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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 235 KB, 500x595, 1678407414112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6553138 No.6553138 [Reply] [Original]

Ignore AI. The West doesn't care about and hasn't fostered art in a long time. Is there any hope of improvements for artists going forward?

>> No.6553169

Get a real job

>> No.6553178

>The West doesn't care about and hasn't fostered art in a long time.
Any less than asia? Yeah our comics might blow, but that's hardly an insight into the west's view of art as a whole.

>> No.6553182

Yes it is. The gulf in teaching quality between Eastern and Western art education is huge. I hate to be a broken record but that's reality.

>> No.6553198

Man, the Boondocks looking good

>> No.6553200


>> No.6553212
File: 871 KB, 1080x850, 1313 - SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The east isn't any better you cum guzzling redditor. I'd even argue it's worse given its work culture and sheer oversaturation of every market.

>> No.6553214

>Be a officecuck wage slave

>> No.6553234

>spend time on inking
>bug eyed weeb shit

what an absolute waste of time and effort. at least it isnt traced like 99% of manga, so props for that.

>> No.6553237

Anything people are willing to give you money for is a "real job."

>> No.6553302
File: 239 KB, 1905x1010, 1677167841761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>change picture to be much nicer
>people like it more

>> No.6553334

he means you should do something menial for someone else and give up your humanity in exchange for a false sense of security and legitimacy. then you can be a grumpy faggot in your free time and crab safely from the comfort of your own misery.

>> No.6553345

sure looks like macedonia could use some urban landscaping

>> No.6553363

>thinks not doing art is "giving up his humanity"
Computers make art now you retard. If you want to be in touch with your humanity try doing something that can't be done by a calculator.

>> No.6553553

Source on the image? Looks cute.

If you look back western art in recent history, there was the almost total abandonment of "high skill level" art in the 20th century. Not total, but enough where you have less highly skilled people doing a very niche thing and the general viewer doesn't know or care about them. Since fine art became a money laundering scheme, and other half of "museum art" being degenerative or performative low skill shit, you don't really have the original source of funding and the point of getting gud. Furthermore, since the advent of camera's a high quality portrait paintings for example have far less market value, even if the quality of said painting is miles above a similarly skilled photographers product.

In recent years, I would say that the biggest drivers for "better art" have been realistic video games and movies. I remember 15 or so years back how good some of the concept artists were at the time and how much more impressive the people 5 years later were. The arms race to get into highly coveted positions imo moved from galleries to video game corpos and Hollywood, for good and bad.

Going forward, I expect that skill will improve, but ideas stay about the same. Hardly anyone grinds years and doesn't end up working for the same people, or just work as a teacher.

>> No.6553657
File: 22 KB, 474x592, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's really the only kind of art job "a guy with ai" could fully replace "an actual illustrator or graphic designer" though

pic related

>> No.6553682

stupid fucking gotcha as if AI can express emotions go back to r/singularity and make like woosh ultratranny omeganigger

>> No.6553686

bro those are gone too

>> No.6553692

good taste, anon. what do you think of Witch Hat Atelier?
how about you tell that to bankers and wall street parasites?

>> No.6553693

>computers make art now
they don't and you give up a practice that elevates the mind for cheap consumerism.

>> No.6553697

Source is A Brides Story, really nice manga.

>> No.6553700

>A Brides Story
Thanks, anon.

>> No.6553701

>an actual illustrator or graphic designer
An illustrator, maybe, but not a graphic designer. Graphic design is a lot more than just producing singular images, and even the AI images of graphic design are single layered cliche crap that can't be used by itself in anyway - so you'd still need to hire a graphic designer, just to use the shitty design from an AI.

As for your image, those were done (usually) by graphic designers, because cheap ass companies wouldn't hire illustrators, and graphic designers are often lacking in drawing ability. So AI is probably a major boon for them (also no more shitty stock images).

Honestly, I'm still doubting illustrators will be replaced as well, though they're probably going to have to make use of AI in their workflow.

>> No.6553706

I meant the only kind of job "an actual illustrator graphic designer does" which can be replaced by "a guy with an AI" is
>something menial for someone else [where you] give up your humanity in exchange for a false sense of security and legitimacy. [and become] a grumpy faggot in your free time and crab safely from the comfort of your own misery.

The point I was making was not that GDs would be replaced, but their job of making shitty corporate art - as you already understand - could be removed. Or at least made easier/better since they can just run generations on one machine while doing their normal work.

>> No.6553719

based aichad

>> No.6553722

Ah gotcha'

>> No.6553723


>> No.6553768

>atelier art classes in high school and vocational school as a serious and respectable skill
>actual entertainment industries that aren't all just two companies that only hire nepobabies.
>massive market for freelance opportunities as pretty much every single ad campaign, packaging material, visual communication, etc. uses some level of illustration or cartooning.
>normies actually respect successful artists as meaningfully employed and contributing professionals.
If there's one thing your retarded meme falls totally flat for, it's artists being better off in Japan.

>> No.6553811

No one is gonna pay you to "express emotions" nigger, a proompting guy that fine tunes shit can do that too, it's basically the same thing as coomisisioning but with a little more work, but you also get more control and it's free.
Stop being a soulless retard and go do something a person with a machine can't do.

>> No.6553816

Name some. Tell us what your job is, O enlightened one.

>> No.6553820

Plumber, electrical engineer, politician, "influencer", business owner, surgeon, security, police, whatever type of programmer works with AI, loan shark, prostitute and pimp, landlord.
Also, a lot of things that require manual labour are very hard to replace, not just because the technology is hard to come by, but also because the maintenance cost of bots can be pretty high.

>> No.6553825

>"influencer",whatever type of programmer works with AI, loan shark, prostitute and pimp
Weak ass bait.

>> No.6553827

>but you also get more control and it's free.
Proompters are so unbelievably stupid.

>> No.6553829

Cope nigger, you know those things arent' getting replaced, at least not anytime soon. Sure you can seethe and claim that "muh they are NOT REAL JOBS!!1!1!", but they both get money and will likely not be replaced, only that matters.

>> No.6553831

By your definition, none of those are "real jobs" either you stupid faggot.

>> No.6553832

Show me the AI that will replace prostitutes, closest thing we got to that were text generators and sexdolls, which are still very far away.

>> No.6553850

Had a "real" job before becoming an artist full time you cunt, do people really believe all artists are spoiled kids?

>> No.6553931

the thing that upsets me about this image is that cherry blossomms fucking exist in macedonia and everywhere else too, and total retards like >>6553302 get to feel like geniuses for totally pwning you by noticing that the images aren't identical

>> No.6553955

Compared to working 8+ hours a day I will take my coommission life doing 1 art a week without background to make a living

>> No.6554156

I love this fucking manga like you wouldn't believe

>> No.6554229

I like AI and you're an idiot for thinking it has more control. It has way way less control than even commissioning does, unless you're the type of faggot to only want to pay 10$ for a comm.


>> No.6554232


>> No.6554238

>dilapidated village
>pretty thing in dilapidated village
>sovl sovl SOVL!!!

>> No.6556409

The problem is the placement of the tree is actually extremely well done and improves the composition dramatically. There's a street near where I live that had a similar tree that was eventually cut down. It went from being one of my favorite spots to being just a generic street.

>> No.6560261

I've decided long ago that I'll just kill myself when I'll no longer be able to NEET
I don't even know why I draw. I don't post anything online anymore. It seems like people just don't give a shit, you post things online and idk, maybe you get likes
I enjoy the process but I would've liked to tell stories and say something to someone, but o nobody is there, really, it's like people only want porn, that's the only thing they want organically
either way I've been super depressed for so long and it's worn me out so deeply I think I'll never recover. if you let this state of mind fester too much it rots you away

>> No.6560292

best girl

>> No.6560299
File: 738 KB, 1090x867, jap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because cheap ass companies wouldn't hire illustrators, and graphic designers are often lacking in drawing ability
Ever since stable diffusion was released I wondered if companies would stop hiring artists and make stuff with it.
That made me pay pay a lot of attention to all the graphics on products and ads. My conclusion: I can't wait till those humans are replaced by bots.

>> No.6560311

Even so, that mostly applies to muttland. EU still has a pretty big comic scene with actual passionate artists, especially in France, who don't just goyslop factory capeshit.

>> No.6560332

>EU still has a pretty big comic scene
it's all €30 "graphic novels" about being a gay womyn in Afghanistan

>> No.6560334 [DELETED] 
File: 725 KB, 498x498, pepe-toast.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well looks like I'm actually leaving this board forever.
If jannies can't be bothered to delete blatant bait/AI threads, then you deserve the crabbing culture in this shithole.
These are just the most obvious threads and they have been up for days.
I'm also going to self report myself so I can get banned for real.
In conclusion:


>> No.6560347 [DELETED] 

internet communities will be overrun with ai shit irremediably soon
better get used to it

>> No.6560351 [DELETED] 

Other communities have either removed or containted AI shit.
Which pretty much killed off 90% of posting because you AI tard only care about validation.

>> No.6560354 [DELETED] 

Godspeed. Spam gore in the a.i. niggers threads on the way out.

>> No.6560358 [DELETED] 

I'm not pro AI I just don't give a fuck anymore
99% of "art" right now is porn anyway, the rest is idpol and propaganda. nobody gives a fuck about things made by humans

>> No.6560513

Illustrators are hired to solve problems and for visual communication, using AI instead of people to do that is like believing you are qualified to be a doctor since you can Google any disease you want.

Like artists can use AI, Doctors can use Google to help of course, but that's not the source of their expertise.

>> No.6560533

I like as much as you hate this job you still concider it a real job.

>> No.6560559

The quotes there should be several sets of parentheses

>> No.6560582

What a fuck, get a life you cunt

>> No.6560587

That's literally npc "art" no soul

>> No.6560738

Amira is the best underrated waifu

>> No.6561131

It's a mockery of corporate art, which is the shittiest low-budget garbage that industry graphic designers are told to make because the company doesn't want to hire an illustrator.
It's the kind of art job nobody actually wants because you spend all day working on bullshit, but some people take because the think it'll give them a foot in the door to brownnosing their way up the ladder (spoiler: it won't. It just takes time away from actually improving your craft)

>> No.6561385

I think AI art looks great. Fun hobby.

Only insecure faggots care

>> No.6561398

I think steroids look great. Fun hobby.

Only insecure faggots care.

>> No.6561421

Right, because AI will fuck up your endocrine system.

Being afraid of AI is like not wanting to use a calculator because it's the DEVIL'S work.

>> No.6561456

>i-it doesn’t count
Yep, just like cheating in video games, pajeet-kun.

>> No.6561461

If AI art improves as fast as GPT, which released the new improved today ( GPT-4 ), then what will happen?

>> No.6561532
File: 134 KB, 828x645, 43BBA452-0D49-46D5-A7C9-B91882ED0DA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ai shitters get the rope

>> No.6561541

there are different expectations about those old houses

in macedonia I'm imagining a shit hole

in japan I'm imagining a cozy hole

but yes, I am a weeaboo.

>> No.6565058
File: 27 KB, 153x170, 1601395450167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pariya my beloved
Amira can't compete

>> No.6565107
File: 521 KB, 1280x859, url(617).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans think """the west""" is a form of monoculture and that Europe has the same """white culture""" as the US. Despite the Franco Belgian comics industry being the only one actually growing Americans tend to ignore it in favour of their superheroes and lolicons.

>> No.6566428

>I think AI art looks great.
Go see an optometrist.