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File: 108 KB, 512x460, b33f9cf27d52aad5d95356d2cfd98c57-3333023296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6490932 No.6490932 [Reply] [Original]

Will spending 5 months to a year doing DrawaBox classes help me improve? Anybody here did it or have any opinion on it?

Just a little context. When it comes to art I've been drawing for at least 10+ years now. I get commissions pretty frequently and have a small following but I've fallen to the trap of working only on my style and my fundamentals are trash, I rely way too much on reference even for the most basic of poses and it's even worst when I need to do backgrounds and objects.
I'm also trying to get into animating but since I lack fundamentals I have a shit ton of trouble making the most basics shapes stay on model.
Will Draw a Box help me? or do you have any other alternatives?

>> No.6490934


>> No.6490938


>> No.6490940

If you want to surround yourself with a large community albeit of beginners then Drawabox is fine but it wouldn't be my first choice. ArtWOD or the new NMA discord lessons Dynamic Sketching with Charles Hu would be. Granted I'm recommending these based on the fact you have some experience. If you're the type of person that sees better artwork by fellow students and gets discouraged then I wouldn't bother with these.
If you're ok with no feedback you have Sorie Kim's course on Class101 or even Foundation Groups lessons.

>> No.6490943
File: 170 KB, 585x960, 1673869250559387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Irshad can't draw and DAB has produced no exemplary results. Do dynamic sketching instead.

>> No.6490953

>or do you have any other alternatives?
Peter Han's course on Dynamic Sketching. Scott Robertson's How to Draw. These are the works DaB bases their exercises around.

Will doing DaB hurt? Probably not. But it's the dryest shit ever and lacks both the more free form life drawing approach of Han, as well as the almost architectural technical knowledge of Robertson. I did the course way back. It helped me get into constructive drawing. But seeing how you're already a veteran idk if it'll teach you much.

>> No.6490955

it's a pretty good beginner construction course, don't expect more

>> No.6490958

btw. if you're mostly drawing figures I think Michael Hampton's Figure Drawing: Design & Invention might be for you. It's pretty straight forward in teaching gesture and construction and applying that knowledge to basic anatomy.

>> No.6490964

You dont need it its literally just a business ran by a 5' tall indian guy that cant draw. If you really dont know how to simplify a say, figure into forms, read any of the top shilled figure books (vilppu, huston, hampton), its all you need. But that still wont make you good. You need intent, practice and having fun. DaB is useless.

>> No.6490970

> 5' tall indian guy
And that matters why?

> cant draw
His drawings are mediocre, like his course, sure. But its far from useless. He condeses a lot of useful information borrowed from renowned artbooks and teaches it in a straight forward manner. For free.

> DaB is useless.
It's not great, but far from useless. The things you recommended focus on the human form. DaB actually has exercises that these books don't cover, such as basic perspective and dynamic sketching. I'm not a fan of DaB, but get your facts straight and don't judge a course by hearsay.

Is completely right, though.

>> No.6490971

there's no way you've been drawing for the past decade and not once heard of dab, or how piss poor of a pajeet course it is and how it would probably help you regress to permabeg if that's your goal.

>> No.6490972

No, draw a box is trash and a begtrap.
If you wanna stay permabeg for another 10 years be my guest.

>> No.6490975

Do NOT become a box drawing incel. Drawabox is a meme.

>> No.6490977

Because all Indians are fucking scammers?

>> No.6491000

how is he scamming you by teaching basic perspective and construction for free retard? pull your head out of your racist ass

>> No.6491007
File: 1.87 MB, 640x480, 1652802235716.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi OP here.
I first started having doubts about the course after starting to see the videos and the way Irshad draws. And after reading your posts and checking some of your recomendations I come to the conclusion that DAB would've probably been really helpful to me a few years back but I really don't have the time to waste and I should probably go all in and try something more "profesional".

I'll check out Scott Robertson's How To Draw and Michael Hampton's Figure Drawing: Design & Invention. Since they seem pretty good and the first one has videos that acompany the book for my retarded half zoomer brain.
And also because I really don't have money for a course although maybe I could get the basic ArtWOD for a year since it's cheap enough.

>I've been drawing for at least 10+ years now.
Also take this comment with a grain of salt. I've been drawing since I was like 12 and mostly until the last two years I was complete trash. (Not saying that I don't suck now)

>> No.6491009

wtf its not that long a course. do the first lesson or two and work on the line weights, ghosting lines, basic ellipses, etc and youll see massive improvements. its a tried and tested way of improvement he stole from college course or Robertson how to draw/render books or whatever. you dont have to do every lesson, but if you actually practice and work on improving and JUST FUCKING DRAW YOU AUTISTIC FAGGOT youll improve.

>> No.6491107

you're gonna drop out, remember this post when you do kek

>> No.6491120

fair warning, how to draw is incredibly autistic and is more geared towards perfect mathematically correct draftsmanship, he doesn't really focus on "organic forms" in that book so it can be kind of a buzzkill

>> No.6491125

For what it teaches it is waaaaay too tedious, but it is not completely worthless. You learn more from Vilppu with more ease

>> No.6491167

if your a pure beginner yes
do note at a certain point in that class you'll stagnate cause its only for beginners once your intermediate or higher its borderline worthless
learned that the hard way

>> No.6491207

Its took me about a year to do and I don't regret it. It was longer back then though so it shouldn't take a year.

>> No.6491208

>NMA discord lessons Dynamic Sketching with Charles Hu would be
I wouldn't consider the NMA version of dynamic sketching beginner level, it makes certain assumptions of the student like being able to imagine perspective in their head roughly.

>> No.6491258

I find it amusing how people shit on DAB for being dull, but the encouragement for people to copy the entirety of Bridgman seems to go without any questioning. Not saying either is an unworthy exercise, but if you think people won't be able to stick with Draw A Bixnood, they sure as shit aren't going to be able to stick to copying the entirety of Complete Guide to Drawing from Life.

>> No.6491367

>but get your facts straight and don't judge a course by hearsay.
Cool it irshad.

>> No.6494086

if your focus is on characters then i dont recomend draw a box, recently i checked on the works of some of the completionist and it was on the beginner side, on the dab you can learn how to draw cars insects plants and understand perspective at a basic level and thats it.
it will be better off watching moderndayjames,krenz, hide channel easy croqui, and practicing on your own pace

>> No.6494088

I stopped DAB after the animals lesson and am about halfway through my memory copies of Bridgman.

>> No.6494117

I fucking hate Irshad's teehee wacky bad-on-purpose to hide the fact this self styled teacher can't fucking draw style.

>> No.6494125

I can stomach bridgman because at least they are human figures, and it teaches me how to draw parts of the body, various poses, etc. I dropped drawacocks at the ellipses funnel exercise. It's like the draw 300 boxes meme, it's just voluntary CBT for little gains. You can grind that kind of accuracy alongside actually learning something useful instead of hammering your dick with wacky ellipses and shoving fineliners up your urethra for 6 months.

>> No.6494130

I couldn't get past the fist DAB lesson but I've already copied Bridgman15 times

>> No.6494133

Is it really essential for drawing to not have fun while learning? I feel like this brute way of forcing yourself can be good for some people, but for a beg like me it pops questions in my head: I want to draw something what looks good at least to me, why would I bother drawing stuff I do not like?
In this case you spend months of studying something you don't like, drawing things you can't give less shit about, the things you draw don't look good at all for a long time too, in a medium you don't care about. This is my probem with most how to draw books too.

I'm a turbobeg, I get it, these people are much better at drawing and philosophy how to study it, but if I want to draw digitally there is absolutely no benefit from me in using pen and paper with liners, as imo I should spend as much time as possible in a drawing program.
Its the same exact case as loomis. I'm not going to draw middle aged goofy looking cartoon men in their 50's in any point of my life, so why should I bother with it?

>> No.6494162

Are you 12? no one cares what you do. It just you on you own. there no magic - box made with different pen is not different box. do not want old man -draw cat it;s not about men. 83 or 150 boxes doesn't matter nothing happens on exactly 150 or how much they want. Do not want do any of this do something what you think will help, no one cares what you do or how you do. It just you on you own.

>> No.6494170

You know that loomis isn't cartooning right? FWAP is the only book that's like that and only at first. Loomis is more drawing things like Coca Cola Santa Claus and old timey pinup babes

>> No.6494192

About that 50-50 rule, does anyone here do the fun part first and then the studies later? If you try to force yourself to study first, it kinda sucks a lot of my desire to do it

>> No.6494195

who's better for learning Dynamic Sketching?
Charles Hu, Peter Han, Irshad Karim, Patrick Ballesteros, Sorie Kim, Foundation Patreon or Moderndayjames?

Should I do them all probably right? which one is better to start? tried going with Peter Han first but it kicked my ass, 8 hours at most isn't nearly enough time to explore something that takes like a year on DAB, but back then there was no Charles Hu course from NMA and that one is way longer from what I've seen.

any other suggestions?

>> No.6494198

The brute forcing is not good. It will kill your enjoyment of art, and you'll forget why you starting drawing in the first place. I do think study is important, but you should apply your lessons to finished works (of achievable difficulty) while studying.
That said, you should be able to look past the superficial "middle aged men from the '50s" qualities of Loomis and see that the information is timeless and applies to any style of figurative art. Mangaka in Japan study Loomis. Don't be closed-minded.

>> No.6494200

robertson's "how to draw" is the ultimate ngmi method and the fact this board peddles it so often is proof these retards really truly do not draw

>> No.6494203

I just said an example, that these things teach you to draw stuff in a way you don't want to draw then you shouldn't bother, because you'll lose motivation. Sooner or later you'll want your drawings look like the way you imagine them, so this grinding and doing stuff you don't want to do is not a good idea imo.
He clearly says: you'll not have fun while doing this. Its the same exact type of mentality when someone goes to the gym as a necessity, but he doesn't enjoy lifting at all. He'll see the results but somehow its just different from the guy who enjoys his time in the gym.

>> No.6494205

Saying you enjoy lifting is delusional cope. Resting for another set of barbell squats that take the breath out of you is torture. You enjoy having lifted or the fact that you lift regularly, but the thing itself sucks objectively. You're breaking down your body in hopes it builds back up stronger. Breaking down your body sucks.

>> No.6494208

but I do enjoy it...

>> No.6494214


>> No.6494219

c'mon... there's plenty of enjoyable fitness activities but lifting things up and putting them down is way too simple

>> No.6494240

The most important drawing skill is unaided observational sketching. I mean that as your ability to simply draw from observation in one fell swoop - no measuring, no proportion guidelines, no autistic angle comparisons, no excessive abstractions to see the subject as a series of nonsense shapes, no adjusting until it looks right. Just drawing rapidly with a high degree of accuracy.

This doesn't mean when making a portrait you shouldn't use all of those techniques, or that when drawing a meant-to-be-finished piece you shouldn't nitpick it as much as you please. I just mean that in terms of overall improvement potential, the person who has the ability to quickly observe and effortlessly sketch will be able to complete more, and better, studies in a shorter period of time than those who have to really put forth great effort to draw from observation. It carries over to efforts to drae from imagination as well - the man who can copy Bridgman with 80% accuracy by way of quickly executed sketches will complete the study in a few days with fewer barriers between his observation and understanding, while the guy who has to carefully plan, observe, and measure in order to reach maybe 60% accuracy might take many weeks, if he ever finishes at all, and at some point the intent becomes lost as he resorts to brute-force copying, the images he's observing becoming the observational equivalent of hearing a word repeated too many times - images without meaning. The first guy is left with a clearer, better memory of the whole of what he copied and can therefore better carry it over to his own work, while the second guy is left with a pile of drawings that were ultimately an effort of labored copying as opposed to actual learning.

>> No.6494247

>no adjusting until it looks right
I'm very guilty of this
Especially eyelashes are my ultimate sin, as I can get extremely autistic with them.

>> No.6494250

I'll add that I think this ability is where talent lies. Yes, I do think that most anybody can become a great observational artist, but some will be forever forced to place greater reliance on the "crutches" to observational drawing than others, and their output potential will be limited as a result.

>> No.6494347

Peter Han taught through a game of telephone. It's like drinking an RC cola, All sugar but no flavor.

>> No.6494356
File: 68 KB, 720x575, 1673106750646116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow I just did the 250 box challenge, I can't wait to see what I'll be able to draw after spending dozens of hours more drawing boxes for no reason!

Oh wow look how great he can draw the human body! He definitely didnt remove this one out of embarrassment!

>> No.6494359

>doing drawabox
>for a year
Jesus christ, why don't you people just draw what you like?
Go draw landscapes, anime tits or whatever, you'll learn all the important fundies as you go and won't end up hating art.

>> No.6494364
File: 28 KB, 665x574, akko reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image is so brutal. Is this actually real? How could he tell us to do hundreds of repetitions of boxes and cylinders then give us this masterful showcase of spatial awareness? Or is he more powerful than all of us and we just don't understand???

>> No.6494576

To be fair, focusing too much on what you like can indeed lead to lopsided development, because not all art involves direct carryover of skills, unless you try to learn some things relatively concurrently.
>draw what you like
>draw countless cartoons and designs
>try to branch out
>portraiture still look like poorly proportioned symbol drawings by a 10 year old
>backgrounds look like flat scribbles
>go back to cartoon comfort zone, with a lingering sense of regret or of being a fraud
Or the Proko path
>draw what you want
>draw countless meticulously measured and observed realistic figures and portraits
>try to draw something cartoony
>go back to academic draeing with a lingering sense of regret

>> No.6494590

(I do agree though, that yeah, of course it is better to have more development in what you really enjoy and focusing on that will help you stick with it, but most artists will eventually try to branch out in order to boost their overall skills, only to be dealt a kick in the nuts when they find some neglected aspect of their art is beg/prebeg relative to the intermediate to advanced skill they have in their prefered subject.)

>> No.6494660

I don't know how to try to draw those things. If I did, I would never consider going through something like Drawabox, since it would be far more fun and efficient to just work on my own projects and learn what I needed to overcome the obstacles I encountered along the way. Drawing is such an unintuitive and poorly explained skill that I can't figure out a way to just jump into it like I would anything else.

>> No.6494667

if youre going to do a course why not just spend money and do something like NMA and get taught from people with actual experience

>> No.6494742

>want to draw x
>enter 'how to draw x' on youtube
>watch whatever video is most popular
>practice the method shown over and over and over and over and over and over
>can now draw x fairly well
In the process of practicing drawing x you'll naturally pick up the stuff drawabox and similar programs try to teach, it's significantly less tedious though.
Drawing a cityscape is in essence drawing nothing but boxes in varying sizes and angles, ydt trying to do that is significantly more enjoyable than just grinding boxes in a vacuum.
Same with drawing anime tits over and over instead of grinding just spheres.
The practice part is unavoidable though and will take a lot of time.

>> No.6494767

DrawABox is amazing for learning fundamentals . It gives you an intuitive understanding of them. I personally have stopped using it due to my desire in focusing on anatomy and dynamic poses, something they don’t provide, yet if you’re completely new, then I’d recommend it. Just don’t try to be a perfection and get in a cycle of being lost in your own head. Go back to earlier lessons once you feel like you have a better grasp on the concepts.

>> No.6494772

I’m always of what I call “Pop Lesons”. Shit that gets millions of views but isn’t as in-depth as I’d like. There are some art YouTubers I enjoy, such as Sinix Design or Sycra, that have helped me a lot. However, I usually try to avoid very obnoxious personalities or flashy YouTube videos, like Marc Brunet. If I’m feeling really masochistic, though, I’ll go and read some Michael Hampton.

>> No.6494789

reminder that even davinci grinded boxes for a year before he started drawing for real

>> No.6494810
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This is true. Also, Picasso dedicated 30 years of his life drawing cubes to invent Cubism. Don't underestimate the power of cubes. I'd say you should spent at least 5 years practicing your cubes before you can move onto cylinders.

>> No.6494919

who's better for learning Dynamic Sketching?
Charles Hu, Peter Han, Irshad Karim, Patrick Ballesteros, Sorie Kim, Foundation Patreon or Moderndayjames?

which one is better to start? I know I should probably do all of them and still won't be enough tried going with Peter Han first but it kicked my ass, 8 hours at most isn't nearly enough time to explore something that takes like a year on DAB, but back then there was no Charles Hu course from NMA and that one is way longer from what I've seen.

any other suggestions?

>> No.6495206
File: 1010 KB, 680x5642, so bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly worse than Proko at drawing comics

>> No.6495290

Aways wondered how did Proko drew that Orc and Zombie pictures given his trajectory with imagination and fantasy...

>> No.6495392

Drawabox is a meme. Dont fall for it and its cult.

>> No.6495393

That's... kinda lame desu

>> No.6495402

Every beg needs to read this shit. Luckily, I realised this on my own. I have Proko to thank for that, dude legit made me think for weeks with his kanagroo fiasco until I cracked the code.

Yep. But talent in art can be broken down into many personality traits necessary to succeed. One of them being interest, so if you like naked women, draw naked women and dont cope like Irshad with his mechs and stuff. When in reality all he clearly wants to draw is muscular women. Which leads to next personality trait and that is openness and not being afraid to expose what you love. Third would be ability to fail over and over and keep faith in yourself. Fourth being confidence and so on.

>> No.6495404

Can NMA shills just die?

>> No.6497366

OP, just read that twitter thread about drawing tricks, analyze the proportions of a manga or artist that you like and copy that(I draw using the exact same proportions that characters have in NANA because I like it), use lots of reference and watch videos of artists drawing start to finish, no speedpaints, watch that stuff in normal speed, and finally: draw more than you think about drawing

>> No.6497383

What thread?

>> No.6497389

And how exactly do you develop that skill? What kind of exercises?

>> No.6497419


some of these are obviously dumb but others are pretty useful

>> No.6497450

split your draw for fun and study times but keep trying to apply what you learned to your fun stuff. as you start to get better applying what you learned gets faster and faster. I agree brute forcing can kill your motivation, splitting my time has been how I've coped. also there's a benefir to drawing things you don't find appealing just to push yourself outside of your comfort zone, otherwise you run the real risk of stagnating (see artists who only do front facing cute anime girls).

>> No.6500541

Drawabox should be harshly critiqued and called out, so bump.

>> No.6500568

Is reading "Keys to drawing" an equivalent to Draw-a-box course?

>> No.6500582

Bridgman leads to direct improvement in your ability to draw characters. Drawing boxes / cylinders only helps with environment drawing, which is why no one's interested

>> No.6500589

good post

brute force copying. Refer to this video:

>> No.6500616

total beg here
give me a good path then

>> No.6500639

No, it's far better.

>> No.6500642

David Finch's roadmap

>> No.6500853


>> No.6500872
File: 1.60 MB, 508x720, DDDD__akagi-1546834513723936768-20220712_093101-vid1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, how do I go about being good at quickly observing and effortlessly sketching?

it's funny because I've been watching some jp timelapse videos and kinda wanted to know how the whole sketch process is made. see webm the first few seconds, I kinda want to know how to make that preparation before making the actual drawing
I'm gonna start reading the Keys to Drawing book

>> No.6500874

btw I posted this before, someone told me to grind construction irc

>> No.6500888

>well, how do I go about being good at quickly observing and effortlessly sketching?
There are no secrets or instructions, you need to do it.

>> No.6501340

>how do I go about being good at quickly observing and effortlessly sketching?
get good at doing it slowly and then speed it up over time
Sorry, man, but it takes years. There's no secret or hack.

>> No.6501352


>> No.6501587


>> No.6501847

I feel like I could do the same, simple workflow yet I kept with my somewhat tedious-ish worflow. Those hairs, I've done some similar workflow but ended up ditching that method because it made me move my wrist way too much and could destroy my wrist.

>> No.6502060

I second that opinion

>> No.6502381

alright thank you, that channels seems good I'm gonna give it a watch

>> No.6502394

You've never lifted.

>> No.6502406

I actually checked the website and he improved it waaaaay better than the last I checked years ago. I would say it is a good resource.

>> No.6502435

nta but I've lifted and I absolutely enjoy the process, it's like running, it's an absolute pain but it makes you absolutely happy at the same time

>> No.6502507

anything like draw a box but actually engaging that doesn't make me wanna kill myself?

>> No.6502512


For beginner level stuff? You won't find it. Actually, there is a series by a guy named Ed Foychuk on Udemy who has a "for kids" series but don't let the "for kids" name fool you.

He has his daughter (12 year old?) draw along with him on her ipad while explaining the process of drawing. It's like you have a dad teaching you how to draw and you're drawing along with your sister if you wanna think of it like that.

>> No.6502522


>> No.6502527

I won't argue for the merits (or lack thereof) of Drawabox, but I don't quite get why people find it so boring. If you want to do it, just draw like 5-10 boxes as part of your warmup or something. He even says to not dedicate your entire drawing time to boxes or to sit down and grind out 50 in one sitting.

>> No.6502537

Vilppu's drawing manual. Bean shapes are life-enriching

>> No.6502552

That's great gonna be fun drawing with my kid using that.

>> No.6502570
File: 67 KB, 400x400, proxy-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post Irshadkino

>> No.6503458

who's better for learning Dynamic Sketching?
Charles Hu, Peter Han, Irshad Karim, Patrick Ballesteros, Sorie Kim, Foundation Patreon or Moderndayjames?

which one is better to start? I know I should probably do all of them and still won't be enough tried going with Peter Han first but it kicked my ass, 8 hours at most isn't nearly enough time to explore something that takes like a year on DAB, but back then there was no Charles Hu course from NMA and that one is way longer from what I've seen.

any other suggestions?

>> No.6503524

Perspective made easy. A great book for an actual beginner that teaches you how to think in 3d.

>> No.6503596

IMO it's of highest value when you have absolutely no experience drawing. If you already do, then you are better off just doing a perspective book/course and get what you could get out of it. Assumedly after 10 years you already understand this stuff though.

Irshad makes ugly drawings, I hate looking at them even. But as a beginner I really liked it.

>> No.6503706
File: 286 KB, 960x1395, fondlingbottles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit.

>> No.6503872

Yeah, I'm beg as fuck and currently just do an exercise or even just part of an exercise whenever I don't feel up to doing figure drawing. I really think it's been useful too, though I skipped the ultra grindy ones.

>> No.6506733

Is this the most beginner course out there are even more beginner things? anyone ever completed that CGMA "Absolute Beginners Yves Yumol thing" or the Beginner NMA one of Chris Legaspi to compare? just to know if there's more stuff that should I do to cover more fundies ground

>> No.6506803

Don't get trapped in the "fundies" quagmire. Fundies are good but don't feel like you have to do EVERY fundies course available. Do your Keys to Drawing, your Vilppu, your Norling, but most of your time should be spent copying the masters.

>> No.6506825

I hate keys to drawing, all the excercises there are boring and the art of the book looks so ugly, is there an alternative to that one? I love doing Vilppu stuff, he's so passional on his teachings, and I don't have any complains on Norling (complimented with Marshall Vandruff old classes) but I can't do Keys to drawing, just give me something to replace Keys to Drawing, I hate looking at it

>> No.6506826

>I hate keys to drawing, all the excercises there are boring and the art of the book looks so ugly, is there an alternative to that one?
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, really just learn basic accuracy and then do a few simple Bargue plates.

>> No.6506842

Good because I finished the Betty Edwards book and I was doing the Dorian Iten videos of accuracy and the BarguE course of NMA

>> No.6506924

The only problem with Vilppu is he says you need to be able to draw shapes in 3D before you take his course

>> No.6506931

Sounds good, I like Iten's stuff. Should be very helpful with Bargue. After Bargue learn some perspective and practice some construction so you can practice drawing from invention too. Might be useful to look into Dynamic Sketching at that point.

>> No.6506959
File: 183 KB, 750x750, drawabox-demo-dump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the head in the top right
how do people listen to this fucking idiot
This isn't even cherry picking, he put this on his own fucking site as an example of his "drawing demos"

>> No.6506963
File: 1.48 MB, 1149x1059, 8k per month on patreon NO REFUNDS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spend 8 months drawing boxes and you, too, can draw like Irshad "Uncomfortable" Karim, of Drawabox (tm) fame!!!

>> No.6507112

Any recommendations for construction? As I said I was doing Norling and MarshallVandruff for perspective, and I intended to do Charles Hu Dynamic Sketching one after I finished with some bargue

>> No.6507146

Yeah, Dynamic Sketching is good. I have the Peter Han one saved, but I like Hu's art a lot so I'll see if I can find his too.

>> No.6507217

lmao, I went straight to doing vilppu, huston and hampton. If you want a shortcut, download blender and trace boxes with grids ON.

>> No.6507850
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>> No.6507851
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>> No.6507853
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>> No.6507855
File: 398 KB, 800x1728, 67bc9935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic is from december of last year. Don't listen to this fraud.

>> No.6507898

His animal drawings are certainly more appealing than his human and humanoid drawings. He has a video on Proko where he was designing a pigeon-griffin, and his concept sketches looked fine.
There's literally nothing inherently wrong with using drawabox tools to increase your ability to freehand sketch boxes in perspective, but I do agree that there are other ways to get a "feel" for the page as a 3D space, like drawing imagined objects on top of a photo or attempting gesture drawings on top of either a 3D plane or your own sketched perspective grid.

>> No.6507986
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>> No.6508026

He should just give in and draw anime. Not saying anime is great or even my style of preference, but his work has something of a "I learned figures by copying anime and TRENDING ON ARTSTATION, but I don't want it to be obvious, so I force changes that just make the end result less appealing" look to it

>> No.6508029
File: 50 KB, 132x152, mfw drawing boxes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6508030

Eh, I think if he just do his own thing no one would have bat an eye. I think I'm just triggered at his "no you must draw trad first even if you're already competent in digital if you want to try my course!"
Then again his DaB course is free so what am I going to complain about anyway

>> No.6508051

>i-is that a box? drawn freehand in pen? Ahhhhhh im gonna cooooom

>> No.6508365

>how do people listen to this fucking idiot
Check out his discord and comment section. Check out Mithrilda who did drawabox. You will see that the youth is simply so fucked, autistic and lost (due to technology) that anyone can scam them. They have no real interest in art even, no instincts, no intuition. They need to be told step by step what to do and this is where incompetent grifters like irshad come in to make 20 minute videos about drawing a box, recommended supplies and other crap.

>> No.6508369

This is legit beg tier draftsmanship with some rendermaxxing slapped on top to seem fancy. I simply dont get people that hate drawing this much and want to skip to color and other bullshit.

>> No.6508419

these are all terrible, if the "teacher" of the class can't even make passible art why would anyone follow him

>> No.6508666

This is why I ignore critique from you faggots unless it is very glaring that needs fixing asap.

>> No.6508669

It really doesn't matter that much as he's just mirroring Dynamic Sketching but repackaged in a better format. His work can pass if he got into political cartoon strips (pretty sure there 1 artist whose work looks like his).

Heaven forbid he makes you draw. Oh, the humanity.

>> No.6508675

Yes, stretching eight weeks of material into eight months is a "better format"

>> No.6508679

his rendering is dogshit, too, >>6503706
literally look like they're made of boogers or something. And the map looks like it's made of tin foil.

>> No.6508684

Even the Teachers on CGMA say 8 weeks is a short time and that they would do something like 12 weeks at the physical location if I remember correctly. So that's 3 months alone + dynamic sketching 2 which is another 3 months.

Half a year in total which is the same length of time to finish DAB. A raw beginner should expect to spend an entire year just honing down on the basics if you treat it like a 4 year art college.

>> No.6508685

No draw a box is a meme. Go search for real masters on YouTube, not some random pajeet with shit tier art and crab tendencies.

>> No.6508690


If what he was doing is shit tier then he wouldn't be making that much money. Clearly, it is a valuable resource.

>> No.6508694

OK retard

>> No.6508697


ok floating anime girl in white space drawer

>> No.6508772

Irshad, fuck off, everyone knows when you are here to make these posts.
>Even the Teachers on CGMA say
Who the fuck cares.
>A raw beginner should expect to spend an entire year just honing down on the basics
And this is why you arent a succesful artist. You treat it like some schoolowrk and you take everything good out of it. For yourself, but worse, for your "students". Youd be working in tech support until you get your shit together if I was ever in charge. You have no business teaching art.

>> No.6508784

How many Irshads are in the room right now, schizo?

>> No.6508873

Nice lingo idiot. Schizo hasnt been used for a while though, piss off.

>> No.6508905
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>> No.6508912

I dont see ic here

>> No.6508913

You get the point. I wish I was that Indian man because then I wouldn't have to work my remote job anymore.

>> No.6508919

I think the important thing that some people overlook is that studying fundamentals and working on raw observational work shouldn't be done to the exclusion of drawing from imagination and working on your personal projects. I saw somebody equating this to somebody who wants to run hyperfocusing on studying ideal gait mechanics and whatnot instead of just going out and running. Sure, you might be great at doing your studies and at some level know what you should be doing, but it takes time and effort to have your studies really stick and show through in your original work. Look at Proko, the guy can make some great stuff when engaged in careful observational work, but when it came to applying his knowledge through creative drawing and cartooning, he immediately struggled (though I think he's since worked on this). Regularly drawing what you want, especially from imagination, helps to keep your studies contextualized as feeding your knowledge base for your original work ("studying these female gymnast photos will help me draw my fit comic book heroine in stable, dynamic poses") as opposed to studies for the sake of studies ("yes, my copy of this image which happens to be a photo of a female gymnast is about 75% faithful to the reference; next time I will try to boost it to 80%").

>> No.6509157

Good point irshad, the 50% rule, yes.

>> No.6509529

>A raw beginner should expect to spend an entire year just honing down on the basics
fucking lmao, kill yourself boxshitter scammer
Sorry you wasted your time dude

>> No.6509549

you will be working on the basics forever. Everybody does.

>> No.6509597
File: 113 KB, 960x540, fas face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fresh batch of irshadkino coming through

>> No.6509598
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>> No.6509600
File: 119 KB, 680x886, beg doggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is my favorite, it's so inexcusably bad.

>> No.6509601

Did he drop new stuff somewhere? He hasnt uploaded to artstation in forever.

>> No.6509602
File: 24 KB, 484x353, code monkey lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bonus: Irshad only got hired as a "professional concept artist" (at a shitty mobile game company) to be an underpaid code monkey, lmfao
If you still willingly spend your precious time doing DAB it's on you. You've been warned.
They're from his blog.

>> No.6509606
File: 543 KB, 220x187, laugh-cant-hold-it-in.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking brutal

>> No.6509608

This fraud's whole claim to fame is that he's a PrOfEsSiOnAl CoNcEpT aRtIsT despite having ApHaNtAsIa when in reality he's just a coder, Christ I hate him so much.

>> No.6509610

I hear ya. I honestly never quit drawabox because I knew it was useless (I was totally beg, I couldnt know something like that). I quit because I disliked Irshad and his art a lot.

>> No.6509612

pajeetsirs... not like this...

>> No.6509632

this post is unreasonably funny to me

>> No.6509640

>Peter Han's course on Dynamic Sketching.
yeah the Drawabox guy even says that it's just an adaptation of Peter Han's courses, which are in video form if you know where to look.

I like Peter Han's approach better.

>> No.6509641

>And that matters why?
because his manlet energy drives his work. he's someone who is insecure about his lack of skill, so he made a whole "academy" to convince himself he's good.

>> No.6509643


>> No.6509653

To the people throwing all this shit to DAB and Irshad, does that mean you think all Dynamic Sketching and life confidence excercises are shit all together?

Sure, Peter Han, Charles Hu, Sorei Kim and James Douglas are better artists than Irshad BY FAR, but the excercises they do and the concepts they explain are 90% the same that Irshad is talking, so you hate his art but agree on what he suggests or you also hate his exercises and the concepts he talks about and, by extension, hate all excercises on line confidence, boxes in perspective, organic forms, etc. that Han and the others explain on dynamic sketching all together?

>> No.6509656

My main problem with Han stuff is that IT'S TOO SHORT, 8 hours video at most and doesn't really help you with concepts that requiere a fuckton of mileage like line confidence, especially since you're probably watching an old record and can't get feedback or recommendations, that's why I'm downloading Charles Hu one at the moment, being way larger and with more excercises hoping it won't be as overwhelming as Han expectatives...

Anyone ever joined the discord community of DAB and got some constructive criticism that helped them on their line confidence and perspective? I think that's supposed to be DAB's appeal, that you have a free community and can get criticism from people who've seen this stuff a million times, and the fact it's supposed to be 5 months- 1 year instead of a rushed 8 week that are especially designed to not be enough to master this concepts according to Han himself.

>> No.6509683

>think that's supposed to be DAB's appeal, that you have a free community and can get criticism from people who've seen this stuff a million times
>the fact it's supposed to be 5 months- 1 year instead of a rushed 8 week that are especially designed to not be enough to master this concepts according to Han himself
Courses teach, practice masters.

>> No.6509820

Even if Einstein himself had recorded the explanations of the theorems he discovered, people will watch it, kinda get the idea but get lost when they actually had to use it on a practical way if they only watched a record and can't ask questions or have the teacher see how well they can apply it.

Confusious once they "they explained it to me and I understand, I write it and I'll remember it, I'll do it and I learn it" now, you can watch Han videos and take notes, but when you try to do it you'll have problems a fuckton of times, probably months, and many times it won't be so obvious and you'll be like "what I'm doing wrong?" people can't notice what they don't know for the most part after all.

Self taught artist should probably look for a, less toxic than 4chan obviously, art community with some relatively decent artists that can give actual constructive feedback to help them correct themselves. I'm talking from the experience of doing millions of figures from imagination after watching some basic construction tutorials on the level of drawing comics the marvel way and getting stuck in my progress. Alternatively watching lots of content, preferably from different instructors each with their own angle, can give you a better overall perspective of what're you doing and you'll do forcefully more mileage of the concepts sunce you'll do way more content so it's also an alternative for the self taught.

>> No.6509931

Nice try irshad

>> No.6509937
File: 3.33 MB, 4032x1908, 20230206_200355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally just start one course and than do it again. I'm taking the nma dynamic sketching and comparing it with the old peter han videos on...cgma I think. Anyway while there is some differences in teaching, more or less it's the same crap. I remember in the peter han course it said it took him a full year to fully realize the concepts he's teaching. So just start bro.

>> No.6509951

DS places more emphasis on observational accuracy. DS's texture work makes more sense (Irshad's textures are dogshit, see this thread). DS puts more emphasis on formal perspective. Every change Irshad made to DS was a bad one and done for no reason other than to make it "his own".

>> No.6509979

Irshad writing style.

>> No.6509986

Seriously, everyone on this rhread is "there's Irshad, that one is Irshad too, EVERYONE IS IRSHAD!" Flanders mass shooting meme

>> No.6509991


>> No.6510578
File: 48 KB, 1440x810, 614cd282-257a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a viable ultra begtard path?
>Keys FD
>Drawing for the utter beginner
>Drawing with Right side
>Perspective Made Easy (+ maybe some other book)
>Dynamic sketching (Charles Hu)
>who knows +
how long will this take

>> No.6510580

I'm not familiar with the contents of all of those, but Right Side is absolutely beginner, starting from helping to hone the link between your observation and your hand.

>> No.6511070

I think you should jump into figure drawing right away, and study perspective on the side.

>> No.6511082

Just do KtD and the Finch roadmap

>> No.6511211

Are Alphonso Dunn excercises on youtube technically Dynamic Sketching?

What about the inking excercises of Rendering in pend and ink by Arthur Guptill?, what's the difference between learning inking techniques and Dynamic Sketching, the emphasis on what the excercise wants?

>> No.6511257
File: 168 KB, 750x639, 037F8E56-D18C-4E1C-B3D9-6708C8BD5C86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retarded pajeet shut the hell up.

>> No.6511419

no one will give you "actual constructive feedback" for free you dumbfuck

>> No.6511428
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ok anon I'm a beg (picrel a sketch from some 38 days ago and an attempt at a hard edge painting just so you can judge my advice based on my work) but if I may try and give some advice:
>Should I do them all probably right?
This feels like a kind of hyper-ambitious planning many people here, including me, are guilty of having done but realistically it usually doesn't work out and I think you will agree with me that it's a very big task and my advice would be to just choose one, see it through and then decide where to go next.
>8 hours at most isn't nearly enough time to explore something that takes like a year on DAB
I only went through the first few lessons of Peter Han's course, so again take my advice with a grain of salt, but the point isn't to master it all in 8 hours, the point is for him to give you the theoretical knowledge in each lecture and then for you to practice applying it by yourself afterwards before you move on and then throughout the whole course, going back to and refining concepts you've learned earlier.

My advice would be to choose one course that you feel drawn to, preferably one that's touted as good and by a good teacher, and then go at it fully. Don't just watch the lectures, find your own references and try drawing from imagination, too, practice is important.

In general, I think you should also do timed practice, here are some of the websites I've found nice, you can choose a timer and then you get automatically served different kinds of photos - there's people, hands, feet, heads, animals, plants and buildings

What has helped me the most was the start of Vilppu's Drawing Manual (I didn't get too far kek) and Hampton's Figure Drawing - learn to see curves and forms and to work with and draw gesture (use the 30 and 60 second timers on the above websites to practice this), a gesture is the building block on which you then plaster forms to create anatomy.

>> No.6511803

ok, thanks, I'll start with DAB, and after I luckily get a pass on my excercises I'll move to Charles Hu.

>> No.6512182

>I'll start with DAB
have you not been reading the thread?

>> No.6512194

COME on man, look at this sentence
>after I luckily get a pass on my excercises
Just think about it, compare it to day to day posts you see here.

>> No.6512744

>>compare it to day to day posts you see here.

Not sure if I should take that as an insult or a compliment considering the people who post here day to day are full of bullcrap most of the time

>> No.6513185

Uncomfortable pls, easy with da language.

>> No.6513217

some people need to learn the hard way

>> No.6513221

What a poor decision. Congrats on wasting the next year of your life.

>> No.6513224
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alright if DAB resonates with you then do that, from what I've seen of the course much of it focuses on construction and is quite technical in some aspects so I would recommend you do general gesture and non-construction sketching at the same time too

choose one of the sites I'd linked or a different one and do batches of 30 and 60 second drawings of humans, animals, bodyparts and whatever else they have here, you want to be able to quickly jot down the main lines of a "thing" instead of having to rely solely on detailed construction, especially when sketching (later you can do the construction to get everything looking absolutely right and correct after having your initial sketch done)

ofc go above 60 seconds, but 30 and 60 are good for learning to do stuff asap which forces you to learn to see and use only the main lines instead of getting lost in the details

and of course don't forget to keep drawing for fun, if it starts feeling like a slog to even get started drawing for the day then just draw whatever else comes to mind, having fun and staying engaged is the single most important part - the more you enjoy drawing, the more you will (ideally) draw and in the end that's what moves you forward, don't fall for the endless grind meme
best of luck anon!

>> No.6513248
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yeah, I absolutely not doing that alone, and I'm doing my gestures.
I started drawing a while ago with Mikeymegamega tutorials, then I did Analytical Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton and got his book by his recommendation. I've memorized most muscles of the body with that, but my figures were still stiff and my lines and rendetings were ugly and smudgy.

Right now I'm doing Vilppu stuff that I keep hearing everywhere but I wanted more on improving my sense of form and line quality, so I intended to continue with Vilppu and improve my lines and construction with DAB, then, by Irshad sugestion himself, do a course on Dynamic sketching, Charles Hu being the boggest content wise.
I also watched the old videos of Marshall Vandruff on perspective.

>> No.6515692

Dynamic Sketching for Peter Han IS better explained but it assumes you're either going to art school, that you're paying for the actual class and you get critics and Q&A, or that you're a miraculous worker that can understand and grind those concepts all on your own in the right direction without tuition, when Han himself took it over a year having Norman Schureman as his teacher and still practises it.

I seiously doubt you guys have a good grasp of this ideas, unless you can both posts your work and show me a proper roadmap on what steps you took to achive it because I doubt you mastered it with just 8 hours of theoretical concepts....

>> No.6515985

The problems you listed are right, but DAB is not the answer. The best is NMA with both Vilppu's and Huston's courses, but even Loomis would give you a much better roadmap to drawing

>> No.6515998

that's purely focused on head and figure for the most part, sure my main thing is figure drawing, but what if I want to draw my characters using/holding objects? or an interesting background with variety of objects?

Something that teaches organic forms, textures, plants, insects, animals and vehicles so that I can draw them with my figures that solves the lack of support that Han course has?

>> No.6516013

I think, if you can construct a figure properly, it's not a stretch to teach yourself perspective and object drawing. Besides, I fundamentally disagree with the way both Dynamic Sketching and Drawabox teach you to draw basic forms, which is to construct out of your head. You'll get a lot more out of doing still-lives

>> No.6516037

Any recommendations of people teaching to construct still lives then? Also most teachers, Vilpp included I think, say that people is one of the hardest things to draw and you probably should also train yourself to draw simplier things using boxes and spheres. Wish Vilppu and Huston could do courses on still lifes (WITH PENCIL! I'm not reach to waste a lot of money on oils and canvas while I'm just learning)

>> No.6518366

Does Anyone here ever draws cars and planes instead of just boobs?

>> No.6518373

you are a retard and deserve to fail. Have fun with your beg trap, see you in eight months to say I told you so.

>> No.6518960

As someone who went through a good chunk of DAB, I would say that the only worthwhile portion of it is that it is critiqued. The shitty part is that he intentionally tries to filter people with the 250 box/250 cylinder challenges and shit.
His method is "grind it out until you figure it out". I don't agree with that approach. I believe in understanding what you draw and refining that over time.
He has some good tips and tricks, for sure. Some of his perspective stuff is relatively good and accessible for most.
But focusing so much on constructive drawing without the rendering actually hinders your progress. In order to truly understand form, you have to understand how light interacts with it. If you know what you're doing, you can use lighting/shadow to completely change the form of your subject. You don't get that in this course.

>> No.6519078

Care to name some good courses on light?
I have James gurney book, ctrl+paint library, Craig Mullins digital painting, Dorian Iten light course Marco Bucci light and color and Meds map, covered well with those or did I miss a great master of Light and form all this time?

>> No.6519084

Yes I always thought those 250 boxes/cylinders bullshit as his way of filtering those who are autistic enough to follow what he says and would obediently follow his instructions therafter. The first filter would be drawing only traditionally.

>> No.6519214

Didn't Scott Robertson also did pretty much the same shit as DAB and Han before starting drawing cars and fantasy ships? I saw some of his recordings when he was young (clack hair) and he pretty much started the video doing the ghosting lines from the arm that Irshad does (more dexterous though, obviously)

>> No.6519328

can you share that dorien iten light course and also id start messing around in blender if u are still having trouble with lighting model asaro heads then render them trace over them with different lighting scenerios you have the best tutorials you shouldbt be struggling

>> No.6519342

>the thing itself sucks objectively
Here's where you're wrong

>> No.6519344

Mid left bear is looking thicc af

>> No.6519639

Shes oming and noming on that box xd

>> No.6519833
File: 155 KB, 512x512, gura-question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I drew the 250 goddamn boxes and got something out of it (able to draw the rotated boxes exercise decently), would that be enough perspective understanding to just switch to the Charles Hu dynamic sketching course?

>> No.6519873

sell me on Charles Hu. Last I checked his courses were a complete drag, full of demos and no explanations

>> No.6520229

The crazy thing about draw a box for me is that people that have never done it or finished it recommend it. Its such a bizarre occurrence

>> No.6520414

beg here what's wrong with this picture

>> No.6520422

well I skimmed troughtsome of it and it looks decent. I would recomend to draw a box without "tm" or course, and it looks like decent primer to how to do it If you do not know it doesnt realy matter rules are the same..

>> No.6520442
File: 237 KB, 1920x1080, 1673842351088366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still can't do it. I failed at perspective

>> No.6520664

No expressiveness, it's completely stiff and flat. Look at Irshad's figure drawing and you'll see where a rough-in like that gets you.

>> No.6520685

Why does he insist on drawing heads with elongated, almost cylindrical craniums?

>> No.6520858

Its literally just 2d shapes with zero sense of form. Its so fucking INSANE that this guy teaches 3d thinking and form ocnstruction. Its so crazy, I cant get over it if I think about it too much.

>> No.6520967

It was very useful to me for the basest basics like how to hold your pen, how to draw good lines, how to practice and your overall attitude towards art but it falls off at the more advanced parts. I like how autistically detailed it is about things many other teaches just gloss over.
The most important thing you need to understand about art is that you can and should absorb from as many different perspectives as you can, there's no one miracle worker that will make you suddenly amazing and there's no one devil that will trap you into unsurmountable mistakes, you should jump into tutorials earnestly without questioning but then it's up to you to decide how much you actually want to keep. It's a constant learning process and the only real mistake is being afraid of learning.

>> No.6521104

>there's no one miracle worker that will make you suddenly amazing

There is and his name is Andrew Loomis

>> No.6521394

>and the only real mistake is being afraid of learning.
the only real mistake is wasting 8 months of your life on a shit course by a literal permabeg

>> No.6521398

nta but it only takes maybe a few weeks to get past the "basic ass basics" part up through the 250 boxes (which actually did help me understand organic/freehand perspective better) and the dude literally encourages you to do shit other than just the boring shit the course has you doing. nothing to say you can't just use it as an intro and peace out once he gets into textures and construction (because you're right that his art is ugly as fuck) and be better equipped to move onto a teacher who clearly properly internalized the more advanced stuff.

>> No.6521405

I agree on this logic, the best thing you can do while learning is making it enjoyable since what will make you improve is a lot of milage so I follow it on a rhythm that I feel comfortable and skip rules that I feel like too much of a drag, focusing on the main basic things like line quality because I suck at it and doing it with other things that I enjoy like Reiq (booba and bootay!).

It's like getting rip, you better do zumba or Kickboxing with a likeable guy so that you don't feel discouraged and stick to the routine.

>> No.6521409

who's good at textures and construction?
I liked Han but his stuff was too short and rushed, is Charles Hu a good alternative for that.

Also, does Alphonso Dunn and Miles Yoshida teach the same things as Han and Hu or it's another logic?

>> No.6521412

But then there's literally nothing about Irshad's course that you can't learn from Norling and Robinson. He's useless.
There's nothing wrong with someone enjoying zumba. There's something wrong with an out of shape zumba teacher who tells you to take their 8 month zumba course to become a professional bodybuilder. Be sure to use their affiliate links to buy your very specific zumba gear!!!

>> No.6521413

Holy shit Irshad, gtfo of this thread already or Im making a new one when this one hits bump limit.

>> No.6521416


>> No.6521424

Been years since i looked through that, but does he ever encourage freehand perspective sketching from imagination? That seems to be more of the goal of DAB, while my recollection of Norling was a greater focus on plotting VPs and the associated tricks as opposed to feeling perspective/drawing inside the page.

>> No.6521500

Ernest Norling from Perspective Made easy I know him. I don't know who's this Robinson unless you meant Scott Robertson

>> No.6521527

How is Marshall Vandruff's perspective course?

>> No.6521557

It's my personal favorite on Perspective since Eril Olson one is long as fuck and the CGMA ones are incomplete, short and expect you already know how to use Photoshop from what I've seen.

Go with it and get Norling->Frammed Perspective 1 and 2-> Scott Robertson books depending on what level you're.

After you finish Marshall you can watch Gary Meyer or Sheldon Borenstein courses if you want more examples and content, heck if you have the determination you can tackle the 110 hours of Erik Olson.

>> No.6521580

I can't believe I still can't draw fucking boxes

>> No.6521605

You don't have to be able to do them perfectly. For most purposes, they just need to be good enough to look believable.

>> No.6521621
File: 634 KB, 700x920, cube1655104919379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I try to move forward, I find that I still can't really do cylinders and cubes and it fucks me up.

This is an exercise I cannot do

>> No.6522775

I wish she did that with my pp

>> No.6525633

>every other version of dynamic sketching has you buying brown card stock, white and copic markers, fineliners, etc.
>charles hu literally spends 40 minutes rambling about supplies
>drawabox just has you using cheap printer paper, recommends basic bitch sharpie pen that can be bought 5 for $5
as a /beg/ this seems like the best change to be made for people like me, seems like many "beginner" courses go absolute spergmode about materials and distract people from just drawing right out of the gate

>> No.6525659

Even most naysayers in the thread will agree that the 1st and maybe 2nd chapter of Draw a Box is very useful for a beginner

>> No.6525802

irshad is incredibly autistic about only using .4 fineliners or whatever bullshit size he chose, nothing is required for hu. realistically it doesnt matter either way but do NOT insult my senpai. ^_^

>> No.6526130

Here is my comment on drawabox personally.

Many people I have countered liked it in a religiously way. It means, if someone doesn't like the course for whatever reason you throw at it, they'll get offended and find many ways to attack you, even if the reason they find maybe stupid.

I have tried the course for about a few weeks, and I don't like it. There are two reasons. First, it's because Irshad's art feels off to me and it brought itself to his own way of explaining things. It's tasteless and it's not good in quality and even less in quantity. Second, the course has a major flaw, it doesn't go in depth in theory of perspective. You do not know what is wrong and what is right. Even at the first lesson on lines. If you know the book "Harding lessons on drawing", you would understand what I'm trying to deliver. In the first lesson in the book, the author stated clearly that you are expected to practice until you can draw lines as straight as possible, practicing making parallel lines and it is doable with enough times.While in drawabox just told you to "make two points, draw a line as fast as possible", and that's just wrong.
Don't get too cucked by the word "fundamentals", they do not exist. I repeat, it doesn't exist. What you should focus on, is studying the rule of perspective, the rules of shadow and light interacting with shapes, and the anatomy of the animals you want to draw.

Too long, didn't read:

David Finch's roadmap on drawing is a perfect start.

>> No.6526235

It seems that old time education was a lot more rigorous. Guptill also recommended being able to draw perfectly straight parallel lines, freehand, in every direction, before moving onto other stuff, and Ernest Watson recommended students be able to draw perfect CUBES. Not boxes, but CUBES, equal on every side, and not skewed at all.

>> No.6526308

I guess I tend to be skeptical about methods which dictate that you must master whatever before "moving on." It doesn't hurt to aspire to mastery, but a lot of art learning comes in phases, and your skill and understanding of one concept can improve by working on something else. Of course there are fields of art where you'd need to be a master of something, but considering the majority of modern art hobbyists (and even aspiring pros) are wanting to do things like character illustration and animation, concept art, or portraiture, I think there's room to develop and return to things as you go.

>> No.6526352
File: 54 KB, 640x640, 1668048551175575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're 100% right. Gave up on that Guptill thing long ago. Did it for a year and I still can't draw straight lines.

>> No.6526672

>there's literally nothing about Irshad's course that you can't learn from Norling and Robinson. He's useless.
Doesn't that make him not useless.

>> No.6526686

Why would you study from someone who's art style completely sucks donkey balls? Why Why Why? Despite him making every effort to make DAB relevant for the past 8 years, He is still far off 99% from Peter Han's draftsmanship or any asian genes artist you follow.

>> No.6526710

Your first point is a buzzword-filled critique of his art, which is irrelevant, but also completely retarded. Teaching and performing are not the same thing, and they have never been the same thing. If they were, the concept of "a teacher" would not exist in this world. Again, retarded. He is also a professional artist that has made a career with his art, whether you, anonymous 4chan poster that can't draw, personally like it or not. For the third time, retarded. 99% of the people in /beg/ would die happy if they were as good as he is.
Your second point is some asinine rant about how some other retard said that you aren't supposed to draw until you can draw perfectly straight lines, which is the most autistic thing I have ever heard in my life. I am not fucking kidding that if you were to say: "Before trying to draw anything, you have to be able to draw perfectly straight parallel lines and you should not try learning anything else before you can do that" would get you an instant OCD diagnosis from every psychiatrist in your area. And for the record, "make two points and draw a line as fast as possible" is not, in fact, the only thing written in Drawabox about perspective. It's never written, but that's not even important anymore because that's just how retarded your post is.

>> No.6526717

all of the DAB naysayers have gone into it looking to hate it because that is a cool opinion they learned here that they want to repeat in order to be decent human beings, none of them have read, or even have the mental capacity to read, a single page on that website, which is why every single thing they say about it is objectively not true or just flat out made up
it literally does not even matter if DAB is good or not, all criticism of it posted here is objectively, factually incorrect, non sequitur nonsense written by worm people

>> No.6526747

It's the first source I learned about ghosting lines. And it is doubly useful for screenless tablet too.
But I do think you shouldn't linger too long on it, true.

>> No.6526851

David Finch himself is really great too, good artist that has a bunch of beg friendly videos on posing figures from imagination.

I realized when he says > do gestures for 30 minutes its what Loomis recommends with posing a mannikin from imagination

Babe have you finished your 250 cylinder challenge yet?

>> No.6526944
File: 43 KB, 600x400, 7da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proves his point

>> No.6526960

I'm only doing DAB because I have no basis and I can¿t go to art school/classes nor have contacts with artist in the industry. So what I look for the most is the basics and the criticism and community to give me feedback on my flaws and how to proceed once I'm done with the first 1-3 lessons I'll move to NMA dynamic sketching. Meanwhile I'm also doing those 90's tapes of Marshall Vandruff of perspective hoping he'll do a new course fir PROKO someday.

>> No.6526982

I agree with you teaching and performing are completely different but that doesn't change the fact his art sucks. What kind of retard does not question an instructor's art quality before attempting said course? Begs get a free pass because they don't know jack shit but you faggots keep shoving this pile of turd everywhere. The world will be a whole lot better without DAB.

>> No.6527894

Irshad detector beeping

>> No.6528086

Dude, how do you think youre even remotely annonymous with this kind of a post, Irshad? And yes, many posts have been called out to be you and that doesnt diminish their credibility. We know what astroturfing is, we know what samefagging is.

>> No.6529800

/beg/ here just starting DAB to work on line confidence and basic shapes and not chicken scratching. Are the first two lessons worth it?

>> No.6530390

Let me reformulate it for everyone who's just throwing shit everywhere here on this thread. Sure Irshad is a terrible artist, but I did Han course and despite despite he explains well, it wasn't nearly enough to grasp the ideas he's showing, I couldn't do go beyond the boxes and lines or basic organic shapes, my plants,insects and heck even my intersections/splitting simple shapes are still terrible, and I want some more content or a community to help me progress trough Han teachings but I pirated the course through online course club since CGMA is WAAAY TOO FUCKING EXPENSIVE!!! any alternatives on what can help on progressing through the fundamentals and which one is a good art community to help beginner artists?

>> No.6530493

>Are the first two lessons worth it?

>> No.6531834

Can confirm this is Irshad.
Irshad. Get better.

>> No.6531837

What an incoherent temper tantrum. You have no counter to the fact that the David Finch guide is 1000% better than anything drawacuck shat out.

>> No.6531841

its a better use of your time than rereading the same shit on /ic/

>> No.6531895

He's really good at drawing actually, for someone who has aphantasia.

>> No.6531900

Thread should have ended here.

>> No.6532155

It kinda seems like a cult if you bother to interact with the teachers and such

>> No.6532211

t. someone who had basic drawing skills before trying loomis