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6512773 No.6512773 [Reply] [Original]

I mean, he's obviously not as amazing as David Finch, but he's quite beginner friendly and has a FUCKTON oof youtube videos and also courses on Skillsare and Udemy.

His stuff is a bit simplistic and stiff sometimes, but his anatomy usually looks more on point than most anatomy diagrams I see people doing on youtube (I'm talking to you Jazza and Mikey), and he's way cleaner on his lines than Sycra.

Why is it that I don't see that many people talking about him on art communities?

>> No.6512779

fuck off Bobby
im not gonna buy your tutorials

>> No.6512782

who the fuck is bobby?
Besides, they're already on CGP and online course club

>> No.6512832

He's kind of good, and he's a good case study

His best looking stuff is his pencil work. His digital work, specially the colored stuff is way less appealing. He always makes me think about what works and what doesn't because he just keep doing stuff that looks good mixed with stuff that doesn't, whereas most artists after a while tend to stick to what they can do well

>> No.6512991

hes very generic, but nice to put out tutorials and show how to do basics. there are far worse you could try to learn from if comic book style work is what you want to do.

>> No.6512994

Sorry man but the stuff you posted looks like a gifted college student drew it.

>> No.6513130

isn't that a good thing?

>> No.6513137
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I just wonder why didn't the youtube algorythm didn't favor him as much as it did to other people who're way rougher than him

>> No.6513380
File: 1.56 MB, 950x1353, 10(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to do manga pages, I heard Clip STUDIO Paint is good for it, but I still don't know how to ink nor how to do patten/textures on top of a drawing, will his digital tutorials teach me to do something like this (figure drawing or anatomy aside, more focused on things like the inking of those leather clothes or the pattern of shaded skin with those white and grey dots...)

>> No.6513401

Rober Marzullo voice and way of teaching reminds me of Parent's coworker when they were still working in the local comic book industry. But it can't be him, because that would make marzullo around 79 now if that was the case. Haha

>> No.6513457

...no. if I'm being taught, I want to be taught by someone who draws like they've been in the industry for 20 years, not like they've been alive for 20 years.

>> No.6513475

ah, since you said he's a gifted one got me confused what you meant....

>> No.6513895

He's not bad he's just not a master.

>> No.6514301

Even his polished/finished work?


>> No.6514304

>not anime
not care, into the trash

>> No.6514346

charisma and production, I'm not very fond of his style, but he is a good host and puts nice fun videos sometimes

>> No.6514359

who, Jazza or Mikey?

who are better choices on the learning department?

>> No.6514375

i enjoy both, but jazza puts way better content, but is more entertainment than education.

>who are better choices on the learning department?
what are you looking for, it all depends on what you are working at the moment. Richard Smitheman puts quality content, marshall vandruff has a great workshop on bridgman, steve hudson does livestreams weekly. I think Marco Bucci has the best education videos overall for free.

>> No.6514403
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Drawing mostly, and applying that to anime if possible. I have an idea of anatomy but I'm very dirty and smudgy with my lines and rendering.
I like Vilppu and Brent Eviston stuff too, I watched the Bridgman Bootcamp of Marshall.

Do you know any good content about inking my sketches?

Don't watch the livestreams of Huston becuase I didn't know but I liked his anatomy for beginners course.

I started watching the CGMA art of color and Light by Marco Bucci but it was too advanced for me, I have a cheap screenless wacom intuos ctl-4100 7 of about 30 dollars so I can't see what I draw on it, and I need digital art content for absolute beginners on the level of "what's a layer""what's a brush" "how to open a new canvas". I got suggested ctrl paint free library not too long ago so that's what I've been watching but I haven't gone too far yet.
Did I miss something?

>> No.6514439

ctrl+paint is good for what you want, don't take it too linear go to a video that peak your interest if you feel there are gaps in knowledge just go back and so on.
Some tricks that may help you in lineart but aren't covered on ctrl
-play with round and square tip brushes, I like square/rectangular better for line art.
-for tricky lines that overlay you can create a tmp layer draw the line you want erase what you don't need and then merge both.
-there's a layer mode called eraser what ever you draw on it will be erased on layers below in a non destructive manner
-instead of using pen pressure from 0 to 100% play with narrower ranges like 60 to 100% its easier to control while keeping line weight.

Small tablets aren't best for drawing/painting if you can get a used one that is medium, there's no need for a screen one yet as you go on you will know the time to get one, before I got my screen one I just sketched on paper take a photo and keep working on it with a screenless tablet.

>> No.6514499

Thanks for the advices, I was trying to do the sketch and then scan to finish on digital thing you mentioned, kinda like Miketmegamega but he inkerd them befor that to make it easier to get a clean lineart by playing with the levels, and I'm still not good at traditional inking, I either end up
making the ink bleed, smudge or just breaks the paper.
If instead of traditional inking you suggested just scan the sketch and do the lineart on digital as if it was traditional inking, I like the tips you told me that you said aren't on ctrl paint, any place were I can see a project in action to get a better grasp of them? I barely see enough content on youtube about clean lineart.

>> No.6514509

>but he inkerd them befor that to make it easier to get a clean lineart by playing with the levels
Inking before scanning is just to make it easier, but you can get great results with just normal a pencil. You need better lighting, try using an external source of light, it most be even and a little softer (a piece of paper is great to soften the light), the settings of the camera/app would be something like wb:fluorecent, iso 100 and ev around 0.7, take the photo parallel to the page to avoid any warping.

>any place were I can see a project in action to get a better grasp of them?
most of the things I mentioned are applied here

>> No.6514569

oh nice nice, I love Ryan Benjamin almost as much as David Finch, thanks a lot.

What kind of light for external source, any lamp on my house works?

>> No.6514593

any light, just play with the wb (whitebalance) and choose whatever looks best.

>> No.6514696

ok, thanks.

Forgot to clarify though, I've got an Epson scan (scan and printer). I though scanners were always better than just the phone, should I still use the phone with the settings you said or just putting them on the scanner is already good enough and I should just use darker leads?

>> No.6514745

use the scanner then, may yield better results

>> No.6514884

Someone who couldn't quite make a living doing art because his skills aren't prime time, so he turned to the art teacher grift.

>> No.6515470

And as a techer, how do you compare it to Proko for example, Proko techinically is a good artist but I think he sucks as a teacher if he just throws you a lot of concepts and then draws the features on timelapse and expects you to learn. I learned way better how to construct heads with Marzullo than with Proko

>> No.6518336

Even his last CSP comic page colorings?

>> No.6521066

who's the best free youtuber for a beg?

Marzullo, sycra, Mikeymegamega, Knkl, Jazza.

I'm not saying Proko because his stuff didn't help me at all as a beg and if you want the actual demonstration he makes you pay.

>> No.6521084

The Japanese always make lewd and fuckable-looking characters, it's impossible to take a plot with that hentai design seriously, the good times of mamfs and anime stayed in the 80s and 90s

>> No.6521251

all of those suck
just read loomis like all curently great artists did

>> No.6521717

I've seen worst, that kind of looks just like "generic isekai elf mage"

>> No.6521725

His stuff is really stiff and kinda off.

>> No.6522221
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Even the ones of gesture practise?

>> No.6522322

Yes, especially those.