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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6504800 No.6504800 [Reply] [Original]

talk about your pains in this life you chose as an artist

>> No.6504842
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I've been addicted to vidya all my life starting at a very young age. I definitely like making art more than anything else but It's a lot of work staying focused. Being meguca is suffering

>> No.6505325
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Whatever gains I make as an artist, they will always be eaten way by long haituses of not practicing.

I’ll never get as good as I’d like to be anyway. I’ve always been way too prideful to truly be a beg.

>despite all my gains I’m still just a crab in a cage

>> No.6505336

What pain? Art is fun. If you aren’t enjoying yourself, what’s the point in pursuing it?

>> No.6505374

For 4chan x users, I suggest adding the word "artist" to your filters. It hasnt been used in anything except "these" threads.

>> No.6505418

how do you do fellow artists

>> No.6505626

I'm broke so I have to spend my time trying to make money, therefore I don't have much time to work on my art. It would have been better to pursue something that pays well and do art in my freetime honestly.

>> No.6505759

Bruh you don't need 4chan x to filter OP posts

>> No.6506720

I can't work on the same thing for more than 5 minutes. Part of it is my zoomer brain fucked up by years of instant gratification, part of it is fear of wasting time on something that won't look good. Like most fears, it isn't rational. I know I need to make tons of bad stuff before I can make good stuff, but I can't get my lizard brain to understand.

>> No.6507252

I don't know how mangaka or old school cartoonists kept the exact same style and look for all their work. The faces and proportions and shapes are always consistent even for books that are decades apart. I have been drawing the same characters for years now and they have changed appearance tons of times in terms of style. Their designs and features stay the same but the art style just slips from my grasp every few months. I decide I don't like how I draw the eyes or the body proportions or whatever so I change it, then eventually I change so much it's an entirely different style. What the hell is wrong with me? How do people become satisfied with their way of drawing, I can never stay satisfied in a comfort zone. Even if I made character sheets and followed them strictly it would just make me mad because i know I'll end up thinking they look really bad in a few years. Fuck.

>> No.6507256

It probably helped that their livelihood depended on their characters being recognised consistently.

>> No.6507260

Everyone is after my fucking time.

>> No.6507281

It must be a brand thing like that, where their identity as an artist hinges on drawing one thing all the time, exactly the same every time. In a way it seems miserable. There's gotta be creators of famous titles out there who want to draw something a different way after a while, but I haven't seen any express that. I just assume they enjoy where they're at as an artist and have no desire to improve.

>> No.6507296

>try to draw a cute little comic for a character
>fuck all idea what I’m doing
>it’s shit

>> No.6507302
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getting enough money from nsfw that I don't need to get a 9/5 but I'm in constant fear that I will never transition to SFW comics.

>> No.6507359

>be 17, finished hs
>choose either art school, or vocational school
>choose trade
>ff to 24
>married, have 2 kids now
>stable career, support family (tradwife ftw)
>hobby is art/drawing
>git gud, take fanart commissions on /co/ as a side hustle
>never forced to draw when i don't feel like it
>mortgage & bills paid on time
>fanart commmissions buys family vacation to disneyword every year
Feels good man
Never fall for the 'art as a career' jew

>> No.6507393

>draw a commission
>hate it and think its my worst drawing yet
>the client loves it and pays me extra
>uses it as his pfp forever

>> No.6507410

I just wish someone would compliment my art without me having to beg for it.

>> No.6507411

Pyw I want to see

>> No.6507420

I’ve posted most of the stuff I’ve done recently on other threads and don’t wanna attention whore with it. But I usually just get ignored even in rating threads.

I assume it’s just high enough /beg/ that it’s not worth talking about. Not low enough for everyone to shit on but not high enough for anyone to compliment it.
Even generals outside of /ic/ just kinda ignore it.

>> No.6507421
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>be 14, not been drawing long but seeing the audience for it online made me want to start
>natural talent so "git gud" only takes a month or so
>first commission at 15, its a furry
>tells furry friends, more commission = more money
>meet rich furries as my skills build
>one rich furry is big into compsci
>pays me in little things called "ethereum" (year is 2013 btw)
>look more into emoney, like the idea plus value is growing
>rich comp furry helps me invest
>cut to modern day, net worth well over 30 mil as I cashed out about three years ago.
>house, wife that's expecting
>life is gud

guess talent pays out after all

>> No.6507676
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I got too many other goals so I gave up and just started tracing 3d models but it still doesn't look good

>> No.6507701

The webcomic that I aspire to is Order of the Stick,a Dungeons and Dragons themed strip that has been going for over a decade. The art is literally stick figures, but refined. The writing carries it,and it has a buttload of merchandise connected with it. The guy posts a new strip,and the fans in the forums gleefully dissect it for content,plot and canon implications. My world is as sophisticated and nuanced, and nothing would make me happier than seeing my ideas debated with such enthusiasm. So I put forums on my website.

The only people who ever joined it were bots hawking Black Market Viagra from South America. 4000 unique visitors per month and that is all that joined. So I ripped the forums out by the roots.

>> No.6507800

Basically me but I have no family yet but coomer comm essentially doubles my income. And I could totally pay off my mortgage and bills with just my day job's income

>> No.6508425
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>> No.6508428
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I'm happy for you I guess, little bit salty.

>> No.6508495

Woah... shouldn't you be working at a studio or something?

>> No.6508521

>have to work +50 hrs/week, get paid peanuts (shouldn't have been born in Mexico)
>I also want to learn like 5 different things in what little free time I have

Maybe I should accept that I will never pick up a pencil, but I just can't let go.

>> No.6508590

Which trade?

>> No.6508594

I don't know but my body is kind of fucked and it feels like it's collapsing on itself sometimes. Not even depressed or suicidal, just tired it's so annoying having to deal with this pain in my chest 24/7 when will I finally die to rest.

>> No.6508600
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As I grew into a more skilled artist and really started putting my work out there, I got more commissions from family, friends, friends of friends, etc. if I’m being quite honest, I enjoy the process of making them but it’s so stressful worrying if they’ll like this that I did, if they’ll notice this flaw, if I’m over/undercharging, if I’m taking too long to work on it and it’s fucking me over in the future, where will this design go, etc. art becomes completely different when so many people want art from you and it’s stressful sometimes honestly but I’m getting used to it. It’s a good thing I suppose

>> No.6508605


>> No.6508611

You draw heads in perspective very well and I like the way you use greys

>> No.6508615

I know this is 4chan and half the people here wont care, but one of the pains I found as an art student is the number of rapes happening in art schools. I cant live six months of my life without being hit with news of a different teacher in a different well known school drugging and raping students, harassing minors online, trying to "trade" sex for job opportunities, etc.

Recently a school that was very close to a place I lived, a place I could have chosen to study at, got exposed for being a cult where men and women were abused in this way under threat of physical violence and often were beaten up anyways.

It just drives me crazy. Why are we as artists so fucking gulliable and vulnerable to this shit and why the fuck when people get good at their skills some of them just turn evil??

>> No.6508626

Dude that fucking sucks. Maybe you should spend a little time focusing on building a community first.

Ten years ago trends were different and I belive the internet was a kinder place for people trying to build a fanbase, so dont compare yourself to Order of the Stick.

>> No.6508638

Dude, do it. When we're not stressing about money it is way easier to focus on art in our free time.

I know a couple of guys that decided to live off water and crackers to study art and build a career and found that spending so much time thinking money doesn't matter makes great artists that don't know their worth and keep struggling even if they're very good at their craft.


Idk if you're on burgerland where seing a doctor is expensive, but do see a doctor, fren.

That's the constant struggle of doing art as a job. With time you'll learn to manage it better.

>> No.6508670

how is that a pain in your life bro
try coloring a stomach