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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 953 KB, 330x300, fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6533891 No.6533891 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I possibly fucked my whole life's dream up because of some stupid loli shit I drew in my early twenties/late teens.
I wanted to make a thread to talk about artist who are completely cancelled away from the industry because of their art and at the same time talk about how I think I fucked it all up for myself for being a horny idiot.

I've been working all my life on my art with the dream of working in the comic and animation industry. My life's goal is publishing comics or getting an animated show going. And now that I graduated from art school I'm making some big progress. I'm getting a nice following online and starting to make connections with industry people. But I recently discovered that some lewd loli drawings that I thought I deleted completely of the internet can still be easily found and even traced to my IRL name. Alongside some other lewd art. I live in constant paranoid fear that some day someone will do a little digging and find them. If I was japanese, I wouldn't even care but like most of you I live in the western world.

I'm I really fucked? Has something remotely close to this ever happened to you? Do you have any stories of artist getting blacklisted for lewd drawings?

>> No.6533895

this is why opsec is important for anyone that posts online

>> No.6533897

if it's a long time ago no one should care because people change
you've changed, right?

>> No.6533902

>he doesn't separate his lewd art and normie art with different pen names
You were never going to make it

>> No.6533905

>and even traced to my IRL name
Put your real name online, on ANY social media, and instruct everyone you know in real life to keep your name off their profiles. IF they can't respect your privacy you have to remove them from your life, period. Because all it takes is an absent minded comment on a page followed by your less cautious relative to make your name searchable online.
People are dumber than ever, obsessive as ever, and have unlimited access to millions of people's personal information. This is not a world you want to be known in.

>> No.6533909

>know someone i went to art school with who has assburgers
>no one liked him because he smelled bad and his mom told him he was handsome too much
>his art is pretty /beg/ and he is a furfag
>you can easily google his name and his fetish art pops up in the images tab
>he is obviously sexually frustrated and drew lewds and violent imagery of fellow female students, especially when they ignored and mistreated him
>people found these drawings on his table and he only got a slap on the wrist
>one day he brings a knife to school
>mfw he was only suspended and held back a year
>he actually still ended up finding a job in the animation industry within the year after graduating
>mfw he's still working in the industry
i had never met a blacklisted artist before by the way. but i did meet eternal /beg/s because they had their heads up their ass too far and refused any work that wasn't from some big company, and so they just end up barely breaking even by selling merch at conventions.

>> No.6533935

Bruh half of the people in the animation industry are drawing loli shit for the disney secret porn stash anyway.

>> No.6533939

literally dont worry. look at that teenage ninja turtle animated show and owl house/amphibia. half of their team draws nsfw of the charatcers, which one show has brothers as the main characters, and the other has underage children. they have been called out multiple times but NEVER lost their job. you will be fine man

>> No.6533983
File: 197 KB, 1236x2048, 2e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It probably isn't a huge issue. Like if you put your real name into google, is the loli shit the first thing that comes up? If you have to dig for it, it's probably fine. HR will go through your publicly accessible social media profiles and do some cursory searches to find out if you have bad opinions or are a sex offender or whatever, but they don't have time to investigate every detail of your life. There's nothing you can do about it now anyway, so don't panic and catastrophise.

>> No.6534023

When I was in art school, my teachers that used to work at places like Disney said that nobody cares if you did porn drawings before. Hell the guy that used to work at Disney mentioned how his coworker animated Simba's balls for the penciling stage could still technically be found in their vault of shit that doesn't get shown to the public.
One that worked on he-man/she-ra pointed out all of the stupid little shit they snuck in, like she-ra transformation sparkles being like jizz oozing down, sometimes when she combat rolls, she's commando, and one that I noticed when I watched some episodes was how the archer guys hand always went limp.

Hell, the Steven universe head woman has her old ed edd n Eddy gay shit still traceable!

From what I've heard, the pros literally don't care, your just hearing the crazy loud sects of idiots being crazy and loud.

>> No.6534191

>the schoolyard whore is worried her fiance will find out!
don't worry, soulless, prideless, spineless worm people like you are exactly what (((the industry))) needs

>> No.6534203

> how the archer guys hand always went limp.
What does that mean?

>> No.6534219

anyone whose ever used paypal has all their art linked to their real name.

>> No.6534282

I can't remember his name, might have literally been "Archer", seeing as it was she-ra, but he was one of the few male major characters (a part of the hero group), he used a bow (hence Archer), and he had a heart on his chest as part of his costume.
Well, whenever he'd point, he'd do it without a clenched fist, minus the one finger going out straight (see where this is going?), He'd have a lax posture with the other fingers, and pointing finger was the most raised, but relaxed.
Well, whenever he'd point, shortly after pointing, his hand would hinge down at the wrist, basically just going limp.
I noticed it when I was watching a few episodes after binging he-man on Netflix (both the original version, long before Netflix ruined the serieseseses). His hand always went limp after pointing, and when I had the chance to ask one of the guys behind the show, he confirmed that it was indeed what I had thought, and they were mocking the character (because they were burnt out with he-man by then, and they weren't quite so happy with doing a "girls show" on top of it).

>> No.6534325
File: 147 KB, 1200x916, putahontas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are a faggot OP

>> No.6534326

I don't get it, is it suppose to mean something bad or just that it looks unnatural or something

>> No.6534348

Does the hand going limp mean something? Yeah, it means that the creators thought the character was gay (in a time where that was seen as bad).
It was just a funny detail that I noticed, and my suspicions were confirmed later by the guys making said show.

>> No.6534394

NTA but I think the point is that they purposely made him act kinda faggy in the way he acts just for a laugh. With a weak wrist and stuff like that

>> No.6536016

I started working as a freelancer for Japanese studios last year
I seem to have gathered some infamy or notoriety of some sort among other anime freelancers, and I get hired just fine.

It does suck. I strongly feel like I did nothing wrong to any sensible degree but from one thing to another I find myself in this predicament. I mean, it's really not that bad but I find it difficult to find friendly peers that's about it though.
Yeah sure, I'm not invited to xyz Discord server and banned off abc Discord for a nothing urged but it's not a big deal at all.

However, you don't work in the Japanese side of things so I don't know but it's likely that you'll be fine.

If it really turns that bad or you're very concerned you can start some alt accounts it's funny how well I can get along with some of the people that claim to hate my balls (yet have never interacted much with my account before jumping on the hate bandwagon). When you ask it's a nothingburger worded or twisted in such a way that they portray me as a big villain. It's really petty stuff but it's also really easy to duck on an alt account so not a big deal really.
You're not even hated and no one cares so you're totally fine as of now.

>> No.6536030

Deny, deny, deny

>> No.6536033

>I seem to have gathered some infamy or notoriety of some sort
for loli shit?

also what do you do as a freelancer for anime studios? I don't even care about anime but it's interesting when professionals post here.

>> No.6536052

oh no not for loli stuff

for critiquing or poking fun at others but never in a manner that is unfair. I'm talking about people with 30-50x more influential than myself.

I wasn't scrutinizing anyone, wasn't overly nosy on the details either, wasn't harsh at all. I'm certain I always said that I thought the other artist was good every time because I thought they were.
Of course, you're taking my word for it it's a matter of subjectivity at the end of the day.

>also what do you do as a freelancer for anime studios? I don't even care about anime but it's interesting when professionals post here.
Well, I make some fucking anime for them.
They hand me a storyboard and I go do that shit.
Check that off my checklist!

But I should note that even outside the professional space I tend to not get along at all with people online at least.
I think it's that I'm willing to stand ground on my opinions when the other person is fairly pushy with their views and that I like to hear myself talk a little too much something like that.
It's not like I get really defendant about my drawings, well, it depends. Matter of subjectivity as well.

>> No.6536058

Also, being very mild and reasonable with regards to criticism makes you an easy target for these moralfags who want to claim their spot in the morality spotlight.

Sound logic doesn't isn't a requirement when moralfagging I think.

>> No.6536063

rebecca sugar did ed edd n eddy porn in her late teens and she's fine
as long as it's in the past, it's fine

>> No.6536071

>critiquing or poking fun
people are such feminized, hypersensitive fags now. was this on twitter?

I feel like most people respond negatively to real critique. I'm leery about offering it because some times I have, people seem to drop off and disappear. presumably because they take it personally or something. it just doesn't seem worth ever giving real critique unless you're close enough to that person to know they'll get over it if it hurts them, or you just literally don't care how that person may take it.

I try to be kind and I think I even put in too much effort into softening the blow, I sandwich critique between positives, etc. I got some really aggressive and unhelpful critique (it hardly qualifies as critique) on conceptart.org back in the day as a kid from a crab and it stuck with me for a long time. I try to be kind but it seems like it's just impossible for some people to take it no matter how it's delivered.

>> No.6536079

Twitter and Discord

There's really no point in doing draw-overs or critique because it just either hurts someone most of the time (even if it doesn't seem so or they deny it, they're just holding themselves in a lot of the time most of the time and yes these are people aged 20+ and I'm not certain that I'm any different there's no way for me to tell and people say that I get defendant about critique too so, I don't know).

99% of the time people (including myself very much) don't apply said critique to the drawing/animation anyway I think because it's a slight setback.

And it does cost me time. I was thinking asking like $5 for every critique because then I feel like the other person will actually do something with it or think over it. It would save me so much time.

I tell people to buy a $20 pencil set and they claim that that's too expensive and that they're "saving up money", like fuck you! You want help with traditional but you're getting all stingy over a budget pencil set.

Or people who have garbage microphones or people who don't have a tablet etc etc.

I can't help you!! No matter how much I try you're not going to do anything with my advice anyway.

>> No.6536086
File: 427 KB, 1017x792, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this 18-year-old the other day, I was telling him for more than a month to get a proper pencil set and then he's not even using it because that's now his "special occasion pencil set for when he's gud"

You can't make this up. He's using this shitty pencil that doesn't make bold lines.
And then takes a potato picture of it.
I tell him to go look if his dad has a all-in-one printer so he can scan his stuff in but he keeps ignoring that advice.

This happens a lot.
And people with bad microphones I'm very upfront with that I tell them to go buy a Blue Snowball iCe because I can't understand 80% of the words that come out of their mouth. They don't do it. I used to be a save-up weirdo too so I at least kind of get the mentality but if you want something... you need to have certain things worked out so that people can help you.

Not everyone doesn't apply the get your basic tools advice, there's people out there who get the message.

But it's such a waste of time most of the time.
Why even bother?

>> No.6536125

>You want help with traditional but you're getting all stingy over a budget pencil set.
>I was telling him for more than a month
>You can't make this up. He's using this shitty pencil that doesn't make bold lines.
>And then takes a potato picture of it.
>I tell him to go look if his dad has a all-in-one printer so he can scan his stuff in but he keeps ignoring that advice.
it sounds like you put in a lot of effort honestly, far more than it's worth if you're not charging. why do you do it? just to be nice? I like to help people to be nice, too, but lately only here. I'm not as legit or as involved in helping others as you, but I like the idea of anonymously shooting off advice to someone who is also anonymous. the lack of personal connection or posterity keeps me in the right frame of mind, which is to acknowledge that I will probably never knowingly speak to this person again, and they probably won't listen to me. so I don't get to invested or try to solve all their problems for them. I notice others' style of critiquing is based around these assumptions, too, and so it devolves to "just draw". which is about as useful, succinct and detached as is possible to be.

I don't get these people who just won't listen at all, though, like the ones you mention. it's like, why are we talking? what are you hoping to get from this? you just keep drawing the same way. they can't seem to understand that if you want different results, you have to change your process. doodling the same shit all the time with a 2H and then posting potato pics isn't study, and it isn't even practice -- it's basically masturbation.

>> No.6536136

drawing pencils are a meme.

>> No.6536143

Chad it up. Just look at author of Goriland/Camiland. She's got loli drawings associated with her real life name and also porn of herself up there

>> No.6536152

I do it because I'm autistic

>> No.6536155

oh, yeah, that kid did change his ways after we stood our ground he's using darker pencils now I still don't think any of his stuff is good but whatever, as long as he's drawing and learning I'm cool with it.

And some other kid got a tablet yesterday after I told him to that there is simply no point in drawing with a mouse and that no one takes him seriously like that.

There's nothing wrong with drawing with a mouse as a hobby or something but I don't think it's very viable if you want to get better or professional or whatever.

>> No.6536173

The guy who did the art for all the MegaMan Zero games drew lolis getting fucked and lolis getting fucked while pooping. You're fine.

If you're autistic or don't have any kind of social awareness, you're kind of fucked 'cause your autism is going to get the better of you when you meet people in real life and socialize.

>> No.6536179

I hope you did in a fire retard, westerners have no place in the anime industry. Faggot calarts nigger

>> No.6536197

This calarts nigger getting hired though, and you're not...! ;-)
If you have an issue with that I don't think I am the one to blame. Blame the people hiring me!

>> No.6536204

You're probably that gigafaggot Kaiyu. Nigger getting bullied by Japanese chads.

>> No.6536293

nta but, how do I know you're a spic

>> No.6536336
File: 1.86 MB, 1599x1035, John K rubbish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only blacklisted peeps I can think of is; that creator of Clarence who had a mental break down and acted creepy towards a woman, which is rather sad as he essentially had achieved his dreams only to lose it all because of his mind bugs; and John.k, which is probably fairly deserved, but also let's be honest, his days of doing an decent work were very far behind.

>I started working as a freelancer for Japanese studios last year
Out of curiosity, do you think you got hired more because Japan is currently desperate for animators (because of their short turnover), or because you know Japanese or whatever else. Was it easy to get hired for Japanese work? Is it remote or on site?

>> No.6536371

She what? I've been following these comics for years

>> No.6536451

Caravaggio killed a man and still got work.

>> No.6536533

OP, just say you were groomed by an online pedophile who tried to make you think it was normal.

>> No.6536689

She's a full on Onlyfans/fanbox ewhore now

>> No.6537312

You're fine. All industry people draw loli and shota shit. Even go look at Rebecca Sugar. She does it too

>> No.6537315

Why would OP anon need to change? They did nothing wrong

>> No.6537320

Lmao who is it anon? He's probably smashing mad Leftist pussy right now

>> No.6537573

oh yeah
also to add
if you really want to take it far have two separate computers for sfw and nsfw
avoid merging when possible

>> No.6537596

If you have a common name just deny. I envy niggas named John Smith

>> No.6537643

Not entirely what you’re talking about but as a vent…

I like drawing coom sometimes. I don’t usually do it because I don’t have anywhere to post it and I usually get pretty harsh responses for it. The other day I was drawing some porn for random generals on other boards and it was just really fun. I just had more fun doing it than I have had drawing in months.

But outside of anonymously posting here I’m just terrified of posting it anywhere. I’m not worried of being black listed because I’m not a pro and likely never will be. But there’s a very real possibility of me being fired if it ever got connected to me. And it just really sucks because I have fun drawing lewd shit. I hate how I have to live in fear that just because I drew an anime girl being fucked I might lose my jobs and have my entire life ruined.

Life is just so bullshit. And it honestly makes me want to just leave this country when I’m just sitting there and overhearing my coworkers freaking out over the fact that people exist who get off to hentai. It just reminds me this is the society I’m forced to live in, where a anime school girl porn is somehow seen as worse and than heroine.

>> No.6537698
File: 3.22 MB, 491x704, funky buddy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have nothing to fear buddy. Just post art under an alias and you'll be fine.
You're just drawing for fun you don't even care about making commission or money so there's no need to worry about people finding your real name and telling the place you work at. (not that somebody would really do that).
Just don't draw while you're at work or tell your co workers about the fact that you do art. And even if by some miracle way they found out you draw lewd stuff they are just going to look at you weird that's all. Most people really don't care.

>> No.6537714
File: 613 KB, 832x1200, xiang-ling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hbn1 here, i drew an accidental loli and i got shadow banned by sub-reddit (where i was making money), artstation and deviantart, people shit-posted me on /aco/, called me a tracer even when i can do 1:1 drawing. I tried to prove myself as a non tracer that encourages tracing but people still shit-on me despite my youtube videos of me drawing free hand.
All because of "she is 14 bro!" that was my first year doing digital art. That picture.

>> No.6537720

Oh, I remember you. You're that retard that traced from milkshake

It's good to hear you're feeling like shit, just kys pathetic loser

>> No.6537772

With today's technology, is it even important to worry about that anymore? Competition and oversaturation in the art field is a given fact since more than a decade. Getting worse and worse by the minute. So let's say that somebody wants to screw some competitor artist over a job. Anyone can fake a whole past life for anyone, make up fake accounts, make up fake art in the style of that artist using AI, hacking mails, twitter or whatever and start posting shit. That's already happening since a while now. And if you're a poor soab you won't even attempt to go to court for that.
Moral is in a alltime low, everything is going to shit. Parents and grandparents are sharing NSFW shit on wassap and everyone can see it. At the end nobody even cares anymore.
Maybe you never did any lewd stuff in your life, but you will be a naive person if you think that a celestial barrier will protect you from shit that won't touch you even if it falls from the sky as a rainy storm. And that's what's happening today. Look at this website, I still can't believe 4chan is even talked about in the news like is nothing. WTF.

That's the problem with 'artists', they are so naive, soft and 'special'. When any other person in any other line of work takes as a given the daily bath of shit and vomit that is everyday life out there. Lawyers, insurance workers, bankers, car dealers, real state, fuck, any people with employees under their wings has to be ready to throw that poor guy with his whole family to the railway tracks to save his business and not even flinch. And these guys that can't even say 'good morning sir' let's not talk about stealing a grape in the market, are worried to death because they drew some tits and asses when they where teenagers....
Welcome to real life. Grow up a pair, or die.

>> No.6537793

based lolicon making redditors seethe

>> No.6538555
File: 22 KB, 559x434, 1660020644491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your Reddit account was suspended? Why?

>> No.6538575

So many professional illustrators in Japan draw loli shit and nobody cares. Pokémon company hires them for card art all the time.

>> No.6538577

Legitimately impossible if you are doing commissions.

>> No.6538581

How are you supposed to make a professional account without your real name? Unless you're specifically just talking about artists that make coom and not professionals.

>> No.6538594

>I tried to prove myself as a non tracer that encourages tracing
but you're a tracer, so...
All you do is trace and you are quite vocal about that you trace and that others should too so I can see why artist communities kick you out.

>All because of "she is 14 bro!"
No, it's because all you do is trace other people's drawings
I support your thicccccbooiiiii asshole, but don't be astonished that artist communities get fed up with yo tracer ass!!!

hbn1, what do you expect?
nobody cares that you think you can do 1:1 drawing, when it comes down to it you trace everything you do, you're a phony essentially.

>> No.6538606

what? paypal business accounts don't reveal your real name

>> No.6538608

It’s very easy to look up who owns a business if someone wants to find out they easily can.

>> No.6538612

you don't need an actual business for a paypal business account, but things might have changed

>> No.6539017

Yeah you need an actual business license now to do it. I've tried.

>> No.6539025

Really? That sucks. I made one a long time ago specially because I didn't want my schizo furry commissioners to know my name and adress. I didn't needed any verification. Maybe it depends on the region

>> No.6539176

>John.k, which is probably fairly deserved
Well deserved how? It's just some more me too bullshit

>> No.6539200

You don't think sending romantic/sexual exchanges with underage people, grooming, and statutory rape aren't good reasons to be black-listed?

Hell, ignoring those, he's work ethic was terrible; blow deadlines and budgets. Did you think cans without labels was any good?

>> No.6539299

>there's no need to worry about people finding your real name and telling the place you work at. (not that somebody would really do that).

It takes one autistic person not getting what they want from you to do that though. It happens all the time.

>> No.6539301

You make it sound like we're all from japan here. Whoa...

>> No.6539479

I have the exact same problem, except I've already had a meltdown. I wake up every time wanting to kill myself because this is pretty much all I am and I've ruined it. Simply didn't know any better and met the wrong kind of people

>> No.6539498

Just apply for jobs in different areas, just because it's the same industry doesn't mean it's all one giant clique.

>> No.6539569
File: 981 KB, 714x907, 6q6b1ksnl6aa1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this is me. I don't draw NSFW but got into a discord server one day and wanted to try it out. I don't draw full on fucking but more on the lewd side, which I have never done.

If any IRL people that I know find out about this I'm literally doomed and disgraced for life.

>> No.6539961

>worrying about what could happen

>> No.6540020

There arent blacklisted artist dummy, Just people with shitty conection, it takes an especial kind of autistic retard to actually be ostracized from the Internet abd those usually exiled themselves and blame everyone else

>> No.6540064

imagine being this retarded KEK.
account for lewds, old account, and new professional accounts are separated.

>> No.6540135

>Just don't do commissions
but I mean I wouldn't mind making a little bit of money on doing it if I like the idea.
I know there's ways around it but its still iffy.
>Nobody really cares
I work around turbo moralfags. Most people are chill but there's 1 or 2 faggots that have gone nuclear over dumb nonsense in the past. And while I try to avoid those types you never fucking know how they get a whiff of this type shit.

It's highly unlikely to ever come up, but the fact is it still can, and that terrifies me.

>> No.6540153

I have no idea how people draw porn and genuinely like it. I've had a very brief spree where I was drawing literally my fetish, the very sexual fantasies I jerk off to at the end of the day, and the only things I enjoyed about it was that I was doing technically interesting things I did not work with before, and that people would finally give a shit about what I was drawing instead of just complimenting me on skill, which made me sober up to the fact that if you draw fetish stuff people will suck your cock real hard to groom you into making more of it. People are still reposting even the lowest effort shit I made in that period.
Are you people really that deep fried in the brain that you want to learn to draw just to add more generic pictures of cocks jammed inside vaginas to the endless sea of pictures of cocks into vaginas? Porn is literally all the same shit anyway. I don't get you people. I'd unironically feel less bewildered if you said you were just in for the money, but being actually passionate about drawing cocks. gaping cunts and assholes is just something I don't understand. Even gore is more artistic and interesting than porn.

>> No.6540214

Canceling is only real if you believe it is.
Stop being a sissy.

>> No.6540222

Not all porn is over the top fetishized stuff.
You can have more low key romantic porn too. There's a ton of expression you can have with it that just feels more intimate.

>> No.6540225

This, there's no such a thing as being "cancelled" unless you're terminally online.

>> No.6540229

It very well is real, it just depends on where / what you want to work on. And even if you can find work somewhere it doesn't mean your options don't get limited.

Maybe the twitter crowd trying to cancel you might be meaningless for most people, but having a minor hate campaign against you by 1 autist can have repercussions.

>> No.6540231

>romantic porn
no porn is romantic. you're brain damaged

>> No.6540232

>There's no such thing as vanilla intimate sex scenes
>Its impossible to conceive that people get off to low key sex

>> No.6540235

"vanilla" isn't "romantic" nor it's "wholesome" you are brain damaged.

>> No.6540237

>2 people in love having passionate sex with each other after a romantic evening isn't romantic
stop being so american.

>> No.6540242

>2 people in love having passionate sex with each other after a romantic evening isn't romantic
yes that's romantic, but porn of that isn't
stop being such a retarded crackhead nigger

>> No.6540243

>its romantic
>but drawing it isn't romantic

>> No.6540438

>if you have bad opinions or are a sex offender
Fuvk, I'm both.

>> No.6541374

I've had people trying to fuck my shit up since 15 years ago in da groups.
I still get hired to make greeting cards and board game stuff.

>> No.6541403

That’s fine for you but like I said it doesn’t apply to everyone.
If someone wants to teach art at schools for example and that’s their passion. Having it come out that they drew Loli could be life ruining.

>> No.6541409

you can't possibly be this braindead

>> No.6541436

this is just the natural result of puritanism

>> No.6541446
File: 176 KB, 1401x241, faf94f8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corridor just got cancelled, we did it boys

>> No.6541507

imo this video was really entertaining but the weakest part of it was the stupid AI filter. They're great at what they do but why are they shooting themselves in the feets shilling stupid shit like NFTs and AI?

>> No.6542473

Corridor used the power of ai to make a loli filter?

>> No.6542597

Rebecca sugar drew the Ed Edd and Eddy boys fucking eachother

>> No.6544871
File: 287 KB, 1469x802, 1669859986763125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as long as it's in the past, it's fine
Then you have people like LadyFiszi who get witch-hunted and fired because...
>she wrote a fanfic to cope with her sexual abuse many years ago
>15 years ago she was part of some edgy nazi group on deviantart

>> No.6544894

Noah bradley got accused of something with no proof. Idiot said sorry but like still got blacklisted and unfollowed by his "friends"

>> No.6544902

Noah bradley? Now what the hell could have he done from all people? he's wholesome as fuck as much as I know.
That proves my point, no matter how clean you are, today just anyone can be smeared with any sort of fake shit and get pushed out of the game, as long as he/she allows that shit to get into his/her head. This are the times in where we are living, it's all a big trolling ground, and no one is taking prisoners.

>> No.6544966
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>accidental loli
There is literally tons of porn of Xianling and no one got cancelled over her being 14 and she doesn't remotely count as a loli. No one but closet pedos and tumblrwhales care.

I really dont know if hbn1 is retarded or ironically unironically but ironically trolling and even failing at that.
If the fag wants to make it while tracing, first he should cheat his way to success, then out himself as a tracer and make others seethe into oblivion since they can't cancel him over the fact that he has an army of coomernormies not giving a shit as long as they get to coom.

I had high hopes for him but the more he goes on, the more he shows that he's actually fucking retarded.

>> No.6545140

Honestly it seems completely random who gets targeted or “canceled”

One of the award selling books a few years ago was Gideon the ninth.
The author in an interview just admits to writing Ryona fanfic of underage boys when she was younger and supports complete freedom of expression. (Paraphrased)
And her series is universally praised regardless of her past. Maybe it’s because the series is degenerate already and she’s just open about it instead of hiding it. But it’s still so horribly inconsistent

>> No.6545148

>drew pedo shit
>nothing wrong
pick one

>> No.6545153


>> No.6545160

Why is drawing pedo shit wrong? You may not find it tasteful, but disgust =/= immoral.

>> No.6545169
File: 411 KB, 2124x1317, Waterhouse_Hylas_and_the_Nymphs_Manchester_Art_Gallery_1896.15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope etc.

It's just that when people dislike you, they're more motivated to get upset about things you've done, and more likely to share stories of your wrongdoings.

>> No.6545242

The thing is... people don't actually get cancelled for drawing loli porn.
If someone accuses you of drawing loli, you just ignore it, but it usually doesn't even come to that.

When you're getting cancelled, there is something else about you that people are after.
Lolicon is just a convenient tool to use against you, since 90% of normalfags are absolutely brainrotten when it comes to drawings of children.

>> No.6545274

>90% of normalfags are absolutely brainrotten
Something happened between the 2000's and today. During the 50s,60s,70s,80s,90s, there was a whole MAINSTREAM industry of paper comics, adult, vanilla, funny comics, and artists used cartoon style, CARTOON STYLE, to produce adult porn strips, because it was more "market friendly" than drawing a total realistic style wich was like "too much like real porn".
Cartoon style adult strip was the NORM, back then, becasue it was RIGHT. It was the right way to present sex as comics for adults and have a laugh.
The realistic style was used for "pulp" that italian style with brutal themes about murder, snuff, torture, that it was kept in the back of the store, hide, obscure.

Now mainstream cartoons and caricature styles, can't be about sex, because cartoons are for kids... Because cartoons are a big business now. You can't mix the cartoon networks with the other demographic stuff. It's a cartoon cartel, that won't let it's product go out of boundaries.
It's all fucked up. And artist are in the middle of this mess. They are grown, old talented people making stuff just for kids and kids only, when in the past they were making stuff for their own age demographics, ingenous stuff, funny stuff, about sex, about adult life.
The all-powerful market now rules in this weird fucked up ways the minds of a society that is becoming insane with issues to give Freud a crazy field day. Movies NEED and HAVE to be G rated for all audiences no matter if they are about a serial killer or war or whatever. And same applies to the whole range of "market products" down the line. Artists who dared to step outside the line are screwed. God forbid humans messing around with the all mighty market guidelines for business and profit. You're going down in flames if you dare.

>> No.6545278

>Because cartoons are a big business now.
It's because Americans are pushing the boundaries of pedophile hysteria and the rest of the world follows suit.
The number 1 go-to insult for zoomers may as well be "groomer".
And lolicon has become popular enough to reach the masses, which is a bad thing since it means the view around lolicon will be shaped by the same, normalfag masses.

>> No.6545287

She got harassed to the point of almost killing herself. You have to remember it's always a loud minority. People bring up Rebecca Sugar's old drawings all the time as well. You just have to be strong enough to move past it. Try not to bring much attention to it. If your work is good enough, people will move past it.

>> No.6546559
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>> No.6546636

I think I remember you. You were in a dixord server we were in and kept laughing at you because you were scumming money off of people by tracing other artists almost line for line.

Get fucked bro. Don't sell your tracings as if they're %100 what you made.

>> No.6546653

I hate reality.

>> No.6547647

This is why free speech is important.
I thought the french were degenerates that did anything in the name of art. What happened?

>> No.6547658

Holy fucc you dum.