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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.07 MB, 1200x675, 0_xYglFr0jwo6o6Z8V.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6487125 No.6487125 [Reply] [Original]

what happened to /30/ y.o. threads?

>> No.6487127

They've gotten too old

>> No.6487130

covid got all the old people

>> No.6487133

Neuroplasicity ran out

>> No.6487134

I've never seen one of those, how long ago was this?

>> No.6487138
File: 32 KB, 550x311, anton-chigurh-no-country-for-old-men_x5h4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no imageboard for old men, anon

>> No.6487191

I…I don’t remember. What were we talking about?

>> No.6487201

Theres no making friends after 30.
Plus i dont need more depressed people in my life.

>> No.6487205

36 years
I'm focusing on making more complete work rather than uploading sketches and scribbles. My day to day practice is more design based, though I still want to do more perspective. I want to be able to communicate effectively with my work, rather than merely have it rendered well.

>> No.6487216

i pretty much have stopped talking to anyone

>> No.6487272

Im 30 just recently got back into drawing furries and graphic designs. I've been the happiest with my art in years. I'm finally letting myself go into the direction I've always wanted to go with my art and I hope to start making webcomics again.

>> No.6487286

im turning 30 this year
started when i was 26

>> No.6487294

any wizards here?

>> No.6487303

depends on whether getting molested as a kid is a disqualification or not

>> No.6487311

Can you post some of your work? I'm genuinely curious

>> No.6487328

We are all 30+ now, young people are not interested in art.

>> No.6487331

That doesnt count

>> No.6487432

Post work fellow oldfags. I’d like to see the /30/ threads come back, they were comfy.

>> No.6487437

I remember /ic/ shitting on them a lot, even the successful ones.

>> No.6487670

i draw furry porn
its about what youd expect from a 3yo furry beg

>> No.6487678

They became 31 year olds. Hence the death of the thread

>> No.6487683
File: 50 KB, 844x884, 1643344013745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw I turned 31 recently and started to feel like I don't belong here

>> No.6487699
File: 148 KB, 1920x1080, 0d086c17-d5f8-463f-a211-03317864f920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s not that you don't belong here, anymore anon, it's that nobody ever belonged here. Which means, of course, that eventually, noone will have ever been here.

>> No.6487701
File: 110 KB, 710x640, 1512620990760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont worry you're not alone

>> No.6487702

hold it m8, 31 soon fag here we can make it.

>> No.6487713

Is this blue period but for boomers?

>> No.6487725

I guess because I had to google it

>> No.6487750

Here is me, talking to you through 4chan. Hope you become a recognized artist, bro

>> No.6487756
File: 1.08 MB, 693x750, 1643977704548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay, bro. We can still make it.

>> No.6487807

There's a lot of zoom zooms who come to my figure drawing groups

>> No.6488475

they vanished 10y ago... Some say they were killed by the /40/ y.o. threads...

>> No.6488499

I am too busy adulting like the rest of the 30 year olds that will never be able to retire even if they started saving early. Thankfully I’m not one of those faggots who do overtime because they have nothing better to do at home so I just draw big titty anime girls most days and watch old anime like one piece.

>> No.6488534

do they mog you?

>> No.6488712

the number of people on here that think your brain seals itself off from new knowledge after 25 is laughable.
if people in their 30s are going back to get their phDs, you can learn how to draw

>> No.6488989

Anyone else 30 and beg?

>> No.6489006

29.5 and beg

>> No.6489213

I can't stop dwelling on half my life being over, it's not just the age thing it's time, I stay up late weighing time and thinking if I do X, it takes 15 years (say like raising kids is even longer), or whatever, just simple shit haunts me with the time cost. I can't stand talking to people who talk for hours. But I used to love doing.

Yes this is 4chan. But seriously, how do you stop measuring time in a way that doesnt make you miserable. The fact that the perception of it gets faster as you age is also paralysis inducing.

When you settle down it feels like nothing will ever happen again.

>> No.6489355

>getting a phd means you are smart

>> No.6489446

>reading comprehension
stay in school anon.

>> No.6489453

>When you settle down it feels like nothing will ever happen again.
That's a cope, you'll only snap of it when you settle down and have a family. The rest is lalaland fantasy to escape responsibility

>> No.6489465

This is nothing to be ashamed of. You're actually trying to learn one of the hardest things on earth. Most people don't have one tenth of mental strength artists do and wouldn't be able to handle drawing for one week without wanting to blow their brains out or give up. Everyone is just coasting along taking the path of least resistance. And for most normalfags, that is already a decent path. We have to grind and practice and eat shit for years just to get the same dopamine normal people get when they scroll endlessly on youtube. You're a cut above, and you should be happy for that. It doesn't matter if you're 16 or 60, art takes the same amount of time to get good. Most people are worse than chris chan at drawing, but they aren't trying to draw so it rarely comes up. You, however, are constantly examining your weaknesses and striving to improve, so people notice your failures more, which makes you seem like a failure. You're not, you're better than people who don't try.

>> No.6489470
File: 170 KB, 1057x1280, IMG_20230125_102110_983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

31 y.o beg here

>> No.6489524

I retired when I was 31. When a man quits his job early it’s called retirement. When a woman quits early it’s called giving up and becoming a housewife.

Speaking of old anime, I finally finished Naruto recently. I still need to watch bleach.

>> No.6489621

My tour through doing art has been rocky.
I went to an art school, but somehow managed to get all of the drawbacks and none of the benefits. Even now a decade later, my skills are not professional level and I'm still paying off the debt. I figure most would give up, I gave that a shot even, but I could never escape the craft. It was like trying to kill part of myself, I was a lesser man for the trouble. What keeps me going is a strong internal determination. I have no presence, no following and niche subject interests, but something inside of my heart won't let me quit. I can't, the very concept disgusts me.

>> No.6489728

Many of them probably gave up or simply don't post in 4chsn as much.

Ive been coming to this website less and less lately.

>> No.6489734

Just sounds to me more like you have a huge ego

>> No.6489738

>bleach anime ended 11 years ago
what the fuck

>> No.6489755

I wish, it'd make life easier to manage. I had to hit near rock bottom to even consider picking up my pen again, there was no indication anything good would come from it, I was just frustrated with how sour life had gotten, so I figured I may as well do something I liked if everything else was going south.
I got no illusions about my skills or whatever, I just don't want to lose that passion again.

>> No.6489770

Gonna be me in 6 years.

>> No.6489796
File: 61 KB, 1201x817, without.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

32 and /beg/
I started roughly 2 years ago. I used to draw a bit from time to time before, but for some reason I totally dropped it and never really "learned". Now I've been at it 100% for 2 years, it's fun but I realize how late I am, especially If I do the mistake to compare myself to the ultra-talented 16yos on twitter.

>> No.6489806

you guys think it would be nice if we have those threads back?

>> No.6489814

As a zooming crab. It'd great to have a place where I can prey on the feeble and senile.

>> No.6489817

you are doing great, why do you care about what anyone else is doing, thats the advantage of getting old, just enjoy the process.

>> No.6489821

too busy to be making threads or following them

>> No.6489824

didn’t there used to be a discord for the senile? what happened to that?

>> No.6489832

I too was a insufferable kid, keep it up Im sure youll go places

>> No.6489833

we forgot, and I couldnt give the gift cards to the clumsy discord admin, I hope he didnt lose his job.

>> No.6489853

You should’ve hit up my nice Arab friend, he’s a prince or something in his home country. LOL.


>> No.6489889
File: 560 KB, 2033x1446, 80'sstyledemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went 100% for like 2 months before I was like wtf ami doing. I'd so much rather go 2% for 100 years. Ambition is fine, I guess, so long as it doesn't start to shape who you are. But I'm lucky enough so far not to need anything that comes of it.

On another note,
>children of the 80s know true aesthetic horrors better than anyone
Picrelated kek

>> No.6490830

because all the bullshit 'its to late for me' shit more or less died when ai came around, you want to demoralize people, ai does a far FAR better job than anything else.

>> No.6490912

Ai is boring

>> No.6490914


covid took em

>> No.6490949

only if you stay with prompting, in/out painting, normal maps, inbetweeing, masking, img2img, are super fun and get really good results.

>> No.6490960

Sounds like a chore

>> No.6490974

Basado, never give up as long as its meaningful

>> No.6490986

img2img and normal map making is a god's gift mundane tasks that consume too much time.

>> No.6491008

Drawing is fun and i dont find it mundane. Also it isnt a god gift, its man made, i wouldnt call crack a gods gift

>> No.6491084

You mean like you? Worry about urself first bro. Kek.

>> No.6491103
File: 853 KB, 1500x500, banner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mhhh I think I'm getting married in a while. I met a chick a few months ago and she is 26 and eager to start something serious. At first it was rocky but now I'm thinking about it. Let's see how it goes, maybe it works. If not, life goes on. I'm 36 and I have improved a lot since I started. These are some of my works and I like what I have done so far.

>> No.6491178

you have a bias, for img2img you have/can draw the whole thing, even lets you style transfer your own work. Its funny how most artist are super orthodox even though want to appear open minded.

>> No.6491340

Im too controlling I would waste more time on Ai then what it would take to finish a drawing besides you seem to be missing the point that some people just want to draw

>> No.6491391

Why do you people even bother to stay on a board about creating art if you aren't even interested in it? Same applies to all of the AI shills.

>> No.6491644

They're just the new type of crabs, they don't care, they just want to be contentious

>> No.6491654
File: 3.25 MB, 4135x3101, 20221227_123825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this 30+ thread?

>> No.6491656
File: 1.98 MB, 3306x2333, 20230120_205629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6491659
File: 1.05 MB, 4435x3326, 20221226_090527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6491660
File: 1.74 MB, 2904x3456, 20230121_183631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6491673

Don't worry anon, 30 onward is when you can truly start developing the sovl in your art, since usually in your 20's you just haven't lived through enough yet. And no, this is not cope.

>> No.6491676

Its crabs that got filtered by a pencil. They will literally latch onto anything that can help them cope with failure and not take responsibility. Ligament, spark, talent, sovl, jeans, aphantasia whatever it may be, there will always be something that's at fault and not them. AI is just all that came before cranked up to eleven. Practically the Grinch waiting on the mountain shocked that you could possibly create for the satisfaction of creating and honing a skill. Just don't pay them any attention, they don't draw.

>> No.6491684

No, it's the 30+/-.5 thread :>

>> No.6491690

Nice 'scapes. I'd take either one for a daytrip.

>> No.6491705

If you like to draw you like to draw, it's like saying, why hike up a mountain when you can just take the cable car.
Obviously everybody has their limits and preferences, some use only traditional mediums, some will photobash and prompt to their heart's content. Personally I wouldn't consider that drawing, but to each their own.

>> No.6491745

Life was always a process of making one choice over the other, I think what you just have to accept, if you want to settle down, is not that nothing will ever happen again, but that there's hopefully more in life than filling check lists of experiences and consuming.
I think having a child is one of the most important things you can do in life, and I can't imagine nothing more fulfilling then loving your childrens. Just make a tier of what you value in life and decide accordingly, but existential dread is just bullshit and you have to ignore it and move forward with your life.

>> No.6491767

when you settle down with the right person it actually makes life feel more eventful

>> No.6491777
File: 189 KB, 462x450, 1651007115762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 37.
I think midlife crisis is after you arrive at what you thought was "making it" as a kid, you realize it doesn't matter and you're still fucking old and it won't stop.

>> No.6491795
File: 9 KB, 184x184, 679cd899d2cf8b1862fb7f42b6b2e4321491e937_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life never quits

>> No.6491809

I think you mean awful not eventful

>> No.6491810

I'd call it busy. At times, but well worth it. Of course, the worth it is also up to you.

>> No.6491814

>I think having a child is one of the most important things you can do in life
It's powerful, transformative and amazing anon. You can't really know how much so beforehand though. Which is kind of a shame in a way. But it’s nature's course I suppose.

>> No.6491816

Well Im happy and my life feels really eventful with them, so I feel like I lucked out

>> No.6491821

Unfortunately I'm 31 years old wizard, and this point, and even though having children is genuinely the thing I want the most out life, I also know it would be very egotistical for a mentally ill person like me right now to raise another innocent human, I hope that in 10 years, when I'm 40, if I didn't kill myself yet, I will be in the position to have a family.

>> No.6491828

Also, being 30 is, I think, the weird point in life in which you still feel young but you know that you're "old", and honestly, I do start to feel old, or no longer a kid i suppose. Transitional phases in life tend to be the hardest, but seeing my parents, after 55/60 you tend to not give a fuck anymore, so at least there's that to look forward to, regardless of everything.

>> No.6491831

Yeah the worst part about getting old is grandparents dying or basically decaying as theyre still alive and seeing your parents age. I basically use that as motivation to lift and to try to be healthy, I dont want to age like shit.

>> No.6491842

Does getting old really change ur worldwide that much? Why does everyone want to have kids?

>> No.6491851
File: 65 KB, 690x362, 2yk5nt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pulling for you wizard. Caring enough to be in a better place for their sake tells me you've got a better start than many parents. But if you want more, drop the killing yourself bit. There's many people around you to invest your care in in the meantime. Call it practice. Fundies. Because without appreciating the beauty that is all life, including your own, what are you going to give them?

>> No.6491853

Well, yeah, your world gets bigger. With every problem you encounter, every experience, they make a bigger, more complex picture. You can ignore it, some people get away with that. Others keep trying to branch out forever, keeps that plastic in your brain nice n hot n melty.

>> No.6491857

depends on many factors, the longer you live the more shitty moments you may (or not) live, those things can change someone believes fast.
As for kids the same as women, men do have bio clocks its just different, men are more into the I will mentor/mold my mini me.

>> No.6491872

>those things can change someone believes fast.
>men are more into the I will mentor/mold my mini me.
Idk about that, I just want to avoid making a monster/ make someone who can live fulfilled.

>> No.6491877

>I just want to avoid making a monster/ make someone who can live fulfilled.
yeah and you do that by begin present and mentorship guidance, the mini me was as a joke (mostly).

>> No.6491880

gonna be 31 and I'm beg as fuck
started drawing at 29

>> No.6491886
File: 1.34 MB, 1645x1150, Windswept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks friend, I do truly believe that life can be beautiful, the ugly and the good, and at least I truly do enjoy drawing.
Personally I lost half my family in this last 5 years, all of cancer, but it's not just that, i'm just tired, and as someone who's dreadfully online even more so, about the idea of just consuming until I die, of not feeling that true pure love, of having just a probably vapid existence based on pure edonism.
When my mother died of cancer, in the last month, she almost regressed to a child like state, or at least I kinda saw her as a child and me the parent, and in that last month I felt a love that I never felt for her before, not with that intensity.
To live that kind of love again, or even greater is I think the greater purpose in life.
Life is about balance, you take some and you give some back, and the same goes for drawing and art in general, you take in life and you have the possibility to digest it through art, at least that's how I see it, and it doesn't have to be pretentious, just how you see things and feel them, nothing magical about it, everyone can do it.which is also what makes me especially sad about AI art in general, the fact that people are robbing themselves of themselves.
And since this is still supposed to be an artwork and critique board, here's a speedpaint I did a couple of months ago.
Sorry for the long rant.

>> No.6491896

thats tough, cancer or any degenerative disease are awful for both the patience and caregiver, hang in there life tough but worth it.

>> No.6491907

My worldview has always been fucked. Im glad I dont want kids anymore. I had a crisis at 25 about how i needed to settle down and start a family but it passed in a year. Im glad i didnt have a kid because I know for sure Id mess that kid up and the world meeds less damage people.

>> No.6491954

Don't apologize for laying your heart out, no matter how it's taken. That love is it, anon, it's all of it. Take it, the depth of it and give it. The freer the better, because it's alive, truly. It will come back to you, even when it doesn't. Just in a different way then. Even just a little counters something being vapid, they simply can't exist in the same space.

>> No.6491959

Pyw bro

>> No.6492016
File: 81 KB, 600x869, ohgod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I can't do more than this lmao, I really want to get good at the basics before doing more
took me like 25 minutes

>> No.6492024

gmi thread

>> No.6492027

Honestly, I was ready to cruise through life with or without kids until I found out that I couldn’t have kids. Then suddenly what you can’t have you now want. I took reproduction for granted.

But things worked out and I managed to have a kid by using science. I think the whole thing made me appreciate the “miracle of life” thing more, and now the kid is more special because it was very difficult to obtain.

Likewise, when people start to die around you or get very close to death, you begin to question your mortality and what you are doing with your life and your time. When you are 20 you feel invincible and it’s easy to waste time until you are 30 then you realize people are fragile, people die. Don’t waste time doing stuff you don’t want to do. Just do what you want before something happens and you can’t do it anymore.

>> No.6492055

Forcing yourself to finish shit from time to time is a good practice, bro. Studying is good and all but actually making a finished at least somewhat finished piece is great.
Also use references it helps a lot.
Not sure if you studied perspective but it also helps.

>> No.6492076

They became pajeets and started spamming how great muh goyslop machine is at redrawing their 2007 artwork

>> No.6492077

No we didn't. Stop projecting.

>> No.6492212

I hope you and your kid never run out of awe for for all that life offers anon. You'll never run out of adventure that way.

>> No.6492388

Everyone told me life gets better the older you get but honestly my 30's feel no different then my 20' or teen years. You just exchange school for wageing and your back hurts more.

>> No.6492429 [DELETED] 

I dunno anon, I feel pretty happy in my 30s. Something about dropping out of the social rat race feels like a whole burden off my shoulders. In your 30s, the people who used to spout their success schemes end up reaping what they get and end up exactly how I suspected that they’d end up. Meanwhile I am proven right and at the happiest period of my life.

Fuck you Ella I got mine HAHAHAHHA

>> No.6492630

Who said that, lol? It gets whatever you put into it. More or less. Caveats apply etcetc

>> No.6492638

>Who said that
literally face book every normey ive ever met.

>> No.6492641

if still posting here after my 20s id seek help tbqh
i know the saying "youre here forever" no im not just ctrl+w

>> No.6492662

If you say so. I mean there's no reason for it not to, but it's still attached to an "if". It's not gonna magically itself without you.

>> No.6492803

every day I have less and less mental energy to draw.
as a kid I used to wonder why old people like to sit around and stare off into space a lot, but now I understand. Everything requires a cost-benefit analysis so I just "predraw" in my head to see if its worth doing for real

>> No.6492816

I stopped making them since I'm 40 now.
I'm not even joking

>> No.6492824

Are you at least good now?

>> No.6492965

I wonder whos the oldest on this board. Like if theres any 60+ out there that sometimes drops in.

>> No.6492972

You should probably start getting help now so you can leave before then

>> No.6493142
File: 1.12 MB, 3039x1800, Cavepep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turning 30 this year. Never managed to commit to actually practicing drawing. I've been getting into painting recently though, just to do something that isn't video games or mindless browsing, and I've been really enjoying it. Even looking forward to spending hours working on something. I started just tracing pepe images and painting them but I've been trying more elaborate or original ideas and having a blast. It's mostly elements copied from/inspired by other sources, so I still suck at drawing, but I'm having fun at least and figuring new things out as I go

>> No.6493247

If you haven’t GMI by 30 you may as well be dead.

>> No.6493251

i think this is cool

>> No.6493256

We are

>> No.6493264

I remember those threads. You stupid old fucks kept screwing them up by putting the subject in the name field or making it for 3 year olds instead of 30. I didn’t know a little age turned you retarded, but oh well.

>> No.6493271
File: 175 KB, 1080x1062, Pepedino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thx. Here's today's pepe

>> No.6493284

How long does each painting take you?

>> No.6493337
File: 163 KB, 1080x1540, Waterfallgondola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure, maybe between 2-10 hours? Depends on how complicated my idea is. Sometimes I'll plan and finish one in an evening, other times I'll work in bursts throughout a day. I don't really track the time so hard to say for sure

>> No.6493355

These are really charming anon!

>> No.6493651

These are awesome! And silly, the best combination.

>> No.6494050
File: 704 KB, 2328x1685, Dinoride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks bros, I'll keep painting every day this year and see where it goes

>> No.6494108

this thread has inspired me to make it at the age of 29. I've doodled my whole life, so I'm not total beg, but close enough.

>> No.6494116

I remember being so naive.

>> No.6494319

u mean lazy and uninspired

>> No.6494378

If all the land were doodles, and all the seas /ic/, then not a drop of ink would any crab appease. Kek Pleasant travels homestar

>> No.6494391

Its only ever too late when you completely give up on yourself. Remember everyone has their own idea of making it and not everyone has the same goal. Just remember the important part is to draw for yourself, that its your art.

>> No.6494404
File: 30 KB, 498x608, BU8wB7CCEAAickX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my goal is to destroy everyone's goal simply as that

>> No.6494435

That sounds like the human condition

>> No.6494492

Sounds like a skill issue

>> No.6494593
File: 3.30 MB, 4032x3024, 4B09276A-A01B-4E87-856A-CA2F1B6FF304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m 31. I just started 3 months ago. I want to be a famous twitter artist.

I’m influenced by eroge artists similar to my dakumakura

I’ve been slacking though and AI art has me feeling like “what’s the point” but guck it I’m gunna try anyway fuck AI fags I’ll become the AI and machine learn myself to draw eroge

>> No.6494630

are u really 31 or 15?

>> No.6495006

I really like watching people start their art journey of art and learning to draw. Thats was always the funnest part about watching artistes. But now Im 30 I have a age limit I follow, because I dont want to watch no damn kid. So I'll pass a person if I see that theyre under 25. But damn I wish my art was better. Im getting there its just Im a slow learner and a slow drawer.

>> No.6495046

Go for it man. I've studied with people who became successful artists starting at the age of 40 or 50, all the cynicism here is a meme. The field is hard but if you work at it and really think about the work you're doing and who it's for you can definitely find a niche.

The best advice I can give you is to try and find classes or studios by you. Just walk-ins for figure drawing, not an art school or anything like that. Self study can definitely work for some people but you'll always improve more efficiently if you're with a community and have people giving you live advice. Watching How to Draw streams and pirating art books is the fastest way to stagnate if you don't know exactly what you're doing.

>> No.6495085
File: 23 KB, 251x217, wda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck.
Thanks, pal. I'm not starting from ground zero, but I'm not very good. God speed.

>> No.6495089

If that shitty late 90s early 00s anime style doesn't give anything away you should ask that to yourself

>> No.6495104
File: 176 KB, 894x1280, 2DB0EEB2-EF6D-4F5E-9941-A17824962D38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t recall if I was as hated in the old flag general as I am in the other generals.

>> No.6495132
File: 3.33 MB, 4032x3024, 517F9448-3CF1-4FCE-A973-DFAAE7C3C92E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I’m 31 ask me to prove it I’ll old skool meme watch me riflcopter how I shut web they’re taking hobbits to Isengard how u shot web? Badger badger badger no u y so mad? This is spartaaaAa! Hamster dance nyancat longcat u liek mud kups? Imma firing mah lazoooor! U just got pwnzorzed roflz lmao@u! Kthx

>> No.6495136

Great picture

>> No.6495137

The eroge style stuff is why I suffered from beady dot mouths for years and not drawing a wide variety of expressions. As much as I like it you don't want to fall into that trap.

>> No.6495144

Tbh the hardest part is the painting and getting everything so clean and perfect. I can sketch the stuff dirty but when it comes time to clean it up and make it look nice it’s fucking hard lol. It’s like the pro eroge artists are AI themselves, I bet they use 3d models to pose from and and stuff

>> No.6495147

Even as a zoomer I know those memes...maybe u should mention an old show only the 90s kids would know

>> No.6495188

Dark wing duck, hey dude, the real adventures of Jonny quest, reboot, Doug, tiny toon adventures

>> No.6495232

If we reboot the oldfag gen I’d certainly hate you in it.

>> No.6495309

27 and Ive been drawing for 9 years. Neurplasticy only matters if you aren't experienced. Even then you can train yourself to get out of the over bearing auto-pilot mode your brain perfers.

>> No.6495519

>20 year old neet with nothing deciding to take art seriously
>now almost 30 and art is all I ever had
>finally good at drawing
>all the boxes in perspective paid off
>see people posting my art on 4chan and other places

>feel empty because I just barely made it and my entire life before this point was shit
>see 20 year olds already drawing better than me
>AND they have awesome lives outside art
>I'm still not even that good for someone who only draws

>> No.6495530
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>This is nothing to be ashamed of. You're actually trying to learn one of the hardest things on earth. Most people don't have one tenth of mental strength artists do and wouldn't be able to handle drawing for one week without wanting to blow their brains out or give up. Everyone is just coasting along taking the path of least resistance. And for most normalfags, that is already a decent path. We have to grind and practice and eat shit for years just to get the same dopamine normal people get when they scroll endlessly on youtube. You're a cut above, and you should be happy for that. It doesn't matter if you're 16 or 60, art takes the same amount of time to get good. Most people are worse than chris chan at drawing, but they aren't trying to draw so it rarely comes up. You, however, are constantly examining your weaknesses and striving to improve, so people notice your failures more, which makes you seem like a failure. You're not, you're better than people who don't try.

>> No.6495586

Well fuck you, too.

>> No.6495645

>being trying to learn2draw for the past 25 years
>never make past the 8th-10th practice drawing
>drop it for 4-12 months
I've never felt passionate about any hobby I tried in my life, I just keep trying to learn to draw/paint because it's the only thing that I find cool.

>> No.6495690

>talent and neuroplasticity arent re...

>> No.6497130

I'm 32 and I made a lot of friends in the last 2 years.

>> No.6497528

I'm 30 and I had rediscovered my passion for art again. I haven't drawn in 5-6 years, which is around the time I stopped visiting this board. Kind of sucks feel like creating again when AI art suddenly exploded and is flooding everything. It's why I came back here to hear other peoples opinions about AI.
At least I've been getting helpful advice in draw threads. That's why I've been staying and it's nice when someone likes my advice. Sucks to feel like a total /beg again and have to relearn everything.

>> No.6498120

You do not need to be a lv 9999 ultra proko meets russian meets kentaro miura , frazzeta combo to make someone a little bit happier, your name wont echo throughout the decades but it doesn't need to. Im still a beg but occasionally my mothers frends .... frends ask me to draw them something for some of their own projects. So your talents need not be completely wasted. If one of your friends kids likes dinosaurs draw them

>> No.6498140

31yo with the mind of a child... a sick child with severe narcissism and an hentai addiction.

>> No.6498145

no animaniacs? GTFO off here! no kids from the 90s would forget about that show!
nice try but you're gonna have to "how are you doing fellow millennials?" harder than that to fool me zoomer

>> No.6498150

I never say that but: maybe you should stop, cut off your losses. Maybe you're just a normalfag.
But hey it could be worst at least you're not a furry or some degenerate weeb obsessed with lolies and futas,.. right?

>> No.6498165
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Any discords for 25+ y/o who isn't into degenrate shit? asking for a friend

>> No.6498173


Lemme know if you find one

>> No.6498176

Im almost 30 in 2 months. I’m learning to draw sculpt and programming. I make 6 figs not working in tech. Everybody else is chasing the corpo ladder while Im here just learning despite whatever normies throw at me (AI, tech layoffs, covid). If you enjoy learning, nothing will stop you. It’s all about mindset if you truly want to make it.

>> No.6498208

nah, I like character design and sketching different parts of the city

>> No.6498244

I can do that. If I don't find one, I'll just make one myself
Feel free to come with suggestions regarding rules and whatnot

>> No.6498295
File: 157 KB, 1536x2040, 5435235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought myself a watercolor pad, time to paint this bad boy

oozing with soul, you've made it

>> No.6498298

I thought animaniacs was too obvious for a zoomer to know. Same with rugrats, beavis and butthead, Simpsons, ren and stimpy, courage the cowardly dog, Jonny bravo… etc

>> No.6498304

the only rule should be don’t be a zoomer and everything else will fall into place. oldfags know how to behave. i’d join if you made one

>> No.6498308
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>> No.6498310

finding out that other artists i like are my age is lifefuel.

>> No.6498317

I’d join if you made one. No memes no video YouTube links no gifs. Just drawing.

>> No.6498388

The are dead

>> No.6499465

They grew up and realized these threads were for unproductive children. I.e. a waste of their time.

>> No.6499659
File: 3.52 MB, 2503x1129, contemglesetCMPLT2s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted earlier in the thread but didn't post any work, so rectifying that. I'm hoping your guys are doing well along your way.

>> No.6499712

You are posting the same work like 10th time already. Got anything new?

>> No.6499737
File: 1.43 MB, 2560x1810, dbTD7r70sYs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, hello, my fellow 30 y.olds.

I am 31 now, started to learn drawing at 26 (fundamentals and all). Not on my own, though, i go to academic drawing courses. There i draw ancient dudes, still life and other "fun" things, at home i paint what i want and how i can.
My favourite medium is oil. Is it just me being blind with ny surroundings, or 30 y.o. really prefer traditional art over digital?

>> No.6499809

I will soon. I've been busy with wage work and that was the latest thing I finished. I didn't want to start posting sketches, but I understand seeing the same thing over and over again isn't fun. Excuse me.

>> No.6499934

I prefer digital personally because it allows me to make mistakes.
>Inb4 you should think of every line before you draw it
Doesn't really work for me, not to mention sketching is fun.
To each their own overall, I never felt any attachment to gouache.

>> No.6499977

I like both, do more digital than trad. brush pen and Gouache is my favorite on trad.

>> No.6499983

Looking forward to it if you choose to make one.

>> No.6499989

Digital fits well with my current lifestyle. I only have a very small room to work in, such that my bed takes up a good majority of the space. Trying to work with paints in there would be awkward at least. I do enjoy working with pencils and marker though, and I have a bit of space dedicated to sketching.
As well, I generally like working with computers. Disregarding the social media aspect, making computers do what I want them to is interesting, and computer generated imagery (not counting AI in my case) is really fun.

>> No.6500033

>computer generated imagery (not counting AI in my case)
Do you mean like demoscene visuals or something else?

>> No.6500061

These are so moe

>> No.6500075

I like how you did the water highlight. Surrealism is always a pleasure to see.

>30 y.o. really prefer traditional art over digital?
Youre not wrong, its very relaxing media to work with. I know there are plenty of younger people who like to oil paint.
It's one of my favorite medias to work with but I haven't painted in some years because I dont have the room. Right now I just do digital and my art has gone from a more realistic style to a cartoony(anime) one.

>> No.6500133
File: 2.19 MB, 3072x1766, space-886060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Do you mean like demoscene visuals or something else?
Not only that, but also fractals, procedural generated imagery, even video games to a degree. There's a lot of cool stuff computers can do that are unique and worth taking a look at.
The demoscene in particular has been a inspiration for me to keep doing artwork, the raw creative energy was infectious and made me look at computers in a very different light.

>> No.6501466

oh if you like it then good for you, keep at it and have fun and who knows maybe you'll have a couple epiphanies and get real good at some point in the next 10y
good luck anon

>> No.6501518

Oh, i just paint where i sleep, and then I open the windows to ventilate the room, and put the painting on the balcony to dry.
All my creative belongings can be placed on the table, and I put the canvases on a small tabletop easel. Before that, I cover the table with newspapers so as not to stain it. I put a laptop on the windowsill (there is not enough space on the table), and you can listen to music or podcasts while you draw.

So there are options, bro, if you really want to paint with oils! A separate room is not necessary.

>> No.6501525

Every thread is /30/ y.o. thread when I post in it.

>> No.6504446


>> No.6506576

How do you make friends and what is it like?

>> No.6506604

Bro you can't be serious about anything you just said...

>> No.6508435

we have one yet?

>> No.6508644
File: 156 KB, 643x603, 1674521379828734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am working on one, shit takes time to set up
doesnt help im busy with work and other stuff
I'll see if I can finish it tonight, will post it here then

>> No.6508875
File: 313 KB, 908x1236, 1674760791277661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's up

>> No.6508877

tagging you just in case

>> No.6508964

Based taste. Love me some Shader Showdowns. I think this is a joy only boomers can understand.

>> No.6509306

31 here I cant wait for my prostate exam

>> No.6510473

yeah, time does start to move faster, friends and family start to age or have health problems, or die. when you're younger you can kind of ignore death because it's still abstract, maybe a grandparent or someone from school you knew died. when you cross the 30yr boomer line you start to have immediate family and friends who are gone or on their way out. so you start looking at how long you have left, start questioning the purpose of your life and all the cliche shit your grandparents talked about but now it's viscerally real and you know you can't escape it. as for kids for men it's more about passing something on to someone else to help them in their life.
I'm only in the my 30's so still realistically can live another two lifetimes but it does change your view of life.

>> No.6512190


>> No.6512518

I'm actually getting worse, as incredible as that sounds. Each drawing I make is worse than the last. I thought I could just grind and make it through sheer willpower but this is an unprecedented situation. I have some kind of rare disease where become dumber over time.

>> No.6515412

>thought the wizard meme was funny
>its almost time for me to ascend
Oh no

>> No.6515531

This. When you're young you're still on the way up, still got time and reason to progress. There's a reason it's called being over the hill, you realize you're now on the downswing, all the things you dreamt you'd do you realize you do not actually have time for, and much progress is now pointless because what are you striving for? You body slowly starts to degrade and you realize how fast time actually passes. When you're young so much seems static and indefinite but as you age it becomes ever more apparent that everything, everyone that you've known or cared about is just some ephemeral circumstance for a mere second then things are different.

And then you do your best to ignore the above and just keep going anyway.

>> No.6515920

It's all so tiresome.

>> No.6516052

35 here, you lack cardio do breathing ladders it will do wonders also take your daily electrolytes.

>> No.6516142

I'm 38 I run, cycle, rollerblade and also paddle and sail I got great cardio bruh. Your body still degrades though, my hair is thinning and it's my skin, it just looks old, like old person skin. It's gross.

>> No.6516164

How are you supposed to use video courses to learn?
I bought a few courses to learn and all I do is take notes, like I'm in fucking high school.

>> No.6516193

dude apply what you've learned on your draws then review

>> No.6516214

>breathing ladder
interesting, I'll check it out
already lifting 4x a week with cardio and agility work spread throughout the week, I just don't recover as quickly as I did in my twenties although I'm more strict about rest and recovery than when I was younger
nah you just have to have the right mindset, go to church or learn a new skill. I got inspired by my father who is in his mid 60's and has been learning German. there's still a ton of time to do what you want and explore things but you have to be discerning.

>> No.6516331

are you who i think you are or im retarded

>> No.6516395

Fair enough, take vitamin E for skin care as a pill or topic oil it does wonders.

>> No.6517488

>go to church or learn a new skill
Well I'm learning how to draw, haha...

>> No.6517526

I highly doubt the lead character artist at santa monica studio would be here

>> No.6517759

I doubt that's him too but there's absolutely nothing stopping anybody from coming here. Now, posting work that can be traced back to him? Probably not, but weirder things have happened.

>> No.6517824
File: 2.80 MB, 1280x720, mads.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost my wizard card at 34. Wasn't worth it, hadn't draw anything for 4 months while being in relationship, and after breakup I just binge played videogames for almost a year.

>> No.6518026

Wrong board robot