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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 634 KB, 700x920, cube1655104919379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6475894 No.6475894 [Reply] [Original]

I've spent two years grinding basic forms.

And yet I still can't do gesture and basic perspective and organic form warping. I have hardly touched gesture. I haven't touched rendering and color

I still can't properly draw cubes and cylinders accurately.

I can't rotate them and put them in the same environment. And I've recently taken a long break from COVID and I have regressed even further. I don't know what to do anymore.

I can't do this exercise. I feel like my brain is completely broken.

>> No.6475897

Can you post an example of your ability?

>> No.6475914

You're seemingly caught up in the belief that you have to be a master of every individual step before moving on to the next thing. Can you draw a cube that more or less looks right? Move on. Don't just keep grinding cubes or whatever until you can perfectly freehand sketch them with bang-on vanishing points.

>> No.6475921

Well sometimes that's just how it is. I can draw but I suck at math and am poor athlete. Maybe ur talent lies elsewhere?

>> No.6475926
File: 237 KB, 1920x1080, New Drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot use my tablet right now. But this mouse stuff should give you an idea of what a braindead idiot I am.

Honestly I think I deserve to fucking die. I wish Covid killed me. 2 months break and I've lost everything and i can't wrap my head around the most basic shit.

>> No.6475930

Some of those look good enough to move on. Focus on what you want to draw. You don't have to be a master of cubes and cylinders to draw figures. I'm not saying you should stop practicing them, but fixating on making them perfect is a pointless pursuit, unless your art goal is drawing perfect boxes and cylinders.

>> No.6475933
File: 257 KB, 1920x1080, vv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is some older stuff

>> No.6475934
File: 79 KB, 800x600, gwwegwg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6475935
File: 138 KB, 1920x1080, boxxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6475936
File: 223 KB, 1920x1080, wefazzxcvvvxv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6475940

No offense bro, it's not that you have a learning disability, you just find drawing boring and unrewarding. Sorry just give up.

>> No.6475944
File: 606 KB, 797x448, 1657172882010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro i've been drawing for 4 years grinding fundies and i still suck so fucking much ass at drawing that it's just unreal, I want to kill myself

>> No.6475948

You understand the concept. Move on.

>> No.6475952

Those are like from a year ago. Plus, when I try to move on I realize that my grasp of perspective, form, proportion is coming up short.

Proportion especially is a big struggle

>> No.6475954

rot in hell then

>> No.6475961

Sound like you want an excuse to give up. Either give up or quit bitching and go draw

>> No.6475963

>proportion is the greatest struggle
Take the Krenz pill

>> No.6475974

Find some proportion diagrams, look at them, copy them, roughly sketch the diagrams from memory, check them. Keep it in mind when you start drawing figures from life or reference, and when you draw poses from imagination.
All that said, you can always use reference. Keep studying anatomy, perspective, proportion, etc as you draw, but don't think you need to be a master of everything before you finally start drawing what you want to draw; don't think you need to reach the magical point of "everything I draw is entirely from my mind" before you start producing the art you want to produce. Never be afraid to use references, especially with all the libraries of reference photos out there, pose dolls/software, your own body and camera, etc etc., but you'll find that the more you draw, the less you'll have to rely on references as starting points and the more you'll use them as helpers or checks.

>> No.6475978

Another thing is that my eyes are kind of shitty. I seem to get double vision or something a lot, so it can be hard to accurately make out forms.

>> No.6475980

Have your vision checked by an ophthalmologist

>> No.6475986

Cool, you can also say you improve when you are subjected to long term epilepsy. Please kys already.

>> No.6475987

>I've spent two years grinding basic forms.
No you haven't, you've spent, let's optimistically say, 200-300 hours at most over the course of 2 years studying basic forms, and 150 of those hours was pointless fidgeting and unattentive busywork.
>And yet I still can't do gesture and basic perspective and organic form warping.
>"I've spent 2 years practicing scale patterns on the guitar, and yet I still can't do tremolo picking and pinch harmonics."
>I have hardly touched gesture.
You literally say it. I fell for the bait. Sunk cost, take the wheel.
>I still can't properly draw cubes and cylinders accurately.
No one can, and that's not the point. Every single instructional course on this planet will preface these exercises by making it absolutely clear that the point is not to be able to do it accurately, retard.
>I can't rotate them and put them in the same environment.
That's strange, you seem very good at taking abstract concepts at face value and interpreting them literally. You sound like the kind of guy that twists things around in the same environment constantly.
>And I've recently taken a long break from COVID
A break from what? Being conscious? Do you only operate on stolen phrases and ideas like a fucking trained dog? Who says this, retard? Are you giving a public statement to a number on a social media platfrom that you rely on for money, retard? Don't tell me you're also struggling with mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. That would be fucking wild, retard.
>I have regressed even further.
No, you haven't.
>I feel like my brain is completely broken.

>> No.6475994

Damn, you are giving this faggot too much credit. I bet he has spent only 40 hours of drawing in total the equivalent of finishing a jrpg. half of it is spent crabbing, 10 hours spent cooming and 10 hours of actual drawing. 3 of those hours were actually spent studying fundies.

>> No.6476045
File: 78 KB, 784x900, 1668911952859070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking at Krenz next, but I'm not sure how it relates to warping forms and putting them within the same space.

>> No.6476046

Use a ruler or something to measure. Draw a line to that measurement. Check it. If it's off, do it again.
make sure you're zoomed out

go to eye doctor, that sounds like you need/need new glasses
>I can't afford it
save up, stop eating mcdonalds and cook food yourself for a month you lazy NEET

>> No.6476058

But what about proportion in perspective?

>> No.6476060

Have you tried drawabox...

>> No.6476063

From how OP describes his situation, he'd get caught in a loop of repeating DAB over and over again because he can't get it right.
Seriously, OP, you get the basics. Start drawing from reference, draw what you want, pepper in some fundamentals practice here and there and try to apply them to your other stuff.

>> No.6476092

>he'd get caught in a loop of repeating DAB over and over again because he can't get it right.

Pretty much, yes.

>> No.6476350

If you're gonna be an autist who refuses to move on from one thing unti it's perfected you need to be putting even more time into it.
If you're not going to do that why the fuck are you spending all of your time grinding something that upsets you?

>> No.6476352

pick up a copy of Framed Perspective

>> No.6476358

what's wrong with tha? they look fine

>> No.6476374

The absolute state of /ic/

>> No.6476380

no they don't, not a single rule of geometry, proportion or perspective was followed or even observed in the slightest, this is how someone with zero instruction beyond high school math class would draw geometric shapes, why are you crabbing?

>> No.6476467

holy fucking retard.

>> No.6476493

Its important you do fun stuff too, op. Don't get too focused on grinding fundamentals...especially when its such a specific thing as these shapes you're doing. Practice but also apply in equal amounts. You gotta remember why you do it in the first place.

I learned a lot about form by doing drawings of random objects on my desk. Make sure that you're drawing from life. Its important you see things in 3d and then mentally convert them to the 2d plane of the paper, rather than only copying stuff out of Vilppu's book. Copy also and read what he says and all that... but draw from life especially, I say.

Wish you luck, dude.

>> No.6476498

Not them but, how do you draw from life if working at a cramped desk that's against a wall/corner? Any items I can set are like 2 feet away from my face max, makes it hard to set still lives or anything.

>> No.6476504
File: 500 KB, 1576x1704, 3-21-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean that's pretty much what i've always had. In fact its best to focus on essential shapes when drawing from life I think so having not much room to work with is fine. Literally just a desk lamp and an apple on top of a book or some shit is plenty. Explore that little amount of space. There's way more there when you really look. Here's a thing I did and it was literally within like a foot of me.

>> No.6476618

Thanks, I'll try decluttering a bit and setting up small simple scenes.

>> No.6476624

>I still can't do gesture
>I have hardly touched gesture.
Thanks for killing a thread, imbecile.

>> No.6476679

Ugh. I honestly think you should ignore all these teachers who think you should be a human graphics card. Computers have had a baleful influence on art instruction, in that people look at wireframes and 3D models and think the goal is for you to be able to draw complex 3D constructions in violent perspective from any point of view. It's absurd. What's the point, anyway?
In most great figurative art of the past, perspective in the figures is not emphasized, because perspective entails distortion that, in depictions of the human figure, isn't pleasing to the eye. Art instruction books of the past tended to focus on the characteristic forms of the head, torso, limbs, etc. in repose and in action. You can learn this without turning everything into boxes and wireframes.
Yes, you should know the fundamentals of perspective (not difficult, read "Perspective Made Easy"). And yes, it is useful to draw cross-contours or think of cylinders and planes when foreshortening a limb, but turning this type of construction into a quasi-religion, as is being done here, is insane.
A useful and practical way of learning to draw, say, a thigh from the side view:
1. The attachment of the thigh to the trunk is higher in front than behind. So, too is the attachment of thigh to knee.
2. The front line is a gentle, convex curve with its peak closer to the top than the bottom, and inclined so the top is slightly forward in relation to the bottom. It runs from a little below the front pelvic point above, to just above the knee cap.
3. The back line is nearly straight from its start below the buttocks to its end just below the back of the knee. However, the upper two-thirds of this line bulges in a very subtle, convex curve.
And so on. Curved lines, straight lines and angles. If you can write the letter C, you can draw a curved line. Now think about the characteristics of the curve you are studying -- how it is angled, where it peaks, how gentle or violent the curvature.

>> No.6477291

Except I'm clearly a braindead subhuman retard who has no grasp over basic forms.

Every time I try to move forward, I realize how limited I am in these areas.

>> No.6477293

Maybe tracing over 3d model will work better for you if you insist on total accuracy without spending time patiently

>> No.6477315

Everyone feels like an idiot retard, anon. Everyone deep down does. Idiot retard the whole way down.

Get used to it and enjoy life and art or don't. You're far more valuable than you think you are though. That's pretty much a rule. There's cynicism everywhere these days but don't let it get to you.

What i'm getting at is that the best ever artists that you admire felt these same feelings you are. Is art ultimately "your thing"? Maybe not. But equally maybe so.

What worked for me is drawing from life. That's all I got to tell you I guess. And stop hating yourself so much.

>> No.6479602

Also OP draw what you want. Don't get too caught up in rules and advice.
Find your passion and you will rekindle your initial love for drawing and painting.
If you want to make cool characters; draw them. study and equally draw from imagination.
Have fun and experiment again. Break the pattern. Be critical to any advice. You'll get the hang of it. Don't give up anon.