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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6482696 No.6482696 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you keep drawing even if you know you're NGMI?

>> No.6482697

It's fun

>> No.6482698
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Because I don't know that. The future is unwritten. Even a 0.00000001% chance is still a chance

>> No.6482699
File: 215 KB, 900x819, ne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you keep living if you're never going to be rich and famous?

>> No.6482700

Because nobody else is gonna draw what I want. And I’m cheap.

>> No.6482710

I've decided I'm gonna make it, and it's settled. Therefore I am gonna make it, failure is not an option.
Not drawing leads to failure, thus it is not allowed, the only path is to draw more.

>> No.6482714

why do you keep making these threads?
across all boards
every day
same nonsensical threads
fucking neural net

>> No.6482715


>> No.6482717

because sketching is the fastest way to test ideas

>> No.6482729

Because at least I'll know that I tried.

>> No.6482733
File: 17 KB, 325x253, 42E92DCF-FC8A-4B65-8AC1-8DBA819771DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ask myself this question everyday, anon. The answer is as enigmatic as the question itself. Put simply, it’s instinct, like taking a shit. There’s really no greater purpose to taking a shit other than to empty your bowel. Drawing allows me to empty my creative bowel for the day and move on without feeling constipated.

I have no say in the matter. I just follow the urge to take a shit, I don’t choose it. I could not quit if I wanted to, and I’ve wanted to.

>> No.6482743

Glad I'm not the only one noticing that.

>> No.6482751


>> No.6482811

Shit analogy

>> No.6482834
File: 1.33 MB, 1400x2178, youre-making-it-v0-cetta08w8rs91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6482841

I've quit posting art years ago when I understood that I don't like drawing porn, I don't like the idea of drawing porn for pay like some sort of prostitute, I don't like drawing fanart and when I've tried to draw fanart I made half-assed shit because I didn't care. So no fanart, no porn, straight white dude, not even American, I had nothing to leverage on to gain retarded twittershit popularity so I gave up.
So now I just draw for myself. I don't bother sharing anything because there are 1000s of people who draw porn and fanart and have become way more skilled than me doing that. I make drawings in my personal journal and that's it. Of course I don't draw as much as I did when I was motivated to make art for a living and I've degraded to some sort of mediocre state that wouldn't impress anyone. That's the only thing that makes me really sad. If I had been a working artist I would've had more time to hone my skills, but as a hobby/pastime it's hard to dedicate 12-16 hours a day to it like I did when I was trying really hard. Skills alone don't really get you anywhere if you don't want to draw the shit that people like; I had to learn that the hard way. Now I have to deal with the fact that I wasted a ton of years while other people used that time to study or make a career. I'll probably kill myself soon because I don't want to flip burgers till the rest of my days. I was naive and I didn't understand what people actually give money to; I gambled and I lost.

>> No.6482842
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because I made up my own definition for what gmi is and I won't let it be up to anyone else. if you think that makes me a fag then guess what you're right

>> No.6482848

you should share something you drew in this thread for the heck of it, also don't kys you seem like a cool dude for real. you can make things better and find a niche outside of amassing some top tier skill level, I know you think that's what you think you truly want but that shits a trap and won't make you any happier anyways

>> No.6482861

Nah I'd rather not share art.
I wouldn't even know where to post art to be honest. Posting art just to get 0 views consistently and also getting in touch with all the constant stream of porn, politics, memes, social climber attitudes and now the whole AI shit sounds like a lot of stress for nothing. I've tried several times over the years to fake it and do the whole "brand" shit, it's just not for me.
My real problem is that I don't know what to do. Art is all I could do and now I'm not even good at that, I've degraded so much because I've pretty much quit for a couple years to deal with depression.The whole "another year, another try" attitude got me to waste like 10 years and now it's too late. I should've just accepted that I needed to sell out or go home but I never did because I was idealistic and stupid.

>> No.6482893

All I do is keep drawing and feel I'm GMI until I do

>> No.6482904

Jokes on you, its the reverse for me
I'm already good, I'm ngmi because I'm a retard that gets depression or something and get scared of sitting at the drawing table for months
I hate myself so much. Help

>> No.6482945

My testosterone is too high, not making it is not even in the realm of possibilities for me.

>> No.6482946

>high test
>making it in art
I'm sorry anon