the things that people like Vilppu use as examples, it has that kind of quality.
>That is what faggots desire when looking at "artistic nudes" but it makes terrible porn art. The bodies are inconsistent with the faces, the additional shading doesn't ADD anything to the work. It just comes across as gross looking and fits into the uncanny valley.
So, the issue is basically that they are using a overly realistic shading style, but with anime bodies and faces?

>> No.6559609
File: 105 KB, 720x1019, d3yk7gh4df_1615432894943727616_20230118_033630_img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's gross
I think that's the point. Like Kunaboto, it's a niche in itself for people who want turbo slampigs

>> No.6559618

Alcohol is an ampt comparison because you can effectively destroy yourself with porn.
For example, I like dark skinned bestial men in hentai. Yeah, I know it's racist and objectifying but it's just fun, everyone is degraded when it comes to porn.
Anyway, some people (surprise, pol-tier types) can become obsessed with it and give themselves PeD and turn into cringe caricature trying to push "blacked" IRL.
Same with futa and trans, or traps.

It's good to drink some rhum but you have to be careful and not let your brain rot

>> No.6559620

just trace over real porno scenes like most popular coom artists do

>> No.6559624

You sound like you're full of shit desu anon. If you want an Eig clone that didn't copy his grotesque fetishes there's always Riz...

>> No.6559637
File: 269 KB, 520x564, media2FFl_XKwFXEAIvOWG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kunaboto at least adds solidity to where you can kinda get the appeal even if you disagree. Eigaka's looks haphazard and more like he's emulating "fine arts" shit than anything.
Glo-s-s is way way worse though. But I suspect that's where Eig got some of the "figure drawing" influence (since he and eig are friends). Like look at this absolute garbage. This is from the dude who created Beryl, the centerpiece of this one years ago: >>6559559
I like the hyper and such, I just don't like when artists decide "I'M GOING TO IMPROOOVE" and then they mindlessly copy figure drawing techniques to create uncanny bullshit. Too much focus on technique and not enough on design, appeal and trying to make characters actually look good.

>> No.6559641
File: 1.65 MB, 800x450, 2022-09-07_15-28-13.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also here's a screen recording of the CTRL+Z shitshow. Like goddamn just line confidence that shit my dude.

>> No.6559658
File: 804 KB, 1280x1127, ad015e1171917cc6dd01dec74190df5c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like, seriously how do you go from THIS to whatever the hell is going on here: >>6559637

>> No.6559698

You don't actually think that the old work you posted has more appeal than >>6559637 right? The only difference to me is that the recent work has better anatomy and lacks the hyper cock. Is appeal measured by the amount of dick shown? Besides the intention of the designs seems different as the artist has moved on from porn.

>> No.6559709
File: 476 KB, 2331x2390, media_E4Sq9jaXEAIrGaz.jpg?name=orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didn't move on from porn, and YES THE OLD ONE LOOKS BETTER! The expressiveness in his new shit is diminshed, those hands are fucking horrible. The arm looks broken. The shading and lightsource is all fucked up and disharmonious with the head. The proportions make no sense either, and the design is just bad. The only thing you can argue looks "okayish" is that if you zoom out to a fucking THUMBNAIL then the shirt looks volumus.

Look at this one as well - there's so many ugly errors, including that fucking ankle. It's disgusting.

>> No.6559716

>all that nitpicking
And you see none of that in the older work? Kek you just want the hyper cocks back

>> No.6559726

Eigaka's lineart is godly because of that reason though
I have a hunch you're trying to badmouth him because you aren't as skilled as he is and instead of improving you're trying to make it seem like he's at your level
Would you mind posting your work and proving me wrong, please?

>> No.6559739

They have blog?

>> No.6559742

The older work manages the expressiveness, the body, and story much better. His newer stuff resembles ugly dolls, like he's trying to straddle some line between "le serious artiste" and drawing fun things. It just doesn't work.
Like, why draw that claw hand and leave all the lines in? If you're fucking up anatomy, manage the composition so the viewer isn't drawn to it.

>His lineart is godly because he retries a bajillion times until it looks right instead of just doing it right the first time
It's not. If he just did it right the first time he'd be godly. Hell the fucking SKETCH is good enough too just darken the lines instead of bothering with inking. Why go through the effort of doing something that doesn't do fuck all to improving the image?
I am not badmouthing him. I LIKED his old art, both of these guys's stuff. I know they CAN do appealing shit, but are choosing to not do so. And I know Eig CAN take less than 40 fucking minutes to ink a third of an image, it's probably perfectionistic shit interfering with him and habits. All he'd need to do is disable Ctrl+z for a week and he'd fix his shit.

Like, it's basic bitch beginner advice - disable Ctrl+Z. Learn line confidence. Practice your ability to place lines where you want them, and accept when you don't. Get faster, get good faster, make more good shit.

>> No.6559749

This drives me insane. Why can't artists just make a mark a role with it? You've got the entire image to do and are obsessing over a detail even you the artist don't really give a shit about or would notice.
Really rubs me the wrong way watching them draw a perfectly serviceable line dozens of times before finally stopping on one that looks the same as all the others.
It goes from perfectionism to autistic.

>> No.6559751

Eigaka's linework is godly no matter which angle you look at it from
Please, post your work so we know your critique is valid and it's not jealousy speaking through your mouth

>> No.6559792
File: 63 KB, 1120x1246, Ina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lately I've been quite fond of this loose, somewhat pixelated, almost ms-paint looking style. Yev_san does some great ones, there's another one who's name is escaping me - don't know why it appeals t me so much, but it really does.

Though I'm sure Pizza Tower is going to cause a glut of it, as it's coincidentally similar.

>> No.6559795

I like oekaki like art,impressed that people can do so much with so little

>> No.6559797

My work is nowhere near as good as his is. That doesn't make him beyond critique. Part of learning is critiqueing people who are better than you, so you can see where they fuck up and learn to not do that.

His linework is good, yes, but his process is horrible, and the design choices with the melty-skin are NOT A LINEWORK ISSUE, they're a DESIGN issue.

>> No.6559800

Would you look at that, no work posted
Moral of the story: you are a clown and Eigaka's linework is godly

>> No.6559804

>s-stop pointing out the flaws in my favorite coom artist!! STOP IF I NOTICE I WONT BE ABLE TO FAP TO IT! HES NOT WRONG YOUR WRONG

>> No.6559807

get a room you two
coom together

>> No.6559808
File: 1.13 MB, 720x1000, authority.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And there it is, the ad-hominem concession
Sweet, delicious victory over a crab

>> No.6559809
File: 196 KB, 500x600, 154788621356654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if anyone says porn bad it must be a nofapper
Do you want my fucking internet history of the last 2 days so i'm qualified to be taken seriously on this matter? Shit, there is no talking with you fags sometimes.
>but pride, greed, etc is a-ok.
I didn't say that. What the fuck are you on about?
>That's why I can go to jail or canceled for even having loli material in France while I can safely buy all the kodomo no jikan material I want in Japan.
Tough titties, Anon. But that's a shit argument.
Exporting coca leaves is outside of Peru, etcetera is illegal... oh the humanities! How can i even be able to consume it now? It just is what it is. If you find it unfair, maybe try to change the laws. This has nothing to do with what i said.

I explained to you what anon was trying to explain that basically
>the more you consume, the more of a rush you're going to seek
And that rush manifests as more degenerate content.
>loli is basically just a drawing
But of what?
>safely buy
No, you can't.

You'll get the same type of reaction in Japan as you would get in the west.
And Japan recently changed laws mostly making selling lolitrash illegal.
Even then, do you know about their laws regarding adult material and how they have to censor genitals?
How come in the west you can show detailed illustrations of genital but le bayste nipponese have to censor everything down there?

But here you said something really smart
>Some loser blamed his loserness on a symptom (porn) rather than its cause.
Although, it still doesn't have anything to do with what i explained.

>> No.6559855

>And that rush manifests as more degenerate content.
nta but usually just end defaulting to feet or futa or live action with feet showing. the whole loli to cp pipe line is projections.

>> No.6559864

now post a vid on of a artist with good line confidence what because what i'm seeing here doesn't seem bad.

>> No.6559866

Calling "post your work or opinion invalid" when I already said my art is nowhere near as good as his and then claiming I was the one who conceeded with adhom is quite a leap. You should be a youtube debate grifter, you'd be fantastic at it.

>But of what?
Doesn't matter. All artistic creations are objects with no agency. Characters are objects, your waifu is an object. Your OCs are just objects. There is no immoral act you can do to property you own. Loli & related are as "harmful" as people who sew onaholes into their stuffed animals to fuck them, or that one infamous anon who masturbates to tile patterns.

And this debate always boils down to "I just find it weird" - since you repeat the "but of what?" stance, I take it to mean you think yourself to be a rather "accepting" individual, which means that you would be one of the first people to proclaim that someone finding something weird doesn't mean they have the right to be bigoted. IE If a man wishes to wear a dress without being trans, you'd be fine with that, I presume.
Of course I could be wrong and you might be a /pol/ tourist, which would at least make you consistent in your positions.

>> No.6559871

Meant to tag >>6559809
with the rest of the post beyond the first line

>> No.6559892
File: 111 KB, 800x1200, __original_drawn_by_ban_bansankan__e07b46b060b4178194672b0cc5d84f21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me i like many jap doujin artists YD mochi greatmosu asanagi yukimi inoue or whatever top tier but if i need to add someone style that doesn't mention in thread yet then i like ばん since he draw very sexy curve, i can't explain it but he draw torso area quite unique with sharp corner,bone without being too realistic and make it looks sexy compare to other artists . but he doesn't do that much insane coom stuff like horsefucker BBC and seems to only draw nude,chara design,futa

>> No.6559904

I guess me.
I'm /mid/ and I don't usually draw coom art, but when I do (never commish) it always does it for me.

>> No.6559909

Read the fucking tags.

>> No.6559910
File: 1.70 MB, 1280x1805, @ettonet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One underrated guy I've been following for a while now is this ettone, great stuff.

>> No.6559918

Did they give the bald guy a little smiley face on his head to show his feelings... So they could keep him as a faceless hentai protag?... HAHAHA!

Oh asia, I love ya.

>> No.6559920

No, hes fucking mexican.

>> No.6559942
File: 71 KB, 456x683, 16516456546541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitty rhetoric
>even shittier arguments
>didn't even say anything
>Already assuming and projecting the others' arguments, beliefs and what boards they lurk and thoughts patterns and whatever they had for breakfast and when they took a shit
>doing this shit for the second time
Are you fucking retarded or do you really have to be this fucking dishonest just to not say that
>loli = drawing of children
Just own up to the objective truth, you mentally ill tranny.

And then no one should say that porn rots your brain.
Good job on derailing the conversation though.

I'd say pyw, but who else is it gonna be but the usual stupid retarded nigger.

>> No.6559950

This is not the own that you think it is.

>> No.6559952

pyw you too
or just suck each other dick

>> No.6559954
File: 422 KB, 1280x1808, 52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you'll like this, maybe not.

>> No.6559961

Who else is going to be that much of a fucking faggot unable to have a normal conversation?

>> No.6559970
File: 526 KB, 1280x1761, 4_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really enjoyed the art of Popuni Kei Joshi Panic! by Potato Salad (might be a group?).
They really like deforming the figure and being quite cartoonish with them.

Heads up if you read the comic though, it completely shit the bed at the end and has on of the worst falls from grace I've seen in the last chapter. Haven't read everything they've done, but the art always stands out.

>> No.6559971

This is right up Tableguy's alley

>> No.6559973

>That's why I can go to jail or canceled for even having loli material in France while I can safely buy all the kodomo no jikan material I want in Japan.
>Holy fuck, saying the japanese are being sensible in regards to fictional porn doesn't mean they're gonna talk about it like some grand cultural phenomenom. Learn nuance
That doesn't mean they don't look down upon it, it just means its not as frowned upon as in other countries.

>> No.6559980

Even a stick man would be wasted on you.
Are you going to post and get this shit over with or are you going to keep being a faggot just to get out of the conversation you ruined just to not say that loli the genre of artistic renditions of prepubescent anime girls, which in the context of adult content, means that it's basically children having sex even if it's just a drawing?
Or cal me an albino pol jew, whatever floats your discord tranny boat

>> No.6559981

Nigger wtf,I'm not the anon
Just want to both of you stfu

>> No.6559983

please never go near a primary school

>> No.6559984

Close your fucking eyes, faggot.

>> No.6559987

I can't believe these Anons are having a serious debate in a thread for posting porn.
This is a particular level of degeneracy I hope to never hit - like getting into a drunken fist fight in an adult store.

>> No.6559990

>came here for porn
>two faggots are sucking each other's dick
Well, still porn
A very faggy one

>> No.6559992

Right? The absolute state of this god forsaken board

>> No.6560006

>I think that's the point. Like Kunaboto, it's a niche in itself for people who want turbo slampigs
what do those words mean?

>> No.6560077
File: 256 KB, 850x2845, 2e1a0f3a7ca6a8d9ae91660d28f43f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How come in the west you can show detailed illustrations of genital but le bayste nipponese have to censor everything down there?

It's because Japan is autistic.
Prostitution is technically outlawed in Japan because of US Laws, but instead of changing it they just make sure they can sell sex without calliing it prostitution
>"Oh, I'm not a prostitute, I provide massages, but I fell in love with the client for 30 mins. Yes, the massage cost that much"


That's why you can have massive futa cock """"censored"""" by 2 thin black lines. Do you really think Japan cares about moral purity? They just don't bother to change their stupid just as they can't be bothered to stop using fax because it works.

>Although, it still doesn't have anything to do with what i explained.
It does.
You are a porn addict having a massive cognitive dissonance everytime you jerk off to porn so now it's obviously SUPER EVIL and nobody can ever use it responsibly.

I don't disagree with the stimulus escalation, mind you, I disagree with the fact it must always come down to this. Like this weird take where if you fap to furries you HAVE to become a weirdo into the lifestyle.

>> No.6560088
File: 946 KB, 2560x1440, It will turn you into a criminal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes a loli is a drawing of a kid, who gives a shit?
Do you piss in your pants everytime someone plays GTA? I doubt people are playing GTA to roleplay as a law abiding citizen.
Most of the time, players robs and enact violence upon NPCs, I guess we should ban all violent video games?

That's not even adressing the fact a significant portions of men *are* attracted to 12yo kids, which is why in most of history, girls could marry grown ass men at this age and nobody gave a shit.
If anything, we are protecting children more now... Perhaps it is a subconscious way to protect their innocence as much as possible because as soon as they turn 18 they are free to swim in the promiscuous mire of society with the rest of us?
You should think about that instead of your retarded twitter arguments

>> No.6560092

>It's because Japan is autistic.
>Prostitution is technically outlawed in Japan because of US Laws, but instead of changing it they just make sure they can sell sex without calliing it prostitution
>>"Oh, I'm not a prostitute, I provide massages, but I fell in love with the client for 30 mins. Yes, the massage cost that much"
>That's why you can have massive futa cock """"censored"""" by 2 thin black lines. Do you really think Japan cares about moral purity? They just don't bother to change their stupid just as they can't be bothered to stop using fax because it works.
Isn't this part of the reason why they have tentacle hentai?
Although some classical works (like dream of the fishermans wife) were around before those laws I think. (I blame the japansese for me getting that fetish).

>> No.6560096
File: 642 KB, 756x517, Mamimi's ancestor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Isn't this part of the reason why they have tentacle hentai?
Yeah, basically.
Can't censor tentacles, it's not ""obscene"" :^)

And yeah, Shunga art was extremely perverted

>> No.6560129
File: 859 KB, 1600x1116, Tako_to_ama_retouched.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of the translation of the text:

>LARGE OCTOPUS: My wish comes true at last, this day of days; finally I have you in my grasp! Your “bobo” is ripe and full, how wonderful! Superior to all others! To suck and suck and suck some more. After we do it masterfully, I’ll guide you to the Dragon Palace of the Sea God and envelop you. “Zuu sufu sufu chyu chyu chyu tsu zuu fufufuuu…”

>MAIDEN: You hateful octopus! Your sucking at the mouth of my womb makes me gasp for breath! Aah! yes… it’s…there!!! With the sucker, the sucker!! Inside, squiggle, squiggle, oooh! Oooh, good, oooh good! There, there! Theeeeere! Goood! Whew! Aah! Good, good, aaaaaaaaaah! Not yet! Until now it was I that men called an octopus! An octopus! Ooh! Whew! How are you able…!? Ooh! “yoyoyooh, saa… hicha hicha gucha gucha, yuchyuu chyu guzu guzu suu suuu….”

>LARGE OCTOPUS: All eight limbs to interwine with!! How do you like it this way? Ah, look! The inside has swollen, moistened by the warm waters of lust. “Nura nura doku doku doku…”

>MAIDEN: Yes, it tingles now; soon there will be no sensation at all left in my hips. Ooooooh! Boundaries and borders gone! I’ve vanished….!!!!!!

>SMALL OCTOPUS: After daddy finishes, I too want to rub and rub my suckers at the ridge of your furry place until you disappear and then I’ll suck some more. “chyu chyu..”

It's just as bad dialogue as modern hentai. Good to see that the japs haven't changed i guess........
It's just like the shitty caption porn threads.

>> No.6560142

>That Galleon

>> No.6560188

>itt mentally ill faggots who can't cope with people enjoying things

>> No.6560236

>itt mentally ill faggots who can't cope with mentally ill faggots enjoying things

>> No.6560282

When this became a discussion from /pol/?

>> No.6560501
File: 35 KB, 600x626, 1664657258333666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"It does"
>proceeds to ad-hominem yet again

>Like this weird take where if you fap to furries you HAVE to become a weirdo into the lifestyle.
What didn't you understand about self-fulfilling prophecy?
>"I like animal people and also i like sexual stimulation"
>"since i like porn, i'll watch animal people porn since its two things i like"
>"i must actually really like animalistic traits in adult context"
>"i think i must be a furry"
>"I still keep consuming furry porn so i must really be a furry"
>"let me join furry communities to talk about this subject"
>"i still keep consuming furry porn so i don't think i need or even want to question myself"
>"the communities are really welcoming and eager to talk about porn, i must really be a furry"
>"wow this feels really good, i should keep doing it"
You can replace furry with basically any other gerne or fetish.
Most normiebrains work on that principle to avoid introspection.
That's why you have hostile reactions whenever you dare point out something that might threaten the enjoyment of an addict who attached their identity to the thing that provides them with the rush of dopamine.

Also stop posting and don't bother replying, you're low IQ and dishonest. Kill yourself until your soul leaves this reality, you fucking waste of atoms.

>> No.6560531

>ITT degenerates thinking that being a sick fuck is a competition

>> No.6560537
File: 310 KB, 1280x901, 33_C1011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The slippery slope is a fallacy is what Im saying. Nobody knows I occasionnaly jerk off to futa hyena IRL or even *suspects it* because... surprise surprise! People dont work like your reductionnist imagination believe they do.

You re one of those people who act surprised when they find out the gentle, cute, adorable girl into literature has done gangbangs before because you cannot fathom the fact people dont let their sexual desire permeate their whole lives

>kill yourself!!low IQ!!
Ah yes. The usual /pol/drivel when you cant argue anymore
Dont let the post nut clarity hit you too hard tonight

>> No.6560600
File: 790 KB, 1000x793, 1654646546.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more ad hominem instead of arguments
I'll join the game:
You are surely just an attention starved lgbt tranny who lurks /d/, /trash/ and porn reddit subs 16 hours a day and thinks because he exposed himself to porn so much that he knows what the fuck he talks about.
Not to mention the epic twitter arguments he has, owning random people by calling them nazis by telling them what they think based on the voices in his head that he thinks are demons and angels or whatever the fuck.

Just because you've been frothing at your herpes ridden mouth at the thought that someone is describing your mental illness and porn addiction to a T, you need to keep going trying to damage control any opinion that doesn't validate whatever retarded shit you come up with, of course by trying to demean and discredit them at every chance your child grooming worm infested ass gets.
You have absolutely not made a single genuine arguments, just insults upon insults and can't have a discussion without making up assumption about whoever is talking, because you're that much of a porn addicted, dishonest autogynephilic abomination that porn has become an integral part of your pathetic identity.
You most certainly don't even draw, since you already tried to get out of posting your work by derailing and spamming the thread with nonsense.
Oh, but wait, it's just le epic trolling lol and lmao and you were just pretending to be retarded, wow your animesisters sure gonna have a laugh when you post this thread in the discord and then you'll get likes on your post and you will not kill yourself today because you're feeling heckin valid and seen.
It's telling that an ugly tranny like you manages to jerk off himself in front of mirror when he looks like some heroin addicted 3rd burn degree victim gypsy with a prolapsed anus.
Well, it might turn out to be a turn on and a compliment to you, since you jerk off to dogs and children.

Now post tldr or how mad i am, sure will show me

>> No.6560601

>degenerated cucks

>> No.6560603
File: 914 KB, 750x770, 16564865164654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>discordsister has to promptly come to the rescue against ONE nobody
I'm fucking invincible.

>> No.6560606

Nah,I'm not sucking no one dick here
Just want to you niggers to pyw or shut up

>> No.6560611

>"i just want you to shut up"
>posts every time his discordsister is about to get 50%ed to save his honor
fuck off to, >>>/d/ retard

>> No.6560614

Yeah,this one is officially braindead
Nothing of value was lost

>> No.6560617

Came for the cunny porn,leaving because of two dick sucking faggots

>> No.6560627

Yeah ok .
Btw the fact you care about not giving me (you)s (this isnt reddit) proves you are indeed projecting most of the issues you have. It s a sign of being terminally online and porn isnt the problem
Good luck and have a nice fap tonight

>> No.6560631

still don't believe that anons are jumping into each other's throats because of porn
the fucking state

>> No.6560639
File: 71 KB, 602x440, discord tranny word index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you care about the (you)? Only a tranny would.

Which basically confirms everything i said.
Seems like I am indeed, once again, correct.

>> No.6560644

I forgive you. Its ok.

I gave that guy too much time. Sorry.
At least we got to discuss shunga and censorship

>> No.6560646

>winning a discussion on 4chan

>> No.6560652
File: 14 KB, 320x297, 1633884276364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying they were having an actual discussion and not just circlejerking about inane shit and insulting ANYONE who didn't circlejerk with them
>still no works posted

>> No.6560660
File: 155 KB, 1516x1076, 1606006084747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blog thread about your favorite porn
>Most active thread on /ic/
Kill yourselves.

>> No.6560665
File: 232 KB, 910x913, the absolute state of this shithole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6560666

This thread managed to be worse than the AI ones
That doesn't make it better

>> No.6560667
File: 3.75 MB, 1720x2428, edit_005_a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To get back on topic.
Takeda Hiromitsu.

Its a bit of a shame he started to make the breasts hyper in recent years. Its still good but he lost the distinct "huge but pleausible tits" theme he had before

>> No.6560670

kys ywnbaw

>> No.6560671

>Its a bit of a shame he started to make the breasts hyper in recent years. Its still good but he lost the distinct "huge but pleausible tits" theme he had before
This has got nothing to do with art.

>> No.6560672

Drawing venus it's a recent trend,venus itself isn't bad
But the fucked up shit that cames along is

>> No.6560673
File: 203 KB, 323x541, 164588444221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I praise the Lord every day for that.

>> No.6560675
File: 108 KB, 768x1086, 543ea427b6bd7378d66651cf821b077a_768x1086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Porn is art
Low art but still art. Like fast food

>> No.6560679

It isnt bad. But he was THE hentai artist who drew realistic venuses if you prefer. When the tits are 2× the size of the head you know its over
(I dont have a picture with me but search maken-ki Aki Nijou if you want to see his old style)

>> No.6560682

That's why you're a fat tranny who has no clue about what he's talking about while being on the wrong board for this type of circlejerking?

>> No.6560684

Thanks anon,at least this thread provided some actually good sauces

>> No.6560687


>> No.6560688
File: 124 KB, 564x800, jrmhc18s9i261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are welcome

>> No.6560692

omg this thread is why i hate coomers and never interact with my clients except for comms

>> No.6560847

source? I really like the faces.

>> No.6560898


>> No.6560905

thanks, but i really hoped the horses were a one time thing...

>> No.6560909

He doesnt only draw horses...
Sometimes it's pigs!

Yeah sorry. Try to only collect the art where Komi is alone maybe

>> No.6560932

It's fucking over. I'll miss the way he drew bobs and vagene

>> No.6560939

Does someone here have vanilla recommendations?
Taking >>6559126 as a starting point

>> No.6561153

Anyone who posted itt without sharing good lewds needs to hang.

>> No.6561180

Holy shit this is patrician

>> No.6561191

>You might be half joking but there are enough big pornfags actually doing it and never getting any flak for it because they have big numbers backing them up.
It's also because age isn't exactly clear in anime art. Anime proportions are very exaggerated.
Character like rebecca from cyberpunk are adults and act like adults.

>> No.6561193

Beat me to it. I think someone else did the colors though for silent war. Wish he'd post his shit on twitter or on a proper blog

>> No.6561202
File: 203 KB, 314x342, Pretty telling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6561248

Those characters are not what i meant.
Anime slop is not the only porn that exists.
Go more into red haired horse porn territory maybe by very fetishy artist, maybe you'll catch a thumbnail.

>> No.6561308

>seething this hard because he saw a black dick
lol wyteboi detected

>> No.6561318 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 270x360, 1672163122848013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pixiv got my uncensored work finally because got a little attention
now they say ''pay premium and fix it or delete it ''
i got scammed , and it's my fault

>> No.6561388
File: 830 KB, 1200x900, DrGraevling-559006-Vyss_in_Zangarmarsh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Namedroping some porn artists I like (with pics)

>> No.6561391

your sister

>> No.6561396
File: 1.75 MB, 2715x4000, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6561403
File: 1.31 MB, 1328x2813, 668302_devilhs_doom-hell-on-earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes cool SFW stuff like picrel

>> No.6561406
File: 1.33 MB, 762x1080, 26280945-Demimond.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6561409
File: 550 KB, 2048x1528, 1663069453231220576096586773402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6561411
File: 2.12 MB, 1250x1652, 2021-03-01-your-ideal-thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6561413
File: 1.11 MB, 2000x2572, Candela_Witch_exported_Patreon_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6561418
File: 648 KB, 1157x1636, 2269581 - Metroid Samus_Aran Tekuho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6561430

doesnt he mostly draw twinks?
Something always feels a little offputting about his art

>> No.6561436

Shadman is actually a good artist, surprisingly enough.
He just likes to churn out a lot of crap.

>> No.6561440

i think they draw a lot of tentacles

>> No.6561444

>Go more into red haired horse porn territory maybe by very fetishy artist, maybe you'll catch a thumbnail.
Im not sure what or who your talking about

>> No.6561446
File: 1.34 MB, 235x236, 1534544340100.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6561448

Unfortunately. When someone draws porn of their mother,you can't have high expectations

>> No.6561452

cute daughter

>> No.6561453
File: 1.85 MB, 2000x2000, 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my favourite thing, but that Russian faggot have interesting ideas with symmetry

>> No.6561460
File: 395 KB, 1976x2562, Betty Boop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know he's a 'controversial' figure, but I'm surprised no one said minus8 yet. Something about his cartoony art-style has always really gelled with me; he's use of thick & thin lines, his colours, his dynamic poses, his shapes in his character designs, the humour etc.

I don't think he's given enough credit outside of his smut, I really adore his work, porn or otherwise. If only he'd stop sad boy posting, but nothings perfect.

Don't act like you don't yank your chain, like the rest of us filthy animals anon.

>> No.6561466

Ok, this one has more artistic value than most porn, despite being crude and silly as heck

>> No.6561468

what's funny is that people who hate on eigaka I'm 100% sure will never even get close to his level, lol.
he's a cool artist though!

>> No.6561475

Kingly nsfw artist

>> No.6561479
File: 439 KB, 800x1200, humanized_weird_blue_thing_by_drgraevling_d74yml4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best ones
Also this guy have been around for ages, his first pic on Hentai Foundry is from 2007.

>> No.6561509
File: 436 KB, 2048x1536, 20230315_012234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based artist exposing his art

>> No.6561516

Where are the people who cry "cuck" & "NTR" when it comes to Bowser and Peach?
I'm just a vanilla Mario and Peach guy, and nothing will change that.

>> No.6561544

Nah, give me Waluigi and Rosalina
Love seeing fanart of them together

>> No.6561696

Theres a LOT of hentai foudnry users who have been around for a long time.

I dont remember how much i liked or disliked dr graevlings art I haven't checked it in a while. Probably a few years at the very least.

Its possible i liked the tentacles more than the women, but that might just be my memory being blurry.

>> No.6561755

wait im retarded, yeah he's a fat bastard frenchie

>> No.6561781
File: 474 KB, 1280x1808, 03_08nt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why no one talking about terasu mc? the greatest hentai artist of its generation im surprised

>> No.6561787
File: 278 KB, 1280x1808, 008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based >>6561781

>> No.6561799

He became mainstream and had to purge everything loli and shota to avoid any controversies

>> No.6561817

He is great but the Hiroki story is unironically his weakest work. His fate stuff is much better.

However, he needed to do it to go viral so it was a sacrifice worth doing

>> No.6561844


he love to draw a lot of shit like his baseball japanese game

>> No.6562280


>> No.6562290

>not using the anime coom boards

>> No.6562364

Are coom artists just fated to be cucks?

>> No.6562415

My brother in christ he literally draws anime girls getting fucked by horses
And if they happen to be with a human dick theres a solid chance it'll be encrusted with painfully rendered smegma.

>> No.6562422

And the odds of being a black dick are high
Some coom artists doesn't even really like bbc/bestiality,they just do for money or to make everyone else seethe

>> No.6562441
File: 504 KB, 1229x1438, 1668613815980021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they just do for money or to make everyone else seethe
Yeah ok

>> No.6562445

>some coom artists
Read again anon.God,this is sad

>> No.6562448

one more reason to off bbc/ntr degenerates
goddammit bro

>> No.6562458

Holy shit...

>> No.6562873
File: 268 KB, 1000x1415, Fp4wXs3WYAAx8MG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where are the people who cry "cuck" & "NTR" when it comes to Bowser and Peach?
nsfw artist basically consider bower x peach vanilla and canon to the point that mario and peach would be seen as taboo
>I'm just a vanilla Mario and Peach guy, and nothing will change that.

>> No.6562934

What about browser mario peach throuple? I guarantee you that someones done it

>> No.6562937

Didn't read anything before this post but I saw someone say loli
Regardless of whether or not people who like loli are actually pedos or if the images they like are explicit substitutes doesn't matter.
Do you want to make loli illegal?
If so you are setting up a precedent of making nonreal things illegal and to me thats a lot worse than people supposedly claiming it raises chance of real abuse.
Peer reviewed studies have shown it doesn't and can actually hold urges back in real pedos
In fact the truth is that there are people who would have always abused a child regardless of exposure to any loli just like there are people who love loli but find real kids disgusting.
Just like that there are also pedos who like both loli and real kids.

>> No.6562985
File: 1.24 MB, 1518x2150, 1678588893205366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uno Makoto
I love this nigga like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.6562987

ye but it feels like a cop out

>> No.6563314
File: 115 KB, 1282x934, 3898725 - Dexter's_Laboratory Lee_Lee SLB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like how soft he makes his bodies look. Subject material on the other hand i could do without. He also does really great character designs.
I still to this this day don't find his art appealing and I think SLB fills that toon niche better.

>> No.6563358

>I still to this this day don't find his art appealing
Well that's art for you anon, different strokes for different folks and all that. That said, more than one person can fill a niche, it's not really a competition, or a 'one or the other' choice.

>> No.6563846
File: 126 KB, 720x1020, 1649202893408068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if you don't like you can't deny his skills. I've nearly 200 GBs of his drawing stored. He had done pretty much every in the book. My man has been drawing his fetish since 1999.

>> No.6563965
File: 247 KB, 480x680, 886226bf-837c-4631-ba40-6206989c3a3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh i don't doubt his skills at all, I respect the dude. I loved his Dragonaut and Queens Blade designs. It's just a major contrast to his own personal works lol.
For a while i was trying to replicate the type of pen he uses because he's draws the fat so soft and squishy.

>> No.6564738

>200 GBs

>> No.6565553

All good until looking at the ass