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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 690 KB, 490x688, rntn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6488300 No.6488300 [Reply] [Original]

is rinotuna a good way to start learning how to draw?

>> No.6488302


>> No.6488304

why? also post you work

>> No.6488307
File: 663 KB, 1000x750, image_2023-01-24_065454754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ryo hirata is pretty good

>> No.6488323

this is discounted fun with pencil rip off but anime

>> No.6488324
File: 227 KB, 776x1119, merc_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because Keys to Drawing is better

>> No.6488336
File: 684 KB, 848x1200, image_2023-01-24_071338455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weeb with a pencil
yes but you need to trick animeshitters into actually doing fundies even if that means just giving them アンドリュー ルーミス

>> No.6488340

then i should learn from rinotuna instead?

>> No.6488347

looks like you made up your mind already

>> No.6488350

nope, im just asking if its a good idea but for some reason these bots start talking about loomizzz and some ryo hirata and fun with a pencil instead of answering the question

>> No.6488370

Anything that gets you drawing is a great way to learn to draw.
Anything that'll bore you to death and make you a nodraw theory hoarder is worthless.

>> No.6488379

Truth. Sometimes you have to gym clown for a couple months and go to mcdicks right after just to build the habit, then see about getting on a diet and program. Is it the most efficient? No. Is it more likely to make you stick with something useful? Yes.

>> No.6488382

ok now post your work, lets see how good you got with that method

>> No.6488408

we havent really invented new ways to put down lines on paper since the reinassance, the best resource for learning is the one you believe will work, so if u think it looks cool and you like the illustrations go for it, worst that'll happen is just you figuring out you didnt really like the drawings there that much, which is still part of learning

>> No.6488410

/ic/ dont draws dont listen to these retards lmao

>> No.6488419

lmao all these are ripped off from loomis/jack hamm/vilppu
kill yourself weeb

>> No.6488965

god, i wanna pump that character so bad. also link?

>> No.6488976

you're so pathetic you don't even know how to spoiler

>> No.6488981
File: 323 KB, 1412x1995, 0055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would start with Loomis and Michael Hampton
and there are better anime-oriented books for beginners like pic related

>> No.6488996

his books are good but if you can't even understand the text there's not much you can get out of them. as a beginner you're more likely to misunderstand the information. google translate doesn't count because they're shit translations and pretty much stopped anyone from doing a real translation any time soon

>muh loomis is bots
you're already setting yourself up for failure with this kind of closed-mindedness. one part of learning is learning why something is important and understand if its taught well or not, not just jumping to whatever is the flashiest looking to you

That being said, I'd say start with some video lectures on youtube, its easier to learn when you can actually see someone draw

>> No.6489028
File: 351 KB, 900x1191, DEBEC46E-8F74-415D-A62C-7E6A20C351A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously can’t understand people that are legitimately turned on by gook doodles. Did you guys skip the phase where you jerk it to playboy mags and go right to shonen jump? What stage of development did you retards fall off at?

>> No.6489205

ew, ugly 3d get that weak shit out of here, pump to 2d instead loser.

>> No.6489210

excellent taste

>> No.6489250

>"is this good or bad"
>posts anime shit
The answer should be pretty clear, retard.

>> No.6489251

It's fine. Most everything he covers is already present in popular choices like Loomis, Vilppu, Hampton, and Gurney. You also would have to deal with bad machine translations unless you already speak gook.

Choose a couple books, read them, study them while drawing from life a lot.

>> No.6489269

Just trace the work of the artist you like. You'll learn more from that than from any tutorial.

>> No.6489311

>massive korean letters behind cartoonized girl
are you gonna add something or just complain like a mongoloid dumbass?

>> No.6489418

This answer applies to any artist that's teaching something: Is their teaching method clicking with you and getting you excited to draw and learn? If so, then go for it.

Life is too short to worry about whether you're learning "the right thing" or not. If the artist has a style and approach that's appealing to you and you want similar end results then great! Not many artists share their process so candidly, and if there's tons of resources and they teach in a way that clicks with you then don't take those for granted and just start drawing. If you change your mind and want to switch tracks then you'll still have learned something anyway.

>> No.6489432

sauce on the book?

>> No.6489557

>square jawed roastie
yeah no thanks

>> No.6491844

>the girls of canada
>softball girls
>larry king
Not exactly putting your best foot forward, boomer-kun.

>> No.6491846

based thread. thanks for recommend

>> No.6491849
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, steve huston.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6491852

The best way to learn how to draw is to do your own projects and trying to get the result as exactly as you want.

>> No.6491866
File: 107 KB, 768x1024, 2EEC3087-C66D-46AE-B716-CC7E943D24FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


High-tier incel takes. Now I understand why you guys cream over hyperstylized aberrations as opposed to actual, attractive women.

At this point you retards are so far removed from reality that you may as well be on the same level as those fags who can only derive pleasure from having their balls winched in a vice by a whore decked in leather.

It’s truly over.

>> No.6491873

Get that nigger out of here . Ew

>> No.6491876


>> No.6491889

I guess I'm gay then.

>> No.6492042

name of the bitch, please

>> No.6492117
File: 98 KB, 700x935, 1592306114053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now i understand
No, you don't.
The majority of women aren't attractive and if they are they're either photoshopped to hell and back that when you see them irl they are completely different looking people or they're porn actresses, lewd models and prostitutes or more mentally ill and batshit insane than your average roastie.

If men didn't strive for ideals, we wouldn't have art at all.
The primary driving force is dick energy, and what would you want to do with dick energy? Portray the most perfectly looking woman.
It isn't that surprising to nut all over big anime titties with hyperstylized facial features, when the reality is most often highly disappointing.

With a fictional girl, you can give them any convenient narrative you want. With a real girl, you have to assume she already fucked anything with a dick and shoved every remotely phallic looking thing into her wet, std infested hole.
Not to speak how all women now have an onlyfans and social media profile where they can get all the attention they desire so they never have to develop a real personality and real intelligence.

3Dpiggus are just a visual aid to practice drawing 3D goddesses.

Square jaws are manly and not attractive on women. It is the opposite of the ideal.
One who deals with art should know that.

Tumblr style isn't despised for no reason.
>inb4 no arguments only more incel and other buzzwords
It isn't that weird or unnatural for men to not want to put their dick in everything that breathes and has a pair of tits.

In short, using your tranny words so you understand; Go the fuck outside.

>> No.6492126
File: 59 KB, 933x933, 62319968-DED6-4E74-8E41-33EC64B2BAC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6492218 [DELETED] 
File: 1.24 MB, 783x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have plenty of books on anatomy and perspective but is there anything online about how to configure brushes? How does one achieve "trad" style art on a tablet? When I download a brush it comes at like size 300 and doesn't look at all like the example.

>> No.6492221
File: 1.24 MB, 783x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have plenty of books on anatomy and perspective but is there anything online about how to configure brushes? How does one achieve "trad" style art on a tablet? When I download a brush it comes at like size 300 and doesn't look at all like the example.

Like this picture, is this done with one brush? Is it one stroke for the contours or is he drawing over the line over and over? I'm guessing its super thin is he pressing lightly or and then hard to do shadows or what? If I make a brush that can go thin with pressing lightly, then i have to use 50% of my brain to carefully control my hand to just barely graze the tablet.

>> No.6492279

We weren't meant to be surrounded by so much beauty, this is the problem.
For most of human existence women were subject to the same aging and degenerative forces men were. Modern style beauty only came about when we formed societies and some women could afford decent diets and spending time inside or not working.

Withmagazines, TV , and the internet, we've found ourselves awash in unnaturally perfect women on a near constant basis, women who would've made Helen of Troy look like a real munter.

It's really warped our perspective on what a woman should look like, the rise of 2d waifus is a consequence of this too. They're all idealization without inconvenient reality.

>> No.6492295
File: 26 KB, 343x289, 03108B54-1234-48FD-BBEC-2FD0A4E1CE0F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to mention the difference between fictional males vs. irl males

irl males are putrid, expire soon after high school as they become too rigid (except a few rare exceptions who maintain youthful appearance until about age 26 tops, this is insanely rare)

>> No.6492297

Of course. And this is why motivation and discipline videos on youtube are counterproductive. Same with nofap 90 days challenge. By design ofc.

>> No.6492342

Beauty is also subjective.
If we started eliminating beauty in favor of "humanity", we should just nuke the place.

Instead of beauty being worshipped, it will be uglyness and unhealthyness, such as it is increasingly becoming the case since media has been making a cultural push for it.

The actual problem are women and weak men.
You can be surrounded by beauty without denying reality, same as you can have an ideal and still accept reality.
Men want women to look flawless, the other side of the spectrum is wanting men to look androgynous. The scale to beauty always tilts towards more femininity and feminine traits.

>> No.6492694

For thicker lines, he's probably increasing the brush size and/or going over the line multiple times. Pretty sure most people are constantly changing the brush size as they work. I think it's better to adjust the tools to your purpose than to overly rely on your dexterity, because like you said, it'll free up your brain capacity.

>> No.6492706

>males are putrid, expire soon after high school as they become too rigid (except a few rare exceptions who maintain youthful appearance until about age 26 tops, this is insanely rare)
Why are you talking about women?

>> No.6492943

Ew, 3d, i only pump to 2d thanks. nngggghh cumming to 2d oooo

>> No.6494269

test test

>> No.6494272

[Spoiler]what the fuck am I doing wrong?[/spoiler]

>> No.6494275

negro text

>> No.6494361

Your New fag is showing

>> No.6494395



>> No.6494401


>> No.6496745

Please post link to this book

>> No.6496754

Oh nvm found out. It's under the link "Thread recap file" in the artbook thread

>> No.6498427

that's sucha weird way to convert his name into katakana

>> No.6498430

western women trying to act like men ruined it.

>> No.6498530

what's it called?

>> No.6501242

why not you egyptian motherfucker

>> No.6504012

anon shared rino course
in case anyone is interested

>> No.6504025


Sounds like you need to make one hell of an effort to be attracted to women.