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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.21 MB, 2480x5908, troglodyte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6553783 No.6553783 [Reply] [Original]

The new tactic of virtue signal/promote my art bullshit that's happening on twitter.

>> No.6553785


>> No.6553790

both are equally dogshit

>> No.6553791

>Vis Dev & Illustration

Anyway, people have always resorted to such whiny tactics to get eyeballs. Sam should just put them on blast like people did back in the old days - but lately people whine about people with bigger audiences sending "hate mobs".

They should just agree, "Yeah I sent my audience after you, get fucked"

>> No.6553828

She's unironically right though, but sam is a total bitch for not reminding this gender goblin that noone wants to see ugly people. Also, there nothing new about this tatic, everytime some artist gets into hot water over art you see these roaches scampering to advertise their mid fucking art.

>> No.6553842

>"Yeah I sent my audience after you, get fucked"
Uhm sweaty that's not how we do things in this age of passive aggressiveness and high female energy ;)

>> No.6553843

ban twitter screencap threads

>> No.6553855

ban anything discussing art, we need more AI threads

>> No.6553967
File: 241 KB, 598x1926, uzaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always laugh out loud when i see these people virtue signal and then shill their own art as a sort of gotcha moment, but their art is so obviously dog shit compared to the original.
>"Let me show you how it's done the right way!"
>posts an ugly version of the same character.
>"Now praise me and tell me how much better my art is because I made the drawing uglier"

Why do these people not understand that??

>> No.6553970

The first one is actually cute compared to the 2nd one

>> No.6553972

I also think the first one's head looks pretty cute.
Too bad the artist decided to make her a lard ass.

>> No.6553973

These are the people making my AI do fat faces huh

>> No.6553981

Twitter users are using the location field to make less noticeable pronouns.

>> No.6554015


what a waste of space.

>> No.6554030

Actually really like the first and third one, but the intention for why these were made ruins it.
Honestly, not a huge fan of the original design, her eyes are way too big.

>> No.6554040

just tell her, that ellie actor is ugly as fuck and you don't want to spend your limited time on this earth drawing ugly women.

>> No.6554044

first and third one are good, second one is a bit too /beg/ but it's also good, get fucked
disco elysium did very well, not everyone is a vain retard like you

>> No.6554048

I guess even ugly faggots like you need representation in media

>> No.6554050

>New tactic
That's a pretty old one. Start controversy to promote your lesser known art compared to the big artist. And the big artist isn't supposed to do anything but apologize because that would be "Punching down" and you're not supposed to do that.

It's the usual stupid bullshit for twitter artists.

First and third one are cute. the problem is the intent behind it. The Uzaki-chan shit was just a sign that people will complain even if a character is an adult.

>> No.6554052

and I guess ugly faggots of your type do not need it, suit yourself loser

>> No.6554056

It’s the intent that was the problem, only the 2nd one is actually trash.

>> No.6554088

Patrice O'Neal's "AIN'T THAT BETTA??" bit

>> No.6554090


>> No.6554121

She got a point though. Sam's art is generic instagram cute girl number 3456. It adds insult to injury that he actually used a reference of a unique person to create his generic instragram cute girl number 3456.

Ivy's art is unironically better in this case. Then again, it's just a basic exercise. She could've pushed the facial features more without also turning it into generic instragram cute girl number 3456.

>> No.6554125

generic anime girl
generic woke girl

>> No.6554129

I don't understand your point. Both of these things are not present in the picture.

>> No.6554134

no point to understand

>> No.6554263

First and third are better than the OG.

>> No.6554290
File: 49 KB, 568x362, C64200EB-5567-407D-BBF0-46BE8F7274C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funniest part are the roasties acting outraged over this response. He’s right of course. Most artists draw things they find appealing. I don’t understand why it’s controversial,

>> No.6554292

Since when artists aren't allowed to express themselves how they want to? Thank God for AI

>> No.6554295
File: 103 KB, 1121x1121, 1678466319063474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6554303
File: 235 KB, 1280x720, image-w1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its literally him

>> No.6554304

i feel sad about sam for being dunked by immoral trannies and other freaks just to gain clout but at the same time i think he misunderstood the audience he attracted with his girly disney style and cool guy attitude. the worst part is that he doubled down on it and it was the wrong play because his audience consists of teenage girls that are "offended" because he dont make other type of "beauties" (like this potato face down syndrome girl) and he is just a sperg

>> No.6554307

because his audience is too feminine, he should have been an "ally" instead of a sperg that "doesnt respect women"

>> No.6554309


>> No.6554311

yeah because theres a bunch of males crazy for tumblr disney art

>> No.6554314

That's what I do.

>> No.6554504

Is it only possible to think with your dick when it comes to women?
Are you guys also eating burgers every day because it's your favorite food?
This is a weird excuse for drawing the same boring face with flawless skin, lots of gradients, and no definition. He should just admit that he is satisfied with being boring and not going out of his comfort zone.

>> No.6554506
File: 285 KB, 828x860, F403CB5F-0D9C-4DBE-8CF6-C52E40DD8F5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dunning krugers coming out

>> No.6554509

I actually do like this better
The original just looks too generic and off putting

>> No.6554516

And this isn't generic? Try looking for sketches on tumblr. 90% of the art on twitter is generic more of the same shit

>> No.6554526

This is something you see on /beg/, retard. Liking garbage ass shit because it fits your agenda just shows you have brain rot.

>> No.6554528


This way better

>> No.6554530

It's fan art
Typically you draw fanart because you *like* the thing.

>> No.6554538

> I don’t understand why it’s controversial,
Because it's fucking weird. There are a LOT of people who are straight, gay, or whatever who don't do that shit. What kind of weirdo sticks that face on shit when it's inappropriate or not called for unless they are mentally disturbed in some way? Reminds me of that weird Behance account of that guy who continues to keep drawing the same face for years only Samarts is not as extreme as him.

Like he can't even think beyond what makes his peepee hard? That's just fucking weird. Then again no one should be surprised I mean his entire portfolio and channel is about this woman with this one fucking face.

>He should just admit that he is satisfied with being boring and not going out of his comfort zone.

This right here.

>> No.6554544

Now that I think about it, he also reminds me of that guy who would take the cutouts of children from the Sears Roebuck catalog to create art... Like never any adults...always children...

>> No.6554555

twitter screencap threads aren't art, you imbecile

>> No.6554560

>Ivy's art is unironically better in this case.
Cmon nigga, she just traced the fucking screenshot.

This one is actually decent stylization but its easy to talk shit when you just sketch.

It is but at least its the cutesy tumnblr style; it does look more like the actress without being purposely ugly like Ivy's art.

>> No.6554566

>Cmon nigga, she just traced the fucking screenshot.

She didn't do anything different from him though?

>> No.6554573

Stop being such a zoomer piece of shit. You're really blown away by the concept of male artists drawing women they find appealing?

>> No.6554575
File: 70 KB, 1051x637, Fq00Os3XgAAv62x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the best response in the thread

>> No.6554576

off topic

>> No.6554580

Mental illness

>> No.6554584

You're a fag

>> No.6554586

No one likes that ugly bitch nigger

>> No.6554592

im so lonely bros why all artist girls are retarded liberals?

>> No.6554600

I don't know but I can't stand these bitch's. It's fun to make art to piss them off

>> No.6554611


So? He draws what he likes. Why are you bitching about it?

>> No.6554612
File: 67 KB, 736x984, 45c16b7032303d53e7d876f2595a0d41--top-hats-edwardian-era.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These people are unironically satanic. They worship ugliness and abhore beauty. They are everything wrong with this world and should be considered mentally ill. (Actually they are considered mentally ill, but they consider that too to be a good thing nowadays)

They are dangerous and you should avoid giving them any attention.

>> No.6554613

Fuck off you brain dead esl. If you weren’t eating dirt cookies all the time and eating actual food, you would get the nutritions needed.

>> No.6554627


>> No.6554630

>ugly faggots
The character designs in disco elisyum are pure kino you braindead nigger

>> No.6554662
File: 982 KB, 850x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anytime you have controversy on social media its best to just not respond. It works 100 percent of the time and makes the seethers look autistic. Pic related

>> No.6554675

That doesn’t work, you are still affected by it. The guy deleted the artwork and made some excuse saying “t-the artwork has done its job”.

>> No.6554683

Only a literal nazi or an edgy teenager would make pictures like that. There is no deeper meaning in cute-ifying atrocities. Maybe the creator didn't want to be seen as either, if they deleted it.

>> No.6554687

> Maybe the creator didn't want to be seen as either, if they deleted it.
Doubt that, he deleted it out of fear. Shadman post worse shit and keeps it up.

>> No.6554699

his wife made him delete it and the original post on his patreon gave a backstory on why he drew it so people coul be aware of remembrance day which I guarantee all the fags seething about the image didn't even know such a day existed still some faggy millenial or zoomer started crying about DA JOOS being made fun of

>> No.6554808

holy shit taste...

>> No.6554811

> tranny

>> No.6554821

That's too bad people seethed about this picture. The message seems clear to me, girl is upset about being forced to go to the famous labor camp. Maybe it's an AU, I don't know the anime.

>> No.6554857
File: 39 KB, 1280x720, 132732467346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a drawing. Who the fuck even cares? The only "mentally disturbed" people are the twitter trannies who view this as some sort of calculated insult or affront.

>> No.6554870

Yeah, based in total delusion

>> No.6554874

Amazingly accurate. 10/10

>> No.6554876

The first one is super hot

>> No.6554879

These people are insane
>who cares
No one should, but “ignoring them” has got us here

>> No.6555282

>but “ignoring them” has got us here
"Ignoring them" is not what happened. That's why we're here. That's why outrage baiting works, because we didn't ignore them. By "we", I mean the masses of drooling retards out there who can't help themselves but kneejerk-respond to everything they dislike, feeding the machine. This shit fucking thread is even polluting the catalog is because it works, because you, and I, are totally failing to ignore it.

>> No.6555708

I never understood this drama, the pic struck me an anime girl with her mom in a school trip to a historial site that she Just dont want to be part off like many Kids when something is school related, i keep seeing it and try to understand why is so "le abhorrent nonpoggers - 999 social credits" but nothing

>> No.6555711

In the West it's blasphemy to make light of the holocaust. It's like drawing mohammed in Saudi Arabia.

>> No.6555733

This shit isn`t even funny anymore.

>> No.6555839
File: 644 KB, 800x900, 45749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I've seen plenty artists who draw from popular cartoons/anime get caught up in the algorithm and become inundated with frothing morons. The best thing you can say is nothing; don't even kick the beehive for fun, just don't bother.

>> No.6556063


>> No.6556098
File: 68 KB, 720x720, japanese vs western.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6556104


>> No.6556108

>Only a literal nazi or an edgy teenager
worse, a pinoy did it

>> No.6556109

this is why western art is garbage now, Ai can't kill it fast enough

>> No.6556115

Too old

>> No.6556118

It's almost as if people only want to draw people they want to fuck.

>> No.6556123

well, they want to draw COOL things and people the want to FUCK
she is neither

>> No.6556126

That's why they make up a version of Ellie that doesn't exist.

>> No.6556128

(Vidya Ellie is plenty hot)

>> No.6556133

disco elysium had sexy girls, the one in the hotel at eh start and that little girl in front of the bookstore, very fuckable

>> No.6556134

stuff like this brings me genuine fear. what if you used to be a huge fan of tlou and draw fanart for it all the time. then the 2nd game comes out and you hate it so you draw significantly less fanart. then the show comes out and you hate it so much it turns you away from the thing you once loved so you stop doing fanart of it all together. then the twitter mob thinks you're sus for suddenly not drawing tlou anymore. what's the matter? something about it you don't like, shitlord?

what if it happens to YOUR favorite franchise? nothing is safe from them nothing is sacred

>> No.6556138

get over it, you should be drawing OC as much as fanart anyway
it's also a good cover too if you want to distract the mob

>> No.6556140
File: 3.98 MB, 500x557, 1637114201485.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is no deeper meaning in cute-ifying atrocities
Oh really?

>> No.6556144

>tfw ywn straighten out vidya ellie

>> No.6556146

Anyone who's gonna watch this just be aware that it's long as fuck

>> No.6556183

better love story than twilight

>> No.6556199

top writing

>> No.6556225

Is there a webm version? I would like to rewatch the less boring bits.

>> No.6556253

Twitter subhumans want to give you orders even though they aren't paying your salary. Fuck them.

>> No.6556300
File: 663 KB, 1036x1986, 1678291977050679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gaslighting and manipulation from these subhumans is getting old

>> No.6556330

yeah the first and third one are barely even a redesign. They're just uzaki-chan in a rather different style.

The second is just a beginners work.

>> No.6556332

>Anytime you have controversy on social media its best to just not respond. It works 100 percent of the time and makes the seethers look autistic. Pic related
>That doesn’t work, you are still affected by it. The guy deleted the artwork and made some excuse saying “t-the artwork has done its job”.
>Only a literal nazi or an edgy teenager would make pictures like that. There is no deeper meaning in cute-ifying atrocities. Maybe the creator didn't want to be seen as either, if they deleted it.
All he had to do to get away with it, was add a link to an awareness page or the adl or something.

>> No.6556335

he's a flip, he barely speaks English, just aping chan culture, he doesn't care

>> No.6557286

>his wife made him delete it
women ruining everything as always

>> No.6557377

How do you respond to this without sounding like a sycophantic cuck or a absolute xenophobe? Do you just ignore it?

>> No.6557396
File: 754 KB, 498x270, 1650729829958804.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6557827


fucking faggot

>> No.6557986

Disco Elysium did well dispite ugly characters, not because of them. That being said, they weren't even that ugly. The style, coloring, and rendering was competently done and was able to elevate the character designs.

>> No.6558011

Nah, that's still retarded and seen a million times.

>> No.6558021
File: 184 KB, 988x1178, ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is, but why should I post it?

>> No.6558053
File: 1.42 MB, 512x288, LongLongMan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's very long
but good

>> No.6558624

>No one wants to see ugly people
>Joel still looks ugly
Sam is lazy.

>> No.6558629

Wtf now I'm glad the AI spergs made a model based off of his shit. At least it deviates his style from his dick.

>> No.6558637

are you saying the holocaust is a religion?

>> No.6558692

>Shit on this level actually happened that shows how complex humanity can be even at its most twisted
>Here's a good story about it
>Autismos can only tell it with stupid uWu gacha shit

>> No.6558708

you WILL desire to have sex with Bella eventually

>> No.6558727


can't make this up
although judging from the art most of these people should have "Her/Sheys" as their pronouns

>> No.6558729

>im straight

the math ain't mathing

>> No.6558730
File: 49 KB, 1080x641, dppnd6hkfjaa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>social media works on fake outrage and bullying anyone that can be accused of anything
>the art sphere is the worst case of it and constantly ridden by drama because artists seems to be the most unstable people on earth
>implying we don't know what makes the majority of the internet artist demographic
>implying we don't know what makes the majority of hyperactive social media users
>"just bully people for clout and likes lmao i am real artisté"
>shitty AI and social media threads like this get debate and talked about but god forbid you talk about art in any way that isn't sucking the artists' dick
You know what, i am going to come up with a way to monetize social media by making users pay for it by exploiting their addiction to clout.

>> No.6558801

true, but its anime... what really gets me is the girl, who is the same age as her, same bust size, same height, who cost played her to show people that they exist, but no one said a fucking thing, its like that 'if beauty and the beast were reversed genders it wouldn't work' getting shut down by mostnergirls.

>> No.6558808

look up dragon's crown sorceress, they called you a pedophile for liking her.

>> No.6558850

>equating Nazism and Communism
>the most obvious, classic, popular move by centrist Americans
Glad to see you talking about exploiting people's addictions, it aligns with your position of self-hatred and hatred for humanity.
Doesn't something feel amiss when a character has the most pornographically proportioned body but the face of a moeblob? In comparison, the half-naked male characters have the face of wrinkly old men. At the very least, it says something about sexism.

>> No.6558862

The old tactic of shitting up the board with social media screencap threads.

>> No.6558866

no one wants to look at an ugly woman, women don't, men don't, that's it.

for men, unless they go out of their way to make them look like a real person who was unattractive, even older ones never really look fucking ugly either.

however with bodies, women age like milk, where as men, if they have muscle, age very gracefully, and that's the difference, muscle.
in games, we have a fantasy, for women its playing the attractive woman, who is effortlessly kicking ass while looking like she is dtf at any time.
for men its the fantasy of being that jacked.
women/gay men get to have eye candy them
men/lesbians get to have eye candy for them

but the faggots in gaming want to take away mens eye candy because 'its disgusting' or 'its realistic' like fucker, I live in the fattest fucking state in this country, I haven't seen an inshape woman irl who was over 18 in 10 fucking years, do I have to be fucking reminded of this shit in my fantasy, in my escapism. oh I can have just the best looking fucking guy with sculpted muscle, but god fucking forbid I have an above 6/10 woman.

yea, I really REALLY don't care if a woman dressed like the princess in dragon's lair was in the middle of a hyper realistic milsim, if you don't like it, don't buy it, stop forcing the industry to take away things that sell and only give us the best of bad options.

>> No.6558892
File: 80 KB, 500x500, tumblr_pi966viuta1r1uuc8o2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one wants to look at an ugly woman, women don't, men don't, that's it.
ngmi opinion. people who aren't super models are usually more fun to draw. normies can like unattractive women too, pic related, everyone I know who's seen this film likes this character.
>muh escapism
just fuck off then and go jack off to hentai if you only want to look at young girls with big boobies

>> No.6558903

Men and women age about the same. They get wrinkly in the same speed. They get gray hair in the same speed. What you're doing is just simple commonplace sexism.
Nobody set the goal of taking away your eye candy, rather they have the goal of fighting sexism. The value of women and men is not based on their attractiveness and violence respectively. But this is the idea that is far widespread in current media.

>> No.6558906


>> No.6558908

There is a big difference between a cartoon, and when I say that I mean traditional exaggerated expressions cartoon, not trying to chase anime or realistic proportions, and what they do to women, a dun example is mass effect andromeda's male and female character, both of them were face scans of real people, the guy looks exactly like who its based off of, the female... well... you have probably seen the game.

you want to argue that ugly people are fun to draw... no they aren't, they are only fun to people who are sick to death of drawing attractive bodies because you have to learn anatomy.

and for the


I don't even fucking want that, I just want to not be repulsed by what gets shoved in my face, give me a 7 or a 9, i'm not even asking for the most attractive thing to ever grace gods earth, just stop making the men look more feminine than the women, mortal kombat is probably among the better examples where they decided to make the women look like fucking shit, but every single male is carefully sculpted perfection.

>> No.6558911

skin will get fucked up, yes that's true, but are you actually trying to argue that that mens 15% ideal body fat vs womens 25% are going to age similarly? as long as the man is not a fat piece of shit he will show less of what we call ageing for longer,

>> No.6558921
File: 9 KB, 640x480, 167931465564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"natze and gobbunism is nut the saem nu-uh"
>"centrist bad u must haet urself wow checkmate i feel so validated about my own political intellectual capabilities ooooh im coooming"
That'll be 81.99$+tax, you retarded cattle.

>> No.6558924
File: 1.96 MB, 1077x1362, nishii-fortuni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to know anatomy to draw ugly people too anon. Knowing how the skin droops or how fat hangs or how scars age is all anatomical knowledge to be implemented into the drawing. That in itself can be quite fun honestly.

Also sometimes we paint or draw things to repulse people anon. That's also part of art. It isn't all about making the most pretty pleasing stuff. That's just making products.

>> No.6558937

>"Ignoring them" is not what happened. That's why we're here
wrong retard. Gamergate is the first time there was any sort of backlash against leftists in creative spaces and the masks came off all at once and every single gaming outlet and even companies declared that gamers are disgusting misogynists whom the industry should banish as their customers. Ignoring these mentally ill subhumans as they infiltrated communities and companies is exactly what got us here. The reality is that not even a little bit of this shit should be tolerated

>> No.6558974
File: 169 KB, 596x680, 168444652111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retards who can't help themselves but kneejerk-respond to everything they dislike
>ignoring them doesn't work
Everything is basically fake but trying to explain or telling the truth is met with hostile reactions from every side because
>both sides are fucking retarded and only want to confirm their own beliefs to feel good about themselves so that they don't have to deal with their own thoughts
>the ones staying relevant and making money with this shit have an interest in censoring and silencing anything that could threaten their game
The solution is to stop giving a shit or outright violence.
>inb4 b-b-b--bbut if i stop giving a shit then they win
Stop playing their game; it's rigged anyway and you always lose.
Stop giving them money in any capacity.
Do and say what the fuck you want without giving an actual shit what they say and think about you.
Always say the things they don't want to hear for shits and giggles and exploit their addiction to outrage to make money.; That's how every single one of your dear political e-celebrities do it.
They all just want your money and attention.
But you're fucking monkey, so what the fuck do you even understand lmao

>> No.6559065

So you don't even want to offer an argument because you know you can't deal with the cognitive dissonance that follows? I see.
Aren't we all cattle? The difference between us is that you bootlick your masters.

>> No.6559098
File: 5 KB, 207x243, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"i can read your mind"
>"i know what you're thinking"
You're subhuman.

>> No.6559230

TLOU is a poor example because the creator has been an extremely vocal woketard even before the first game; fans only have themselves to blame for ignoring the blatant red flag.

>> No.6559247

>Nobody set the goal of taking away your eye candy, rather they have the goal of fighting sexism.
Sure, and men who bully fat women are only worried about their health

>> No.6559271
File: 12 KB, 429x410, 1365847651667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does this type of twitter troon come from? Always extremely wordy, but never having anything at all of value to say.

>> No.6559396


>> No.6559451

>The solution is to stop giving a shit or outright violence.
Cops and cuckservatives would sooner shoot their own people dead than let that happen and most centrists would say "good" when it happens.

>> No.6559765

>I don’t understand why it’s controversial
Because it makes him a bad artist. He can only draw one face, the one that makes his peepee hard. Even when he's drawing a child. He literally does not know how to draw a woman's face outside of the cookie cutter instagram disney wannabe style. Sakimichan gets shit on for the same thing.

>> No.6559770

finally someone who fucking gets it. not every drawing should exist to make someone cum. but the degenerate neckbeard crabs on this board can not fathom that

>> No.6560036

I see a theme, I say ugly you show old, your not even showing bad old, you are showing someone who while they aged, there obliques are still visible.

meanwhile what im bitching about is... google "zero dawn nikocado" and look at the images, the second one should be in game compared to him without someone photoshopping it over.

here, another prominent example, "mass effect andromeda female face to real person" you are looking for the one with steven brewis and jayde rossi in the same image, they are the people they modeled the faces off of.

i'm not looking to cum, but why are the only women in 'creative medias' as ugly as they can be, they don't do it for the men they ONLY do this shit for the women.

>> No.6560038

neil druckmann was not a the lead at the time of the first game, he had people above and around him that stopped his ass from going full retard, but the people above him left and everyone around him who was not fully on his side made working under him so fucking insufferable they quit,

>> No.6560247

>thing has gay faggot ass character art direction
>draw fanart of a thing and change it
so you're only drawing fanart for clout? like please let me understand the cognitive dissonance here: when I see a videogame where the females look like butch lesbians, I ignore the videogame. this includes not drawing fanart. you know that fanart implies "fan", so you like the thing, right? if the fucking main character is a buttugly dyke why are you changing it? do you not like the character? these people who draw fanart of faggot pozzed media deserve to get crucified by SJWs. that's what you deserve for doing shit for clout like a fucking whore nigger

>> No.6560254

So if you post on Twitter you are forced by Americans to draw ugly women?

>> No.6560264

no, but if you're popular enough or unpopular enough a medium-sized account with a crazed follower base might drag you into drama for clout

>> No.6560321

people don't draw fanart because they're fans themselves, but because they want engagement from the actual fans.

>> No.6560328

it's a whorish attitude and they deserve to be targeted

>> No.6562254

On what?

>> No.6562257

Most male artists are also retarded liberals. Art is an inherently liberal, progressive pursuit

>> No.6562431

I love how both sides agree that she is ugly as sin. The only disagreement here is how much of her ugly features need to be depicted in art.

>> No.6562435

Regardless if it is or it isn't, I am just baffled how it's alright to publically shit on the quality of someones art and then post something and boasting about how much better it is. I haven't even seen this amount of toxicity on /ic/ and people are cheering and piling on. Do they have no self awareness? You can draw better? Well good for you, but not reason to be such a dick about it and tear down the work of someone you see is below you.

>> No.6562442

someone with aesthetic taste on this board, incredible

>> No.6562484

Man I miss the days when 4chan was male only

>> No.6562534

How do you know the sex of people? I thought this is a public image board, not a dick-measuring contest.

>> No.6562550

I still do not understand what the joke there is supposed to be

>> No.6562692

Thats the one and only female face sam knows how to draw. They all look like that