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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6539390 No.6539390 [Reply] [Original]

I hate asking this, but what kind of art will get me commissions (or sell), /ic/bros? For the kind of art I do, I haven't received any in a while.

>> No.6539391

anime waifu porn. It's common knowledge at this point

>> No.6539395

OP here. I do traditional art, anon. Are there any people who'd like to get such art in a traditional medium? 0_o

>> No.6539397

ai art

>> No.6539398

>Are there any people who'd like to get such art in a traditional medium?
Yes, but do you have many followers or much online presence? You can't expect people who are thinking about getting an actual traditional art commission to just search for some rando on the internet, they'll go to someone who's art they already appreciate.

>> No.6539402

I don't have many followers, as of now. I've been meaning to grow my online presence, but I was busy doing courses. I'd still like to improve but I'm pretty low on funds atm, that's why I'm seeking commissions. Are there any fan bases, except porn/NSFW, that are willing to commission art.

>> No.6539408

>Are there any fan bases, except porn/NSFW, that are willing to commission art.
Yes, but why are they going to you when they don't even know you exist? That said, weebs and furries are always hungry for more drawings of their shit. Do you mind the idea of drawing a wolf with massive tits?

>> No.6539413

Well, you're right, anon. No commission is gonna come to me out of the blue. But are there places where I can advertise my work and expect a few commissions? My last post on twitter didn't attract any. I also made a post on this hungry" artists" subreddit the other day, with almost same results, except one and they wanted a digital work. I do digital art, but I believe my traditional work is better.

At this point, I wouldn't mind drawing a wolf with tits, if that gets me some money. :')

>> No.6539414
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>> No.6539421

Hunt around on those sites post work like upwork and such. I'm certain there's one specifically for art commissions, but I can't remember the name of it, nor am I going to hunt for it.

Anyway, good luck anon.

>> No.6539422

>At this point, I wouldn't mind drawing a wolf with tits, if that gets me some money. :')

Don't do it. We're a few inches from available to anyone AI software that will make any NSFW imaginable and non imaginable shit they want in their own home pc's. So you will tarnish your soul (if that even matter to anyone) for a couple of rusty coins.

Instead, traditional art skills will be more appreciated than before. And harder to find with every artist jumping on the AI digital waggon. I don't mind AI becoming something big in art, because it makes ART trendy, it makes people to get interested in it. It is creating more room for art as a cultural relevant element in society. So that is good for artists like you, it gives you more room to hunt for work. I mean, nobody wants a printed piece of paper if they can have a real NICE thing made by a real human being. If you can record you doing the art that's what will be the selling point.

But, you are choosing a very hard and difficult way to earn a living. I would advice to you to choose another career to give you the financial freedom to make the art you want whenever you want. Don't make art for the money because you won't find any. If you do choose that path, get ready for a life of suffering. Accept the worst, and just be happy. You won't have a family because you will not have the money to give them a decent life. If you do have a family you WILL HAVE to get a normal job and be miserable and broken-hearted for the rest of your life.

As a brighter note, maybe you should get yourself into wall art, I don't see that much explored by artists and I don't know why. Wall art is awesome, it is something people appreciate inmensely whenever they see it. Good luck.

>> No.6539429

kill yourself ai shill

>> No.6539441

Thanks, Anon! :)
I'm like REALLY low on funds, anon. Almost desperate for commissions, lol. I haven't worked on a piece in a while. New works often invite commissions. Been only practicing and learning these past few months.
If I'm able to get as many commissions as I have in the past, my financial security is sorted, for I live in a third world country. $1000-1500 a month are more than enough for me.
And art is the only career that I can earn a living in. I'm not good at anything else. Call me a retard, but I believe that if I invest my time in art, my art will take care of me, eventually.

>> No.6539443

How old are you? can we see some of your work?

>> No.6539450
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I'm 25

>> No.6539454
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>> No.6539457

When you said "been only practicing and learning these past few months" you meant learning how to draw content you could get commissioned for or what?

>> No.6539460

Things about anatomy, creature design, composition & some perspective. Even tried to dabble with watercolor.

>> No.6539655

Social affectation and performance art. Look at all the in demand workers that have no artistic talent, they get work by shaking hands and sucking dick. Making money has nothing to do with visual arts, it is all social.

>> No.6539662

JFC! You're telling me I wasted years of my life believing I'd be able to pay my rent through my art one day. Now I feel like killing myself, lol.

>> No.6539669

These are really good anon. I hope you can find work where u can flex ur creativity eventually and not slave away doing coom art

>> No.6539855

Thanks, anon! :)

>> No.6539860
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What artist(s) did you study to get this sort of finish?
Reminds me a bit of Hans Bellmer.

Sadly, most people are not looking to hang abominations up their walls, so you'd be limited to making album covers to metal bands with this.
Maybe you can find some game projects that need concept art of monsters, or card games.

For normal people commissioning things, I'd have to see how you fare with more universally appealing stuff, do you have anything that is either cute or relatable, including fanart, portraits of real people, etc?

That said, your art is very cool. But mostly other artists would appreciate it.

Captcha: HASTY

>> No.6539928


having to ask means dont bother you wont make it. get a real job

>> No.6539992

DnD people like to commission their characters

>> No.6540001


>> No.6540004

I love artists like Goya, Giger, Bacon, Carlos Huante, Ito, but I never actively studied their work. I sure drawn some fan art (sketches) but never a piece. Though, I'm working on one atm. Hope it attracts some jobs. And thanks, anon, I'm glad you find my work cool. :)
Noted, anon. Thanks!

>> No.6540492

You mean sell prints there?

>> No.6540741

Idk. I don't sell trad
But looks like you can sell both prints and canvas

>> No.6540832

It's obvious that your work is good, but it's also definitely not well-moded for the more typical individual-level consumer-grade commissions of the modern day.
Within the SFW vector this might work short-term, but the quality of work presented is too high, probably takes too long, and should cost too much to be within the price range of most people-- and most people into this shit now prefer something far more cartoony/anime anyway. Could be viable, but depends entirely on OP's shorthand abilities. What does a quickly drawn piece from you look like OP? ~4 hours or less.
If your financial situation is truly desperate, literally just do porn like you said earlier. Choose a fetish that doesn't totally disgust you and go. There's extremely niche shit that can even at times be sort of fun to work on, but obviously, the money may come slower. Draw a few pieces and post on FurAffinity with a pseudonym and really top load those tags. Never mention being "in it for the money," and at least roleplay as vaguely being into whatever you go for. If your forms are curvy and your fluids look viscous and your rendering is at least half decent then money will come, who fucking cares. Just get stable first and proceed from there.

>> No.6540835

I get commed to draw fetish I draw anyways. Been drawing for 2 years and getting commed for 500-1000 bucks a month

>> No.6540864


>> No.6540882

only way to sell trad art is to do sell it IRL by word of mouth
any friends or acquaintances? family?

>> No.6540884

Very nice work! Where can we see more?

>> No.6540965

your work is good, don't switch to porn.

1. Build up body of work, large pieces are preferred. Frame and make presentable.
2. Apply to galleries in largest city near you, get in and hung up in public
3. Attend socials and build reputation
4. Make connections with clientele and have a good website and business cards
5. Make appointments to have clientele come over to your own gallery/workspace to shop. Pour wine, tell your life story (because story branding).
6.They write you a check and take home a piece, telling their friends and getting you more customers/rep.

This is a method by the trad artists that I know. Once you're known you'll be invited to tons of parties for openings and so much other shit, whole world of people throwing money at you can open up.

>> No.6540980

nice work OP, you should consider guro / monster if you are selling out for banknotes, it seems like it would be more in your realm than fluffy squirrels with tits

>> No.6541009

If this is your art style, you should do some research on Lovecraftian horror, H.R.Giger, occultism art and history, and go from there. Get in those cultural circles, those are the ones that will be all over taht art style of yours. But you have to do your home work and research. Those people are very interested in art with "knowledge" behind it. Not the grotesque 'just because', without a concept behind it.
In example don't draw just a random creature, make it clear that it is a known subject, like a god, a character from an ancient tale, even if it is obscure, those people love unknown esoteric weird stuff. They will love to have and original piece of a lovecraftian god or monster or whatever with a "secret meaning" behind. They just need to be sure that you mean it, and you know the subject, otherwise they will not care about the piece.
Start reading Edgar Poe, Lovecraft and the like and choose characters, creatures and concepts, research the art style texture patterns from the 18th and 19th century. Build a cohesive portfolio of work in that style and that crowd will reach you, no doubt.

>> No.6541016
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>> No.6541037

And they say direct messages from God aren't real.

>> No.6541043

all the retards saying furry porn are the same ones that say "neck all furries" in other threads
it's immediately obvious when some money hungry faggot slimes into our circles trying to grift us

>> No.6541198
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Noted, anon. Thanks!
Well, this sketch took me about 3-4 hours, I'd say. It's not a full body tho. And thanks for the suggestions, Anon! I checked that site and most of the work being uploaded is digital. I'm not unfamiliar with digital medium, but traditional is my preferred medium. Regardless, I'd look into it. Thanks a lot! :)

>> No.6541211

Nope, not really :')
Thanks, Anon! I'm @wufdrawscrap on twitter.
Thanks, Anon! Yeah, that's the issue with me the atm. I don't have a large body of work. Only a few big pieces. How many pieces should I prepare before I start thinking of approaching a gallery? And thanks for these suggestions!
I'd look into it, anon. Thanks!
I only have a superficial knowledge about the literary works you mentioned, anon. I'm not unfamiliar with the subjects they discuss tho. I love cosmic horror and the lovecraftian conception of the universe, its beings. I haven't read any works of Poe tho. I'd check it out, definitely. And thanks for these helpful suggestions, Anon. Means a lot.

>> No.6542705

To add, I think you have what it takes to build a community and get an income. Not necessary through commission, but through a Patreon and/or selling artbooks (Kickstarter, perhaps?). I agree it will be easier if you build your own universe and your pieces are connected through a story. Good luck!

>> No.6542726
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the memes are true about coomer art. Draw a ton of fanart and draw porn of it. It is also best to narrow your art to a specific fetish or category. Big butts, bestiality, furry shit, loli, incest etc.

you also don't need to be at a pro level to get followers or commissions but you need to at least be above average.

I personally draw incest and Woman+Boy coomer art. I've never officially opened up commissions but eventually i got enough followers and attention that i began to get dm's for commissions. I get a handful of requests a week but i can only realistically do about 2-3 a week and I charge $100 + for each.

>> No.6542729

>I only have a superficial knowledge about the literary works you mentioned, anon. I'm not unfamiliar with the subjects they discuss tho. I love cosmic horror and the lovecraftian conception of the universe, its beings. I haven't read any works of Poe tho. I'd check it out, definitely. And thanks for these helpful suggestions, Anon. Means a lot.
No prob. Also check Mike Mignola's work (Hellboy). Your stuff reminds me his work. Mignola is a good example of what I posted earlier. He developed a collection of stories about the occult wich he clearly studied it a lot. Just like Lovecraft studied Edgar Alan Poe. Nothing is born outta nowhere. Everything has a root on something.
Check Guillermo del toro as well, he's all over this stuff, I think he's the perfect example of "client" or crowd you should look to alure, I can see your work being displayed in a place like the Bleak House. I think you'll be fine, just keep going in that direction and push through https://youtu.be/bGfafViiEZ0

>> No.6542791

I hear for trad art bob ross style environment work tends to pay a lot during the holidays. I know it isn't much help now but if ever you need that info in the future.

Maybe try to appeal to another fanbase, you don't need major knowledge of it people just want to see things drawn cool. Maybe get more eyes via fanart of different things like all tomorrows, Silent Hill, Bloodborne - if you haven't already.

>> No.6542991

>How many pieces?
Just to have a number to work towards I'd say 8-10. My friend's personal gallery/studio will have about 20ish to view with some hung up in the works and several floating around local hotel lobbies and any other businesses that tour art pieces on their walls. If you're making a living doing this prolificacy is key, plus the more you generate the more you grow into your style and niche as an artist. Treat it like blue collar work and get to making as much as you can without rushing. Also attend gallery openings and really get caught up in your scene and make an effort to learn and keep track of who's who. It's kinda lame having to play socialite to make this work but it's a big part of your career, just enjoy yourself. Also seek out a mentor, other artists who made it will have better advice than I can probably give you.

>> No.6544139

Thanks, Anon! :)
Lucky you, bro $200-300 a week sure sounds tempting! 0_0
Thanks for your recommendations, anon! I'll sure check them out! And I love Del Toro's body of work!
Sadly I'm not a landscape artist, anon. I'll keep these names in mind. I've never done Fan arts, and maybe that's where I'm lacking, mostly. I'll start focusing on it more, thanks.
Thank you for the advice, anon. I'll start working on it! Though, I'm yet to come across an artist in this country whose work I truly admire. Is online mentorship a thing lol?

>> No.6544202

>online mentorship
internet kinda sucks desu, also you don't have to admire the work, instead admire their success, habits, business skills, attitude towards their craft etc. ideally you want to be able able to talk shop over coffee like human beings. dms will never replace that