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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 53 KB, 443x700, 1493151674808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6534668 No.6534668 [Reply] [Original]

Always leave text about this thread here.
It's thread
It's questions
It's answers
Post here if you don't expect your thread to reach 100+ replies

>> No.6534672

So... >>6533795

>> No.6534687

think with forms instead of just lines

>> No.6534703

Emotion practice, refs for pictures
Limit interests, ideas that you want to show
Memorize it. Bookmark in browser
We call them "Permabegs"
speak english
Perceive drawing as not improving of anatomy, gesture, color but as improving of your taste in anatomy, gesture, color. Helped me alot
draw feet from refs
Just draw more from references. It is just sensation of perspective

>> No.6534706
File: 32 KB, 459x296, 1657221086553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no way to learn to draw cocks but drawing cocks from refs while feeling yourself gay

>> No.6534858

I mean it really depends on your taste. For me, loud music helps distract me from my thoughts. Other people like listening to to calm music like lo-fi to help focus.

>> No.6534861

Could also try listening to podcasts/audiobooks, or having a movie/show/stream off to the side while you work.

>> No.6534865

wrong, you have to feel. Pretend what you're drawing is a solid object and imagine what it would be like to touch it, you can use this to intuitively "draw through" 3d forms. It's like using reference, but from your muscle memory instead of an image. Don't expect it to solve hard problems but it can add a layer of realism to your art

>> No.6535690

if your art looks off when you flip it, does that always mean you did something wrong? I'm asking cause sometimes I've flipped over other peoples pieces that looked perfectly fine at first viewing and theirs also looked off when I flipped it, even art that I considered to be pretty good

>> No.6535694
File: 3.15 MB, 2480x3508, lowerpotato's OC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it stupid of me to continue doing free requests? I'm still relatively a nobody, and I can't seem to even grow any of my profiles at all, so starting commissions seems like an impossibility at this point.

>> No.6535735
File: 1.53 MB, 5748x2472, grayscale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually hear "just draw" a lot, but never "just color". What should I be doing to break away from using the bucket tool, airbrush, and g-pen brush for coloring? I feel that my current approach is keeping my colors at "mspaint level" and I'm not sure how to branch out yet.

More specifically, how did you find a coloring style/technique that meshes well with your art? I was considering learning how to use gradient maps in Clip Studio Paint to improve my values, but I don't want to take the wrong steps by skipping over something I should be doing first.

>> No.6536927

is there a graffiti general that gets posted here? any fags here go out tagging?

>> No.6537327

>step 1 draw line art
>step 2 add base color
>step 3 ????????

>> No.6537470
File: 63 KB, 398x411, FpxIuOTWAAETQDm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have a brush for CSP that makes lineart like pic-related?

>> No.6537476

Nothing wrong with being in people's good graces. A lot of great artists do free requests in /co/, it shows humility.

>> No.6537830

>step 4 PROFIT

>> No.6538984

How do i draw dark skin on a black-and-white pen and ink medium without just just doing full-on black face?

>> No.6539062

Can you list Adobe as a business expense even if you hadn't used it for work? And how you would you go about doing that?

>> No.6539174

How good is this method to train yourself in a certain style?
Say you want to draw like Berserk-level art. Take the manga and redraw panels but from completely different angles. Autism mode being draw an entire chapter panel for panel.
You're not copying, but rather trying to translate the 2d image in a 3d space w/camera but you move the camera around.

Would this be effective at all? Say you're past stick figure stage but still in gesture phase.

>> No.6539201
File: 909 KB, 1698x2122, FkLWodYXEAEX7Ex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of filters/texture overlays would you use to get the kind of grain texture in picrel?

>> No.6539231
File: 540 KB, 785x660, bamham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For similar-ish effects I've just used a black photocopy paper texture that I googled, and put it on a lighten or screen layer above my art. Here's a quick example. You just gotta adjust it to your liking.

>> No.6539234

I've gotten most of my commissions and work from doing requests for others and then just linking them to my twitter if they like my stuff and ask for it. And on my twitter I pinned a pic with my commission prices so they don't even have to ask, they can just look and decide if they want to hire me.

>> No.6539624

I use Clip Studio Paint and I want to recreate that alcohol marker look for my comics, but I just don't know how. Anyone got tips? I've never used them irl so I don't even have an idea of how they work.

That and gouche I'd love to do digitally for my comics, but again, I know nothing.

>> No.6539636

permabeg implies you never improved or learned fundies. I did improve and learn a few fundies but I am far worse than others who share the same number of years. Calling myself a beginner would be disingenuous to people who actually started learning recently and I did improve a little but I'm just kind of stupid to improved at the same level as other people. If I have been drawing for 3 years I would be considered decent but I have been drawing for more than 10 years which would make me bad.

>> No.6540270
File: 193 KB, 827x391, todayiwill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you actually do with a character design after you design them?

>> No.6540393

Value studies. 80% of the results of your coloring comes from your skill using value.
Use round brush for painting (like this: https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=1713708).). Blur tool for softening edges later conservatively.

>> No.6540399

you post it in the oc redraw thread and wait for (You)s

>> No.6540413

How transferable are mouse drawing skills to a pen/stylus? I'm not considering buying one right now because I'm both poor and not skilled enough for it to be a worthwhile investment. Just worried that I'll eventually feel good enough about my skills to buy a stylus, and then have to restart from square one.

>> No.6541209

What pencils should I be using to draw more precise and dark lines? H pencils are too light and the lines I get from B are too thick. I've tried HB too

>> No.6541213

Can you fiddle your own cock without feeling gay?

>> No.6541214

Usually means you got comfortable pulling in one direction and your constructions were off.

>> No.6541231

what does it mean to draw with purpose?
And how do I recognize my faults and problems when drawing?

>> No.6541753

I will just give you my answers for this.
>what does it mean to draw with purpose?
if you're practicing, it means knowing the why and how of what you're doing.
For example, why should you draw quicksketches from photos? Almost every video or resource on this type of exercise tells you why you should do it. You should draw quicksketches with an understanding of why because if you don't know why, you don't even know what kind of improvement you're supposed to see in yourself.

if you're making your own original artwork, designs, etc, it means knowing what your drawing is supposed to do. Is it supposed to be cool, edgy, funny, epic? Is the character supposed to be a barbarian, cleric, wizard, professor, etc? It is having a concept of what you're trying to draw (the prior mentioned descriptors) and doing what you can to express your concept well. Give a cleric a robe, and a mace if he's physically inclined. This is connecting artistic decisions to concept.

>how do I recognize my faults and problems when drawing?
if your drawing fails to communicate it's concept clearly, that is a problem. It means you need to use reference when you draw or analyze how to communicate that concept. If you draw a wizard, but it doesn't come off as a wizard that is a problem, you need to look at more wizards and understand wizards better.

If when you draw something, you are unsure of what you're drawing, you're not confident in where something goes, you're drawing something over and over and over again it signifies a technical weakness. A gap in knowledge, understanding, or familiarity. It means you should draw that thing more, make more original art of that thing and draw studies of that thing more. Find ways or knowledge to help you control your proportions.

A lot of drawing has to do with proportion, i.e. where something is placed in relation to something else, or how wide something is. How wide are the eyes compared to the face, etc. Proportions.

>> No.6541760

(cont.)However, the extent to one's faults or weaknesses in one's drawings can go very deep. It is too much to talk about in a text thread. Go pick up Loomis's Successful Drawing book and read the sections on the 5 P's and 5 C's. You can analyze your drawings in accordance to them. And so you will be able to see where you're weak or lacking in respect to them.

>> No.6541865

yeah if it happens while viewing someone else's art it just means you made the same mistake observing as they made drawing

>> No.6542067

Thank you for the resources, kind anon. It's already helping a lot.

>> No.6542071

I still have troubles with hair, what artists should I study to get better at it?

>> No.6542341

What are the pros and cons of doing digital painting in color and in greyscale to color? What is easier? What is faster?

>> No.6542510

What is the purpose for master studies?
Why not learn everything from life reference?
The master studied from the old masters, the old masters from their masters and nature, the old old masters only from nature.
So why not just skip all those faggots and learn from nature?
I understand the purpose is to try to understand their methods, but, if they managed to come up with them, why not us?

Having said that, I'm not ditching the idea completely.
How do you do master studies?
Which are good to begin with? I'm really interested in learning composition.

>> No.6542625
File: 24 KB, 488x501, exp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need help editing digital art.

I need to expand the shadows/remove font from a suit, but every line is some kind of gradient, while photoshop brushes are pure colors so ANY edit i do will look obviously edited.

How can i recreate the gradients of (for example) the crevices of the clothing or the shadow edges in photoshop?

>> No.6542711
File: 62 KB, 671x667, ayy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this?

>> No.6542714
File: 426 KB, 640x872, nxjx5wj3cuz71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>joy + fear + disgust = KINO

>> No.6542718

Yes, kind of.
Great work anon!
But i do not know how if it's possible for photoshop brush to have a gradient.
I do know of the clone stamp tool, but it won't work for this case very well.
Basically, need to edit a big part of this.

>> No.6542739

How did YOU learn to draw people? I am very intentionally not asking "how do I learn to draw people". I am asking how you, personally, learnt to draw people. This is to stop people automatically recommending the same books that always get recommended.

>> No.6542767

Marc Brunet videos on youtube

>> No.6542810

Mixture of Michael Hampton, gesture drawing to warm up and when you workout you kinda have to know the superficial muscles and how they move which is extremely helpful.

The thing I ask myself when figure drawing usually is what do I find 'beautiful' in what I'm trying to draw then emphasize, it maybe how the form wraps around the simple "C" or "S" curves I see or the body's composition

>> No.6542855

If you think of it as layers with massive parts that follows the form of the skull it becomes easier. Just like when an arm is hidden, if you draw through the form you'd probably get it.
short answer is that GS>Color is less taxing on the brain, you don't have to worry about as many elements. Most professionals do this because it's faster because it's one less thing to worry about. If you trained yourself to jump into color it's cool too, because you'd probably still be fast as most who do know the rookie mistake of not having a palette in mind.
To add on to what the other guy said, that's why most people get stuck in noobie territory. Spreading yourself thin studying things that won't lead you towards your goal. Also feedback is paramount to recognizing faults, though if you ask don't go "I know X is messed up" fix it then ask so you can level up.

>> No.6542856

draw lots of people from ref

>> No.6542862

How do I draw?

>> No.6542879

How do you know what to put in shadows or not when drawing pictures like Mignola? I feel like I over simplify and put too much in the shadows or not enough. Mignola has said he doesn't even really use realistic lighting when he shades, so I'm not sure what he's thinking.

>> No.6542958
File: 42 KB, 600x637, 1670297025477181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hypothetically speaking, is there any way for adobe to find out whether the files for my client's commision were made with cracked software?
I'm pretty sure it is totally the case with open formats but idk about closed ones

>> No.6543034


>> No.6543198

>Be me
>looks good
>Decide to begin an original drawing
>Liking it
>Flip canvas
>Zoom out
>Fix mistakes
>Flip, zoom, liking everything.
>Finish drawing after 10 hours
>look at it
>Hate it
>Close program,
>Don't save.
The fuck is wrong with me?

>> No.6543242

you got better in only 10 hours
good job

>> No.6543311
File: 74 KB, 404x560, 2ac4e766-395e-439b-aef5-83eb2e5a48a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, do you want to go back to creating paintings from the 1300s? pic related, piece from the 1300s. The old old masters sucked. Going back even earlier they sucked even more.

It is the nature of humanity to build on your predecessors' work. You see it in philosophy, literature, mathematics, science, medicine, etc. It is the way human society works, and is one of the primary reasons we are as good at things as we are. Trying to reinvent the wheel and figure out things on your own is why some artists stagnate and never get better, they have an ego problem and a fundamental misunderstanding of why the technical quality of art made has increased in recent years.

If you go to the point of learning art theory, anatomy, fundamentals, etc. as passed down from other artists you might as well go ahead and study the works of excellent artists to see the evidence and application of what they're talking about. This is called closing the feedback loop. Fundamentals and skills are the bricks and hammers of art. They are used to make great art, they are not what great art has to be.

You do master studies to attempt to touch and grab a hold on what some other artist found to work for themselves. You're trying to figure out their working method, their patterns, their art making recipe. Their style, their look, the way they draw the figure, etc. Because at the end of the day, all we are are remixers and copy cats with a small little bit of originality and drawing quirks. Original in our synthesis but not original in the ingredients that we use to make our works.

And some skills are so tied in to observing how great artists did it that it's meaningless to talk about it without assuming somebody is going to do studies of other people's work in order to really understand it e.g. value structure.

>> No.6543560
File: 523 KB, 800x900, Ggxx_cs_br.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of medium would this be?

>> No.6543598

That's Ishiwatari Daisuke work. Here's a translation of his process.
Basically it's a mechanical pencil sketch that is photocopied for darker and cleaner lines then rendered with colored pencil and copic markers.

>> No.6543608

Mech pencil is amazing but too light to retain it's bold line properties when using watercolor or markers on. This is a great solution, TY for sharing!


Yes, but Adobe don't care. They target B2B market, couldn't give a shit about a couple of guys stealing old versions of PS. At least for now their lawyers don't seem to prioritize it in any fashion. Might change. If you wanna boycott Adobe for their outrageous prices just use another product and pay for it though, there are so many alternatives for every program you can find in the ACC. (AE may be an exception, but I bet you only use PS and maybe IL and ID anyway)

>> No.6543630

Thank you for responding! I had a hunch he used copics, but I didn't know about the colored pencils. Also, that translation of his process is a godsend.

>> No.6543660

How do mangakas mantain such s constant quality of work for long periods of time?
There's times when I get into an art block and everything I practice and do regreses like 3 years and lasts like a month.
I know mangas have actually simple art most of the time but still, how do them, and their assistants keep up the constant grind without killing themselves.

>> No.6543898

What do when you don't have the will to practice anymore? I used to be able to draw anatomy despite finding it boring just to learn, but these days I like learning by actually drawing something i like/want to draw, but i don't always get creative enough to do something.

>> No.6544068
File: 53 KB, 530x471, no.512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just did something weird with a dip pen and I don't know how to reproduce it. I was sketching kinda fast, and when I threw down the three blobs of hair in picrel the tips got filled in. How do I get this to happen again? Is this bad for the nib? Tried like 100 more strokes exactly like this but none of them had this effect.

>> No.6544118

>Yes, but Adobe don't care. They target B2B market, couldn't give a shit about a couple of guys stealing old versions of PS
I've heard similar stuff before, thanks
>(AE may be an exception, but I bet you only use PS and maybe IL and ID anyway)
for most of my life yes but recently I started using the standard package required in most job interviews (Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign) and some AE aswell mostly due to job prospects but in the case of AE also purely for the novelty factor
but I do draw and have been drawing exclusively in Photoshop since the very start and have recently thought of scoring some casual commish bucks on the side
couple weeks ago some anon randomly raised a point in some CSPvsPS thread that if he saved his Photoshop PSDs again through CSP there'd be no way of anyone tracing him
which yea it's definitely paranoid but that's what got me thinking about this haha

>> No.6544670

Higher level skills are more stable and resistant to regression. It's like how it'll take a very long time for you to lose fluency in your native language.

>> No.6544912
File: 30 KB, 570x538, 57807421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In CSP can I link a reference image to a drawing?
Whenever I load a different drawing it keeps the same reference image.

>> No.6545096

Is it okay to bust into a thread and post a drawing related to it?

>> No.6545100

It isn't, keep your garbage scribbles to yourself.

>> No.6545104

Well, shit.
Then how to I reach to people?

>> No.6545113

There are cartoon generals in /trash/, they're tightly knitted communities where it's easier to grow a following with your scribbles.
Or you could just use twitter.

>> No.6545116

Is there vidya related version?
I'm not good enough to try Twitter.

>> No.6545124

You could go to /vg/ but i doubt they appreciate drawbros as much as cartoonfags do. Filling out requests in any of the 4chan drawthreads would also garner you a following.

>> No.6545125

Kinda started doing those, but most of them are porn stuff that I would prefer to avoid for now.

>> No.6545130

Why 4chan? Go to discord and connect with other artists.

>> No.6545134


>> No.6545137

Also, I want viewers, not a circlejerk.

>> No.6545304

Any easy DIY way to make the equivalent of a drawing "glove" so my palm doesn't get covered in shit every time?

>> No.6545366
File: 145 KB, 1920x1080, 1621698603856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total noob here, just discovered this place. I got a question about anime fan art:
All artists seem to draw in their own distinct style, both for SFW and NSFW fan art.
I've almost never seen anybody just try to replicate the original style of the characters, even though a lot of people (including me) would want just exactly that.
Why is that? Is there a legal reason, like copyright that prevents them? Or do they simply not want to draw in a way that the don't like?

>> No.6545393

>Total noob here
Lurk more.
>I've almost never seen anybody just try to replicate the original style
Because it's hard.

>> No.6545412

Well obviously it's much harder to draw in different styles. But isn't that what professional animators do when adapting a manga. They draw the characters in the manga style an then move on to the next project, with yet another distinct style.
So, I guess it's possible but not worth it for the average Pixiv artist?

>> No.6545454

Pretty much. It's worth nothing that if you're drawing for an animation project, then you're going to be drawing the characters a lot, and have plenty of time to get used to the style. You're also specifically paid to stay on model. Fan art is often one-off, and not necessarily paid at all.

>> No.6545612

am I just supposed to sit here and draw circles until they stop being shit? I don't know how to improve my circles, there is no way just spamming and making circles is going to actually help? Also is 29 to old to try and start again? I used to do a lot of art as a teenage but basically dropped it for almost 8 years.

>> No.6545674


>> No.6545925

I made one from an old winter glove. If you can sew a bit, making one from a sock wouldn't be too difficult either.

>> No.6545974

No one???

>> No.6546074

It's not bad overall. It puts the challenge level very high and that makes the rate of growth high. That is due to transformation and deeper analysis of the reference.

There is more than one way to transform references. You can change the actual pose of the reference, draw a simplified version and emphasize the construction of the forms, draw it from memory, etc.

However, you will need to take breaks more frequently to lessen mental fatigue.

But, besides that, read the preview to this book https://www.amazon.com/dp/4805317264/?tag=tuttlepu-20&asin=4805317264&revisionId=&format=4&depth=1

tl;dr, artists' studies are best for learning things about their style, but it won't make you as skilled as they are and there are things that you will not be able to understand about their work without a foundation to understand it with.

It's not the most efficient vehicle for learning to draw the body; studying from resources that are dedicated to teaching you that will round out your training and improve those aspects more quickly. Do both things, in addition to drawing your own original art, and you have a solid practice regimen.

In general though, your line of thinking is right. Transforming what you see rather than copying it leads to more mental engagement. Short-term performance suffers because the degree of challenge is higher and you make more mistakes, however, improvement in the long-term is heightened.

>> No.6546083

watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ymskUPhkww
and you're not too old

>> No.6546282

So if things in a picture all flow to different perspective points on the same eyelevel how do I keep it arranged so it looks logical

>> No.6546720

Why are artists always so bad at explaining what they do? He takes forever to get to the point. It's just
>you should think about your mistakes and try to figure out how to avoid them

>> No.6547870

How do I copy art without tracing?
How do you draw in someone else art style?

>> No.6547876

You look at a thing, do your best to draw part of it, look at the thing again, fix it, look at the thing again, do your best to draw another part...

There are tricks, like grids, drawing envelopes, construction, et cetera, but that's basically it.

>> No.6547923

Any other examples?

>> No.6547964

Any preparation is good. Typically, it really is "just draw, bro," but If I'm really having trouble drawing something, what I might do is:

Do a small gestural thumbnail of thing I'm trying to draw. It's WAY easier to draw a thing small than big. This is typically easy, but it can be hard, especially if the subject matter is hard enough.

Then you draw a drawing envelope around the thumbnail, copy the envelope at the desired size. You could try filling in the envelope gesturally and work from that, but if you are trying to focus on precision, than you might want another series of drawing envelopes for the components of the image, and try to work from there.

Hope that helps.

>> No.6548004
File: 1.39 MB, 2000x2000, jan to feb 2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i already studied
>Figure drawing made easy
currently reading
>drawing the head and hands
future books i want to read(in order)
>perspective made easy
>hampton's design and invention

any other recs? this year is my last year to fully dedicate myself to art before i start uni, and i wanna make the best out of it. pic rel current level.

>> No.6548626

how long do you think it would reasonably take someone to go from high beg/low int to making "decent" money off commissions?

>> No.6548651

How do people manage to draw bodies just using a bunch of circles or boxes

>> No.6548670
File: 44 KB, 210x198, 555555555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone help me understand where the axis and the other invisible lines in this circle would go.
Cause I can not for the life of me imagine how you would see lines like that on a sphere if it was in front of you unless you were looking through some distorting lens

>> No.6548735

Anyone know of any streamers who draw characters while genuinely starting from the very beginning?
Most are basically done with the picture before they start streaming.
Just need to look at how people go about constructing the human body to hopefully get it through my thick skull.

>> No.6549160

Should I get another artists entirely to draw my initial first comics ideas and then start drawing them myself some years from now once I'm decent enough if my self-esteem is just that low? The alternative is avoiding drawing comics making for 2/3 years just to first get my technical skills at a competent enough level illustration wise.

>> No.6549185

What is the ic approved windows program for creating image slidshows from folders full of refrence images?

>> No.6549201
File: 361 KB, 1275x1650, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6549235

is there software that can show you the source arts used to generate artificial images?

>> No.6549243
File: 39 KB, 963x943, 5555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can find the axes by drawing the line that splits your ellipses in half, its in drawabox lesson 1

>> No.6549244
File: 74 KB, 420x396, 555555555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry if this is indecipherable but I don't feel like typing and I couldn't explain it well anyways
just wanted to try giving back to the thread
Loomis isn't a good read if you don't already understand spheres

>> No.6549257

been trying to learn how to construct shit by tracing over other peoples art and breaking it down and constructing it myself the only issue is that some peoples art is kinda hard to guess where things should go because of clothing. Should I just take my best guess as to where their body parts are supposed to be?

>> No.6549505
File: 48 KB, 238x210, 444444444444444444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a different circle
>loomis isn't a good read if you don't already understand spheres
Can you recommend me a book then? Cause my initial solution looks similar to yours but that doesn't answer my question at all. I think I need to be more clear with what I'm asking.

I want to understand where the invisible lines for the two visible red lines would be across the entire sphere. Cause it seems to me that either old loomis drew this with a certain perspective in mind that I can't comprehend. Or I'm genuinely retarded. So if someone would be kind enough to draw the invisible lines that would be on the opposite side of the sphere that would help a lot

>> No.6549576

Is that right or nah?

>> No.6549604

Does anyone where to look or who to look at for inspirational/cool live2d illustrations? I'm interested in the technology and want to see showcases, but most of it is clogged up with Vtubers and I have no interest in them. I want to see if anyone has does anything unique with it.

>> No.6549739

You've got it almost right, my example was actually misleading since the bottom "pole" isn't where I put a red dot. I think you understand enough for Loomis, you just need to know that not all his spheres are perfectly accurate, the lines indicate a rotation for the ball and that's it. If you can understand what he's implying that's all you need.

>> No.6549812

I have a PayPal business account when I used to do commissions a long time ago, but seems like PayPal can close my account if I'm not a real business. So, I'm planning to use arty.ooo and change my PayPal back into a personal account. Is this possible and it won't have that 600$ limit?

>> No.6550063

as you get better and better at drawing 2d projections of 3d objects on a surface, you'll start building an intuitive 1-to-1 mapping between the marks you make and the 3d objects you hold in your mind.
e.g. there'll come fleeting instants when you're looking at an ellipsoidal shape and trying to draw it, and you'll imagine you're physically tracing the tip of the pencil along the object in 3d space while in fact you're making marks on a 2d surface.

>> No.6550072

My hand is way less dexterous with a stylus than with a pencil/pen.
Do people who do trad AND digital put in daily dexterity practice time for both?(connect the dots/straight lines/ellipses etc)

>> No.6550078


as far as I understand, there are two ways:
1. copy the piece as accurately as possible.
2. Perceive and reproduce specific visual elements from the work, in order to learn about that specific aspect. You could create a thumbnail of the image to think about the composition, or loosely put down areas of different values using a 3-value scale. You could turn one of the figures into a construction drawing or a timed gesture drawing, etc... It all depends on the questions and curiosity the image raises in you.

>> No.6550224
File: 47 KB, 750x675, 1669115806523147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there any guides on how to correctly use reference images for poses/anatomy? i have been drawing with no reference at all for a few years and i of course haven't been able to improve at all. i don't want to end up just copying a reference 1:1 without taking into account the 3-dimensional nature of it, i don't know how exact of a reference i should use, i don't even know good ways to find refs

>> No.6550226

>are there any guides on how to correctly use reference images for poses/anatomy?
Tons. Just google "the correct way to use reference."

>> No.6550235
File: 535 KB, 1754x1240, 八萬助教抓型心得 (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6550239

Tb Choi book I guess

>> No.6550258

That book is completly useless
Read loomis if you want to ever make it

>> No.6550260

its impressive how the chinese tries to mechanize even the most humane thing a person could do: art

>> No.6550363

Do I need brush rotation in CSP?
does it go by the angle of the stroke or do I need one of those pens that knows what rotaiton it's at.
At the stage where I don't even know what I don't know.

>> No.6550529

Are there any good videos on youtube on how to do construction? Or are they all equally good

>> No.6550558

I wanna do figure drawing and am just starting out. Any resource I should be looking at in particular?

>> No.6550585

Pen tilt comes in handy to get thick or thin lines, while still being able to use the pressure sensitivity for opacity/flow, but you don't really need it. The only stylus with true barrel rotation is the Wacom Art Pen. If you do a lot of inking it's useful but otherwise it's mostly a gimmick since you can just rotate the brush tip with keyboard shortcuts.

>> No.6550599

I like LoveLifeDrawing. His videos really break things down and makes it easier to learn the different aspects of figure drawing. His site has a decent amount of free and really good reference photos,

>> No.6550633

I just started Fun With a Pencil. I’m drawing all the examples. Is this recommended?

>> No.6550645

Yeah, copying the examples helps you learn. Try to understand the concept he is trying to teach you and keep that in mind when copying the examples. Wouldn't hurt to try and construct some of your own heads and figures too. Learning to apply what you are learning to your own work is how you truly learn. Just copying can only get you so far.

>> No.6551406

Drawing on a tablet feels like I'm drawing on glass, I hate it. Is there something like a screen protector that is meant to add friction, without changing the look of the colors?

Also, when I use an eraser, sometimes the graphite just smudges and becomes indelible. Any ideas?

>> No.6551475

Yes. Copy every example. Also follow the process in the examples on your own work for every example in the book.

>> No.6552058

What are good exercises to get better with proportions when drawing from a reference?

>> No.6552062
File: 31 KB, 381x382, 1648197591065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i learn anatomy? are hampton and anatomy for sculptors good for a high beg?

>> No.6552073

learn proportions, how to size things within space is more important than anatomy

>> No.6552080

Got any more?

>> No.6552086

i already did, or at least i know the basics, i am talkig about what should i study to go beyond stiff, flat bodies

>> No.6552157

what do you think of tracing ai generated pictures to get better at composition? I can't come up with any ideas, so if I just copy the composition of an ai picture it'll save me time right? This isn't bait, and yes I'm a fucking retarrd thats why i'm considering this.

>> No.6552203

Is it true that without talent there is no point in drawing?

>> No.6552419

There's no reason to assume that the AI knows what it's doing any better than you do. I'd recommend using photos or movie stills instead.
There's no point in anything. As time stretches on, all human endeavours will eventually crumble to dust.

>> No.6552463

Are studies of my favorite artist's work the best approach to learning how to render like them?

>> No.6552762

why is it so hard to draw? I'm seriously considering the pros and cons of killing myself instead of drawing for the day.

>> No.6553360

Is animation a good way to practice consistency?
One of my biggest flaws is consistency, is practicing animation, due to it's tracing natures a good way to do practice it.
Is it good for anything else? Like anatomy if you practice body parts in movement? or that's not true?
Does it have any other benefits?

>> No.6553399

There are special screen protectors that do result in a paper-ish texture. I bought and tried one out, I think it's called "Paperlike" or something, I'd have to dig out the packaging to confirm.
I'd say it's pretty neat, though it does have a few drawbacks. First one is that (at least at the time of me buying one) they're only available for specific iPad models, there's nothing stopping you from sticking it to any other tablet, I've done that with mine, it works but doesn't look nice. The second problem is that the texture appears to have worn out after a while, still better than bare glass though.

There are also those rubber... things (no idea they're called) that you can put on the tip of your pen/stylus. I've been told they work, but I haven't used one myself.

>> No.6553643

is it naturally easier to draw profile shots or characters from the side? I've found that the art I've done the best job on tends to be when they're facing left or right or straight forward. Maybe it's just easier to avoid making it flat when the character isn't facing some weird direction

>> No.6554109
File: 77 KB, 240x240, 1622088999009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just going through these goddamn charcoal pencils, what's the best to buy in bulk?
I don't want something so cheap that I can't erase it properly

>> No.6554997

Really stupid question.
Is it possible to buy the One-Time Purchase version of Clip Studio Paint with Paypal? I have been checking their website but I can only find that option for the monthly paid version.

>> No.6555033

What do when drawn over 300 boxes? And in perspective etc and so on.

>> No.6555138

You probably drew them wrong. Did you draw them wrong?

>> No.6555224

Start aiming for 350 a day and keep going until you hit 1000 a day

>> No.6555231
File: 45 KB, 900x675, 1677648495732340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a website that will give me a reference image to draw every day?

>> No.6555433

What are the benefits/point of sketching in ballpoint pen?

>> No.6555446

Just go to Pinterest dumbass

>> No.6555448


>> No.6555478

what? too good for you?

>> No.6555481

yeah, they block tor

>> No.6555484

oh, why use tor when using Pinterest? Or do you just always use tor?

>> No.6555530

Flow or opacity?

>> No.6555543

No, they're in perspective. I check with a ruler and most of the time I am pretty accurate. What do I do with these boxes?

>> No.6555544

That seems like a waste of time? I can practice drawing boxes for 15-30 minutes as a warm up, but waht would be the logical next step? I missed that part.

>> No.6556265

I want to publish a NSWF of a double titfuck, with a visible penis on Twitter. I don't want to get shadowbanned I am already a nobody artist, so Should I mark my own tweet as sensitive or should I pixelate the penis? Or should I do both? My account is already with the "media you post as sensitive" as checked, for that matters.

>> No.6556623
File: 37 KB, 600x707, 8ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck do I do with a BFA

>> No.6556745

How do you design a female character that is suppose to appeal to women?
Does anyone have examples?

>> No.6556752
File: 29 KB, 568x320, paypal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid question: if your commissioner pays you with a PayPal Invoice, do they see your PayPal profile picture?

>> No.6556787

Assertive characters like the female cast from Persona 2 and Bayonetta are really well-liked by female fans. Oscar was by far the most popular character back when Rose of Versailles was running and she's still really beloved even to this day.
That said even though they like mature ladies it's better if the character has a streamlined figure that looks good in fancy clothing, even better if they have a slight androgynous or handsome quality, but more in the sense that they're so beautiful they can pull that kind of thing off rather than being particularly masculine. Such characters always get a lot of fanart from female fans too, and those aspects help a lot since it makes them easy to pose in different outfits.

>> No.6556816
File: 9 KB, 163x190, 40424318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up with my pen pressure in CSP?
Left: Photoshop
Right: CSP

Windows 10, Intuos 4

>> No.6556818

Nevermind, found File > Pen Pressure Settings

>> No.6557571

How do I learn to identify contours? Do people have some sort of mental checklist they go through to analyze whether or not a particular physical feature is a contour or something?

>> No.6557693

what the fuck do you even offer on a patreon?

>> No.6558017

can i learn from ctrl+paint if i use CSP not photoshop?

>> No.6558023

can I learn to draw just by brute forcing and looking at refs a lot?
by that i mean doing shitton of drawing but never studying, learning construction, or fundamentals.

I'm not planning on doing this at all, it just sounds like an interesting experiment.

>> No.6558051

What's a good site for old game concept art? I can't find the stuff that I want on EH gallery.

>> No.6558143
File: 1015 KB, 778x1100, Fq5lo1FXwAAg60R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know how to achieve the hatching streaks on the skin?? It seems like some sort of texture overlay from some palette knife smear

>> No.6558707

Should i go to art college or do analysis and system development?

>> No.6559294
File: 21 KB, 540x424, 149939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you draw tilted objects while making sure they have proper perspective?

Like suppose we have a drawing of two cubes and one is rotated.

>> No.6559405

do the latter

>> No.6560231
File: 85 KB, 800x800, 20230302_221654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Androidfag here
Are there any app alternatives to stuff like Gallery-DL so i can scrape twitters?
My laptop is borked so I can't do shit.

>> No.6560235

Yes you can.
Unironically learn how to use boxes though. Its a life saver at times for perspective

>> No.6560911

Are there any good art forums/communities that you would recommend?
This here is the only one I know, but there are too many coom and crab threads on here. Why don't they get b& anyway? Well, coom is alright if contained, it's just that I am not interested in it, but bullshit like "you will never be an accomplished artist", "you'll only draw for coommonkeys" or "AI will replace you" is the antithesis of meaningful art discussion

>> No.6561170

I have a pencil drawing. How do I turn the white of the paper into transparency with Photoshop?

>> No.6561485

im a regular in /utg/ and even if my drawings are shit they don't care and more often than not like them

>> No.6561489

>would also garner you a following.
holy fuck what a lie, just find a small community around some product and spam your related art there for a month then jump to another community

>> No.6561978

how does someone even get a job in a studio?

>> No.6562701

Try reddit, they have some good subs

>> No.6563151

Why does sketching with a color instead of black automatically make the sketch look 10x better?

>> No.6564345

ive been using a torrented CSP for 2 years now. if i go ahead and buy it now is it going to fuck with how I've set everything up/brushes?

i just want some assets

>> No.6564656

What brush size do you guys use for lineart?

My main reason for asking is I've been drawing with pencil the last few years and thought I would make the switch to digital. Tried out some of Kyle's brushes in photoshop and really liked the feel of the Animator Pencil, but I noticed its default size is 7 pixels, which feels just massive at 100% zoom.
Do people really draw their lines with such thick brushes? If so, how big is your canvas?

>> No.6564702

You are a POS

>> No.6564822

Make a color overlay that sort of matches the colors that you see, and then draw as a mask?

>> No.6564826

What is the optimal resolution so Twitter doesn't butcher your images when you upload? Also file format

>> No.6564848


>try to improve perspective since I'm pretty sure its the reason I'm stuck without any improvement
>can't ever seem to get the sizes and relationships between objects correctly
>oftentimes starting a new picture feels like I'm working through a clusterfuck of different points even when I try to do a general layout first

Are some people just unable to get perspective correctly? Is this just a matter of my brain's symbols overcompensating and overcorrecting what I put on paper?

>> No.6565245

How do I learn to do lineart like this?

>> No.6565676

Yes to all questions, but I don't know what you mean by "tracing nature"?
It also practices your spacial vision, try to draw as much as you can from your mind

>> No.6565927


>> No.6566206

What are the legal issues I should know about commissioning?
I wanna start doing commission and I know we now have things like Patreon or even Ko-Fi that actually let's you charge per commission, and set your specifications and prices,etc, and that people usually go into deeper specifics with DMs
But legally speaking I don't know how much of a binding contract that is.
I wanna know if someone commissions me, should I make that person sign something like NDAs or not sharing agreements that platforms like Ko-Fi cannot enforce outside their page even if specified in them?
If so, what type of contracts?
Should I reserve those for corporate commissioner?
Would the usual private individual be scared to commission if faced with having to sign a legally binding document

>> No.6566248

If someone gives you $20 and says can you go pick up some snacks, do you make them sign a contract or an NDA?

>I wanna start doing commission
You don't have to worry about any of this shit, it does not matter.
And if it does, you won't need to be posting on 4chan for advice.

>> No.6566277
File: 149 KB, 840x560, 840_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS91cGxvYWRzLzIwMjMtMDMvNjY5OTI2NjgtZDdhMi00MjIwLWI2NWMtMzE2NDEyNjM4NjcwLmpwZw==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3. Shadows

>> No.6566332
File: 1.92 MB, 1644x1931, Screenshot_20230318-032957~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized that these little eyebrow scratches aren't an AI artifact and are actually intentional. Am I retarded? Why does everyone do this?

>> No.6566367

uhh are you talking about the eyelids

>> No.6566511

how do i stop being a symmetrylet? should i use a mirror?

>> No.6566554
File: 2.41 MB, 2480x2096, 1660557531225594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, most people on here who want to or already do monetize their art, do NSFW stuffs using either a Paypal business account or Patreon.

My question is, do you guys use fake information for name & address?
Do they ever ask for this information?

>> No.6566560

You don't have those if you're asian.

>> No.6566756

Always undersell yourself when you're starting off and slowly raise the pricing to keep up with demand.
Free requests are useless, as they give off a sense of un-professionalism, little stake, very high queues...
Watch speedpaints and art streams. 90% of the time they're just coloring.
Show-style animation is very often very simplified for animation purposes.
One reason people put their own spin to it is because they'd think it would be boring to replicate art that was "dumbed down" for another medium.
Drawing the perfect circle is something that comes with drawing spheres when you learn construction.
Never grind very monotonous tasks for longer than 10 minutes.
Think of the boxes as bounding boxes like hitboxes in video games.
Draw a lot of cubes from life. If you're desperate, drawabox.com
Be in the presence of a naked creature (yourself with a mirror can work) and touch them to internalize their anatomical details from an intuitive level.
Our brains are really good at acquiring information with every other sense.
Photobashing will usually yield more results and less headaches.
Depends on the plattform. iPhone and iPad don't have one-time purchases.
Don't be a bitch and just pirate it like any sane person.

>> No.6566821

What should I do if my arm hurts after 4 hours of drawing? And by arm I mean exactly the whole arm not just a wrist. I want to draw at least 8-10 hours a day

>> No.6567124

can somebody recommend some resources to fix my posture/ergonomics while drawing?

I recently went from 2 hrs/day to 6 hrs/day and I'm having some bad muscle soreness/stiffness around where the lat connects to the shoulder. Or is it the serratus anterior?

>> No.6567136

Same reason you can't start working out for the first time today and expect to go 5KM or last 2+ hours at the gym.
You need to slowly build your muscles up to it, if it hurts after 4, do 3:30 for at least a couple weeks, add 15-20m as you feel comfortable, stop increasing or even reduce if it hurts.

>> No.6567138

I mean, just sit properly on your chair, and make sure to take breaks every 30m or so, get up, stretch a bit, etc. You can find "office chair stretches" by googling or youtubing it, set yourself a clock for 25 mins, then take 5 to do those stretches and walk out of your room for a bit before continuing.

>> No.6567207

How do you actually learn and be consistent with art? I've studied anatomy, I've done practice sketches, tried to watch videos of which many were timelapses but I'll have days where I'll make decent sketches and more where I feel like giving up. Maybe I just need a structured course for dummies but I don't know where to start. I need help with everything in terms of colors, shading, accurate references and so on.

>> No.6567977

someone answer this

>> No.6568007

Set the layer to multiply, or try selecting with magic wand, or use that channel trick to extract lines.

>> No.6568037

Channel trick:
1. Import the image, go to CHANNELS and pick one channel that looks the best
2. Ctrl+L Click on the thumbnail of that channel (or use the marquee tool)
3. Select inverse
4. Go back to LAYERS and create a new layer
5. Edit>Fill, select a color, click ok (this will create the lineart on the new layer)
6. Hide the background layer, save as png. Done.

>> No.6568264

Besides what other anons said, you can fuck around with a mixture of magic wand and levels to make the lines blacker and the rest whiter.

>> No.6568307
File: 220 KB, 606x884, DDE305F5-6BF5-4B84-A06F-D4D71E1949B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faint hope

>> No.6568634

i may be a retard and misread the prices but after currency conversion i see that an art university in my country costs around 1000 dollars for the whole study i think for all types (sculpture/painting/animation) AND they actually teach fundementals
Is that cheap it considering i would be moving to the other side of the country for it because I hear that in other countries people go into lifelong debt for university and i think i could pay this off in a few years

>> No.6568688
File: 27 KB, 512x512, 1664813007458178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With the cost of fees and tuition combined, the average net cost of attending art school is $42,000.

>> No.6568692

I can't seem to move on until i get the loomis head method just right? Is that a proper way to do things or should i just move on to other body parts even though the circle drawing isnt perfect?

>> No.6568696

balkans numero uno

>> No.6568730

spend just a little time on it, and then move on. You should be doing figure drawing every day, and when you're drawing the head of the figure, block it in using the Loomis head, getting the angle of the head to match the head in the photograph

>> No.6568786

Does your country give handouts to students? You still need money to live while in college, and trying to focus on studying while also working a job isn't ideal.
This is how you get a hereditary caste system.

>> No.6569032

In CSP, does anyone know why my 3D models suddenly get blurry if I select a layer they aren't on? They go from full resolution to a pixelated mess as soon as I select a different layer

>> No.6569161
File: 46 KB, 771x399, 230934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does making a commission sheet do that much? Has anyone here had an experience where they were already doing commissions, but then saw a significant increase in offers after making a sheet?

>> No.6569575


>> No.6569632

>ruled paper
You mean LINED paper. Wouldn't want to appear unprofessional by using the wrong term.

>> No.6569643
File: 132 KB, 1200x840, 1676298282240078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is krenz so liked here? is his method of learning that good?

>> No.6569662
File: 12 KB, 581x377, Screenshot 2023-03-20 101856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6569687
File: 168 KB, 349x427, retard hazard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, okay, looks like I was completely wrong there.

>> No.6569706

it's just one guy shilling it. a couple others fell for it i guess. it is nothing special but his methods work. weebs will just worship him because he is asian and they want the secret eastern techniques. others defend it because they are invested in it. plus you have to use shitty translations and some notes from some guy.

>> No.6569867

What’s the best way to search for references with idea you already have when you don’t know keywords

>> No.6570012

>>6568007 >>6568037
The problem is that my paper is not perfectly white and it has a lot of texture. The best solutions for this were:
- using Photoshop, select > color range;
- using GIMP, color > color to alpha.

>> No.6570599

tone adjust to make it white, then

>> No.6570613
File: 39 KB, 500x500, 1677977170761766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the next step after you can move around a manequin with ease?

>> No.6570622

Retard question but how do you snatch shit on ehentai/exhentai/sadpanda ?? Found a lot of artbooks I like on there but downloading them in highres requires some sort of currency? Which I have none.

I tried using the tampermonkey code and jdownloader, it works (kind of) but the quality is poor.

>> No.6570630

i use hitomi downloader

>> No.6570677

A very stupid question.
So I found out a linux driver for my tablet exists...
How do I check if pressure sensitivity is working...?
I mostly play drawing games so I never notice if it does... I've gimp/krita/azpainter/and many other programs. Can you tell me of a test I can do?

>> No.6570678


>> No.6570752

Oh nevermind. I see. It depends on the software and what the brush is set to do when it detects pressure. It works, neat.

>> No.6570777
File: 204 KB, 351x481, BECAUSE DENNIS IS A BASTARD MAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why can't i wrap my head around perspective?

i know it's supposed to be easy in the end since it's mostly just mechanically repeating a handful of stuff but i just can't make it stick.

i've downloaded all these courses and books all the measuring stuff just overloads my head and i can't get anywhere, i immediately forget it.

it's not like this when i try to study much more complicated stuff like anatomy or color theory, all that seems pretty intuitive for me but perspective drives me up the fucking wall.

doesn't help that i have pretty much untreated add (not posible for me to get it treated for now) and also i don't have much space at home to be doing measuring beyond letter sized sheets.

most of these courses seem like the guys not only work in big sheets of paper, but they end up measuing stuff way beyond the drawing area and sometimes will do stuff like stick papers on the sides to draw over them and that is just way out of my realm of posibilities.

am i just stupid?

>> No.6570786

sauce? looks cute

>> No.6570797

If Perspective Made Easy didn't help, try playing around in Blender. You can set up cubes and shapes and observe how they change at different angles and FOVs.
Theory and math shit is good, but being able to actually see a representation of your scene might help it click.

If you're really helpless just buy Lazy Nezumi, but it won't be as effective if you don't have some grasp of 3D space.

>> No.6570922
File: 1.67 MB, 2953x2953, Project (20230321035959).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this mannequin correct? also is it just me or the upper arms and lower legs are the same shape?

>> No.6571106
File: 550 KB, 2181x1440, space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the horizon line?

>> No.6571132

Figure's left arm should be closer to the body, the right arm further away. The bulky sleeves make it difficult to see. There should be more taper to the legs.

>> No.6571213

Is it okay if I feel I'm not competent in a medium I'm not familiar with? I started learning how to draw in digital with a drawing tablet and in the last 3 years I've done nothing but draw in that same tablet. I very briefly tried traditional at the start but gave it up in place of digital because it was just a million times more convenient. I bought a small sketchbook and some pencils recently to give traditional a try again and I can't for the life of me make a straight line or get my hand to go where I want it to go
It's a bit frustrating

>> No.6571687
File: 76 KB, 774x718, 2023-03-21 17_47_22-Untitled_ - Drawpile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is drawpile fucking dead?
They told me that it and it's brushes could be personalized very specifically to your tastes and style. The server function really interests me, but I can't make a brush that feels good, all the tutorials are ancient for other versions, and even the newer ones have not updated in forever.

>> No.6571703
File: 261 KB, 623x611, D78B047D-E0C2-49FD-B1E4-ED6BF9558E1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why ARE hands so hard to draw?

>> No.6571725

Can someone ask chatgpt what the best way to learn anatomy for drawing is

>> No.6571727

How much for it? I'm not selling my privacy for free

>> No.6571842

can i be spoonfed a digital painting guide?
i downloaded jaysen & austin digital painting course from the video threads a long time ago but i just now had to find out these guys are shit

>> No.6572014

Is it truly over? AI is getting better and better and I feel doomed.

>> No.6572045

where lol, people already got bored

>> No.6572199
File: 79 KB, 585x180, question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont get it, isnt the eye-level and vanishing point the same thing? what's the difference?

>> No.6572249

eye-level = horizon line
vanishing point = where the lines converge to
There is only one horizon line, but there can be many vanishing points.

>> No.6572280

thank you!!

>> No.6572470

Also remember that objects that are rotated will have a different set of vanishing points.

>> No.6572478

thank you i will keep it in mind!

>> No.6572745
File: 38 KB, 620x475, DF996CC2-518A-443D-AF87-5D0572078A91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to make the dry acrylic brush in Procreate?
What I specifically mean is a brush that can both be used to block in opaque color and also dilute/blend the colors at low opacity. Sinix had a brush like that in the paint like a sculptor video and I’m wondering if Procreate’s engine can do this.

>> No.6572888

I have managed to pull myself out of beg somehow, but I don't have close to the output and practice I want to achieve. What do I do bros? I'm a diagnosed adult retard (adhd), and while the meds cleared my brain fog, I still have abysmal working memory. I'll start working on something and after a while I completely forget about it in favor of some other distraction or task that I also end up half-assing. How do I escape this hell?
inb4 remove all distractions
You could send me to a desolate land with a gun to my head and I'd still get caught up with something, especially when it comes to digital art

>> No.6573046
File: 112 KB, 718x600, drawing-hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very complex object (pair of many-pronged fleshy tentacles with rigid jointed bones inside them)
>can be bent into an incredible variety of shapes, each with their own purpose (grasping, poking, caressing, rubbing, etc.)
>probably the second most recognizable thing to the human brain, right after human faces, meaning that even a complete moron can see if you do it wrong

>> No.6573073
File: 752 KB, 2181x1440, space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're right there.

For a non-silly, answer, the astronaut's manned maneuvering unit has some parallel lines. Find where the depthwise lines converge, and draw a line there that's parallel to the horizontal (relative to MMO) lines.
A far worse problem is the position of the Moon and Earth. It looks like they're both pictured from low orbit, when in reality they are over one light-second away. You could imagine a system with two stellar bodies that were much closer to enough, but the tidal forces would be cataclysmic.

>> No.6573150

how do you guys figure out which way a cross contour curves?

do you work out and place a horizon line every time you sketch sth and then try to visualize the cylinder that could represent the shape you're drawing?

>> No.6573795

I've only been frequently this board for the last 3 months, how the hell you guys can stay here for years?

>> No.6573969 [DELETED] 

Anyone know anything about monitors? I'm trying to decide between two monitors to use for digital art and video editing
>Samsung S4U monitor for $225AUD https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/403986737777
>Asus ProArt monitor for $355AUD https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/265185009963?epid=28047195877
I was going to buy the Asus ProArt for 100% SRGB coverage, but then I realised the 72% NTSC coverage on the S4U should be 100% SRGB as well. I know the proart is pre-calibrated, but that doesn't justify the price difference I think?

Why is the proart so much more expensive? Only other differences I see are
>2x USB 3.0 & 2x 2.0 vs. 4x 3.1
>AMD FreeSync vs "Adapative Sync"
What's the difference between freesync and adaptive sync? Would either of those be transmitted over USB-C?

>> No.6574735
File: 273 KB, 362x395, bliss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have almost zero experience with drawing, basically i need to make a game but i have no idea how to approach art, should I practice on paper or digitally?

>> No.6574739

do you even know how to make a game in the first place

>> No.6574742

I'm working on it.

>> No.6574767

Are you going to fill your game with paper assets? If not, then practice with the medium you will use.

>> No.6574841
File: 424 KB, 1600x1182, Keys+003-3056132246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do you even use artbooks for learning? Should I just read them like any other book or should I read them while drawing idk? It's okay if try practicing what I learnt in the book with a tablet instead of pen and paper?

>> No.6575413
File: 250 KB, 1159x1500, 71eWdmJhVpL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long is Keys to Drawing?
I know you should
>draw at your own pace
But I'm fucking retarded and when I tried doing that with Drawing on The Right Side of the Brain and found myself going for days without reading and end up forgetting stuff.

Basically I just want some estimation of how long it should reasonably take to complete the book and it's exercises so I can actually focus on studying and not procrastinate.

>> No.6576925

how to get better at art faster i wanna be better but im slacking :(

>> No.6577086
File: 170 KB, 594x356, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

page 47 of michael hampton's figure drawing book, why does he draw the cylinder like this? this is an objectively incorrect way of rotating a cylinder (major axis not perpendicular to minor axis in 2D space), unless i'm missing something?

>> No.6577147

>why does he draw the cylinder like this?
Because he doesn't know any better. Blind leading the blind.

>> No.6577456

Anyone with a Schoolism subscription can share the bnrushes from Painting with Light and Color with Dice Tsutsumi and Robert Kondo?

>> No.6578314
File: 796 KB, 1805x2560, 47044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of brush does he use?

>> No.6578892
File: 334 KB, 4272x2848, d2ukfve-3a92a41b-46ad-4974-9d18-c0c295e88221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are sky scapes a good subject for a beginner painter?

>> No.6579128

Anything you like to paint is makes for good subject matter. Skies range from simple and complex and there's plenty of reference so I would say it is great for beginners. The smooth gradients and subtle color shifts can be challenging for a beginner but clouds are also quite random you can get away some mistakes too.

>> No.6579157
File: 2.10 MB, 1536x1536, Sparky in the forest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've written close to 20 children's books and would like to hire an artist to come up with the illustrations for the books. I can sketch how I'd like each page to be if needed, or just describe each scene.

Each book has ~20-30 pages.
Pic related is the art style I'd like for the first book.

>> No.6579960

When doing color studies (digital), should I be trying to get the colors to match exactly, or just close enough?

>> No.6580067

feel the form of the colors
what should stand out more and how different they should feel
the exact colors will be different under different lighting and environments anyway

I also have never studied color or read anything about color theory so do whatever you want

>> No.6580123
File: 109 KB, 736x1308, ac2a15672f20205df0b735250786f50b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my mind is being weird again
drawing feels great, i enter flow rather quickly when im past the starting point, idk why but lately i keep giving up at the start, usually after making a minor mistake
why is my mind like this? does anyone know how to fix this?

>> No.6580592
File: 43 KB, 685x527, 1652008169995438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wheres this meme guy from again?

>> No.6580640

I usually draw during weekends for as long as I can, usually about 4 to 6 hours each day, Friday to Sunday, then I'm too mentally exhausted to draw anything for days, until next Friday. At most I would be thumbnailing or drawing comfort themes I'm already familiar with.
Is this a good way to progress? Or should I change it?
btw, I go to college from monday to thursday, it's only one class but it's also mentally taxing.

>> No.6582841
File: 503 KB, 1024x1415, 030_Human_Body_Structure_Principles_Weichun_Xiao_30.translated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the point of this excercise

>> No.6582859


>> No.6582955

What is the best time to post on twitter?

>> No.6582968

You might get better result by posting this exact text on deviantart's Job offer forum.
Also add a line regarding payments like '50% upfront and 50% upon completion'. Just becareful of Ai doppelganger

>> No.6582975

Imho after school hours or after office hours, depending on the contents. Weekends seems like the worst time to post anything.

>> No.6583056


You didn't save for 10 hours? Accidentally closing a program should only set you back 30 minutes at most, anon.

>> No.6583063

I need help and advice.

>> No.6583071

To improve our ability to control straight lines.

>> No.6583168
File: 802 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230325_134321_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of art schedule and excerices should I do if I want to do typical anime illustrations? Other than figure drawing.

>> No.6583188

Is this a HARD ROUND BRUSH bait?
Since the artist mainly use that brush + a blending brush(watery variants) to soften some parts...

>> No.6583280
File: 62 KB, 177x262, 1676795436787010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything good to buy as an artist on the google play store? I got a 20 dollar gift card.

>> No.6583547
File: 403 KB, 474x713, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Keys to Drawing a good book if I have a beg almost int level drawing skills?
I'm looking for books to help me draw objects and lines more clearly for animation.

>> No.6583728

Between boxes and spheres which is better to construct the figure?

>> No.6583746

Copy anime 10h a day

>> No.6583751

i never understood what hard round brush is, whats the equivalent on CSP?

>> No.6583801 [DELETED] 

It's the very first brush in photoshop. The starter weapon.
In CSP, you emulate this by making a clone of any brush; then set pressure to opacity and pick a hard round brush tip/shape

>> No.6584214

did he label those lines as the major and minor axes? seems like he's just using those lines to show what a cylinder marked with those lines would appear as it turns in space

>> No.6584261

you're probably better off with Brent Eviston's course, since it spends a considerable amount more time going over the fundamentals of lines, shapes and how to create objects in a 3D space
Keys to Drawing relates mostly to drawing from observation. that said, it's still a good book

>> No.6584268
File: 3.85 MB, 6253x5247, sdsfdfdssfdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been using a Staedtler 0.5 fineliner for a while but it's starting to bug me, since I want more consistent value, continuous flow of ink and uniform lines
I can get uniform lines with the fineliner but I have to move the pen at a slow and even rate which makes my work feel stiff
what other pens should I try? looking for something that'll look like the examples in pic related
I'm thinking a fountain pen might be a good idea, but looking for other suggestions

>> No.6584406

I there any place I can find that course for free? Or something?

>> No.6584438


Online course club

>> No.6584589


>> No.6585039

Are Pixiv followers bots or real people? I'm having a hard time believing people actually follows me.

>> No.6585045

You can send them a message asking if they are real but you'll probably get something along the lines of stop bothering me I'm fapping.

>> No.6585072
File: 449 KB, 1477x1991, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please tell me how im supposed to know how far down to put the jaw line?

>> No.6585191

It says in the yellow borx you idiort.

>> No.6585425
File: 120 KB, 522x711, Em5qoRaXIAEFISx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to save my uncolored drawing or my sketch or my lineart and try different approaches to coloring or etc in clip studio paint
>dont want to clutter my folders with essex_lineart, essex_color1, essex_color2, and like 3 other files
>or to do the same for layer folders in clip studio paint

What do I do

Am I stemlordtarded if I want like git for drawings

>> No.6585594

>i want to have multiple versions of my file but i don't want multiple files or multiple folders inside the file

>> No.6586039

I feel like my lack of self-esteem and confidence effects my ability to draw well. Does anyone else here have that problem? I was wondering if there's no point in trying to improve at drawing till I deal with my self-esteem issues

>> No.6586080

Put it on its own layer in the same image file.

>> No.6586114
File: 488 KB, 540x540, 1666773385466295.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6586751

when you draw with a tablet do you rest your hand on the screen as you draw or do you hover above it?
im tryin to make sure im not developing bad habits.

>> No.6586758

You can only rest your hand on the screen if it's smart enough to know about palm rejection. As for weather to do that or not, it's probably best to hover so that you can use your arm instead of the wrist to make long markings.

>> No.6586918
File: 66 KB, 475x758, Human Anatomy Diagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to find the best diagram for learning back muscles but I don't know which is accurate. Is this a good reference to learn from?

>> No.6586920

Find an average looking guy instead.

>> No.6586967

What is the most simple, retard-proof art program?

>> No.6586992

Any app that works on smartphones unironically.

>> No.6586999
File: 1.28 MB, 953x1400, Feng Shen Ji 75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to copy and learn what the muscles are in pic related which is why I looked for a more muscular guy.

>> No.6587355
File: 33 KB, 607x600, fallen-angel.JPG!Large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are traditional artwork like this easier done traditionally or digitally?