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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.61 MB, 1198x1800, Play me a song while I draw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6555845 No.6555845 [Reply] [Original]

If you are a /beg/inner or /int/ermediate in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Use this thread instead of making new threads or post in the drawthread with fundamental exercises.

RESIZE YOUR IMAGES TO ~1000 PIXELS wide using one of the following methods:
1. screenshot the image and post that instead
2. change camera capture settings to something smaller
3. send to computer and resize in MSPaint

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98/edit
New collaborative sticky (anyone can edit): https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
Old: http://www.squidoo.com/how-to-draw-learn

Read the sticky

When giving feedback, avoid vague "advice" - point what's wrong and try to give the anon you're quoting a clear direction to improve their art (study heads < watch THIS VIDEO about head structure, read THIS SECTION of THIS ARTIST'S BOOK, etc).
You, feedback seeking anon, should also try to be clear and concise when asking for critique/help. When posting your artwork, say what you want help with, and what's your goal with the study/artwork.

Previous Thread: >>6552221

>> No.6555847

traced art

>> No.6555865
File: 1.33 MB, 1746x1208, 24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I worked a little bit more on her right hand. Does it still look waterlogged to you?

>> No.6555869

How to stay motivated with keeping up with your art socials despite your posts flopping all the time? I already started posting my stuff even though I'm far from advanced and its really sucking the soul out of me.

>> No.6555871 [DELETED] 
File: 462 KB, 680x1024, 301096311226476065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6555875

>caring about numbers

>> No.6555877

AI is the future

>> No.6555891


>> No.6555894

Nuh uh post proof

>> No.6555900
File: 651 KB, 1482x2114, export202212300220231820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again I'm not good but I feel like other people of a similar skill level are doing a lot better than me.
Yeah I know I shouldn't care. I'm working on it

>> No.6555902

Just treat socials as your finished art depot. Don't look at the numbers, it doesn't matter. Drawing for attention fucks up a lot of people. Don't also be one of those fags who only uses Twitter, set up a Newgrounds or Pixiv or anywhere that's an actual art site so you can focus more on your craft instead of what will come naturally when you improve over time.

>> No.6555904

You know it already

>> No.6555905

>anywhere that’s an actual art site
>newgrounds and pixiv
is that it?? don’t know much about newgrounds but i know pixiv, to a lot of people, has a lolisho connotation to it.. and i know artstation is for professionals. is deviantart dead?

>> No.6555908

Okay, thank you. This is reassuring. I use tumblr and reddit too and that works well for me.

>> No.6555909

Anon, your picture is an american shot of a figure in a white void
Do you think this deserves to be acknowledged by a ton of people? do you think it is interesting enough to get you the popularity you want?

>> No.6555910

I don't really want popularity, I want to get along with the artists in the fandom I'm in. I know I have to make my work more interesting, thanks for the reminder.

>> No.6555911

There's not a lot I can imagine being worthwhile outside of those two. Pillowfort and Itaku I guess? You could use Deviantart, I just don't consider it as a serious option anymore. Ignoring the reputation it has the UI is just fucking godawful now.

>> No.6555912
File: 692 KB, 2550x3300, stuff around.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What brushes do you guys use for rough sketching? I used to only use a thin pencil brush since I thought I should be trying to mimic a real pencil as much as possible, but I've recently tried out using thicker lines on a round brush like the SAI marker since I saw a few digital artists doing it. I'm liking how it feels so far.

>> No.6555916 [DELETED] 
File: 173 KB, 712x1024, 301105363011963052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6555917

its hard
its round
its …

>> No.6555918


>> No.6555927
File: 3.23 MB, 2180x1656, wandereer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6555931
File: 633 KB, 1472x894, Skjermbilde 2023-03-11 220636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you're having a nice saturday, I think i'm seeing some improvement bros

>> No.6555933

I can't help you with the anatomy, I'm super beginner myself in that regard, but I fucking love the design.

>> No.6555934
File: 321 KB, 1536x2048, sfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

betty edwards first try
no it doesnt really look like me
my eyes are way smaller, my forehead bigger and my nose is less narrow around the nostrils
pretty satisfied for a first try

im not a complete beginner I did some drawabox and loomis before but it didn't really factor here I'd say?

>> No.6556017
File: 99 KB, 1094x617, can&#039;t draw hands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6556026
File: 761 KB, 1740x802, desert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>love the design
thanks, also did this one recently

>> No.6556033

h-holy shit, saved

>> No.6556038
File: 110 KB, 1605x1289, 1649568937871857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New steel series mouse how did I do? This picture is Patrick Bateman from the critically acclaimed movie American Psycho. Will take some time getting used to.

>> No.6556042
File: 758 KB, 1160x964, Lucy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took a long time to do this. What do I need to work on?

>> No.6556043

Kool design.

>> No.6556056
File: 74 KB, 561x802, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy that my figures from imagination are getting less stiff but it's still coming out a bit flat for my tastes :/
Anyone have advice on giving my forms some more volume?

>> No.6556073
File: 1.56 MB, 4032x3024, 68 - Kirby + 69 + Anemone Nemorosa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flower + Kirby, following the intro tutorial from Kirby's Adventure.

>> No.6556075
File: 601 KB, 700x1063, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone have advice on giving my forms some more volume?
line weight

>> No.6556084

>drawabox supposedly sucks
>keys to drawing wants me to draw hands in on the 5th page
>right side of the brain is a bloated shitfest with 4/5 of the book being the author's schizophrenic ramblings
>I clearly lack any needed bases for loomis
Where the hell am I best off learning. Yes I've read all 3 stickies.

>> No.6556087

>>keys to drawing wants me to draw hands in on the 5th page
it's literally easy as fuck
>>drawabox supposedly sucks
it's great
>>right side of the brain is a bloated shitfest with 4/5 of the book being the author's schizophrenic ramblings
just read quickly the important parts and do the workbook exercises
>>I clearly lack any needed bases for loomis
no, faggot, fun with a pencil requires no---

you know what nvm get fucked

>> No.6556088

Drawing hands is fine the point is to teach you observational skills

>> No.6556095

fuck you bloody bitch bastard
ah alright, makes sense. It's just that the page is full of sketches made by people with clearly some experience behind them and thought those were meant as examples.
I'm also at the perspective part of drawabox. Should I read an entire book on perspective, continue drawabox or what

>> No.6556099

Nta but what are the important parts?

>> No.6556103

I meant >>6556087 fuck

>> No.6556116

call me when you're done shitting so I can wipe you

>> No.6556120

I don't know man I'm just an insecure motherfucker who doesn't know what to do

>> No.6556131

I bought a graphic tablet like 10 years ago when I was young and retarded enough to spend 300$ on something I didn't even begin yet, and now I'm actually feeling like I need to take up a hobby so I wanted to know if I should start learning to draw on the tablet or on paper at first?

>> No.6556136

you know exactly what to do you quoted them all
1 bert dodson (1.5 betty edwards, optional) 2 drawabox 3 norling 4 loomis 5 jack hamm scenery

>> No.6556143

alright. Thanks for the reply.

>> No.6556147
File: 143 KB, 956x890, Cheveau Leger Lancier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to be called a beg

>> No.6556151

leg and fat fuck horse

>> No.6556154 [DELETED] 
File: 220 KB, 512x768, 300779909788927696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6556159

the fuck are you doing

>> No.6556160
File: 61 KB, 740x734, how.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I be sure I'm making daily progress?

I'm drawing around 2-4 hours a day, and I try to make the most of that be constructive guided study, but I still feel like I'm running around in circles.

Any anons who escaped beg-dom, what do you recommend?

>> No.6556166
File: 23 KB, 456x348, 001644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

consider back muscles (and phlebas)

>> No.6556174
File: 1.88 MB, 2480x3508, 47E11C6E-DE67-4FFF-9BFA-46973D84CECE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to understand shading and lighting.

>> No.6556176

I usually can look back at my previous work from even the day before and that's enough for me. For easier-to-notice differences you could go back weeks or months. It's weird because progress can seem to slow down and speed up because you're also developing your ability to notice specific things you should improve at the same time you're developing your skills, and sometimes they can go out of phase with each other.

>> No.6556179


>> No.6556193
File: 2.21 MB, 4032x3024, 6071F83A-A8B2-4A51-9E45-273F573723A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biiiiig nipa.

>> No.6556196 [DELETED] 
File: 462 KB, 680x1024, 301096311226476065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6556206

Why did he repost this?

>> No.6556208

Every board has to cater towards them or they will chimpout

>> No.6556215

I finally get the soul/soulless meme

>> No.6556229

Any specific reason?

>> No.6556236 [DELETED] 
File: 626 KB, 1500x1000, aishills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6556246

you can learn some of the fundies much better and faster
e.g. https://youtu.be/iK5Qn_Iwv9A
you would need to use your pencil to mesure and see in the proportion is right and that takes times.

another exemple

just dont overuse ctrl+z and you should be fine, also DRAW WITH YOUR SHOULDER

>> No.6556247 [DELETED] 
File: 462 KB, 680x1024, 301096311226476065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6556248

I've heard people say that you should draw with your arm instead of wrist/hand, what do you mean by "with your shoulder"?

>> No.6556250

Such a huge improvement

>> No.6556251

good morning sirs

>> No.6556264


>> No.6556269

Is there anything else good to invest in besides a tablet?

>> No.6556286
File: 408 KB, 688x1299, IMG_5264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uuuuh yeah uuh

>> No.6556288
File: 1.30 MB, 783x1069, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fear and hunger seems pretty cool and whimsical

>> No.6556296

love f&h and it's weird seeing it here. If I may critique he doesn't really look like Cahara, even the hair color is wrong.

>> No.6556297
File: 1.88 MB, 2630x2058, 20230311_180207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently wondering if there is any way to improve this pic as apparently I cannot get the basics of composition right.

>> No.6556306

So what ARE the "keys" to drawing?

>> No.6556314
File: 81 KB, 1176x665, draww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been trying to work on backs more. Its hard to remember how each individual muscle lays. I'll keep them in mind,

I can definitley see progress in the long term. I guess my main issue is being able to chart out like a drawing lessong plan, and giving myself daily goals.

"Okay today I want to get better at X by this amount"

Thats what I'm struggling with, almost structuring a lesson plan if that makes sense.

>> No.6556324

idk i just overlayed the color brown on it and called it a day but i dont really know how to translate such idk edgy? designs into my style maybe im just dumb idk the caharas design is pretty simple too so like looool....

>> No.6556420

He tells you if you read the book

>> No.6556432
File: 3.47 MB, 2254x3392, raku024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual end of day 2. Compressed version since the file is getting larger.

I'm really burnt out now. I know I'm making decent progress, but I'm seriously considering dropping this just because I know I'll never be satisfied. Please critique. I've tried fixing the hands since that was an issue last thread. The skirt will stay pretty much as is even though it's a nonsense pattern. I can't be bothered to detail it exactly as is.

Are there any guides on sketching specifically? Not anatomy, sketching. I would like to go try one of those naked drawing things, but I imagine that sketching is a pretty significant prerequisite. The only thing I saw in the google doc that specifically mentions this is the Dynamic Sketching 1 with Peter Han video, but it doesn't seem like it actually contains much sketching of anything.

>> No.6556436
File: 692 KB, 1720x1464, Illustration3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys determine where to put random fluff on fluffy things like tails? I was able to do it for her arm fluff since they are so small but I'm having a hard time doing it with her tails since they are so big.

>> No.6556447
File: 3.82 MB, 2991x4160, IMG_20230311_060323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to return to traditional for a while now that the Electric grid decided to shit itself, all i have is a sketchbook a shitty pencil and the will of drawing, i had to toy around with the filters because even the natural ilumination here is crap

Composition is a hard thing to get right because usually is trained by raw instinct alone, some photography Composition techniques as well as comic/manga panels can help you to understand as you read and practice, you also have to ask you questions like "what emotion or vibe i want to convey with this?" and "whats the thing that i want to be focal point in my piece" in your draw i can see you have a decent understanding of posing and perspective, but it doesnt give me any feeling, is like a camera looking down from a wall to the operation (unless that was your intention) a better way to make it interesting is changing the perspective where we could see closer the face of the guy on the bottom left and his reaction wich in this case he looks sad for what is goin on and behind him the whole birthing process, this will catch the attention to the viewer directly to his expression and then direct it to the doctors and woman giving birth to monster understanding whats going on.

gesture, unironically, gesture is what made me enjoy drawing and feel like im moving somewhere the quicker you feel le form the better.

>> No.6556457
File: 88 KB, 423x449, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on the shading?

>> No.6556459

too subtle, need more contrast. make the shadows darker and more saturated.

>> No.6556483
File: 1.22 MB, 4000x4000, Illustration14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gesture drawing is soo fucked. I've read Hamptom, Proko, and Villpu and this shit still doesn't make sense

>> No.6556485
File: 1.89 MB, 4000x4000, Illustration15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6556486
File: 709 KB, 2000x2000, Illustration16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6556487
File: 479 KB, 1720x1465, Illustration3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this thread is dead. Gonna ask again before I just label this one as done. Any advice on putting fluff marks along tails and fur? I've been study how different artist do it but I can't find any rhyme or reason to it.

>> No.6556495

Been practicing anatomy everyday (mostly from reference) and while I can definitely see an improvement, I can't say I understand shapes, angles, or depth any better than when I first started, instead drawing the contour of what's in front of me. At the moment I keep going hoping it'll click someday, is that the way to go or am I wasting my time?

>> No.6556505
File: 1.64 MB, 2589x3760, 3d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to practice imagining forms 3-dimensionally

>> No.6556508

Not bad anon! I like this.

>> No.6556519

why did you drawed faputa too black?

>> No.6556520
File: 549 KB, 1500x1120, 95c50526-daac-43f6-bdd1-da8b0667755f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been updating a little app to help me with my issues regarding proportions, as well as to have something to use when I feel idle or need a quick break. Right now, the app can:
1.Create shapes and blobs to help with proportion and negative shape recognition.
2.Generate random images based on categories, keywords, or at random.
3.Provide nouns and adjectives for drawing by imagination.
I've been having fun with the features, pic related my testing session. Sorry for the messy URL; I may consider using a different hosting service in the future.


>> No.6556528
File: 78 KB, 1197x557, 50dcf0a3-1c77-406c-84a6-c9d3491259e3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing around with the flow using these settings is what gives me the closest feeling to pen and paper on digital when I'm sketching.

>> No.6556541
File: 479 KB, 1536x1920, A6411445-6B21-4963-A4F4-D9B00B05BD16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6556547
File: 22 KB, 531x697, nosemouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youtubers are fucking niggers. before i say anything i'm going to say that is is impossible to render a nose and a mouth in ink and make it look good. you go on youtube to watch a video about creating expressions (ie putting features on a face) and it's some stupid bitch who sketches random lines and shit all over the face and it looks like it makes sense. but you know she's a fucking retard and has no idea why she's making the lines she does, so you get this "wow, so impressive" sketchy look to the thing with no insight given as to her process at all. women can't teach. youtubers can't teach. DURR just sketch all these lines and vary your line weight because IDK LMAO ha ha, I'm a youtuber faggot nigger and im gay. YEAH IT'S EASY YOU gotta make your expressions looks like THIS (immaculate line weight management, line placement, etc.) WOW wasn't that easy?! I would rape every youtuber if I wasn't bent on smashing their heads with a bat first, fuck modern art """""teachers"""" and the obfuscation of modernity giving every nincompoop access to video editing tools and a digital toilet for them to SHIT UP the learning process by being incompetent faggots. Anyway, what are some good ways to approach better showing the nose/mouth and the details of things around them? The more lines I add, the worse things end up getting. I've been trying to simplify after doing studies and things tend to fall apart after this point pic related

>> No.6556551


how dare you

>> No.6556553


>> No.6556556

I like her darker.
Her behavior reminds me of a black person.

>> No.6556558


>> No.6556559
File: 239 KB, 800x975, 16440389-85FF-41C3-940C-EE11F58B352D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn’t read the whole thing but maybe go look at ink masters instead of youtubers cranking out videos. If you do a bunch of studies and self correct you’ll get better. With drawing girls, less is more for sure, but that means it needs to be placed accurately and confidently. Glhf

>> No.6556561

My /beg/ gut feeling is that the framing and camera location makes it seem like this room has too much empty space, if that makes sense. It doesn't feel like a surgery room to me.

>> No.6556562


>> No.6556563
File: 84 KB, 850x400, Loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6556565

for sure, for sure. my gripe was more with simplifying than structure. I wanted to see people's processes/shortcuts for noses/mouths, and I don't watch youtube often, but I tried it this time and sure enough it was some dumb bitches.

>> No.6556580
File: 479 KB, 519x722, 11bc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another krenz study, i think the final result is worse than the last attempt in the same timeframe (2 hours), but at least I didnt try to hit details too early or have to correct as many values/tones (a lot of shapes are wrong though). I'll chalk it up to not having any idea as to what i wanted to learn / get out of the study.

you'll make it out eventually, you already have some conception of form. use more reference and do more figure / drapery studies.

this is nice

its normal not to see progress day by day. just think of every day on a plateau as being "banked" for your next sudden improvement.

>> No.6556605

buy skulls and do studies of them, very carefully, from all angles. It'll help you get the basic form down

>> No.6556611

Its not bad good job, looking the thumbnail with grayscale values and shapes look accurate. At normal size with blur and grayscale you can see how the trees affect the composition and values

>> No.6556618

>digital art
I’m assuming the people you’re trying to follow are using traditional medium? From what I’ve observed less is more yes but you also need to show depth, volume, shit like that. That’s when they add shading to show that form. How you shade is entirely up to you.

>> No.6556635

>just think of every day on a plateau as being "banked" for your next sudden improvement
for the love of god, does anyone have that graph where it’s like. how you perceive your art vs improvement. and like the only times the line meet is when you can see visible improvement in your art. but while you improve, you dislike how you perceive your art, but your overall skill has improved. anyone PLEASE.

>> No.6556638
File: 576 KB, 1369x962, 7A6FDE80-CF9A-47C6-98FA-19D8396F61D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help me out guys I’m dying over here. I’m trying to make a comic panel where the man is skewing the scene around him as he runs, but I’m really bad at making backgrounds and this is turning out all screwy. Can I get some pro tips to make this looks better?

He’s skidding on the sidewalk, the gray behind him is the street, and above that, a building.

>> No.6556640
File: 130 KB, 715x943, graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow. nevermind. i found it after googling specific phrases from this post even though i spent an hour looking yesterday. this is embarrassing.

>> No.6556641

Find manga that has examples of what you have in mind, and study it. Also, work on your drawing fundamentals

>> No.6556642


>> No.6556645

>I have been trying to work on backs more. Its hard to remember how each individual muscle lays.
simple muscle groups and rhythms

>> No.6556647
File: 169 KB, 649x879, Screenshot 2023-03-11 233701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 "NSFW"

I'm not good, so this is taking me forever. I still need to do lineart and rendering, please kill me.

>> No.6556650

I feel so lost after finish my Observation Drawing.

>> No.6556652

I am so lost after I finished my Observation Drawing. I don't know what is next after this and I just randomly practicing random objects and models,

>> No.6556653

Basic perspective is your biggest problem rn

>> No.6556654

good but he should be dabbing

>> No.6556656

after you learn observation drawing is drawing what you want to make,
then when you realize you suck, go back and practice what you suck at

>> No.6556659
File: 613 KB, 1500x1500, gfgfgfhfgjf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheap drawing

>> No.6556660

I've always found this theory a bit suspicious. Shouldn't you be able to compare your old work to your new work to get a fairly good measure of how much you're improving or regressing? It doesn't matter if your skill at evaluating art is developing at its own pace, if you look at two drawings at the same time.

>> No.6556662
File: 3.70 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20230311_154051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6556677
File: 312 KB, 1409x2048, mikejpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rough wip for commission. there will be a lot of minor changes to poses but this is will be the general comp

>> No.6556678

nah that niggas got a lot bigger problems to worry about

>> No.6556685

How do I reduce the time I need to use to find good references? I feel like the bulk of time spent on 1 drawing now for me is just gathering resources instead of actually fucking drawing.

>> No.6556691

Love this, got a blog?

>> No.6556695
File: 191 KB, 485x849, al.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beg mode

>> No.6556713
File: 172 KB, 706x841, aaaaaa1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6556717
File: 3.55 MB, 3500x2500, badredraaawww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I improve?

>> No.6556734
File: 2.70 MB, 1777x2222, perspective.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The forms are a bit more defined and clear. Trying to root your figure in solid perspective is a good direction to go in! For the new picture though, the figure doesn't seem to converge to the vanishing points very well: see picrel, notice how the imaginary lines drawn from shoulder to shoulder and hand to hand follow the perspective, converging towards the same vanishing point

>> No.6556760
File: 93 KB, 706x841, fqd8yku9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, you improved

The camera tilt is a bit too extreme. Doesn't really match the pose either, tilting it only slightly looks better imo. Here's a quick edit. The perspective could use some work too. Overlaying a perspective grid is probably easiest.

>> No.6556775

What brush are you using?

>> No.6556778

google villpu

>> No.6556790
File: 212 KB, 1576x2048, mikepose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working on pose

>> No.6556808

This is amazing
That's cute
Yes and it's cute

>> No.6556810

Better yeah, not sure wether he'd grip the spear so close to the blade though since it wouldn't give him alot of range of motion to get the speed to stab.
But for a mercy strike it might work.
Kinda awkward though.

>> No.6556828
File: 1.93 MB, 4032x3024, B77011CB-9855-4F26-844B-4A051CE3D964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew a dark skin tone. Funny thing is, I’m not even a coomer. Haven’t fapped since october, haven’t looked at porn for years(until recently for reference). But when I started drawing, this is what I naturally wanted to draw.

>> No.6556854
File: 340 KB, 1094x503, hman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup looks better, thanks.
my own dynamic brush with noise on edges.

drew some heads

>> No.6556916

>Haven’t fapped since october, haven’t looked at porn for years
>But when I started drawing, this is what I naturally wanted to draw.

>> No.6556917

Quoting myself to ask for more feedback

>> No.6556943

draw the background normally then use liquid brush/lasso to skew it as you like then ink the result
true but i think the guy is talking about evaluation of your current art
also comparing your art to pro you evaluate whats missing

>> No.6556959


>> No.6557043
File: 904 KB, 1564x1209, 20210518_010957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah. I have made another pic like this with a better perspective.

>> No.6557057
File: 2.67 MB, 2270x2583, 2023-03-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listening to the Bloodborne Soundtrack while doodling, this is the result

>> No.6557062
File: 894 KB, 2220x1080, hands01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love when music sets the tone for drawing.

>> No.6557084

goofy as hell

>> No.6557136

To be honest, the action is more dynamic if the background is drawn normally in stark contrast to the skewed figure. If you do want to skew things in the background, then the vertical lines should parallel the angle of the figure.

>> No.6557159
File: 329 KB, 721x880, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6557169

is betty edwards and her picture plane bullshit really worth it? i’m absolute /beg/ and just thinking there has to be different book that gives comparable results

>> No.6557212

I neglected drawing and rotating cubes
does anyone have a good tutorial?
like specficically rotating any squarish shape I can already like start with vantage points and construct from the parallel lines

>> No.6557214

I don't have the budget to buy skulls

>> No.6557222

OP eyes feel a bit far apart IMO, and the hands are kinda fucked. Also if you try and hold a guitar like that, you'll realize it looks super awkward and not quite how the guitar would be positioned. It looks like the thing is rotated directly at the camera, when really the front side of the guitar should be slightly facing upwards and we should see a bit of the side plane of the entire instrument.

>> No.6557235

why are you in the future? It's still only March.

>> No.6557249

There's a 10 dollar one on amazon

>> No.6557252

Draw boxes from life. A shoebox is fine. Even better, draw your bookshelf, or a part of your room. Just simple lines, not an elaborate still-life, necessarily.

You'd be surprised at how different real perspective looks compared to what beginners have in mind when they first learn about perspective theory

>> No.6557255

I never did it, but it doesn't seem like a bad exercise. It only takes maybe 1 hour max to get the materials and make it, and it'll improve your compositions for the rest of your life. You'll be drawing for thousands and thousands of hours anyways, if you want to get good, it's not a waste of time to make a picture plane. Just order cardstock and paper clips from amazon, if you're too lazy to go to an art-store.

>> No.6557293

Try to think about how it would look like and draw it, instead of looking up a tutorial which you just end up copying mindlessly.

>> No.6557320
File: 2.06 MB, 2652x3712, IMG_20230312_210612~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6557328

Is it a bad idea to accept requests or do raffles in exchange for increased viewership? Should I just post art on twitter/Furaffinity/discord servers and let the followers appear on their own, or should I encourage it in those ways?

>> No.6557335

Heard horror stories about some real freaks latching on to people who's does free work.

>> No.6557342

Is there anything that’s a literal step-by-step to learning how to draw bodies accurately and in perspective?

>> No.6557351

Not that I've ever seen.

>> No.6557352

You mean figure drawing?

>> No.6557356
File: 322 KB, 746x1000, painting_exercise18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the reference

>> No.6557362
File: 1.01 MB, 1076x716, vilppu_check_list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically vilppus drawing manual is the closest to that

>> No.6557367

Yeah, I’ve been looking for something that’s more akin to an art course rather than, “Copy this entire book”

Is that so? Is it considered good?

>> No.6557371

I see, but I don't really get how that's a problem. Weak minded artists who can't say no to longtime art leeches?

>> No.6557385

Are the anons over in perma beg general just people who gave up or is there a good chance I'm actually not going to make it no matter how hard I try?

>> No.6557387
File: 469 KB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10x better than some generic skull

>> No.6557390

>I'm actually not going to make it no matter how hard I try?

>> No.6557406
File: 81 KB, 749x725, lineartattemptupdate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I I know I fucked this one up, I didn't use a reference for the first lineart draft, then I did, sorta, only in the places that were even more fucked. It's all I got right now because I have only had a drawing tablet for roughly a week. Probably going to go back to basic shapes to get more confident on strokes and shapes.

>> No.6557428

I'd like to see you draw a horse yourself retard
typo, it's Chevau-léger lancier

>> No.6557436

>drawing tablet for roughly a week
this video will save your wrist(carpal tunnel) and preventing your tablet from scratches

>more confident on strokes and shapes.
there's link in the description with some easy drawings to copy

>> No.6557451

Thank you for the videos, going over them now.

>> No.6557457

Is using your wrist a no-no, or is it drawing using fingers that's specifically bad?

>> No.6557462


>> No.6557470

Great... I so it's elbow and shoulder I need to start using?

>> No.6557473

Anybody have resources for drawing people in perspective up close? It's so difficult to even perceive the slight changes in size of body parts when the vanishing points are far away and the object is close and irregular unlike in box exercises

>> No.6557495

you can use your wrist/fingers for details

>> No.6557506

But anon
I feel disabled if I just freeze my wrist in place. How long will it take to get used to it?

>> No.6557517
File: 615 KB, 3200x3644, イラスト222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How long will it take to get used to it?
4-6 months
or you can use your wrist, get carpal tunnel and stop drawing for months.
i did in 5 mins using only my shoulder, no wrist/fingers or elbow

>> No.6557521
File: 83 KB, 361x301, 1653423204066606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is a curve like this still recommended?
when you do things like lineart, do you stay at the max pressure most of the time?

>> No.6557523

It's pretty, anon.
I'll do my best.

>> No.6557527

>is a curve like this still recommended?
>do you stay at the max pressure most of the time?
no lol

>> No.6557549

One more thing anon, do you have any tricks for forcing yourself to draw with the shoulder? When you were learning it.

>> No.6557560

>5min for that quality of a head
my envy is palpable

>> No.6557570
File: 962 KB, 2000x1205, イラスト465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nop, sorry.
By the way, you'll probably feel some shoulder pain after a couple of hours, but that's because you never used the muscles of the shoulder, you'll be fine after a week or two.
just draw 2k heads like me lol

>> No.6557581

This is the kind of inspiration that gets me going. Not that guy but thanks head-kun.

>> No.6557583
File: 729 KB, 595x638, 6 hours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying to polish this shit for 6 hours, 6 (six) hours. I just can't go on anymore. Either every course I watched on the internet was made from a fucking crab or I just ain't got it, whatever it is. I can't blend, I can't render, I can't capture the colors from a photograph, I can't fucking see in anything other than black and white, I'm simply not making progress.
I need a detailed guide but I'm just going up in circles everytime I try again from zero, it's the same shit. Some people are just not capable of making it.

>> No.6557599

How long did it take you to get to >>6557517

>> No.6557601
File: 84 KB, 531x697, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6557605

>I need a detailed guide

>> No.6557614
File: 2.09 MB, 3200x3644, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol why need 5 mins when you only need 4

>> No.6557621

give me your hands

>> No.6557625
File: 419 KB, 1500x1050, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6557626

3-4 months

>> No.6557627

How many hours a day?

>> No.6557630

>when you only need 4
>draw on top of the orig

>> No.6557631
File: 3.85 MB, 1977x1781, 24comparisonsmall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't planning on posting anything quite yet because I haven't made much progress today, but you seem to be doing something fairly similar to what I'm doing. I'm probably about double the amount of time you put in so I'll tell you what's been working for me so far, but take what I'm saying as a grain of salt because I'm a beginner too.

First off, ignore whatever the videos told you and just paint and just see what you can do. Don't even bother sketching it out, just do it. For brushes, don't complicate it. I just use one thin pen for details like hairs, one paint brush, and the smudging pencil which I'm too excited about. The smudging pencil is better than the eraser for many things in my opinion. I'd probably make a color palette first too, but I didn't think of that until 11 hours in. Take a break when you need to, and when you work, put on some music.

Don't worry about the form so much. I fucked up a few times as you can see in the comparison, but it's still turning out okay. There are things that I will try to fix if I ever complete it.

>> No.6557633

lol, the original was pretty basic gril floating in space maybe like 30 secs for the basic shape of the head and the neck lul. I was mostly giving them pointers for the face and hair

>> No.6557652
File: 217 KB, 708x849, imagem_2023-03-12_193430654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6557671

Are you using several layers? And what's the smudging pencil ? The blur tool?
I'm done for today. I was about to delete the whole thing out of frustration, but I will try later on to do what you said. Even though I already fucked up big time by sketching too much and thus limiting myself to following those guidelines.
Thanks for the advise. It just gets frustraing when time passes and the turd looks the same or worse.

>> No.6557679


3-4hrs accuracy training
1hr-1h3m symetry training
2-3hrs copying cubes, doodles and studying anime heads.

>> No.6557680

Not that guy but I respect the grind.

>> No.6557684
File: 2.79 MB, 1489x1177, 391-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done with a mouse.

>> No.6557688

Perhaps I really should just delete it and start from zero though(?) It's a real pain but It hurts just from looking at all the mistakes.

>> No.6557690
File: 103 KB, 593x559, footless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I deeply respect anyone who can just -grind- like that. I can only draw drawings, and I can spam some circles as warmup at the start of every drawing session.
>pic unrelated as far as circles are concerned, I was testing out drawing with my shoulder as anon earlier suggested, it's painful
anyway, my highest effort sketch of the evening.
Drew for only 3h or so, not as much as I wanted as I got frustrated with trying to activate my shoulder and gave up like a bitch. Will try for at least a few extra hours tomorrow.

>> No.6557692

I dunno how to color but it seems like your light values are too prevalent anon. Example - under and between the girl's tits, there is very little light in the photo but a lot more in your drawing.

>> No.6557695

>I respect the grind.
It's not grind, it's just frustration lol
im finally improving

>> No.6557696

Yes, that's because I was going back and forth in that area specifically a lot, hoping that it would fix itself/blend together with everything else. Obviously it doesn't work like that but I really can't seem to get it right.

>> No.6557700

Just trust the shadows I'd say. The legs and arms look much better.

>> No.6557702

I feel like a dunce for not thinking that at first, thanks

>> No.6557703

I can tell, you should use a tablet instead lmaooo

>> No.6557705

I think it's v cool anon

>> No.6557713

I can't at the moment, but I don't mind, I like playing with the limitation.
Thanks, I'm trying to use more limited color pallets to build atmosphere but at the moment I can just make things look more abstract.

>> No.6557715

It looks like something out of TWEWY, very interesting vibe. Doing with a mouse must be hard though, right?

>> No.6557722

It’s all one layer aside for some of the fine hairs and the face blush because it wasn’t part of the original but it’s pretty fuckin cute so I kept it. I hate layers, but I imagine they’d be useful if I were to do something of professional quality. For the smudging, I’m using that paper pencil thing in Krita. Dunno the name.

What you have so far is already good. I fucked up several times, but I just kept painting over it. I’m not going to end up with a 1:1 recreation, but I think it’s going well so far.

>> No.6557723

Very Based.

>> No.6557724

Uh, not really, I'm kinda used to it and I picked up a lot of little tricks. Like the style and angular shapes allow me to draw using straight lines, since making the curves perfect is the hardest thing to do with the mouse. For the shading I rely a lot on the diagonal lasso tool and gradients to gives the effect I want and works well for the style. And for the colors I just use gradient maps and some tweaking afterwards with the right layer modes. And for the cleaning and finalizing I rely on a few filters like oil paint and afterwards I sharpen everything with smart sharpen. Normally I use all of this to speed up my process but is something I learned to circumvent the drawing the mouse limitations.

>> No.6557767
File: 3.96 MB, 2834x2519, l7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey /ic/, been a while
here's some stuff from when I tried Keys to Drawing (and a bit of Drawabox) in February 2019 and early 2020 respectively. not terribly happy with it, and even more unhappy with the fact that it's been 4 years since I quit and I have nothing to show for it
Drawabox was the nail in the coffin for me with how painfully unfun it was; fundies is where the fun dies, as they say
I've been eying up the Brent Eviston course (and the figure drawing one after), keen for something that'll just take me through the whole lot

>> No.6557772
File: 2.91 MB, 3217x1934, tttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's silly to use AI as reference but here's where I'm at now, took ~15 minutes
sorely lacking in an understanding of form and the like, very flat

>> No.6557773
File: 3.80 MB, 4000x2000, Illustration435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Challenged myself to try and pin down his likeness with different lighting to boot. How'd I do? any crit? I'm usually not very good at drawing the likeness of someone

>> No.6557774
File: 469 KB, 647x485, Screenshot 2023-03-12 201358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think this person improved

>> No.6557783

Why did you use such a murky palette?

>> No.6557784
File: 870 KB, 1848x1319, 213213213123213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyway, Brent recommends using 18x24 inch newsprint / A2 paper, as well as an easel / drawing board
is there anything I can get that'd fit that size with this setup? don't have a ton of space, worried about blocking the monitor which I need for reference

>> No.6557788

No reason honestly. I started with a warm dark underpainting and just went with that.

>> No.6557793

Oh, okay thank you, I'm doing everything on a single layer as well. May I ask how many hours it took you for your work?

>> No.6557803
File: 1.36 MB, 2896x1908, 20230312_193330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6557818


pakistani sinix

>> No.6557819

I did about three to four hours the first day, and then probably five or six the next day. Some of my progress is at the end of the previous /beg/ thread. I don’t even thing I put in half an hour today I was so demoralized.

I just eyeball it. I had to fiddle with the hands and breasts because they were thick (they still are a little bit but not so much)

>> No.6557820

At that size you really want a $100 utrecht H-frame. They're not top-quality but mine is a decade old, no issues.

>> No.6557822


>Done with a mouse.


>> No.6557823
File: 304 KB, 888x1077, Gundo SAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i get feedback please

>> No.6557824

hand too small or head too big
also perhaps is intended, but because of the lack of eyebrows I can't understand what that expression is trying to convey

>> No.6557826

yes now that you mentioned it i can see errors lol

>> No.6557828


>> No.6557831

maybe a silly question but do they work when you're sitting at a desk?

>> No.6557834

controlling proportions is important for bringing out her petite stature, e.g. the span her shoulders relative to the head
no neck, you lose a lot of feminine appeal from missing this
the size of the facial features and the expression

>> No.6557838

Her cheek is too fat. Tomo is a great anime though.

>> No.6557839

where is asuka faggot did he make it yet?

>> No.6557844
File: 310 KB, 888x1077, Gundo SAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the emotion i wanted to give off was a creepy vibe from her. like bending toward the viewer trying to be intimidating feeling.
quick edit

>> No.6557853
File: 3.43 MB, 3413x1565, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

paint me like one of your sinix girls

>> No.6557901
File: 532 KB, 888x1077, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some suggestions for you try
if not, you can always call me a massive faggot and ignore lmao

>> No.6557926
File: 219 KB, 599x716, rd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think head is too big and arm too long, but this pose is not my cup of tea so i might be wrong.

>> No.6557931

damn man i like the bloom effect you added. i mostly just color pick my shit then move on learning color is so hard for me
yeah the head is pretty big. you made it good
nice stuff guys

>> No.6557944
File: 484 KB, 1170x1080, anatomyquwstionmark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so confused how this is supposed to help me. I feel like it's just a confusing mess. I grabbed a random model of females poses and reduced her down to shapes, I'm pretty sure I fucked up in some places but my brain is fried from previous work all day. This didn't take long, 20min at most. There is no way I can reconstruct this from memory.

>> No.6557957

you are using cylinders so you are losing an axis of information try using just cubes, check lucca cambiasso or bridgman.

>> No.6557960

I'm also seeing the places I fucked up now too, I can't pull a single w even on basic exercises like this.

>> No.6557963

you keep trying is the biggest W, keep going

>> No.6557967

I see what you mean with the cubes over cylinders, looking up lucca cambiasso on youtube came up with this video.
Will that work?

>> No.6557975

yes DD is based, yeah that will work, but do this first: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lXwF_kpqHU

Try doing them really fast but twice/multiple times.

>> No.6557993

It'll be the first thing I do tomorrow. Should I time myself and just start doing this every day? Say, start with 30min per figure then move to the next after a break? I usually aim to put 6 hours into art every day but without a proper structured study I feel like that time isn't doing much to help, don't know if this will change that.

>> No.6557997
File: 44 KB, 500x500, 4c35db72d7b28de4874554ac9d72fd41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The form has not been felt

>> No.6558012
File: 1.80 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20230312_235659-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And final one, it was fun doing trad for a while but is time to return to digital.

Sure, im Leikdaz22 on Twitter

>> No.6558013
File: 672 KB, 2560x1440, 247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello beg. I used krita fill tool

you are supposed to either draw cross contours or draw through so the forms are 3D. You did neither and thats the core issue making you confused
based doodler
his figures got better and he uses colors and advanced rendering. yes they improved
hello, nice collection. And yeah drawbox is meme filtering practically everybody. welcome back to drawing!
i kneel
this man PAINTS!
have you tried using blending tool? airbrush? eraser with low opacity? textured brush?
obviously its hard to be 100% sure since permabegs never sign their stuff, but its mix of
>draws 1 hour per month
>refuses to use reference
>thinks they are already perfect and know better than anyone
>no interest in fundies, only anime style
promoting your shit online is never bad, in fact its practically required to make it. do whatever you can to increase number of people seeing your stuff. PYW everywhere or die
cute but the black spots behind it makes it look like its some furry abomination with long legs
the viewfinder is just prebeg help tool to ease you up into drawing what you see. if you are courageous you can definitely do without it. but it is very trivial to construct one. Literally anything see though + marker drawing cross on it will do
2022 has 0% form and is stiff. 2023 has 1% form, is still stiff as fuck but at least the pose is dynamic this time. the only positive thing i can say is that its cute and shows potential of soul. But that was true for 2022 as well. So no, my verdict is you didnt really improve
nothing to help you with, its coomable and appealing
draw 1st thing yandex find. Or force yourself to pick from first 10 results
chair + table combo to protect spine, lighting to save eyes
thats very good for 1st try, you will mog many begs soon!

>> No.6558014

if I can even get 50% of this skill I'd be happy.

>> No.6558019

these are excellent

>> No.6558088
File: 3.30 MB, 1573x3562, raku024~002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

End of day 3. I powered through the skirt in about 90 minutes or so, which has most of what I wanted done. Once I'm done with the jacket, I'm going to have to worry about the background which is going to be a fucking nightmare and make me want to kill myself.

>this man PAINTS!
Thanks, bro. I don't think I'll ever do this again, though.

>> No.6558092

how long have you been drawing

>> No.6558104

why these white blotches around. it triggers me so much

>> No.6558105
File: 477 KB, 750x748, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any critique on this?

>> No.6558107
File: 111 KB, 680x506, 1410663278848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anons, I need some help

I've been going steady in drawing recently but I have come to kind of a stopping point, mainly due to my setup of a figure and their pose in a picture

I can't seem to pick out if I wanted to wire out the body, use shapes, or circles or all together to make up the form, as the final picture kinda comes out differently each time

does anyone have advice on proper form setup or being more consistent

>> No.6558113
File: 2.86 MB, 1570x933, IMG_5276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6558127
File: 2.92 MB, 2560x1440, workspace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incoming blogpost.
December of 2021, but I got really burnt out after drawing obsessively in March of 2022 and haven't drawn anything but doodles since then. I recently turned 24, never read any books or watch any videos, only started using /ic/ three days ago, and this is essentially the first time I've done something in color. I took a drawing class when I was in high school for about half a year my sophomore year, but I got pulled out of it after half a year and transferred due to bad grades. I looked back on some of my older stuff and thought I was pretty good, which prompted me to start it up again. While I don't really know how my ability compares, I'm guessing I'm probably better than most people at my level of experience, and I know my parents have suspected me being an art prodigy since around the 5th grade, but I resisted any encouragement. In the six years between when I was stopped 16 and resumed at 22, I did maybe 16 hours of artwork total. What convinced me to come back to it is a drawing I did with my non-dominant hand when I was about 15 or so. I'm just trying to make up for lost time because I think I could actually be pretty good if I learn the fundamentals, but my ability is pretty much limited to reproduction. When it comes to drawing cartoons and anime and stuff, I mostly turn out shit.

tl;dr a little over a year with some pretty significant gaps.

I'm using one layer like a retard.

>> No.6558128

Holy shit how the fuck could I fuck up the spoiler.

>> No.6558130

i don’t think there’s spoilers on this board lil bro

>> No.6558150
File: 572 KB, 595x638, 1678657390474125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the polish in the world isn't going to fix broken proportions.

>> No.6558154

Very cool, but please stop drawing with a mouse. There's no glory in pointlessly making things more difficult for yourself. If you can't justify spending fifty dollars on a cheap tablet, just go trad.

>> No.6558159

Pretty cool. It's recognizable, and definitely more interesting than a straight copy of the photo.

>> No.6558189

What are some exercises that build up muscle memory for digital line art. I especially struggly with varying line weight in one stroke and hair. Drawing lines and circles doesn't seem to be cutting it. I don't struggle as much with pencil and paper but that may just be an illusion.

>> No.6558279
File: 1.49 MB, 4961x3508, 1651218712213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea man but I do have this warmup image
Hope it helps

>> No.6558280

Unironically just draw. You will naturally get better at it with time. No exercises needed.

>> No.6558283

Overlay your drawing onto the reference.
There’s no point in painting and rendering when the underlying drawing itself is not correct.

>> No.6558284

>line warmups
>make a mark on one side
>hold shift
>make a mark on the other side
heh nothing personal

>> No.6558305
File: 48 KB, 1080x687, 1626811678121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not supposed to do it that way
Someone please stop him!

>> No.6558338

I have this already and this is what I meant by drawing lines and circles. Thanks anyway anon, I appreciate it.
Is there anything I can keep in mind while just drawing? I know about drawing from the elbow and trying to maintain a medium speed. I do just draw and don't just do warm-ups but my lines always look so bad it's very dusheartening. I don't understand how people have so much control and grace with their lines digitally.

>> No.6558476


Guys.. Don't do this. Waste of time.

Instead: Warm up with figure drawings. You are still doing the mechanical work and building that muscle memory, but simultaneously you are actually studying something meaningful instead of drawing straight lines and circles.

>> No.6558511

vippu gesture > hampton gesture

>> No.6558531
File: 308 KB, 1280x1280, 5D1AEDA8-3CFA-4CBD-AC95-1C3CCD6248A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6558532
File: 222 KB, 894x1280, E072B2F5-6889-4178-AF79-1FD05B92171C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to need to redo that cloud. Looks like tentacles.

>> No.6558677
File: 216 KB, 1265x954, unknown-15-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6558750

love the headpiece

>> No.6558765

Will my proportions get better over time "automatically" or not. Each time I draw a new figure from reference it feels like I'm not treasuring the mistakes I made from the previous one.

>> No.6558771

is that the M55 in the top left

>> No.6558774

Of course they will anon. Just like every other skill. Apply yourself, pay attention, and draw.

>> No.6558792

Dangerously Based.

>> No.6558798
File: 124 KB, 722x660, sketch275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sketching :^)

>> No.6558832
File: 38 KB, 585x486, 0878b5bb725d2e3bb494181655c10f89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its so fucking hard to start drawing with a different stylus position (vertical) to help me draw with my whole arm more, and doing that in itself.
I feel fucking disabled. Like I can't control the stylus. I hate this shit. Just as I made progress, disgusting 'carpal tunnel' comes along to ruin my fucking shit.

>> No.6558837

you already have it?

>> No.6558842

Nah, but I got scared by the warnings earlier in the thread.

>> No.6558848

Is your tablet big enough?

>> No.6558858

It's an Wacom Intuos Pro - Medium, 10 inches

>> No.6558863

Just make sure you stretch frequently anon.

Looks pretty good anon! The one foot at the end of the bent knee looks off though.

>> No.6558865

any good beginner guides to clothing/folds?
i started this long 2 month ron lemen course but i think it may be too advanced for me

>> No.6558879

Sketching out what I had in the original comment. I found that zooming in a fair bit to draw the lines helps a lot. I didn't end up as worthless as I felt starting, but it's still worse than my wrist and finger oriented drawings.
Also my whole arm aches now.

>> No.6558880
File: 47 KB, 888x662, vgh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.6558883

Once your arm starts aching you should stop and do stretches. Your body is trying to tell you that you are taking damage. If this is a common issue I recommend stretching before you start working.

>> No.6558885

Yeah, thanks anon. Taking a break and doing some stretches.
I think doing the hoverhand above the tablet is what is doing the most damage, as it's the forearm hurting the worst.

>> No.6558994

will drawing 1000 circles a day improve my ability to draw?

>> No.6558998
File: 1.49 MB, 1256x1176, 393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6559021

no but boxes will

>> No.6559030
File: 111 KB, 974x985, shower cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6559041


>> No.6559051

my current mental state

>> No.6559085
File: 2.87 MB, 1152x1546, beg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i going in the right direction?

>> No.6559129

>left handed

>> No.6559131

Maybe if you've only been drawing for a week

>> No.6559132

i actually drew right handed lol

>> No.6559134

nta but I am left handed, what does it mean? Aside hitting buttons on my tablet with my arm...

>> No.6559251

Why are you drawing with the circle binder thingies on the right then? They are messing up your pencil movement right?

>> No.6559256

>anon never heard of drawing on the back of a page

>> No.6559363

losing my mind here, is there no resource to learn shading and value? nothing in the sticky helped. books dedicated to coloring dont help either because i dont even understand basic rendering.

>> No.6559387

brent eviston

>> No.6559401

hmm i guess i didn't notice that but you're probably right

>> No.6559441

>stand in the middle of the highway, draw what you see, add a sidewalk
O-k... Let's just find the eyelev-ACK

>> No.6559462
File: 579 KB, 555x850, cringe and soulless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you at least get hit by a Tesla so we can blame AI for it

>> No.6559474
File: 452 KB, 1000x599, 230313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6559479

>drew my first portrait
>was so embarrassingly bad I instinctively crumped it up and threw it in the trash

>> No.6559484

You should have eaten it for the art gains

>> No.6559489
File: 3.03 MB, 2279x1731, 394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6559507

This gives me a comfy vibe for some reason

>> No.6559515

How do you do hair?

>> No.6559526

You can just flip the sketchbook around.

>> No.6559536

This is AI, right?

>> No.6559550
File: 451 KB, 1920x1080, gaufbullet vs metabee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently bought a drawing tablet and this is my first serious attempt at drawing in like 12 years. Digital drawing doesn't feel as awkward as I thought it would.

Please r8/h8.

>> No.6559553


>> No.6559556
File: 150 KB, 880x1100, 29b5179624f314d86d99c8e511dd5d7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the best resource to learn how to shade portraits with pencil in a simple quick way?

Do you make tiny circular strokes with pencil to fill in shapes or rather is it like hatching along the planes?

>> No.6559557
File: 1.64 MB, 2434x3358, 20230216_164631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another drawing on mine.

>> No.6559570

Hand draw. Why?

>> No.6559573


>> No.6559601

Just frame the face, then the top of the head. And then draw downwards to connect with bottom ends.

>> No.6559628

I like these.

>> No.6559635

I suck so much at drawing. I'll never make it*.

*make it means approaching basic competence in construction, linework, gesture, perspective, color, etc.

>> No.6559636

Don't even try.
>it's literally easy as fuck
It's impossible.
>it's great
It's garbage.
>just read quickly the important parts and do the workbook exercises
What if you lack a fullbody mirror?
>no, faggot, fun with a pencil requires no---
It requires everything. Loomis makes a lot of assumptions.

>> No.6559660
File: 184 KB, 810x646, ic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couple reasons.
Firstly, the drawing is quite crude, in the sense that all the shapes are simple, all the lines quite thick, and half the canvas is just white, but it still looks like the artist has a good sense of volume. The hands, the boots, the way the scarf wraps around the neck, they're not crude. The colour palette is pretty nice, too. That kind of mixing of skill levels isn't unique to AI, but it's uncommon in /beg/.
Second, the background colouring looks overly elaborate for what it's doing. Why have all these colours melding into each other, when you're just trying to express a couple trees? Again, human artists can do this, but it's uncommon in /beg/.
Third, the lines look molten somehow. The colours spill over the lines, but curve to follow them. The lines mostly look like they're drawn with a fixed-width brush, but not always. There's hints of chromatic aberration, but it's not consistent - it looks less like a filter, and more like every line was drawn several times, following almost, but not quite, the exact same path. It's the kind of effect that looks like it would have been difficult to do by hand, but could easily show up with an AI inconsistently mimicking someone else's style.

>> No.6559685
File: 640 KB, 1503x1270, sphere_shading_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

screwing around with shading in krita.. tryin to learn some of these digital brush type things..
any thoughts on practicing in kirta??

>> No.6559710
File: 943 KB, 2279x1731, 436546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the drawing is quite crude, in the sense that all the shapes are simple, all the lines quite thick, and half the canvas is just white
I'm lazy.
>Second, the background colouring looks overly elaborate for what it's doing.
That's because I'm using gradient maps and gradient control to color, because I'm lazy. This is the end result if you know what you are doing, at least partially.
>Third, the lines look molten somehow. The colours spill over the lines, but curve to follow them.
That's just the filter I use when I'm too lazy to clean some shit, the "chromatic aberration" is just the sharpening filter I use afterwards deep frying the edgy of the lines. I know the end result looks a lot like how AI does things because is basically the same process of upscaling, but is something I've been doing for years and I honestly don't feel like changing because this shit.

I had people calling my minecraft screenshots "Ai generated" because I used a few mods and a shader to control the colors. I kinda realized the "it's looks just like AI" is just an automated response that NPC gives because is the only point of reference they can give since is all they have been programmed to do. So it doesn't bother much, is even amusing in a way, is kinda like being accused of tracing.

>> No.6559714

you overthinking it. it looks like some airbrushing with blur and ca filter

>> No.6559789

this is super cool anon

>> No.6559843

Drawabox is pretty good all things considered. It asks a lot from you in things like form intersection so some students who aren't willing to autistically autodidact (doesn't necessarily defeat the purpose of a course because you didn't know what to study before drawabox in theory) come out on the other side of two pages of wavy boxes being like "this sucks fuck him" but the real value is in showing you what to do and prescribing a retarded amount of mileage. If you pay attention and take your time you have no choice but to at the very least get better line making skills and hopefully start understanding 3d drawing. That being said I hated how my homework looked until I would grind out (breaking the rules) like 3 or 4 of the same thing, for example the plants. First one was a wash, second one I got it but didn't do it right, usually by 3 my gardenia looked like a gardenia and by 4 I could just rotate the shapes in perspective. Great.

>> No.6559859
File: 143 KB, 270x403, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6559865

Not him but the first exercises from it indeed works? Getting a real feedback from it without people throwing shit was hard for me

>> No.6559883

Yes if you've never drawn at all you'll get something even from lesson 1. Specifically how to literally just make lines which is valuable. How to aim, steady, and thicken that is, plus iirc a little form work. Lesson 2 starts you in on organic forms and texture, then lesson 3 you study plants and 4 insects and so on until you gain mileage and confidence. For the absolute and total beginner I wouldn't begrudge them for doing lesson 1, 2, 250 boxes and 250 cylinders and just doing something else like Vilppu because that's really where the gains are in Drawabox. Imo the texture lessons were generic and when you move onto "constructing" plants and animals it's kind of intuitive or obvious if you understand how to make guidelines, forms, and how to observe. Pretty decent imo.

>> No.6559895
File: 2.53 MB, 1900x1498, borg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my mega-/beg/ scribble, I've been drawing for like, a week now (consistently at least, I tried a couple years ago but fell off and haven't drawn since).
I've got a tablet but the cable's too short to use comfortably, so I've been just scribbling in a pad.

>> No.6559912

i would suggest posting your work over on /alt/ lol people here seem to really want to crab on you

>> No.6559924

Brent Eviston recommended getting newsprint to do warmups on since it's cheaper, but everywhere I look regular 80gsm printer paper is far cheaper. does gsm (or paper quality at all) really matter that much?
guessing it won't have too big on an impact at a beginner stage with just graphite

>> No.6559927

>mega /beg/
Not even close.

>> No.6559929

Better than mine in 13.
I will never make it.

>> No.6559933

That advice is unironically dated. You can safely disregard it, any paper is enough.

>> No.6559935

Try reposting it at 512x512 and see what people say.

>> No.6559936

Yeah lmao, sorry. I meant that I'm dogshit and didn't know how to phrase it better.
Just trying to scribble things I like between doing homework...

>> No.6559939

You're far from that. You have a basic idea of *something* and you can depict it albeit badly. There is a base you can improve on if you push harder.

Me? I'm not so lucky. You're looking at a perma crumpled paper.

>> No.6559941

meant to reply to >>6559927

>> No.6559985

Day 4. Almost zero progress. I cropped it to the source image size so I won't have to deal with texturing the stone and because I couldn't draw her fucking shoes. Tomorrow is my deadline.

>> No.6559986
File: 3.73 MB, 1583x2594, raku024~002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot image.

>> No.6560003
File: 733 KB, 2560x1440, 248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello beg! 30 out of 60 figures complete! Its all men with comically long legs and very slim builds.

Always take what the books say with a grain of salt. For example i did it all in DIGITAL. Take that book! If the book says to get the cheapest paper then simply do that. Easy
And i recommend keys to drawing. Godspeed anon!
remember anon to always have at least one brush for details and sharp edges. For example the way you rendered this ball it looks like its made from fur due to omega blurred everything. But yeah you got the right idea.
if you got filtered by keys to drawing, try out
It has omega gentle skill curve and it is lowkey targeted at people with low IQ and or low self esteem. So it should fit you well
your composition, imagination and clean forms already mog like 30% of BEG. You will make it easily if you will manage to not have 12 years long pause. Draw!
the way how you made the coloring and the hue shift all around... i am amazed. How did you accomplish this?
>he didnt proudly PYW it anonymously on BEG general
Thats lame. Be bold and PYW!
cute anime heads and asses
that hand is omega awful and line weight on tit is confusing
looks like art. thumbs up!
yes but why would you torture yourself like this? draw what you like
the only major flaw i can find is boring composition. Putting torso with no background into dead middle is just that: boring. Maybe neck is too narrow but its anime so anatomy might as well not exist. Overall i like it. Your blending could be better.

>> No.6560005

download where?

>> No.6560007

you are a good poster and I like your work

>> No.6560013

Thanks anon, I'll give that book a look and try finding some extension cables.
I feel very lost but at least I can find some fun doodling whatever when the mood catches me.

>> No.6560023
File: 141 KB, 952x1262, life 3-13-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some trad

>> No.6560040

What if you've drawn before?

>> No.6560048

ty that seems like good advice
I wont tell you which one tho so it could be any of them...
cuz im devilish like that

>> No.6560068

it’s a good refresher

>> No.6560070

What if you're drawn horribly again and again, year after year, and drawabox was one of the times you did really horribly?
What then?

>> No.6560082

>hit overload on figure drawing
>fall into a depressive slump
>start drawing an ant
>somehow less painful despite all the moving parts
>feeling better

>> No.6560093
File: 70 KB, 371x359, 1550853854133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6560099

nothing JK, you know you can rotate the active area of the tablet right?

I like it but thats a goblina waist not pretty

these are great, nwwpv

>> No.6560244

Then just don't draw anon hfs, there isn't some magical combination of words in some hidden secret specific course or book that is going to forge a mind body connection for you. If you suck, learn what sucks and grind out the answer, if you don't want to do that, don't do that.

>> No.6560255

Thanks! Haha, yeah. Already fixed it ^^'

>> No.6560259

k1 not m55

>> No.6560281

She's way too wide / waist area is too short. Rendering and lines look real nice though.

>> No.6560293

Just do the exercises from Right Side
Get your accuracy to 80%
Do Perspective Made Easy
Then David Finch Roadmap

>> No.6560304
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bren Eviston The Art and Science of Drawing

>> No.6560375


>> No.6560411

What about the trauma of repeated failure like a scar? How are you supposed to do anything about that?

>> No.6560694

Failure shouldn't traumatize you, you need to learn from failure. If you can't, post your failures here and someone might point out what you did wrong.
Now stop doomposting, you're wasting other people's time and your own time, plus you look like a needy loser. Everyone's been through this, there's no shortcuts, if you can't hack it then give up.

>> No.6560703

>if you can't hack it then give up.
Isn't the mantra on ic that anyone CAN do it?

>> No.6560746

>Failure shouldn't traumatize you
Let's say that every time you tried to take a step something stopped you.
Someone smashed your knee with a hammer.
You trip and fall on your face.
You slip and fall on your back.
You hit your knee on something.
Someone screams at you.
When does it turn into you being an unfortunate victim of fate?

>> No.6560774

One one point I kinda understand you because I used to suck at a certain art genre for so long and it smashed my confidence a bit.

On the other hand, nigga you are just drawing. It's not like you pissed yourself when you were trying to give a speech, or got shot in Vietnam. You are not traumatized, you just lack some mojo.

Just draw whatever you want and don't care how it turns out, if it resembles the subject in the tiniest way, it's success for you.

>> No.6560778

I'm using analogies to physical injury because I have suffered actual physical trauma as a result of trying to learn to draw. My fingers got snapped when I tried to ignore my mother, I got "pranked" by kids dumping water on me when I tried drawing outside, I had someone, unprompted, tell me why I suck when I was doodling in the library, there are many times I've learned to associate learning to draw with pain and suffering.

>> No.6560785

then just to go a psychologist

>> No.6560791

Already trying.

>> No.6560942

ok cris

>> No.6561471
File: 69 KB, 614x627, imagem_2023-03-14_205819656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big ol' pair of tiddies

>> No.6561522
File: 94 KB, 524x622, imagem_2023-03-14_212728250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6562231

Tig ol bitties.
Based using formlines.

>> No.6563757
File: 939 KB, 1675x2662, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying out a black and white style